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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3881 - 2013-09-19 20:04:49 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
I think people forget that in most pve, at least half the money is in the salvage. In wormholes, it's all in the salvage.

Being able to salvage at the same time as shoot surely means more in terms of isk/hr than a few hundred dps?

Naa, you can make more money burning targets down quickly with a strong bs and coming back with a noctis
than you could using a marauder.

Remember, 48km tractor range isn't near as far as you can shoot with these ships.
So you gotta slow boat to those wrecks.
Not to mention you have no salvage bonus.

So just focus on DPS, then come back and clean with the noctis...
This is even more true in WHs where you probably don't have to jump through gates to get back to your noctis.

Fair enough. I always do the noctis thing in wormholes, but largely because marauders have the wrong bonuses for the way we do sleepers. If they had T2 resists and no self rep bonus they'd be more interesting for me.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

Cade Windstalker
#3882 - 2013-09-19 20:32:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Cade Windstalker
Hanna Cyrus wrote:
Now i have read all posts since the thread has started. i read fear that the marauder is getting worse. I read that pirate BS have to be on top. Some one it balanced to pvp, some to pve. That's too much.

Here my Idea:

Balance Marauder to be the best PVE boat, very expensive, very hig ehp, make them slow, give them t2 resists, give them very good damage projektion and the same dps as pirate dps. But leave some weakness on them, like the achilles heel, so it can't be overpowered in PVP.

Balance pirate BS around PVP (as now), take their ehp down, make them much faster and cheaper than a marauder.

The idea of the same dps: You have the choice! Want a slow heavy ehp brick? Fly Marauder! Want a fast platform? Then use a Pirate BS, the trade for their speed is less ehp. So no class is a jack of all trades anymore.

Both classes have their niches, the pirate BS maybe as fast as the ABC and the slow "fortresses" marauder.

You lost me at "the same DPS as Pirate Battleships". That's just going to turn into power-creep because that much DPS with T2 resists is going to be powerful no matter how slow the hull is. Their lower DPS IS a weakness, and a fairly good one for ships with good damage application and projection. Also, again, Pirate BS prices are almost entirely based on null-sec site running.

Bastion Arzi wrote:
Gosti Kahanid wrote:
The weapon-timer is one Minute, not 15. Your´e confusing it with the PVP-Timer

Doh. Thanks thats really excellent.

@CCP great changes here +1 from me

They've changed nothing, the jump timer has always been 60 seconds from last aggressive action. The Aggression timer on the other hand is 15 minutes and is refreshed whenever you or the other person/group engage each other.

Cassius Invictus wrote:
What CCP is actually trying to do is make marauders more like pirate BS (good for PvE and PvP) without giving them characteristics that make pirate BS good: dmg, speed, overall universality. This is why they fail. They introduced a couple of weird bonuses that are supposed to compensate for that, but pilots will still chose pirate BS over marauders. At the end of day pirate ships are more coherent at what they do and easier to fly. When flying marauders pilots will need to apply some strange tactics just to make use of the incoherent bonuses that they have. For PvE this may work but for pvp, where every second counts, doing strange stuff does not pay off.

Actually they're trying to NOT make them as good as Pirate Battleships. T2 are supposed to be focused ships, meaning better in one area but not in others. So a more general ship like a Pirate Battleship is supposed to out-perform the Marauders in some areas but not in a few as well.

The original post specifically stated "PvE with niche PvP applications" Straight

Xequecal wrote:
Minmatar have the worst T2 resists. It would be good for PvE, terrible for PvP.

I seriously think everyone should get kin/therm as their T2 resists. EM and exp T2 resists are horrifically underpowered as these damage types are so rare.

On the flip side though it means you don't have to worry about plugging those holes in your tank and generally lets you fit one less tanking module and still have well-rounded resists. Generally you plug those holes because if you don't and the enemy finds out you haven't you're going to die rather badly.

Also "less common" is a relative thing. For missions this is mostly true, but in PvP it often depends on what sort of fleet you're fighting. If you're going up against Pulse Abaddons you're going to be glad if you've got that EM resist bonus on a Minmattar ship, ditto for Explosive/Kinetic against minmattar.

Also Minmattar get Thermal and Amarr get Kinetic, they just don't get both.
Cade Windstalker
#3883 - 2013-09-19 20:43:22 UTC
Cartheron Crust wrote:
Perhaps just disable prop-mods when in bastion mode. 0m/s seems like a ridiculous liability for something with such little mass and EHP.

Actually these are currently looking to be pretty high EHP ships just by default and setting speed to zero isn't much of a liability if you're fighting from range anyway since at that distance speed is going to make almost no difference to your tank on a Battleship sized hull.

Joe Risalo wrote:
I have a question though...

Is the one minute lock out timer from the time you hit bastion, or from the time you come out of bastion..

If it's when you hit it, then it doesn't matter, but if it's when you come out... that sucks, cause you won't be able to dock/jump for one minute after you finish clearing a mission....

I mean, obviously if you're shooting other players it's from the time you stop firing... but that's not the point i'm getting at.

Shooting anything causes this timer, so if you've never run into it after shooting rats it's highly unlikely you'll ever run into it coming out of Bastion.

Mournful Conciousness wrote:
I think people forget that in most pve, at least half the money is in the salvage. In wormholes, it's all in the salvage.

Being able to salvage at the same time as shoot surely means more in terms of isk/hr than a few hundred dps?

Actually, and I was rather sad to learn this, about half the money from missions is from the LP conversion, assuming you're converting efficiently. Salvage is more like maybe 20% and you can get more Isk/Hour on one account by not salvaging in most missions.

That said being able to loot and salvage the valuable wrecks mid-mission does give you a nice boost to loot if you don't have to come back and Noctis to get most of the value out of the mission.

M1k3y Koontz wrote:
Almost 200 pages, whats the record for a threadnought?

Not this. Not even close Straight
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3884 - 2013-09-19 20:57:51 UTC
M1k3y Koontz wrote:
Almost 200 pages, whats the record for a threadnought?

Not sure about exact number but Gallente real threadnaughts have often passed the barrier of 385 pages. And there were a few of those over the years.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

TheFace Asano
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3885 - 2013-09-19 21:05:03 UTC
After taking a break from this discussion, I have thought over how the Bastion Module should work. The original idea was sound and just needed tweaking. As marauders are basically half the isk of a dread give or take, I would propose that the bastion module was underwhelming, not overpowered. If this is going to be worth anything, Marauder damage in bastion needs to be around 3-4k dps, otherwise just bring more normal battleships or a dread. It should able to put out the most damage by far sub cap in Bastion mode. Rep bonus should work something like the Siege Module now, 100% to rep and -50% cycle time. Damage and projection should both go up. 200% damage and 50% optimal / falloff / missile velocity. Make it worth it to fit / skill or we will just fly other ships. I am completely ok with this module having fuel, as long as the marauder gets extra hold for it.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3886 - 2013-09-19 21:37:56 UTC
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
I think people forget that in most pve, at least half the money is in the salvage. In wormholes, it's all in the salvage.

Being able to salvage at the same time as shoot surely means more in terms of isk/hr than a few hundred dps?

Naa, you can make more money burning targets down quickly with a strong bs and coming back with a noctis
than you could using a marauder.

Remember, 48km tractor range isn't near as far as you can shoot with these ships.
So you gotta slow boat to those wrecks.
Not to mention you have no salvage bonus.

So just focus on DPS, then come back and clean with the noctis...
This is even more true in WHs where you probably don't have to jump through gates to get back to your noctis.

Fair enough. I always do the noctis thing in wormholes, but largely because marauders have the wrong bonuses for the way we do sleepers. If they had T2 resists and no self rep bonus they'd be more interesting for me.

Probably, however, the suggestion that I threw out on the last page would probably fit much better than t2 resists..
Go back and give it a look
Narcotic Gryffin
Daedelus Ventures
#3887 - 2013-09-19 21:42:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Narcotic Gryffin
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Time for another update.

We discussed the Marauder situation further and came with the following changes:

  • Shield, armor and hull 30% resistance boosts have been removed on the Bastion Module - instead, all Marauders will now get proper tech2 resists. This will allow Marauders to have better RR use outside Bastion and reduce overall tanking effectiveness inside the mode.

  • We have removed all tanking bonuses on the Marauders hulls (Armor Repairer amount on the Paladin and Kronos, Shield Boost amount on the Golem and Vargur). Instead, we are giving them 7.5% bonus to the velocity factor of stasis webifiers per level. This will not only help reducing their tanking effectiveness, be more in theme with the ship role itself and help anyone using them with short range weapons. We are not giving them a full 10% per level back as this would be extremely powerful in conjunction with the other bonuses / Bastion. We are going to leave the full 10% web strength amount on the Serpentis ships for now and see how things evolve with time.

  • Also, we are removing the mass penalty on the Bastion mode. Tests have shown you can't really turn when it's active anyway, and we don't want to have players abuse that to collapse wormholes.

I will change the OP to match the changes.

So just to be clear, the golem, paladin etc will not have a bonus to rep amount on the hull. But the Bastion module will give a 100% bonus to repair amount or was I to understand that their will be no repair bonus from hull and bastion module?

Also, currently at work, I pulled up the paladin and kronos from the EVE Wiki and they already get a 10% stasis web bonus, why nerf them down to 7.5%?

Also why the large cut in drone bandwidth and bay? I don't see a great purpose in it at all other than limiting your ability to take on small targets even more.

James Sunder
572 CORP
#3888 - 2013-09-19 21:51:13 UTC
The 1st iteration is not too bad. It could use a little adjusting. The downside is that the ship will not be good at all forms of PVE.

The MJD idea is good but you must be able to select any distance from 1km to 100km on the mod for it to work. Having a fixed 100km is just absurd. Just as absurd as the fact that all ships don't have a ammo bay by now.

All T2 ships should have a calibration of 600 for losing 1 rig slot. The ability to fit 2 T2 damage rigs is something I think all would like.

Also stop giving ships a bonus that could be built into the hull or a bonus that only works in certain situations like resist vs. repair amount. This way players can always have the full benefit of their hull bonuses and not just 1 or 3. Plus it will be one less thing for the Paladin pilots to complain about as they already ask for outrageous stuff. +4% Resist per level on the Paladin? Whatever...
Bastion Arzi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3889 - 2013-09-19 22:03:14 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
They've changed nothing, the jump timer has always been 60 seconds from last aggressive action. The Aggression timer on the other hand is 15 minutes and is refreshed whenever you or the other person/group engage each other.

Sry you misunderstand me. I did not mean they have changed the timer. I mean i like the proposed changes to marauders from the start of this thread.
#3890 - 2013-09-19 22:09:07 UTC
Barrogh Habalu wrote:

Better application = more actual DPS.
More in-built tank = more mods for damage and damage projection... You spoiled shield-doer! Lol

Actually, scratch that. Shield ships' applied DPS still benefits from in-built tank if it is needed. Just not in PvE scenario where mid slots are abundant on most ships.

P.S. No offence meant.

In theory yes, in practise no.

Where in RNI You need better application, DPS or tank? It ouperforms every old and new marauder.

Hell even rail mission vindi don't need more range or tracking, not even tank.

Where on Golem will You put more damage or application mods? (only cruise golem have sense and with it You don't even need TP, just put rigors).
Why use Kronos when there's vindi with better DPS, +1mid slot and +1rig (yeah better res on marauder but vindi don't need more tank)
Why use Paladin when there's Nightmare that need's nothing more to outperform it.
Vargur? Yeah always good to have more TC's and range in Bastion but why use Vargur when there's RNI?

And all of them have bad sensors, are slower, and standing still will even more cut Your time effi...

Incursions? No use because no remote reps, damn even more tracking is not needed because vindis web everything and they can blap those frigates, range is useles because You need to move on sites.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#3891 - 2013-09-19 22:16:40 UTC
TheFace Asano wrote:
After taking a break from this discussion, I have thought over how the Bastion Module should work. The original idea was sound and just needed tweaking. As marauders are basically half the isk of a dread give or take, I would propose that the bastion module was underwhelming, not overpowered. If this is going to be worth anything, Marauder damage in bastion needs to be around 3-4k dps, otherwise just bring more normal battleships or a dread. It should able to put out the most damage by far sub cap in Bastion mode. Rep bonus should work something like the Siege Module now, 100% to rep and -50% cycle time. Damage and projection should both go up. 200% damage and 50% optimal / falloff / missile velocity. Make it worth it to fit / skill or we will just fly other ships. I am completely ok with this module having fuel, as long as the marauder gets extra hold for it.

I think if we have to accept the existence of this change then at least yes make it work like a dreadnought properly albiet scaled down. Perhaps an increase of sig radius as well to make the decision between marauder and capital a bit more blurry? At the moment with your suggestion it would be possible to have whole fleets of these things flying around blapping the crap out of things including capitals.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3892 - 2013-09-19 22:31:28 UTC
I really like the fact that you guys are daring to go in a new direction with Marauders. The MJD bonus is something that has not been seen before and will give them awesome mobility. Bastion mode is balanced around active tanking, which will let Marauders function as the badass pve boats they were intended to be as well as able to be gatecamp busters. The immunity to ewar is also completely awesome and is a great solution to the 1 vs. many debate.

Tech II resists will allow them to be utilized in small gangs with logi and as buffer fit machines of destruction.

Since they are going to have plenty of extra highs (3 when fitting full weapons and Bastion) in which to fit neuts and smartbombs, will a web be completely necessary for these guys? They will already require a scram to hold down, and any frigate tackling will need to pack a nosferatu or cap booster in order to resist the neuting potential. Neuts, MJD, and a bonused web are going to make these guys extremely tough to tackle and hold in a frigate, this will definitely cause interceptor pilots to start fitting more scrams. I personally feel that the web bonus is not the best one to have for Marauders, to me it feels like ya'll are pandering to the masses instead of doing something that will be fun play.

I would much rather see the web bonus replaced with something like the ability to use covert ops cynos, Allowing these guys to be repositioned quickly when an escalation is around, and giving rise to a lot of fun pvp options.

As always, keep up the good work,
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3893 - 2013-09-19 22:33:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Xequecal
Joe Risalo wrote:
Xequecal wrote:
Cassius Invictus wrote:
Isinero wrote:
if there will be balanced ressists it would be much much much better. But I dont think that they will introduce anything like that.

So I am happy with at least T2 ressist which I get instead of 37,5 % repair amount :-) (active tank is same, but I have also bonus to passive tanking which is nice)

Balanced T2 resists (similar to those of Sleipnir shields) would be actually the greatest fix to proposed marauders so far. Their PvE and PvP effectiveness would greatly increase.

What I want is to change the Paladin cap bonus to tracking bonus. Why Kronos and Vargur who already have good tracking receive it while paladin gets (not so useless) cap bonus and (totally useless) web bonus. I can live with that web if you insist on it but give me something in return.

Minmatar have the worst T2 resists. It would be good for PvE, terrible for PvP.

I seriously think everyone should get kin/therm as their T2 resists. EM and exp T2 resists are horrifically underpowered as these damage types are so rare.

I really think people should consider my suggestion.

My suggestion is balanced resistances on Marauders that would be unique to Marauders, and would fit their role in both pvp and pve design quite well.

Here's an example of what their resists are currently, and what they would be.

0 EM + 50 Exp + 47.5 Kin + 40 Therm = 137.5
33 EM + 33 Exp + 36 Kin + 35 Therm = 137

0 EM + 62.5 Exp + 47.5 Kin + 20 Therm = 130
36 em + 30 exp + 29 kin + 35 therm = 130

0 em + 50 exp + 55 kin + 30 Therm = 135
31 em + 32 exp + 37 kin + 35 Therm = 135

70 em + 10 exp + 25 kin + 43.125 Therm = 148.125
35 em + 40 exp + 36 kin + 37 therm = 148

This is a HUGE nerf for PvP and is probably a nerf for PvE too. You can't just add up the resistances. Each percent of resistance in a particular resist is worth more than the one before it. In addition, EM and Exp resists are so underpowered compared to kin/therm that increasing them in lieu of kin/therm resists results in a very underpowered ship.

The only sources of explosive damage are Minmatar T2 ammo and explosive missiles. Minmatar T2 ammo is half kinetic, AND they can swap out damage types. Explosive missiles require sacrificing a damage bonus in most cases. The resist is simply not useful.

The same goes for EM. The only sources of EM are lasers and EM missiles. The missiles have the same issue as exp missiles. Amarr is highly unpopular. There are three Caldari pilots and two Gallente pilots for every Amarr pilot, so you have to deal with EM damage far, far less than Kin or Therm.

The fact is PvP has more Kinetic damage going around than all other types combined and even beyond that there is more Thermal damage going around than EM and Exp damage combined. Having Kin/Therm as your T2 resists is a massive advantage that can't be made up by Amarr and Minmatar.
Cade Windstalker
#3894 - 2013-09-19 23:34:06 UTC
TheFace Asano wrote:
After taking a break from this discussion, I have thought over how the Bastion Module should work. The original idea was sound and just needed tweaking. As marauders are basically half the isk of a dread give or take, I would propose that the bastion module was underwhelming, not overpowered. If this is going to be worth anything, Marauder damage in bastion needs to be around 3-4k dps, otherwise just bring more normal battleships or a dread. It should able to put out the most damage by far sub cap in Bastion mode. Rep bonus should work something like the Siege Module now, 100% to rep and -50% cycle time. Damage and projection should both go up. 200% damage and 50% optimal / falloff / missile velocity. Make it worth it to fit / skill or we will just fly other ships. I am completely ok with this module having fuel, as long as the marauder gets extra hold for it.

This is just blatant power-creep. T2 ships are supposed to be specialized ships that are a bit better than others in a few situations, not god-ships, and what you're describing is definitely a god-ship.

Xequecal wrote:
This is a HUGE nerf for PvP and is probably a nerf for PvE too. You can't just add up the resistances. Each percent of resistance in a particular resist is worth more than the one before it. In addition, EM and Exp resists are so underpowered compared to kin/therm that increasing them in lieu of kin/therm resists results in a very underpowered ship.

Yup, for reference every T2 ship has a 75% bonus to its primary T2 resist and a 50% bonus on its secondary resist.

Xequecal wrote:
The only sources of explosive damage are Minmatar T2 ammo and explosive missiles. Minmatar T2 ammo is half kinetic, AND they can swap out damage types. Explosive missiles require sacrificing a damage bonus in most cases. The resist is simply not useful.

The same goes for EM. The only sources of EM are lasers and EM missiles. The missiles have the same issue as exp missiles. Amarr is highly unpopular. There are three Caldari pilots and two Gallente pilots for every Amarr pilot, so you have to deal with EM damage far, far less than Kin or Therm.

Actually there are very few pure Kinetic bonused ships anymore and both the Amarr and Minmattar missile ships have generic bonuses meaning both can use any type of ammo without penalty. Event he Caldari are down to relatively few generic bonused ships though their ships with a Kinetic bonus tend to have more launchers than those ships with a generic bonus. The Raven line specifically has no typed damage bonuses.

Also on the claim that there are very few Amarr pilots I point you at the Pulse-Abaddon fleet doctrine that's still used in Null.

Xequecal wrote:
The fact is PvP has more Kinetic damage going around than all other types combined and even beyond that there is more Thermal damage going around than EM and Exp damage combined. Having Kin/Therm as your T2 resists is a massive advantage that can't be made up by Amarr and Minmatar.

Also, again, if you know someone's going to have a type hole you can exploit it quite easily so those bonuses are still useful, especially since they more easily let you achieve a well balanced resist profile.
Wormhole Sterilization Crew
What Could Possibly Go Wr0ng
#3895 - 2013-09-19 23:55:25 UTC
TBH I don't see why I would be buying one for 900 mills if it gets no dmg bonus. I'll just go with sniper baddon if I want range.

To me, this is useless unless it gets dmg bonuses. Like dreads, you know...
TheFace Asano
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3896 - 2013-09-20 00:58:36 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
TheFace Asano wrote:
After taking a break from this discussion, I have thought over how the Bastion Module should work. The original idea was sound and just needed tweaking. As marauders are basically half the isk of a dread give or take, I would propose that the bastion module was underwhelming, not overpowered. If this is going to be worth anything, Marauder damage in bastion needs to be around 3-4k dps, otherwise just bring more normal battleships or a dread. It should able to put out the most damage by far sub cap in Bastion mode. Rep bonus should work something like the Siege Module now, 100% to rep and -50% cycle time. Damage and projection should both go up. 200% damage and 50% optimal / falloff / missile velocity. Make it worth it to fit / skill or we will just fly other ships. I am completely ok with this module having fuel, as long as the marauder gets extra hold for it.

This is just blatant power-creep. T2 ships are supposed to be specialized ships that are a bit better than others in a few situations, not god-ships, and what you're describing is definitely a god-ship.

Xequecal wrote:
This is a HUGE nerf for PvP and is probably a nerf for PvE too. You can't just add up the resistances. Each percent of resistance in a particular resist is worth more than the one before it. In addition, EM and Exp resists are so underpowered compared to kin/therm that increasing them in lieu of kin/therm resists results in a very underpowered ship.

Yup, for reference every T2 ship has a 75% bonus to its primary T2 resist and a 50% bonus on its secondary resist.

Xequecal wrote:
The only sources of explosive damage are Minmatar T2 ammo and explosive missiles. Minmatar T2 ammo is half kinetic, AND they can swap out damage types. Explosive missiles require sacrificing a damage bonus in most cases. The resist is simply not useful.

The same goes for EM. The only sources of EM are lasers and EM missiles. The missiles have the same issue as exp missiles. Amarr is highly unpopular. There are three Caldari pilots and two Gallente pilots for every Amarr pilot, so you have to deal with EM damage far, far less than Kin or Therm.

Actually there are very few pure Kinetic bonused ships anymore and both the Amarr and Minmattar missile ships have generic bonuses meaning both can use any type of ammo without penalty. Event he Caldari are down to relatively few generic bonused ships though their ships with a Kinetic bonus tend to have more launchers than those ships with a generic bonus. The Raven line specifically has no typed damage bonuses.

Also on the claim that there are very few Amarr pilots I point you at the Pulse-Abaddon fleet doctrine that's still used in Null.

Xequecal wrote:
The fact is PvP has more Kinetic damage going around than all other types combined and even beyond that there is more Thermal damage going around than EM and Exp damage combined. Having Kin/Therm as your T2 resists is a massive advantage that can't be made up by Amarr and Minmatar.

Also, again, if you know someone's going to have a type hole you can exploit it quite easily so those bonuses are still useful, especially since they more easily let you achieve a well balanced resist profile.

It is stationary in bastion mode. You cannot dock for 60 seconds after the mode is over. You have horrible speed and horrible sensor strength outside of Bastion. Give it more drawbacks if need be. I am just saying the module is pretty useless if it doesn't increase performance by a great deal. It locks you in place. As of now I will probably just use the CNR or a Mach, they both do more dps. You don't need much tank to clear pve sites and they are too expensive to pvp in.
TheFace Asano
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3897 - 2013-09-20 01:04:44 UTC
Caleb Seremshur wrote:
TheFace Asano wrote:
After taking a break from this discussion, I have thought over how the Bastion Module should work. The original idea was sound and just needed tweaking. As marauders are basically half the isk of a dread give or take, I would propose that the bastion module was underwhelming, not overpowered. If this is going to be worth anything, Marauder damage in bastion needs to be around 3-4k dps, otherwise just bring more normal battleships or a dread. It should able to put out the most damage by far sub cap in Bastion mode. Rep bonus should work something like the Siege Module now, 100% to rep and -50% cycle time. Damage and projection should both go up. 200% damage and 50% optimal / falloff / missile velocity. Make it worth it to fit / skill or we will just fly other ships. I am completely ok with this module having fuel, as long as the marauder gets extra hold for it.

I think if we have to accept the existence of this change then at least yes make it work like a dreadnought properly albiet scaled down. Perhaps an increase of sig radius as well to make the decision between marauder and capital a bit more blurry? At the moment with your suggestion it would be possible to have whole fleets of these things flying around blapping the crap out of things including capitals.

Agreed, more drawbacks are fine. Just make the mode worth the risk of being immobile and no chance of RR.
DSpite Culhach
#3898 - 2013-09-20 02:01:30 UTC
TheFace Asano wrote:
After taking a break from this discussion, I have thought over how the Bastion Module should work. The original idea was sound and just needed tweaking. As marauders are basically half the isk of a dread give or take, I would propose that the bastion module was underwhelming, not overpowered. If this is going to be worth anything, Marauder damage in bastion needs to be around 3-4k dps, otherwise just bring more normal battleships or a dread. It should able to put out the most damage by far sub cap in Bastion mode. Rep bonus should work something like the Siege Module now, 100% to rep and -50% cycle time. Damage and projection should both go up. 200% damage and 50% optimal / falloff / missile velocity. Make it worth it to fit / skill or we will just fly other ships. I am completely ok with this module having fuel, as long as the marauder gets extra hold for it.

If they are mini-dreads, would it not make more sense - ok, it actually won't cause I'm crap at this - to make the weapons "online" only and actually do 4K when in Bastion mode? In non Bastion mode, no guns for you.

If you don;t mount a Bastion module, you just have an improved Marauder, well, I'm assuming you would after the changes.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3899 - 2013-09-20 04:01:04 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
TheFace Asano wrote:
After taking a break from this discussion, I have thought over how the Bastion Module should work. The original idea was sound and just needed tweaking. As marauders are basically half the isk of a dread give or take, I would propose that the bastion module was underwhelming, not overpowered. If this is going to be worth anything, Marauder damage in bastion needs to be around 3-4k dps, otherwise just bring more normal battleships or a dread. It should able to put out the most damage by far sub cap in Bastion mode. Rep bonus should work something like the Siege Module now, 100% to rep and -50% cycle time. Damage and projection should both go up. 200% damage and 50% optimal / falloff / missile velocity. Make it worth it to fit / skill or we will just fly other ships. I am completely ok with this module having fuel, as long as the marauder gets extra hold for it.

This is just blatant power-creep. T2 ships are supposed to be specialized ships that are a bit better than others in a few situations, not god-ships, and what you're describing is definitely a god-ship.

Xequecal wrote:
This is a HUGE nerf for PvP and is probably a nerf for PvE too. You can't just add up the resistances. Each percent of resistance in a particular resist is worth more than the one before it. In addition, EM and Exp resists are so underpowered compared to kin/therm that increasing them in lieu of kin/therm resists results in a very underpowered ship.

Yup, for reference every T2 ship has a 75% bonus to its primary T2 resist and a 50% bonus on its secondary resist.

Xequecal wrote:
The only sources of explosive damage are Minmatar T2 ammo and explosive missiles. Minmatar T2 ammo is half kinetic, AND they can swap out damage types. Explosive missiles require sacrificing a damage bonus in most cases. The resist is simply not useful.

The same goes for EM. The only sources of EM are lasers and EM missiles. The missiles have the same issue as exp missiles. Amarr is highly unpopular. There are three Caldari pilots and two Gallente pilots for every Amarr pilot, so you have to deal with EM damage far, far less than Kin or Therm.

Actually there are very few pure Kinetic bonused ships anymore and both the Amarr and Minmattar missile ships have generic bonuses meaning both can use any type of ammo without penalty. Event he Caldari are down to relatively few generic bonused ships though their ships with a Kinetic bonus tend to have more launchers than those ships with a generic bonus. The Raven line specifically has no typed damage bonuses.

Also on the claim that there are very few Amarr pilots I point you at the Pulse-Abaddon fleet doctrine that's still used in Null.

Xequecal wrote:
The fact is PvP has more Kinetic damage going around than all other types combined and even beyond that there is more Thermal damage going around than EM and Exp damage combined. Having Kin/Therm as your T2 resists is a massive advantage that can't be made up by Amarr and Minmatar.

Also, again, if you know someone's going to have a type hole you can exploit it quite easily so those bonuses are still useful, especially since they more easily let you achieve a well balanced resist profile.

ok, I know Xequecal is against my proposal, but I'm not sure where you stand from your comments..
Actually, i'm not even sure you're referring to my proposal.

Ok, I can't do the math so someone else will have to do it for me.
Factor my existing Golem resists : 0 EM - 50 EX - 47.5 KI - 40 TH
with t2 bonus.

Now, take my proposed idea.
33 EM - 33 EX - 36 KI - 35 TH
and factor them with t2 resists.

Then perhaps see what it would take to build a strong Omni-tank with both designs.

I don't know the math, nor do I care to try.
#3900 - 2013-09-20 04:37:50 UTC
Funny that marauders try to be the best in PVE but they aren't the best in most important thing for that: DPS