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I want your little things!

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Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#521 - 2011-11-15 22:19:58 UTC
Only allow players who belong to the same alliance the POS is in, into the shield. Friendlies can still hug the tower for some protection, but every blue tower should not be a safe haven.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#522 - 2011-11-15 22:25:34 UTC
ability to align to a fleet mate from the fleet window and watch list, regardless of where they are (ie off grid.)
Prime FLux
Caldari State
#523 - 2011-11-15 22:25:40 UTC
Tabs in personal hangar
Nick Danger
Caldari State
#524 - 2011-11-15 22:30:28 UTC
In case it's not already mentioned...

Windows/menus should toggle on/off.

Currently when I click on the Fittings 'button' in the Neocom panel, the fitting window appears. Clicking on that same Fittings 'button' toggles off the fitting window (same with the Map). No other 'button' toggles on/off, we have to hunt for the little 'x' to close said window/menu.

General rule of UIs -- if clicking on something opens a window/menu, clicking on it again should close it. Toggle! As it's already implemented for Fittings, it shouldn't be too hard.

Thank you!
Halcyon Ingenium
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#525 - 2011-11-15 22:30:37 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
Drones don't follow your orders. They don't focus fire even when the option is selected and they randomly drop targets. This happens in both aggressive and passive mode. Point being the current AI makes relying heavily on drones a very frustrating exercise in cat herding. Either fix the AI or take it behind the shed and shoot it. On second thought better just shoot it anyway and make a totally new AI from the beginning. That way there is no risk of porting over bugs from the old AI.


By the way, since we're already talking, do you want to buy a rifter? I've got the cheapest rifters in Metropolis. If you can find a cheaper rifter, buy it!

State War Academy
Caldari State
#526 - 2011-11-15 22:33:56 UTC
Could be controversial? - The warp to at range menu needs to be expanded more to take into account long-range platforms.

Close range platforms can currently warp in nicely at 0/10/....100 for example at their optimal. Long rangers are stuck at warp to 100KM, which in some cases is simply too close. Without setting up long range points to warp in at previously, you're stuck waiting for a warp in point or having to make one yourself.

I know this could have other knock on effects such as being able to warp to something else on grid (if it was expanded above 150KM), and giving a better chance of avoiding bubbles on which I offer no solution and I agree would be problems. But I'd really like to see it 'looked at', as long range platforms are at a disadvantage currently when it comes to warping into a non-planned engagement and ranges.
Vicious Traditions
#527 - 2011-11-15 22:40:58 UTC
All i ask for, and believe me, ALL I ASK is for the [b]gregorian chanting to come back to amarr stations[/b].


I want to feel creepy and powerful again, i miss those goosebumps.. I really do.

While you're at it, you may want to do some nice music backgrounds to every CQ, and , make them optional, as we know some people like their game (or some stations) awfully silent.

Many Thanks o7
Elanor Vega
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#528 - 2011-11-15 22:44:28 UTC
make that we can lock on target that's more then 250km away from us...
(get rid of that hard cap)
Linda Shadowborn
Dark Steel Industries
#529 - 2011-11-15 22:46:11 UTC
The ability to see how damaged a laser crystal is without the horrible walkaround we have now.

Even if it is just using the fitting screen (the 4 little boxes at each gun that shows the normal ammo in 25% increments) at least give us a ballpark. So annoying atm.
#530 - 2011-11-15 22:47:45 UTC
- Minimum warp range increased to 200 or preferably 250km to make sniping viable again

- Look At range increased to 250km. There is no reason for the 100km maximum

- A selectable list of Orbit and Keept At Range distances. Preferably with the player being able to set these distances.

- Change the green strip for overheating on the top of modules to a small round button the same size as the overheat rack buttons between the hud and the modules

- Make the Stop and Maximum speed triangles on the hud bigger and preferably round

- Make the small triangles on the overview bigger

- Make the scroll bars on the overview and UI in general wider

- Make the close/minimise buttons on windows bigger

- Give me 200 Billion ISK
Pierced Brosmen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#531 - 2011-11-15 22:50:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Pierced Brosmen
I would like to see the corporate hangar in capital ships to be changed into some type of a customizeable "Fleet hangar" (or something more fitting).

It should still have 7 hangar slots but their labels should be defined by the pilot and not the labels of hangar divisions defined by the corp of whoever access the hangar.

Following access control abilities should be available in the "Configure ship" window (and once set, settings should stay set until changed by the pilot or until he/she logs out/leaves ship... and not be reset with every gate jump or station docking):

- Fleet access to Fitting Services
- Fleet access to Ship Maintenance Bay
- Fleet access to Fleet hangars
- Corp access to Fitting Services
- Corp access to Ship Maintenance Bay
- Corp access to Fleet Hangar

In the Fleet hangar there should be access controls for every individual hangar division similar to:

- Private
- Deposit Only (drop-box type access)
- Allow access to - Fleet - Wing - Squad - Corp - Alliance (checkboxes)
- Allow access based on standings [chose standings level] (based on personal standings so if configured for squad access, only those in squad with sufficient personal standings get access)

So if overall access in the Configure Ship window is set to Fleet Access to Fleet Hangar, and the access level of one of the hangar divisions is set to only allow alliance members, then only alliance members in the fleet have access.

The idea behind this is that the corp hangar in a ship is still "personal property" and when used in a fleet it doesn't make sense that the hangar is only fully available to members of the same corp, as it's availability should be more oriented to fleet useage.

Also, when entering starbase forcefield password on a ship, it should stay registered for as long as you are online and in the same ship (or until you change it), regardless of system jumps and station docking.

Just my 2 bytes, saying while thinking about the concept, so sorry if it's written a bit sloppy... it's a draft of an idea Lol
Ore Grinder
Star-Gate Command
#532 - 2011-11-15 22:51:23 UTC
How about different damage notifications? The old orange text in the middle of the screen can obstruct the view of things.

If the damage was shown as a floating number color coded for severity or even primary damage type it might be nice.

Other than that focus on combat enhancements like on grid probing mechanics so snipers have a role again. Maybe make min warp distance 200+ KM.
Unraveller Chase
Unraveller Industries
#533 - 2011-11-15 22:53:05 UTC
2 Things Already mentioned earlier:

Black Ops Stat improvements so they are on par with T1 ships which are dirt cheap in comparison.

Black ops pilots get a time delay on appearing in local. This alone would be enough to make them useful for sneaking up to people.

Black Ops scan resolution bonus. If you get the jump on a cruiser he is gone before you can shoot, on a widow you could give a FOF missile damage bonus but on the rest i can only see scan res being better to account for this assuming you don't reprogram Drone AI.

Sorry if this wasnt well thought out.

Keep doing what you're doing for the winter expansion CCP and EvE will have a second coming!

Fools of the Blue Oyster
#534 - 2011-11-15 22:55:58 UTC
don't know the reason behind that restriction?

what happened, ship docked with 1% hull, aaaarrggghhh no repair station and unable to undock, had to petition and GM were very helpful and fast.

But as I know a couple of persons who have been in the same situation, remove the restriction and save the GM time for more serious petitions

Seriously, don't take me serious, I MEAN IT...seriously

Callic Veratar
#535 - 2011-11-15 22:56:13 UTC
Enhance the functionality of the Compare window. It's quite useful, but limited in scope: can't compare a Maelstrom to a Hyperion, simply because they don't have variants.
Blake Sheffield
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#536 - 2011-11-15 23:01:06 UTC
Highlight my orders on the market window.
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#537 - 2011-11-15 23:01:47 UTC
- An option to toggle the ship camera view to fix itself behind the ship, or untoggle it and free the camera again. (Ideally, it would either lock rotation in the flat plane but allow zoom and up/down pitching, or it would just lock in place when toggled and keep oriented in relation to the ship's travel orientation)

- Fix the bug(s) where scan window and/or tactical overlay don't always remember their state from last undocking.

- Fix the UI input so that it interprets your click BEFORE it updates itself. Obviously I chose to click in that spot based on the old display, why update the state and then interpret my click? (situations arise where you click on a target, that target updates to be dead or warped off or the overview re-sorts itself and your click hits something else)

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Gallente Federation
#538 - 2011-11-15 23:05:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Diehard15
Reduce Jump Clone timer to 12hours
Lady Sylpheria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#539 - 2011-11-15 23:10:15 UTC
Lower the remap timer from 12 months to something like 6 months instead.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#540 - 2011-11-15 23:20:21 UTC

The ability to move the damage-notification-message-box.

It's not that i don't appreciate it at all,
i just don't appreciate it where it is now. ^^