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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#3461 - 2013-09-10 19:16:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Mer88
Why not get rid of the dumb webber for BS and have TP bonus instead ? Webs on a stationary defensive ship? really ? also drone bay needs to be at least 50,

And for the golem , maybe have a bonus which affects tracking computers to affect missle explosion radius/ explosion velocity at 10% per level. So TC with tracking/range script will give 30 X 50% = 15 explosion radius or 15 explosion velocity at max level depending on script.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#3462 - 2013-09-10 19:17:35 UTC
Ehhh, I like the cap injection bit...
Iome Ambraelle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3463 - 2013-09-10 19:36:46 UTC
I'm really starting to like my idea of 5th turret/launcher hardpoint with bastion module requiring a turret/launcher hard point. Here's how I would set it up.

Role Bonus: 80% bonus to large weapon damage, 100% bonus to range and velocity of tractor beams, 70% reduction in Micro Jump Drive reactivation delay

This would produce the equivalent of 9 active weapons if you fit a weapon in each slot, while having 7.2 active weapons with a bastion module fitted. This would allow you to balance the bonuses and drawbacks of the bastion module against 1.8 effective weapons instead of against what you can fit in a utility high slot. Now that you are replacing something of great value, the bonuses and drawbacks can be much more interesting.

As it stands now, the bastion module has to be balanced when compared to another utility module:

  • Drone Range - worthless with the current drone bandwidth and bay)
  • Nuet/Nos - great utility for PVP and some using Nos in PVE
  • Remote Repair/Boost - without a range boost this is lackluster
  • Energy Transfer - no range boost
  • Smart Bomb - decent close range support considering the new drone stats
  • Regular Cloaking Device - Useful in some situations

* Please add to this list if I overlooked something

The current bastion module has some extreme drawbacks because when compared to what it can replace it would always be used if it didn't. The bonuses it provides far out shines the items listed above, thus enter the immobility and no remote assistance. If you paired the module against something of real value such as number of active turrets, you can now provide real, useful bonuses without resorting to including drastic penalties that eliminates its use in most scenarios except level 4 mission running.

Shield Tanking - Why armor tanking can't have nice things.

Mole Guy
Bob's Bait and Tackle
#3464 - 2013-09-10 19:46:01 UTC
they need to be fast strikers until they hit the stop and shoot button.
then, they will be anchored for 60 seconds. once free, they need to move.

stick and move, stick and move.
resistance to take a blow.
bonuses to pve stuff like scanning and salvaging.

that stuff can be negated while in bastion mode where a new set of bonuses come into play.

but for everyday life, we need an exploration/raider. not a cylon raider, but an explorer/raider.

Cade Windstalker
#3465 - 2013-09-10 20:16:08 UTC
Forlorn Wongraven wrote:
You do know that BLOPS BSs have jump drives that can jump to covert cynos right?

He wants to avoid running gates with his pimped Marauder in null-sec, obviously. And BlackOps don't have the punch and tank of Marauders.[/quote]

Black-Ops are also next on the rebalance queue per Ytterbium over here, along with Electronic Attack Frigates and then probably the various over and under-used pirate-hulls.

Kagura Nikon wrote:
You mean like tempestas ataht are useles without guns? Or vagabonds without prop modules?

Or huggins without webs? Or Falcons without jammers?

Face it.. what you describe is exaclty how eve is for several years!!!

Different but similar. These ships receive heavy bonuses to a set of modules as opposed to simply being able to equip one module that makes the hull useful like a Dreadnaught with Siege Mode. Even Carriers don't compare since they can be extremely useful in a variety of roles without ever fitting a Triage module.

Also the Vagabond probably doesn't belong on your list since most Cruisers rely on a prop-mod of some sort, and the hull has no bonuses to prop-mods.

Kagura Nikon wrote:
Then it woudl be USELES and no one would use it!

THe opposite shoudl be made.> More STRONG bonuses in the bastion mode. Not less.

And there are going to be trade-offs on the module for every one of those "Strong bonuses" or on the hull like we've seen with the loss of the repair bonus in the current iteration.

Wedgetail wrote:
last time i saw pirate hulls deployed was via pandemic legion titan drops during their blockades of solar freighter lines, and they did this because battleships are too slow to respond to new intel to work in any other circumstance (see the prevalence of blops fleets for example, high reaction speed, high survivability for the cost a trait they don't share with marauders and pirate battle ships)

if you want to succeed in combat you must be fast - this requires a jump bridge or a rapid mobility that battleships simply don't have. if i have to jump chains and chains of gates to catch a target they'll be gone long before I arrive, cruisers (t3's notably) can maintain better defenses, do 1/2 to 2/3rds as much damage and fly 2x as fast thus make a better choice for roaming gangs.

truthfully the last place i saw decent gang warfare on the battle ship tonnage was in faction war settings of 50 pilot PUG fleets - fighting limited to a very enclosed region of space.

For a very specific type of warfare yes, but you still see Battleships used to a greater or lesser extent all over Low-Sec and even in Null.

Mobility is certainly useful but it's not the end of the line for ship balance. You can be immobile as long as you have other things that make up for it, like a thick tank and good damage projection and application.

Not every Battleship hull, T2 or otherwise, should be modeled after the Machariel.

Also you can bet money that if Marauders had been the best thing for the job that's what PL would have dropped. They're a perfect example of a group with enough resources to bring the best thing for a job if they really want that job done, no matter how much it costs.
Jordanna Bauer
Taylor Swift Fanclub
#3466 - 2013-09-10 20:17:17 UTC
Web bonus + fall off bonus seems extremely counter-intuitive. Seriously?
Cade Windstalker
#3467 - 2013-09-10 20:37:13 UTC
Iome Ambraelle wrote:
I think they should add an additional turret/launcher hard point to these hull, and adjust the bastion module to require one. Now you actually have a powerful replacement module to balance the bastion module against and provides some very hard decisions if the bonuses on the module are well thought out. Do you fit a 5 turret and lose damage projection/application/whatever else they put on the module, or do you fit the bastion module. Less raw damage but great tank, damage project, etc. That scenario would make this conversation completely different!

It's an interesting concept but I think it would lead to Bastion being over-powered and put the hulls into a DPS race with the Pirate Battleships. You'd essentially be giving the ships 10 effective turrets of damage (even ignoring the 25% damage bonus from ship skills) and reducing their damage bonus to compensate would result in a 4 turret setup doing less DPS than any T1 Battleship which probably isn't worth the cost or application.

Gabriel Karade wrote:
I've explained at length the crippling impact of the 2008 web changes on blaster battleships (and implications of losing the bonus completely) from the perspective of someone with a great deal of experience with them, i'm not going to repeat myself. I do have to ask what your experience with blaster battleships is though?

I'm amazed CCP have gone for the resist bonus - for high end stuff it so outweighs a self repair bonus (and loss of) it isnt even funny.

And I countered your points, to which you failed to respond (some 80+ pages back if I recall).

CCP have since buffed blaster ships and right now they're almost as fast as comparable Minmattar ships while having higher agility (again, see previous counter for numerical examples). Overall they are in a better relative state to other hulls than they were 5 years ago.

CCP's original logic with both the web nerf and the speed nerf that precipitated it was very sound. Overall you seem to be implying, quite against evidence, that Blaster Battleships are in a worse state than any other Battleship hull and have been for the last ~5 years.

If webs were limited to one per ship then the 90% webs might somehow be justified, but as things stand it's hardly required to catch and hold a comparably sized ship and mostly serves to utterly destroy any smaller ship that gets within your web-range.

As for a resist bonus, that would just lead to absurd levels of tank on the order of Command Ships and for self-repair the local rep bonus is actually superior.

Wedgetail wrote:
i like your idea of the rep kiting and yes that'd be excellent - but the marauders will never have to deal with this, as the only real (read reasonably effective and not suicidal) way to kill one will be to nuke it with other long range guns - it'll have no time to rep, it'll be alive...then a second later dead - and this circumstance holds true deployed or not =/ (because of their already absurd damage projection)

Except again, with low overall EHP you can just break their tank with DPS, either from short or long-ranged guns, and they'll burn down very very quickly. For the first proposal ~3-4 blaster battleships would be required on most, for the current iteration it's only 2-3 in Bastion. Or you can just neut them out, if they're using an ASB tank then they've either chucked most other utility too fit that or they're running a single ASB and you just have to run them out of cap-boosters. Either way it's not infeasible for 3-4 battleships to blow through the shields on an ASB Vargur before it can do a rep cycle at which point armor and hull damage will kill it before it runs out of cap boosters.

Quintessen wrote:
I'm not going to read 173 pages of posts to see if this was caught, but it's still wrong so.... it seems like the Amarr and Minmatar resistances are reversed. Shouldn't Minmatar be good against EXP and Amarr be good against EM/Therm as per their local pirate factions?

Yes, this has been brought up in various forms. They've been given the full T2 resistances for their empire, which counter their racial enemies. This would not be an issue if they still had the local repair bonuses.
Iome Ambraelle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3468 - 2013-09-10 20:57:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Iome Ambraelle
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Iome Ambraelle wrote:
I think they should add an additional turret/launcher hard point to these hull, and adjust the bastion module to require one. Now you actually have a powerful replacement module to balance the bastion module against and provides some very hard decisions if the bonuses on the module are well thought out. Do you fit a 5 turret and lose damage projection/application/whatever else they put on the module, or do you fit the bastion module. Less raw damage but great tank, damage project, etc. That scenario would make this conversation completely different!

It's an interesting concept but I think it would lead to Bastion being over-powered and put the hulls into a DPS race with the Pirate Battleships. You'd essentially be giving the ships 10 effective turrets of damage (even ignoring the 25% damage bonus from ship skills) and reducing their damage bonus to compensate would result in a 4 turret setup doing less DPS than any T1 Battleship which probably isn't worth the cost or application.

I forgot to bold the part of the Role Bonus I changed. I dropped it to 80% weapon damage from the 100% it is now. That equates to 9 turrets/launchers with a 5 turret/launcher fitting and 7.2 with a 4 turret fitting. So for people who want to take the hull as it is and forget bastion you have a 12.5% damage increase over TQ. I think you're right though this comes a little too close to Pirate BS damage levels.

The main point was that you can now offer a bastion module that provides bonuses that can be comparable to 1.8 active turrets/launchers. Make it worth giving up the extra damage for some unique utility or special abilities. You could remove much of the current drawbacks to the bastion module. Here's a pseudo equation that illustrates the goal. The details would obviously have to be thought out well:

Hull Bonuses + 5 turrets/launchers (9 effective) ~= Hull Bonuses + 4 turrets/launchers (7.2 effective) + Bastion Bonuses/Abilities

Currently the dev value equation looks something like this:

Utility High Slot ~= Bastion Bonuses - Bastion Drawbacks

I think that form is much harder to balance out because the value of a Utility High Slot is so low considering the hull already has 3 of them. So really it's comparing Bastion bonuses and drawbacks to a 4TH utility high slot module.

Shield Tanking - Why armor tanking can't have nice things.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#3469 - 2013-09-10 20:59:43 UTC
As a side note, if another group of Marauders is ever done I would have to say the natural hulls for a "transform into a defensive Bastion" ship would be the former Tier 3 BS.

To me the blocky and heavily armored Abaddon, Hyperion, Rohk, and Maelstrom would visually be perfect for bits and pieces to expand out into a defensive fortification (especially the Abaddon and Rohk).

Also, I hope that part of the animation includes plates or panels dropping down over the "vulnerable" engines. That would help explain the ships immobility and toughness in Bastion Mode.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Cade Windstalker
#3470 - 2013-09-10 21:05:05 UTC
Jacob Bok'Kila wrote:
As an amarr, almost started the training for the paladin as i had the option now in skillplans... saw the changes-->glad that "almost" prevented that.

WIth a Nightmare i use the same mjd-tachsnipe tactics (alt/corpmate salvages) as the first iteration suggested. With the transform fun...
With a laser boat, i just skip the missions what has any other factions than sansha/raiders. Whats the point of the t2 resists then? None.
Incursions: resist are fine. But wait! We have the nightmare ingame? Yes. Armor fleets got nearly extinct. No point again.
The palladin hull costs 50% more than the nightmare. No point again.

Edit: Idea:
1) Make 2 "bastion modules" one for PVE and one for PVP (like t3 subsystems)
2) Make the hulls bonuses to give common bonuses
3) Make the 2 new modules to give separate bonuses

You would have a choice to make: brick - not moving - no RR - local tank OR not that hard - moving - no local tank - RR fits

Couple of problems with this, for a start the Paladin is no where near twice the price of a Nightmare and in fact prior to last week the Paladin was selling for cheaper than the Nightmare.

Also Armor Incursion fleets are alive and well, you're just not in the right channels if you think they're dead.

Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
Good, this is much better now and opens a lot more use perspectives than sole Bastion mode since for pvp you don't loose anymore almost half of your ship abilities if you don't fit Bastion module.
MJD was a nice addition, but web bonus is imho once again a much better utility bonus with a large spectrum of use in pvp/pve.

Needs some guns and sensor love thou (imho) and it starts looking like a much better ship Lol

1. "Guns and sensor love" sounds an awful lot like "give me a PvP god-battleship with no real weaknesses"

2. You appear to have missed almost 50 pages of dislike toward the current proposal, a lot of which was "we liked the old one better and get rid of the web bonuses"
Wolfgang Achari
Morior Invictus.
#3471 - 2013-09-10 21:06:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Wolfgang Achari
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Yes, and that's over a month's training time. I'd be just a little pissed if CCP said "yeah, we know these things are mostly used for missions but now they're going to be useless for missions and you'll have to train something else now".

I really don't think you or anyone else can invent a reason why anyone in this game would be happy seeing over 2.5 million SP now be worthless to their character.

Wolfgang Achari wrote:
Likewise, in reference to the T2 resists vs. rep bonus, I'd like to point out something in the marauder description...

A Paladin isn't in hostile space if the space is controlled by Amarr empire. Take a look at the T2 resists and how they compare to NPC damage types in Minmatar space though (and vice versa for a Vargur in Amarr space). You argue that the T2 resists make the ship weak, I argue that you've been using the wrong ship for the space you've been flying in this entire time. :P

And I counter with "balancing by word definition is bad Game Design". The in-game description can be re-written quite easily, it's a poor justification for pretty much anything ever.

Marauders have always been PvE focused ships. Another interpretation of your quote could be venturing into mission deadspace pockets to retrieve loot and pirate bounties.

It would appear to me that perhaps faction ships are working as intended since their last balance pass. :)

Finally, I have not said that rep bonuses are a death sentence for any ship. I've been saying that a proper resist profile is stronger than a rep bonus, which is why all ships with resist bonuses were recently nerfed and may even be nerfed again in the future.

You are quoting something from way back in 2009. Since then quite a few things have changed in the game and in CCP's approach to balance. Here's a more recent dev-blog on ship balancing, note that Faction ships are only directly compared to T1 and other faction ships.

Specifically this bit here:

Tech, which impacts ship performance, and roles. Tech 1 is the reference in ship balancing, while faction ships (navy and pirate variants) are most often plain improvements, tech 2 offer a specialized purpose and tech 3 give opportunities for generalization.

Specialization means that they are going to be better in specific areas than non-specialized ships and can be also taken to mean having unique bonuses that aren't found on more generalized hulls like the Faction and T1 variants.

More to the point though, it indicates a definite shift from Pirate ships having a "focused and specialized role" and more toward them being bigger and more powerful T1 hulls.

As for the resist profile, again, not in missions where your damage types are pre-defined and you build to resist against those specific profiles.

Why is it so unreasonable to have marauder pilots train one more skill to get the most out of their ship? In what PvE content are these ships going to become so useless that players stop using them altogether if their rep bonus is replaced? In fact, why is the rep bonus sacrosanct to begin with? I get that current proposition has them losing 37.5% reps on (only) racial NPC's when they're out of bastion mode, but that alone is not such a great amount to render the ship useless by any stretch of the imagination. Especially when so many (T1) ships without rep bonuses have no issues tanking the exact same content. By the same token, your entire reasoning to retain the rep bonus is because of the ship's home region rats, yet the T2 resist profile would allow the ship's tank to perform much better in a majority of other regions in the game. Which raises another point, I would wager that a very healthy majority of Paladins and Vargurs are also flown outside of their home faction space. You would deny a (likely much larger) group of players the benefit of T2 resists over the rep bonus, simply because a(n even smaller) group of players use those two ships only in their home regions? Where is the sense in that?

It may also be worth bringing up the Armageddon at this point. Players had to (potentially) train a completely new set of skills to get the most out of this ship when they changed it. Miraculously the ship is still being used today, even after such a drastic change to the hull.
Cade Windstalker
#3472 - 2013-09-10 21:11:18 UTC
Iome Ambraelle wrote:
I forgot to bold the part of the Role Bonus I changed. I dropped it to 80% weapon damage from the 100% it is now. That equates to 9 turrets/launchers with a 5 turret/launcher fitting and 7.2 with a 4 turret fitting. So for people who want to take the hull as it is and forget bastion you have a 12.5% damage increase over TQ. I think you're right though this comes a little too close to Pirate BS damage levels.

The main point was that you can now offer a bastion module that provides bonuses that can be comparable to 1.8 active turrets/launchers. Make it worth giving up the extra damage for some unique utility or special abilities. You could remove much of the current drawbacks to the bastion module. Here's a pseudo equation that illustrates the goal. The details would obviously have to be thought out well:

Hull Bonuses + 5 turrets/launchers (9 effective) ~= Hull Bonuses + 4 turrets/launchers (7.2 effective) + Bastion Bonuses/Abilities

I see this as being a knife edge to balance though, since a vast majority of players aren't going to see giving up 1/5th of their DPS as being worth it unless the trade-off is clearly worth it. Any trade-off that's a no-brainer is probably a no-brainer because it's over-powered and not a real tradeoff.

Also, to put a couple numbers behind that. 12.5% DPS is currently the exact difference in turret DPS between the Kronos and the Vindicator when both ships are fully bonused. Also your math is missing the 25% damage bonus on 3 of the 4 hulls at present which actually puts the Kronos at 11.25 effective turrets of damage to the Vindicator's 11 flat.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3473 - 2013-09-10 21:14:06 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:

Wedgetail wrote:
i like your idea of the rep kiting and yes that'd be excellent - but the marauders will never have to deal with this, as the only real (read reasonably effective and not suicidal) way to kill one will be to nuke it with other long range guns - it'll have no time to rep, it'll be alive...then a second later dead - and this circumstance holds true deployed or not =/ (because of their already absurd damage projection)

Except again, with low overall EHP you can just break their tank with DPS, either from short or long-ranged guns, and they'll burn down very very quickly. For the first proposal ~3-4 blaster battleships would be required on most, for the current iteration it's only 2-3 in Bastion. Or you can just neut them out, if they're using an ASB tank then they've either chucked most other utility too fit that or they're running a single ASB and you just have to run them out of cap-boosters. Either way it's not infeasible for 3-4 battleships to blow through the shields on an ASB Vargur before it can do a rep cycle at which point armor and hull damage will kill it before it runs out of cap boosters.

"fast" wasn't just in terms of velocity, but reaction time - referring in the sense that "whatever they do it must be done quickly"

takes less time for cruiser gangs to move to and from a target several systems away than a battleship, easier to chase down people over many systems.

and with the bastion loads the dps battleships have to get close enough, without bastion range bonuses most of these marauders can already fire effectively at near on 150 km with close range weapons, afterwards this'll be pushed out to near 170 - a standard t1 battleship with close range guns will function at a max of 50-60 km and a pirate BS at about 100 (yes damage reduction over extreme range applies but that's still a damn long way to be slow boating under fire)

let alone the idea that these ships will be able to effectively carry heavy artillery weapons with the fitting requirements - props to anyone that manages to survive the journey of approaching the marauders sitting off the gate camping, then surviving again after they MJD off into the distance when you get 50 km from them -.- (the scenario i worry about when saying 'the only effective way to remove these things is with artillery')
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#3474 - 2013-09-10 21:17:23 UTC
Keep in mind that many players don't understand fitting for gank if your NPC targets are weak to your weapons, and max tank if you are weak to their weapons. It doesn't make sense to them unless their chosen NPC target is both weak to their damage type and also using weapons that deal damage the players ship is strongest versus.

Limiting yourself to your own racial space is a somewhat silly concept in EVE. Choose and fit your ship according to what you will be facing. Stop demanding that a ship have ideal resists and the perfect damage type for the local enemy.

And in the unlikely event that you can't choose or fit a ship to fit your purposes vs. a particular NPC... choose a different target.

Meanwhile, carry on. Smile

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Iome Ambraelle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3475 - 2013-09-10 21:25:23 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Iome Ambraelle wrote:
I forgot to bold the part of the Role Bonus I changed. I dropped it to 80% weapon damage from the 100% it is now. That equates to 9 turrets/launchers with a 5 turret/launcher fitting and 7.2 with a 4 turret fitting. So for people who want to take the hull as it is and forget bastion you have a 12.5% damage increase over TQ. I think you're right though this comes a little too close to Pirate BS damage levels.

The main point was that you can now offer a bastion module that provides bonuses that can be comparable to 1.8 active turrets/launchers. Make it worth giving up the extra damage for some unique utility or special abilities. You could remove much of the current drawbacks to the bastion module. Here's a pseudo equation that illustrates the goal. The details would obviously have to be thought out well:

Hull Bonuses + 5 turrets/launchers (9 effective) ~= Hull Bonuses + 4 turrets/launchers (7.2 effective) + Bastion Bonuses/Abilities

I see this as being a knife edge to balance though, since a vast majority of players aren't going to see giving up 1/5th of their DPS as being worth it unless the trade-off is clearly worth it. Any trade-off that's a no-brainer is probably a no-brainer because it's over-powered and not a real tradeoff.

Also, to put a couple numbers behind that. 12.5% DPS is currently the exact difference in turret DPS between the Kronos and the Vindicator when both ships are fully bonused. Also your math is missing the 25% damage bonus on 3 of the 4 hulls at present which actually puts the Kronos at 11.25 effective turrets of damage to the Vindicator's 11 flat.

You're right about the hull bonus. I dropped it out because i usually compare the nightmare to the paladin (bit of a laser head apparently). I agree that it would take some effort to balance my value equation. However, the apparent dev value equation is even more difficult. It doesn't take much to easily over power a 4th utility high slot so you wind up having drawbacks that are almost equally bad as the bonuses are beneficial.

Basically I'm talking about equating the bastion module bonuses and abilities to 20% damage compared to 5 turrets or 10% damage compared to the TQ version of the Marauder. The combination of 12.5% damage increase over existing TQ hulls coupled with the removal of the tanking bonus would at least smooth out some of the PVE mission issues. I think that would be a fair trade from an efficiency stand-point. With the added damage, the total incoming dps would drop quickly. I think 12.5% would be enough to reduce the volley count on some of the tougher cruisers, battle cruisers, and battle ships.

Shield Tanking - Why armor tanking can't have nice things.

Apo Lamperouge
#3476 - 2013-09-10 21:27:10 UTC
Ravasta Helugo wrote:
Zeus Maximo wrote:
Comparing the old PVE marauders to these changes: what is worse?

smaller drone bay?

37.5% tank nerf. 50% drone bandwidth nerf. 25% speed nerf. 50% mass nerf. 10% HP nerf. 25% web nerf.

Where do I sign up for more nerfs on my multi billion isk ships???????


Sometimes a knife right through your heart is exactly what you need.

Cade Windstalker
#3477 - 2013-09-10 21:31:18 UTC
Going to break this up because there's a lot of different points in one 'paragraph'...

Wolfgang Achari wrote:
Why is it so unreasonable to have marauder pilots train one more skill to get the most out of their ship?

I am honestly not sure where you got this since it's certainly not in that large block of text you quoted.

If you're referring to the Bastion, then I would very much prefer the Bastion Module to be a mostly self-contained set of trade-offs that are balanced against the Marauder hulls (not all trade-offs are balanced for all ships) rather than a module that rounds out an otherwise incomplete hull and is largely required for the ship to function usefully.

This is simply my preference because I believe it makes for a more rounded ship and more balanced gameplay overall.

Wolfgang Achari wrote:
In what PvE content are these ships going to become so useless that players stop using them altogether if their rep bonus is replaced? In fact, why is the rep bonus sacrosanct to begin with? I get that current proposition has them losing 37.5% reps on (only) racial NPC's when they're out of bastion mode, but that alone is not such a great amount to render the ship useless by any stretch of the imagination. Especially when so many (T1) ships without rep bonuses have no issues tanking the exact same content. By the same token, your entire reasoning to retain the rep bonus is because of the ship's home region rats, yet the T2 resist profile would allow the ship's tank to perform much better in a majority of other regions in the game. Which raises another point, I would wager that a very healthy majority of Paladins and Vargurs are also flown outside of their home faction space. You would deny a (likely much larger) group of players the benefit of T2 resists over the rep bonus, simply because a(n even smaller) group of players use those two ships only in their home regions? Where is the sense in that?

I went into this in a great deal of detail a number of pages back but I'll sum up the main points for you.

First, a majority of T1 ships do, in fact, have trouble tanking a lot of higher damage missions. They have to warp out, possibly repeatedly, if they can't bring down incomming DPS fast enough.

Second as has been pointed out repeatedly the local repair bonus lets you juggle around modules more freely and/or fit a less shiny tank which makes you less of a gank target. As things stood before the local-repair buffs of the last patch a dead-space tank was pretty much a requirement for efficient mission running. There are certainly exceptions to this but not very many.

As for your claim that they get a significant buff against a majority of other rats, that's somewhat up for debate. As I pointed out previously though, you're generally best off fighting your faction's rats in that faction's ship because you can hit them in their weakest resists. This is less true for the Golem and Vargur but the Vargur also gains the least out of its resists since Thermal is only a primary damage type on Mercenaries (generally not hard to tank anyway) and laser ships. On the flip side the Kinetic on the Paladin is hurt by most Kinetic damage enemies not taking as much damage from lasers as other weapon systems.

This creates an inequality between the various Marauders where the Kronos and Golem are left with a flat buff to their resists for most missions while the Vargur and Paladin are forced to choose between dealing more damage or tanking better and still won't tank as well as the Kronos and Vargur for most rats anyway.

If they were keeping the local repair bonus this wouldn't be as much off an issue. The inequality would still exist to some extent but at least these ships wouldn't be getting a straight downgrade from their current stats on TQ.

It's also worth pointing out that given this flat downgrade you're generally going to be better off swapping to a Pirate Battleship for the higher DPS since you're not really tanking any better.

Wolfgang Achari wrote:
It may also be worth bringing up the Armageddon at this point. Players had to (potentially) train a completely new set of skills to get the most out of this ship when they changed it. Miraculously the ship is still being used today, even after such a drastic change to the hull.

Yes, but the Armageddon's old role was pretty sub-standard anyway. It was an intro level Battleship and with the skill requirements moved around and the other hulls rebalanced it would have been left as little brother to either the Abaddon or the Apocalypse.

On the other hand in its new role it has quite a strong use as a dedicated cap-warfare ship with strong drone damage which is quite useful in a variety of PvP situations.

Overall this is hardly comparable to the Marauders which have something of a dedicated little niche already, they just need to fill out that niche better and be expanded into other roles, not be moved to a completely different part of the balance map.
Apo Lamperouge
#3478 - 2013-09-10 21:31:30 UTC
I still believe that if CCP wants to improve PVP abilities on a T2 battleship, go play with the blops.

If you want to improve PVE, ok, now you have my written consent to mess around with my Paladin.

Please do not try to make my bread and butter armor incursion ship a hybrid pvp ship. T2 battleships should be extremely specialized ships, not catch as catch can all purpose cluster fahks

Sometimes a knife right through your heart is exactly what you need.

Gabriel Karade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#3479 - 2013-09-10 21:36:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Gabriel Karade
Cade Windstalker wrote:

Gabriel Karade wrote:
I've explained at length the crippling impact of the 2008 web changes on blaster battleships (and implications of losing the bonus completely) from the perspective of someone with a great deal of experience with them, i'm not going to repeat myself. I do have to ask what your experience with blaster battleships is though?

I'm amazed CCP have gone for the resist bonus - for high end stuff it so outweighs a self repair bonus (and loss of) it isnt even funny.

And I countered your points, to which you failed to respond (some 80+ pages back if I recall).

CCP have since buffed blaster ships and right now they're almost as fast as comparable Minmattar ships while having higher agility (again, see previous counter for numerical examples). Overall they are in a better relative state to other hulls than they were 5 years ago.

CCP's original logic with both the web nerf and the speed nerf that precipitated it was very sound. Overall you seem to be implying, quite against evidence, that Blaster Battleships are in a worse state than any other Battleship hull and have been for the last ~5 years.

If webs were limited to one per ship then the 90% webs might somehow be justified, but as things stand it's hardly required to catch and hold a comparably sized ship and mostly serves to utterly destroy any smaller ship that gets within your web-range.

As for a resist bonus, that would just lead to absurd levels of tank on the order of Command Ships and for self-repair the local rep bonus is actually superior.
You never replied to my points here:

But I understand now that is because you have no background or experience flying blaster Battleships and therefore are in no position to comment on changes that occured before your time - concession accepted.

Edit: You ducked/misunderstood my point about self-repair for 'high end stuff' - it's totally useless, as Incursions e.t.c ('High end stuff') are all based around remote repair....

War Machine:

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3480 - 2013-09-10 21:46:57 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Keep in mind that many players don't understand fitting for gank if your NPC targets are weak to your weapons, and max tank if you are weak to their weapons. It doesn't make sense to them unless their chosen NPC target is both weak to their damage type and also using weapons that deal damage the players ship is strongest versus.

Limiting yourself to your own racial space is a somewhat silly concept in EVE. Choose and fit your ship according to what you will be facing. Stop demanding that a ship have ideal resists and the perfect damage type for the local enemy.

And in the unlikely event that you can't choose or fit a ship to fit your purposes vs. a particular NPC... choose a different target.

Meanwhile, carry on. Smile

A big issue is primarily that some of the new marauders are at a distinct disadvantage there. Alone that isn't an issue, but when it allows some races to step on the toes of others it becomes an issue. This becomes more true with older pilots that can field most or all of the marauders but will likely side with versatility or maximum effect. Those things together do make for an overall loser of the group.