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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Vas Eldryn
#1301 - 2013-09-17 07:54:49 UTC
thank you ... you say more... awesome, but the idea you have will drive almost all indy pilots out of null. Can the see the flaw in your logic?
JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1302 - 2013-09-17 08:02:17 UTC
Another thing, i don't know why you presume speaking for "all industry people" in null ...
I know plenty that are quite adequate with the mechanics and the concept of null... I also know a few that i myself woudl boot to highsec since they are a nuisance, with little use.
Vas Eldryn
#1303 - 2013-09-17 08:10:00 UTC
those pilots may not have had an AFK cyno cloaked ship in their system for over 7 months now.
JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1304 - 2013-09-17 08:24:30 UTC
Those might, those might not, still not clear why you presume to speak for others in such uncompromising way.
When, do you suppose, we would be able to observe a mass migration of indy pilots from null to highsec?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1305 - 2013-09-17 08:38:59 UTC
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
No, i don't refuse to accept anyone elses ideas, i refuse to take yours. I just see no point in convincing you anymore, since you're mostly disregarding any key point that was proposed.
You proposed a really bad solution, that will improve nothing. On the contrary - it will make things worse for you, not me - since i don't minf afk cloakies in the first place.
Since it's 'Features and Ideas' we're here to discuss even the most stupid ideas, which is what i am doing right now, why not?
I'd like you to outline, in general points, how do you propose to detect a key press that perfectly mimics a key press performed by a player. From the top of my head, without reading on the issue, i can think of 2 characteristics defining a key being pressed on the keyboard. I'd like to hear how you intend to make sure, that if a cloak timer is introduced - it's going to be pressed by a player, and not by a simple cheap gadget.

I've already outlined one simple method which you claimed to be mystic and impossible. Maybe you should read up on the subject. I'll summarise that method here:
-Detect long running key presses. As in has been done continuously for long period of time. Flag account.
-During flagged accounts clicking process, approach player and start conversation. If no response received, cycle players modules mid cycle.
Now this is simple. If the player continues to click mid cycle , rather than upon module completion, you can be sure enough it's a bot to chuck a warning and disconnect it.

And I didn't propose this solution. You simply chose me to attack rather than confronting the guy that actually proposed it, hence me calling you a troll. I don't have issues with AFK cloakers either, I rarely see them in my areas, and when I do, I simply move system. I have several sets of ratting and mining gear in other systems specifically to avoid the issue. I do however see that this is a common complaint, and spawns other complaints, such as the "null is dead" complaint, which I believe is tied in, since whole systems are put out of action by AFK cloakers in some regions. AS such it's a complaint that CCP should be looking at rather than letting every thread about it turn into a fight between people that want to get rid of local and people that want to get rid of cloaks.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1306 - 2013-09-17 08:48:06 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Now this is simple. If the player continues to click mid cycle , rather than upon module completion, you can be sure enough it's a bot to chuck a warning and disconnect it.

A bit naive, you are, i fear. If you honestly thing that for every cloaky there would be someone to approach and initiate any sort of checks/contacts. This is why it's a bad idea - it doesn't consider the enviroment it's supposed to operate in, and its conditions.

Also bypassed easily by basic DSP work though raises the budget for a cheap webcam, and the plank from a schoolboy to a college student.
In addition to the fact that, I, on many occasions click on modules midcycle, and refuse convo's on a regular basis.
Simply a bad idea, nothing to do about it.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1307 - 2013-09-17 08:48:32 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Why are you flying an exhumer without support?

At best, a tanked up exhumer only gives defenders time to reach you, which is great if you are near PvP ships staging or have Concord defending...

You are rolling dice without protection. You know that.

I think you can do better than all or nothing style. You love making a point, why don't you try it differently?
Run the Venture, invite buddies to rat fest so you don't have those bothering you.

It is not maximum efficiency, but neither is it docked up wishing it was in the field.
You may enjoy it.
Erm no.
I shouldn't be flying with support, since it's not required. As long as I'm active, and watching my intel and local, I can give myself a 99% chance of getting safe should I require it. I can then switch to a combat spec if I feel like it. That's the way it should be. Industry ships are supposed to evade, not tank, that's why they tank like crap.
If I had to have a support every time I mined, I'd be better off if I took both the miner and the support to high sec and mined there with both of them, as it would generate more isk/hour as I could yield fit both and not worry about having to tank much.

The whole point of mining is to maximise efficiency. They've battered the markets so much with rebalancing that it's barely worth mining as it is. If you don't push efficiency, you're better off ratting. Then there's getting my buddies, woohoo, now I can ask someone else to make no isk too, just so I can run half-yield mining. It's clear you are a PvPer, since you have no idea what you are talking about.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1308 - 2013-09-17 08:54:25 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Local is not PvE's friend or savior.

It is exactly what enables the hostiles to find targets, and to camp systems. It dumbs down play all around, since hostiles lack the support needed to have intel regarding target presence.
Bull. They find targets using the map to see logged in pilots, or by knowing the areas people play in. the only difference is they'd have to d-scan to see if people are stil lthere when they arrive.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
Unless all hunters want to get really good at scanning, they need local.
Scanning what? They can warp straight to any site now. They don't even need to scan gravs anymore.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
As a miner, I have this nice intel channel. I can scan too.
If I make a better effort than a hostile, he can not get me.
All you can do is ping d-scan and hope you click it during the half second when a claokers will be decloaked after a gate. Other than that you have to use scouts to watch for hostiles, making any system with multiple gates shockingly inefficient.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
That intel channel would be an amazing asset, if local were not constantly balancing it out by telling the hostile what system I'm in.
If someone saw them, which is only likely to happen when they engage someone.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
Answer this, please: How will a hostile find you in your sov space, if they don't have local tipping them off?
Like above. Star map + d-scan. Miners and ratters can't cloak while mining and ratting.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1309 - 2013-09-17 08:57:51 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Erm no.
I shouldn't be flying with support, since it's not required. As long as I'm active, and watching my intel and local, I can give myself a 99% chance of getting safe should I require it. I can then switch to a combat spec if I feel like it. That's the way it should be.

Nah, you see - it's a bit too safe for nullsec, nevermind what you're in - a barge or a BS.
Profit too high, risk too low. If there was more risk, noone would nedd Cloakies...
That's the essence of the issue, right here. You think you should be 99% in null - and you're wrong.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1310 - 2013-09-17 09:00:25 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
The use of local as an intel tool and other precautions.

So change what is causing all these things. Change local and how intel is gathered. It is a big thing and tricky. Still if it can be done right it could make the game more interesting. And maybe give a bump to null sec PvE. After all, I want all those miners and ratters to be able to buy a new ship if their current one goes boom from time-to-time.
Again you say this like it's just that simple. Like changing local with have n adverse affects, and it's just a case of following your sig and away we go. It's not that simple. Honestly I don't think it's even possible to do it without it being game breaking. There's too many systems that work fine as it currently stands, but that would be entirely over or under powered should they make your changes to local.
The problem is you see everything from your blinkered perspective, rather than actually seeing what it's like from all side and coming to a rational decision. Honestly if the choice was your idea or no change, I'd chose no change in a heartbeat. At least as it is at the moment it works.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1311 - 2013-09-17 09:05:37 UTC
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Erm no.
I shouldn't be flying with support, since it's not required. As long as I'm active, and watching my intel and local, I can give myself a 99% chance of getting safe should I require it. I can then switch to a combat spec if I feel like it. That's the way it should be.

Nah, you see - it's a bit too safe for nullsec, nevermind what you're in - a barge or a BS.
Profit too high, risk too low. If there was more risk, noone would nedd Cloakies...
That's the essence of the issue, right here. You think you should be 99% in null - and you're wrong.

How is it too safe?
I have to spend all of my time active, have to dock up to pee, to ensure my safety. That's not naturally granted, I have to work to stay safe. What are you saying, that no matter how hard I try to stay safe, I should always have a high risk of death? For what. For the pathetic increase in isk/hour? You can make more doing high sec level 4's than you can ratting, and if I add a 2nd character, I might as well mine in high sec the margins are so close.
Yes, I think if I am active all the time and taking every precaution to stay safe 99% is fine. Especially since the space has to be paid for.
You think you should be guaranteed a kill no matter how hard a player tries to avoid you. Why should I have to use multiple characters and heavily damage my efficiency to stay safe, while you don't have to use multiple characters to come attack me?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Azrael Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#1312 - 2013-09-17 09:07:39 UTC
I realy don't care how risky anything is I just wanna find those god damn cloaked vessels and shoot them up when I want and where I want in eve universe.

So give me probes, give me pings, give me ultimate detector tools anything just that I can go and find those anoying little ships and blow them up. And please take my local away if thats whats needed to do that as long I can find those bloody ships I will not complain.


After centuries of debating and justifying... Break Cloaks tm

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1313 - 2013-09-17 09:10:16 UTC
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Now this is simple. If the player continues to click mid cycle , rather than upon module completion, you can be sure enough it's a bot to chuck a warning and disconnect it.

A bit naive, you are, i fear. If you honestly thing that for every cloaky there would be someone to approach and initiate any sort of checks/contacts. This is why it's a bad idea - it doesn't consider the enviroment it's supposed to operate in, and its conditions.

Also bypassed easily by basic DSP work though raises the budget for a cheap webcam, and the plank from a schoolboy to a college student.
In addition to the fact that, I, on many occasions click on modules midcycle, and refuse convo's on a regular basis.
Simply a bad idea, nothing to do about it.

Oh **** off.
Yeah they should sack all their GMs, why should they have people to interact with the players. You are living in some ******* dreamworld if you think they do everything through some fully automated system.
And yes, no solution is perfect, But if you want to set up a webcam, custom software and a hardware timed clicker to bypass a single button, go ahead. Most people wouldn't bother, and that's the point.
You're now just being difficult for the sake of being difficult, so that's it, we're done talking about this part. If you want to know more go tell CCP in a ticket that you want to bot, and see their official response.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Vas Eldryn
#1314 - 2013-09-17 09:18:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Vas Eldryn
I'll continue to argue that if AFK cyno camping is addressed that more people will come to null.... more people in null = a better null experience!

People keep stating Null should carry risks... I believe this risk should extend to cloaked ships.

I say make null more appealing to indy pilots, I've killed enemy indy on roams that where no paying attention... its easy! saying you can only kill indies with AFK tactics means you need to learn to PVP.
All Web Investigations
#1315 - 2013-09-17 10:04:16 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
But a KB only shows what you want it to show. If you want to seem like an active cloaker you'll bust a few heads to make it look that way. Or you could simply have no KB history. A cloaked cyno pilot is not a lifetime investment.

You are clearly trolling. There's no way you can be misreading that so many times.

I have no control over where I appear on other peoples private or public killboards. If they have a lossmail that I'm on and they post it, I'm there. I cannot do anything about that. Have you ever looked at or used killboards? How could you make such a horribly wrong statement? Please, if you have absolutely zero understanding of how certain things work don't make statements of fact about them.

Similarly, unless the cloaked pilot is literally a brand new pilot, how could they not have such a history? They have to land tackle on you at the very least, at which point they turn up on killboards too.

Again and again this comes back to one thing: You don't know what a cloaked player is doing, but you think you're entitled to know that without any effort on your part, and fly off into a rage when you don't get it.

Please learn how this game works
All Web Investigations
#1316 - 2013-09-17 10:29:09 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Erm no.
I shouldn't be flying with support, since it's not required.

It's not "required", but you should be doing it if you want any kind of safety. If you choose not to, then you must accept the fact it puts you in an extremely weak position should anything happen

Lucas Kell wrote:
As long as I'm active, and watching my intel and local, I can give myself a 99% chance of getting safe should I require it.

And that is what is broken. The fact that you - and you are here admitting this yourself! - get safe 99% of the time by doing nothing more than looking at a chat channel is very, very broken. This fact is exactly why prolonged cloaking and hot drops occur, because, as you say yourself, you can evade any unwanted risk or pvp with such a phenomenally high chance of success - so people find whatever desperate measures they can to try get you. It is not ok for you to have a 99% chance to evade all PVP in nullsec with virtually zero effort. It is not. Do you understand this game at all?

Lucas Kell wrote:
I can then switch to a combat spec if I feel like it. That's the way it should be. Industry ships are supposed to evade, not tank, that's why they tank like crap.

That is not the way it should be, again I have to question your understanding of this game. Industry ships are not meant for combat, but they are not meant to be immune to it. You yourself admit that 99% of the time they are completely immune with zero effort. That is broken.

Your post also reeks of "I want consensual pvp only". You want the ability to be able to evade pvp when it doesn't suit you with at least 99% reliability, so the only time you ever find yourself in a fight is when you have chosen to - when you've got your stuff safe and switched into a better ship, or formed a fleet, or waited until the time suits you. Well that's not how it works. PVP in this game is not consensual.

I find it astonishing that you would make a post like this - admitting that you have near perfect safety - in a thread where all you've done is consistently ask for changes which would INCREASE your safety. You already have far more than you should, by your own admission.

For crying out loud, do you not understand how childish you appear asking to increase/maintain your perfect safety, and saying that you want it to operate such that the only time you ever have to fight someone is when you are ready to, when you agree to it?

Just biomass yourself, you utter toddler
Vas Eldryn
#1317 - 2013-09-17 10:31:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Vas Eldryn
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
But a KB only shows what you want it to show. If you want to seem like an active cloaker you'll bust a few heads to make it look that way. Or you could simply have no KB history. A cloaked cyno pilot is not a lifetime investment.

You are clearly trolling. There's no way you can be misreading that so many times.

I have no control over where I appear on other peoples private or public killboards. If they have a lossmail that I'm on and they post it, I'm there. I cannot do anything about that. Have you ever looked at or used killboards? How could you make such a horribly wrong statement? Please, if you have absolutely zero understanding of how certain things work don't make statements of fact about them.

Similarly, unless the cloaked pilot is literally a brand new pilot, how could they not have such a history? They have to land tackle on you at the very least, at which point they turn up on killboards too.

Again and again this comes back to one thing: You don't know what a cloaked player is doing, but you think you're entitled to know that without any effort on your part, and fly off into a rage when you don't get it.

Please learn how this game works

if he is even at the keyboard.... should ACTIVE players continue to suffer because you have not learned to PVP?

You call PVE ships entitled, because they have many players, ACTIVE players providing intel and protection, when AFK cyno pilots only need a cloak and 2% of the time, some friends to hold a system hostage?
JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1318 - 2013-09-17 10:49:38 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Now this is simple. If the player continues to click mid cycle , rather than upon module completion, you can be sure enough it's a bot to chuck a warning and disconnect it.

A bit naive, you are, i fear. If you honestly thing that for every cloaky there would be someone to approach and initiate any sort of checks/contacts. This is why it's a bad idea - it doesn't consider the enviroment it's supposed to operate in, and its conditions.

Also bypassed easily by basic DSP work though raises the budget for a cheap webcam, and the plank from a schoolboy to a college student.
In addition to the fact that, I, on many occasions click on modules midcycle, and refuse convo's on a regular basis.
Simply a bad idea, nothing to do about it.

Oh **** off.
Yeah they should sack all their GMs, why should they have people to interact with the players. You are living in some ******* dreamworld if you think they do everything through some fully automated system.
And yes, no solution is perfect, But if you want to set up a webcam, custom software and a hardware timed clicker to bypass a single button, go ahead. Most people wouldn't bother, and that's the point.
You're now just being difficult for the sake of being difficult, so that's it, we're done talking about this part. If you want to know more go tell CCP in a ticket that you want to bot, and see their official response.

Now now, no need to get that exited.
I am simply telling you what's going to happen, and i am telling you that you won't like it.
Simply because it's a lousy solution.
Judith Frozenvoid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1319 - 2013-09-17 10:54:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Judith Frozenvoid
when AFK cyno pilots only need a cloak and 2% of the time, some friends to hold a system hostage?

systems are not being held hostage. but if this really bothers you then we need to remove all the cloaked pilots from local chat right away... so that you will no longer be intimidated by someone not "at their keyboard".
Judith Frozenvoid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1320 - 2013-09-17 11:02:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Judith Frozenvoid
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Null sec is supposed to be risky...if you can't deal with a cloaked pilot, you are playing the wrong game.
I put forward the question that you seem to gloss over. Where is the risk for the cloaked pilot?

The cloaked pilot, as with any other pilot in the game, experiences risk at the point where they shift from being a potential threat to an actual threat.

A logged out pilot, possibly in a group of similar pilots working together, is also a threat.
They appear after logging in, and unless locked in place by a timer, vanish from the game when logged out.

A docked pilot also represents a potential threat.
A pilot in a POS, similar.

The docked and POS'd pilot, however, can be active in other ways.
While I am sure it will be changed at some point, a POS sitting pilot can boost other pilots for improved combat and PvE performance.
A pilot in an outpost can purchase and fit items, manufacture, resell, etc.
A pilot in a cloaked vessel... not so much. I am sure they can access the market to a limited degree, but that can be done anywhere the market exists.

The question you seem to be avoiding, is why the PvE pilots should not need to deal with risk beyond trivial levels?
Why should their play be elevated to consensual regarding combat?

well said. especially, "The cloaked pilot, as with any other pilot in the game, experiences risk at the point where they shift from being a potential threat to an actual threat."

however, I still think this indicates there is no problem with cloaking... save perhaps the free intel in local.