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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1101 - 2013-09-13 18:42:57 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Killboards are filled with consensual encounters, as well as the results of pilot error.

Show me ONE example that indicates a pilot did everything correctly to escape, and was still caught.

We are NEVER going to change cloaking without touching local, they are simply that connected, and it chucks game balance out the window to do otherwise.

Get that? Clear enough?

Anything I show on the killboard you will simply dismiss as either of your two categories regardless of what I say, and without a video showing exactly what events occurred, there's no way to prove either way. So I think I'll simply decline jumping in that trap.

And no, YOU think they are tied together and have to be dealt with together. I disagree. I think AFK cloaking can be looked at alone, and I think a few other local issues could be looked at alone, such as an alternate intel source, without causing the game to go into disarray. Once the reliance of local has been at least in partly broken, then they can look at changing it.
Honestly though, I don't think the reliance on it can ever be broken enough to stop a mass ragequit when they dump it, so i don;t think it will ever change. I'd like to think that if that is the case, they'll still look at other issues. I don't see CCP saying "nah, Nikk says it's all or nothing, so we can't change anything".

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

#1102 - 2013-09-13 18:45:00 UTC
How on earth does anyone complain about this still? The whole point of the game is not so you can get easy kills. Don't you get that? The cloaking device is meant for scouting (amongst others) and many times that means you will be on-grid at a gate for what can be HOURS. It would be utterly disastrous for them to make you decloak at any point in that time; the entire purpose is to make sure you do not reveal you are scouting that gate!

AFK cloakers are not targets for you to kill. You are not "losing kills" by them being able to AFK cloak. They have sacrificed half their scan resolution and a high slot for this ability. That is the trade-off. You don't get to kill them every X amount of minutes on top of that.

There is not a single sci-fi lore that comes to mind, in any facet, where someone or something within the story was not able to cloak itself or its ship indefinitely. Think about it.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1103 - 2013-09-13 18:45:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
virgofire wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Because AFK players in other states pay a price to be there. They pay for their POS they fight for the right to dock at their station. Outside of that, a cloaker is not putting any effort in, and not paying anything for the opportunity to add risk to a system. An alt get's created, flies to a system, then just sits in it, mostly AFK, then occasionally picking a nice easy kill.

And the AFK cloaker has paid for his ship, the modules, and riggs, and so forth. They have paid in terms of time getting in system.

You are quite simply flat out wrong here.

You do have to admit this isnt a 1 : 1 ratio when it comes to investment on the two sides. Your afk cloaker is investing and risking far less. I think that's the point of comments like Lucas's.

I don't know if it were me I'd put up a POS on a moon to mine, even if it is low end crap it would help defray fuel costs. If it has a cyno jammer then that helps decrease risk by preventing titan bridges. So that serves a useful purpose too. And unless that POS is destroyed the fuel costs are the only real costs as the fixed costs (i.e. the POS, etc.) can be unanchored, moved, and even sold.

As for a station it provides a number of benefits such as a clone service, a place to store ships, modules, etc. A place in which to conduct trade if one is so inclined, etc.

And I don't see the reason for the fixation on balancing out isk costs? So a ship that costs 5 million isk, including the fit takes down a 50 million ship. So? I know of 2 T3s taking down a JF during a war with some clever planning. A 6.5 billion ship lost to 2 ships that probably cost at most 1.2-1.4 billion. Fair? Don't care, that is how this game is.

I'm not talking about isk, I'm talking about effort. You guys have pointed out that to protect yourselves in null you need:
-A scout for each gate
-Bubbles for each gate
-On grid support, with cyno
-A jump range fleet

That's an awful lot of effort to rat in space we pay for.
Again though, you want no effort on your part, loads of effort on ours right? Cos we deserve it for blobbing or some bullshit.

You don't have to have those things and they are for non-cloakers as well as the fact that a cloaky could come in is irrelevant.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1104 - 2013-09-13 18:46:28 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Killboards are filled with consensual encounters, as well as the results of pilot error.

Show me ONE example that indicates a pilot did everything correctly to escape, and was still caught.

We are NEVER going to change cloaking without touching local, they are simply that connected, and it chucks game balance out the window to do otherwise.

Get that? Clear enough?

Anything I show on the killboard you will simply dismiss as either of your two categories regardless of what I say, and without a video showing exactly what events occurred, there's no way to prove either way. So I think I'll simply decline jumping in that trap.

And no, YOU think they are tied together and have to be dealt with together. I disagree. I think AFK cloaking can be looked at alone, and I think a few other local issues could be looked at alone, such as an alternate intel source, without causing the game to go into disarray. Once the reliance of local has been at least in partly broken, then they can look at changing it.
Honestly though, I don't think the reliance on it can ever be broken enough to stop a mass ragequit when they dump it, so i don;t think it will ever change. I'd like to think that if that is the case, they'll still look at other issues. I don't see CCP saying "nah, Nikk says it's all or nothing, so we can't change anything".

Go on, tell me HOW you know a player is cloaked and AFK in your system.

Then tell me how this is different from a player one system over, or a player about to log into your system.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1105 - 2013-09-13 18:48:06 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
You don't have to have those things and they are for non-cloakers as well as the fact that a cloaky could come in is irrelevant.

Sigh... please read my previous posts, rather than skimming.
I'm aware they are for non cloakers. They are also for ACTIVE cloakers. Both of those I don't mind having to go the extra mile.
What I don;t like Is that I have to do that for a guy who's simply logged on and gone AFK, because I CANT TELL HE'S AFK.

Seriously, this thread is like talking to a wall, a really stupid wall.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1106 - 2013-09-13 18:50:44 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Killboards are filled with consensual encounters, as well as the results of pilot error.

Show me ONE example that indicates a pilot did everything correctly to escape, and was still caught.

We are NEVER going to change cloaking without touching local, they are simply that connected, and it chucks game balance out the window to do otherwise.

Get that? Clear enough?

Anything I show on the killboard you will simply dismiss as either of your two categories regardless of what I say, and without a video showing exactly what events occurred, there's no way to prove either way. So I think I'll simply decline jumping in that trap.

And no, YOU think they are tied together and have to be dealt with together. I disagree. I think AFK cloaking can be looked at alone, and I think a few other local issues could be looked at alone, such as an alternate intel source, without causing the game to go into disarray. Once the reliance of local has been at least in partly broken, then they can look at changing it.
Honestly though, I don't think the reliance on it can ever be broken enough to stop a mass ragequit when they dump it, so i don;t think it will ever change. I'd like to think that if that is the case, they'll still look at other issues. I don't see CCP saying "nah, Nikk says it's all or nothing, so we can't change anything".

Go on, tell me HOW you know a player is cloaked and AFK in your system.

Then tell me how this is different from a player one system over, or a player about to log into your system.

I never said local wasn't the way a player is seen. I SAID LOCAL IS NOT THE SOLUTION - ITS ANOTHER PROBLEM ENTIRELY.
I don't even dispute that removing local would solve the issue, of course it would.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1107 - 2013-09-13 18:51:56 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
You don't have to have those things and they are for non-cloakers as well as the fact that a cloaky could come in is irrelevant.

Sigh... please read my previous posts, rather than skimming.
I'm aware they are for non cloakers. They are also for ACTIVE cloakers. Both of those I don't mind having to go the extra mile.
What I don;t like Is that I have to do that for a guy who's simply logged on and gone AFK, because I CANT TELL HE'S AFK.

Seriously, this thread is like talking to a wall, a really stupid wall.

Ok, here is a HUGE stumbling point to your logic.

Why does it matter if he is AFK?
What if he is insanely active, but doing things which consistently do not involve you?

Your issue is that you cannot resolve their presence. They could be diligently watching gate traffic, and reporting scouting figures.

You do not know what they are doing, till it involves you directly.

What should you do?
Expect that they are always active, and behave accordingly. Fit to either fight or flee, but don't pretend in EVE that you won't need to do either.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1108 - 2013-09-13 18:54:09 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
I never said local wasn't the way a player is seen. I SAID LOCAL IS NOT THE SOLUTION - ITS ANOTHER PROBLEM ENTIRELY.
I don't even dispute that removing local would solve the issue, of course it would.

No, there is no solution required.

The only thing we need is balance, and we have that already.

My entire presentation is about maintaining balance. You keep wanting to change things, but not respecting the existing balance.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1109 - 2013-09-13 18:54:22 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Back to the main point:

Cloaking is a counter to local intel, in the context of this discussion.

WHY is it a counter?

Because the effort to avoid conflict is unopposed. And local is the reason.

BECAUSE local informs players of all pilots in a system, instantly, it becomes intel.
BECAUSE that intel, can be used to react and avoid conflict, it has value.
BECAUSE it can reliably do this before an opposing pilot can intervene, the opposing pilot has zero options to interact with the resident, UNLESS the resident either makes a mistake, OR consents to the encounter.

These are facts. They are plain and simple, and can be proven in game.

They are YOUR FACTS. They are in dispute.
For starters, I don;t agree that opposing pilots have zero opportunities. If they did, killboards would be empty... but they aren't.
Stop ramming your same recycled idea into every AFK cloak thread.
Get that? Clear enough?
I know you think your local idea solves the problem, but it just complicates it further.
STOP chucking it in over and over. When you have something new to add, add it. I've essentially read the same post from you 50 or 60 times where you spew the same stuff and get the same responses.
You are not automatically correct just because you think you are.

No the first set are pretty much facts. Does local tell you who is in system? Yes. Is it instant? Yes. Does it become intel? Yes. From there Nikk makes some inferences that are pretty strong such as that intel can be used to avoid conflict.

And AFK cloaking is absolutely a result of how local works. The two are inextricably connected.

Current Local Mechanics => AFK cloaking
AFK Cloaking => Current Local Mechanics.

Thus Current Local Mechanics <=> AFK cloaking (or AFK Cloaking <=> Current Local Mechanics, doesn't matter how you write it).

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1110 - 2013-09-13 18:56:00 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
You don't have to have those things and they are for non-cloakers as well as the fact that a cloaky could come in is irrelevant.

Sigh... please read my previous posts, rather than skimming.
I'm aware they are for non cloakers. They are also for ACTIVE cloakers. Both of those I don't mind having to go the extra mile.
What I don;t like Is that I have to do that for a guy who's simply logged on and gone AFK, because I CANT TELL HE'S AFK.

Seriously, this thread is like talking to a wall, a really stupid wall.

Ok, here is a HUGE stumbling point to your logic.

Why does it matter if he is AFK?
What if he is insanely active, but doing things which consistently do not involve you?

Your issue is that you cannot resolve their presence. They could be diligently watching gate traffic, and reporting scouting figures.

You do not know what they are doing, till it involves you directly.

What should you do?
Expect that they are always active, and behave accordingly. Fit to either fight or flee, but don't pretend in EVE that you won't need to do either.

*slams head into desk*
I'm gonna say it once more time, then I'm leaving this thread.

Now you are clearly ignoring every part of what I say that is making the point and repeatedly saying the same stuff over and over again. This is either because you are tolling or just so self-centered you refuse to look past your own ideas. I'm not going to get dragged into repeating myself to the end of time though. I've said my part, I've said why you are wrong, and that's that. Egotistic pricks like you are what is wrong with this whole community.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1111 - 2013-09-13 18:57:38 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
You don't have to have those things and they are for non-cloakers as well as the fact that a cloaky could come in is irrelevant.

Sigh... please read my previous posts, rather than skimming.
I'm aware they are for non cloakers. They are also for ACTIVE cloakers. Both of those I don't mind having to go the extra mile.
What I don;t like Is that I have to do that for a guy who's simply logged on and gone AFK, because I CANT TELL HE'S AFK.

Seriously, this thread is like talking to a wall, a really stupid wall.

So, if you are going to go the extra mile for active cloakers and non-cloakers then the AFK cloaker aspect is irrelevant. You will do it anyways.

Or are you now complaining about hostiles/neutrals in general?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1112 - 2013-09-13 19:01:44 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
You don't have to have those things and they are for non-cloakers as well as the fact that a cloaky could come in is irrelevant.

Sigh... please read my previous posts, rather than skimming.
I'm aware they are for non cloakers. They are also for ACTIVE cloakers. Both of those I don't mind having to go the extra mile.
What I don;t like Is that I have to do that for a guy who's simply logged on and gone AFK, because I CANT TELL HE'S AFK.

Seriously, this thread is like talking to a wall, a really stupid wall.

So, if you are going to go the extra mile for active cloakers and non-cloakers then the AFK cloaker aspect is irrelevant. You will do it anyways.

Or are you now complaining about hostiles/neutrals in general?

Neutrals and active cloakers aren't generally around 23/7
Anyway, like I said, I'm done with this thread. Literally anything you ask though, I've already answered at least twice in this thread, you guys are going in circles. So just go back, grab a quote from me and use that to answer your repeated questions.

Back to /thread

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1113 - 2013-09-13 19:03:55 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
You don't have to have those things and they are for non-cloakers as well as the fact that a cloaky could come in is irrelevant.

Sigh... please read my previous posts, rather than skimming.
I'm aware they are for non cloakers. They are also for ACTIVE cloakers. Both of those I don't mind having to go the extra mile.
What I don;t like Is that I have to do that for a guy who's simply logged on and gone AFK, because I CANT TELL HE'S AFK.

Seriously, this thread is like talking to a wall, a really stupid wall.

Ok, here is a HUGE stumbling point to your logic.

Why does it matter if he is AFK?
What if he is insanely active, but doing things which consistently do not involve you?

Your issue is that you cannot resolve their presence. They could be diligently watching gate traffic, and reporting scouting figures.

You do not know what they are doing, till it involves you directly.

What should you do?
Expect that they are always active, and behave accordingly. Fit to either fight or flee, but don't pretend in EVE that you won't need to do either.

*slams head into desk*
I'm gonna say it once more time, then I'm leaving this thread.

Now you are clearly ignoring every part of what I say that is making the point and repeatedly saying the same stuff over and over again. This is either because you are tolling or just so self-centered you refuse to look past your own ideas. I'm not going to get dragged into repeating myself to the end of time though. I've said my part, I've said why you are wrong, and that's that. Egotistic pricks like you are what is wrong with this whole community.

You are pretending to be dense.

The ONLY value knowing he is AFK has, is it tells you when you can safely IGNORE them. It means you are safe for zero effort, since no attack is coming.

Why do you want to play for zero effort, when you keep complaining this is what you are fighting against?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1114 - 2013-09-13 19:05:43 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
You don't have to have those things and they are for non-cloakers as well as the fact that a cloaky could come in is irrelevant.

Sigh... please read my previous posts, rather than skimming.
I'm aware they are for non cloakers. They are also for ACTIVE cloakers. Both of those I don't mind having to go the extra mile.
What I don;t like Is that I have to do that for a guy who's simply logged on and gone AFK, because I CANT TELL HE'S AFK.

Seriously, this thread is like talking to a wall, a really stupid wall.

Ok, here is a HUGE stumbling point to your logic.

Why does it matter if he is AFK?
What if he is insanely active, but doing things which consistently do not involve you?

Your issue is that you cannot resolve their presence. They could be diligently watching gate traffic, and reporting scouting figures.

You do not know what they are doing, till it involves you directly.

What should you do?
Expect that they are always active, and behave accordingly. Fit to either fight or flee, but don't pretend in EVE that you won't need to do either.

*slams head into desk*
I'm gonna say it once more time, then I'm leaving this thread.

Now you are clearly ignoring every part of what I say that is making the point and repeatedly saying the same stuff over and over again. This is either because you are tolling or just so self-centered you refuse to look past your own ideas. I'm not going to get dragged into repeating myself to the end of time though. I've said my part, I've said why you are wrong, and that's that. Egotistic pricks like you are what is wrong with this whole community.

You are pretending to be dense.

The ONLY value knowing he is AFK has, is it tells you when you can safely IGNORE them. It means you are safe for zero effort, since no attack is coming.

Why do you want to play for zero effort, when you keep complaining this is what you are fighting against?

OK, I'm convinced you are trolling.
AFK players are clearly the 0 effort. I just want players to have to PLAY to disrupt my day.
Now really this is the last post here, cos you are either tolling and succeeding, or really fuckin stupid.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1115 - 2013-09-13 19:05:45 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
You don't have to have those things and they are for non-cloakers as well as the fact that a cloaky could come in is irrelevant.

Sigh... please read my previous posts, rather than skimming.
I'm aware they are for non cloakers. They are also for ACTIVE cloakers. Both of those I don't mind having to go the extra mile.
What I don;t like Is that I have to do that for a guy who's simply logged on and gone AFK, because I CANT TELL HE'S AFK.

Seriously, this thread is like talking to a wall, a really stupid wall.

Okay, let me put it to you this way. Why would you "go the extra mile" with bubbles, scouts, a POS, bookmarks, etc. for a non-cloaking gang...when they aren't even there. Has been no intel reports, etc.? Because they could show up. It is because of the uncertainty. So you take steps to mitigate that risk. So much so that it becomes very hard to catch you or anyone else who takes such steps.

So its about risk and risk mitigation of which local is indeed a key element. The AFK cloaking is a direct response to that. You can't talk about one without talking about the other.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1116 - 2013-09-13 19:08:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Lucas Kell wrote:

Neutrals and active cloakers aren't generally around 23/7
Anyway, like I said, I'm done with this thread. Literally anything you ask though, I've already answered at least twice in this thread, you guys are going in circles. So just go back, grab a quote from me and use that to answer your repeated questions.

Back to /thread

So, they could show up at any moment. And if people in your alliance/coalition are lazy or there is an open pipe, wormhole, etc. they could not show up in the intel channels. So you take necessary precautions to mitigate the risk...because you don't know when they'll show up.

It is pretty much the same argument with AFK cloaking, but instead of showing up, it is becoming active.

You take risk mitigation steps in one case, but insist on CCP resolving the risk in the other.

Do you see the problem with your position?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1117 - 2013-09-13 19:14:07 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:

Neutrals and active cloakers aren't generally around 23/7
Anyway, like I said, I'm done with this thread. Literally anything you ask though, I've already answered at least twice in this thread, you guys are going in circles. So just go back, grab a quote from me and use that to answer your repeated questions.

Back to /thread

So, they could show up at any moment. And if people in your alliance/coalition are lazy or there is an open pipe, wormhole, etc. they could not show up in the intel channels. So you take necessary precautions to mitigate the risk...because you don't know when they'll show up.

It is pretty much the same argument with AFK cloaking, but instead of showing up, it is becoming active.

You take risk mitigation steps in one case, but insist on CCP resolving the risk in the other.

Do you see the problem with your position?

No, because a player just logging on or just arriving hasn't had a chance to find out my entire fleet composition, weak spots and best way to strike. A player who is AFK most of the day can still find these out during the hour or two he's active. Seriously though. Done.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1118 - 2013-09-13 19:15:34 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
You are pretending to be dense.

The ONLY value knowing he is AFK has, is it tells you when you can safely IGNORE them. It means you are safe for zero effort, since no attack is coming.

Why do you want to play for zero effort, when you keep complaining this is what you are fighting against?

OK, I'm convinced you are trolling.
AFK players are clearly the 0 effort. I just want players to have to PLAY to disrupt my day.
Now really this is the last post here, cos you are either tolling and succeeding, or really fuckin stupid.

Hardly, I don't even relate to trolling.

You are so worried about what your neighbor is doing, or not doing, that you feel it should give you a benefit under the right circumstances.
Or, put in familiar terms:
You want the hostile ship to leave / log off if they don't meet your definition of being active.

You must realize this only serves to remove uncertainty, as your uncertainty to their being AFK is the only thing affected on you.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1119 - 2013-09-13 19:18:55 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, because a player just logging on or just arriving hasn't had a chance to find out my entire fleet composition, weak spots and best way to strike. A player who is AFK most of the day can still find these out during the hour or two he's active. Seriously though. Done.

Wow, and you don't think players communicate to each other?

This "entire fleet composition, weak spots and best way to strike" is not a secret if a hostile has it.

If your concern involves a cyno, it is blatantly obvious the information is being shared already.

The difference Teckos pointed out is quite soundly maintained as not relevant.
All Web Investigations
#1120 - 2013-09-13 19:26:06 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Have you read mine?
A probe that costs a lot, and takes 10 minutes to run.
Explodes if cancelled, docked, jumping out of a gate, logging off or being destroyed.
If a cloaker changes grid after the probe is launched and before the probe finishes, they don't show up at all.
This way, it only affects AFK cloakers.

I don't want any other changes. All I want is for a cloaker to actually have to play the game if they want to sit in a system all day. Not just create an army of alts, and look at them a couple of times a day to see if there's a juicy drop target.

Oooohhh....a probe that costs "alot"? How much is that? A million isk each? I'll take 100. Ten million each? I'll take 100. 100 million each? I'll take 20. You get the idea, I could drop a billion on these no problem. So, a billion each? Yeah?

I was thinking 50m, but great, so you have loads of probes. So you launch your probes to find an active cloaker. He moves. You probes are now useless, they will return nothing. You wan waste 10 minutes not docking, jumping or logging off, waiting for your probes to finish, or lose them. Using them against an active cloaker will simply be throwing isk or time away.

Teckos Pech wrote:
As for leaving grid...great, but there are times when an active cloaker might be stationary for a considerable time. Why should they be gimped? Nope, not good enough. How about a 2 hour time limit for the scan process.
A cloaker moving grid is no problem, and the whole point is, they should have to put effort in. I get it, you are anti-effort. Proceed with crying about how local ruins your life in an anti AFK cloak thread.

But the probes in this situation don't technically return nothing. The lack of a result is intel in and of itself - and very valuable intel at that. It tells you "hey, this dude is active and moving around". It adds more intel into a system which already has too much intel in the first place. These probes also pose massive issues for numerous "active" playstyles, as we've already mentioned - bombing runs, strategic perches, watching hostile fleet movements, etc. Even if you go to the extreme and say "it takes these probes one hour to find someone", that still puts a hard limit on how long those other activities are possible.

For example I've sat cloaked watching enemies forming up at a tower for more than an hour before, and after a while I couldnt wait any longer and had to run to the bathroom. I came back and they'd warped off. I had missed what direction by incredibly unfortunate timing - these probes would do the same thing. I'd get to the 59 minute mark and have to warp out and back in, and by sheer poor luck they'd be gone. Or worse, they'd be the ones with the probes out and would be doing it specifically because they know it forces me to have to move around. The probe idea is just bad. I'm sorry but it is.