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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1701 - 2013-09-23 12:48:15 UTC
Aivo Dresden wrote:
I just don't understand why you don't want to protect your industry. :( Obviously a PvE ship will die fast to a PvP ship, so the obvious solution would be to protect your PvE investments, with a PvP ship.
Simple economics. If I have to run 2 accounts just to protect me from 1 ship, I may as well run 2 accounts in high sec, for more isk.
Now while I don't mind spending an hour or two out fighting with pirates, AFK cloakers spend 24 hours a day in system, occasionally becoming active to gank a miner. They are simply not efficient to attempt to bait out.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1702 - 2013-09-23 12:48:56 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
]I'm "someone to gank" though. And as long as I think you are actually going to engage, I'm always willing to grab a combat ship and fight. Cloakers 9 times out of 10 simply hide and refuse to engage, thus wasting my time, which is why when it's a cloaker, I just move on.

You're someone to chuckle at while passing in local and seeing you under a POS field.
You're someone to gank with 1 out of 100 probability, while the rest of 99 out of 100 times you just dock or crawl under a field.
Your time is hardly an argument in any case, since no one cares about what you do in game, and how you spend your time - that's what you fail to grasp. You buy a subscription, and waste that time at your leisure, with the constraints of the ingame socium/meta/mechanic. What you want or don't want hardly warrant any changes, while you fail to argument any objective reasons except "I DONT WANT TO SPEND MY TIME". I mean the guy cloaky-camping you spends his time, and he doesn't whine for "PURGE OUT OF THE POS FIELD TIMER FIX" BS, hah.
Erm no, he's instead whining for "remove cloakers from local". How is that not setting you off?

Because it's a counter-argument for your suggested "remove AFK" idea, isn't it? As a negation of disbalance caused by your intended mechanics fix, no? I failed to see many topics about removing cloakies from local, but I've seen so many about "removing cloakies" be they AFK or not... You seem a bit lost on the chain of events here.

Lucas Kell wrote:
be civil

From a guy with that many asterisks in his posts, it's almost amusing =)
Aivo Dresden
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1703 - 2013-09-23 12:50:07 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas, what if the people sitting cloaked in system weren't AFK but had absolutely no intentions on fighting? What if they were waiting to see if someone else - a specific target, who they know logged off in your system, for examle - logs on? Or if they were just chilling there while waiting for something else to happen - for example waiting for to find out where to head to for an OP? Or if they were just sitting there doing PI or something. They're entirely active, but not interested in you or your system at all, and they're just in a little cov ops frig, no cyno, not even a scram. Would you be ok with the "appearance of risk" presented by this player? They are actively playing the game, after all

just a hypothetical I wanted clearing up, with regards to the "appearance of risk"

I thought of this, how would you make a difference between someone just sitting around, and someone who's AFK. Where do you draw the line on this as well? Can I go for a wee, or is that 2 min AFK already too long? Also, how will you check whether or not someone is afk? Keyboard inputs?
Aivo Dresden
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1704 - 2013-09-23 12:51:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Aivo Dresden
Lucas Kell wrote:
Aivo Dresden wrote:
I just don't understand why you don't want to protect your industry. :( Obviously a PvE ship will die fast to a PvP ship, so the obvious solution would be to protect your PvE investments, with a PvP ship.
Simple economics. If I have to run 2 accounts just to protect me from 1 ship, I may as well run 2 accounts in high sec, for more isk.
Now while I don't mind spending an hour or two out fighting with pirates, AFK cloakers spend 24 hours a day in system, occasionally becoming active to gank a miner. They are simply not efficient to attempt to bait out.

In your opinion, how many of these miners are active? Wouldn't a hulk with 2 stabs be able to warp out and avoid a ship loss without too much problems?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1705 - 2013-09-23 12:52:43 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas, what if the people sitting cloaked in system weren't AFK but had absolutely no intentions on fighting? What if they were waiting to see if someone else - a specific target, who they know logged off in your system, for examle - logs on? Or if they were just chilling there while waiting for something else to happen - for example waiting for to find out where to head to for an OP? Or if they were just sitting there doing PI or something. They're entirely active, but not interested in you or your system at all, and they're just in a little cov ops frig, no cyno, not even a scram. Would you be ok with the "appearance of risk" presented by this player? They are actively playing the game, after all

just a hypothetical I wanted clearing up, with regards to the "appearance of risk"

I'd be perfectly fine with them doing that. I'd still treat them in the same way as any other cloaker, but if they are there playing, they can do what they want.
They can even sit there, twiddling their thumbs just sitting in space cloaked if they want, as long as they are actually there.
Basically if someone wants to camp a system 24/7 the PLAYER not just the CHARACTER should have to do that. I really don't think that is a shockingly large thing to ask, yet somehow that gets spun into "I want to make infinite isk for no effort".
From my point of view, I want to be able to make a reasonable amount of isk in null (I don;t even care if it stays less than high sec), rather than simply moving all my isk generation to high sec, leaving only my PvP guys in null, and I want to know that anyone stopping me has to put in at least minimal effort to do so.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1706 - 2013-09-23 12:56:28 UTC
Aivo Dresden wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas, what if the people sitting cloaked in system weren't AFK but had absolutely no intentions on fighting? What if they were waiting to see if someone else - a specific target, who they know logged off in your system, for examle - logs on? Or if they were just chilling there while waiting for something else to happen - for example waiting for to find out where to head to for an OP? Or if they were just sitting there doing PI or something. They're entirely active, but not interested in you or your system at all, and they're just in a little cov ops frig, no cyno, not even a scram. Would you be ok with the "appearance of risk" presented by this player? They are actively playing the game, after all

just a hypothetical I wanted clearing up, with regards to the "appearance of risk"

I thought of this, how would you make a difference between someone just sitting around, and someone who's AFK. Where do you draw the line on this as well? Can I go for a wee, or is that 2 min AFK already too long? Also, how will you check whether or not someone is afk? Keyboard inputs?

We kind of went over it like a dozen pages ago.
I solemnly believe (and willing to argument) that it's within my abilities (and within the abilities of someone tech. savvy on basic level) to override whatever "non-AFK{" enforcement without possibility of detection at all. Making this rule unenforceable, thus dumb in the first place.
So i claim that if implemented, cloakies problem won't go away at all, since the fear levels of the terror victims will rise - there's a cloaky in the system and he's not AFK! (probably, eh?)
Azrael Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#1707 - 2013-09-23 12:56:28 UTC
Aivo Dresden wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Troll troll troll. I haven't asked for anything like this.

Oh I see, staying in space with a cloak while AFK is bad, but mining while AFK is OK? How about instead of just looking at one specific group, you remove AFKing from ALL players, including mining characters. I'm open for that. If something is done about AFKing that targets ALL kinds and forms of AFKing, I'm definitely getting behind that.

As for something that only targets players using 1 specific module, no way. Are you out of your mind?

I agree that if something is removed from someone it should be removed from others also. Then again you realy don't mine afk, it's an active task more or less and lets also keep in mind that we aren't talking about bots.

After centuries of debating and justifying... Break Cloaks tm

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1708 - 2013-09-23 13:02:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Erm no, he's instead whining for "remove cloakers from local". How is that not setting you off?

Because it's a counter-argument for your suggested "remove AFK" idea, isn't it? As a negation of disbalance caused by your intended mechanics fix, no? I failed to see many topics about removing cloakies from local, but I've seen so many about "removing cloakies" be they AFK or not... You seem a bit lost on the chain of events here.
No, it's not even remotely comparable. AFK players not havign any aeffect is completely different from a change that would make covops the sole ship of choice in solo null combat, and break null fleet battles.
Bearing in mind this whole threa is for AFK cloakers, NOT for removal of local, I think it's fair to expect "remove local" to be kept out.

JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
be civil

From a guy with that many asterisks in his posts, it's almost amusing =)
I currently have 3 people purposely reading what I am writing, then posting something completely different, stating that's what I'm saying. We're 86 pages into a topic that I don't really care about enough to sit here quoting, yet I feel I need to defend myself against what is essentially libel. And they are only doing it because it's trolling that is just about within the rules, and they know it.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1709 - 2013-09-23 13:06:42 UTC
Aivo Dresden wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Aivo Dresden wrote:
I just don't understand why you don't want to protect your industry. :( Obviously a PvE ship will die fast to a PvP ship, so the obvious solution would be to protect your PvE investments, with a PvP ship.
Simple economics. If I have to run 2 accounts just to protect me from 1 ship, I may as well run 2 accounts in high sec, for more isk.
Now while I don't mind spending an hour or two out fighting with pirates, AFK cloakers spend 24 hours a day in system, occasionally becoming active to gank a miner. They are simply not efficient to attempt to bait out.

In your opinion, how many of these miners are active? Wouldn't a hulk with 2 stabs be able to warp out and avoid a ship loss without too much problems?
How many of what miners?
And sure a hulk could be fit with stabs, but a bomber could still kill it before it got out, and to fit stabs you'd have lower yield than a skiff, so it would be pretty pointless. You'd be better off in a skiff. But then while were battering isk efficiency, we may as well just mine in high sec, where you make only a fraction less, but save missions on JF fuel.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

All Web Investigations
#1710 - 2013-09-23 13:07:20 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas, what if the people sitting cloaked in system weren't AFK but had absolutely no intentions on fighting? What if they were waiting to see if someone else - a specific target, who they know logged off in your system, for examle - logs on? Or if they were just chilling there while waiting for something else to happen - for example waiting for to find out where to head to for an OP? Or if they were just sitting there doing PI or something. They're entirely active, but not interested in you or your system at all, and they're just in a little cov ops frig, no cyno, not even a scram. Would you be ok with the "appearance of risk" presented by this player? They are actively playing the game, after all

just a hypothetical I wanted clearing up, with regards to the "appearance of risk"

I'd be perfectly fine with them doing that. I'd still treat them in the same way as any other cloaker, but if they are there playing, they can do what they want.
They can even sit there, twiddling their thumbs just sitting in space cloaked if they want, as long as they are actually there.
Basically if someone wants to camp a system 24/7 the PLAYER not just the CHARACTER should have to do that. I really don't think that is a shockingly large thing to ask, yet somehow that gets spun into "I want to make infinite isk for no effort".
From my point of view, I want to be able to make a reasonable amount of isk in null (I don;t even care if it stays less than high sec), rather than simply moving all my isk generation to high sec, leaving only my PvP guys in null, and I want to know that anyone stopping me has to put in at least minimal effort to do so.

So in that situation, you're ok with the "appearance of risk" despite there being none whatsoever. You'll react the same way (which is fine, arguably an understandable thing to do), but you don't mind that in truth, the interpretation and reaction you make in this situation is "wrong" since there was no actual threat to respond to.

That was my understanding of your position so far, let me know if I've misunderstood anything at this point.

If that understanding is correct, then... I have trouble understanding something: What is the trouble with AFK players? You seem willing to accept that an "appearance of risk" may not actually be a risk, and that your reaction may result in you doing things you didn't need to. So what difference does it make if the player is out walking his dog, or if he's sitting at the client but, like in the examples I suggested, doing something else and not a real threat?

Their appearance (that is to say, a potential risk) is the same to you.
The actual risk they pose is the same (none)/
Your reaction is the same to both of them.

So... whats the issue?

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1711 - 2013-09-23 13:09:18 UTC
Aivo Dresden wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas, what if the people sitting cloaked in system weren't AFK but had absolutely no intentions on fighting? What if they were waiting to see if someone else - a specific target, who they know logged off in your system, for examle - logs on? Or if they were just chilling there while waiting for something else to happen - for example waiting for to find out where to head to for an OP? Or if they were just sitting there doing PI or something. They're entirely active, but not interested in you or your system at all, and they're just in a little cov ops frig, no cyno, not even a scram. Would you be ok with the "appearance of risk" presented by this player? They are actively playing the game, after all

just a hypothetical I wanted clearing up, with regards to the "appearance of risk"

I thought of this, how would you make a difference between someone just sitting around, and someone who's AFK. Where do you draw the line on this as well? Can I go for a wee, or is that 2 min AFK already too long? Also, how will you check whether or not someone is afk? Keyboard inputs?
They would be able to tell from client interaction (I'm pretty sure they already look at this, for logging purposes). And the threshhold timer would be up to them to figure out, but I'd imagine 30 minutes or more.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1712 - 2013-09-23 13:09:21 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, it's not even remotely comparable. AFK players not havign any aeffect is completely different from a change that would make covops the sole ship of choice in solo null combat, and break null fleet battles.
Bearing in mind this whole threa is for AFK cloakers, NOT for removal of local, I think it's fair to expect "remove local" to be kept out.

It seems very much comparable to me. both will grotesquely alter the existing status-quo.
I'd like many things kept out, but you keep repeating them, so... =)

Lucas Kell wrote:

I currently have 3 people purposely reading what I am writing, then posting something completely different, stating that's what I'm saying. We're 80 pages into a topic that I don't really care about enough to sit here quoting, yet I feel I need to defend myself against what is essentially libel. And they are only doing it because it's trolling that is just about within the rules, and they know it.

And yet they're rather civil, while you seem to loose your cool telling them to be civil, funny thing, eh?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1713 - 2013-09-23 13:14:18 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas, what if the people sitting cloaked in system weren't AFK but had absolutely no intentions on fighting? What if they were waiting to see if someone else - a specific target, who they know logged off in your system, for examle - logs on? Or if they were just chilling there while waiting for something else to happen - for example waiting for to find out where to head to for an OP? Or if they were just sitting there doing PI or something. They're entirely active, but not interested in you or your system at all, and they're just in a little cov ops frig, no cyno, not even a scram. Would you be ok with the "appearance of risk" presented by this player? They are actively playing the game, after all

just a hypothetical I wanted clearing up, with regards to the "appearance of risk"

I'd be perfectly fine with them doing that. I'd still treat them in the same way as any other cloaker, but if they are there playing, they can do what they want.
They can even sit there, twiddling their thumbs just sitting in space cloaked if they want, as long as they are actually there.
Basically if someone wants to camp a system 24/7 the PLAYER not just the CHARACTER should have to do that. I really don't think that is a shockingly large thing to ask, yet somehow that gets spun into "I want to make infinite isk for no effort".
From my point of view, I want to be able to make a reasonable amount of isk in null (I don;t even care if it stays less than high sec), rather than simply moving all my isk generation to high sec, leaving only my PvP guys in null, and I want to know that anyone stopping me has to put in at least minimal effort to do so.

So in that situation, you're ok with the "appearance of risk" despite there being none whatsoever. You'll react the same way (which is fine, arguably an understandable thing to do), but you don't mind that in truth, the interpretation and reaction you make in this situation is "wrong" since there was no actual threat to respond to.

That was my understanding of your position so far, let me know if I've misunderstood anything at this point.

If that understanding is correct, then... I have trouble understanding something: What is the trouble with AFK players? You seem willing to accept that an "appearance of risk" may not actually be a risk, and that your reaction may result in you doing things you didn't need to. So what difference does it make if the player is out walking his dog, or if he's sitting at the client but, like in the examples I suggested, doing something else and not a real threat?

Their appearance (that is to say, a potential risk) is the same to you.
The actual risk they pose is the same (none)/
Your reaction is the same to both of them.

So... whats the issue?
The issue is that an AFK player has to put in zero effort. Since they know this, and they know the reaction, they use that to purposely affect null. Thus, they put in zero effort and get the outcome they want. Even if all they had to do was click once on the screen every half hour, that's still effort, and so fine in my books.

Whether you think the reaction is needed or not is up to you. Losing a hulk is quite a blow to isk, so risking that for a few minutes mining (a few minutes being how long it takes to move) is not a very smart thing to do. Since I have only limited time between ops, I like to make my isk gaining as efficient as possible. Losing 200m+ because I couldn't be bothered to take a few jumps to an alternate location is plain silly.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1714 - 2013-09-23 13:14:49 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
]They would be able to tell from client interaction

They won't be able to do it, and even if though they will - it will drive server population down BIG TIME, which is something noone is interested in the first place. Man, you're stubborn, aren't you.
JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1715 - 2013-09-23 13:17:28 UTC  |  Edited by: JIeoH Mocc
Lucas Kell wrote:
]The issue is that an AFK player has to put in zero effort. Since they know this, and they know the reaction, they use that to purposely affect null. Thus, they put in zero effort and get the outcome they want. Even if all they had to do was click once on the screen every half hour, that's still effort, and so fine in my books.

Whether you think the reaction is needed or not is up to you. Losing a hulk is quite a blow to isk, so risking that for a few minutes mining (a few minutes being how long it takes to move) is not a very smart thing to do. Since I have only limited time between ops, I like to make my isk gaining as efficient as possible. Losing 200m+ because I couldn't be bothered to take a few jumps to an alternate location is plain silly.

It's you're reaction, why don't you change it? (I know why, you couldn't be bothered, that's why)
But since you won't change the reaction you simply demand to remove the stimulus of the reaction, which is absurd.
Any clicks on any buttons will be worked around with no possibility of detection, it's really simple.
And it's not zero effort, after all it's a subscribed account just like you, sitting there for your pleasure (he could have been mining instead and yet he chose you!). Him not doing anything, and you deriving some insights regarding what to do - exclusively your own issues, until he actually does something.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1716 - 2013-09-23 13:21:56 UTC
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, it's not even remotely comparable. AFK players not havign any aeffect is completely different from a change that would make covops the sole ship of choice in solo null combat, and break null fleet battles.
Bearing in mind this whole threa is for AFK cloakers, NOT for removal of local, I think it's fair to expect "remove local" to be kept out.
It seems very much comparable to me. both will grotesquely alter the existing status-quo.
I'd like many things kept out, but you keep repeating them, so... =)
WEll I don;t think it's comparable, but I can;t be bothered to argue the point. To be honest it's such a tiny thing I don't know why I ever bothered with this thread at all. Other than convincing me that local should definitely stay (whereas before I was for the global removal of immediate local) this thread is simply taking up time I could spend doing other things. And at the end of the day it doesn't really bother me if I move my isk makers to high sec and null population decays and dies.
At the end of the day the forums will always be inundated with the guys that want the mechanics I'm generally against, since they are generally filled with people that want to put in as little effort as possible. Id rather gravs had stayed the old way. I'd rather ice mining timers had stayed the same (though I'm happy with the limited ice volumes). It seems we're moving more and more towards a game style that requires as little actual effort as possible. Diaspora went that way, and it didn't end well.

JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
I currently have 3 people purposely reading what I am writing, then posting something completely different, stating that's what I'm saying. We're 80 pages into a topic that I don't really care about enough to sit here quoting, yet I feel I need to defend myself against what is essentially libel. And they are only doing it because it's trolling that is just about within the rules, and they know it.

And yet they're rather civil, while you seem to loose your cool telling them to be civil, funny thing, eh?
Just because their attack don't get filtered doesn't make them any more civil.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1717 - 2013-09-23 13:27:48 UTC
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
It's you're reaction, why don't you change it? (I know why, you couldn't be bothered, that's why)
But since you won't change the reaction you simply demand to remove the stimulus of the reaction, which is absurd.
My options being?
1. Risk my ship, thus making any isk I gain pointelss. since between ops my only aim is to make isk so I can go to ops, that seems counter productive.
2. Try for hours to bait out someone that will not be baited out. Been there, done that, It's a waste of time. Also, see #1, counter productive.
3. Log off. See #1, counter productive.

JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Any clicks on any buttons will be worked around with no possibility of detection, it's really simple.
Sure. But it will be against the EULA, and so plenty of people simply won't do it out of principle. I doubt very much botting and buying from RMT sites is anything more than simple, yet people still don;t do it. Why? Because some of us have moral standards and refuse to cheat to get ahead.

JIeoH Mocc wrote:
And it's not zero effort, after all it's a subscribed account just like you, sitting there for your pleasure (he could have been mining instead and yet he chose you!). Him not doing anything, and you deriving some insights regarding what to do - exclusively your own issues, until he actually does something.
Having a subscribed account is not effort. And "he" doesn't have to "sit there". his character does. He can be doing anything he wants. He doesn't even need to be in the same building as his PC.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1718 - 2013-09-23 13:29:15 UTC
It only means they manage to refrain form obscenities, which usually makes things more civil =)
Still waiting for that argument regarding "Indies move to highsec and null will die"
I share some space with indies... make'em gone and I won't notice, except less people in local.
They won't even get pvp ships to that space, so they have AN OPTION of putting out a fight. SO i think you're giving yourself an overrated value regarding the impact your presence has on nullsec PVP.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1719 - 2013-09-23 13:29:49 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
yasumitu wrote:
but the cloak pilot give up something? OMG no!!!!!
His cloak Module keeps turning to endless and is never never found.

As for PVE and Mining Player, they are made to give up now.

Probes to hunt them down?

Really, are you reading the thread? They are giving up a main part of their defense if they are not active.


I suppose to be fair, the pve player should only have to be vulnerable if they were not active. Is that what you are saying? PVE players should remain unscannable unless they are not active, same as the proposal for cloakies. And they should not be visible on the cloaky's local until after 10s also, same as the proposal for cloakies. Is that what you are saying? Fairness? Or just some kind of lopsided advantage for cloakies? Because I didn't see any willingness to accept the rest of the wh conditions mentioned in my previous post. Are we talking fairness for all or just more buffs for cloakies?

PvE players being undetectable "like cloakies"


Just so long as "the cloakies" get an ISK income like the PvE players.

Quid pro quo
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1720 - 2013-09-23 13:34:03 UTC
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
It only means they manage to refrain form obscenities, which usually makes things more civil =)
Still waiting for that argument regarding "Indies move to highsec and null will die"
I share some space with indies... make'em gone and I won't notice, except less people in local.
They won't even get pvp ships to that space, so they have AN OPTION of putting out a fight. SO i think you're giving yourself an overrated value regarding the impact your presence has on nullsec PVP.
Null markets stock themselves do they?
And I have PvP and PVE/mining ships. The difference being if I moved isk making to high sec, I'd only keep one PvP guy and my logi guy in null, and purely for CTAs.

I like this idea that because I'm and industry guy, I don't fight. I'm happy to engage if the target is able to be engaged. I even engage when the odds are massively against me. What I don't do is sit in space begging a cloaker to fight. Since it's entirely his choice, I will not waste my time trying to bait him out. A lot of people are the same.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.