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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1801 - 2013-09-24 14:19:56 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Sometimes more than one type of effort is blocked when an opportunity is canceled.

Or you run smack into the law of unintended consequences, or as I like to put it, perverse incentives.

If we remove AFK cloaking, and Nikk, the Gunslinger, Mag's, et. al. are right...we could see a dramatic rise in AWOXing. Then how long until people are here on the forums whining about that? Wanting that prohibited somehow as well.

The argument is the PvPers should adapt. Well they might, in a way that is even worse. Now you might have to start docking up even when a blue is in system.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

All Web Investigations
#1802 - 2013-09-24 14:27:39 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:

Since we cannot say if any ship is afk, we cannot identify any ship as no threat; to do so requires that we call the ship afk, which we cannot afford to do. But the afk ship is in reality zero threat, so an auto-logoff removes no threat. At best, it removes a ship which we previous considered a possible threat. Scripts can continue the false perception, but again they are against EULA, so until CCP cracks down on them, they may continue false threats. False threats also continue normally up to an hour before the auto-logoff. So false threats are treated like full threats, until they auto-logoff, or can be engaged.

PS: That 99% figure is completely wrong. Just because one person has a high confidence in their abilities does not mean that it is 99% for even that person, let alone for everyone. This discussion should be more about mechanics that make sense, work, and fit the Eve story than about who is how safe and why, etc.

So you're acknowledging that afk players are no threat, but are asking for them to be removed because you may in some situations think they are a threat?

So that is basically saying you want the game to mechanically remove any none-threats that exist, leaving only real threats. You want the game to automatically, with perfect accuracy, and with zero effort on your part, identify real threats and point them out to you, while also, for a lack of a better term, cleaning up the "fake" threats.

Tell me how that isn't just pure laziness and entitlement?

And how on earth is that balanced? Why are you demanding that I not have the ability to trick you into thinking I am a bigger or smaller threat than I actually am? Why should the game reveal the true nature of an adversary to you?

It's sickening entitlement.
All Web Investigations
#1803 - 2013-09-24 14:36:40 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Teckos Pech wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Sometimes more than one type of effort is blocked when an opportunity is canceled.

Or you run smack into the law of unintended consequences, or as I like to put it, perverse incentives.

If we remove AFK cloaking, and Nikk, the Gunslinger, Mag's, et. al. are right...we could see a dramatic rise in AWOXing. Then how long until people are here on the forums whining about that? Wanting that prohibited somehow as well.

The argument is the PvPers should adapt. Well they might, in a way that is even worse. Now you might have to start docking up even when a blue is in system.

It also sorely misses the fact that PVPers already DID adapt - and thats why we have the cloaky camper strategy in the first place. It was PVPers adapting to residents appropriating a chat channel as an infallible intel tool. Residents used it because it was perfect and afforded them a very high degree of safety, so we figured out ways to handle that. What happened when we adapted? Well, a minority of null industrialists, like Nikk, adapted themselves. But a lot of them refused, and instead made ten thousand threads demanding changes.

They do not realise they are fighting a losing battle because those who adapt will always be ahead of those who cannot or will not. Even if they got the change they want (and the subsequent one they wanted after we adapted, and the one after that after we adapted again, and so on ad infinitum) ... they'd always be stuck waiting for the next change. We'll adapt far quicker than CCP will make major mechanics changes.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1804 - 2013-09-24 14:38:24 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:

Since we cannot say if any ship is afk, we cannot identify any ship as no threat; to do so requires that we call the ship afk, which we cannot afford to do. But the afk ship is in reality zero threat, so an auto-logoff removes no threat. At best, it removes a ship which we previous considered a possible threat. Scripts can continue the false perception, but again they are against EULA, so until CCP cracks down on them, they may continue false threats. False threats also continue normally up to an hour before the auto-logoff. So false threats are treated like full threats, until they auto-logoff, or can be engaged.

PS: That 99% figure is completely wrong. Just because one person has a high confidence in their abilities does not mean that it is 99% for even that person, let alone for everyone. This discussion should be more about mechanics that make sense, work, and fit the Eve story than about who is how safe and why, etc.

So you're acknowledging that afk players are no threat, but are asking for them to be removed because you may in some situations think they are a threat?

So that is basically saying you want the game to mechanically remove any none-threats that exist, leaving only real threats. You want the game to automatically, with perfect accuracy, and with zero effort on your part, identify real threats and point them out to you, while also, for a lack of a better term, cleaning up the "fake" threats.

Tell me how that isn't just pure laziness and entitlement?

And how on earth is that balanced? Why are you demanding that I not have the ability to trick you into thinking I am a bigger or smaller threat than I actually am? Why should the game reveal the true nature of an adversary to you?

It's sickening entitlement.

Wait, it gets better.

They are also trying to limit the possible threat you represent while you are actually known to be active.

More than once, I heard it said they want to limit what items you can fit. Guns from some, cyno fields more often.

I think they might accept the snowball launchers CCP tosses out around the holidays, but I am not certain....
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1805 - 2013-09-24 15:33:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
TheGunslinger42 wrote:

So you're acknowledging that afk players are no threat, but are asking for them to be removed because you may in some situations think they are a threat?

So that is basically saying you want the game to mechanically remove any none-threats that exist, leaving only real threats. You want the game to automatically, with perfect accuracy, and with zero effort on your part, identify real threats and point them out to you, while also, for a lack of a better term, cleaning up the "fake" threats.

Tell me how that isn't just pure laziness and entitlement?

And how on earth is that balanced? Why are you demanding that I not have the ability to trick you into thinking I am a bigger or smaller threat than I actually am? Why should the game reveal the true nature of an adversary to you?

It's sickening entitlement.

If a player truely is afk then of course there is no threat until they return, obviously, but because no one can know either event, it is best to NEVER AGAIN MENTION WHETHER A PLAYER IS AFK OR NOT .. because no one will ever know .. not even if they are watching a movie and clicking on the client every hour when a timer goes off under the new auto-logoff feature proposal.

I am not asking anything about threats. I am talking only about auto-logoff of clients with NO player interaction. This is about interaction, not threats. It deals with the single term of being "afk" cloaked or not. Resolving "afk", the issue of afk cloakers (this issue) suddenly becomes resolved as well; plus any other afk issues, too. Since interaction correlates only very loosely with threat levels, there is no accuracy regarding the client's affect on threats and there is still plenty of intel work required by the players to discern the threat level of all hostiles still logged in. Plus, not all log-offs would be auto-logoffs, because some would be log tricks. Additionally, cloaky-campin' players, station-chillin' players, and any player in general may be chatting with friends, watching a movie, eating lunch, take'n a pee, whatever, and still clicking on the client at least once per hour to keep the auto-logoff timer resetting. The timer would affect all afk and not just only target the small group of cloaky campers; it is fair. As before, they will be assumed to be an active threat. The auto-logoff won't even broadcast in local the last time there was a click or key press for each player in system (a bit of a stretch for an idea affecting the stargate communication system anyhow). Some false threats will be removed, but the point is to resolve the concern about afk and to have a player base that is actually playing to at least a very limited degree or possibly "illegally" scripting which would be reported the same as scripted high sec mining.

Auto-logoff is about leaving the game to those who are actually playing and present, not about balancing gameplay or tricking people about whether or not you are active because I could care less about whether or not you really are active or really are at the keyboard when it comes to assessing you as a threat. Now, do you want to resolve the "afk" part of the issue and possibly also this entire thread with one simple, fair auto-logoff mechanic .. or not?

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1806 - 2013-09-24 16:09:24 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Clean your boots, my friend, I think you may have stepped in it.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
My risk, since a hostile can no longer fool me into operating in their presence, drops. Maybe not for me specifically, but for miners like myself, statistically speaking.
Ratters and mission runners too.

Prove that this happens, as I don;t believe it does. I don't believe that a measurable amount of population simply get desensitised to a random local.
AFK cloakers operate to cause people to move on, lowering the index of the system. They don't do it for anything as complex as goading people into taking risks.

In which case, there is no reason to pay any attention to them, they represent a false threat.

If only idiots are undocking, and not pilots who are making a calculated risk on the possibility the cloaked vessel is not alert, then we have no problem.
As many point out, idiots are not an issue that can be fixed here.

Removing them produces no value, so why pursue it?

AND, if they represent an effort at a larger strategic goal, such as lowering an index in a system, WHY are you arguing against warfare on this scale?
Will you argue against towers and Outposts being attacked by fleets next?

It's like you don't read anything at all. You MUST treat them as NOT AFK as you can't tell they are AFK.
But that DOESN'T MEAN their purpose there is to get kills, it's to deny resources.
So you can't just say "false threat, move on", but at the same time you can't say removing them reduces death of PVE players and miners, because that's BS.

And the reason I argue against them is they CANNOT BE FOUGHT, an outpost can. I'd be against perma-cloaked outposts too.
Give any method to identify an AFK cloaker is AFK, or combat an AFK cloaker, and you can call them a working mechanic. Until then, they are a side effect of other mechanics abused for gain, much like drones outside of a pos shield.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1807 - 2013-09-24 16:10:25 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
How can the killboards prove me wrong if we're discussing the results of a proposed change?
The killboards show that PVE players don't ONLY get killed by cyno campers, thus the removal of cyno campers can't make PVE players 100% safe.

Why are we going off topic, and suddenly referring to kill boards that depict meaningless information?

The context of this is AFK Cloaking. I have yet to see an official kill board entry that specified that as a contributing factor on a kill mail.

(Pilot was fooled into undocking, possibly was AFK using toilet when ganking occurred)
Ahhh... the toilet kill mails we would see....

Because you guys seem to be claiming that by removing an AFK cloaker, PVE players and miners would die less. This is utterly wrong. Prove that AFK cloakers are increasing actual threat, not just introducing an appearance of threat.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1808 - 2013-09-24 16:24:19 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
How can the killboards prove me wrong if we're discussing the results of a proposed change?
The killboards show that PVE players don't ONLY get killed by cyno campers, thus the removal of cyno campers can't make PVE players 100% safe.

Why are we going off topic, and suddenly referring to kill boards that depict meaningless information?

The context of this is AFK Cloaking. I have yet to see an official kill board entry that specified that as a contributing factor on a kill mail.

(Pilot was fooled into undocking, possibly was AFK using toilet when ganking occurred)
Ahhh... the toilet kill mails we would see....

Because you guys seem to be claiming that by removing an AFK cloaker, PVE players and miners would die less. This is utterly wrong. Prove that AFK cloakers are increasing actual threat, not just introducing an appearance of threat.

You are painted into a corner with this argument.

If they represent a threat, which you want proven for some reason, then they will reduce the threat by being removed.

If they do not represent a threat, their removal has no meaning.

If you cannot tell the difference, that represents uncertainty, which you want removed.
The change you seek will do this automatically.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1809 - 2013-09-24 17:36:26 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
How can the killboards prove me wrong if we're discussing the results of a proposed change?
The killboards show that PVE players don't ONLY get killed by cyno campers, thus the removal of cyno campers can't make PVE players 100% safe.

Why are we going off topic, and suddenly referring to kill boards that depict meaningless information?

The context of this is AFK Cloaking. I have yet to see an official kill board entry that specified that as a contributing factor on a kill mail.

(Pilot was fooled into undocking, possibly was AFK using toilet when ganking occurred)
Ahhh... the toilet kill mails we would see....

Because you guys seem to be claiming that by removing an AFK cloaker, PVE players and miners would die less. This is utterly wrong. Prove that AFK cloakers are increasing actual threat, not just introducing an appearance of threat.

You are painted into a corner with this argument.

If they represent a threat, which you want proven for some reason, then they will reduce the threat by being removed.

If they do not represent a threat, their removal has no meaning.

If you cannot tell the difference, that represents uncertainty, which you want removed.
The change you seek will do this automatically.
They APPEAR as a threat but are NOT a threat. You guys are claiming that removing them makes PVE and Mining players MORE SAFE. So prove it. If you can't, then you are complaining about the removal of the uncertainty for no reason, since removing that uncertainty will not increase our safety.

You have trouble understanding, I get that, but stop acting like I'm saying things I am not. At the end of the day, our level of safety WOULD NOT CHANGE with this change, the only thing that will change is your abuse of the game mechanics.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1810 - 2013-09-24 18:02:42 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
You are painted into a corner with this argument.

If they represent a threat, which you want proven for some reason, then they will reduce the threat by being removed.

If they do not represent a threat, their removal has no meaning.

If you cannot tell the difference, that represents uncertainty, which you want removed.
The change you seek will do this automatically.
They APPEAR as a threat but are NOT a threat. You guys are claiming that removing them makes PVE and Mining players MORE SAFE. So prove it. If you can't, then you are complaining about the removal of the uncertainty for no reason, since removing that uncertainty will not increase our safety.

You have trouble understanding, I get that, but stop acting like I'm saying things I am not. At the end of the day, our level of safety WOULD NOT CHANGE with this change, the only thing that will change is your abuse of the game mechanics.

If they appear as a threat, but are not a threat, then they are not an issue.

If you are pointing out that they cannot be differentiated from active cloaked pilots, that is uncertainty, which is most certainly an intended game mechanic.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1811 - 2013-09-24 18:13:30 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
You are painted into a corner with this argument.

If they represent a threat, which you want proven for some reason, then they will reduce the threat by being removed.

If they do not represent a threat, their removal has no meaning.

If you cannot tell the difference, that represents uncertainty, which you want removed.
The change you seek will do this automatically.
They APPEAR as a threat but are NOT a threat. You guys are claiming that removing them makes PVE and Mining players MORE SAFE. So prove it. If you can't, then you are complaining about the removal of the uncertainty for no reason, since removing that uncertainty will not increase our safety.

You have trouble understanding, I get that, but stop acting like I'm saying things I am not. At the end of the day, our level of safety WOULD NOT CHANGE with this change, the only thing that will change is your abuse of the game mechanics.

If they appear as a threat, but are not a threat, then they are not an issue.

If you are pointing out that they cannot be differentiated from active cloaked pilots, that is uncertainty, which is most certainly an intended game mechanic.
You are either purposely being dumb, or you are really stupid.
HOW CAN YOU TELL if they are AFK to then DECIDE that they are NOT A THREAT?
That's literally what this ENTIRE THREAD is about.
So you can go on saying "oh, but AFK players mean nothing!" but unless you can tell, they HAVE TO BE TREATED as active. so while they provide NO ACTUAL RISK, they still must be treated the same.
They KNOW this, and they exploit this part of the mechanic to pin down systems for weeks at a time.

Please learn to read English, or don;t bother responding with the same nonsense over and over again. We're all fed up of hearing the troll response of "AFK players can't kill you". That's beside the point and you damn well know it.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1812 - 2013-09-24 18:15:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Nikk Narrel wrote:

If they do not represent a threat, their removal has no meaning.

If you cannot tell the difference, that represents uncertainty, which you want removed.
The change you seek will do this automatically.

For the longest time, I have read posts that afk cloakers are no threat while they are cloaked. Which is partially true; intel is a threat. The idea that a ship could be a threat with no one at the keyboard (afk) piloting it is laughable. So I hope we all agree that true afk (which no one can know) is zero threat. And no key press for 1 hour is as good a test as you get for "afk," unless the player wants to be auto-logged off while he is at the keyboard, in which case, well, he wanted it, so no issue.

Without the threat, there is still plenty of "meaning" (in no particular order):
1) Reduction of server resources, however small,
2) Reduction of number of players online to more accurate numbers,
3) Easier for friends to know if you are really there and able to be convo'd,
4) Online players are more likely to be active,
5) Save local system resources for those who forgot to log-off or simply got distracted or whatever is not associated with actually playing,
6) Greatly reduce all the issues players have with afk this or that,
7) Allow online presence to those who are at the keyboard,
8) Discourage extended periods of being "afk" without logging,
9) Encourage more player activity,
10) Make you think of another reason to justify your "local" change/removal proposals ..

While there are probably many more reasons, I think that 10 reasons having nothing to do with threat levels is a good start and is fairly convincing on its own. CCP is already good at logging us off at downtime and creating a counter should be child's play to them, so this fast, easy solution should do a lot of good for minimal development resources.

Lucas, we really need to avoid using words like dumb and stupid. These are personal attacks which bring moderator attention and make discussion difficult when pride overrides what rational sense we have. He must have simply missed the capitalized phrase of my first sentense in a recent post (above):
because no one can know either event (being afk or returning to the keyboard), it is best to NEVER AGAIN MENTION WHETHER A PLAYER IS AFK OR NOT

I'll ask everyone again to be very careful about mentioning "afk" as if any person could know .. or even needs to know

.. let's see where are those CCP webcams that I need to install around my computer to give a complete view of who is at the computer ..

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1813 - 2013-09-24 18:24:09 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
If they appear as a threat, but are not a threat, then they are not an issue.

If you are pointing out that they cannot be differentiated from active cloaked pilots, that is uncertainty, which is most certainly an intended game mechanic.

You are either purposely being dumb, or you are really stupid.
HOW CAN YOU TELL if they are AFK to then DECIDE that they are NOT A THREAT?
That's literally what this ENTIRE THREAD is about.
So you can go on saying "oh, but AFK players mean nothing!" but unless you can tell, they HAVE TO BE TREATED as active. so while they provide NO ACTUAL RISK, they still must be treated the same.
They KNOW this, and they exploit this part of the mechanic to pin down systems for weeks at a time.

Please learn to read English, or don;t bother responding with the same nonsense over and over again. We're all fed up of hearing the troll response of "AFK players can't kill you". That's beside the point and you damn well know it.

You are not supposed to know if they are AFK.

After all this time, have you not realized this?

Deception is one of the core elements to EVE. They may be active, but deliberately silent... or they could simply be AFK.

You don't have the right to know this with any certainty.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1814 - 2013-09-24 18:34:32 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
You are not supposed to know if they are AFK.

After all this time, have you not realized this?

Deception is one of the core elements to EVE. They may be active, but deliberately silent... or they could simply be AFK.

You don't have the right to know this with any certainty.
Since when do you decide what we are SUPPOSED to know? Who are you to say what rights I have?
The whole system as it stands is simply the way it's fallen, if that dictates rights, then you don't have the right to disappear from local. You are SUPPOSED to be visible on local in any system that's not a WH.
At the end of the day a mechanic that favours AFK play is clearly a broken mechanic. All the time you are talking about local removal, you don't deny this. But any time we talk about simply removing that one piece of the mechanic, you suddenly see yourself as some pillar of knowledge we should all bow to, banging on about how your idea is the only idea.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1815 - 2013-09-24 18:34:56 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Without the threat, there is still plenty of "meaning" (in no particular order):
1) Reduction of server resources, however small,
2) Reduction of number of players online to more accurate numbers,
3) Easier for friends to know if you are really there and able to be convo'd,
4) Online players are more likely to be active,
5) Save local system resources for those who forgot to log-off or simply got distracted or whatever is not associated with actually playing,
6) Greatly reduce all the issues players have with afk this or that,
7) Allow online presence to those who are at the keyboard,
8) Discourage extended periods of being "afk" without logging,
9) Encourage more player activity,
10) Make you think of another reason to justify your "local" change/removal proposals ..

1. Meaningless / CCP has this covered.

2. Really meaningless. A significant portion of game affecting play is not even done on game servers, but on voice chats and forum discussions, including those owned by individual corporations and alliances.
Did you think all those websites and apps had no purpose?

3. They even have EVE mail for this, as being able to reach people 1 on 1 is not a priority for immediate communication.

4. We disagree on the meaning of active. My version cannot be measured by clicks or keystrokes.

5. Not something worth even mentioning.

6. CCP really does balance the game, even if you find flaws with AFK this or that.

7. Come on now, this just restates the earlier points with different words.

8. Same wash / rinse / re-word....

9. Activity being the opposite of AFK, in this context, another re-worded point.

10. No additional reasons necessary, the logic behind the local changes was never beaten, simply avoided or ignored.
Those not wanting the change to local in exchange for a change to cloaking, are almost literally sticking their fingers in their ears, going la la la I cannot hear you....

Big smile

It really is a beautiful day.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1816 - 2013-09-24 18:37:53 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
You are not supposed to know if they are AFK.

After all this time, have you not realized this?

Deception is one of the core elements to EVE. They may be active, but deliberately silent... or they could simply be AFK.

You don't have the right to know this with any certainty.
Since when do you decide what we are SUPPOSED to know? Who are you to say what rights I have?
The whole system as it stands is simply the way it's fallen, if that dictates rights, then you don't have the right to disappear from local. You are SUPPOSED to be visible on local in any system that's not a WH.
At the end of the day a mechanic that favours AFK play is clearly a broken mechanic. All the time you are talking about local removal, you don't deny this. But any time we talk about simply removing that one piece of the mechanic, you suddenly see yourself as some pillar of knowledge we should all bow to, banging on about how your idea is the only idea.

You just did it again.

By your arguing in this direction, you are claiming we ARE supposed to know the status of a player's activity.
Further, you are declaring CCP to be neglecting our right to know this, by not implementing this change.

At what point did CCP establish our right to know this information?
Please cite your sources, as I may want to learn more.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1817 - 2013-09-24 19:52:02 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
You are not supposed to know if they are AFK.

After all this time, have you not realized this?

Deception is one of the core elements to EVE. They may be active, but deliberately silent... or they could simply be AFK.

You don't have the right to know this with any certainty.
Since when do you decide what we are SUPPOSED to know? Who are you to say what rights I have?
The whole system as it stands is simply the way it's fallen, if that dictates rights, then you don't have the right to disappear from local. You are SUPPOSED to be visible on local in any system that's not a WH.
At the end of the day a mechanic that favours AFK play is clearly a broken mechanic. All the time you are talking about local removal, you don't deny this. But any time we talk about simply removing that one piece of the mechanic, you suddenly see yourself as some pillar of knowledge we should all bow to, banging on about how your idea is the only idea.

You just did it again.

By your arguing in this direction, you are claiming we ARE supposed to know the status of a player's activity.
Further, you are declaring CCP to be neglecting our right to know this, by not implementing this change.

At what point did CCP establish our right to know this information?
Please cite your sources, as I may want to learn more.

Did WHAT again?
What is your inability to read causing you too see between the lines now.
I'm SIMPLY STATING that the current state we have is due to the broken mechanics. You are trying to tell me what i have the right to know and what we as players are SUPPOSED to know. Yet YOU want LOCAL REMOVED. Do you not understand how this makes you a hypocrite? How this shows that YOU want what YOU want, and simply make up this between the lines crap to try to justify that?
Don't make me laugh bro. Learn to troll.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1818 - 2013-09-24 20:06:02 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
You just did it again.

By your arguing in this direction, you are claiming we ARE supposed to know the status of a player's activity.
Further, you are declaring CCP to be neglecting our right to know this, by not implementing this change.

At what point did CCP establish our right to know this information?
Please cite your sources, as I may want to learn more.

Did WHAT again?
What is your inability to read causing you too see between the lines now.
I'm SIMPLY STATING that the current state we have is due to the broken mechanics. You are trying to tell me what i have the right to know and what we as players are SUPPOSED to know. Yet YOU want LOCAL REMOVED. Do you not understand how this makes you a hypocrite? How this shows that YOU want what YOU want, and simply make up this between the lines crap to try to justify that?
Don't make me laugh bro. Learn to troll.

You are handling the trolling.

Your argument makes the claims that CCP needs to tell us MORE, therefore the burden of proof is upon you.

I am saying NO change is needed.

If you want to discuss things I supposedly want, start at the point where I want changes on both sides, or none at all.

I treat the circumstances as already being balanced.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1819 - 2013-09-24 20:09:52 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
You just did it again.

By your arguing in this direction, you are claiming we ARE supposed to know the status of a player's activity.
Further, you are declaring CCP to be neglecting our right to know this, by not implementing this change.

At what point did CCP establish our right to know this information?
Please cite your sources, as I may want to learn more.

Did WHAT again?
What is your inability to read causing you too see between the lines now.
I'm SIMPLY STATING that the current state we have is due to the broken mechanics. You are trying to tell me what i have the right to know and what we as players are SUPPOSED to know. Yet YOU want LOCAL REMOVED. Do you not understand how this makes you a hypocrite? How this shows that YOU want what YOU want, and simply make up this between the lines crap to try to justify that?
Don't make me laugh bro. Learn to troll.

You are handling the trolling.

Your argument makes the claims that CCP needs to tell us MORE, therefore the burden of proof is upon you.

I am saying NO change is needed.

If you want to discuss things I supposedly want, start at the point where I want changes on both sides, or none at all.

I treat the circumstances as already being balanced.

Proof of WHAT?
What proof do you want?
You make absolutely no sense, because I think you are having a conversation with yourself that I am not a party to, due to your lack of understanding english.

YOU are claiming I have NO RIGHT to the information I WANT.
YOU are claiming I AM NOT SUPPOSED to know that a player is AFK.
YET YOU want LOCAL REMOVED, and seem to think you are not SUPPOSED to see people in local.

I don't NEED to prove anything, since what I WANT is not something provable. YOU must PROVE that I have NO RIGHT to ask for it.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

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Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1820 - 2013-09-24 20:45:09 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Proof of WHAT?
What proof do you want?
You make absolutely no sense, because I think you are having a conversation with yourself that I am not a party to, due to your lack of understanding english.

YOU are claiming I have NO RIGHT to the information I WANT.
YOU are claiming I AM NOT SUPPOSED to know that a player is AFK.
YET YOU want LOCAL REMOVED, and seem to think you are not SUPPOSED to see people in local.

I don't NEED to prove anything, since what I WANT is not something provable. YOU must PROVE that I have NO RIGHT to ask for it.

Ask all you want.

You have not explained why you should have the information, you only point out how you want it.

As to my proving you don't have something, I withhold judgement as to how crazy that sounds. I feel it speaks for itself.