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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Vas Eldryn
#1041 - 2013-09-13 09:14:02 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Vas Eldryn wrote:
If you going to quote me, quote the entire post so it does look distorted, I know you feel null sec should be a shooting galley where all ships in enemy sov should just exist as targets for lazy PVP pilots.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Where have I written anything like that at all? I dare you to find a single quote from me that supports this kind of nonsense.

the thing is AFK cyno cloaking undercuts scouts, pvp defense fleets, detection.... all means of defending ones home. All because you want to kill defenseless ships instead of engaging sov fleets.

And you're still a behind the 8'ball yes if he uncloaks we can engage him... I 20mil SB, oh what a horrific loss, while a 200mil mining ship burns.

there is a reason that AFK cyno cloaking is becoming the norm... because it cant be countered, not cost effectively.

and please read my entire post not just quote fragments that make no sense please .

1. An AFK cyno ship is nothing to fear as a ship with an AFK pilot/player cannot activate said cyno.
2. Even if the player does come back to keyboard, it does not undermine scouts or defense makes them even more important.
3. Look at my kill board dude, I've engaged in many, many sov fleets...for quite a bit longer than you've been in game.
4. A ship with a cyno and a cloak can be countered, ways to counter it have been explicated in this very thread.
5. Dude, I removed one sentence, stop whining about distorting your posts when I quoted well over 90% of it.

this thread is about AFK cyno camping.... not cloaking devices in general.

please don't try and change the subject

Technically it is a collection of the horrible ideas on how to "fix" a symptom of a larger problem. Azrael knows what the larger problem is, but is just being a contrarian.

OK butchering my comments to make me look silly is one thing, but anyone who cares to scroll up will know the guts of my posts,

saying an AFK ship is nothing to fear... scroll up, YES the pose a threat on that is invulnerable.

looked at you kill board... not applicable, this is just my alt account, I don't dare post on my main, don't think you are better then me because of time played.

a cloaked ship CANT be countered... that's a FACT, I know how facts annoy you.
All Web Investigations
#1042 - 2013-09-13 09:22:54 UTC
Azrael Dinn wrote:
And you guys complain when I started to say "break cloaks tm" Twisted

We are on a loop that goes over and over the same topics and neither side is willing to bend in any ways.

So break cloaks asap please.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Olga Chukarin wrote:

This is idiotic, as it absolutely destroys the "active" use of cloaked ships. Bombing runs? Ruined. Scouting? Ruined (warping costs cap, and your idea annihilates cap). Setting up strategic warp in points? Ruined. Wormhole space? Ruined. Reconnaissance? Ruined. Uncertainty and risk in nullsec? Removed entirely. Economy? Ruined as a result of the previous ruined aspects of the game.

It's so tiring to see these "i want to remove all uncertainty and risk for myself, and have a massively imbalanced, one sided i-win mechanic" in these threads. They can type up ten thousand words trying to hide their intent, but it's rather obvious that they want to trash the game so they can live in their own personal instance.

Play another game, or at least go to highsec. Null is not for you if you freak out over a single other person being in system with you

The solution does not ruin anything it just changes the way YOU would need to play the game. Mayby it is time that you should learn to play in a different way.

But anyways it's not the one person in a nullsec system that get people worried... it's the problem that you can't kill him even if you wanted to and in my opinion this is something you just don't get. Well actualy I know a way... CCP said 4 years ago that we cannot use it.

No it literally ruins all the things I mentioned. It utterly destroys and makes certain activities nearly impossible. Also, why is it ok for you to make such horrific game breaking changes and justify it with "change how you play"? Why are you telling cloakers, and a dozen different activities and playstyles - all very much active - that they must change? Why don't YOU change? Why don't you change how you behave when a neutral enters system and cloaks up?

Again this is pure hypocrisy. You want demand everyone else, and the game itself, must change around you, while stubbornly refusing to change or adapt in the slightest way yourself.

Just leave. Go back to highsec or go back to wow. You don't understand this game.
All Web Investigations
#1043 - 2013-09-13 09:27:52 UTC
Vas Eldryn wrote:
If you going to quote me, quote the entire post so it does look distorted, I know you feel null sec should be a shooting galley where all ships in enemy sov should just exist as targets for lazy PVP pilots.

the thing is AFK cyno cloaking undercuts scouts, pvp defense fleets, detection.... all means of defending ones home. All because you want to kill defenseless ships instead of engaging sov fleets.

And you're still a behind the 8'ball yes if he uncloaks we can engage him... I 20mil SB, oh what a horrific loss, while a 200mil mining ship burns.

there is a reason that AFK cyno cloaking is becoming the norm... because it cant be countered, not cost effectively.

and please read my entire post not just quote fragments that make no sense please .

Gettin real tired of your deliberate lies and misrepresentations, buddy.

We have repeatedly said we don't just want easy kills, only that uncertainty and risk must be preserved. Your constant attempts to smear us is pathetic.

As for the reason cloaking and cynos is becoming the norm, it is not because it can't be countered it is because it has become a NECESSITY due to how safe local makes nullsec.

Local makes things too safe, and the only way to work around that is to already be in system and play the waiting game.

Cloaked ships cannot shoot you or do anything, the second they can they become not cloaked and you can shoot them back.

Every post you make is incredibly dishonest and filled with smearing. It really highlights your true motivations, and complete lack of argument
Vas Eldryn
#1044 - 2013-09-13 09:30:57 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Vas Eldryn wrote:
If you going to quote me, quote the entire post so it does look distorted, I know you feel null sec should be a shooting galley where all ships in enemy sov should just exist as targets for lazy PVP pilots.

the thing is AFK cyno cloaking undercuts scouts, pvp defense fleets, detection.... all means of defending ones home. All because you want to kill defenseless ships instead of engaging sov fleets.

And you're still a behind the 8'ball yes if he uncloaks we can engage him... I 20mil SB, oh what a horrific loss, while a 200mil mining ship burns.

there is a reason that AFK cyno cloaking is becoming the norm... because it cant be countered, not cost effectively.

and please read my entire post not just quote fragments that make no sense please .

Gettin real tired of your deliberate lies and misrepresentations, buddy.

We have repeatedly said we don't just want easy kills, only that uncertainty and risk must be preserved. Your constant attempts to smear us is pathetic.

As for the reason cloaking and cynos is becoming the norm, it is not because it can't be countered it is because it has become a NECESSITY due to how safe local makes nullsec.

Local makes things too safe, and the only way to work around that is to already be in system and play the waiting game.

Cloaked ships cannot shoot you or do anything, the second they can they become not cloaked and you can shoot them back.

Every post you make is incredibly dishonest and filled with smearing. It really highlights your true motivations, and complete lack of argument

so you can only get a kill if you AFK cyno cloak.... this is what you are saying?

ROAM fleets and gangs can teach you something.
Vas Eldryn
#1045 - 2013-09-13 09:36:25 UTC
sick of this waaaaaa.... local makes it to hard, sure I think local should be nerfed.... but not in Sov space... we pay for it.
All Web Investigations
#1046 - 2013-09-13 09:40:31 UTC
Vas Eldryn wrote:
so you can only get a kill if you AFK cyno cloak.... this is what you are saying?

ROAM fleets and gangs can teach you something.

No, that is not what I said. Again you are deliberately misrepresenting what people are saying. I never said that prolonged cloaking was the only way to get kills, in fact in this very topic I literally stated that other avenues for getting PVP exist. If English isn't your first language or if you have some other reading difficulties I can try and split up my posts into shorter, easier to understand chunks if it'd make it easier.

While it is possible to get fights a number of other ways - including roaming gangs, like you said - the fact remains that in order to catch a resident of a system the ONLY way to do it is to play the waiting game. Unless they make a big mistake it is extremely easy for them to "get safe" before anyone has a chance to even start looking for them. The second local changes, they're off warping to a pos, station or other safe spot. The only way to counter that is to wait.

You want to remove that ability to wait for them, but without reducing their abilities to instantly-gtfo.

That is an extremely imbalanced idea and reduces risk in null to zero.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1047 - 2013-09-13 10:02:15 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
We have repeatedly said we don't just want easy kills, only that uncertainty and risk must be preserved. Your constant attempts to smear us is pathetic.
It's not about maintaining uncertainty. You want to be able to take a solo cloaker into null and completely disrupt operation while you have your tea. The different in effor between a cloaker and the sov holders is unreasonable. Cloakers SHOULD have to put in more effort. Currently they put in WAY less. You want to maintain that, because it makes it easier for you.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
As for the reason cloaking and cynos is becoming the norm, it is not because it can't be countered it is because it has become a NECESSITY due to how safe local makes nullsec.
The reason it's becoming the norm is because it's easy and low risk to perform. It's by no mean a necessity. I still see successful pirates coming through in pirate faction cruiser gangs. And local has ALWAYS been about, and people have been fighting since the beginning of EVE. You can;t now say that suddenly local is making it too hard for uncloaked pirates, that's nonsense. You've simply discovered it's easier to travel in a cloaky, sit AFK until people let their guard down, then blops your mates in. So that's what you do.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Cloaked ships cannot shoot you or do anything, the second they can they become not cloaked and you can shoot them back.
They can however undetectably gather full intel on fleet composition and locations, so you can set up for an easy drop. Cloakers also control the whole fight, since they decide when and where it happens, as well as what state you are in. If we knew all cloakers were ATK, we would at least be able to prepare a defense. Preparing a defense for an AFK player is a massive time waste, which is why you rely on AFK cloakers to numb your opponents.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1048 - 2013-09-13 10:07:45 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
the fact remains that in order to catch a resident of a system the ONLY way to do it is to play the waiting game.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Unless they make a big mistake it is extremely easy for them to "get safe" before anyone has a chance to even start looking for them. The second local changes, they're off warping to a pos, station or other safe spot.
Sure, if they are paying attention and beign aware that at any minute a pirate could jump in, yes, they can get away. And that's right. That's the way it's SUPPOSED to work. Are advocating a system that allows you a 100% success rate if you try hard enough? Why should the owners of the space not be allowed their chance to live?

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
You want to remove that ability to wait for them, but without reducing their abilities to instantly-gtfo.
Wrong. I want to make it so that if you want to wait, YOU have to wait. Not your PC alone has to wait, but YOU have to wait. I have no probelm with you cloaking if you are there to oversee it, but why should you be able to AFK for days at a time while still camping the system, while a miner/ratter has to be at their system 100% of the time. That's imbalanced.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Azrael Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#1049 - 2013-09-13 10:39:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Azrael Dinn
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
No it literally ruins all the things I mentioned. It utterly destroys and makes certain activities nearly impossible. Also, why is it ok for you to make such horrific game breaking changes and justify it with "change how you play"? Why are you telling cloakers, and a dozen different activities and playstyles - all very much active - that they must change? Why don't YOU change? Why don't you change how you behave when a neutral enters system and cloaks up?

Again this is pure hypocrisy. You want demand everyone else, and the game itself, must change around you, while stubbornly refusing to change or adapt in the slightest way yourself.

Just leave. Go back to highsec or go back to wow. You don't understand this game.

So because I do not like pvp so much I should go to high sec. How about you stop playing the game because you do not like industrialist please?

Thats how much sense you comment makes and thats also why I hate people like you most of the time.

And this is featured & ideas isn't it? So why cannot I give my idea even if it messes up your easy game play? My idea might not be perfect and I admit that I have started to just say break cloaks just because people like you. It just easier for me and I don't need to think about it but if it come to a point that CCP would ask me that what should we do I would not present an idea that would break cloaks completely but something along the line what Nikk had in mind involving local and stuff.

And thats my opinion on this and you pro cloaking comments make me sick I'm affraid and you unwillingness to see any other way even tough you do support nikk's idea abit but in the I have the feeling that you would still keep your own play style if it would come to the point where you could make up the decision. And thats how I see you presenting your self here.

And Lucas Kell yes I get your point from the idea you had and I was thinking it that if an industrial would get trapped in a system then he would decloak eventualy so it does effect everyone in the end.

After centuries of debating and justifying... Break Cloaks tm

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1050 - 2013-09-13 10:46:16 UTC
Azrael Dinn wrote:
And Lucas Kell yes I get your point from the idea you had and I was thinking it that if an industrial would get trapped in a system then he would decloak eventualy so it does effect everyone in the end.

You might be getting my suggestion and that other guys suggestion mixed up.
Mine was to allow probes that take 10 mins, but decloak a player and provide a warp in. But warping grid to grid would stop the probes finding you. So as long as a cloaked industrialist didn't sit cloaked on the same grid for 10 minutes, he would never be found.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Azrael Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#1051 - 2013-09-13 10:49:25 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Azrael Dinn wrote:
And Lucas Kell yes I get your point from the idea you had and I was thinking it that if an industrial would get trapped in a system then he would decloak eventualy so it does effect everyone in the end.

You might be getting my suggestion and that other guys suggestion mixed up.
Mine was to allow probes that take 10 mins, but decloak a player and provide a warp in. But warping grid to grid would stop the probes finding you. So as long as a cloaked industrialist didn't sit cloaked on the same grid for 10 minutes, he would never be found.

Too much quetes here Twisted
Oh well it was somewhere there P

After centuries of debating and justifying... Break Cloaks tm

TheDawgyAlt Tokila
Marsbar's Nugget Factory
#1052 - 2013-09-13 11:29:16 UTC
The sad part about this top is that there are 1051 post before this one. This is a topic that has been going on for years. The only time a CCP person has said anything about this is when his previous posts have been quoted.

I challenge CCP to actually respond to this. If this is a topic thats been going on for this long, why haven't they really said anything about it yet.
Vay Mining Corporation
#1053 - 2013-09-13 11:39:40 UTC
I got it. Perfect solution. Make all ships free but double the cost the skill books to fly them and increase the time needed to learn them. So once you can fly a ship, you can always have one. MIght still have to build it and they arent just laying around but if you want PVP and more people willing to PVP, maybe we should balance the playing field in this way.

I would take my solo carrier against your black ops fleet and see how many i could kill if I knew I would get another ship for free

See problem solved. No change to local or cloaks.
Azrael Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#1054 - 2013-09-13 11:49:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Azrael Dinn
virgofire wrote:
I got it. Perfect solution. Make all ships free but double the cost the skill books to fly them and increase the time needed to learn them. So once you can fly a ship, you can always have one. MIght still have to build it and they arent just laying around but if you want PVP and more people willing to PVP, maybe we should balance the playing field in this way.

I would take my solo carrier against your black ops fleet and see how many i could kill if I knew I would get another ship for free

See problem solved. No change to local or cloaks.

In a way you are right... everything in this game costs a ton of isks. Playing WoT is much more pleasing even if you loose cause you don't realy loose anything and you can actualy do silly things and have fun. In eve when you get killed you loose everything what you got at that moment with you.

After centuries of debating and justifying... Break Cloaks tm

All Web Investigations
#1055 - 2013-09-13 12:31:55 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
It's not about maintaining uncertainty. You want to be able to take a solo cloaker into null and completely disrupt operation while you have your tea. The different in effor between a cloaker and the sov holders is unreasonable. Cloakers SHOULD have to put in more effort. Currently they put in WAY less. You want to maintain that, because it makes it easier for you.

The reason it's becoming the norm is because it's easy and low risk to perform. It's by no mean a necessity. I still see successful pirates coming through in pirate faction cruiser gangs. And local has ALWAYS been about, and people have been fighting since the beginning of EVE. You can;t now say that suddenly local is making it too hard for uncloaked pirates, that's nonsense. You've simply discovered it's easier to travel in a cloaky, sit AFK until people let their guard down, then blops your mates in. So that's what you do.

They can however undetectably gather full intel on fleet composition and locations, so you can set up for an easy drop. Cloakers also control the whole fight, since they decide when and where it happens, as well as what state you are in. If we knew all cloakers were ATK, we would at least be able to prepare a defense. Preparing a defense for an AFK player is a massive time waste, which is why you rely on AFK cloakers to numb your opponents.

No, it is about maintaining uncertainty and risk. I cannot disrupt operations while I am cloaked or afk, it is literally not possible. If you see a name in local and decide "I dont know what level of risk this poses, therefore I will dock up and stop doing things" then that is a choice you made. I didn't disrupt anything, you made a decision based on an uncertainty. You could have also decided to continue doing what you were doing, or alter what you were doing slightly in order to be more safe (not minmaxed pve fits, or fly with a group, etc). You made your choice, you live with it. Demanding that all uncertainty and risk be removed because you refuse to make any other choice is stupid.

And the reason prolonged cloaking happens is because it is the only chance we have to catch unwilling targets. That's the truth, and your petulant denials mean nothing. It is nothing to do with the risk or effort on our part, it is because it is a necessity. Also, how can you claim it is low risk and effort when we have to spend days and days on end for the mere chance that someone will make a mistake? It is incredibly dishonest to say it is "easy" and "low risk" when it is a DESPERATE attempt to circumvent a massively overpowered tool (local) causing residents to have an incredible amount of safety.

Lucas Kell wrote:

Please tell me what other recourse we have to catch unwilling residents of a system. If I jump into local, an unwilling resident, if he's paying attention, hits the warp button before the pretty gate animation has even finished on my end. By the time it has, he's in warp to a station or pos. What other options do I have, other than being in system all the time and waiting for him to get sick and risk it? You can't just say I'm wrong and not back up your statements. Lets put it this way, do you think anyone likes sitting doing nothing for hours on end just for the tiny chance of catching someone? You claim it's not the only way, so tell us what the other ways are. We'd jump at the chance for other ways which aren't as boring, tedious and with such a tiny pay-off rate. Go on, tell us.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Sure, if they are paying attention and beign aware that at any minute a pirate could jump in, yes, they can get away. And that's right. That's the way it's SUPPOSED to work. Are advocating a system that allows you a 100% success rate if you try hard enough? Why should the owners of the space not be allowed their chance to live?

That's not how it's supposed to work. It's a misuse of a chat channel as an intel channel, one that is infallible and instant, and no matter how much effort I put in I can't do anything to counter that tool. You are not supposed to have nearly perfect safety in nullsec, but you do as a result of an ancient chat mechanic being misused. To claim that it is supposed to grant you perfect safety is so pants-on-head idiotic I can barely comprehend it. Local is not supposed to allow you to evade all risk with near perfect chances.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Wrong. I want to make it so that if you want to wait, YOU have to wait. Not your PC alone has to wait, but YOU have to wait. I have no probelm with you cloaking if you are there to oversee it, but why should you be able to AFK for days at a time while still camping the system, while a miner/ratter has to be at their system 100% of the time. That's imbalanced.

Why are you targeting only cloakers with this attitude? I don't see you demanding that anyone who goes AFK in a pos shield or station be ejected. Why is it ok for - as you say - "your PC" to do the waiting if you're in a station or pos, but not if you're a cloaker? Why do you think you're entitled to know what the pilot behind the keyboard is doing?

I'll tell you why: Because you're being dishonest. This isn't about people being afk, this is about uncertainty and risk. Someone sitting cloaked for a long time is an uncertainty - you don't know if they're active or not - and therefore the level of risk is higher than if you were told outright that they were a) not in system or b) not active. You want risk removed for yourself. Admit it. We've danced around the issues so long, and everything you say screams "remove risk remove risk i want my own personal 100% safe space farm".
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1056 - 2013-09-13 13:05:18 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
No, it is about maintaining uncertainty and risk. I cannot disrupt operations while I am cloaked or afk, it is literally not possible. If you see a name in local and decide "I dont know what level of risk this poses, therefore I will dock up and stop doing things" then that is a choice you made. I didn't disrupt anything, you made a decision based on an uncertainty. You could have also decided to continue doing what you were doing, or alter what you were doing slightly in order to be more safe (not minmaxed pve fits, or fly with a group, etc). You made your choice, you live with it. Demanding that all uncertainty and risk be removed because you refuse to make any other choice is stupid.
Of course you are having that effect. Sure the result is because the null player made a decision, but you being cloaked have added that level risk. The whole reason people AFK cloak is because they KNOW it will disrupt reactions. You are basically saying here I should just risk my ship, and if I don't it's my own fault. That's utterly ridiculous. In order for you to add the appearance of risk to my gameplay you should have to actually be there.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
And the reason prolonged cloaking happens is because it is the only chance we have to catch unwilling targets. That's the truth, and your petulant denials mean nothing. It is nothing to do with the risk or effort on our part, it is because it is a necessity. Also, how can you claim it is low risk and effort when we have to spend days and days on end for the mere chance that someone will make a mistake? It is incredibly dishonest to say it is "easy" and "low risk" when it is a DESPERATE attempt to circumvent a massively overpowered tool (local) causing residents to have an incredible amount of safety.
Bullshit. If that were true, nobody would ever die in null except to cloakers. That's clearly not the case. Still it's beside the point however, you should still have to put in effort to play the game. You don;t put in EFFORT when you are AFK. And you don't have to wait days for a target, you can move on. That's YOUR CHOICE. If I choose to sit outside a station in high sec waiting for someone to undock with a suspect timer, that's my fault I have to wait for picking a bad target. Same in null. If you pick a target that chooses to dock up, you picked the wrong target.
You want easy kills against ratting and mining targets with no chance of them escaping, and it upsets you when they escape. Then you come here desperately trying to disguise your cowardice as some kind of struggle against the superior power of local. How about you go talk to the hundreds of pilots that will have scored kills in null sec systems today and find out what you are doing wrong.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Please tell me what other recourse we have to catch unwilling residents of a system. If I jump into local, an unwilling resident, if he's paying attention, hits the warp button before the pretty gate animation has even finished on my end. By the time it has, he's in warp to a station or pos.
If they were paying attention and they got away, then they won. simple as that. You lost because they were quicker than you. Simple as that. Again, you want to be able to land on them and have them have 0 chance to escape. That's not balance, that's imbalance in your favor.
Again, it's your choice to then camp them out, and that should take effort on your part. As for other methods, see my previous paragraph, why don't you ask one of the people that successfully kill in null what you are doing wrong.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
That's not how it's supposed to work. It's a misuse of a chat channel as an intel channel, one that is infallible and instant, and no matter how much effort I put in I can't do anything to counter that tool. You are not supposed to have nearly perfect safety in nullsec, but you do as a result of an ancient chat mechanic being misused. To claim that it is supposed to grant you perfect safety is so pants-on-head idiotic I can barely comprehend it. Local is not supposed to allow you to evade all risk with near perfect chances.
No, it's using that channel as it works. If it was misuse, it would be bannable. Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it wrong. AGAIN I'll point out that you want change the system so you can jump on ratters and miners giving them no chance to respond. Coward.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Why are you targeting only cloakers with this attitude? I don't see you demanding that anyone who goes AFK in a pos shield or station be ejected. Why is it ok for - as you say - "your PC" to do the waiting if you're in a station or pos, but not if you're a cloaker? Why do you think you're entitled to know what the pilot behind the keyboard is doing?
Because AFK players in other states pay a price to be there. They pay for their POS they fight for the right to dock at their station. Outside of that, a cloaker is not putting any effort in, and not paying anything for the opportunity to add risk to a system. An alt get's created, flies to a system, then just sits in it, mostly AFK, then occasionally picking a nice easy kill.

It's about uncertainty and risk being added by AFK players. You can active cloak as much as you want, and that still leave uncertainty and risk. But YOU have to put in effort for it. Effortlessly adding risk by AFK cloaking an alt is unbalanced.

This all boils down to you wanting to protect your precious easy kills though. I tell you what, lets just leave it as is. I'll continue to dock or move for cloakers and you can continue to cry about how we are so risk averse, while refusing to accept any risk, or even any effort, on your part. Coward.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1057 - 2013-09-13 13:55:21 UTC
Truly I feel grateful that so many are discussing this topic.

To Lucas Kell: I was short, as others observed, but you did ask for it in a previous entry, telling me to **** off.
If you can maintain civility and continue without the fireworks, so can I. Your call.
Regardless, however, I was honest, and the point I was making is not diminished by these circumstances.

You were implying that effort towards defense is bad for game play in null, or should otherwise not be needed, in that you named a few valid tactics to secure a system as being far too much effort for serious consideration.

Vas Eldryn, you made a couple of statements, and I need to gut them before they become considered established points.
They are, to be more than kind, mislead at best...

Vas Eldryn wrote:

1. Directed at Teckos Pech: a cloaked ship CANT be countered... that's a FACT, I know how facts annoy you.

2. By itself: sick of this waaaaaa.... local makes it to hard, sure I think local should be nerfed.... but not in Sov space... we pay for it.

Item 1:
Many things cannot be countered. Pretending this is the only thing in the game where that has meaning is disingenuous.
We should be able to force eject people from outposts, especially ones owned by our alliances where they could not even dock if they were to try at the current time. A POS with reinforced shields is another.
BOTH exist to further game play, despite the unrealistic nature they display to everyone.
Many players would be VERY happy to have cloaked vessels able to be hunted, but it is not balanced to do this if they are also reported for presence with no effort. Local does this, along with a few other free intel broken items.
Make it balanced, and it will happen.

As to having no counter, noone who ever played in a wormhole can take this statement seriously. Cloaked vessels should always be expected, uncloaked vessels should always be expected, local telling you there are none is actually spoiling you with safety that you should NEVER expect as a regular state of existence. It makes you forget what null really is.

Item 2:
You pay for the ability to install advantages, most notably system upgrades, I-Hubs, POS's, and Outposts. Local exists in every part of the game, and it's pilot roster every place except the wormhole systems.
Your security is, and always has been, your responsibility. Intel is useful only under circumstances that offer options based off of it's knowledge. Knowing things for no effort, is also knowing them for no cost.
Quite literally and specifically, neither you, nor any person or group, paid for this.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1058 - 2013-09-13 14:11:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Nikk Narrel wrote:
To Lucas Kell: I was short, as others observed, but you did ask for it in a previous entry, telling me to **** off.
If you can maintain civility and continue without the fireworks, so can I. Your call.
Regardless, however, I was honest, and the point I was making is not diminished by these circumstances.
I didn't mean any offense by it. It's a phrase we use here in the UK if we are utterly shocked at the sheer incorrectness of something said with conviction. Like If I were to say with full conviction "The sky is always green", you would reply laughingly with "**** off, it's blue you idiot". Or like If I were to say "Leaving my PC on for 36 hours is super hard work!", you could respond to that in the same way.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
You were implying that effort towards defense is bad for game play in null, or should otherwise not be needed, in that you named a few valid tactics to secure a system as being far too much effort for serious consideration.
Not at all. I was saying the sheer difference in effort required to defend vs effort required to agress was too large. In order to counter a cloaker that may or may not be AFK I need to have multiple players covering me, scouts and bubbles. While I don't mind that if the cloaker has to sit in system actively watching me, a player eating his dinner or going to bed while I still have to expend that same amount of effort is unbalanced.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
As to having no counter, noone who ever played in a wormhole can take this statement seriously. Cloaked vessels should always be expected, uncloaked vessels should always be expected, local telling you there are none is actually spoiling you with safety that you should NEVER expect as a regular state of existence. It makes you forget what null really is.
Wormhole space is considerably safer than null.
-The only entrances can be collapsed, leaving either no way in, or only your statics, which can be with more ease.
- The size of the wormhole chosen can match what you want to fight. In a WH, f I don't want to ever see a battleship, I can choose a wormhole that can't have a battleship enter it. I can then then build my own, and have superiority.
-Cynos don't work in null. I don't ever have to worry about a cloaker popping a cyno, and a 250 man fleet dropping on my head.
-WHs naturally require an ominitank, so you are generally fit with the same fit for PVP as you are for PVE (minus point, and maybe a couple of modules difference). PVE in null hits HARD on specific resists.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
Knowing things for no effort, is also knowing them for no cost.
Quite literally and specifically, neither you, nor any person or group, paid for this.
No, but it is a current mechanic, has worked well so far and other mechanics are built around it. As I stated above, it works for WH, because WH space is different in general. It doesn't mean it would work everywhere.

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Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1059 - 2013-09-13 14:20:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Lucas Kell wrote:

How is it balanced that multiple deployed structures, multiple active alts, intel channels and staying aligned is required to protect from a single player with 1 module?

Well if he has just one module, why are you even worried?

My comment about bubbles, scouts, etc. wasn't how to protect yourself from a cloaked ship, but how to avoid being caught by anything but a cloaked ship. If you take those precautions you will never ever be caught unless The Gunslinger is right and you are bad at this game.

So how is that balanced?

Like I have been saying for many posts now. The current situation is not optimal, but it is balanced. It is not good game play, IMO, but it is balanced.

My preference is for new mechanics that include risk...for both sides (note that is balanced)...and where AFK cloaking goes the way of the dodo. Your objections and complaints are obviously self-serving, IMO.

Bear in mind that while a cloaker is cloaked, we can't do anything to him, but he on the other hand can set up bookmarks around us, work out the best tactics to deploy his mates for a maximum chance of kill. Consider all of that and we already pay for the space, that is not balanced. Not even remotely. The cloaker should also need to put in an equal amount of effort for it to be balanced.

Then you are complaining about active cloakers. No AFK pilot can do any of those things. Ever. Those can only be done by players who are active.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

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Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#1060 - 2013-09-13 14:28:26 UTC

Maybe you should call this thread "AFK Cloaking RE-collection thread" as most of the posts in here are reposts of reposts, even if some the posters do not seem to be aware of that fact.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.