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SOMER Blink - Microlotteries that Finish in Minutes! 1 QUADRILLION ISK Won!

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DrJonF Rockit
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#2121 - 2013-11-01 16:57:41 UTC
All the incessant whining and complaining and HAVE NOT's wishing in one hand and well... they have finally broken Somer.

Just goes to show you. One bad apple will spoil the bunch.
Edward Harris
Inner Geek
#2122 - 2013-11-01 18:17:42 UTC
DrJonF Rockit wrote:
All the incessant whining and complaining and HAVE NOT's wishing in one hand and well... they have finally broken Somer.

Just goes to show you. One bad apple will spoil the bunch.

Just shows how great the Eve community really is...

Some people take video games way too seriously.
Frying Doom
#2123 - 2013-11-01 22:06:44 UTC
Edward Harris wrote:
DrJonF Rockit wrote:
All the incessant whining and complaining and HAVE NOT's wishing in one hand and well... they have finally broken Somer.

Just goes to show you. One bad apple will spoil the bunch.

Just shows how great the Eve community really is...

Some people take video games way too seriously.

Some people just want the same rules to apply to everyone.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#2124 - 2013-11-01 22:10:39 UTC
I have removed some rule breaking posts and those quoting them. As always I let some edge cases stay.
Please people, keep it on topic and above all civil!

The rules:

5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

21. Posting regarding RMT (Real Money Trading) is prohibited.

Posts discussing, linking to, or advertising RMT, including but not limited to the sale of in game items, assets, currency, characters or game accounts for real life money are strictly prohibited.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir
Tremor Recorded
#2125 - 2013-11-02 00:54:03 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:
Nanatoa wrote:
Nanatoa wrote:
Last week I contacted Somerset Mahm ingame about this, I received a non-reply ("[If you win] I will arrange for you to talk to CCP Navigator directly" - which is not what I asked for at all). So far Somerset Mahm has not responded to my reply to her message. Is this the trustworthy and reliable service CCP Navigator praised?

I'm very patient, but can I get an indication of when I will be receiving a reaction to this problem? I see Somer posting here, but I still have no reply here or by evemail.

It's great that SOMER Blink gave away 800B for nothing at EVE Vegas - given that huge number what's the problem with dealing with my 16B exactly? Surely SOMER Blink is stretching their trusty and reliable reputation with their continued silence on this matter?

I'd advise you to petition CCP for the 16bil. CCP pulled the prize you wanted gamble on after all the hullabaloo raised in the forums, not blink.

Blink has always cheerfully returned funds placed on a bonk by mistake or after having second thoughts, as long as the request is made before the drawing takes place, or everyone who lost would be having second thoughts. They gave me back almost 9 bil I hammered into a Bonk under the old method with the 100 limit. I thought I was popping tokens in a minibonk and then got the red box telling me I was "too poor". I thought I was just cooked, but mentioned it in the chat and several told me to ask for it back. I thought, "yeah, sure thing!" but gave it a shot anyway and Andrev did it right away and gave me no attitude about it.

The financial arrangement between Blink and CCP for the sponsorship has never been revealed by either of those parties to my knowledge and I've been looking for it, though everyone speaks their opinion as if it were fact, the truth is we don't know what arrangements they may or may not have had.

I have not looked at the time/date stamp of your first request to compare it to the drawing time, but if it was made before drawing, I would feel certain Blink would stand behind it as they have in the past and are doing so today as they are giving the increased incentive for Plex click-thru buys to people who bought within a reasonable time before the increase was announced. Just watching the chat, I've probably seen them honor the increase enough to exceed 16 bil. That gives me reason to wonder about a financial arrangement for the sponsorship or if nothing else, that some agreement was reached which would affect a predicament such as yours.

You may get a refund from CCP with the caveat of not discussing it, as they have for discussing any GM Sanction. I hope it works for you, but if they do and don't want you to talk about it - Don' t tell me NUTHIN'!!!.

Good Luck with it.
#2126 - 2013-11-02 02:23:55 UTC
Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir wrote:
Blink has always cheerfully returned funds placed on a bonk by mistake or after having second thoughts, as long as the request is made before the drawing takes place

I made my request well before the draw was made, but it was refused. Andrev Nox actually tried to pull the "the draw has already happened" excuse on me, until I pointed him to my posts and ingame messages before the draw. Then he found another excuse. They just don't want to refund my 16B even though they clearly profited from the bait and switch.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Frying Doom
#2127 - 2013-11-02 11:36:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
There is always the truthful statement that Somer blink is acting in breach of the EULA.

Or do you believe the EULA does not apply to you?

oh and my guess is Somer will close his doors on the 6th. Take all the money, and all the isk and close up shop.

So you leave credit in Somer you deserve to lose it.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Inner Geek
#2128 - 2013-11-02 13:14:09 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:

oh and my guess is Somer will close his doors on the 6th.

My guess is you will not take your tinfoil hat off on the 7th.
Frying Doom
#2129 - 2013-11-02 13:45:40 UTC
T'kimat wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:

oh and my guess is Somer will close his doors on the 6th.

My guess is you will not take your tinfoil hat off on the 7th.

I will if on the 7th Somer is still here and are acting within the bounds of the EULA and TOS

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

UnaLaLuna Inc.
#2130 - 2013-11-02 18:29:23 UTC
CCP should be grateful to Blink as their 1bil bonus for plex did convince at least on customer (me) to reactivate 2 suspended accounts :)

Btw are there some facts why CCP asked Blink to remove that regular 200mil bonus? Its real shame
Khumaak Flying Circus
#2131 - 2013-11-02 19:26:35 UTC
Dizirgee wrote:
CCP should be grateful to Blink as their 1bil bonus for plex did convince at least on customer (me) to reactivate 2 suspended accounts :)

Btw are there some facts why CCP asked Blink to remove that regular 200mil bonus? Its real shame

Because the bonus violated Section 6B of the EULA and CCP's lawyer decided that the GTC Resellers agreements and the rules of the Time Code Bazaar should not override the EULA.

EVE Online EULA, section 6B wrote:

You may not transfer, sell or auction, or buy or accept any offer to transfer, sell or auction (or offer to do any of the foregoing), any content appearing within the Game environment, including without limitation characters, character attributes, items, currency, and objects, other than via a permitted Character Transfer as described in section 3 above. You may not encourage or induce any other person to participate in such a prohibited transaction. The buying, selling or auctioning (or any attempt at doing so) of characters, character attributes, items, currency, or objects, whether through online auctions, newsgroups, postings on message boards or any other means is prohibited by the EULA and a violation of CCP's proprietary rights in the Game.

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

Eloran Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#2132 - 2013-11-02 20:08:01 UTC
This is quite fun / addictive
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#2133 - 2013-11-02 21:38:43 UTC
Sigh...This is the third ISD post in two pages. People, I am aware of the fact that the ongoing discussion at hand is a volatile one.
But please, it is possible to keep it civil and within the limits of the forum rules!

I have removed some rule breaking posts and those replying to them.

11. Discussion of forum moderation is prohibited.

The discussion of EVE Online forum moderation actions generally leads to flaming, trolling and baiting of our ISD CCL moderators. As such, this type of discussion is strictly prohibited under the forum rules. If you have questions regarding the actions of a moderator, please file a petition under the Community & Forums Category.

31. Rumor mongering is prohibited.

Rumor threads and posts which are based off no actual solid information and are designed to either troll or annoy other users will be locked and removed. These kinds of threads and posts are detrimental to the wellbeing and spirit of the EVE Online Community, and can create undue panic among forum users, as well as adding to the workload of our moderators.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Leanna Dekara
Amarr Empire
#2134 - 2013-11-02 22:47:59 UTC
Nanatoa wrote:
Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir wrote:
Blink has always cheerfully returned funds placed on a bonk by mistake or after having second thoughts, as long as the request is made before the drawing takes place

I made my request well before the draw was made, but it was refused. Andrev Nox actually tried to pull the "the draw has already happened" excuse on me, until I pointed him to my posts and ingame messages before the draw. Then he found another excuse. They just don't want to refund my 16B even though they clearly profited from the bait and switch.

You know that in order for it to be a bait-and-switch, they had to plan it as such, which it wasn't.

As for your issue, I'm inclined to believe that there's something more to it than you're claiming. I've seen total morons show up in their channel, spitting and cursing, and yet they still get their ISK issues fixed, even if they're summarily told not to come back to the channel again due to their behavior. And I'm not talking only small change either. There are people that have come in asking about multi-billion ISK errors or changes and they've all been dealt with promptly when there was a rep on to handle it. So yeah, I smell a level of bull in your claim.
UnaLaLuna Inc.
#2135 - 2013-11-02 22:58:12 UTC
Rosewalker wrote:

Because the bonus violated Section 6B of the EULA and CCP's lawyer decided that the GTC Resellers agreements and the rules of the Time Code Bazaar should not override the EULA.

I pretty much doubt it. 1st EULA is from April 2012 , so unless it took CCP about a year to notice Blink there is probably some other reason (like other PLEX resellers complaining to CCP or whatever)
2nd I doubt 6B is matching to Blink. It says you basically cannot sell ingame stuff as [a player]. Plex is ingame item and pretty much its legit for certified resellers to sell it. 6B would than match to every plex site.
And I don't see how Blink is selling any ingame items. They give you 200mil virtual credit (not ISK) for free (under condition you buy plex from their friendly Dragon) that you may or may not transform into ingame item/isk based on your luck in lottery.

Unless I'm missing something you cannot simply buy ISK for $$ on Blink like on gold farming sites.

PS: not native English speaker but I wonder if 6B isn't missing clarification that such actions (transfer/buy/sell) cannot be done for real world currencies (mainly 1st sentence)? Now it can be understood like everyone is violating this by using market/auction in eve every single day :)
JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2136 - 2013-11-02 23:08:04 UTC  |  Edited by: JusFooling Around
Nanatoa wrote:
Carver Be'Goode Zanjoahir wrote:
Blink has always cheerfully returned funds placed on a bonk by mistake or after having second thoughts, as long as the request is made before the drawing takes place

I made my request well before the draw was made, but it was refused. Andrev Nox actually tried to pull the "the draw has already happened" excuse on me, until I pointed him to my posts and ingame messages before the draw. Then he found another excuse. They just don't want to refund my 16B even though they clearly profited from the bait and switch.

So does that mean you are NOT going to follow the gentleman's suggestion to petition CCP?

Do you have any idea why Blink would behave so honorably with so many others and pick you out of their entire player base to have CCP retract the prize to make it into what you refer to as a "bait and switch"?
Ona Bender
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2137 - 2013-11-02 23:10:48 UTC
DrJonF Rockit wrote:
All the incessant whining and complaining and HAVE NOT's wishing in one hand and well... they have finally broken Somer.

Just goes to show you. One bad apple will spoil the bunch.

Welcome to planet earth.
JusFooling Around
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2138 - 2013-11-02 23:37:04 UTC  |  Edited by: JusFooling Around
Frying Doom wrote:
There is always the truthful statement that Somer blink is acting in breach of the EULA.

Or do you believe the EULA does not apply to you?

oh and my guess is Somer will close his doors on the 6th. Take all the money, and all the isk and close up shop.

So you leave credit in Somer you deserve to lose it.

Certainly the Bean counters in the GTC department of CCP will notice if Blink closes its doors. Of course, if CCP bought the Blink package from Somer, they could fashion the EULA anyway they please or do some other kind of incentive that they could make a wide spot in the rules to fit it in. CCP cannot ignore the loss of revenue in the absence of Blink. They are in business and cash is king.

If Somer does not sell the package to CCP, I doubt the doors will close on the 6th. It is a player run enterprise and players change the way the play the game all the time. As honorably as they have done business, I doubt they will fold their tent in DT and slink away.
Khumaak Flying Circus
#2139 - 2013-11-02 23:58:54 UTC
Dizirgee wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:

Because the bonus violated Section 6B of the EULA and CCP's lawyer decided that the GTC Resellers agreements and the rules of the Time Code Bazaar should not override the EULA.

I pretty much doubt it. 1st EULA is from April 2012 , so unless it took CCP about a year to notice Blink there is probably some other reason (like other PLEX resellers complaining to CCP or whatever)
2nd I doubt 6B is matching to Blink. It says you basically cannot sell ingame stuff as [a player]. Plex is ingame item and pretty much its legit for certified resellers to sell it. 6B would than match to every plex site.
And I don't see how Blink is selling any ingame items. They give you 200mil virtual credit (not ISK) for free (under condition you buy plex from their friendly Dragon) that you may or may not transform into ingame item/isk based on your luck in lottery.

Unless I'm missing something you cannot simply buy ISK for $$ on Blink like on gold farming sites.

PS: not native English speaker but I wonder if 6B isn't missing clarification that such actions (transfer/buy/sell) cannot be done for real world currencies (mainly 1st sentence)? Now it can be understood like everyone is violating this by using market/auction in eve every single day :)

The information (except for the part about the rules of the Time Code Bazaar) came from a letter that CCP sent out to all of the authorized resellers of Eve time codes. Linking or quoting from the letter would violate the EVE Online Terms of Service, so I cannot do so.

The part about the GTC Resellers agreement and the rules of the Time Code Bazaar overruling the EULA before this change was announced came from the Chief Operating Officer of Shattered Crystal when he explained why SOMERblink was not violating any of CCP's rules by giving out the bonus. Shattered Crystal is the company that SOMERblink affiliated with up until May of this year. I'm not sure if I am allowed to link to the blog post because it does contain some speculation plus contains information that on 7 November will represent a topic that is forbidden to discuss on the EVE Online forums.

So what I wrote wasn't my opinion or speculation.

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

Frying Doom
#2140 - 2013-11-03 03:20:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
JusFooling Around wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
There is always the truthful statement that Somer blink is acting in breach of the EULA.

Or do you believe the EULA does not apply to you?

oh and my guess is Somer will close his doors on the 6th. Take all the money, and all the isk and close up shop.

So you leave credit in Somer you deserve to lose it.

Certainly the Bean counters in the GTC department of CCP will notice if Blink closes its doors. Of course, if CCP bought the Blink package from Somer, they could fashion the EULA anyway they please or do some other kind of incentive that they could make a wide spot in the rules to fit it in. CCP cannot ignore the loss of revenue in the absence of Blink. They are in business and cash is king.

If Somer does not sell the package to CCP, I doubt the doors will close on the 6th. It is a player run enterprise and players change the way the play the game all the time. As honorably as they have done business, I doubt they will fold their tent in DT and slink away.

Actually while there is likely to be a decline in sales, mostly due to those people that gamble, the total amount of GTC sold is unlikely to vary massively. This is due to the number of people who play EvE Online and the finite amount of cash they actually have as well as a finite amount of need. Yes sales will have increased atm with Somers 'bonus' as people are spending money they would have either spent later or spent else where, they are just after the free 'bonus' to get a better in-game advantage.

It is more likely that people will go back to either subscriptions or the purchase of plex directly from CCP, at which point CCP actually profits more. While those that remain with GTC are more likely to back actual community sites allowing them and subsequently our community to grow again.

Somer is a business out to profit Somer, for the rest of the community it is a cancer.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!