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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2101 - 2013-10-02 00:22:43 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
To open your mind a little, imagine how much easier it would be to catch a "local" if they just got stuck in a bubble the moment you entered system AND you knew exactly where to warp to. Think about it for a little bit before responding. Let it sink in before you form a reply.

Are you actually suggesting awoxxers are the alternative here?

Not for nothin, Andy, but hearing YOU say that somewhat troubles me....
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2102 - 2013-10-02 02:42:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
To open your mind a little, imagine how much easier it would be to catch a "local" if they just got stuck in a bubble the moment you entered system AND you knew exactly where to warp to. Think about it for a little bit before responding. Let it sink in before you form a reply.

Are you actually suggesting awoxxers are the alternative here?

Not for nothin, Andy, but hearing YOU say that somewhat troubles me....

There are many, many ways to implement the very general idea I put forward there. AWOXing is one of them. Some methods even avoid an AWOXer being discovered on killmails or in any other ways. Other methods do NOT use the AWOX. Those who are the smartest can see how to do this without AWOXing. And there are many, many other methods which use other techniques, which I will not name; an exercise for the smartest players to discover themselves. Point is, if you are not succeeding in Goal X, then you (indefinite you) should either rethink your methods or pursue other goals, not demand that a particularly ineffective technique is the only way made necessary by some game mechanic. Step up or move on.

PS: Be at ease, Nick. I am too smart to be forced into a style of play which compromises my principles. Then again, my principles follow my military training far more than my civilian heritage.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Vas Eldryn
#2103 - 2013-10-02 03:14:43 UTC
Just a thought I had that may not have been put forward yet... Not that I've seen anyway?

How about a carrier only scanning module that can scan for cloaked ships with say a 10-15 minute scan (with the same drawbacks of lighting a cyno, the carrier becomes immobile for the scan and puts a message in local when scan starts), if the cloaked pilot warps during the scan, it comes back inconclusive. Surely an active player can avoid this.

I thought this could work as it would be restricted to low / null and would be very, very risky to use against an active target as it puts a capital ship on the line if you screw it up... Although I'm not a wormhole player I don't know if this would be detrimental to that area of the game?

Just an idea I thought I'd throw out there... to see if it has any potential.
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2104 - 2013-10-02 13:46:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Vas Eldryn wrote:
Just a thought I had that may not have been put forward yet... Not that I've seen anyway?

How about a carrier only scanning module that can scan for cloaked ships with say a 10-15 minute scan (with the same drawbacks of lighting a cyno, the carrier becomes immobile for the scan and puts a message in local when scan starts), if the cloaked pilot warps during the scan, it comes back inconclusive. Surely an active player can avoid this.

I thought this could work as it would be restricted to low / null and would be very, very risky to use against an active target as it puts a capital ship on the line if you screw it up... Although I'm not a wormhole player I don't know if this would be detrimental to that area of the game?

Just an idea I thought I'd throw out there... to see if it has any potential.

As a carrier pilot, I will tell you right now that no carrier would ever do this. Here are some questions and considerations for you on this idea:

Why a carrier and not some other ship? Do you see carriers as having some kind of special scanning ability role stronger than other ships?

Carriers only go into triage when they are sacrificing themselves to save a super. Or they are with a large support fleet and are willing to gamble that the other side will not escalate the engagement beyond what the tank can handle for their 5 min triage timer. You are asking a carrier to consider sacrificing itself for 2-3x the duration of triage just so the hostile (~30 mil ISK) can know that it is being scanned and that there is a carrier (~2 bil ISK) ready to be hotdropped. Unless you are thinking to allow the carrier to do this while within a forcefield (pos), it is foolish for any carrier to attempt this. But if you are thinking to allow the carrier to scan from within the pos, then why not just let the pos do it with a covert scanning array? And why broadcast in local when you are operating with covert mechanics. The whole point of covert is that everything is hidden; even covert cynos are hidden.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2105 - 2013-10-02 13:59:37 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
To open your mind a little, imagine how much easier it would be to catch a "local" if they just got stuck in a bubble the moment you entered system AND you knew exactly where to warp to. Think about it for a little bit before responding. Let it sink in before you form a reply.

Are you actually suggesting awoxxers are the alternative here?

Not for nothin, Andy, but hearing YOU say that somewhat troubles me....

There are many, many ways to implement the very general idea I put forward there. AWOXing is one of them. Some methods even avoid an AWOXer being discovered on killmails or in any other ways. Other methods do NOT use the AWOX. Those who are the smartest can see how to do this without AWOXing. And there are many, many other methods which use other techniques, which I will not name; an exercise for the smartest players to discover themselves. Point is, if you are not succeeding in Goal X, then you (indefinite you) should either rethink your methods or pursue other goals, not demand that a particularly ineffective technique is the only way made necessary by some game mechanic. Step up or move on.

PS: Be at ease, Nick. I am too smart to be forced into a style of play which compromises my principles. Then again, my principles follow my military training far more than my civilian heritage.

Ok, let me rephrase the objection.

Relying on assistance that is blue to the target seems a bit far fetched. At that point, you can just set a log-in trap, using ships logged out at prearranged spots. No cloaks needed.

It doesn't particularly need a genius to figure out something that well informed required inside information, but knowing who was the traitor might never be resolved. Just need to consider who was online around that point, in that area, and you have your list of suspects, however.

And, to be nearly perverse, this is still consensual to a degree.
EVE players trust their allies, and consent to be in their presence. They have docking rights, and POS access.
Tricking someone, in plain speaking terms, means getting them to make a mistake called trust.

And that brings it back to pilot error.
So, the cause of death / killmail, in this scenario:
Consenting to trust an ally, combined with trusting said ally being an error.

I have reservations about this being the foundation for fun play.
I would rather expect strikes from the shadows I did not see, than from allies I did see.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2106 - 2013-10-02 14:13:18 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:

Sounds reasonable enough. Rest assured I do not do pointless "you mad bro" stuff.
So, who sees who first? If the hostile has a blue alt already in system that never engages, then the hostile sees first long before the hostile enters the region. If the blue has an alt in the neighboring system(s), then the blue sees first one system out. Both require effort by placing the alt and monitoring its local and its grid. If there are no alts, then the blue may see the hostile about one region out in intel (which sometimes captures intel on the ship with visual sightings or dscan on the stargate). If there is no intel channel, then the blue sees the hostile while the grid is loading. Once the grid is loaded and the hostile can warp, the blues are also seen; seeing the blues before warp is an option is rather useless anyway. This grid-loading part is purely "mechanical." Alignment from a stop by sentry carriers is also a purely mechanical issue which requires around 40s. Sentry domis operate in a similar manner. Sov has no effect on any of these features.

Given the above answers and my love for cloaks, I would say that it is not reasonable to nerf active cloaks. I would say that residents do get a couple seconds advanced warning, but with a blue warp-in bm on the right target, that buff can easily be negated completely.

And if there is an aversion for using blue scouts (non-combat), there is always the option to use bubble traps and login traps (to name a few) which buy more time (negating the couple second advanced warning) when you return to system.

Hope this answers your questions well enough.

Okay, so if I read this right you do agree to the following:

1. There is an advantage to resident in as for as spotting an entrant before the entrant can load grid.
2. That nerfing cloaks in and of themselves without addressing the issue in 1, it is not reasonable.

OP changed.

Sorry for the delay, RL, as they say.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2107 - 2013-10-02 14:23:06 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
To open your mind a little, imagine how much easier it would be to catch a "local" if they just got stuck in a bubble the moment you entered system AND you knew exactly where to warp to. Think about it for a little bit before responding. Let it sink in before you form a reply.

Are you actually suggesting awoxxers are the alternative here?

Not for nothin, Andy, but hearing YOU say that somewhat troubles me....

AWOXing will almost surely go up if cloaks are nerfed and local is not. AWOXing is another response to the intel local provides, as are logon traps. To avoid being spotted before they can do anything one solution is to look like a friendly in AWOXing.

If you can learn what a particular ratter does when a hostile enters system (e.g. a spy, or lucky bit of intel) a log on trap where the one logging on lands in an advantageous spot for bubbling before the hostile can hit warp. Example, if you learn a particular ratter always bolts for a given POS, you could logoff in a spot so that when you log back in you'll be at a good spot to catch the ratter with a high probability in a bubble just out of range of that POS.

However, is that really where the anti-AFK cloaking people want to go? Where you can't even trust standings or go down the road of where you can't scan **** out no matter how hard you nerf cloaks or even remove them from the game completely?

How long until many of those same people are back here complaining about AWOXing and logon traps?

And yeah, might want to add Andy to your watch list. P

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2108 - 2013-10-02 14:36:56 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
To open your mind a little, imagine how much easier it would be to catch a "local" if they just got stuck in a bubble the moment you entered system AND you knew exactly where to warp to. Think about it for a little bit before responding. Let it sink in before you form a reply.

Are you actually suggesting awoxxers are the alternative here?

Not for nothin, Andy, but hearing YOU say that somewhat troubles me....

AWOXing will almost surely go up if cloaks are nerfed and local is not. AWOXing is another response to the intel local provides, as are logon traps. To avoid being spotted before they can do anything one solution is to look like a friendly in AWOXing.
How long until many of those same people are back here complaining about AWOXing and logon traps?

And yeah, might want to add Andy to your watch list. P

AWOX is just the tip of the iceberg, it is already here, and it is NOT a "response" to local. It is done because it provides a benefit which some players appreciate. Nerfs to cloaks will not make AWOX more powerful and therefore will not increase the rate of AWOXing.

The example I cited can be done WITHOUT AWOX, but you have to be really smart in order to see any of those methods.

Now, I do agree that a player should not appear in local until the gate cloak is lost (dscan all you want during that time). This would allow the player to warp to his destination at the SAME time that the locals see him, unless they saw the gate flash. If cloaks remove the player from local, I think that the name should remain listed in local so that reports can be made to intel channels, but that the red word "disconnected" should appear and that the cloaked pilot should only see the players listed in local at the time of cloak with "disconnected" stamped on all the players listed until he decloaks. I think that travel into wormholes should also stamp "disconnected" on the player's name for all residents in local at the time he jumped, so it is not clear if a pilot cloaked or left through a wormhole. Players who enter a system after a pilot "disconnects" should not see his name in system local listing.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2109 - 2013-10-02 14:40:49 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:

And that brings it back to pilot error.
So, the cause of death / killmail, in this scenario:
Consenting to trust an ally, combined with trusting said ally being an error.

I have reservations about this being the foundation for fun play.
I would rather expect strikes from the shadows I did not see, than from allies I did see.

Talk about turning Null into a wasteland. Or everyone would need multiple accounts so that they don't have to rely on alliance/corp members for assistance.

The very idea of AWOXing is to subvert the value of intel provided by local. For an alliance with AWOXing problems local becomes nearly useless in that blues and non-blues alike become potential threats...which is what everyone was complaining about with regards to the cloaked AFK pilot in system.

You end up, exactly where you started. With people complaining about a hostile they "can't see".

As for methods other than AWOXing, the only thing I could see are logon traps. And again, a hostile you "can't see". You can't see him because he is logged off. And when I log in, I go into emergency warp. If I'm in a dictor with friends not too far away, yeah that could work.

Beyond that, I'm at a loss. You can't run around null bookmarking every anomaly/grav site because they aren't static. I could bookmark every belt, but then they show up on the overview, so why bother using a bookmark that would add more time.

Strategically place bubbles around the system? The residents would just destroy them when I'm not around.

Using an interceptor? Great, but if they get into warp before I get on the grid they are about to leave, not very efficient especially if there are multiple sites in system. Okay, some complain about using sentry drones and trying to stay aligned. Well here is my response: you'll likely be off the warp in point for the site you are in. You might be in a BS and have a MJD which if you do have to GTFO can put extra distance between you and the warp in point. If you are going to rat in a carrier and not have scouts in the neighboring system(s)...well, you are really taking huge risks and you shouldn't be complaining at all, IMO.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2110 - 2013-10-02 14:55:03 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
To open your mind a little, imagine how much easier it would be to catch a "local" if they just got stuck in a bubble the moment you entered system AND you knew exactly where to warp to. Think about it for a little bit before responding. Let it sink in before you form a reply.

Are you actually suggesting awoxxers are the alternative here?

Not for nothin, Andy, but hearing YOU say that somewhat troubles me....

AWOXing will almost surely go up if cloaks are nerfed and local is not. AWOXing is another response to the intel local provides, as are logon traps. To avoid being spotted before they can do anything one solution is to look like a friendly in AWOXing.
How long until many of those same people are back here complaining about AWOXing and logon traps?

And yeah, might want to add Andy to your watch list. P

AWOX is just the tip of the iceberg, it is already here, and it is NOT a "response" to local. It is done because it provides a benefit which some players appreciate. Nerfs to cloaks will not make AWOX more powerful and therefore will not increase the rate of AWOXing.

The example I cited can be done WITHOUT AWOX, but you have to be really smart in order to see any of those methods.

Now, I do agree that a player should not appear in local until the gate cloak is lost (dscan all you want during that time). This would allow the player to warp to his destination at the SAME time that the locals see him, unless they saw the gate flash. If cloaks remove the player from local, I think that the name should remain listed in local so that reports can be made to intel channels, but that the red word "disconnected" should appear and that the cloaked pilot should only see the players listed in local at the time of cloak with "disconnected" stamped on all the players listed until he decloaks. I think that travel into wormholes should also stamp "disconnected" on the player's name for all residents in local at the time he jumped, so it is not clear if a pilot cloaked or left through a wormhole. Players who enter a system after a pilot "disconnects" should not see his name in system local listing.

I did not say more powerful, I said more common. And yeah, the probability it will increase will be very high. It is yet another way to "disappear" from local (a logon trap being the other). If cloaks got nerfed and I decided I wanted to:

A. Gank PvE ships in null, and
B. Create discord in an alliance,

I would use AWOXing. I'd shuffle characters around on my accounts and create an account for nothing other than AWOXing. I'd even consider selling and even possibly buying my AWOXing characters to create even more confusion and so forth. And the selling could allow me to roll over to new accounts rather quickly with AWOXing capable pilots.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2111 - 2013-10-02 14:56:12 UTC
I wish to point out this, which I consider a key point:
Andy Landen wrote:
The example I cited can be done WITHOUT AWOX, but you have to be really smart in order to see any of those methods.

But it brings back the key point of the whole thing.

You cannot successfully attack someone who knows about you, when combined with their having time to react to this information before you can act.

If they see you as a threat, and they can warp to safety before you can stop them, the encounter is over before it began.

Claims are made that you cannot fool local residents, with long term presence in local.
But, here are new claims being made about other ways to fool local, by having the blue listed entries be enabling the hostiles, if not being the actual real threat itself.

It is all coming back to ways of fooling local. Why? because local is reporting everyone in the system, immediately and completely, so it is necessary to get around this.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2112 - 2013-10-02 15:00:49 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Talk about turning Null into a wasteland. Or everyone would need multiple accounts so that they don't have to rely on alliance/corp members for assistance.
Null would be a wasteland if you nerfed local...

Teckos Pech wrote:
The very idea of AWOXing is to subvert the value of intel provided by local. For an alliance with AWOXing problems local becomes nearly useless in that blues and non-blues alike become potential threats...which is what everyone was complaining about with regards to the cloaked AFK pilot in system.

You end up, exactly where you started. With people complaining about a hostile they "can't see".
AWOXing happens now. And it offers a far better opportunity than a agank, so is unlikely to be wasted on that. It also takes a LOT (in fact a LOT LOT LOT) more effort than AFK cloaking, and STILL requires you to be active to execute.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Beyond that, I'm at a loss. You can't run around null bookmarking every anomaly/grav site because they aren't static. I could bookmark every belt, but then they show up on the overview, so why bother using a bookmark that would add more time.
Why bookmark them? They show up in your scanner without scanning and are always warpable. A grav is no different to a belt now.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Using an interceptor? Great, but if they get into warp before I get on the grid they are about to leave, not very efficient especially if there are multiple sites in system. Okay, some complain about using sentry drones and trying to stay aligned. Well here is my response: you'll likely be off the warp in point for the site you are in. You might be in a BS and have a MJD which if you do have to GTFO can put extra distance between you and the warp in point. If you are going to rat in a carrier and not have scouts in the neighboring system(s)...well, you are really taking huge risks and you shouldn't be complaining at all, IMO.
Interceptors are fast enough to catch a fairly decent amount of targets as it is now. they will soon be getting changed so they warp much quicker, which will mean interceptors will be great at their job - intercepting.
And sure people "might" have done things which make it difficult to catch them. If someone chooses to make themselves hard to catch, they can do that. If it was impossible to make yourself difficult to catch, then interceptors would be totally overpowered. At the end of the day this falls back to the idea that if a hostile puts in the most amount of effort, he should get the kill, while ignoring the fact that the target can also put in the effort to avoid it, and thus should be given the opportunity to escape.

There's a lot of this "yeah but if they X, then I can;t catch them". Tough. That's the way it works. If someone plays better than you, they win. That's how these games work. If you try the same tactic over and over again you are unlikely to get a varied levels of success.
There's so much whining that cloakers are so hard done by because local gives them up, but when you boil it down it comes back to the same point. If a player plays better than you you can't intercept them in a covops ship. Since a covops ship is not designed to intercept targets, that's no surprise. You want to change the game to give covops a huge advantage over any other type of combat ship. Why should they automatically be the best by bypassing a game mechanic?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2113 - 2013-10-02 15:02:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Nikk Narrel wrote:
I wish to point out this, which I consider a key point:
Andy Landen wrote:
The example I cited can be done WITHOUT AWOX, but you have to be really smart in order to see any of those methods.

But it brings back the key point of the whole thing.

You cannot successfully attack someone who knows about you, when combined with their having time to react to this information before you can act.

If they see you as a threat, and they can warp to safety before you can stop them, the encounter is over before it began.

Claims are made that you cannot fool local residents, with long term presence in local.
But, here are new claims being made about other ways to fool local, by having the blue listed entries be enabling the hostiles, if not being the actual real threat itself.

It is all coming back to ways of fooling local. Why? because local is reporting everyone in the system, immediately and completely, so it is necessary to get around this.

I'd like to see this non-AWOXing, non-cloaking, non-logon trap method. For the life of me I can't see it. It can't just be, bunch o'people jump in system and then bum rush the belts and anomalies because you still have that gap between jump in and loading grid (not to mention, things like clicking on a belt, then hitting warp, or even looking at the list anomalies). Sure it could work if the person is not paying attention and you have enough people, but the bigger the local spike the more likely the resident is to spot it, IMO.

And yeah, alot of these ideas boil down to "fooling local" somehow....which leads us right back to....Local. Which many in the anti-AFK cloaking group say is not the problem. Most curious. Lol

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2114 - 2013-10-02 15:09:09 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
I'd like to see this non-AWOXing, non-cloaking, non-logon trap method. For the life of me I can't see it. It can't just be, bunch o'people jump in system and then bum rush the belts and anomalies because you still have that gap between jump in and loading grid (not to mention, things like clicking on a belt, then hitting warp, or even looking at the list anomalies). Sure it could work if the person is not paying attention and you have enough people, but the bigger the local spike the more likely the resident is to spot it, IMO.

And yeah, alot of these ideas boil down to "fooling locla" somehow....which leads us right back to....Local. Which many in the anti-AFK cloaking group say is not the problem. Most curious. Lol

WOW. All this and you still miss the point.
WE DON'T DISAGREE that local is used for intel.
What we are saying is that REMOVING LOCAL gives cloakers TOO MUCH BENEFIT. I don't know how that's so hard to understand. Yo uare saying that right now, if we pay attention, and are quick on the buttons, we can escape due to local. Your solution is to stop us doing that, meaning that regardless of if we are or are not paying attention, we must die if you use a cloaked ship.
How can you POSSIBLY suggest that and be completely blind to how it would make all other combat vessels entirely pointless in roaming PvP?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2115 - 2013-10-02 15:13:33 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
]Null would be a wasteland if you nerfed local...

AWOXing happens now. And it offers a far better opportunity than a agank, so is unlikely to be wasted on that. It also takes a LOT (in fact a LOT LOT LOT) more effort than AFK cloaking, and STILL requires you to be active to execute.

Why bookmark them? They show up in your scanner without scanning and are always warpable. A grav is no different to a belt now.

Yeah, I agree if just local is nerfed than local would likely be a wasteland. Good thing I'm not advocating that, and you know it and are being a bit dishonest here....and you know that too.

I never said AWOXing doesn't happen now. That is irrelevant. What I am claiming is it would go up. Sure you could use a spy to do even more damage...if you get into a position of trust, but if you merely want to gank PvE ships and lower moral and put an alliance into a confused and unprepared state, AWOXing works too.

And given how bad some alliances are at screening new applicants, it wouldn't be that hard for just an AWOXing alt. Now if I wanted to clean out hangars and drop sov, that would take work.

As for bookmarks, I was responding to Andy's comments with bookmarks. An Awoxer getting a bookmark would be very, very handy. You come in in a cloaky, get the BM for the blue ratting away, leave system pass the BM over to a hostile/neutral player, and off you go. Less likely of getting that AWOXer burnt, at least right away, and that interceptor you talk about below is even more effective now, especailly against a carrier pilot dumb enough to being using sentries and not having a scout in the neighboring system(s).

Interceptors are fast enough to catch a fairly decent amount of targets as it is now. they will soon be getting changed so they warp much quicker, which will mean interceptors will be great at their job - intercepting.
And sure people "might" have done things which make it difficult to catch them. If someone chooses to make themselves hard to catch, they can do that. If it was impossible to make yourself difficult to catch, then interceptors would be totally overpowered. At the end of the day this falls back to the idea that if a hostile puts in the most amount of effort, he should get the kill, while ignoring the fact that the target can also put in the effort to avoid it, and thus should be given the opportunity to escape.

There's a lot of this "yeah but if they X, then I can;t catch them". Tough. That's the way it works. If someone plays better than you, they win. That's how these games work. If you try the same tactic over and over again you are unlikely to get a varied levels of success.
There's so much whining that cloakers are so hard done by because local gives them up, but when you boil it down it comes back to the same point. If a player plays better than you you can't intercept them in a covops ship. Since a covops ship is not designed to intercept targets, that's no surprise. You want to change the game to give covops a huge advantage over any other type of combat ship. Why should they automatically be the best by bypassing a game mechanic?

And they all build off of the time between a hostile has between showing up in local and when that hostile is able to do anything. That is a free mechanical benefit you get. For example, if I'm in a ratting domi with a MJD and using sentries, if a hostile showed up, I'd hit the MJD button, scoop drones, and when I jump I'd be 180-200 km from the warp in of the anomaly I had just been farming. And as soon as I landed, align out to my safe. Unless I was really not paying attention you'd never, ever catch me...unless you used a blue to AWOX me. P

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2116 - 2013-10-02 15:14:29 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I'd like to see this non-AWOXing, non-cloaking, non-logon trap method. For the life of me I can't see it. It can't just be, bunch o'people jump in system and then bum rush the belts and anomalies because you still have that gap between jump in and loading grid (not to mention, things like clicking on a belt, then hitting warp, or even looking at the list anomalies). Sure it could work if the person is not paying attention and you have enough people, but the bigger the local spike the more likely the resident is to spot it, IMO.

And yeah, alot of these ideas boil down to "fooling locla" somehow....which leads us right back to....Local. Which many in the anti-AFK cloaking group say is not the problem. Most curious. Lol

WOW. All this and you still miss the point.
WE DON'T DISAGREE that local is used for intel.
What we are saying is that REMOVING LOCAL gives cloakers TOO MUCH BENEFIT. I don't know how that's so hard to understand. Yo uare saying that right now, if we pay attention, and are quick on the buttons, we can escape due to local. Your solution is to stop us doing that, meaning that regardless of if we are or are not paying attention, we must die if you use a cloaked ship.
How can you POSSIBLY suggest that and be completely blind to how it would make all other combat vessels entirely pointless in roaming PvP?

And the counter to this alleged too much benefit is simply limiting the benefit.

Give defense pilots a way to use effort equal to the efforts being made against them, and have the better effort win.

Would you accept that as a starting point?

Nothing else assumed or implied, simply: would you accept that?
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2117 - 2013-10-02 15:18:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I'd like to see this non-AWOXing, non-cloaking, non-logon trap method. For the life of me I can't see it. It can't just be, bunch o'people jump in system and then bum rush the belts and anomalies because you still have that gap between jump in and loading grid (not to mention, things like clicking on a belt, then hitting warp, or even looking at the list anomalies). Sure it could work if the person is not paying attention and you have enough people, but the bigger the local spike the more likely the resident is to spot it, IMO.

And yeah, alot of these ideas boil down to "fooling locla" somehow....which leads us right back to....Local. Which many in the anti-AFK cloaking group say is not the problem. Most curious. Lol

WOW. All this and you still miss the point.
WE DON'T DISAGREE that local is used for intel.
What we are saying is that REMOVING LOCAL gives cloakers TOO MUCH BENEFIT. I don't know how that's so hard to understand. Yo uare saying that right now, if we pay attention, and are quick on the buttons, we can escape due to local. Your solution is to stop us doing that, meaning that regardless of if we are or are not paying attention, we must die if you use a cloaked ship.
How can you POSSIBLY suggest that and be completely blind to how it would make all other combat vessels entirely pointless in roaming PvP?

Right, and here you are being deliberately misleading because I'm not saying, "Remove local." I am saying,

1. Make local a chat channel.
2. Have an intel mechanic tied to sov, and one that encompasses trade-offs and costs,
3. Nerf cloaks.
4. ???? (probably something to do with underwear)
5. Profit.

So, you can stop posting or deal with my actual position.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2118 - 2013-10-02 15:22:59 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
As for bookmarks, I was responding to Andy's comments with bookmarks. An Awoxer getting a bookmark would be very, very handy. You come in in a cloaky, get the BM for the blue ratting away, leave system pass the BM over to a hostile/neutral player, and off you go. Less likely of getting that AWOXer burnt, at least right away, and that interceptor you talk about below is even more effective now, especailly against a carrier pilot dumb enough to being using sentries and not having a scout in the neighboring system(s).
You would still get burnt pretty quick. It's pretty hard for people to not arouse suspicions like this, and most alliances would give someone the boot to be sure. Awoxing is not as easy to maintain in a null alliance as it is in a small corp.

Teckos Pech wrote:
And they all build off of the time between a hostile has between showing up in local and when that hostile is able to do anything. That is a free mechanical benefit you get. For example, if I'm in a ratting domi with a MJD and using sentries, if a hostile showed up, I'd hit the MJD button, scoop drones, and when I jump I'd be 180-200 km from the warp in of the anomaly I had just been farming. And as soon as I landed, align out to my safe. Unless I was really not paying attention you'd never, ever catch me...unless you used a blue to AWOX me. P
Of course. If I've set my ship up to be able to MJD, I'm watching my available intel like a hawk, and I'm prepared to leave the moment I'm at risk, of course I'll get away. If I couldn't then there would be a serious balance issue there. If no matter what I did, I had to get caught, then the only method of escaping would be the overuse of warp stabs and an agile ship. That shouldn't be required on every fit, as it would destroy diversity.
Enough people die every day in null to show there's not a problem catching targets. You can put every single one down to user error and ignore it, but when will you be happy? Seems to me you'll only be happy when you can guarantee your ability to catch ships in null, which would mean you are heavily overpowered.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2119 - 2013-10-02 15:26:30 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I'd like to see this non-AWOXing, non-cloaking, non-logon trap method. For the life of me I can't see it. It can't just be, bunch o'people jump in system and then bum rush the belts and anomalies because you still have that gap between jump in and loading grid (not to mention, things like clicking on a belt, then hitting warp, or even looking at the list anomalies). Sure it could work if the person is not paying attention and you have enough people, but the bigger the local spike the more likely the resident is to spot it, IMO.

And yeah, alot of these ideas boil down to "fooling locla" somehow....which leads us right back to....Local. Which many in the anti-AFK cloaking group say is not the problem. Most curious. Lol

WOW. All this and you still miss the point.
WE DON'T DISAGREE that local is used for intel.
What we are saying is that REMOVING LOCAL gives cloakers TOO MUCH BENEFIT. I don't know how that's so hard to understand. Yo uare saying that right now, if we pay attention, and are quick on the buttons, we can escape due to local. Your solution is to stop us doing that, meaning that regardless of if we are or are not paying attention, we must die if you use a cloaked ship.
How can you POSSIBLY suggest that and be completely blind to how it would make all other combat vessels entirely pointless in roaming PvP?

And the counter to this alleged too much benefit is simply limiting the benefit.

Give defense pilots a way to use effort equal to the efforts being made against them, and have the better effort win.

Would you accept that as a starting point?

Nothing else assumed or implied, simply: would you accept that?
Equal effort in what way? Its currently equal. You jump in, we both see each other. If you jump in and can automatically see me, since d-scan would show me, but I can't see you except for the brief second that your gate cloak turns into your modules cloak, how is that fair?
You have time during your gate cloak to d-scan me out, knowing I cant be cloaked as I'm doing other things.
If you said "OK, add a module or a pos mod to find cloakers", then I STILL would be able to see you the moment you entered local, I STILL would be able to escape. So null sec fleet fights would be broken and smaller groups would have to pay out for all this extra scanning gear, while nothing would change for us. Then you'd be back crying about how the intel tool needs a delay so you can catch us.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2120 - 2013-10-02 15:30:48 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I'd like to see this non-AWOXing, non-cloaking, non-logon trap method. For the life of me I can't see it. It can't just be, bunch o'people jump in system and then bum rush the belts and anomalies because you still have that gap between jump in and loading grid (not to mention, things like clicking on a belt, then hitting warp, or even looking at the list anomalies). Sure it could work if the person is not paying attention and you have enough people, but the bigger the local spike the more likely the resident is to spot it, IMO.

And yeah, alot of these ideas boil down to "fooling locla" somehow....which leads us right back to....Local. Which many in the anti-AFK cloaking group say is not the problem. Most curious. Lol

WOW. All this and you still miss the point.
WE DON'T DISAGREE that local is used for intel.
What we are saying is that REMOVING LOCAL gives cloakers TOO MUCH BENEFIT. I don't know how that's so hard to understand. Yo uare saying that right now, if we pay attention, and are quick on the buttons, we can escape due to local. Your solution is to stop us doing that, meaning that regardless of if we are or are not paying attention, we must die if you use a cloaked ship.
How can you POSSIBLY suggest that and be completely blind to how it would make all other combat vessels entirely pointless in roaming PvP?

Right, and here you are being deliberately misleading because I'm not saying, "Remove local." I am saying,

1. Make local a chat channel.
2. Have an intel mechanic tied to sov, and one that encompasses trade-offs and costs,
3. Nerf cloaks.
4. ???? (probably something to do with underwear)
5. Profit.

So, you can stop posting or deal with my actual position.

Yes, you are saying make local a chat channel, then add an intel tool.
See above - this intel tool would either be too good and you'd be back whining about it, or it would be delayed and useless.

The only "nerf cloaks" I've seen is the part that allows cloaks to be scannable, which would be pointless if cloakers simply kept moving. Even AFK cloakers you'd not be able to find if they set themselves moving. It's a one sided change and only the cloakers would benefit. You can bang on about how much intel they'd lose if you want, but we all know it's rubbish. cloakers don't use local until they arrive in system, and even that tells them nothing about where their targets are located. d-scan tells them that.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.