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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Daishan Auergni
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6021 - 2013-10-17 02:53:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Daishan Auergni
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
hp bonus yay!
web bonus: I don't care much, but still think it says to incursion runners someone needs to bring a vindi or gtfo. I'm not sure that having only 1 bs with a 90% web bonus is a good or bad thing. but hey maybe with the pirate bs rebalance it will be 0 battleships with a 90% web bonus, and people will have to bring a t3 or a command ship with a 60% web and medium weapons Twisted

Roark BleedBlue wrote:
When in Bastion mode, you don't need logis to Incurse! And You do not need webs either. It's Totally doable.
But We did tests! You just shift back from bastion, and MJD away from those pesky frigs!
-But then...I'll MJD away from...the logis too, right?
We'll talk about this later! After you've given up on using Paladins for Incursions!

With the interdiction maneuvers skirmish link nerfed in 1.1, 14KM webs top out at 18KM, 15KM webs at 20.2, so blitz fleets should have long webs in fleet already, ala Bhaal or Loki.

Any Vindi in fleet (if still 90% bonused) should be getting the re-sebos and tracking links so that it can use its mids for 5x webs, same as a Bhaal for armor fleets. Shield fleets get stuck with 2x webs per Vindi or Bhaal, so that's a nice gimme (and Oneiros 3x links vs 2x links from Scimis) that means armor fleets should still get an edge.

As for Paladins or Kronoses, two with 2x webs each will need to gang up to get a frig locked down enough to kill with a couple volleys. I've tested that on SiSi already on Nation's Commander. With a little bling in the tanking mods Paladins and Kronoses won't need to leave Bastion mode and certainly they should NEVER MJD in a vanguard site... unless it was 10 marauders, 5 which MJD away so that frigs can get popped when they switch aggro from one group to another. Nah.

That'd be slower than having a dedicated webber with 5x webs and two Oneiroses worth of links on it.

I plan on using a Vindi and a Bhaal along with two Paladins. =)
Ager Agemo
Rainbow Ponies Incorporated
#6022 - 2013-10-17 03:27:24 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Harvey James wrote:
Also Ytterbium
-have you considered replacing TP bonus on golem for an explosion radius bonus???

Ah yes, forgot to address that in the previous post Smile.

Yes, we did - it all comes down to this:

  • TP bonus:
  • + More than one can be added, allowing to give more benefit than the explosion radius bonus. Especially useful due to the Bastion module that frees med slots.
    + Target painting affects a whole group of players
    - Require med slots in the first place

  • Explosion radius bonus:
  • + Doesn't require med slot in the first place
    + Always applied as long as you shoot
    - Static, cannot be influenced by itself
    - Doesn't affect other players

So far, we prefer the TP bonus - but that's debatable. The other Marauders don't rely on specific tackling / EW modules anymore (web bonus removed), thus it could make sense to remove it as well.

the suggestion of ROF is pretty nice, as someone mentioned, but the explo radius is cool too, but damage one could be used as well... either will be better than TP and golem pilots will appreciate whichever you choose if you change it.
Serge SC
The Valhalla Project
#6023 - 2013-10-17 03:42:46 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:

Its a cobmat ship..without more damage is is worth exaclty as much to the fleet as a t1 ship. SIcne they have LESS firepower than t1 ships, these marauders are useless on most scenarios.

THey are NOT versatile, on the contrary. THey are the most pigeonholed ships ever.

The next applies to artillery fits.

It's less paper DPS, but better applied DPS. A Machariel loses loads of DPS on falloff and terrible tracking vs a Vargur's superior tracking but lacking raw DPS. Considering the higher resists of a Vargur, especially in Bastion, you gain 2 mids vs the Machariel on tank (talking missions here). To match the same rep/s as a Vargur that's one more item.

So put it this way, Bastion + Invul (preferably a cheap deadspace or CN) for tank and DCU if you want to feel more comfortable. That leaves 5 mids open to put 1 shield booster, 1 boost amplifier and 2 Tracking Comps and the MJD or MWD (depending on mission) vs a Machariel that has to go 2 invuls or mission-specific hardeners, 1 shield booster and 1 amplifier (or only 1 larger booster) plus the prop mod. No space for a TC, or space for only 1.

As for the lows, the Vargur can get away no DCU, with 3-2 or 4-1 gyros-TEs vs the Machariel's 7 lows, that will be DCU, 3-2 or 4-1 gyros-TEs and 1 for an RCU or PDS to compensate for the lack of PG available (particular problem for the 1400 mach).

Drones wise, the Mach wins hands down, but with that new NPC AI, I can't even put my Hobs or Warriors outside without getting near-insta-aggro from the frigates and having to pull the in immediately, so I just tend to ignore drones...

Main differences are play style. The Vargur demands a more fixed position, but that adds to the strategy of where to position yourself to pull enough aggro and be able to hit stuff, or when to reposition to make your guns effective once more. The Machariel on the other hand relies on kitting and constantly moving to survive and manage your triggers.

Overall, I prefer the Vargur, it's cheaper to run for the less amount of guns, it can carry so much more, and I quite like the stationary play and knowing when and where to jump to reposition and keep frigs with 0 angular velocity.

Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

Alticus C Bear
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#6024 - 2013-10-17 04:11:26 UTC
Not sure where these are going now.

I will re iterate my earlier post.
Alticus C Bear wrote:
They will be good at PVE, great in fact every mission runners dream.

They are however bad for PVE as content, here is a ship that breaks all game design possibilities.

Immune to E-war, no range problems can hit NPCs anywhere.

Can travel great distances quickly.

Massive tank makes omni tank easy, no need to even think about NPC damage profiles or tailoring ship fittings.

NPC ships don't scram so you can't even be pointed.

How do you make PVE that is challenging and interesting for these ships? How do you encourage diverse ship use when one ship is so strong?

This is not what PVE needs, it needs balanced communal content.

They will not realistically be used for incursions, they will be out competed by proper set up gangs, if you think you have designed a ship that can do incursions in very small numbers you have broken its group gameplay.

You yourself suggest you wish to limit fleet usage although I am unsure why.

They will see usage in anoms maybe C3 wormholes but they mainly seem set up for farming level 4 missions.

Kronos could probably do any mission with bastion, a good repper and a T2 explosive rig. Everything else goes on damage and projection. The bastion range bonus then does very little as it stacks last. It is just an emergency tank button that makes it completely immune to any attempt to create challenging gameplay due to it's tank level and E-war immunity.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#6025 - 2013-10-17 04:33:34 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Dorororo wrote:
ridiculous feedback like "a rapid light missile launcher golem tears up frigate gangs (because those frigates can't just run away right?)"

They can but they dont.

See, unlike you I am testing these ships in every way I can, even to the point of fitting light weapons to see what they can do. You and a few like you only want these ships to be doing one thing and one thing alone. Incursions. Right now you are shoehorning an active tanking ship into a buffer fleet using RR just to use the webs on the paladin. You use this to try and argue that CCP not fix one of the most underused ships in pvp, ships that are also locked out of vast chunks of space for pve too.

The new look marauders are much better than the old ones in both pvp and pve. If you don't want to change the way you run incursions then go grab the vindicator which offers everything you want and more.
Forsaken Forge
#6026 - 2013-10-17 04:46:53 UTC
My question is a fine detail on drones. If we deploy drones before entering bastion mode; will the drones still work/fight when we enter bastion mode?
Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#6027 - 2013-10-17 04:55:10 UTC
Madhero wrote:
My question is a fine detail on drones. If we deploy drones before entering bastion mode; will the drones still work/fight when we enter bastion mode?

They do, and I have no idea why you'd think they wouldn't.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#6028 - 2013-10-17 04:57:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Tramar
Serge SC wrote:

Main differences are play style. The Vargur demands a more fixed position, but that adds to the strategy of where to position yourself to pull enough aggro and be able to hit stuff, or when to reposition to make your guns effective once more. The Machariel on the other hand relies on kitting and constantly moving to survive and manage your triggers.

It also makes Vargur a sitting target practice for any roam to come by if it's farming anomalies. And their strong point were usually ACs, arty fit is quite meh.

As it stands: T2 ships have a specific role and can outshoot their t1 counterparts and mostly even their faction variants.

What do we have with Maradeurs with proposed balance?: We get an outmatched ship with outdated bonuses, without a distinguished role.

What do we have from a player perspective?: Cause of the capital skill tree remade we get a ship unworthy the train time and isk without that much of a necessary role it pvp/pve fleets. You can still get even a cheaper faction BS or a little bit more expensive pirate BS which will both perform better (in most of the cases) in pvp and pve. The bastion mode also makes them pretty much useless in null/low pve, because 60 sec sitting target for that kind of area is not entirely good.

Imo: Maradeurs need to get their outdated bonuses sorted out and to get an overall hull buff first. Getting a role for them is interesting, but it won't sort out anything and still leaves maradeurs very situational and doesn't make them worth the training time/isk.
Serge SC
The Valhalla Project
#6029 - 2013-10-17 05:09:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Serge SC
Tramar wrote:

It also makes Vargur a sitting target practice for any roam to come by if it's farming anomalies. And their strong point were usually ACs, arty fit is quite meh.

As it stands: T2 ships have a specific role and can outshoot their t1 counterparts and mostly even their faction variants.

What do we have with Maradeurs with proposed balance?: We get an outmatched ship with outdated bonuses, without a distinguished role.

What do we have from a player perspective?: Cause of the capital skill tree remade we get a ship unworthy the train time and isk without that much of a necessary role it pvp/pve fleets. You can still get even a cheaper faction BS or a little bit more expensive pirate BS which will both perform better (in most of the cases) in pvp and pve. The bastion mode also makes them pretty much useless in null/low pve, because 60 sec sitting target for that kind of area is not entirely good.

Imo: Maradeurs need to get their outdated bonuses sorted out and to get an overall hull buff first. Getting a role for them is interesting, but it won't sort out anything and still leaves maradeurs very situational and doesn't make them worth the training time/isk.

Yeah, main issue is immobility. For high-sec there's no issue, just jump away before getting ganker, Bastion up if they still try, and tank until CONCORD arrives (or warp out like normal people would do if in that situation).

To be quite honest, the Paladin is the most powerful (gun alone) laser DPS, alongside the Nightmare. There it has no issues, nor does with guns draining the cap too quickly.

The Vargur, I'm trying to understand why our matari pride is so underpowered and doesn't really make sense. Tracking bonus is useless for a sniper, but damage and ROF is too much..100% to gun damage, 25% to gun damage AND 25% ROF? Too much. What other way to increase the damage? The low DPS is inherent to artilleries then (BUFF 1400!! zOMGWTFBBQLOLPWETTYPWEASE)

EDIT: Actually, I've always wondered, why do 4x3500mm Capital Artilleries have a faster Rate of Fire than 2x1400mm Battleship Artilleries? C'mon, reduce our RoF to at least match that of quad 3500!

Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

Jade Knight07
#6030 - 2013-10-17 05:50:47 UTC
Again I feel like I need to say something here. Again its because if I don't and you ruin this ship I'll at least have tried. After finishing writing this and reading it I realize it’s aggressive… but I don't have time to rewrite it so I apologize. Please try and understand its passion and frustration fueling it.

At this point I am starting to think you guys are breaking these ships because you are suffering from some psychological condition. It seems like you guys just want to "smash the sand castle."

You want to add a new mode, which for me is going to be near to totally useless, do it without breaking the Kronos. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE KRONOS!!! Please leave the normal mode alone.

First and for most is the one things I've seen you guys say isn't useful, the web bonus. I use it A LOT. Constantly while running missions. There is no reason for me to go jumping all over the grid. I don't want to. It’s a waste of time. Ever mission I run with the Kronos the web is nearly always on. Any assumption that it isn't important or useful is flat out wrong. There is A LOT of people who agree and have said as mush. CCP you need to realize you are the ones who are in error. Get over it and put it back.

Speed. Again there is no justifiable reason to decrease the speed. It allows the ship to get around the large lvl 4 grids in a reasonable amount of time. There is no reason to make traveling around painfully slow. Again, CCP you are in error. Get over it and put it back.

Tanking. Nothing wrong with current numbers. No reason to change it. If it isn't broken don't fix it!

You guys want to reduce mass, add slots, add another bonus for MJD's go for it. I don't care. But if you think you need to destroy an entire class of ships to do so, then I say you need to reevaluate your stance, listen to the payer base in this 300 plus page thread and come correct.

I played this game for nearly 3 years straight. I stopped playing for about a year and half because CCP didn't add anything of game play value for a portion of those years. I realize saying that I'll stop paying is going to be met with shrugs and trolls, but there it is. It’s the only leverage any of use really have. Might take another few years or longer, maybe never before I'll return.

TL:DR: If CCP breaks this class of ships because of their false assumptions I'll unsub my 3 accounts.
Arthur Aihaken
#6031 - 2013-10-17 05:59:46 UTC
Jade Knight07 wrote:
TL:DR: If CCP breaks this class of ships because of their false assumptions I'll unsub my 3 accounts.

Dibs on your stuff.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#6032 - 2013-10-17 06:03:16 UTC  |  Edited by: baltec1
Jade Knight07 wrote:

You want to add a new mode, which for me is going to be near to totally useless, do it without breaking the Kronos. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE KRONOS!!! Please leave the normal mode alone.

Use the Vindicator. Same webs, more damage, more armour hp, more fitting room, faster, can deploy a full set of sentries/heavies, much better sensor strength. It outclasses the old kronos in every way for what you are using it for.

Or you can use the new kronos, fit a two or three slot tank, use the extra room for more tracking or damage mods, have your blasters reach out to NPC orbit range and just use your drones to take out the frigates you don't squash as they charge at you.
Jade Knight07
#6033 - 2013-10-17 06:21:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Knight07
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Jade Knight07 wrote:
TL:DR: If CCP breaks this class of ships because of their false assumptions I'll unsub my 3 accounts.

Dibs on your stuff.

haha you wish '-)

Something else occurred to me. CCP said something about not needing the web bonus because you'll be able to MJD away and then pick off the targets. My numbers may be in off but here it goes:

Warp to grid enemies 50k-ish away
Lock targets small ships take 30-ish seconds
MJD away they are now 150k away wait till they are 108k (Kronos Targeting range)
Wait 30-ish seconds, frigs are now much closer
Pick off frigs, some get closer
MJD again they are again out of lock range
Retarget frigs pick off frigs

So now you are sitting a few hundred Km away from where you started and there is a gate, which was already 50k from warp in. So now you MJD once wait for cool down and then slow boat the rest of the way to the gate with the new and improved nerfed speed.

Throw in bastion mode and you'll be wasting even more time.

Does this really sound good to anyone...?

Edit: And if you are going to tell me to use drones then apparently you haven't use them recently. I lose a few drones every time I use them. Even being supper vigilant. They've almost become a non options. Only for use in dire situations.
#6034 - 2013-10-17 06:24:48 UTC
Jade Knight07 wrote:
So now you are sitting a few hundred Km away from where you started and there is a gate, which was already 50k from warp in. So now you MJD once wait for cool down and then slow boat the rest of the way to the gate with the new and improved nerfed speed.

Why are you MJD'ing in a straight line away from the gate? Nothing's stopping you prescribing a triangle, square, or whatever other kind of maneuver you want to keep the gate within a one jump range...

Arthur Aihaken
#6035 - 2013-10-17 06:35:59 UTC
Jade Knight07 wrote:
Edit: And if you are going to tell me to use drones then apparently you haven't use them recently. I lose a few drones every time I use them. Even being supper vigilant. They've almost become a non options. Only for use in dire situations.

And here everyone is complaining about the loss of drones, when they're obviously much squishier.
Much ado about nothing. I'll settle for 'some' of your stuff.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6036 - 2013-10-17 06:47:18 UTC
Darkwolf wrote:
Jade Knight07 wrote:
So now you are sitting a few hundred Km away from where you started and there is a gate, which was already 50k from warp in. So now you MJD once wait for cool down and then slow boat the rest of the way to the gate with the new and improved nerfed speed.

Why are you MJD'ing in a straight line away from the gate? Nothing's stopping you prescribing a triangle, square, or whatever other kind of maneuver you want to keep the gate within a one jump range...

Agreed, I thought it was gonna be difficult working with MJD in missions.
However, after using it, I feel it's actually really simple and very effective..
Jade Knight07
#6037 - 2013-10-17 06:59:13 UTC
Darkwolf wrote:
Jade Knight07 wrote:
So now you are sitting a few hundred Km away from where you started and there is a gate, which was already 50k from warp in. So now you MJD once wait for cool down and then slow boat the rest of the way to the gate with the new and improved nerfed speed.

Why are you MJD'ing in a straight line away from the gate? Nothing's stopping you prescribing a triangle, square, or whatever other kind of maneuver you want to keep the gate within a one jump range...

Ah I see your point. I suppose it isn't as bad as I first thought. Before tonight I really hadn't given it much thought. But in the end I still think it would increase the time it takes to clear a mission. I think it would also hamper salvaging as you'd have MJD out of salvage range then come back. I am just trying to understand this new reality that CCP is imposing.
Jade Knight07
#6038 - 2013-10-17 07:05:45 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Jade Knight07 wrote:
Edit: And if you are going to tell me to use drones then apparently you haven't use them recently. I lose a few drones every time I use them. Even being supper vigilant. They've almost become a non options. Only for use in dire situations.

And here everyone is complaining about the loss of drones, when they're obviously much squishier.
Much ado about nothing. I'll settle for 'some' of your stuff.

To me its more of a hassle than its worth. I still use T2's which I really shouldn't be. When I use drones the ships always target the same one till its dead. For instance when I first launch they all focus fire on one. it takes a little damage I pull them in wait for the ships to agro me again then launch drones. The same drone that was damaged is always retargeted and the rest ignored until its dead. Then they target a new one and the cycle continues.

All I am saying is its not very practical to keep pull them in and launching. Its much easier for me to web the frigs and move towards them slowly and kill them with a single volley from my Kronos. While the weber is slowing them down I simply attack larger ships until I can one shot them. Take away the 90% weber and it become mush harder. I tried the same method when I was flying a Hyperion and mega.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#6039 - 2013-10-17 07:12:49 UTC
Jade Knight07 wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Jade Knight07 wrote:
Edit: And if you are going to tell me to use drones then apparently you haven't use them recently. I lose a few drones every time I use them. Even being supper vigilant. They've almost become a non options. Only for use in dire situations.

And here everyone is complaining about the loss of drones, when they're obviously much squishier.
Much ado about nothing. I'll settle for 'some' of your stuff.

To me its more of a hassle than its worth. I still use T2's which I really shouldn't be. When I use drones the ships always target the same one till its dead. For instance when I first launch they all focus fire on one. it takes a little damage I pull them in wait for the ships to agro me again then launch drones. The same drone that was damaged is always retargeted and the rest ignored until its dead. Then they target a new one and the cycle continues.

All I am saying is its not very practical to keep pull them in and launching. Its much easier for me to web the frigs and move towards them slowly and kill them with a single volley from my Kronos. While the weber is slowing them down I simply attack larger ships until I can one shot them. Take away the 90% weber and it become mush harder. I tried the same method when I was flying a Hyperion and mega.

Mega has no problem hitting frigs out to 15km, any left are easily mopped up with the drones.
Anize Oramara
#6040 - 2013-10-17 07:13:51 UTC
Jade Knight07 wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Jade Knight07 wrote:
TL:DR: If CCP breaks this class of ships because of their false assumptions I'll unsub my 3 accounts.

Dibs on your stuff.

haha you wish '-)

Something else occurred to me. CCP said something about not needing the web bonus because you'll be able to MJD away and then pick off the targets. My numbers may be in off but here it goes:

Warp to grid enemies 50k-ish away
Lock targets small ships take 30-ish seconds
MJD away they are now 150k away wait till they are 108k (Kronos Targeting range)
Wait 30-ish seconds, frigs are now much closer
Pick off frigs, some get closer
MJD again they are again out of lock range
Retarget frigs pick off frigs

So now you are sitting a few hundred Km away from where you started and there is a gate, which was already 50k from warp in. So now you MJD once wait for cool down and then slow boat the rest of the way to the gate with the new and improved nerfed speed.

Throw in bastion mode and you'll be wasting even more time.

Does this really sound good to anyone...?

Edit: And if you are going to tell me to use drones then apparently you haven't use them recently. I lose a few drones every time I use them. Even being supper vigilant. They've almost become a non options. Only for use in dire situations.

This gentleman would like to enquire as to what you are smoking or if you have just not bothered to actually test bastion on the test server. my guess would be the latter as I wouldnt like to assume mind altering substance abuse.

First of, with base sensor changes and a single sebo I'm locking frigs in under 9 seconds. so far in 95% of the time Ive popped eve frig that has auto agressed in any mission and have popped 100% of every frig that hasent. the 5% ive killed with my light drones and not got a single one shot at.

Your example of mjd usage is... not so good.

plainly speaking, you sir are doing it very very wrong. please test on sissi so your future posts are not tainted by ignorance.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3