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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Chainsaw Plankton
#1021 - 2013-08-31 05:25:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Chainsaw Plankton
Fruitfly Three wrote:
why not fix the sensor strength on the marauders? that along with t2 resists would be more then enough to make the PvP viable.
the tractor beam buff seems silly altogether. what lvl 4 runner doesn't use a noctis? please keep the web bonus, any paladin or kronos pilot who dosent use their webs or cant seem to make it work probably shouldn't even fly a marauder. half the reason i love the paladin is the webs being able to pop the tiny stuff that gets close, and apply Full DPS to the close orbiting cruisers and BS's i didn't train into this ship to watch my ****** little drones slowly kill frigs and cruisers. i want to webb them down and blap them in a single volly with my guns.

why wait for them to get close to kill them with a volley when you can just kill them in one shot on approach? there are very few missions where the web makes sense.

and I love the tractor beam bonus for picking up loot cans to finish the mission.

as for the golem getting a TP bonus, well give us a tracking comp type mod for missiles and then we can talk about getting rid of the TP bonus.

*edit* I suppose I am a bit sad for the loss of the web bonus for incursion fleets, ah well, vindi or bust!

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Chainsaw Plankton
#1022 - 2013-08-31 05:37:28 UTC
Aglais wrote:
Mina Sebiestar wrote:
But you will need to fit mjd and mwd if you plan to go to ac gate in this century ab is of the table.

Don't forget, 100MN MWDs use so much capacitor that you're going to have to pulse them extremely diligently. And doesn't the increased mass mean that prop mods in general will have less of an effect, AB and MWD alike?

like adding a few plates. not a real big difference imo as the main use is just getting to a gate. and most of the missions where you want to move I don't think bastion mode would be needed. also need to see how it works getting up to speed and then using bastion mode, I wonder how much you coast.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Iome Ambraelle
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1023 - 2013-08-31 05:37:36 UTC
As I suggested earlier, it would be interesting to look at having 2-3 independent modules/scripts. Here's a shot at how it would look. Feel free to tear it apart:

Sniper Module/Script

Survival Bonuses

  • Provides 30% shield, armor and hull resistances when activated, which function on the same way than Damage Control modules (not stacking penalized)

Damage Projection

  • Extends falloff and optimal of large turrets and target painters by 25%
  • Increases all large missile max velocity by 25%
  • Increases sensor resolution by 25%
  • Increases max targeting range by 25%

When in bastion mode, Marauder is immune to EW but cannot be remote assisted in any way
When in bastion mode, Marauder speed is set to 0 m/s, mass is increased by a factor of 10, cannot warp

What I like about this is it solves some of the inconsistencies of the original module. The range bonus isn't as effective when paired with long range weapon systems as they already easily approach the max targeting range of the hull, especially when using long range T2 ammo. Adding the bonus to max targeting range allows these hulls to take full advantage of the range bonus when in bastion mode.

The sensor resolution bonus is really just flavor and would help target locking speed on warp in and especially if going into bastion mode drops all current targets. From a lore/realism standpoint, it works well to explain why you cannot move once in bastion mode. Any movement would disrupt the delicate nature of the enhanced sensor and targeting systems.

Brawler Module/Script

Survival Bonuses

  • Provides 30% shield, armor and hull resistances when activated, which function on the same way than Damage Control modules (not stacking penalized)
  • Increases shield and armor repair amount by 100% or
  • Increases shield and armor hit points by X% or
  • Decreases shield and armor repair cap use by 50% and Increases shield and armor repair amount by 50%
  • Periodic ECM multispectrum burst while in bastion mode to reduce incoming damage, annoy anyone in range :)
  • Replaces one of the above: Increases cap recharge by 30-50% to ward off nueting

Damage Application

  • Increases target painter effectiveness by 50%
  • Increases stasis webifier range by 100% or
  • Increases stasis webifier effectiveness by 50%

When in bastion mode, Marauder is immune to EW but cannot be remote assisted in any way
When in bastion mode, Marauder speed is set to 0 m/s, mass is increased by a factor of 10, cannot warp

This form of the module or script would make the marauder a fearsome brawler and provide a reason to go into bastion mode if packing short range large weapons. The tanking capabilities are pretty much the same as the original module with some added options on how to implement the rep/buffer bonuses. I don't like the 100% rep amount because they almost force you to fit an ASB or AAR or go home in a pvp situation. If it was part rep and part buffer, this would help with the "alpha issue" as well. I really think this needs a look considering the elimination of remote assistance while in bastion mode.

The main difference is that in the brawler version of the module or script, the ability of the platform to apply its damage is enhanced instead of projection. If I'm going to jump into the middle of a furball and plant roots, I better damn well be able to melt faces before I wake up in the clone vat. This type of style would be amazingly visceral and pretty much awesome although expensive. I chose to boost painters and webifiers as they affect application almost symmetrically for turrets and missiles.

The third module type would center around drones. I don't use drones enough to put together a good bonus set so I'll ask someone with more experience to give it a try. Also, having a third option here really starts looking like a T3 module set so I hesitate to go beyond 2.

Shield Tanking - Why armor tanking can't have nice things.

Chainsaw Plankton
#1024 - 2013-08-31 05:41:06 UTC
Iome Ambraelle wrote:
With only a 54 second delay on MJD, the Gate thing isn't as big of a deal as you think. Instead of heading to the gate directly, just jump 100K tangent to the gate, wait 54 seconds and then jump to the gate.

* --------------------> = gate

*..............= gate

It's not that hard to line up after you do it a couple of times. Also, if you keep this strategy in mind when making your initial jump from the warp in position, you may not even have to jump out and back at all depending on if you need to re-position during combat.

yes that works, but for the most part I want to sit close to the npcs so I can use the highest damage ammo.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Comto Aldent
Safe break
#1025 - 2013-08-31 05:46:04 UTC
I'm looking forward to these changes.
Furthermore, this is just to make marauders unkillable by ganks in highsec.
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#1026 - 2013-08-31 05:48:49 UTC
If you want to see these out side high sec more then you may need to consider giving them a role bonus to eliminate the spool-up time on the micro jump drive.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Axloth Okiah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1027 - 2013-08-31 05:53:30 UTC
Could we perhaps have some mass reduction trick on them so we get to use them in WHs? Maybe an extra script for the bastion module which would reduce its mass to manageable level (20-40 mil) while temporarily gimping them (no remote assistance and no regular bastion bonuses)?
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1028 - 2013-08-31 05:56:44 UTC
Fair points, all. Some things to consider, however:

If you can outrange everything, you're using long range guns, and depending on the ships and fits involved, ships as large as combat BCs or even attack battleships can get under them as long as they're outside your web range.

If you use short range guns, you probably can't even outrange the average sentry ship or long range HAC, and you can't chase things down, so you'd better hope things stay in range of your LR ammo.

Bubbles don't affect MJD's, but they do affect your ability to GTFO without first MJDing away and hoping you aren't caught while realigning.

The drones and neuts are only gonna help if you're tackled by small ships. One enemy battleship, HIC, proteus, Arazu/Lachesis, etc. on grid and you're stuck there for a while.

Cap charges only go so far, especially if you have an enemy cap warfare hull on grid.

The (slightly) better resists are nullified by the low buffer and limited slots. You aren't gonna tank much of anything without that module active. Might as well be in a navy hull at that point, you know?

Unless they change the balancing pecking order, the pirate battleships will still kill things faster than any other subcap hull. T3s will probably have their tank nerfed, which would help the situation a bit.

Agreed about blob warfare.

Even with the uber tank, you'd still barely manage to tank vanguards with them, and finding enough people with the skills to fly them like that would be a problem. Plus, they'd still be out-dps'd by the pirate hulls, even losing a ship to a logi position...a bit of range isn't going to help that. You just can't fit as many damage/range modules on them, much less goodies like a SeBo and webs.

Excellent and thoughtful response. A few (well intended) counter points.

All Marauder hulls get a big range bonus (7.5% per level for turrets or a 10% missile velocity bonus). The Bastion module increases that a further 25% to optimal and falloff and missile velocity by a further 25%). Even the shortest ranged weapons will be hitting at fairly extreme ranges. Long range weapons will be ridiculous.

Small and medium sized vessels scramming you can be easily neuted out by staggering your neuts. If another BS scrams you you'll still likely have a neut and cap charge advantage over him, but with the Bastion mode timer being so short (and your bonus to MJD use) you've screwed up at that point by not jumping 100km away from him before he closed on you.

On the cap charge issue, their cargo bays really are huge. Smile Or you could always go the route of using NOS in some of those high slots as an anti Neut defense to extend your cap life.

As to MJDing out of a bubble, you just align normally. After you MJD out of the bubble you are already at speed and aligned for an instant warp out. You also haven't lost your lock on your target (unless you simply get out of targeting range, which is unlikely with their new base stats) in case you want to linger there for awhile.

While your armor and shields did go down a bit (although LOL hull seems to have gone up) you haven't lost any slots. If you prefer to run without a Bastion module (or simply don't choose to run it all the time) you can make excellent use of friendly logistics due to those resists... and now have PLENTY of grid, cpu, and slots to mount as much tank as you wish.

Yes, pirate hulls will be able to out damage Marauders (depending on fittings), but they won't be able to out tank them... or reposition as quickly on the battlefield for the same amount of cap expenditure.

In Incursions I'm pretty sure the role of webber will go to other ships, while Marauders assume the role of highly mobile and hard hitting snipers. Remember the 70% reduction in time for using MJD's allows frequent repositioning away from trouble. If you go this route you'll have a lot of room left over for damage application modules, and it's range bonuses allow using higher damage ammo at those ranges. Meanwhile you leap frog where ever you like on the battlefield (usually to either side of your logistics) while they chase you merrily around... until they switch to someone else. It will require some good piloting skills though, and being pretty heads up at all times. It certainly helps that NPC's don't scram.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Chainsaw Plankton
#1029 - 2013-08-31 06:00:43 UTC
Fronkfurter McSheebleton wrote:
I don't really get what they're after with this.

In nullsec pvp, you're gonna be permabubbled the instant the bastion module comes online, and broken from either outside your range or under your guns. In the event you actually find a gang that can't break you, they simply burn out of your point range, warp, and taunt you in local.

In lowsec pvp, pretty much the same thing without the bubbles...either they sit in a spot your guns can't hit, or they simply GTFO.

In blob warfare, the bastion module is useless and a navy battleship will be both cheaper and more effective.

In PvE:

Anything you can currently tank with a machariel, vindi, or nightmare will still be done best by those two. L4 missions in particular.

Anything that you can't tank effectively with those is still probably best done with a T3, as that'll probably be in nullsec and using the bastion module for ratting is just asking for some asshat in a cyno sabre to come say hello.

Incursions will still break you and are still better done with pirate BS, and wormholes will still neut you dry and get you ganked.

Any situation where friendly logi and buffer tanking are a factor renders them useless, as their already-low EHP is getting nerfed even further.

TL:DR- marauders are still mostly useless unless you're in the alliance tournament.

I mostly agree, just I think the paladin will have better projection than the nightmare now, also the paladin I think will have more cap and can easily be run in lazy mode (why I love my paladin), but will still do gank mode just fine. I think the optimal bonus is better than tracking for pve at least.

varg vs mach, well I think mach will still out damage and whatnot (zoom zoom!), especially since both already hit the point of why bother diminishing returns on gyros,TCs, and TEs.

vindy vs kronos, kronos gets worse as it is losing drone bay. I already have so many mag stabs and tracking comps, adding another one or two for a bit more tank doesn't do much for me.

I think this change would do fun things for the paladin and golem, and well nothing for the kronos or vargur What?

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Shoppi Fox
money talks dirty
#1030 - 2013-08-31 06:01:23 UTC
Danica Fox wrote:
i dont think all when not any of this goes into round 2 but anywhy i try to give constructive critic

first thing first !!! dont just slam in another x8 skill make it in the marauder skill or max x4

even another useless skill @ 5 is not an option when these ships not offer a SERIOUS bonus for the skilltime

this is just useless time and isk sink

now my two cents

pve point of view

but my suggestion would be bonus (((25% resists 25%local tank boost))) 25% damage bonus 25% tracking 25% optimal 25% falloff (25% exp radius / missile speed) (maybe +5% per level) would be worth it. (sounds overpowerd but isnt! u get like 1150 dps out of most marauders with resonable fitting out to 100km or 800dps out to 200km no tank needed with mjd bonus)

the damagebonus is quite crucial to be used. cause i and a lot of people i talked to wouldnt use this in null because thanks to the overview change 1 min is too long to get out of anoms before tackled. on a damagebonus u could consider using. risk vs reward again

The tractor Bonus should be brought inline with noctis range or mjd 100% per lvl of marauder so 100 for t1 120 for t2
bonus on salvage drones no extra high (drone bay of 50 min)

mjd sounds not toooo bad after thinking and talking about

smartbomb range would be awesome bonus

these would be good changes 4 pve

for pvp

why this PVE orientet ship should be viable in PVP
a super isnt viable in PVE right or a (h)dictor

why taking away a pve ship from the game just to make it slighty useable (maybe) in pvp and not leave it a pve ship

other approach make it a pvp ship and dont think about pve so

no tractor beam bonus
-> damage bonus (>50%) to make it viable to siege risk vs reward thing

dreads wouldnt go to siege if they would get no damage bonus on it

think about it a dread with 100% optimal bonus in siege local tank bonus and ewar immunity#

what would u do ?

cyno in closer and remote rep the **** out of attacker / pos guns

please rethink changes

there are alot of good points in this thread.

options imho

1 maybe second marauder hull 1 pve 1pvp

2 stay pve ship with all commitment

3 change to a pvp ship but then remove all pve bonuses and live with it that it wont be used alot

and some questions afterwards :

ewar immuntiy includes or not : defender neut/nos paint ?

why nerf this moon size sigged ships ehp ?

why it has to be pvp viable and when will my (h)dictor will have a pve niche

some changes read to me like the mackinaw getting a 100% scrambling range for each lvl of ancoring

The last sentence is perfect

And yeah i go conform with the above
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1031 - 2013-08-31 06:07:06 UTC
Shoppi Fox wrote:
Danica Fox wrote:
some changes read to me like the mackinaw getting a 100% scrambling range for each lvl of ancoring

The last sentence is perfect

I haven't lol'd at an eve thread in a while, but yeah, that last sentence is just about right. The changes are very interesting. Very different. Buuut...



Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1032 - 2013-08-31 06:14:58 UTC
Good rebalance dear CCP!

Lephia DeGrande
Luxembourg Space Union
#1033 - 2013-08-31 06:27:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Lephia DeGrande
Why on the love of God does EVERYONE want them to be Solo PvP or Fleet Fight specialized!?

Its a PvE / Small(medium) Gang Supporter! God damn it!

Edit: And i am also approving where the balancing lead us as whole, CCP dont let you misslead from some stubborn old/young veterans! Thanks.
Tanik Fera
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1034 - 2013-08-31 06:35:29 UTC
What if CCP took the opportunity here and made Hull tanking viable? Add hull rep bonus to the Bastion, increase hull rep. amount like they are doing for the other local reps in 1.1, add hull repair to armor rigs or new rigs etc. LOL WTB hull tanked Marauder!
The Shadows In The Warp
#1035 - 2013-08-31 06:43:59 UTC
This is my first post and seeing how I dislike posting on forums I hope you understand, and take to heart, how upset this makes me. To start this off, I should mention that I only have experience flying the Golem when it comes to Marauders but I have/had good fits with the Raven and the Rokh. Lastly I would like to apologize ahead of time if I offend with my opinions because you are seriously pissing me the [CENSORED] off.

If you want to drag the Marauder class into such a line as to where it is viable for PvP then the reworked bonuses must benefit both PvE and PvP. If the bonuses benefit PvP only then you are effectively [CENSORED]ing on the people who have spent time, thought and ISK into their creations over the years and that is not acceptable... not in the [CENSORED]ing least bit. And remember, time is interchangeable with life so when I say I have spent time doing something, what I really mean is that I spent some of my life doing it... and I don't like the life that I have spent [CENSORED]ing wasted.

So, the proposed bonuses would include a) damage projection, b) increased tank and c) being able to jump in 100km increments. I'll break this down into one line at a time:

-Would Marauders in PvP benefit from damage projection? Yes.
-Would Marauders in PvP benefit from increased tank? Yes.
-Would Marauders in PvP benefit from 100km jumps? Yes.

By "PvE" I mean L4s and I will explain my answers afterward:
-Would Marauders in PvE benefit from damage projection? 99% No, not this way.
-Would Marauders in PvE benefit from increased tank? No.
-Would Marauders in PvE benefit from 100km jumps? No.

An explanation for my answer regarding PvE and damage projection: The only range issue Marauders have is reaching out to NPCs while using anti-ship Tech II ammo. In my case it would be Rage torpedoes. I overcome this by using an afterburner. With this being said, I need every m/s I can get out of my propulsion module and you're [CENSORED]ing with my base velocity... stop it.

An explanation for my answer regarding PvE and increased tank: I can tank any L4 with Tech II modules with little concern. With a few faction modules that little concern ceases to exist. The additional tank is worthless.

An explanation for my answer regarding PvE and 100km jumps: Most L4 NPCs are well within that range as well as most warp gates. Being locked into position also drags out mission times because I would rather have my afterburner on heading to the next NPC or warp gate. I have an additional comment about the Micro Jump Drive but will save that towards the end because with a minor tweak to how it functions I feel it has the capabilities that could benefit both PvE and PvP.

So, as it stands the score is 3:0 in favor of PvP, PvP wins by a landslide and PvE is [CENSORED]ing shat on. Congrats.

With that being said, the proposed idea from the players base referring to synergy between Marauders and frigates through portals doesn't benefit me in the least. If you want that then petition for a new ship. There is a neglected whore called a Rokh that could use some groping so let the developers suck, [CENSORED] and fondle that hull all they want but leave my Golem out of this.

Now for my opinion about the Bastion module bonuses:
-Resist bonuses? Don't need them.

-Increased local repair bonuses? Don't need them.

-Falloff and optimal bonuses? Not applicable.

-Missile velocity bonus? Not enough range gained for Rage, my current range is 38km. With bonus it would increase to 48km. Why would anyone using cruise missiles care? They already fly into the triple digits anyways. So, Don't need it.

-EWAR immunity? How about this, RAISE THE [CENSORED]ING SENSOR STRENGTH! Raise it to where a Tech II battleship should be. That suggestion has been thrown at developers for quite a while now, the Golem even has it's weak sensor strength mentioned in it's [CENSORED]ing description.

-Weapons timer? You mean to tell me that if I decide to use this abomination of a module on the last wave of NPCs to finish the mission that I will have to warp to my station only to [CENSORED]ing sit there and stare at it because I can't dock? You've got to be [CENSORED]ing [CENSORED]ing me!

-Weapon safeties? If it's being investigated then why even [CENSORED]ing mention it? Really? A multi-billion ISK ship is now capable of accidentally being CONCORDED? Stop... just [CENSORED]ing stop.

-No fuel for possible salvage space? Do you even play this [CENSORED]ing game? Seriously? This is the same circumstance as the sensor strength comment. People have been screaming that the Noctis makes salvaging the entire mission almost worth it and that this tractor/salvager combo is outdated.

-Physics IV? ...

-Energy Grid Upgrades V? A;lkdfjg;slgj;shlkjhadamnit!

Bonus bonuses... oh joy...
-Drone Bay reduction? You let me keep two fleets of small drones, well thank you for that small mercy. My medium drones were rarely used anyways except for the rare instance that a cruiser jammed me.

-Target Painters? Well you did half of what we needed. The other half was increasing the damn hull bonus so Golem pilots didn't need three painters. This is the biggest joke yet. If you wanted to free up a mid slot for something then increase painter bonus to reduce the required amount of painters to two. And don't tell me that we don't need three. If you made such an ignorant [CENSORED]ing comment about webifiers not being useful against frigates then whatever else you have to say about gameplay doesn't mean anything. With three painters I usually one shot cruisers, with two painters it takes two to three volleys. Since most L4s are smothered in cruisers... I'll let you [CENSORED]ing figure out the rest. (Part II Below)
The Shadows In The Warp
#1036 - 2013-08-31 06:44:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Mephrista
-Additional highslot? Why don't you sacrifice one of your precious tractor beams to fit it? An additional medium slot would work more for a ship that supposed to "Hit and Run".

-Micro Jump Drive? Here's the only half [CENSORED]ed idea I can agree with. If you want to make the Marauders special and have this module benefit both PvE and PvP then let the pilot have the ability to set its range in increments of 10km. So you can have ten different jump distances from 10km through 100km. Let the other battleships be stuck with the 100km default. That way PvE pilots can see a wave of NPCs at 70km, set the MJD to 50km and jump into their midst... perfect range for anti-ship Tech II ammo. Don't give the hull a bonus to MJD cool down, give the hull a bonus to MJD capacitor consumption because the thing is a capacitor hog. So there you go, jump in and "Hit"... if you survive the cool down then you get to jump out and "Run". Make the cool down around 1.5-2.0 minutes. No reward without risk, remember?

I thought I got away from this scenario when I quit playing DUST514 and their whackjob ideas but it looks like the mentality of how to fix things has infected the entire company. Instead of making small adjustments to the problem as you attempt to smooth things out, something else entirely happens. You get a pair of tongs and grab said problem. You then take said problem and dunk it in a vat of liquid nitrogen then beat the all holy [CENSORED] out of it until nothing is left but shards. Then you go bar hopping until the bars close and return to your shattered problem. You then attempt to manipulate it with your feet while blindfolded and listening to reassembly instructions from a half lobotomized, [CENSORED] chucking ape with a broken jaw all the while never noticing that it's speaking a dead language. Do you put your shoes on first and then your pants?

The most disgusting thing about this entire shenanigan is the fact that CCP paid you to brainstorm, paid you to develope, paid you to troubleshoot and NOW you're asking our opinions? Just how [CENSORED]ing stupid do you think I am? You're not going to scrap this [CENSORED] idea no matter how much I hate being [CENSORED]ed on because your boss has already invested in it.

And for the record, I'm sorely disappointed in our CSM for their lack of consideration for the pilots already invested in these ships.
Rita Torres
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1037 - 2013-08-31 06:57:09 UTC
I like this ccp. But how about if we one up it to include a teir 2 t2 battleship using the tier 3 hull. But with 5 or 6 turret/launcher slots.
Dave stark
#1038 - 2013-08-31 07:11:41 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:
Also, remember the bastion cycle time is only 60 seconds when maxed. For Incursions, you can always pulse it on / off depending on circumstances.

so you're telling me, marauders will have sufficient active tank to tank a whole room of sansha with no remote reps for up to 60 seconds?
because before you even consider pressing the bastion module in an incursion, the answer to that question has to be "yes" or it'll never be pressed, ever. especially when flying a ship worth as much as an incursion ship is usually worth.

that sounds balanced for other areas of the game.

having said that, unless you're planning on nerfing pirate hulls in to the ground nobody will fly a marauder in incursions anyway since the pirate hulls have superior damage bonuses from what i remember.
#1039 - 2013-08-31 07:21:31 UTC
I think concept is fantastic, i mean transforming ships etc. Cool

But yeah it's still no good for PVE and PVP to justify their price and training time.

All of them still have too weak sensors.

Golem problems are torpedoes (they suck currently, no one will choose them when we have awesome cruise missiles), and that target painting thing...

Kronos could be sentry platform.

Salvaging bonus should be buffed 2-3times or changed.

Without at least 30% damage bonus Bastion is not useful:
- lvl4s? Most important gank and speed so machariel, nightmare, RNI
- incursions? gank, ewar bonuses so pirate battleships
- pvp? sitting in place, cant aplly damage in time cause your target will use speed and warp off

I think all that brick bastion thing have no place, maybe only WHs, but that neuts... and no one want to bring thousands of cap boosters into wh... In bastion they wont tank incursions, no need more tank for missions, not enough for pvp.

Give bastion big damage bonus, thats the most important.

And do something with MJD so marauders can choose jump distance
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#1040 - 2013-08-31 07:27:33 UTC
why making the marauders slower? even a nidhoggur is faster then a paladin or golem

they should keep theyr actual mobility, could be even better...

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.