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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2201 - 2013-10-07 14:32:00 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Look, this is a balance issue, not a lore/backstory issue. We don't need some good story to solve this problem, we need to separate local and intel. That is what causes AFK cloaking, AWOXing and log on traps. Separating local and intel wont kill AWOXing or logon traps 100%, but it sure will kill AFK cloaking. So the real issue is finding a balanced way to separate local and intel, and then make cloaked ships (in K-space) somehow dectectable--i.e. scanner probes, a new ship, a new POS module, something, maybe several somethings. And not nerf active cloaking too hard.
How will this change anything about local intel. If I still get flawless instant intel, but have to pay for it, IT'S NO DIFFERENT FROM NOW.
The only part that solves the AFK cloaking issue there is the ability to scan down a cloaked ship, NOT the removal of local. You are trying to tie "die local die" to any issue. It doesn't work, it will break fleet combat and high sec. So stop trying to push the same used up idea.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2202 - 2013-10-07 15:08:55 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Look, this is a balance issue, not a lore/backstory issue. We don't need some good story to solve this problem, we need to separate local and intel. That is what causes AFK cloaking, AWOXing and log on traps. Separating local and intel wont kill AWOXing or logon traps 100%, but it sure will kill AFK cloaking. So the real issue is finding a balanced way to separate local and intel, and then make cloaked ships (in K-space) somehow dectectable--i.e. scanner probes, a new ship, a new POS module, something, maybe several somethings. And not nerf active cloaking too hard.
How will this change anything about local intel. If I still get flawless instant intel, but have to pay for it, IT'S NO DIFFERENT FROM NOW.
The only part that solves the AFK cloaking issue there is the ability to scan down a cloaked ship, NOT the removal of local. You are trying to tie "die local die" to any issue. It doesn't work, it will break fleet combat and high sec. So stop trying to push the same used up idea.

Right now you get flawless intel that hostile players can do nothing about. There is no way for a hostile player to do anything to local without really doing something very bad™. Further you get it for precisely zero in game effort.*

So even if the new intel mechanic can give you flawless intel it will come with costs and trade offs. For example, you may not want flawless intel in every system because then maybe you can't anchor certain structures that are desirable. Also, there is the cost involved as well. If you have a large number of systems and the costs are steep enough no alliance will set up perfect intel in every system. And if they are structures that can be destroyed or hacked, then that creates new possibilities as well. Simply docking up and hiding when a hostile comes into system may have adverse consequences.**

Lucas, we have been over the local-AFK cloaking connection a many, many times. How exactly does an AFK cloaked player have the impact every one whines about in just about every thread I've linked on the first page? He appears in local, yet is not scannable. No local, no AFK cloaking. No local, also means you face risk. No local, in my view, probably means you face too much risk (for the rewards) and it would be bad™. Hence, no more local-intel connection and add intel as a separate mechanic.

Yes, you could introduce new probes to scan cloaked ships and leave everything else the way it is. However, that nerfs active cloakers. It also reduces the risk of null security space with very little effort and is a buff to null PvE. Game balance also is about risk vs. reward. Nerf the risk and you will very likely see a nerf to the rewards as well.

As for high sec it can stay alot like it is. That is any system 0.5 and higher can have the very best intel the new mechanic would allow and for free, as it is the Gallente, Caldari, Minmatar, and Amarr empires pay for (although maybe a tax increase on NPC corps could be implemented to support this).

As for fleet combat, you already know about the adashboard feature, and d-scan would still work. And defenders could use the intel mechanic for their benefit, something the attacker does not have. Maybe even include a mobile intel structure that can be anchored by a hostile invader. Could make for more interesting fleet combat.

But for you, it is just, "No, no, no, no! Nothing else will ever work!"

*Yes, yes I know you have to sit there and stare at local, but that is not what I'm talking about, in game you expend zero resources for local. No isk is spent for local. No structures are anchored for local. No modules put on your ship. Nothing. In terms of the game you expend zero effort for local.

**Please note the conjunction in that sentence, docking up and hiding. If you dock up to switch to a more combat capable ship, scanning ship, etc. that is not hiding.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2203 - 2013-10-07 15:22:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Teckos Pech wrote:
Right now you get flawless intel that hostile players can do nothing about. There is no way for a hostile player to do anything to local without really doing something very bad™. Further you get it for precisely zero in game effort.*

So even if the new intel mechanic can give you flawless intel it will come with costs and trade offs. For example, you may not want flawless intel in every system because then maybe you can't anchor certain structures that are desirable. Also, there is the cost involved as well. If you have a large number of systems and the costs are steep enough no alliance will set up perfect intel in every system. And if they are structures that can be destroyed or hacked, then that creates new possibilities as well. Simply docking up and hiding when a hostile comes into system may have adverse consequences.**
But most systems are empty, so most systems don't need intel. And the type of people that get ignored are people in little cloaky nonse ships. They are hardly going to sit around for hours shooting a structure (which if it's at a POS would be defended), so it would be an alliance mechanic. Then think about how it would affect sov takeovers. it would be a LOT harder to take over a system if you couldn't tell how many combat capable ships were sitting in a station or behind a pos shield ready to jump on your fleet. Basically the defender would gain a massive intel advantage over the aggressor, while solo cloaked ships would still not be able to catch the miners and PvPers they so desire.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas, we have been over the local-AFK cloaking connection a many, many times. How exactly does an AFK cloaked player have the impact every one whines about in just about every thread I've linked on the first page? He appears in local, yet is not scannable. No local, no AFK cloaking. No local, also means you face risk. No local, in my view, probably means you face too much risk (for the rewards) and it would be bad™. Hence, no more local-intel connection and add intel as a separate mechanic.

Yes, you could introduce new probes to scan cloaked ships and leave everything else the way it is. However, that nerfs active cloakers. It also reduces the risk of null security space with very little effort and is a buff to null PvE. Game balance also is about risk vs. reward. Nerf the risk and you will very likely see a nerf to the rewards as well.
Yes, we have. But think about it. If there were no local, but I could still see the cloaker was in system by some other mechanic, and there were no other changes, people could still AFK cloak. The only part that stops the AFK cloaker is either not being able to see him at all, being able to probe him down, or being given the info that he is definitely AFK. None of those require local to be changed into "some other mechanic".
So either you are advocating just the removal of local, or you are talking about a change that could happen with or without the removal of local.
At the moment the rewards are already nerfed. High sec makes more income, ata considerably lower risk. Yet you don't whine about that. Because you won't get easy kills from them.

Teckos Pech wrote:
As for high sec it can stay alot like it is. That is any system 0.5 and higher can have the very best intel the new mechanic would allow and for free, as it is the Gallente, Caldari, Minmatar, and Amarr empires pay for (although maybe a tax increase on NPC corps could be implemented to support this).

As for fleet combat, you already know about the adashboard feature, and d-scan would still work. And defenders could use the intel mechanic for their benefit, something the attacker does not have. Maybe even include a mobile intel structure that can be anchored by a hostile invader. Could make for more interesting fleet combat.
A d-scan wouldn't give you intel on ships in stations, neither would it give you intel on a deep safe out of scan range of celestials. Not to mention that making an out of game intel tool a requirement is clearly a sign of a bad mechanic change.

Teckos Pech wrote:
But for you, it is just, "No, no, no, no! Nothing else will ever work!"
Not correct at all. I'm saying YOUR IDEA won't work. YOUR IDEA. I'm fully open to the idea of a local replacement that requires effort, but nothing you have presented would change anything for the positive.
Every time anyone discusses any other option you drag it back to the same idea. I get it, you like your idea. Not all of us do though, and there's some serious flaws you refuse to address. You continue to bang on about it like it's somehow going to seem better the 50th time you mention it. It's not. It will always be a bad idea.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2204 - 2013-10-07 15:31:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Right now you get flawless intel that hostile players can do nothing about. There is no way for a hostile player to do anything to local without really doing something very bad™. Further you get it for precisely zero in game effort.*

So even if the new intel mechanic can give you flawless intel it will come with costs and trade offs. For example, you may not want flawless intel in every system because then maybe you can't anchor certain structures that are desirable. Also, there is the cost involved as well. If you have a large number of systems and the costs are steep enough no alliance will set up perfect intel in every system. And if they are structures that can be destroyed or hacked, then that creates new possibilities as well. Simply docking up and hiding when a hostile comes into system may have adverse consequences.**

But most systems are empty, so most systems don't need intel. And the type of people that get ignored are people in little cloaky nonse ships. They are hardly going to sit around for hours shooting a structure (which if it's at a POS would be defended), so it would be an alliance mechanic. Then think about how it would affect sov takeovers. it would be a LOT harder to take over a system if you couldn't tell how many combat capable ships were sitting in a station or behind a pos shield ready to jump on your fleet. Basically the defender would gain a massive intel advantage over the aggressor, while solo cloaked ships would still not be able to catch the miners and PvPers they so desire.

Regarding combat ships in station: you can't tell that now even with the infallible and instant intel provided by local already. I don't get why you are going on about this one. It makes no sense. You want even more intel for free? That's a hoot considering what you wrote here.

As for a POS shield, D-scan works awesome. Once cloaked recon and the adashboard facility and you got even better intel than local currently provides.

As for the structure, it wouldn't have to have lots of EHP, that is an assumption of yours. I'd make it so that even a smallish gang could destroy it. None of this reinforced/incapped business. Or if it does become reinforced/incapped it stops providing intel, or only a very basic level of intel.

Stop assuming things that would make such a change impossible. Its silly.

Yes, we have. But think about it. If there were no local, but I could still see the cloaker was in system by some other mechanic, and there were no other changes, people could still AFK cloak.

Oh for God's sake.


Did I not just write about how to detect cloaked ships with probes, maybe a new ship, or a POS module, maybe several of those or even all of them? So, even if I do AFK cloak, and you saw me in system via the intel mechanic and then probbed me down, I'd be dead and waking up in whatever station I have my clone set at.

Think about that. Roll

Really, you ignore parts of people's posts you don't like. Make unwarranted assumptions that help shore up your conservative position. And you make statements that are exaggerations (e.g. it would hamper fleet combat).

Not correct at all. I'm saying YOUR IDEA won't work. YOUR IDEA.

No Lucas, go back and re-read some of your posts. You've clearly indicated that any change at all to local would be horrible and local should never ever be touched. If you care to change from that position, fine, but that is the position you have currently staked out.

Edit: Post Updated rather extensively.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2205 - 2013-10-07 15:56:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Teckos Pech wrote:
Regarding combat ships in station: you can't tell that now even with the infallible and instant intel provided by local already. I don't get why you are going on about this one. It makes no sense. You want even more intel for free? That's a hoot considering what you wrote here.

As for a POS shield, D-scan works awesome. Once cloaked recon and the adashboard facility and you got even better intel than local currently provides.
You can't currently hide a 2000 man fleet in station. Defenders could easily conceal a fleet until the attackers are dug in, then outnumber them, or chose not to engage to save losses. It gives complete power to the defender, while offing nothing to the aggressor. If you don;t get this, I can only assume you aren't familiar with fleet combat and I don't really have the time or the inclination to teach you.
Teckos Pech wrote:
As for the structure, it wouldn't have to have lots of EHP, that is an assumption of yours. I'd make it so that even a smallish gang could destroy it. None of this reinforced/incapped business. Or if it does become reinforced/incapped it stops providing intel, or only a very basic level of intel.

Stop assuming things that would make such a change impossible. Its silly.
Oh I see. You want to make small fleets able to harass people easily by smashing down the structures in short amounts of time. Because god forbid small groups of people might need to bring more than a handful of ships to fight an alliance made up of thousands of people. Oh yeah though, it's about balance. Small group > huge alliance... wait a sec...
The reason structures have reasonable EHP and a timer is so they can't get nuked in 5 minutes during a low population time. You have to be willing to put the effort in to kill it.
Teckos Pech wrote:
Oh for God's sake.


Did I not just write about how to detect cloaked ships with probes, maybe a new ship, or a POS module, maybe several of those or even all of them? So, even if I do AFK cloak, and you saw me in system via the intel mechanic and then probbed me down, I'd be dead and waking up in whatever station I have my clone set at.

Think about that.
Yes, you did. BUT how do the probes/ship/module AT ALL relate to the removal of local? They are independent parts. The addition of probes has absolutely nothing to do with the removal of local, and the removal of local does not augment the ability of the probes. You chuck them together like a package, but they are independent features. So the probes are the solution NOT the new intel tool. Without the intel tool would be useless, but with the probes alone, AFK cloaking is resolved anyway. You are basically supporting the addiction of probes, one of the ideas you've campaigned against.
Teckos Pech wrote:
Really, you ignore parts of people's posts you don't like. Make unwarranted assumptions that help shore up your conservative position. And you make statements that are exaggerations (e.g. it would hamper fleet combat).
Uhhh. pot kettle black? Even in this post you've blatantly ignored half of what I've written.
Teckos Pech wrote:
No Lucas, go back and re-read some of your posts. You've clearly indicated that any change at all to local would be horrible and local should never ever be touched. If you care to change from that position, fine, but that is the position you have currently staked out.
At this time, no idea for nuking local has appealed to me. They all come across as ideas to make fleet combat die, and help cloakers become the best ships in the game. That doesn't mean I'm not open to ideas to replace local, they just have to be balanced. In all honesty, I don't think it's possible to do, but I'm open to ideas. Just not the one you have presented on every other page of this thread.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2206 - 2013-10-07 16:03:35 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
A d-scan wouldn't give you intel on ships in stations, neither would it give you intel on a deep safe out of scan range of celestials. Not to mention that making an out of game intel tool a requirement is clearly a sign of a bad mechanic change.

What? You mentioned specifically ships at a POS during fleet level combat. Now you shift your conditions. I'll just assume you conceded my previous response as being correct and that your objection concerning fleet combat and a POS was incorrect.

As for not being at a celestial or at a deep safe:

You want intel for free and to not have to work for it? I find that hilarious given this.

As for a safe that is 20 AU from any celestial, scanner probes is a solution. Yeah, you'd have to work for it.

Deep safes, i.e. safes way out side the system, IIRC were removed from the game.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2207 - 2013-10-07 16:06:19 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Really, you ignore parts of people's posts you don't like. Make unwarranted assumptions that help shore up your conservative position. And you make statements that are exaggerations (e.g. it would hamper fleet combat).
Uhhh. pot kettle black? Even in this post you've blatantly ignored half of what I've written.

Yeah, I did ignore some of what you've written. But regarding changing local and making intel a separate mechanic I've responded to you dozens of times where I also mention nerfing cloaks. It has been mentioned in at least a half dozen posts in the last 3-4 pages where I have responded directly to you.

And yet, here you are ignoring that and assuming once again I just want to nerf local. Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2208 - 2013-10-07 16:30:03 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Really, you ignore parts of people's posts you don't like. Make unwarranted assumptions that help shore up your conservative position. And you make statements that are exaggerations (e.g. it would hamper fleet combat).
Uhhh. pot kettle black? Even in this post you've blatantly ignored half of what I've written.

Yeah, I did ignore some of what you've written. But regarding changing local and making intel a separate mechanic I've responded to you dozens of times where I also mention nerfing cloaks. It has been mentioned in at least a half dozen posts in the last 3-4 pages where I have responded directly to you.

And yet, here you are ignoring that and assuming once again I just want to nerf local. Roll

I know you don't JUST want to nerf local, but nerfing local is part of what you want. And you want to replace it with more complex mechanics that break fleet combat while leaving most of null effectively the same, albeit more expensive. and I don;t see being able to probe down a cloaker as a nerf to cloaks. If the cloakers just travels in any direction, probing him out would land you where he was, not where he is. even doing the double bookmark aligning trick would need you to be faster than him and would give you only a fraction of a chance to run into him.
In most situation the cloaker would be far far far better off. If they made that change, I'd trade in most of my combat ships for cloakers, because they would simply be the only sensible choice.

Teckos Pech wrote:
What? You mentioned specifically ships at a POS during fleet level combat. Now you shift your conditions. I'll just assume you conceded my previous response as being correct and that your objection concerning fleet combat and a POS was incorrect.
I think you are mixing quotes here. Without d-scan players in a pos shield would not be visible on local, according to your link in your sig, thus not giving you an idea of how many players are about. You would have to move in range of each pos (some systems having HUGE ranges) and compile the data into an external tool, hoping nobody has moved between scans.

Teckos Pech wrote:
As for not being at a celestial or at a deep safe:

You want intel for free and to not have to work for it? I find that hilarious given this.

As for a safe that is 20 AU from any celestial, scanner probes is a solution. Yeah, you'd have to work for it.

Deep safes, i.e. safes way out side the system, IIRC were removed from the game.
No, I want to maintain the level of intel as it is. You say it's too much, I disagree. I think any change to the level of intel would result in too big a change. I do not want a change that suddenly gives a single group a massive advantage over everyone else. I don;t understand how you don;t get that. It's a simple concept.
On the linked post, I don't want people who can be mistaken for a better ship given a bigger advantage that unique hulls or ships that share hulls but are similar enough to ignore the difference. This would unbalance the game in favor of a few hulls, and for what? What gain does it give? What does it add to the game as a whole? It only adds to a single groups playstyle.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2209 - 2013-10-07 16:44:32 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

I know you don't JUST want to nerf local, but nerfing local is part of what you want.

Okay, I guess I'll accept that as an admission that your earlier comment was an inaccurate portrayal of my position.

I think you are mixing quotes here. Without d-scan players in a pos shield would not be visible on local, according to your link in your sig, thus not giving you an idea of how many players are about. You would have to move in range of each pos (some systems having HUGE ranges) and compile the data into an external tool, hoping nobody has moved between scans.

What? What would happen to d-scan. Pretty sure I haven't said D-scan would not work should be removed, etc. This response is a total non-sequitor.

No, I want to maintain the level of intel as it is. You say it's too much, I disagree. I think any change to the level of intel would result in too big a change. I do not want a change that suddenly gives a single group a massive advantage over everyone else. I don;t understand how you don;t get that. It's a simple concept.

Like I said, any change to local is bad, there fore you are automatically against it. I don't see the issue here.

On the linked post, I don't want people who can be mistaken for a better ship given a bigger advantage that unique hulls or ships that share hulls but are similar enough to ignore the difference. This would unbalance the game in favor of a few hulls, and for what? What gain does it give? What does it add to the game as a whole? It only adds to a single groups playstyle.

What I find hilarious is you use the very same argument I've used, the Gunslinger has used, and many others regarding intel. It should not be free. You use the "no, free is bad" argument in that thread without even batting an eye that you get intel for free as well, and you benefit from.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2210 - 2013-10-07 17:26:36 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Ahh still flogging that straw man I see. Getting away everytime is the balance issue, you should face risk in null. So you should be able to get away...just not all the time.

What VARIABLE will you add to change this then? Any mechanic will result in both side mastering it, thus resulting in a single outcome every time. The same as now, if I'm in an orca in a system, I won't get out in the same time as a frigate, So I need to get at least +1 intel. If I'm in a freighter I need +2. as long as I always do my job right, I'll always get out. HOW will this be different if there's is simply another mechanic in place for me to get intel?
If there isn't a mechanic for me to get intel, then you will kill me every time as I will NEVER be able to get out.
The think you seem to NOT understand EVERY TIME is that without adding a variable to the scenario, you can't expect a variable outcome, yet you continuously bang on about this "not all the time" thing. What you are asking for is simply not possible, and nuking local won't change that.

You are really over simplifying the details about possible intel mechanics.

This is EVE, not rock paper scissors.

We have trade offs and teamwork, and rarely in the same combinations against an opponent as they have.
Mastering a set of skills will have a trivial chance of duplicating what we have now, because you won't be duplicating the other factors involved.

If you get a die-hard scout, they will detect more than any other player if they prepare correctly.
But they won't engage you at all. Their ship is too compromised in every other way but the ability to detect.

If they have a compromised fit, then they have a mediocre second option in exchange for diminishing their ability to scan.
They might point or pop a cyno, but they will have a harder time finding you.

If you put up a compromised fit, you can PvE effectively, but not as much as a min-max fitting could. On the other hand, you have a much better chance at survival than that min-max fitting would.

If you expect rain, wear a rain coat. If you expect points, fit stabs. If you expect small ships racing up to you, fly a bigger one with smart bombs. If you expect big ships trying to out fight you, get in a small fast ship and evade them.
Will you be RIGHT about what you expect? Improbable with so many options, but you can make a best guess, while they come at it from the reverse direction too.

Measure and counter-measure. Why shouldn't we have better options we can earn, instead of absolute mechanics that produce stalemates?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2211 - 2013-10-07 20:43:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Ahh still flogging that straw man I see. Getting away everytime is the balance issue, you should face risk in null. So you should be able to get away...just not all the time.

What VARIABLE will you add to change this then? Any mechanic will result in both side mastering it, thus resulting in a single outcome every time. The same as now, if I'm in an orca in a system, I won't get out in the same time as a frigate, So I need to get at least +1 intel. If I'm in a freighter I need +2. as long as I always do my job right, I'll always get out. HOW will this be different if there's is simply another mechanic in place for me to get intel?
If there isn't a mechanic for me to get intel, then you will kill me every time as I will NEVER be able to get out.
The think you seem to NOT understand EVERY TIME is that without adding a variable to the scenario, you can't expect a variable outcome, yet you continuously bang on about this "not all the time" thing. What you are asking for is simply not possible, and nuking local won't change that.

You are really over simplifying the details about possible intel mechanics.

This is EVE, not rock paper scissors.

We have trade offs and teamwork, and rarely in the same combinations against an opponent as they have.
Mastering a set of skills will have a trivial chance of duplicating what we have now, because you won't be duplicating the other factors involved.

If you get a die-hard scout, they will detect more than any other player if they prepare correctly.
But they won't engage you at all. Their ship is too compromised in every other way but the ability to detect.

If they have a compromised fit, then they have a mediocre second option in exchange for diminishing their ability to scan.
They might point or pop a cyno, but they will have a harder time finding you.

If you put up a compromised fit, you can PvE effectively, but not as much as a min-max fitting could. On the other hand, you have a much better chance at survival than that min-max fitting would.

If you expect rain, wear a rain coat. If you expect points, fit stabs. If you expect small ships racing up to you, fly a bigger one with smart bombs. If you expect big ships trying to out fight you, get in a small fast ship and evade them.
Will you be RIGHT about what you expect? Improbable with so many options, but you can make a best guess, while they come at it from the reverse direction too.

Measure and counter-measure. Why shouldn't we have better options we can earn, instead of absolute mechanics that produce stalemates?

As not rock paper scissors as you think it is, its all boils down to the same things. If a technique can be mastered, which is can, it will be. When that happens the outcome is static. Unless you make it so intel works "sometimes", randomly decided by the server, either it will be powerful enough to learn to avoid people every time, or not powerful enough, allowing enemies to be able to master succeeding every time. That's just EVE bro, that's how it's ALWAYS been.

And we already do have all those situations as you've described. How will making local, still instant, but controlled by a POS change that even remotely?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2212 - 2013-10-07 21:06:43 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
You are really over simplifying the details about possible intel mechanics.

This is EVE, not rock paper scissors.

We have trade offs and teamwork, and rarely in the same combinations against an opponent as they have.
Mastering a set of skills will have a trivial chance of duplicating what we have now, because you won't be duplicating the other factors involved.

If you get a die-hard scout, they will detect more than any other player if they prepare correctly.
But they won't engage you at all. Their ship is too compromised in every other way but the ability to detect.

If they have a compromised fit, then they have a mediocre second option in exchange for diminishing their ability to scan.
They might point or pop a cyno, but they will have a harder time finding you.

If you put up a compromised fit, you can PvE effectively, but not as much as a min-max fitting could. On the other hand, you have a much better chance at survival than that min-max fitting would.

If you expect rain, wear a rain coat. If you expect points, fit stabs. If you expect small ships racing up to you, fly a bigger one with smart bombs. If you expect big ships trying to out fight you, get in a small fast ship and evade them.
Will you be RIGHT about what you expect? Improbable with so many options, but you can make a best guess, while they come at it from the reverse direction too.

Measure and counter-measure. Why shouldn't we have better options we can earn, instead of absolute mechanics that produce stalemates?

As not rock paper scissors as you think it is, its all boils down to the same things. If a technique can be mastered, which is can, it will be. When that happens the outcome is static. Unless you make it so intel works "sometimes", randomly decided by the server, either it will be powerful enough to learn to avoid people every time, or not powerful enough, allowing enemies to be able to master succeeding every time. That's just EVE bro, that's how it's ALWAYS been.

And we already do have all those situations as you've described. How will making local, still instant, but controlled by a POS change that even remotely?

First off, it opens up the possibility that it can be countered.
Second, it demands an effort to place at all, and don't pretend that these won't be priority targets.

If you can shut down local across every border system your opponent has, before a strike, you can use misdirection at your leisure. If you can do that to multiple opponents, they could strategically compromise themselves in the haste to protect their individual assets.
Maybe they will stand firm, and simply be a little less focused on their objective due to worry over home systems being attacked.

It is a destabilizing element.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2213 - 2013-10-08 09:21:57 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
First off, it opens up the possibility that it can be countered.
Second, it demands an effort to place at all, and don't pretend that these won't be priority targets.

If you can shut down local across every border system your opponent has, before a strike, you can use misdirection at your leisure. If you can do that to multiple opponents, they could strategically compromise themselves in the haste to protect their individual assets.
Maybe they will stand firm, and simply be a little less focused on their objective due to worry over home systems being attacked.

It is a destabilizing element.

Sure, they'd be priority targets, but it's a joke to think that some tiny gang would be able to incap the structure in any reasonable time. They wouldn't set it so any solo idiot can pew it once and be done.
Jump bridges can be incapacitated, but I don't see that happening very often. This structure would be the same. Sure you could turn up. hours in advance of your kill, shoot the structure down, then start hunting for your kills. But I don't think I'd class that as an improvement to PvP.
So the only way your system would work is if the structure was so weak it could be soloed in nearly no time. This would swing the balance too far in favour of a cloaker, and make harassing alliances with one of these structures way too easy.
On top of this it STILL doesn't solve the issue of fleet combat.

From the tail end of your post, I get the impression that what you are aiming for is not a reduction in intel, but for a way for you as a solo player or small gang to fight against null blocks. How do you not get that a mechanic that makes it trivial for a small group to heavily damage a larger group is NOT balanced. Of course a group of MORE players can do MORE than you. That's just the way it works. And any time you try to tip the balance you'll either end up with small groups being way too powerful, or with a mechanic the large groups can use in bulk to further increase their power.

I really wonder if you have any understanding of this game, since you appear to have a really skewed idea about what effects these ludicrous ideas would have. I also find it quite amusing that you laugh at other peoples ideas, while yours is considerably worse than the majority of ideas I've read on F&I.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lidia Caderu
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#2214 - 2013-10-08 11:26:55 UTC
Nice tread. Also got annoyed by AFK cloaking in system...

My view: temporary decloak for about 5-7 minutes, every 2-2.5 hours. If player is online he can instantly cloak back. If not he gets decloaked for about 5-7 mins after that period automatically cloaks back.
Could be caused by anything: space fluctuations, magnetic fields, explosions on sun, etc.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2215 - 2013-10-08 13:14:20 UTC
Lidia Caderu wrote:
Nice tread. Also got annoyed by AFK cloaking in system...

My view: temporary decloak for about 5-7 minutes, every 2-2.5 hours. If player is online he can instantly cloak back. If not he gets decloaked for about 5-7 mins after that period automatically cloaks back.
Could be caused by anything: space fluctuations, magnetic fields, explosions on sun, etc.

Sorry nerfing cloaking, especially active cloaking and worm holes and leaving the issue of local untouched is not balanced. So no.

Oh, and I don't give a rat's ass about how these mechanics work. That is a lore/backstory issue. Once the issue of local and intel is addressed whatever backstory/lore works for me. I'm concerned about game balance here.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2216 - 2013-10-08 13:30:54 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
First off, it opens up the possibility that it can be countered.
Second, it demands an effort to place at all, and don't pretend that these won't be priority targets.

If you can shut down local across every border system your opponent has, before a strike, you can use misdirection at your leisure. If you can do that to multiple opponents, they could strategically compromise themselves in the haste to protect their individual assets.
Maybe they will stand firm, and simply be a little less focused on their objective due to worry over home systems being attacked.

It is a destabilizing element.

Sure, they'd be priority targets, but it's a joke to think that some tiny gang would be able to incap the structure in any reasonable time. They wouldn't set it so any solo idiot can pew it once and be done.
Jump bridges can be incapacitated, but I don't see that happening very often. This structure would be the same. Sure you could turn up. hours in advance of your kill, shoot the structure down, then start hunting for your kills. But I don't think I'd class that as an improvement to PvP.
So the only way your system would work is if the structure was so weak it could be soloed in nearly no time. This would swing the balance too far in favour of a cloaker, and make harassing alliances with one of these structures way too easy.
On top of this it STILL doesn't solve the issue of fleet combat.

From the tail end of your post, I get the impression that what you are aiming for is not a reduction in intel, but for a way for you as a solo player or small gang to fight against null blocks. How do you not get that a mechanic that makes it trivial for a small group to heavily damage a larger group is NOT balanced. Of course a group of MORE players can do MORE than you. That's just the way it works. And any time you try to tip the balance you'll either end up with small groups being way too powerful, or with a mechanic the large groups can use in bulk to further increase their power.

I really wonder if you have any understanding of this game, since you appear to have a really skewed idea about what effects these ludicrous ideas would have. I also find it quite amusing that you laugh at other peoples ideas, while yours is considerably worse than the majority of ideas I've read on F&I.

There is your problem Lucas, you make unwarranted assumptions. You say, "small gang" and assume that it would die or be incapped so fast an alliance/coalition could not respond. But we haven't defined anything here and you assume the worst to shore up your position. Maybe that "small gang" has to be 20-40 guys in tier 3 battle cruisers? A good bombing run could take them down and oh...they wont know the bombers are there because they wont see them in local.

You wont even consider alternatives. You are ultra-conservative. Fine. Lets run with that. Zero change. None. Cloaks always work as they have and local is untouched. When an AFK cloaker shows up in one of your systems you use, STFU. It is what I'd advocate for anyways until a better intel system is in place anyways. And the implicit increase in risk that carries with it works for me just fine.

Oh, and yeah. The high sec vs. null sec risk/rewards issue? You don't think it has anything to do at all with the current state of null PvE? I see people talking all the time about how null is in many ways safer. No war targets to worry about. No suicide gank squad going to land in your mission. No putz going to show up and steal the mission item. Yeah, maybe you have an AFK cloaker to deal with in null, but you move over a system or two and you are back at it. v0v

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2217 - 2013-10-08 13:53:01 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
First off, it opens up the possibility that it can be countered.
Second, it demands an effort to place at all, and don't pretend that these won't be priority targets.

If you can shut down local across every border system your opponent has, before a strike, you can use misdirection at your leisure. If you can do that to multiple opponents, they could strategically compromise themselves in the haste to protect their individual assets.
Maybe they will stand firm, and simply be a little less focused on their objective due to worry over home systems being attacked.

It is a destabilizing element.

Sure, they'd be priority targets, but it's a joke to think that some tiny gang would be able to incap the structure in any reasonable time. They wouldn't set it so any solo idiot can pew it once and be done.
Jump bridges can be incapacitated, but I don't see that happening very often. This structure would be the same. Sure you could turn up. hours in advance of your kill, shoot the structure down, then start hunting for your kills. But I don't think I'd class that as an improvement to PvP.
So the only way your system would work is if the structure was so weak it could be soloed in nearly no time. This would swing the balance too far in favour of a cloaker, and make harassing alliances with one of these structures way too easy.
On top of this it STILL doesn't solve the issue of fleet combat.


It would need to be a necessity to have this structure be something that could be taken down by a small gang, since it would be the very counter for a small gang.
At least this would keep rock paper scissors on scale with itself, not rock paper chainsaw.

You cannot expect balance, and require brute force fleet action to be needed to block a mechanic that only blocks guerrilla actions.
You don't have a level exchange, you have the brute force being the minimum requirement to beat the intel.

It may not be obvious to some, but that can be simplified to "blob or GTFO".
Lucas Kell wrote:
From the tail end of your post, I get the impression that what you are aiming for is not a reduction in intel, but for a way for you as a solo player or small gang to fight against null blocks. How do you not get that a mechanic that makes it trivial for a small group to heavily damage a larger group is NOT balanced. Of course a group of MORE players can do MORE than you. That's just the way it works. And any time you try to tip the balance you'll either end up with small groups being way too powerful, or with a mechanic the large groups can use in bulk to further increase their power.

I really wonder if you have any understanding of this game, since you appear to have a really skewed idea about what effects these ludicrous ideas would have. I also find it quite amusing that you laugh at other peoples ideas, while yours is considerably worse than the majority of ideas I've read on F&I.

Again with an exaggerated example.

A small gang is not going to do heavy damage against a superior force.
A small gang is not going to reinforce towers, they have too much defense.
A small gang is not going to reinforce outposts or POCOs either.
A small gang can only take on targets of equal or lesser relative strength, who do not vacate the fighting area first.

You make it sound like you expect three interceptors to wipe out an entire system.
If they had that kind of force backing them, your intel was never an issue to begin with.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2218 - 2013-10-08 14:05:18 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
There is your problem Lucas, you make unwarranted assumptions. You say, "small gang" and assume that it would die or be incapped so fast an alliance/coalition could not respond. But we haven't defined anything here and you assume the worst to shore up your position. Maybe that "small gang" has to be 20-40 guys in tier 3 battle cruisers? A good bombing run could take them down and oh...they wont know the bombers are there because they wont see them in local.

You wont even consider alternatives. You are ultra-conservative. Fine. Lets run with that. Zero change. None. Cloaks always work as they have and local is untouched. When an AFK cloaker shows up in one of your systems you use, STFU. It is what I'd advocate for anyways until a better intel system is in place anyways. And the implicit increase in risk that carries with it works for me just fine.

Oh, and yeah. The high sec vs. null sec risk/rewards issue? You don't think it has anything to do at all with the current state of null PvE? I see people talking all the time about how null is in many ways safer. No war targets to worry about. No suicide gank squad going to land in your mission. No putz going to show up and steal the mission item. Yeah, maybe you have an AFK cloaker to deal with in null, but you move over a system or two and you are back at it. v0v
Try reading bro.
I commented that there are TWO WAYS it could go down, one involving the structure being able to be knocked out by a small gang, the other with a structure being like a JB is now. If the structure was unable to be easily broken down, then HOW does it help the little guy get kills?
20-40 guys in battle cruisers don't need to kill intel to get kills. They currently get plenty. The crying from the gankers here is that they can;t catch miners solo in their covops ships. That has no bearing whatsoever on a 20-40 man gang.

I've already said time and again that I'm happy to consider an idea that's balanced but you keep presenting THE SAME IDEA. It's not going to get better on it's own. It's the same idea I've disagreed with all along, no matter how much you reword it.

The fact that you simply think null PVE has no barriers is a joke. We simply overcome them, the same way a missioner in high sec overcomes his. You will never be happy unless you see an alliance having to spend thousands of man hours to keep PVE going. Well guess what mate, it's a game, not a career. If you want to do it as a job, be my guest, but CCP aren't going to kill off all fun for tens of thousands of players just so you can get your easy kills.

You can keep banging on about how easy null has it while you ***** and whine that you want it easy. At the end of the day it boils down to you not liking that a larger group of players performs better than you. Well that's the way it works. The more you work with others, the more you can do. You don't want to work with others, so tough luck buddy.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2219 - 2013-10-08 14:12:07 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Again with an exaggerated example.

A small gang is not going to do heavy damage against a superior force.
A small gang is not going to reinforce towers, they have too much defense.
A small gang is not going to reinforce outposts or POCOs either.
A small gang can only take on targets of equal or lesser relative strength, who do not vacate the fighting area first.

You make it sound like you expect three interceptors to wipe out an entire system.
If they had that kind of force backing them, your intel was never an issue to begin with.

But you expect a small gang to be able to take down the intel structure?

And no, but if the intel structure is trivial to take down, it means a small gang could easily sneak up on easy targets and kill them. That would become a regular occurrence until null starts going the way of low sec, where people only go there for PvP.
Not to mention that the only people benefiting from this change are small gangs. Forgive me for believing they don't need a built in mechanic to shift the balance heavily in their favour.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2220 - 2013-10-08 14:29:41 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Again with an exaggerated example.

A small gang is not going to do heavy damage against a superior force.
A small gang is not going to reinforce towers, they have too much defense.
A small gang is not going to reinforce outposts or POCOs either.
A small gang can only take on targets of equal or lesser relative strength, who do not vacate the fighting area first.

You make it sound like you expect three interceptors to wipe out an entire system.
If they had that kind of force backing them, your intel was never an issue to begin with.

But you expect a small gang to be able to take down the intel structure?

The intel structure is the effective BLOCK to small gang activities.
With a little preparation, and assuming it provides intel comparable to current local, it would prevent any hostile force from being able to attack any local pilot without the local first screwing up.
The larger fleet is NOT after local pilots, except as targets of opportunity. They are there to reinforce structures, and guard the heavy hitters they brought for that purpose.

Lucas Kell wrote:
And no, but if the intel structure is trivial to take down, it means a small gang could easily sneak up on easy targets and kill them. That would become a regular occurrence until null starts going the way of low sec, where people only go there for PvP.
Not to mention that the only people benefiting from this change are small gangs. Forgive me for believing they don't need a built in mechanic to shift the balance heavily in their favour.

Easily sneak up on... Yes, because the fact the intel structure is destroyed would not be an amazing clue that hostiles were active.

Come on, Lucas, having the effort to put it back up, maybe even defend it as needed... this seems too much effort?