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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#4741 - 2013-10-03 20:19:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Mina Sebiestar
Vorseger wrote:
Lin Xou wrote:
Pirate BS take a week to train they should be weaker in every way to T2 BS but stronger than T1 with an extra two role bonuses.

Other than that T2 BS is the same so wasted skill points.

I feel this way. I never understood why a ship that takes less training time to pilot is better than a ship that takes more training time to pilot.

They came first and got all the good stuff on em .

When I think about it and compare to other games even,pirate ships are much more marauders then marauders them self.

Pirate ships should be fast hard hitting platform with burst tank(local) just to keep me alive thru fight and they are ones that should have salvage gear on them to pillage and salvage loot not marauders it is all twisted around.

He'll if you follow lore marauders are one that are not build for pod pilots in the first place they are(should) be pure fleet vessels with buffer tanks that respond well to logistic capabilities of fleet formation with possible heavy e- war on board,they are empires most advanced battleship not pod pilot designed.

But when you work with leftover bonuses you get current marauders and not to mention that bastion module have absolutely no sense for role they should have,immobility is horrible feat and even worse butchering base hull to be forced to use it is even worse.imo.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Yverlyn Outamon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4742 - 2013-10-03 20:51:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Yverlyn Outamon
So since the marauder base hulls are going to suck ass but the bastion module itself opens up some interesting opportunities anyone figured out where it could better be used rather than trying to polish up a stinking turd?

I´m thinking monster passive rattler.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4743 - 2013-10-03 21:22:33 UTC
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Pirate ships should be fast hard hitting platform with burst tank(local) just to keep me alive thru fight and they are ones that should have salvage gear on them to pillage and salvage loot not marauders it is all twisted around.

Uhh, you do realize the very definition of a Marauder is to rove the land pillaging in search of loot, right?
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#4744 - 2013-10-03 21:42:30 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Pirate ships should be fast hard hitting platform with burst tank(local) just to keep me alive thru fight and they are ones that should have salvage gear on them to pillage and salvage loot not marauders it is all twisted around.

Uhh, you do realize the very definition of a Marauder is to rove the land pillaging in search of loot, right?

Same as pirate is

a. One who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without commission from a sovereign nation.
b. A ship used for this purpose.
2. One who preys on others; a plunderer.
3. One who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorization.
4. One that operates an unlicensed, illegal television or radio station.
v. pi·rat·ed, pi·rat·ing, pi·rates
1. To attack and rob (a ship at sea).
2. To take (something) by piracy.
3. To make use of or reproduce (another's work) without authorization.

And you know how both of groups catch they prey...little hint they didn't make their ship/horses immobile.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#4745 - 2013-10-03 21:42:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Yverlyn Outamon wrote:
So since the marauder base hulls are going to suck ass but the bastion module itself opens up some interesting opportunities anyone figured out where it could better be used rather than trying to polish up a stinking turd?

I´m thinking monster passive rattler.

Heh, really?

as such we are significantly increasing their fittings so that they can fit Large Micro Jump Drives plus Heavy Capacitor Boosters with more ease (the Vargur especially needed more fitting options). We also are increasing their high slots to 8 to compensate for the slot allocation of the bastion mode. We also are increasing their maximum targeting range and scan resolution a bit to make use of the increased damage projection, while decreasing their signature radius.

Yeah, so all this and the ability to MJD every minute is QUITE the nerf to the base hull. SmileSmileSmile

It's amazing how many people have no idea what to do with the possibilities being able to rapidly MJD open up, especially for PVE, for both long and short range weapons systems on these particular hulls. That's not even taking into consideration the extra range from Bastion mode.

This thread is literally chock full of juicy quotes to bring up to embarrass people with this time next year.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Iome Ambraelle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4746 - 2013-10-03 21:52:18 UTC
Here's an updated version of Iome's Marauder Rebalance. All Marauder hulls would receive these changes over the TQ version:

  • T1 Sensor Strength
  • T2 Resist Profile
  • or
  • Balanced Resist Profile
  • Role Bonus: +10 Access Difficulty for Salvager and Salvage Drones (replaces tractor beam bonuses)
  • Role Bonus: 70% reduction in MJD reactivation delay
  • +1 High Slot (total of 8)
  • +1 Launcher Hard Point (all races)
  • +1 Turret Hard Point (all races)
  • Role Bonus: 70%(-30%) Weapon Damage
  • Can fit Bastion Module

The main thrust of the Iteration 1 changes could stay (i.e. fittings and capacitor) but I would remove the base velocity reduction, increased mass, and drone bay changes.

T1 Sensor Strength
This I could do without if necessary. It would be a nice modification though.

Resist Profile and Hull bonus to local repair
I do think as T2 hulls, Marauders should provide some benefit to survivability in ALL types of engagements whether that be PVE or PVP, solo or in a gang/fleet outside of using the Bastion module. The hull bonus to local repair works well for small scale PVE and PVP where logistics support isn't as prevalent. It doesn't however translate well to larger scale engagements.

Giving T2 resists would be the path as the numbers are already defined for each race and are a know quantity. Another pilot suggested the use of a special resist profile designed for omni tanking setups that consisted of resists being similar across all four damage types.

By no means do I want to see the hull bonus to local repair removed. It is a hallmark of the Marauder class and is necessary to ensure the base hull is as functional as the TQ version.

Not my tractor beams!
Depending on the capabilities of the new auto-loot structure this role bonus might remain valuable or become utterly pointless. In the latter case, I advocate for the replacement of this bonus with an equivalent bonus to salvaging. The +10 came out of my posterior, so feedback is appreciated.

5 Weapon Hardpoints! WTF! Oh, the role bonus changed too...
This is the most radical change to the base Marauder class included in this proposal. It is important to understand the reasons behind the changes and their ramifications. The combination of the additional weapon hardpoint and reduced role bonus come out to a 9% increase in maximum DPS potential over the current TQ Marauders, and offsets some DPS loss from the drone bandwidth changes. In all cases except the Paladin, this is still equal to or less than the maximum DPS potential of the corresponding Pirate battleship. This would provide a compelling reason for pilots to spend the training time and ISK required to fly these ships without nullifying the attractiveness of their Pirate cousins.

It also provides a new framework by which the Bastion module can be balanced if that module was modified so that it occupied a turret/launcher hard point. Under this framework the bastion module would no longer be balanced against the value of a 4th utility high slot, but would now be compared to 20% of the hull's maximum DPS potential. The massive drawbacks of the bastion module would no longer be necessary to balance it's power.

Shield Tanking - Why armor tanking can't have nice things.

Iome Ambraelle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4747 - 2013-10-03 21:53:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Iome Ambraelle
Here's the base Bastion module and two example scripts that would fit this new value framework:

Base Statistics

  • Occupies a turret/launcher hard point
  • 10 CPU
  • 100 PG
  • Duration 60s
  • Immobile while active
  • One per ship
  • Skill requirements: High Energy Physics (should change) & Energy Grid Upgrades 5

Weapon Stability Configuration (long range)

  • 50% reduction of MJD spool up time
  • +75mb Drone Bandwidth
  • 25% increase of turret optimal and falloff range
  • 15% increase to Cruise Missile and Rapid Heavy damage
  • 25% increase to Cruise Missile and Rapid Heavy velocity
  • 50% increase to Cruise Missile and Heavy Missile hitpoints
  • 25% increase to maximum targeting range
  • 100% increase to scan resolution
  • Immune to Tracking Disruption, Sensor Dampening, Sensor Jamming, and targeted ECM
  • 100% increase to optimal range of Remote Sensor Boosters and Target Painters

This script is designed to enhance a remotely deployed Marauder's ability to apply damage, avoid disruption, and provide spotting capabilities for fleet/gang members. This script does NOT negate incoming remote assistance. The MJD spool up time reduction allows more breathing room if an enemy gets too close.

The increase in range will roughly allow most weapons to use at least one tier better ammo, with some being able to jump two notches. This equates to roughly a 10-15% increase in damage application which negates a significant portion of the 20% dps loss from 1 less turret. The increase to drone bandwidth adds even more DPS potential through the possible addition of 3 sentry drones. The added missile velocity and hitpoints should help to minimize the reduction of damage due to defender missile use.

The targeting range expands the engagement envelope to include most ranges that would result from a MJD activation regardless of initial target distance. The bonus to scan resolution should allow the Marauder to quickly lock targets in response to priority changes.

The EWAR immunity in this version is selective to include only targeted effects that would otherwise reduce the Marauder's ability to project and apply it's damage. While the increased range on Remote Sensor Boosters and Target Painters provides Marauders a specialized role in targeting support.

The idea is to ensure that a Marauder under WSC will win any fight in which its enemy chooses to stay at range while remaining vulnerable to CQ encounters. WSC truly specializes the ship's role while limiting it's use outside the designed engagement envelope. While long range weapons are greatly enhanced, the use of this script with short range weapons fails to reach parity with the loss of an active turret/launcher. A wing of these ships would be quite effective as they could each fit remote assist modules and repair each other as well.

Area Denial Configuration (beachhead)

  • 100% increase to local repair amount
  • 30% increase to global resistances (non stacking)
  • 25% reduction of incoming energy drain and neutralizer effectiveness
  • 50% reduction of turret signature resolution
  • 20% reduction of Torpedo explosion radius
  • 20% increase to Torpedo explosion velocity
  • Drone Bandwidth reduced to 0 (Deployed drones marked abandoned)
  • Disrupts all remote assistance within 25km reducing effectiveness by 75%
  • Increases optimal range of smart bombs by 50%
  • Cannot be remote assisted

This script enables the Marauder to engage the enemy in close combat while disrupting their supply lines. It is designed to be the first ship into the breach opening up a path for more to follow.

The increase in local repair amount coupled with the increased resistances provide significant staying power. The ship would still be vulnerable to the application of heavy DPS or focused alpha strikes. It's ability to local repair would also be bolstered by the reduction of enemy cap warfare effectiveness.

The bastioned Marauder would be able to apply its damage very effectively even against smaller targets. The 50% reduction in turret signature resolution provides almost medium turret levels of tracking versus smaller targets, while the 20% bonuses to explosion velocity and radius do the same for torpedo platforms.

An ADC Marauder would be able to significantly disrupt an enemy's logistics once engaged. It would likely be unwise for an enemy to enter the 25km range unless it's willing to meet the Marauder on its terms. Marauders employing this script would most likely carry neutralizers or smart bombs in its utility highs under this model.

Shield Tanking - Why armor tanking can't have nice things.

Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#4748 - 2013-10-03 22:04:25 UTC
With the introduction of a deployable tractor array which can be used in-conjunction with salvaging drones, the tractor bonus is out-dated and out of place. I feel this bonus should be replaced with a smartbomb bonus to both range and damage. A 'Large EMP Smartbomb II' has default range of 6,000m and 300 damage, with a 100% bonus to smartbomb range and damage this increases the range to 12,000m and damage to 600. This solves the issue of kiting frigates that manage to get into scramble range and provides some use to the three utility highs.
Lin Xou
The Explodables
#4749 - 2013-10-03 22:50:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Lin Xou
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Vorseger wrote:
Lin Xou wrote:
Pirate BS take a week to train they should be weaker in every way to T2 BS but stronger than T1 with an extra two role bonuses.

Other than that T2 BS is the same so wasted skill points.

I feel this way. I never understood why a ship that takes less training time to pilot is better than a ship that takes more training time to pilot.

That pretty much falls against the entire concept of T2 vs faction/DS/officer on which everything else is based. This seems a really odd time to be bringing it up considering that.

I had a re-think and did the numbers.

PvE the changes would make this ship unmatched and could tank a 10/10 plex without the risk of EWAR Shocked

In PvP its only limitation would be newt but that is easy to counter without the risk of EWAR. Gate camp god ship Twisted

If the original changes stand I will be stocking up as the possibilities are beyond reason.Big smile

This class ship is worth training and worth the price tag if the changes stand.

Please consider all my previous comments on the Marauder rebalance plans void.
m3talc0re X
The Motley Crew of Disorder
The Gorram Shiney Alliance
#4750 - 2013-10-03 23:21:08 UTC
The Golem in the OP has a typo for it's stats:
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 8000(-200) / 6100(-1200) / 7000(+300)

It currently has 7300 hull. Is it supposed to be -300 hull or +300 and supposed to say 7600 hull? I didn't look at the others, but the Paladin is getting a hull hp buff, so I would assume the same for the Golem?
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4751 - 2013-10-03 23:28:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
Pirate ships should be fast hard hitting platform with burst tank(local) just to keep me alive thru fight and they are ones that should have salvage gear on them to pillage and salvage loot not marauders it is all twisted around.

Uhh, you do realize the very definition of a Marauder is to rove the land pillaging in search of loot, right?

Same as pirate is

a. One who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without commission from a sovereign nation.
b. A ship used for this purpose.
2. One who preys on others; a plunderer.
3. One who makes use of or reproduces the work of another without authorization.
4. One that operates an unlicensed, illegal television or radio station.
v. pi·rat·ed, pi·rat·ing, pi·rates
1. To attack and rob (a ship at sea).
2. To take (something) by piracy.
3. To make use of or reproduce (another's work) without authorization.

And you know how both of groups catch they prey...little hint they didn't make their ship/horses immobile.

Well aware of what a pirate is and what they do..
Notice I didn't say "Pirates don't do that"

Marauders are "Marauders" as a class.

Pirate hulls are not "Pirate" class, but rather ships created by Pirate factions.

One is an actual class of ship.

The other is a name given to them to represent where they came from, not what they do.


To further my point.
Saying Pirate ship is the equivilant of saying T2, t1, Navy, T3, ect.

It is not the same as saying Marauder, intercepter, interdictor..etc..etc..
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#4752 - 2013-10-04 04:37:39 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Yverlyn Outamon wrote:
So since the marauder base hulls are going to suck ass but the bastion module itself opens up some interesting opportunities anyone figured out where it could better be used rather than trying to polish up a stinking turd?

I´m thinking monster passive rattler.

Heh, really?

as such we are significantly increasing their fittings so that they can fit Large Micro Jump Drives plus Heavy Capacitor Boosters with more ease (the Vargur especially needed more fitting options). We also are increasing their high slots to 8 to compensate for the slot allocation of the bastion mode. We also are increasing their maximum targeting range and scan resolution a bit to make use of the increased damage projection, while decreasing their signature radius.

Yeah, so all this and the ability to MJD every minute is QUITE the nerf to the base hull. SmileSmileSmile

It's amazing how many people have no idea what to do with the possibilities being able to rapidly MJD open up, especially for PVE, for both long and short range weapons systems on these particular hulls. That's not even taking into consideration the extra range from Bastion mode.

This thread is literally chock full of juicy quotes to bring up to embarrass people with this time next year.

What do you expect from high sec bears?

Most of the last 80 pages of ideas are for a ship with no drawbacks and utter outrage that these ships wont be doing missions faster than now. Most of the kronos ideas are to just turn it into another vindi.
#4753 - 2013-10-04 05:12:56 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Alright, ran some more tests on our internal servers with suggested changes.


4x Neutron Blaster Cannon II
1x Bastion transformerthingie™ Module

1x Tracking Computer II (Optimal range or Tracking speed scripts)

1x Tracking Enhancer II

1x Large Hybrid Ambit Extension I
With the Tracking Computer II running with range script, I get 1220 DPS with turrets alone at 6.7km Range + 41.2km Falloff on Federation Navy Antimatter, or 973 DPS at 18.82km + 57.6km with Null Shocked Yes, yes, that's theoretical falloff damage, but I think that's good enough to compete with Pirate Battleships. You also have MWD + MJD combo to get in range of anything.

Does the Bastion Module's optimal/fall offbuff stack?

18.82km + 57.6km with Null? I can't make the falloff number work even if the Bastion Module's optimal/falloff buff doesn't stack. And that's assuming the 57.6 falloff includes the 18.82 optimal (as per the UI change that includes optimal in the falloff number.) You sure the falloff isn't 51km? (18.8km + 32.2km) (And that's without bastion stacking.)

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#4754 - 2013-10-04 05:33:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Flyinghotpocket
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Hey people,

We've been away from this thread for a while to let things cool down a bit.

With Rubicon coming to Singularity soon, we've decided to revert Marauders to the original design for now, as we want to see how they actually fare in practice within player hands before committing to the version 2 change. We will let you know if and when we move to version 2 again. We’ll most likely open a new thread when they appear on Singularity as this one has become quite convoluted.

That means:

  • Shield, armor and hull resists in Bastion Mode only
  • Keep the 37.5% tank bonus on the Marauders, no web bonus

We are also aware this won't please everyone here - regarding their comparison with Pirate Battleships, especially the Machariel, please remember we have stated many times Pirate hulls were due for a rebalance, with Angel Cartel being on the front line for tuning changes.

Thanks for your time.

angel cartel ships had their time. its over. OP dramiels op cynabals op machs. GG new eve

also i beleive you wont find many people flying them for 1 bil isk without t2 resistance. like they should have. its completely ridiculous they dont have it. just call it a t1 marauder. its not t2. or chang ethe manufacturing tables make them 600mil then you might see people using them.

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Aust Silverfrond
Dead Star Syndicate
#4755 - 2013-10-04 06:14:45 UTC
seriously, why does the paladin not get a tracking buff too? while i get you dont want three very similar ships, it seems like the vargur and kronos will simply out perform it.

not to mention that both the vargur and kronos get their damage buff at max from the start. the paladin has to train a month more to get it, minor point, but still annoying.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#4756 - 2013-10-04 06:20:20 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Roime wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Webs do not fit the new kronos and would be a waste of a mid and an unused bonus.

New Kronos is probably the most pointless ship in the Gallente lineup

Web bonus would make it viable.

That's all there really is to it tbh.

Its a long ranged boat that is too slow to catch other battleships. Webs are near useless on such a ship, even more so with the vindi which would out class it in every way.

What exactly would make it a long range ship, and where would you use a long range battleship?

Right, nothing, bastion is a close range module, it has tons of utility highs, MJDs worked before people realized they need to fit scrams, and ABCs are 10 cheaper and do the sniping job better.

It's a slow close range ship and as such it needs a bonused web to be worth undocking.


Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#4757 - 2013-10-04 07:19:27 UTC
Id like to see these changes;

1. Change tractor beam bonus to either 50% to smart bomb cap use or a 100% bonus to Capacitor battery effects (the reflection on cap warfare)

2. T2 resists and drop the bastion bonus to resists across the board.
2. While in bastion mode Remote assistance is allowed however all effects are reduced by 50%

3. Loose 1 high slot for a mid slot or low slot depending on balance

Here's why i think the above

1. No other combat ship gets a cosy bonus to a purely PVE system (tractor beams) smart bombs are naturally used on the marauders and take up vital cap, so by taking that down it helps the cap stability.
1. Capacitor batteries are not widely used but they are a very good option, with this bonus if you were to fit one to your ship, you would have a 25% reduction to neuters and a 50% reduction to NOS while also getting 1400 extra cap in your pool

2. T2 resists are needed or this ship will never be used in a main fleet as it cannot match the tank of some T1 BS when outside of bastion. if CCP don't want to give that bonus to the ship then option 3 should be used, so that these ships can actually take part in a fleet and posses a role whilst in them

3. 3-4 utility highs depending on fit is just too much no other ship in the game has this and no ship needs this, 2-3 is fine, in order to fit tackle on the paladin and kronos your going to want an extra mid, the golem + vargur need a mid or low to help them with some fitting issue they both get.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#4758 - 2013-10-04 08:00:20 UTC
Roime wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Roime wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Webs do not fit the new kronos and would be a waste of a mid and an unused bonus.

New Kronos is probably the most pointless ship in the Gallente lineup

Web bonus would make it viable.

That's all there really is to it tbh.

Its a long ranged boat that is too slow to catch other battleships. Webs are near useless on such a ship, even more so with the vindi which would out class it in every way.

What exactly would make it a long range ship, and where would you use a long range battleship?

Right, nothing, bastion is a close range module, it has tons of utility highs, MJDs worked before people realized they need to fit scrams, and ABCs are 10 cheaper and do the sniping job better.

It's a slow close range ship and as such it needs a bonused web to be worth undocking.

Bonus to long range damage application. Bonus to mjd.

If it was close range it would have a bonus to tracking so the large guns could better hit close range targets and it would have the speed to get into close range
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#4759 - 2013-10-04 08:37:40 UTC
Lin Xou wrote:
Maybe this has been asked or covered already. Can you use MJD while in Bastion mode? If no absolutely pointless bait ship.
With the right skills MJD cycle time is about the same as bastion mode.

I guess the plan is to jump, deploy, tank and shoot. undeploy jump again, redeploy, rince repeat.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Gabriel Karade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#4760 - 2013-10-04 09:11:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Gabriel Karade
baltec1 wrote:
Roime wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Roime wrote:
baltec1 wrote:

Webs do not fit the new kronos and would be a waste of a mid and an unused bonus.

New Kronos is probably the most pointless ship in the Gallente lineup

Web bonus would make it viable.

That's all there really is to it tbh.

Its a long ranged boat that is too slow to catch other battleships. Webs are near useless on such a ship, even more so with the vindi which would out class it in every way.

What exactly would make it a long range ship, and where would you use a long range battleship?

Right, nothing, bastion is a close range module, it has tons of utility highs, MJDs worked before people realized they need to fit scrams, and ABCs are 10 cheaper and do the sniping job better.

It's a slow close range ship and as such it needs a bonused web to be worth undocking.

Bonus to long range damage application. Bonus to mjd.

If it was close range it would have a bonus to tracking so the large guns could better hit close range targets and it would have the speed to get into close range
But It has a tracking bonus to large guns..... and a falloff bonus does not a railgun sniper make. Ugh

The TQ Kronos works fine with it's web bonus and Blasters (and speed), there hasn't been a single dev post giving a justification to removing it.

As to your Vindicator comment in the other post, it's the other way round mate; the Kronos web bonus pre-dates the Vindicator one by almost 3 years (Vindicator had a MWD cap bonus in its past iteration) and is the last 'pure' Gallente option left (having to cross train minmatar to fly a 'proper' blaster boat would be fundamentally stupid)

War Machine: