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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Brib Vogt
#6401 - 2013-10-20 22:25:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Brib Vogt
Serge SC wrote:

This is my fitting.

Gun DPS 936.6 Quake, max skills
Drone DPS 158.4 Hammerhead II
Total DPS 1095

Works well, but has terribad tracking and the worst DPS from any marauder. Also, implants and some miracles.

  1. Your Vargur can't target beyond 94 km which sucks for a sniper fitting bigtime.
  2. Your paper DPS is even more terrible then mine. With RF FUSION 936.6 dps after jumping 100km with MJD reduce to 561 DPS without the chance to set damage type. You should stay with faction ammo
Brib Vogt
#6402 - 2013-10-20 22:30:07 UTC
Mer88 wrote:
what implant u got?

Genolution set
Anize Oramara
#6403 - 2013-10-20 22:38:31 UTC
Serge SC wrote:
Republic Fleet Tracking Enhancer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer
Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer

Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Medium Shield Booster II
Shield Boost Amplifier II
Tracking Computer II,Optimal Range Script
Large Micro Jump Drive

1400mm Howitzer Artillery II,Quake L
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II,Quake L
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II,Quake L
1400mm Howitzer Artillery II,Quake L
Bastion Module I
Small Tractor Beam II
Salvager II
Salvager II

Large Projectile Burst Aerator II
Large Core Defense Field Extender II

This is my fitting.

Gun DPS 936.6 Quake, max skills
Drone DPS 158.4 Hammerhead II
Total DPS 1095

Works well, but has terribad tracking and the worst DPS from any marauder. Also, implants and some miracles.

Excuse me but what the hell are you doing?

The point of bastion is to have SPARE MID SLOTS. You have 2 too many tanking modules that can be converted into 2 more TCs with tracking scripts or a TC and a Sebo for lock range/scan res. Or if you really want to more optimal range.

If you have to do this, do it right.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#6404 - 2013-10-20 23:05:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Mina Sebiestar
hmskrecik wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
4 faction gyros and t2 burst is truly shame it cant brake 1000(900 even) dps mark.

Even Vindicator does not break 1000dps with long range guns (Machariel too, for that matter). And your point is?

My point is that artys are bad weapon except niche role and it still stands.

1000 dps

As you see Vindicator does 1000 dps with guns only(faction ammo included)

Mach is over 900(0) too and since it uses same low dps arty it isn't great but at least it is high enough with solid drone bay and implants to out dps battlecruizers.

So did you had a point beside being wrong ?

"This is my fitting.

Gun DPS 936.6 Quake, max skills
Drone DPS 158.4 Hammerhead II
Total DPS 1095"

Implanted stats it doesn't do nearly as much gun dps.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Serge SC
The Valhalla Project
#6405 - 2013-10-20 23:37:03 UTC
Brib Vogt wrote:
Serge SC wrote:

This is my fitting.

Gun DPS 936.6 Quake, max skills
Drone DPS 158.4 Hammerhead II
Total DPS 1095

Works well, but has terribad tracking and the worst DPS from any marauder. Also, implants and some miracles.

  1. Your Vargur can't target beyond 94 km which sucks for a sniper fitting bigtime.
  2. Your paper DPS is even more terrible then mine. With RF FUSION 936.6 dps after jumping 100km with MJD reduce to 561 DPS without the chance to set damage type. You should stay with faction ammo

It's the best DPS I can get with 1400s, with a LP-1006 and a RF-906 to boost it.

Targeting range is 101km (the maximum). How are you getting more damage with that ammo? With RF versions, which is what I mostly use, I get 923.3 DPS, with max skills.

When MJD around, I use RF DU for a paper DPS of 615.5 at 90km optimal (tremor has too much range which is a waste in this case)

Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

Serge SC
The Valhalla Project
#6406 - 2013-10-20 23:41:07 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:

Excuse me but what the hell are you doing?

The point of bastion is to have SPARE MID SLOTS. You have 2 too many tanking modules that can be converted into 2 more TCs with tracking scripts or a TC and a Sebo for lock range/scan res. Or if you really want to more optimal range.

If you have to do this, do it right.

It's not fit properly, that's my current TQ setup (bar the guns, which are 800s and a MWD).

Trying to keep everything equal, and the ship doesn't measure up to the other marauders.

I dropped 2 tank mods, 1 invul and the boost amp, went Pithum-B Invul, and Pithum-A medium shield booster. Tank is decent still. I can hit further, scan better, longer targeting range, track better, whatever. But my paper DPS hasn't gone up by a single point...

Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

Synth Tech
#6407 - 2013-10-20 23:54:09 UTC
hmskrecik wrote:

Not sure what's your argument here so let me just itemize how do I see those new marauders:
- worse at running incursions (disputable but let's settle on that for sake of discussion)
+ same or better at running missions
+ probably better at wh sites
+ reportedly better at anoms
+ stopped sucking at small scale PVP
- still suck at large scale PVP (?)

Please correct me if I'm wrong. If I'm not, ships gain more uses in overall.

Your assessment is incorrect. The easy summary is:
* dmg application stayed the same (save projection in bastion).
* Total raw dps potential nerfed
* mobility nerfed
* loot exclusiveness lost

basically, the only things you will do better in this:
* PvE content with high EWAR
* PvE content that would require a very heavy tank, but not require logistics (level 5s for example).

Anything else will take longer than it did before, esp in short range setups

hmskrecik wrote:

I am flying Kronos, Vargur, Vindicator and Machariel so what I stated has been taken from my personal experience. And the funny thing is that even when pirate BS yield me more ISK/hr (I tend not to loot/salvage), I still prefer to use marauders due to their versatility. My point is, performance is important but it's not everything, the point which people crying for more damage output seem to be missing.

No. Isk per hour is the most important part of missions. This shouldn't even be up for discussion. This is why ppl generally do 4s or what have you in fancy battleships and not assault frigs. This is also why terms like "overtanked" exist for mission runners.

If you did loot / salvage as you go, you could make up / more than make up the difference (provided you aren't unfortunate enough to get bombarded by drone missions, and dont stick around to loot and salvage the entire room, just the stuff you can get while clearing while prioritizing battleship loot/salvage).

hmskrecik wrote:

We're talking limited viability vs. no viability at all.

To be fair there are ppl who have used marauders for PvP. The general tactic is using smartbombs in the highs to kill off ecm drones and hopefully make up for the poor sensor strength. I am in no way saying that marauders are an ideal choice, but to each their own.

You are also talking about a ship that doesnt really have much of an existing role in the PvP world, but one that does in the PvE world. We are talking about trying to add gimmicky and not yet established PvP roles, at the expensive of the ships' already established PvE role.

hmskrecik wrote:

As to your earlier point I'd like to explain that what I stated is the most basic test which should be applied when you propose some rebalancing. Anyone can go up with something awesome knowing how he or she would use it. The question is, what would you do AGAINST this wonder? When put it this way, it's very easy to filter interesting proposals from "I WIN" buttons.

And answering your scenario, I know crap about PVP but yes, I would bring Rubicon marauders. With the exception of "large fleet"part as I don't believe they do and should fit there. But for smaller engagements they seem to have some strengths and some weaknesses which should cause some interesting deliberations whether to bring them to fight or not. As opposed to today's "nope, don't bother".

Hmmm... maybe throw it at you a different way:
You say that you wouldnt want to use in large fleet battles, presumably because when you activate bastion you will be alpha'd if the fleet is large enough. The other side to this is that in smaller numbers, the tank is beastly. What you have is a "Can't Lose" button if the numbers are small enough or maybe more accurately: "Can't lose within a reasonable amount of time" button and isnt balanced either. Adding additional dmg doesnt necessarily change this ship from "Cant Lose" to "I WIN". A dmg increase doesnt need to shove pirates out of their "raw damage kings" or "speed demons" title. What it does do is help preserve existing/already established marauder roles.

Brib Vogt
#6408 - 2013-10-21 00:20:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Brib Vogt
Serge SC wrote:

It's the best DPS I can get with 1400s, with a LP-1006 and a RF-906 to boost it.

Targeting range is 101km (the maximum). How are you getting more damage with that ammo? With RF versions, which is what I mostly use, I get 923.3 DPS, with max skills.

When MJD around, I use RF DU for a paper DPS of 615.5 at 90km optimal (tremor has too much range which is a waste in this case)

Sorry man, totally my fault in stupid writing. That makes more sense:

Your paper DPS is even more terrible then mine with RF FUSION. 936.6 dps with quake after jumping 100km with MJD reduce to 561 DPS without the chance to set damage type. You should stay with faction ammo.

Arties just are not meant for the vargur due to the fall off bonus on the hull. they were never supposed to be fitted there and used in PvE. They were always heavy one shots in PvP. At least at the moment the vargur was released. Giving the PG to use 1400s with the vargur but not fixing the coherence of both is another problem i notice now. I never used arties in missions. Maybe within the first 3 month of my eve playtime, when we flew blockades in badly skilled arty maels with multiple warpouts to survive the mission :D.
Serge SC
The Valhalla Project
#6409 - 2013-10-21 01:03:48 UTC
Brib Vogt wrote:

Arties just are not meant for the vargur due to the fall off bonus on the hull. they were never supposed to be fitted there and used in PvE. They were always heavy one shots in PvP. At least at the moment the vargur was released. Giving the PG to use 1400s with the vargur but not fixing the coherence of both is another problem i notice now. I never used arties in missions. Maybe within the first 3 month of my eve playtime, when we flew blockades in badly skilled arty maels with multiple warpouts to survive the mission :D.

Besides alpha'ing stuff, what are 1400s good for in that case?

I always used them since I'm cheap and they're cheaper to run. But they lack DPS, they aren't useful for pretty much anything...

So I'll make reference to the fact that 1400s need a RoF reduction, badly. Their alpha is fine, the raw damage is fine, but their rate of fire is terrible.

Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#6410 - 2013-10-21 01:27:11 UTC
I wasn't aware that 1400s had a slower RoF than 3200s.

I was, however, around when they rebalanced projectiles and I vaguely recall reading a devblog about it explaining things. Maybe I can find it.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6411 - 2013-10-21 02:09:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
I have a question....

If arty suck so bad, then why is the tornado the best tier 3 bc?
I mean, any time someone mentions the word gank, the tornado is the ship mentioned to perform it with.
If they're good at ganks, expecially suicide ganks, the. I would think arty would be perfect for missions where you're essentially trying to use a little volleys as possible to down the target.


Hell, if you're talking about ganking, people normally judge gank ability by the number of tornados it would take to pull it off.
No other ship or weapon system is used like this, and last time I checked, they used arty for this.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#6412 - 2013-10-21 02:17:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Mina Sebiestar
Joe Risalo wrote:
I have a question....

If arty suck so bad, then why is the tornado the best tier 3 bc?
I mean, any time someone mentions the word gank, the tornado is the ship mentioned to perform it with.
If they're good at ganks, expecially suicide ganks, the. I would think arty would be perfect for missions where you're essentially trying to use a little volleys as possible to down the target.


Hell, if you're talking about ganking, people normally judge gank ability by the number of tornados it would take to pull it off.
No other ship or weapon system is used like this, and last time I checked, they used arty for this.

High alpha dmg ie initial hit gather enough "initial hits" and you will down internet space ship before it can react...

that is all they do there will never be 2nd shoot rof is bad tracking is worse range in mediocre t2 ammo is bad.


since you cant one shoot mission or any other activity for that matter you have rly bad weapon except being naughty at congested gates and / or blobbing .

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Serge SC
The Valhalla Project
#6413 - 2013-10-21 02:24:46 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
I have a question....

If arty suck so bad, then why is the tornado the best tier 3 bc?
I mean, any time someone mentions the word gank, the tornado is the ship mentioned to perform it with.
If they're good at ganks, expecially suicide ganks, the. I would think arty would be perfect for missions where you're essentially trying to use a little volleys as possible to down the target.


Hell, if you're talking about ganking, people normally judge gank ability by the number of tornados it would take to pull it off.
No other ship or weapon system is used like this, and last time I checked, they used arty for this.

High alpha dmg ie initial hit gather enough "initial hits" and you will down internet space ship before it can react...

that is all they do there will never be 2nd shoot rof is bad tracking is worse range in mediocre t2 ammo is bad.


since you cant one shoot mission or any other activity for that matter you have rly bad weapon except being naughty at congested gates and / or blobbing .

High alpha potential. It means you can one-shot any ship, if you have enough ships to do it (as in one-volley with several ships).

1400 Arties suck because their RoF is slower than any other turret gun in game, even slower than 3500s. Their tracking is nonexistent and the range is fairly limited, for a long range weapon. Aurora on Tachs gets up to 250km, Tremor on 1400s can barely reach 200 (talking optimals alone).

Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

TheFace Asano
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6414 - 2013-10-21 03:29:26 UTC
800 AC and 1400 Arties can both be very useful in PVE. In an ship with no range bonus, the AC will be more dps out to about 30km or so, where Arties start doing equal dps or more. Falloff helps Arties too, and you will get a wider damage range with more falloff. Optimal is better, but then the Bastion Module ads Optimal and Falloff. When you can use Barrage, you will end up doing comparable dps to Arties at longer ranges than all the other ammo types

I think most of you are confusing effective with boring.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#6415 - 2013-10-21 04:17:20 UTC
Tsukinosuke wrote:

are you a pVp-er or PvE-er ? because i cant understand a pVp-er who interested in changing "used to be PvE oriented" ships to sub-capital dreads? it is better for you to be interested in "most welcome and long waited by nullfolks" re-working/balancing Black OPs, isnt it?

Its a mega hull and as such has my utter attention.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#6416 - 2013-10-21 04:25:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Mina Sebiestar
TheFace Asano wrote:
800 AC and 1400 Arties can both be very useful in PVE. In an ship with no range bonus, the AC will be more dps out to about 30km or so, where Arties start doing equal dps or more. Falloff helps Arties too, and you will get a wider damage range with more falloff. Optimal is better, but then the Bastion Module ads Optimal and Falloff. When you can use Barrage, you will end up doing comparable dps to Arties at longer ranges than all the other ammo types

I think most of you are confusing effective with boring.

arties have lowest dmg / tracking / range / rate of fire than ANY other long range weapon,i dont see a way how is that "very useful for PVE"

so i fail to see how weapon that take ages to fire have biggest miss ratio(by hefty margin) of them all and is so low on dmg that AC are overlapping with them in most usable ranges are "very useful in PVE'?

so if you are telling me that 800AC are better in 9 out of 10 situations than 1400mm i agree if not i didn't get your post at all.

boring have nothing to do with it.

does this guy looking bored

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

TheFace Asano
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6417 - 2013-10-21 04:50:22 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
TheFace Asano wrote:
800 AC and 1400 Arties can both be very useful in PVE. In an ship with no range bonus, the AC will be more dps out to about 30km or so, where Arties start doing equal dps or more. Falloff helps Arties too, and you will get a wider damage range with more falloff. Optimal is better, but then the Bastion Module ads Optimal and Falloff. When you can use Barrage, you will end up doing comparable dps to Arties at longer ranges than all the other ammo types

I think most of you are confusing effective with boring.

arties have lowest dmg / tracking / range / rate of fire than ANY other long range weapon,i dont see a way how is that "very useful for PVE"

so i fail to see how weapon that take ages to fire have biggest miss ratio(by hefty margin) of them all and is so low on dmg that AC are overlapping with them in most usable ranges are "very useful in PVE'?

so if you are telling me that 800AC are better in 9 out of 10 situations than 1400mm i agree if not i didn't get your post at all.

boring have nothing to do with it.

does this guy looking bored

in most pve scenarios your rats are moving toward you at zero transversal where tracking isn't an issue. It is more boring, but I use both, and the Arties make just as much or more isk / hour.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#6418 - 2013-10-21 04:53:24 UTC
TheFace Asano wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
TheFace Asano wrote:
800 AC and 1400 Arties can both be very useful in PVE. In an ship with no range bonus, the AC will be more dps out to about 30km or so, where Arties start doing equal dps or more. Falloff helps Arties too, and you will get a wider damage range with more falloff. Optimal is better, but then the Bastion Module ads Optimal and Falloff. When you can use Barrage, you will end up doing comparable dps to Arties at longer ranges than all the other ammo types

I think most of you are confusing effective with boring.

arties have lowest dmg / tracking / range / rate of fire than ANY other long range weapon,i dont see a way how is that "very useful for PVE"

so i fail to see how weapon that take ages to fire have biggest miss ratio(by hefty margin) of them all and is so low on dmg that AC are overlapping with them in most usable ranges are "very useful in PVE'?

so if you are telling me that 800AC are better in 9 out of 10 situations than 1400mm i agree if not i didn't get your post at all.

boring have nothing to do with it.

does this guy looking bored

in most pve scenarios your rats are moving toward you at zero transversal where tracking isn't an issue. It is more boring, but I use both, and the Arties make just as much or more isk / hour.


You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

The Djego
Hellequin Inc.
#6419 - 2013-10-21 06:21:12 UTC
Since I still didn't get a answer on it yet, how likely it is to just keep the old marauders ingame and make them a 2. hull type that uses the marauder skills? I don't really care if you actually fix them or not.

- the old marauders are not game breaking or created any kind of issue in the game during her 6 years
- in many scenarios they perform better than the new ones
- in certain scenarios(like RR gang or Incs) bastion, active tanking and mjd provide nothing
- people get her new toy that they can sell again after 3 months when the shiny is gone and other people can still be happy with the marauders they use since years
- more choice to the player and choice is good in my opinion
- a opportunity to actually fix the old marauders in a way where they provide a very good alternative to pirate BS hulls(by improving the RR focus, adding utility and giving them unique features like posted a couple of times so far)

Improve discharge rigging:

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#6420 - 2013-10-21 07:21:55 UTC
The Djego wrote:
Since I still didn't get a answer on it yet, how likely it is to just keep the old marauders ingame and make them a 2. hull type that uses the marauder skills? I don't really care if you actually fix them or not.

- the old marauders are not game breaking or created any kind of issue in the game during her 6 years
- in many scenarios they perform better than the new ones
- in certain scenarios(like RR gang or Incs) bastion, active tanking and mjd provide nothing
- people get her new toy that they can sell again after 3 months when the shiny is gone and other people can still be happy with the marauders they use since years
- more choice to the player and choice is good in my opinion
- a opportunity to actually fix the old marauders in a way where they provide a very good alternative to pirate BS hulls(by improving the RR focus, adding utility and giving them unique features like posted a couple of times so far)

CCP aren't really changing marauders though honestly. They are replacing a couple bonuses on the hulls and giving them extra fitting other than that they can be used in the same way as they were previously just with much better fittings and a couple extra options when it comes to fitting. Admittidly the web bonus was a big thing on the kronos and paladin but they have a tracking buff now so you could cope with a 60% web

I think if there is an issue with these ships it is with the gun systems they use, but CCP cant buff or nerf large weapon systems or it would mess the entire balance of power up. Because to Tier 3 BCs. the only thing they could do without messing it up is a small tracking buff across the board.