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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Nefra Ravenheart
Gallente Federation
#6261 - 2013-10-19 01:12:00 UTC
IMO the Bastion module is an answer looking for a question; Marauders will be useless for everything except level 4 missions, and most pirate battleships will outperform them there too.
Arthur Aihaken
#6262 - 2013-10-19 01:14:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
IMO the Bastion module is an answer looking for a question; Marauders will be useless for everything except level 4 missions, and most pirate battleships will outperform them there too.

Most Faction battleships will outperform Marauders on L4s as well.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6263 - 2013-10-19 01:26:48 UTC
cyndrogen wrote:
Is it possible to rebalance the Golem model a bit?

When I first saw the new design I was horrified, something about the look of the ship really bothered me but I could not figure out and pin point exactly what it was. Then I downloaded the model and started to play around and change the proportions.

I think the wings are too short, they make the ship look tiny, like a toy.

Here are a few screenshots of modification I made, while I am not suggesting that this is how the ship should look I would like you to at least consider adjusting the wings, maybe by posting these I hope to bring the proportions issue to the modeling team who are working on the new design. Again these are just suggestions and I am not at all an expert in ship design, but just as an artist the new proportions look odd.

Thanks for reading this and here are the images:

Alternate Version 1,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#0,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#1,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#2,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#3,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#4,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#5,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#6,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#7

Alternate Version 2,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#0,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#1,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#2,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#3

I like your first model...

Looks awesome...
CCP... Do that...

Looks mean and I think it would make bastion stand out more, or give you more to work with for bastion
The Greatest Corp in the Universe
#6264 - 2013-10-19 01:28:19 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
IMO the Bastion module is an answer looking for a question; Marauders will be useless for everything except level 4 missions, and most pirate battleships will outperform them there too.

Most Faction battleships will outperform Marauders on L4s as well.

It's a cost vs performance issue though. The main reason to use a marauder is that it literally cuts your ISK spending in half, at least for the golem. Since you get similar DPS to an RNI,maybe slightly lower, but overall your mission running is pretty much identicalin terms of time spent, only you are spending 50% less on ammo costs AND it leaves three high slots open for salvage and tractor beams. Fit salvage drones and you can clean up as you kill = more profitable overall.

Every day in every way I improve my skills and get better.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6265 - 2013-10-19 01:29:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
IMO the Bastion module is an answer looking for a question; Marauders will be useless for everything except level 4 missions, and most pirate battleships will outperform them there too.

Most Faction battleships will outperform Marauders on L4s as well.

You guys are just flat out lieing, or haven't tested it.

The test golem performs way better than anything I have flown.

I don't think y'all are even giving it an opportunity because it doesn't suit your agenda/play style.
If you don't like it, don't use it.

I would put a bastion/MJD long range marauder against any other ship in game, on any mission and I'll guarantee faster or equal completion times.
The problem is I don't care enough about how you feel to actually test it myself
Nefra Ravenheart
Gallente Federation
#6266 - 2013-10-19 01:33:26 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
IMO the Bastion module is an answer looking for a question; Marauders will be useless for everything except level 4 missions, and most pirate battleships will outperform them there too.

Most Faction battleships will outperform Marauders on L4s as well.

You guys are just flat out lieing, or haven't tested it.

The test golem performs way better than anything I have flown.

I don't think y'all are even giving it an opportunity because it doesn't suit your agenda/play style.
If you don't like it, don't use it.

A Nightmare will stomp all over any marauder in missions; and it shares the advantage of using half the ammo.
#6267 - 2013-10-19 01:35:03 UTC
cyndrogen wrote:
Is it possible to rebalance the Golem model a bit?

When I first saw the new design I was horrified, something about the look of the ship really bothered me but I could not figure out and pin point exactly what it was. Then I downloaded the model and started to play around and change the proportions.

I think the wings are too short, they make the ship look tiny, like a toy.

Here are a few screenshots of modification I made, while I am not suggesting that this is how the ship should look I would like you to at least consider adjusting the wings, maybe by posting these I hope to bring the proportions issue to the modeling team who are working on the new design. Again these are just suggestions and I am not at all an expert in ship design, but just as an artist the new proportions look odd.

Thanks for reading this and here are the images:

Alternate Version 1,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#0,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#1,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#2,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#3,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#4,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#5,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#6,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#7

Alternate Version 2,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#0,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#1,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#2,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#3

I really, really like the version with the upside-down wings there- I'd definitely fly that. It's a unique looking hull design, for sure, but it gives off more of an 'attack battleship' vibe than what the Marauder changes are intending to bring.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6268 - 2013-10-19 01:40:10 UTC
Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
IMO the Bastion module is an answer looking for a question; Marauders will be useless for everything except level 4 missions, and most pirate battleships will outperform them there too.

Most Faction battleships will outperform Marauders on L4s as well.

You guys are just flat out lieing, or haven't tested it.

The test golem performs way better than anything I have flown.

I don't think y'all are even giving it an opportunity because it doesn't suit your agenda/play style.
If you don't like it, don't use it.

A Nightmare will stomp all over any marauder in missions; and it shares the advantage of using half the ammo.

I have been flying a nightmare for the past year.
It certainly doesn't perform anywhere near as good as a bastion golem.
I haven't flown the other marauders, but I'm certain they can all outperform with bastion and long range as well.
Keroro Platoon
#6269 - 2013-10-19 01:53:13 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
IMO the Bastion module is an answer looking for a question; Marauders will be useless for everything except level 4 missions, and most pirate battleships will outperform them there too.

Most Faction battleships will outperform Marauders on L4s as well.

You guys are just flat out lieing, or haven't tested it.

The test golem performs way better than anything I have flown.

I don't think y'all are even giving it an opportunity because it doesn't suit your agenda/play style.
If you don't like it, don't use it.

A Nightmare will stomp all over any marauder in missions; and it shares the advantage of using half the ammo.

I have been flying a nightmare for the past year.
It certainly doesn't perform anywhere near as good as a bastion golem.
I haven't flown the other marauders, but I'm certain they can all outperform with bastion and long range as well.

Nope, if you're going to snipe and not salvage, many ships outperform sniping marauders. Try just using a plain old Dominix, or Rattlesnake, Fleet Typhoon or Navy Apoc with 5 sentries. All have similar (or more) dps at similar ranges, mainly because MJD sniping just favors sentry drones. Tank is irrelevant because they can all tank just fine at sniping range. You only get a MJD cooldown reduction that is highly underutlized and the e-war immunity. Hell, a RNI will outperform your Golem in the exact same sniping role.

I'm content with the 3rd iteration, but really to say that a sniping marauder outperforms everything is just flat out wrong.
Arthur Aihaken
#6270 - 2013-10-19 01:56:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Joe Risalo wrote:
You guys are just flat out lying, or haven't tested it.
The test golem performs way better than anything I have flown.

I don't think y'all are even giving it an opportunity because it doesn't suit your agenda/play style.
If you don't like it, don't use it.

I would put a bastion/MJD long range marauder against any other ship in game, on any mission and I'll guarantee faster or equal completion times. The problem is I don't care enough about how you feel to actually test it myself

I'm not lying, and I haven't tested it (full disclosure). But since I run an insane amount of L4s, I can tell you flat out that the RNI I use will easily outperform the Golem - and it's not just because of the DPS from the two extra Sentry drones. With three rigors and the explosion radius bonus on the RNI I'm hitting for under 100m - which means I'm doing almost full damage to cruisers without the need for target painters. Also, because the RNI sports 8 launchers I take less of a DPS loss from NPC defender missiles. Not only that, but I can pre-load a wider assortment of ammo because I have twice the launchers.

Sure, the Golem will definitely out tank a RNI - to be certain. But since my effective combat range is 100km and I tank most of the damage with an orbit/afterburner, I don't really need much. The Golem is stationary, so if it has to activate its tank there's a good chance it needs all of it and more. The Golem will also out-salvage my RNI, but again - I'm not using my RNI for salvage.

I could also point out that for the price and training required to run a Golem, I could run two nicely fit Ravens with a RHML setup that would literally run circles around the Golem in an L4. Golems have less passive tank, so it also makes them a more expensive gank target. I know you don't care, I don't really care for the Golem (the third iteration is definitely the best of the mix, but still falls short of what it could've potentially been) - but since you took the time to reply I did the same.

Don't like it (Golem), won't use it (Golem). Plus I hate the color.

Dorororo wrote:
I'm content with the 3rd iteration, but really to say that a sniping marauder outperforms everything is just flat out wrong.

^^ This guy gets it.

Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
A Nightmare will stomp all over any marauder in missions; and it shares the advantage of using half the ammo.

^^ Also gets it. And the Nightmare isn't even a Machariel or Vindicator, either. This isn't to say Marauders suck. Maybe they're well-suited for a different aspect of gameplay (such as L5s). But L4s, Marauders are the low hanging fruit.

cyndrogen wrote:
It's a cost vs performance issue though. The main reason to use a marauder is that it literally cuts your ISK spending in half, at least for the golem. Since you get similar DPS to an RNI,maybe slightly lower, but overall your mission running is pretty much identicalin terms of time spent, only you are spending 50% less on ammo costs AND it leaves three high slots open for salvage and tractor beams. Fit salvage drones and you can clean up as you kill = more profitable overall.

Well, I can run a Raven for 1/8th the cost of a Golem and a fraction of the SP requirements. That's a lot of free ammo. Sure, Marauders can salvage - but they're dreadfully slow at getting around - and nothing outperforms a Noctis. Again, not saying Marauders suck - just not for me (and I suspect a lot of players).

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Lords of the horde
#6271 - 2013-10-19 08:43:31 UTC
Just one thing, let me get this straight. With the increased falloff bonus for the Kronos, added to the range buffs that come with the bastion module ----> Won't this make the kronos more viable with blasters instead of rails, meaning ALOT more DPS, and tracking? Sounds like a great pve buff to me. Is there something I've missed?

Go easy on me though... I'm fragile.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#6272 - 2013-10-19 09:03:45 UTC
Neumanola wrote:
Just one thing, let me get this straight. With the increased falloff bonus for the Kronos, added to the range buffs that come with the bastion module ----> Won't this make the kronos more viable with blasters instead of rails, meaning ALOT more DPS, and tracking? Sounds like a great pve buff to me. Is there something I've missed?

Go easy on me though... I'm fragile.

You can now park in some anoms and have your blasters hit everything.
Brib Vogt
#6273 - 2013-10-19 09:59:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Brib Vogt
Joe Risalo wrote:
You guys are just flat out lieing, or haven't tested it.

The test golem performs way better than anything I have flown.

I don't think y'all are even giving it an opportunity because it doesn't suit your agenda/play style.
If you don't like it, don't use it.

I would put a bastion/MJD long range marauder against any other ship in game, on any mission and I'll guarantee faster or equal completion times.
The problem is I don't care enough about how you feel to actually test it myself

No we are not, c'mon mummy tell this guy i tell the truth...

AAAHHH. Of course it is from our point of view and from our experience. I can fly t2 arties, t2 acs, t2 torps, t2 cruise and t2 blaster. so i tested blaster kronos, and all golem vargur variations.

every sniper variation plays itself easily, (problem with the tartgeting range, i needed a t1 targeting rig on vargur to be able to use mjd without losing targets). You jump away, bastion on, pew pew pew, jump back.

It is totally relaxed but it is soooooo slow. The cruise golem performs very good, i have to admit that, but the torp golem, omg!
After such a long time, the golem still is the only viable ship for pve torps and it performs so bad.

so my rating with all of them for isk/hour.

AC/AB Vargur = Blaster kronos (only with certain npc) = Cruise golem > blaster Kronos (sanshas) > arty mjd vargur > torp golem

i never flew a torp golem with dead space AB but the torp fitting is cpu/pg wise at the biggest limit.

i don't comprehend the defender mechanics in this game, but i guess both golems could need a bonus on missile viability. like 200%damage resist against defender missiles. ah, maybe i just don't understand it
Kane Fenris
#6274 - 2013-10-19 10:24:54 UTC
the new Golem's "wings" are horrible while i like the new cocpit/mid section
Arthur Aihaken
#6275 - 2013-10-19 11:01:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Brib Vogt wrote:
but the torp golem, omg! i never flew a torp golem with dead space AB but the torp fitting is cpu/pg wise at the biggest limit.

Even Officer torpedo launchers won't save the Golem. Torpedoes are a lost cause until they buff the speed and damage.

Brib Vogt wrote:
i don't comprehend the defender mechanics in this game, but i guess both golems could need a bonus on missile viability. like 200%damage resist against defender missiles. ah, maybe i just don't understand it

Half the launchers, so NPC defender missiles are twice as effective.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Arthur Aihaken
#6276 - 2013-10-19 11:10:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Here's an idea: Give each Marauder two (2) additional launchers -or- two (2) additional turrets (not both), just to give Marauders a bit of anti-frigate/cruiser capability. Since they'd be light or medium weapons, they won't receive any of the hull bonuses, with any DPS increase being a bare minimum. As far as that goes, if we're talking light weapons here - why not give them four (4) additional launchers or turrets.

If need be, increase the grid and CPU cost of Bastion to prevent abuse (I haven't played around with the Marauder fits, so maybe it's extremely tight for grid and CPU already; I don't think you could run any additional large turrets or launchers even with an ancillary rig - possibly a pair of mediums or a quad stack of lights, but that's probably it). In theory I guess you could possibly get away with a fifth large launcher or turret, but I imagine you'd sacrifice your rigs, a low slot and a lot of tank for the extra DPS. That's not necessarily a bad trade-off, and it does make Marauder configurations a bit more of a wildcard (you'd probably have to drop the MJD to pull it off).

It would make these a bit more interesting for PvP (and with the ability to fend off small ships, I can actually see Marauders venturing out of high-sec). Marauders are supposed to be the end-all/be-all of battleships: Tank, glass cannon or anti-ship - a few interesting possibilities with unique roles. Thoughts?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

#6277 - 2013-10-19 11:21:08 UTC
Dorororo wrote:

Nope, if you're going to snipe and not salvage, many ships outperform sniping marauders. Try just using a plain old Dominix, or Rattlesnake, Fleet Typhoon or Navy Apoc with 5 sentries. All have similar (or more) dps at similar ranges, mainly because MJD sniping just favors sentry drones. Tank is irrelevant because they can all tank just fine at sniping range. You only get a MJD cooldown reduction that is highly underutlized and the e-war immunity. Hell, a RNI will outperform your Golem in the exact same sniping role.

I'm content with the 3rd iteration, but really to say that a sniping marauder outperforms everything is just flat out wrong.

Exactly this. That was why I called this change looks like a domi with the proposed mjd bonus.

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#6278 - 2013-10-19 11:41:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Mer88
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
You guys are just flat out lying, or haven't tested it.
The test golem performs way better than anything I have flown.

I don't think y'all are even giving it an opportunity because it doesn't suit your agenda/play style.
If you don't like it, don't use it.

I would put a bastion/MJD long range marauder against any other ship in game, on any mission and I'll guarantee faster or equal completion times. The problem is I don't care enough about how you feel to actually test it myself

I'm not lying, and I haven't tested it (full disclosure). But since I run an insane amount of L4s, I can tell you flat out that the RNI I use will easily outperform the Golem - and it's not just because of the DPS from the two extra Sentry drones. With three rigors and the explosion radius bonus on the RNI I'm hitting for under 100m - which means I'm doing almost full damage to cruisers without the need for target painters. Also, because the RNI sports 8 launchers I take less of a DPS loss from NPC defender missiles. Not only that, but I can pre-load a wider assortment of ammo because I have twice the launchers.

Sure, the Golem will definitely out tank a RNI - to be certain. But since my effective combat range is 100km and I tank most of the damage with an orbit/afterburner, I don't really need much. The Golem is stationary, so if it has to activate its tank there's a good chance it needs all of it and more. The Golem will also out-salvage my RNI, but again - I'm not using my RNI for salvage.

I could also point out that for the price and training required to run a Golem, I could run two nicely fit Ravens with a RHML setup that would literally run circles around the Golem in an L4. Golems have less passive tank, so it also makes them a more expensive gank target. I know you don't care, I don't really care for the Golem (the third iteration is definitely the best of the mix, but still falls short of what it could've potentially been) - but since you took the time to reply I did the same.

Don't like it (Golem), won't use it (Golem). Plus I hate the color.

Dorororo wrote:
I'm content with the 3rd iteration, but really to say that a sniping marauder outperforms everything is just flat out wrong.

^^ This guy gets it.

Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
A Nightmare will stomp all over any marauder in missions; and it shares the advantage of using half the ammo.

^^ Also gets it. And the Nightmare isn't even a Machariel or Vindicator, either. This isn't to say Marauders suck. Maybe they're well-suited for a different aspect of gameplay (such as L5s). But L4s, Marauders are the low hanging fruit.

cyndrogen wrote:
It's a cost vs performance issue though. The main reason to use a marauder is that it literally cuts your ISK spending in half, at least for the golem. Since you get similar DPS to an RNI,maybe slightly lower, but overall your mission running is pretty much identicalin terms of time spent, only you are spending 50% less on ammo costs AND it leaves three high slots open for salvage and tractor beams. Fit salvage drones and you can clean up as you kill = more profitable overall.

Well, I can run a Raven for 1/8th the cost of a Golem and a fraction of the SP requirements. That's a lot of free ammo. Sure, Marauders can salvage - but they're dreadfully slow at getting around - and nothing outperforms a Noctis. Again, not saying Marauders suck - just not for me (and I suspect a lot of players).

The new golem is almost the same as the TQ golem. Only difference is it got a small speed nerf but i think the scan resolution has been increased by alot so it evens out. The bastion module is just a extra bonus. you dont have to use it if you dont like it. Also, why would we want the marauder to be the BEST at everything? what is the fun in that if they made it OP then everyone will use it. I think right now it is perfect since we have people who love it and others who hate it. I dont want to log into eve one day and see everyone in a marauder for making isk .

Also for RNI vs golem, the exp radius bonus is alot better in golem with bonus TP then navy raven with 3 rigor plus ship bonus. The only thing navy raven is better is 8 launchers vs defender compare to 4 launcher, but golem can use faction missiles at half the price. Also , the biggest lost to dps in a missile boat is velocity of the target. When you shoot cruises at a 250m/s battleship you lose 3/4 of the dps or so.
Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#6279 - 2013-10-19 13:08:53 UTC
Nefra Ravenheart wrote:
A Nightmare will stomp all over any marauder in missions; and it shares the advantage of using half the ammo.

I doubt that, or I just don't run same missions you do. Optimal bonus really helps, including helping with hitting out to ranges where Nightmare's tracking bonus is less useful. You may be right though, so you could join the discussion here and point out stuff that is wrong with reasoning.
Tbh lasers isn't the weapon system that makes you count your shots as much as ACs or CMLs.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6280 - 2013-10-19 13:36:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
cyndrogen wrote:
Is it possible to rebalance the Golem model a bit?

When I first saw the new design I was horrified, something about the look of the ship really bothered me but I could not figure out and pin point exactly what it was. Then I downloaded the model and started to play around and change the proportions.

I think the wings are too short, they make the ship look tiny, like a toy.

Here are a few screenshots of modification I made, while I am not suggesting that this is how the ship should look I would like you to at least consider adjusting the wings, maybe by posting these I hope to bring the proportions issue to the modeling team who are working on the new design. Again these are just suggestions and I am not at all an expert in ship design, but just as an artist the new proportions look odd.

Thanks for reading this and here are the images:

Alternate Version 1,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#0,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#1,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#2,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#3,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#4,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#5,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#6,f4GU9OU,ELZci5L,ER6XLgY,xltd3Pz,QqqxHwj,qtYyRgI,4wNMzZV#7

Alternate Version 2,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#0,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#1,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#2,u0dKZ60,H7wNa2f,Xpg0NST#3

Quoting cause the first design NEEDS to happen.
It's awesome


After thinking about it... I think the first design should be the Golem, and the Second design should be the RNI.

I think it's time CCP starts putting in the effort to make ships look different as opposed to the same skin all the time.