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New Dev Blog: Player-owned Customs Office

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Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1721 - 2011-11-11 08:09:34 UTC  |  Edited by: D'Kelle
Nemesis Factor wrote:
Now, I don't know a lot about WH living, but I was under the assumption there were never any customs offices in WH space, in which case, what the hell is changing?

If there ARE customs offices in WH space, then they should have never been there. It doesn't make any sense. the DED comes in and erects stations around WH planets? There is no population or industry there, WHY.

Yes there are CO, s presumably created from the original Nanite builder seeds initially sent into Empire and Null sec space, programmed to seek out planets and initiate a build sequence replicate and move on to the next planet. I guess some have been drawn into WH's over time and continued their work.Blink

You must have a very immature and limited experience / view of nature in general and in respect of the EVE universe, for your information there are Cultures, Communities and Populations in Wspace, just not many space faring ones, except for us WSpacers of course who pride ourselves in surviving there.

As for Empire and Nul sec they have their full bounty of Barren, Gaseous, Arctic, Plasma and Lava Type Planets and whilst I don’t doubt some manage to develop some forms of life of their own Most are just that, simply planets without Communities for our use. So not much difference really

Go live there for a few months living in them and see if you can hack it :) then come on here and comment.
Dr Prometheus
Gears of Construction
Gears Confederation
#1722 - 2011-11-11 12:17:57 UTC

Probaly already suggested;

But because of the PCO`s you got 2 options; build one, or use one from another dude, or the rocket; how about a third option?

I call it Primae. (Yes that one.) It has everything you want for this. So why not release bleuprints for him, place it between the cargo space of a rocket and PCO. (The Primea will interact almost instantly with the surface.)

In this case you have a in my eyes win-win situation;

1. You dont have to use "hostile" PCO`s
2. You dont have to use the crampy little rocket.
3. It a dedicated PI ship. And fits between the rocket and PCO

To make people use the Primea you should make him the only ship able to transport PI stuff. (As already done in the "free" Primea)

People get a "new" ship. Builders will get a new ship to build, Miners will get a new ship to do PI with.

So in other words; You can choose between "unsafe" rocket launch with tiny cargo. (expensive) A more safer Primea with larger cargohold and ability to pace command centers. (less expensive but still costly and no tank.) Or the "safe" PCO with largest cargohold. (Cheapest, but the PCO owner could ask a fee of 100%.)

Dude, where is my Quafe Megathron?

Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1723 - 2011-11-11 13:54:39 UTC
Dr Prometheus wrote:

Probaly already suggested;

But because of the PCO`s you got 2 options; build one, or use one from another dude, or the rocket; how about a third option?

I call it Primae. (Yes that one.) It has everything you want for this. So why not release bleuprints for him, place it between the cargo space of a rocket and PCO. (The Primea will interact almost instantly with the surface.)

In this case you have a in my eyes win-win situation;

1. You dont have to use "hostile" PCO`s
2. You dont have to use the crampy little rocket.
3. It a dedicated PI ship. And fits between the rocket and PCO

To make people use the Primea you should make him the only ship able to transport PI stuff. (As already done in the "free" Primea)

People get a "new" ship. Builders will get a new ship to build, Miners will get a new ship to do PI with.

So in other words; You can choose between "unsafe" rocket launch with tiny cargo. (expensive) A more safer Primea with larger cargohold and ability to pace command centers. (less expensive but still costly and no tank.) Or the "safe" PCO with largest cargohold. (Cheapest, but the PCO owner could ask a fee of 100%.)

I didn't get it?

Are you suggesting that the Launch Pad target a Primea directly in orbit of a planet?

If so its a non-starter as it is completely anathema to the PCO paradigm shift, where PCO's become a source of political contention in EVE around planets.

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

Dr Prometheus
Gears of Construction
Gears Confederation
#1724 - 2011-11-11 14:09:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Dr Prometheus
No, a Primea should orbit the planet, and able to lauch a rocket in a x km range of the Primea. (instead of lanchin and warping to it.) And a bit bigger rocket.

Dude, where is my Quafe Megathron?

Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1725 - 2011-11-11 15:37:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Kassasis Dakkstromri
While not judging your idea, I have no comment on the +/- of the idea.

I would just wonder what community function this would serve and/or problem it helps solve, since it would require significant additional coding beyond what has already been iterated?

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

Dr Prometheus
Gears of Construction
Gears Confederation
#1726 - 2011-11-11 19:42:14 UTC
Ok i stand corrected as i looked at what i said, and it sense no make. Will rethink the idea and post a better one :P

Dude, where is my Quafe Megathron?

Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1727 - 2011-11-12 05:01:44 UTC
Dr Prometheus wrote:
Ok i stand corrected as i looked at what i said, and it sense no make. Will rethink the idea and post a better one :P

Was that a threat or a promise? jk

We'll be waiting...

Speaking of waiting.... seems Team Pi is still on the devblog drawing board - this is either a very good sign, or indications that we have much much to fear....

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#1728 - 2011-11-12 11:14:48 UTC
Unforgiven Storm wrote:
Can we be given a follow up blog on this?

Look to its coming on the first light of the third day, at dawn look to the ... err, yes, early next week!

Also big thanks to the Team Pi and their extra work in many additional night shifts.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#1729 - 2011-11-12 16:25:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Ingvar Angst
CCP Phantom wrote:
Unforgiven Storm wrote:
Can we be given a follow up blog on this?

Look to its coming on the first light of the third day, at dawn look to the ... err, yes, early next week!

Also big thanks to the Team Pi and their extra work in many additional night shifts.

Any hints or tidbits to share? Will I finally sleep at night again? (I think my concerns have been obvious... Blink )

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1730 - 2011-11-12 18:39:32 UTC
CCP Phantom wrote:
Unforgiven Storm wrote:
Can we be given a follow up blog on this?

Look to its coming on the first light of the third day, at dawn look to the ... err, yes, early next week!

Also big thanks to the Team Pi and their extra work in many additional night shifts.

North Star....

Well we'll see if it comes on Wednesday

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

Vjorn Angannon
#1731 - 2011-11-13 21:32:30 UTC
I looked thru all the Dev posts but didn't see this question;

In the past, Co's were put up upon the installment of the first planetary launchpad.

When the old CO's go bye-bye, what happens to all the launchpads already installed? Do they go poof as well? or will they remain and basically act as a larger storage?

Will launchpads be able to be installed on a planet with no CO, after the change?
Davo OHno
The Sagan Clan
#1732 - 2011-11-14 00:27:00 UTC
I have to say...

I HATE THIS IDEA. I am sure it was suggested by a large corp/alliance controlling multiple systems. This is going to have the opposite effect that is intended. In no way is it going to possibbly encourage players, or corps, to venture into low/null sec to establish Customs Office. If anything, this is a deterrant to those that wish to do so. The small aspiring corporations would have to invest far to many assets to even possibly protect it. It has virtually the same defenses as a small POS, and that is basically nothing.

CCP... You said you were going to focus on Internet Spaceships again. I think you are off target on this one.

We play EVE to fly spaceships. PI was one way of generating passive income to fund our space ship habit. This will only require us to spend more time and effort attempting to earn isk than fly ships.

The major corporations/alliances already have too much influence in the game. Now you hand them another freebie. This will just solidify their positions by having control of more of the Eve assets.

Hope you are ready to watch your subscriber numbers drop again.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1733 - 2011-11-14 06:59:48 UTC  |  Edited by: pmchem
I went through and got some numbers on sisi regarding highsec CO changes and nullsec POCOs. Highsec COs have indeed had all their import/export taxes doubled. The sisi export tax rate is 200 isk/m3 or 1200 isk/u for p3's (like robo), and 12 isk/m3 or 18 isk/u for p2's (like coolant). This corresponds to a "10%" tax rate in highsec on sisi. The sisi tax rate is essentially a joke number: it's based on a reference value that doesn't place any importance on the "market value" or "maximizing profit" aspects of the game at all. If we assume the p3 is Robotics (70k isk/u) and that the p2 (say, Mech Parts) is worth 10k isk/u, then the p3 tax rate is actually 1.7% and the p2 tax rate is a laughable 0.18% based on market values.

With current market prices, a POCO costs about 100m isk to fully deploy/upgrade (including BPC LP value). Unfortunately, the tax rate can not be set above 100%. Since the highsec values correspond to "10%", just imagine highsec x10 as the highest tax you can set on a POCO. If you have reds set to 100% tax rates and the reds are exporting p1s or p2s, they aren't going to care about the miniscule tax. On p3's a 100% tax rate is actually a fairly sizable hit, but not enough to stop a user if they don't have other easily accessible options, because what the heck, "my time is free". A 100% tax rate nullsec POCO is almost certainly more profitable than a highsec POCO doing extraction just because of nullsec abundancies. p1 extraction in nullsec is laughably cheap even at "100%" POCO tax rate. It's about 0.912 isk/u, which if you're extracting chiral corresponds to about a .12% market tax rate. It can essentially be ignored.

What does this mean for the overall market? Let's look at daily Jita volumes and assume an average "20%" tax rate for nullsec/lowsec POCOs. If half the PI supply comes from nullsec/lowsec, we can guesstimate how much prices should rise after an equilibrium is reached -- when POCOs have been deployed on all planets players have interest in, and when the market has evened out so that producers are making about as much profit (in isk/u) as they are now. Yeah, not totally realistic, but w/e it makes for an easier estimating. The rise is not that much, only about 1200 isk/u based on pure export value ( surprised? :math: ) for Robo, plus whatever trickle-up effect you get from more expensive p1/p2 supply and import costs. Call it about 2,000 isk/u overall. In short, if nullsec/lowsec taxes are not pretty much all set to 100%, the effect JUST FROM TAX CHANGES will not be a big deal. If everyone sets POCO tax rates to 100%, the effect is more amusing -- over a 10% rise in price -- but since most p3s are made in highsec that scenario is unrealistic. People buying PI goods to build POCOs and the disruption as POCOs are set up or fought over will have a much greater near-term impact on the PI market. Since PI is boring, it's likely that the near-term spike could be quite long lived. But any changes in price should be attributed to the setup and fighting over POCOs themselves, not to tax changes.

Can an alliance make isk from taxing POCOs in their region? Let's assume it supplies the entire Jita market with enriched uranium. That's about 1m units/day. At 100% tax rates (heh), that would be about 180m isk/day for the alliance, or 5.4b/month. That's a ridiculous scenario and it's still only a fraction of a tech moon. Basically, POCOs are terrible for alliance income until their handling of taxes is SUBSTANTIALLY changed by CCP, or the reference values for taxes reset way, way upward. Oh, and if your "20%" tax rate POCO has users exporting 100,000 units of p2s PER DAY (heh), it will still take a month to recoup costs of putting it there in the first place.

WHAT CAN BE DONE? Well, as I mentioned in two older, less-wordy posts:
CCP needs to give the POCO owners greater control over the exact taxes. I would recommend the following:

FIRST: reset the default "reference tax values" to represent full Winter 2011 market value of the average good for that tier, instead of the fantasy values they currently have. This would have two immediate effects: increasing the isk paid by users of highsec COs (an increase of an isk SINK, which your economist should love), and increasing the range of isk values over which POCOs can be taxed. This is the easy, no-brainer option.

SECOND: give the POCO owner the ability to change those "reference tax values", per tier (p0/p1/p2/p4 goods). This is an expansion of the current fairly nice POCO configuration menu and would allow POCO owners total flexibility in setting their tax rates, saving future game balance headaches. Just let the players handle the market, as it should be. Note: if allowing different reference values would screw up your interface for displaying tax rates to the user, then allow tax rates over 100% (and adjust default reference values!).

If CCP does not do this, there are SERIOUS FUTURE GAME DESIGN PROBLEMS which will crop up:
Problem 1: nobody likes POCOs. Corporate joes bug their corp CEO or alliance CEO to put POCOs up, because PI is important to some poor people. However, the corps and alliances hate the things because they can not provide good income, have to be deployed in dozens/hundreds of places, and sometimes get shot at. They are Not Fun.
Problem 2: nobody cares about POCOs. If they don't generate corp/alliance income, and if they're trivial to replace, nobody is going to bother to reinforce them, or defend/kill them when they are somehow reinforced.

It's clear POCOs are going to be the fundamental interface between Eve and DUST 514. Please don't screw up their economics, or DUST will fail. That's something CCP cannot afford. Please change POCOs before release. || || Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1734 - 2011-11-14 09:07:37 UTC
Vjorn Angannon wrote:
I looked thru all the Dev posts but didn't see this question;

In the past, Co's were put up upon the installment of the first planetary launchpad.

When the old CO's go bye-bye, what happens to all the launchpads already installed? Do they go poof as well? or will they remain and basically act as a larger storage?

Will launchpads be able to be installed on a planet with no CO, after the change?

Launchpads won't pop

If you have enough CPU and PG you can install a Launch pad even if there is no PCO/ CO

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

Potato IQ
#1735 - 2011-11-14 11:12:47 UTC
Kassasis Dakkstromri wrote:
Launchpads won't pop

If you have enough CPU and PG you can install a Launch pad even if there is no PCO/ CO

Will be a flurry of activity just before it goes live ensuring you’ve cleared your storage medium and the CO’s, so happy hunting
Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1736 - 2011-11-14 14:31:57 UTC
Jeepers Scooby! Walk away from the forums for a few weeks and this thread balloons into near-AnomalyGate proportions.

Tons of interesting discussion regarding taxation and the micro / macro game design theory surrounding POCOs, but the underlying reason for this change seems to be under-represented:

PI was introduced a year and a half ago as a means for generating a high dependency upon Planetary-based resources so that DUST 514 combat will have relevance to space ship pilots.

CCP has successfully orchestrated this dependency, looking at this thread.

CCP will do *anything* they deem necessary from a game design perspective to ensure that DUST 514 has content. We might as well be cognizant of that fact and move on.

I think that players should also be asking themselves if they truly want to be dependent upon passive income and POS fuel from sources that may also be impacted by the PS3 console crowd. If not, then find other means to generate income and / or buy your fuels from the markets.

+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

Vjorn Angannon
#1737 - 2011-11-14 14:56:39 UTC
Kassasis Dakkstromri wrote:
Vjorn Angannon wrote:
I looked thru all the Dev posts but didn't see this question;

In the past, Co's were put up upon the installment of the first planetary launchpad.

When the old CO's go bye-bye, what happens to all the launchpads already installed? Do they go poof as well? or will they remain and basically act as a larger storage?

Will launchpads be able to be installed on a planet with no CO, after the change?

Launchpads won't pop

If you have enough CPU and PG you can install a Launch pad even if there is no PCO/ CO

TYVM Kassasis
#1738 - 2011-11-14 17:51:30 UTC
Dream wondering,

In the future will the new Player owned custom office replace the old style of stations in game? Shocked

Corp, able to install his own cheap side station dock up and undock, planet side view! hope to see this soon!
Ingvar Angst
Nasty Pope Holding Corp
#1739 - 2011-11-14 18:45:15 UTC
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:
Jeepers Scooby! Walk away from the forums for a few weeks and this thread balloons into near-AnomalyGate proportions.

Tons of interesting discussion regarding taxation and the micro / macro game design theory surrounding POCOs, but the underlying reason for this change seems to be under-represented:

PI was introduced a year and a half ago as a means for generating a high dependency upon Planetary-based resources so that DUST 514 combat will have relevance to space ship pilots.

CCP has successfully orchestrated this dependency, looking at this thread.

CCP will do *anything* they deem necessary from a game design perspective to ensure that DUST 514 has content. We might as well be cognizant of that fact and move on.

I think that players should also be asking themselves if they truly want to be dependent upon passive income and POS fuel from sources that may also be impacted by the PS3 console crowd. If not, then find other means to generate income and / or buy your fuels from the markets.

You forget that far too many people, possibly myself included, will decide that if our most enjoyed playstyle (wormholes in this case, high dependancy on PI fuels) winds up becoming overly dependant on things we have no control over we'll simply consider other games instead. The one thing I can do in this game right now with little to no interference from others is create the PI pos fuels I need to keep my pos running. It's not too much to ask to allow for at least one little area of independance from the cacophony of the rest of the game.

Sometimes I want a little "me" time.

Six months in the hole... it changes a man.

Zleon Leigh
#1740 - 2011-11-14 19:51:11 UTC
So without going through 83 pages to see if this has been asked (apologies if it has)

What happens to my PI that is sitting in NPC customs when this change happens? Disappears? Gets moved to a NPC station nearby?

Can't send it back to the planet because my storage there may be full... and I certainly don't want to be paying another fricken round of export taxes, especially the ridiculous double taxes....

CCP - Congrats on continuing to gank PI producers... did the PI dev do something to **** all the other dev's off?

Incarna - Newest business example of mismanaged capital. CCP - Continuing to gank independent PI producers every day

PvP's latest  incentive program ** Unified Inventory **  'Cause you gotta kill something after trying to use it