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Dev Blog: Player Owned Customs offices in Hi-Sec

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Goonswarm Federation
#441 - 2013-10-04 20:16:19 UTC
So we have gone from RABBLE RABBLE Goons gonna take over all of highsec. To they have a wardec shield because of the cost. Developing now into they are going to take all the plasmas!

None of the above is accurate. But hey keep theorycrafting guys a couple posters in here got really close to the truth.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#442 - 2013-10-04 20:23:34 UTC
I've pieced it together

goons will seize all the customs offices in the fifth planet of every system

thus maximizing the number of fives available
None ofthe Above
#443 - 2013-10-04 20:24:55 UTC
Aryth wrote:
None of the above is accurate.

So glad you agree.

The only end-game content in EVE Online is the crap that makes you rage quit.

Johan March
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#444 - 2013-10-04 20:31:26 UTC
The veritable river of tears in this thread is amazing and worth the laugh.

The best post is the FA guy crying over his hisec PI because PI in fountain is so terrible (unless that was a very good troll).
Goonswarm Federation
#445 - 2013-10-04 20:45:16 UTC
Johan March wrote:
The veritable river of tears in this thread is amazing and worth the laugh.

The best post is the FA guy crying over his hisec PI because PI in fountain is so terrible (unless that was a very good troll).

I think he forgot to switch the character displayed.

Leader of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal.

Creator of Burn Jita

Vile Rat: You're the greatest sociopath that has ever played eve.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#446 - 2013-10-04 23:45:05 UTC
On this subject;

I just need to say that I'm disheartened. Very very disheartened, After five years I'm close. Very very close.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#447 - 2013-10-04 23:50:04 UTC
Ah, well. PI was good while it lasted.

Вся́кому о́вощу своё вре́мя.
Gallente Federation
#448 - 2013-10-05 01:21:25 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
Elana Maggal wrote:
So you pretty much hand over PI to the larger alliances, **** over smaller solo players, and make Hi-sec more like low-sec and null-sec which stupidly is considered a "good thing".

PI was a boring piece of crap anyway so - goodbye PI.

heaven forbid in this massively multiplayer game one might get advantages from being able to work with other people

Like heaven forbid you and the Goons might have advantages from being able to run CCP and CSM that the rest of us don't have the opportunity to realize.......
Gallente Federation
#449 - 2013-10-05 01:58:52 UTC
I have an Two ideas......

1. Instead of introducing POCO's in high sec, just introduce CCP's new skill to lower the tax rate for import and export; instantly making it a skill book worth buying and training to 5.

2. Instead of modifying the tax base of the goods every two years, program the tax base to be the average buy price of the goods for each region for the preceding month or week. CCP employes programers does it not? Therefor let them program the tax base of each individual manufactured good and base material to reflect what they are actually being bought for in each region in real time, as opposed to every two years.

Implementing 1 and 2 would be a much improved plan rather than the current corrupt and adversely influenced scheme however if CCP doesn't have any programmers who are up to the task of real time tax scales on the goods and materials, at least just introduce idea number 1 and get rid of the player owned POCO idea.

#450 - 2013-10-05 02:06:14 UTC
This thread is EPIC! With one swift stroke of the Developer's pen, thousands of solo hiseccers have been turned into Bittervets overnight. The disruption in the force nearly knocked me off my seat. Or maybe it was my thoughts of all those carebear-turned-bittervet players forming their own alliance and driving off the nullsec threat made me laugh so hard that I nearly fell off my seat. Imagine thousands of one-man-gang corps banding together to form a blob to challenge goons or RvB and all of them just wandering around fighting however they wish because there are no leaders and none of them would listen to one anyway. A YouTube video of that would be viral overnight! Please Please PLEASE CCP make this happen!
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#451 - 2013-10-05 03:33:24 UTC
ButtFungus wrote:
[M]y thoughts of all those carebear-turned-bittervet players forming their own alliance and driving off the nullsec threat made me laugh so hard that I nearly fell off my seat. Imagine thousands of one-man-gang corps banding together to form a blob to challenge goons or RvB and all of them just wandering around fighting however they wish because there are no leaders and none of them would listen to one anyway. A YouTube video of that would be viral overnight! Please Please PLEASE CCP make this happen!

Would not the organizational and leadership effort required, to create and sustain a competitive coalition of players, each of whom is able to spend only one hour/day in-Game, greater than the effort required when each player can spend six or ten hours in-Game? I wonder whether such a coalition is possible, even in principle. Its leaders would have to be super-human.

There is a fundamental Game-design problem here: if CCP want money from low-intensity players, CCP have to make low-intensity play viable.

Of course, if CCP want only money from high-intensity players, ...
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#452 - 2013-10-05 09:37:08 UTC
GeMiPaT wrote:

There is obviously something that does not work in giving free rights on all custom offices in empire. 0.0 alliances are already powerful in game and gets many of the juicy candies that the game can provide. There is a need for limitation. Can't we just limit the number of custom offices that a corp can hold to a certain number of custom offices. something like... 30 for example.

How is a limitation going to stop us in any way at all?
Jahson Black
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#453 - 2013-10-05 09:59:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Jahson Black
First things first, i think rubicons brings a lot of great features, thanks again CCP.

Now my feedback to one where i believe sincerly that the game experience for players gets damaged. According to the thread i am obviously talking about POCO's

Why do I believe that the changes will damage the gaming experience for a big community?

  • POCO's are a form of bottleneck - you do need them if you want to do PI, similar to research Agents if you want to do Datacore research or mission agents if you want to do missions. You can not evade them, you do need them.

  • Giving away POCO's in highsec is (speaking metaphorically) like giving controll of mission agents to player corporations where the corps can decide who is allowed to accept missions from them, and how big the payout will be.

  • the consequence: Obviously this will impair the accessibility of game content (doing missions) for some (many) players. The same way POCO's will impair the accessibility to PI for some (many) players.

    now why is this "bad"?

    actually it is not, depending from which side you look at this. For highsec carebears it is, because they do not want this form of player controlled bottlenecks since it will deny them some of the playing content and thus it damages their gaming experience

    Now from my point of view highsec is for those people who want to enjoy the game in a rather safe environment and simultaneously being able to experience most gaming content safly. PI is from my point of view such a basic content that I want to experience without player interferrence - at least not in highsec.

    For lowsec or nullsec the POCO's are perfectly fine in that sense. There you get and there you want player contest on the pew pew scale.

    this makes POCO's in high rather bad!
    Kinis Deren
    Mosquito Squadron
    #454 - 2013-10-05 11:36:17 UTC
    Johan March wrote:
    The veritable river of tears in this thread is amazing and worth the laugh.

    Ha! For tears you should see the special snowflakes QQ'ing that they aren't getting Ishikune Scorpions over in GD.P
    ALI Virgo
    Test Alliance Please Ignore
    #455 - 2013-10-05 16:45:20 UTC
    make it personal not just cooperate
    #456 - 2013-10-05 20:54:47 UTC  |  Edited by: ButtFungus
    Kropotkin wrote:
    There is a fundamental Game-design problem here: if CCP want money from low-intensity players, CCP have to make low-intensity play viable.

    Of course, if CCP want only money from high-intensity players, ...

    CCP does want money from low intensity players. Real life money. Low intensity players who can no longer make enough isk in game to buy plex will either unsubscribe or pay for their subs with real life money. Eve costs about 4 cups of starbucks coffee a month to play, so I believe that a great number will pay rather than quit altogether. There is plenty of demand for Plex from the hordes of players getting rich in nullsec to keep the plex prices high enough for excited new players to get all the shiny new toys they want by selling plex. Eve is evolving, and the Plex market doesn't need the casual player's isk to keep prices high enough to encourage buying plex and selling them in game anymore. For the cost of one pizza delivered you can play Eve for a month and keep all the isk you make playing to buy your own shiny toys.
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #457 - 2013-10-05 23:17:06 UTC
    ButtFungus wrote:
    CCP does want money from low intensity players. Real life money. Low intensity players who can no longer make enough isk in game to buy plex will either unsubscribe or pay for their subs with real life money. ...

    Thank you for pointing out an important distinction I had not properly considered, between low-intensity players -- who spend only limited hours in-Game -- and low-real-world-wealth players -- who spend only limited real-world money on the Game.

    For me, buying ISK would break the Game-world. I can see, though, that CCP want very much to milk players willing to spend more real-world money than merely for subscriptions. Reducing in-Game income for low-intensity players will tempt them to buy ISK with real-world money.

    Those like me, who both are low-intensity and do not buy ISK with real-world money, are probably a peculiar, tiny minority CCP would not notice disappearing.
    Shoal of the Intrepid Righteousness
    #458 - 2013-10-06 05:04:54 UTC
    As usual the devs don't stop and think about players who make the game run. The loyal miners and PI followers. They only think about the rich high isk makers, the common space pilots and how they should be able make isk just as easy. And high Sec should stay high sec not become another null sec. You talk about balancing and such but your gonna screw up the game player base and the pi economy you devs set up in the first place. Also another way to look at this you gonna drive away the meat and potatoes player ie the casual player, ie pve player and leaving just pvp player, but if that's your goal youll achieve it
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #459 - 2013-10-06 08:55:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Habaticus
    ButtFungus wrote:
    Kropotkin wrote:
    There is a fundamental Game-design problem here: if CCP want money from low-intensity players, CCP have to make low-intensity play viable.

    Of course, if CCP want only money from high-intensity players, ...

    CCP does want money from low intensity players. Real life money. Low intensity players who can no longer make enough isk in game to buy plex will either unsubscribe or pay for their subs with real life money. Eve costs about 4 cups of starbucks coffee a month to play, so I believe that a great number will pay rather than quit altogether. There is plenty of demand for Plex from the hordes of players getting rich in nullsec to keep the plex prices high enough for excited new players to get all the shiny new toys they want by selling plex. Eve is evolving, and the Plex market doesn't need the casual player's isk to keep prices high enough to encourage buying plex and selling them in game anymore. For the cost of one pizza delivered you can play Eve for a month and keep all the isk you make playing to buy your own shiny toys.

    That's why CCP doesn't like me, I pay cash for yearly subs on my accts and have been since the first month. Plex for game time how revolting - isn't that a microtransaction? ISK I scratch out is spent for ships, modules, and T2 materials I can't research or mission. My subs are up in March and I doubt I'll be resubbing. There have been many of these little inconveniences thrown at the casual/solo player over the years but this one, for lack of a better word, is just disrespectful. It's too bad I really enjoyed the challenge of EVE. Hey it's their game and they can make it whatever they want it to be. There's another Space game on the horizon, maybe they'll give better hugs,
    DeAira Skord
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #460 - 2013-10-06 11:27:39 UTC
    I see a loss of income for CCP.

    Right now, PI is a way for noobs to make a little bit of income in hisec.

    I started 3 alts to do PI, so I bought PLEX for dual training and for startup costs. Due to razor thin margins, any tax increases will cause it to become unprofitable in hisec; noobs won't consider starting these alts.

    That will have more of an effect than the pitiful income stream does now.