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EVE General Discussion

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I want your little things!

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Kalvunia IV
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#141 - 2011-11-15 12:39:11 UTC
an easier way to tell if you are warp scrammed, jammed, damped or in a bubble etc(debuffed in general mmo terms) etc.

so an area of the UI that shows the module icon of the debuff applied to you and the number of times the same effect is applied indicated by a number on the icon.

Say for instance you jump in to a fleet and someone gets a point on you, the warp disruption module icon will pop up on your UI and as more of his/her friends gets points on you the number on the icon would increase.

Lachesis VII
The Python Cartel.
Something Really Pretentious
#142 - 2011-11-15 12:40:07 UTC
Directional scanner needs a slight UI overhaul.

Two things:

The distance box needs to be a slider, in 1AU increments. 1AU-15AU.

The angle slider should create a visible in-space ring so you can see where you're aiming. It's not that I don't already know (click on your own ship, zoom out, and use that to center yourself), but really, it's an unnecessary obstacle to learning how to use your directional scanner.
Rhen Obsidian
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#143 - 2011-11-15 12:40:15 UTC
Two step wrote:
Rhen Obsidian wrote:
Not sure if these are little but here it goes...

I would like the ability to set up overviews and import/export them. This way corps/alliances can give out overview settings you import to your client and you go. Not the 20 - 25 minute set up guides that some corps have.

Huh? You can already do this. Right click your overview tab and look for import/export.

I was under the impression this wasn't a clean implementation - so I never tried it.

Will try tonight (stuck at work - stupid RL)

Lady Irradiance
Give my 11percent back
#144 - 2011-11-15 12:42:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Irradiance
Kalvunia IV wrote:
an easier way to tell if you are warp scrammed, jammed, damped or in a bubble etc(debuffed in general mmo terms) etc.

so an area of the UI that shows the module icon of the debuff applied to you and the number of times the same effect is applied indicated by a number on the icon.

Say for instance you jump in to a fleet and someone gets a point on you, the warp disruption module icon will pop up on your UI and as more of his/her friends gets points on you the number on the icon would increase.

You are aware of the ability to show all such ewar icons on the overview, right? Plus the counting down timers that appear above your capacitor.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#145 - 2011-11-15 12:42:22 UTC
Then a Pilot is Remote Supporting me, make the icon turn green, just like they turn red if they shoot at me
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#146 - 2011-11-15 12:42:55 UTC
Ranshe wrote:
Solstice Project wrote:

Cockpit camera would be awesome.

NOT asking for first-person-style-movement,
because i know this is not possible,
BUT a cockpit camera (without cockpit, too much work anyway) surely is.

We're sitting in closed eggs full of fluid inside the ship. What cockpits?

exacly!!! so many people think they fly ships like u would in some jedi starfighter game, and the pod ur in when ur ship dies is like an escape pod!! Noooooo!!

ur connected to your ship like Neo's connected to the matrix. ur meant to almost be one with your ship. feel it live it breathe it.
Armaggedon Inc.
RAZOR Alliance
#147 - 2011-11-15 12:43:00 UTC
Better control over the jukebox. Having some sort of progress bar like you have in most music applications. Te ability to add your own music perhaps + eve radio. That'd be sweet. Also, consider buffing all the tier 1 battlecruisers.
Ferox +1 mid slot
Brutix +1 mid slot
Cyclone +1 low
Prophesy +1 mid
Do this and I'd definitely fly a ferox. I'd consider the other three because they don't look as cool, but atleast they'd be almost on par with their tier 2 cousins. I'm not going into powergrid, CPU, shields and all that. But this would be a start.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#148 - 2011-11-15 12:43:15 UTC
Lachesis VII wrote:
Directional scanner needs a slight UI overhaul.

Two things:

The distance box needs to be a slider, in 1AU increments. 1AU-15AU.

The angle slider should create a visible in-space ring so you can see where you're aiming. It's not that I don't already know (click on your own ship, zoom out, and use that to center yourself), but really, it's an unnecessary obstacle to learning how to use your directional scanner.

dScan is really easy to learn,
these increments are way too big
and you can't zoom out that far anyway.

This doesn't suggest making dscanning easier, but dumber.
Infinite Nebulas
#149 - 2011-11-15 12:43:19 UTC
Fix the manufacturing jobs for the rorqual, so that if a job is less than 1 minute remaining, the interface still recognizes that slot as being taken up and you don't have to try to find the one open slot in 3 that say they are open, but really aren't
Blackwater Task Forces
Goonswarm Federation
#150 - 2011-11-15 12:43:55 UTC
Kalvunia IV wrote:
an easier way to tell if you are warp scrammed, jammed, damped or in a bubble etc(debuffed in general mmo terms) etc.

so an area of the UI that shows the module icon of the debuff applied to you and the number of times the same effect is applied indicated by a number on the icon.

Say for instance you jump in to a fleet and someone gets a point on you, the warp disruption module icon will pop up on your UI and as more of his/her friends gets points on you the number on the icon would increase.

It needs to show who exactly put those effects in you as well, so the simple debuff area wouldn't work well for Eve. For that the current implementation is okay, it's just the icons should be more visible. Maybe put them on the left/right (toggle in options) as they are, but *outside* the overview box?
Dancing Sun
Lancer Dragoon
#151 - 2011-11-15 12:44:19 UTC
1. One of my biggest wishes is that you enable fleet formations. You hinted at it in a fan-fest, but haven't heard whether the idea's been re-visited.
- Could even make training skills in Leadership that give the bonuses you were thinking of implementing.

2. Would ALSO like to see Incarna finished, aka Walking in Stations. Small team is better than no team.
- Especially more clothing options!
- (Oh, and the Incursion black pants on test server are a wee bit TOO shiny!.. shiny in a bad way!)

3. You're already working on it, but logos and paint skins for ships will be awesome!

4. I also would like the Drone AI worked on or completely re-vamped. I've worked out ways around their stupidity (having them assist other characters, etc), but it'd be nice if it didn't come to that.

Bairfhionn Isu
Future Corps
Sleeper Social Club
#152 - 2011-11-15 12:45:12 UTC
- Fix the "export fitting" dialogue. The "deselect all" option only deselects the currently shown fittings. Not all of them.
- Make a "select all" function when creating a contract
- Do not show the active ship when creating a contract in the station you're in. You can't contract it, so don't even show it. Or at least show it and don't make it selectable with some information
Seismic Stan
Freebooted Junkworks
#153 - 2011-11-15 12:45:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Seismic Stan
By startling coincidence, earlier this week I asked the blogging community the following question:

"With the Winter expansion possibly being named 'Crucible', it certainly is a melting pot of refinements and tweaks aimed at making the EVE experience smoother and more wholesome. If the developers suddenly found themselves some spare resources and approached you for an additional feature to include before release, what single concept would you pitch them and how would you implement it?

For bonus points, the one thing lacking from this "patchwork" of iterations is a cohesive storyline to package "The Crucible" together. How could this expansion be marketed to potential new customers?"

This is a Blog Banter, a monthly community initiative encouraging folk to share ideas. Everyone is welcome to join in.

I'll be maintaining a list of the responses here and I'll put together a summary soon.

This is what's been discussed so far:

Ship Transport, D-Scan Improvements, Exploration Ships - Kirith Kodachi @ Inner Sanctum of the Ninveah -
Expansion Backstory - Rixx Javix @ Eveoganda
Faction Warfare Redesign - Drackarn @ Sand, Cider and Spaceships
Joystick Control, Pirate Factions, Wormhole Changes - Truen1ght @ ...Shall we not Revenge?
Global Criminal Countdown Changes - Cozmik R5 @ Beyond Space
EMP Blasts, New Rigs - Aiden Mourn @ Finders & Keepers
Market-Linked Navigational Tools - Poetic Stanziel @ Poetic Discourse
War Dec' Changes, Hi-Sec PvP - Corelin @ Haberdashers Run Amok
Launcher and Turret Animation, PI Improvements, Motherships - Sessym @ Rants from New Eden
Incursion Iterations - Orrakus @ 2nd Anomaly From the Left
Ammo Revolvers - Veskin Sentinel
Product 'Heat' Map - Adhar Khorin @ Margin Call
Deep Space Exploration - Helena Khan @ Aggressive Logistics
Zero Tolerance Policing - Urziel's Eve Chronicle
Good Samaritan Standings Boosts - Mabrick's Mumblings
Advanced Camera Controls - Seismic Stan @ Freebooted
Temporary Jumpgate Jamming - Blastradius1 @ Blastrad's Tales
Pirate Faction Rebalancing - Myhrial Arkenath @ Diary of a Pod Pilot
Standings-Linked Market Pricing - Yosagi Yojimbo @ Gallente Exile
Stealth Ship Hunter/Decloaker - Evehermit's Blog
Faction Warfare Backstory - Kuanyida @ Random Posts from Auga
Sov/Incursion System Effects in FW - A Scientist's Life in EVE
Cartel Conspiracy Backstory - Mike Azariah
GCC & Drone UI changes/Dynamic System Security - Rhavas @ Interstellar Privateer
Market UI Improvements - Liang Nuren @ Failing in So Many Ways
Bounty System Amendments/Social Media Integration - Kenza @ Omnis Arcanum of EVE
Null-Sec Tollgates and Combat Areas - MuppetNinjas
Kalin Kur
K Trading
#154 - 2011-11-15 12:46:19 UTC
It would be awesome if there was a duplicate contract to save a lot of clicking.
+1 for the install multiple industry jobs.
Also for the LP store could we get a redeem x no of items so it isn't click spamming the accept button.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#155 - 2011-11-15 12:47:03 UTC
Bounty Hunting Changes!
Still can't believe CCP hasn't done this. These changes (already hashed out and are relatively simple) will make for awesome PR

Dancing Sun
Lancer Dragoon
#156 - 2011-11-15 12:47:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Dancing Sun
When using scan probes, a way to slide all 4 probes in closer to your target (similar to how you can move all the selected probes at once while holding shift) would be a great help.

If there is already a way, someone please message me directly as I may not keep up with this forum.

*Nevermind, it seems you just have to hold the alt key.
CBC Interstellar
Goonswarm Federation
#157 - 2011-11-15 12:48:47 UTC
Little numbers near BPC and BPO indicating lvl of ME and PE.
Mess in my hangar would be smaller Smile
DJ Xaphod
Eve Radio Corporation
#158 - 2011-11-15 12:49:06 UTC
The ability to quickly save a route or list of waypoints.

When using auto tag in chat, make it so that the game no longer searches for the trailing space. "Jita " not found is irritating, yet when selecting, it's hard to select the word on its own.

Ability to tell the in game jukebox to listen to a shoutcast radio stream

Better overview default settings.

Allow drag and drop from waypoint list, overview, space, etc to link in chat.

Every ship in cq mode should be centred in the middle of the hangar. Frigates appear to be much closer than BSs because BSs don't appear to be significantly larger in cq mode. Either that or there's something funky with ship scaling.

Show an icon in the overview next to asteroids that are being mined by someone.

On the subject of that, some kind of "this is being targeted by someone" and "this is being shot by someone" overview icons would be nice.

Map option that highlights systems based on amount of isk traded on system market in last 24 hours.

Ability to open a market window and filter it based on system or station.

When clicking on an item in the market list you get the advanced market info. It'd be nice if that also included the regular info as well, because scrolling through a long list of modules to read the info can be tiresome.

Oh, and please can you make the market remember scroll position after purchases and when moving to and from screens.

≡>≡ Radio, Bringing Music to the Masses. I play Rock & Metal Monday Nights 2200 GameTime

Ekchuah's Shrine Comporium
#159 - 2011-11-15 12:49:52 UTC
More shortcuts please:

Recall drones
Deploy a certain drone group
Drone assist selected target
Start scan (probes) - It's annoying to keep hitting the scan button when all probe placement can be done with the mouse, shift and alt keys
Switch overview to tab number X

On the tactical display, please display bookmarks in space in the same way that they are within the solar system view. The current method doesn't allow you to actually view the bookmarks in space as a sprite like wrecks and so on.

All us to define default distances on the D-scanner through a drop-down menu. Typing in values manually is clunky.

It would be awesome to have a 3D translucent 'cone' when using the D-scanner to see the actual area being scanned in space. The F11 menu is fairly horrid for alignment on high resolution screens.

Allow a default for each overview tab that defines what column should be arrow up and down. For example, in my wreck overview I want wrecks to be distance (closest) first. In my fleet tab, I want it to be name based. You need to manually change this currently.

Stackable midslots - Less UI clutter

Capacitor percentage optional on the HUD like we have for S/A/H. Hovering over it shouldn't be needed for an exact reading (important for active shield boosting)

Allow auto-reject invitations to be chosen based on standings. I don't want neuts / reds contacting me, but anyone blue / corp is fine.

Church of the Jovian Space Turtles
Intaki-Business Logistics Union
#160 - 2011-11-15 12:51:38 UTC
CONCORD billboards - give them some useful or interesting content - what about recruitment ads etc?

The zoom in & out settings in Planetary view are backwards. Fix it or give us 'invert' ability.

What others have said regarding the log-out/switch char button, and also the size of giant secure containers: "This word 'giant', I do not think it means what you think it means"

Space is dark. Being blinded by a sun when I'm 40AU away is just dumb. Make space dark.

Lastly, the EVE store - sell ship models - not just the battleships, but all of them! And sell shirts, caps etc with the logos of NPC corps (and maybe even player corps!). I wanna be able to buy Roden Shipyards merchandise! If your friends in the CCP office can't think of good merch ideas, free up the copyright limits on the game's names, logos etc, and watch what happens when the playerbase does it for you.
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