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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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All Web Investigations
#721 - 2013-08-18 09:36:14 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
The issue has always been the combination of cloaks and cynos. Wormholes don't have cynos. As long as cynos exist in known space, the threat is very real and must be addressed before moving on to other things.

You may think that my proposal of preventing the cloak and the cyno from both being online at the same time would be too costly, but it is not at all. If you are too scared to target pvp assets that you absolutely must go after the pve assets, then with my proposal, you would always have the option of offlining your cloak and then onlining your cyno shortly before you intend to light it.

Concerning your rant against local, if Eve really did lose local entirely, null sec would be forced to bubble everything: gates, sites, whs, stations, everything. Objects would be deployed around all bubbles to decloak, and all residents would be forced to dscan continuously. I think CCP needs to address the continuous scan mechanic required in whs at least with some kind of auto dscan option. High sec and Low sec would probably not change that much. This would generally have the effect of greatly slowing every aspect of null sec Eve.

People do not risk pve ships just so you can have your kill mail. They risk their pvp ships so that they can get their own kill mail.

I have a question.

Why are cynos and cloaks used this way.

Psst: Because Local.

I don't think switching null local to be exactly like wormhole local is entirely appropriate - fixed routes, cynos, etc make it a different kettle of fish - but local needs some kind of adjusting such that it isn't such an impossibly strong intel tool for carebears. Cloaks and Cynos aren't what need changing.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#722 - 2013-08-18 11:05:02 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
The issue has always been the combination of cloaks and cynos. Wormholes don't have cynos. As long as cynos exist in known space, the threat is very real and must be addressed before moving on to other things.

You may think that my proposal of preventing the cloak and the cyno from both being online at the same time would be too costly, but it is not at all. If you are too scared to target pvp assets that you absolutely must go after the pve assets, then with my proposal, you would always have the option of offlining your cloak and then onlining your cyno shortly before you intend to light it.

Concerning your rant against local, if Eve really did lose local entirely, null sec would be forced to bubble everything: gates, sites, whs, stations, everything. Objects would be deployed around all bubbles to decloak, and all residents would be forced to dscan continuously. I think CCP needs to address the continuous scan mechanic required in whs at least with some kind of auto dscan option. High sec and Low sec would probably not change that much. This would generally have the effect of greatly slowing every aspect of null sec Eve.

People do not risk pve ships just so you can have your kill mail. They risk their pvp ships so that they can get their own kill mail.

I have a question.

Why are cynos and cloaks used this way.

Psst: Because Local.

I don't think switching null local to be exactly like wormhole local is entirely appropriate - fixed routes, cynos, etc make it a different kettle of fish - but local needs some kind of adjusting such that it isn't such an impossibly strong intel tool for carebears. Cloaks and Cynos aren't what need changing.

Cynos aren't used in wormholes because you can't use them in WH..........

Here is an idea, why not CCP make a new small pocket of null sec with broken local intel, where Cynos can happen and clocks clock players from local intel as well as and cloaked players can't be scanned down.

Lets see how many people take mining barges and PvE battleships into these system. Rewards should be no greater than normal null sec and systems should operate like normal null sec with multiple gates into most systems.

My bet is only PvPers would go there and it would turn into a clockers playground for a short while, until they got bored, then it would be more empty than null sec, but not quite as empty as most WHs. After all Nikk Narrel would still be living there.
Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#723 - 2013-08-18 12:08:25 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:

My point is, and the point of most of the other people who live in sov space, with it's easy hot dropping is it's the gankers who need to learn to adapt, going AFK for days shouldn't be part of the game.

Yes, going AFK for days shouldn't be needed.
People already adapted, developed that and use it as a counter to balance the godmode, free intel from local.

If wasn't that easy as is now to lock and secure sov null sec areas, if was viable playground for roaming gangs (as it was years ago) or anything else than isk farmer and blobbers, if was so then there were no need to use AFK cloacker and hotdrops; people would rather prefer to have a chance to get your ratters using HAC. If was a viable option...

Locking the ritchest areas of the playground and turning them in farming areas can be good for the players doing it. But for sure is not good from a general game design poinmt ov view.

If CCP, since years, are trying to fix their past mistakes and years continuosly improving cynos, covert (and soon blackops) and hotdrop related mechanics, there are reasons.

And sorry if not only you but also others want to play EVE.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#724 - 2013-08-18 14:18:37 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:
Cynos aren't used in wormholes because you can't use them in WH..........

ANALOGY: If you declare that fish are not permitted to swim in the desert, would you assume this was the only reason they did not show up swimming there?
The whole lack of water plays an important part, even if you refuse to acknowledge it.

Hot dropping will not happen for any ship capable of reaching it's target, unless the target is being warned and escaping by all other means.
Local alerts target, target flees.
Local not warning target, then bringing in the vulnerable cyno ship to be destroyed by an alert target suddenly is reduced to a very foolish tactic. Why would you give the target such ability to cancel your ability to reach them?

Xionyxa wrote:
Here is an idea, why not CCP make a new small pocket of null sec with broken local intel, where Cynos can happen and clocks clock players from local intel as well as and cloaked players can't be scanned down.

Lets see how many people take mining barges and PvE battleships into these system. Rewards should be no greater than normal null sec and systems should operate like normal null sec with multiple gates into most systems.

My bet is only PvPers would go there and it would turn into a clockers playground for a short while, until they got bored, then it would be more empty than null sec, but not quite as empty as most WHs. After all Nikk Narrel would still be living there.

Your grasp of cause and effect is flawed.
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#725 - 2013-08-18 15:32:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Nikk Narrel wrote:

Hot dropping will not happen for any ship capable of reaching it's target, unless the target is being warned and escaping by all other means.
Local alerts target, target flees.
Local not warning target, then bringing in the vulnerable cyno ship to be destroyed by an alert target suddenly is reduced to a very foolish tactic. Why would you give the target such ability to cancel your ability to reach them?

You want to hotdrop easy kills with great drops without them running away. We all get it. We also disagree. We want to be able to fight the pvpers in our own sovereign systems, and do our other economic activities after we have fought off the hostiles so that we don't inevitably lose assets specifically designed for non-pvp. There is no reason that you should be entitled to easy kills which cannot run away. There is no reason that people should not be able to block your hotdrops.

You want to safely travel deep into space occupied by hostiles without being reported in their intel channels and hit assets which are not designed or prepared to fight you. We get that too and we disagree. Moving deep into hostile space should be inherently and highly risky. The further you go into hostile space, the more you should be reported. You have no entitlement to being able to hit targets which are neither designed nor prepared to engage you and up to 300+ friends within a second of warning. With a stealth bomber, you can decloak at your desired engagement distance, decloak and instantly lock and point the target despite the target being aligned and ready to warp out.

Here are my suggestions:

  1. Introduce a grid cyno jammer which onlines in 1 minute and jams all regular and covert cynos on that grid.
  2. Prevent any cloak from being online while a regular cyno generator is online.
  3. Bridges should only be allowed to a jump bridge array. Covert jump bridge array would be required for covert bridges. These arrays would appear on the system-wide overviews when online.
  4. Prevent Black Ops from being able to bridge to regular cynos.
  5. Allow dscan to be toggled on for continuously cycle with audio alerts for any ship result changes to the scan results. Easier to watch for incoming hostiles.
  6. Increase the signature of any ship with the cyno lit by 1000%. Make them much faster to lock and destroy.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Sura Sadiva
Entropic Tactical Crew
#726 - 2013-08-18 15:49:11 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:

  • Introduce a grid cyno jammer which onlines in 1 minute and jams all regular and covert cynos on that grid.
  • Prevent any cloak from being online while a regular cyno generator is online.
  • Bridges should only be allowed to a jump bridge array. Covert jump bridge array would be required for covert bridges. These arrays would appear on the system-wide overviews when online.
  • Prevent Black Ops from being able to bridge to regular cynos.
  • Allow dscan to be toggled on for continuously cycle with audio alerts for any ship result changes to the scan results. Easier to watch for incoming hostiles.
  • Increase the signature of any ship with the cyno lit by 1000%. Make them much faster to lock and destroy.
  • [/list]

    lol, then just call for separate PvE server, is more honest.
    Or, better, just private server on your own PC.

    All Web Investigations
    #727 - 2013-08-18 16:36:49 UTC
    Andy Landen wrote:
    Nikk Narrel wrote:

    Hot dropping will not happen for any ship capable of reaching it's target, unless the target is being warned and escaping by all other means.
    Local alerts target, target flees.
    Local not warning target, then bringing in the vulnerable cyno ship to be destroyed by an alert target suddenly is reduced to a very foolish tactic. Why would you give the target such ability to cancel your ability to reach them?

    You want to hotdrop easy kills with great drops without them running away. We all get it. We also disagree. We want to be able to fight the pvpers in our own sovereign systems, and do our other economic activities after we have fought off the hostiles so that we don't inevitably lose assets specifically designed for non-pvp. There is no reason that you should be entitled to easy kills which cannot run away. There is no reason that people should not be able to block your hotdrops.

    You want to safely travel deep into space occupied by hostiles without being reported in their intel channels and hit assets which are not designed or prepared to fight you. We get that too and we disagree. Moving deep into hostile space should be inherently and highly risky. The further you go into hostile space, the more you should be reported. You have no entitlement to being able to hit targets which are neither designed nor prepared to engage you and up to 300+ friends within a second of warning. With a stealth bomber, you can decloak at your desired engagement distance, decloak and instantly lock and point the target despite the target being aligned and ready to warp out.

    Here are my suggestions:

    1. Introduce a grid cyno jammer which onlines in 1 minute and jams all regular and covert cynos on that grid.
    2. Prevent any cloak from being online while a regular cyno generator is online.
    3. Bridges should only be allowed to a jump bridge array. Covert jump bridge array would be required for covert bridges. These arrays would appear on the system-wide overviews when online.
    4. Prevent Black Ops from being able to bridge to regular cynos.
    5. Allow dscan to be toggled on for continuously cycle with audio alerts for any ship result changes to the scan results. Easier to watch for incoming hostiles.
    6. Increase the signature of any ship with the cyno lit by 1000%. Make them much faster to lock and destroy.

    I object to these ideas because they're imbalanced. The current situation, while a bit odd, is at least balanced. People are reported instantly, infallibly with the overpowered local tool. They counter that by cynoing fleets in or sitting cloaked long enough to make people think they've left. The changes you suggest aren't balanced.
    Nikk Narrel
    Moonlit Bonsai
    #728 - 2013-08-18 17:42:01 UTC
    Andy Landen wrote:
    Nikk Narrel wrote:

    Hot dropping will not happen for any ship capable of reaching it's target, unless the target is being warned and escaping by all other means.
    Local alerts target, target flees.
    Local not warning target, then bringing in the vulnerable cyno ship to be destroyed by an alert target suddenly is reduced to a very foolish tactic. Why would you give the target such ability to cancel your ability to reach them?

    You want to hotdrop easy kills with great drops without them running away. We all get it. We also disagree. We want to be able to fight the pvpers in our own sovereign systems, and do our other economic activities after we have fought off the hostiles so that we don't inevitably lose assets specifically designed for non-pvp. There is no reason that you should be entitled to easy kills which cannot run away. There is no reason that people should not be able to block your hotdrops.

    My hotdrops?

    The asteroids I mine have yet to require such extreme tactics, choosing instead to stand and fight my modulated strip mining lasers bravely, and ore tanking till the bitter end.

    Indeed, if other miners and ratters met their opposition with such steadfast courage, this issue would be non existent.
    Andy Landen
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #729 - 2013-08-18 20:12:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
    Nikk Narrel wrote:

    My hotdrops?

    The asteroids I mine have yet to require such extreme tactics, choosing instead to stand and fight my modulated strip mining lasers bravely, and ore tanking till the bitter end.

    Indeed, if other miners and ratters met their opposition with such steadfast courage, this issue would be non existent.

    Still pretending to just be a miner without any cloaky cyno alts, eh? Happy with cloaky cyno alts shutting down entire systems with the imminent threat of a 200+ hotdrop blob?

    The current situation is not balanced. People either move to another system or close the client when they cannot fight an enemy which can cyno bridge 200+ enemy right on top of them within seconds while totally unprepared and unable to warp out.

    People are not reported instantly and ship reports are hit and miss. The reporting and research requires effort and meta-gaming.

    Shallow roams into enemy space are not tracked very well. Wormholes drop deep into enemy territory in known space without local reporting and tracking. Deep roams should require more support and more visibility to enemy intel.

    Cloaky hotdroppers are not honest with themselves when they call themselves pvp'ers as they exclusively target pve assets and press for muting local. If players pve assets didn't drop anything, this would greatly change the greedy cloaky cyno players looking for easy, juicy kills. If players' pve assets were insured to 100% of ship and fitting and no killmails were issued, then cloaky cyno players would realize that attacking pve assets is no different than doing missions. They might be a little more honest with themselves about not being pvpers and would turn back to their own pve content. Nothing is forcing anyone to get rid of local and use cloaky hotdrops except fear of real pvp against ships designed, fitted, and flown for pvp.

    If you don't think that afk cloaking issue is mostly about cynos, then let's just prevent cynos from everywhere except gates, celestial objects, stations, and pos, and see what happens to the cloaky cyno issue. I personally will have no complaints about cloaky cyno ships after that proposal is implemented.

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

    Teckos Pech
    Goonswarm Federation
    #730 - 2013-08-18 20:32:17 UTC
    Andy Landen wrote:

    You want to hotdrop easy kills with great drops without them running away. We all get it.

    You get nothing Andy. Nikk is a miner for the most part.

    Here is an idea, stop assuming bad intentions and pay attention to the actual arguments and what is being said. Nikk is discussing game balance issues. He does have his motivations, but they aren't at all what you think they are.

    "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

    8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

    Teckos Pech
    Goonswarm Federation
    #731 - 2013-08-18 20:34:28 UTC
    Andy Landen wrote:
    Nikk Narrel wrote:

    My hotdrops?

    The asteroids I mine have yet to require such extreme tactics, choosing instead to stand and fight my modulated strip mining lasers bravely, and ore tanking till the bitter end.

    Indeed, if other miners and ratters met their opposition with such steadfast courage, this issue would be non existent.

    Still pretending to just be a miner without any cloaky cyno alts, eh?

    Now you are just being an obstinate ***hole. Roll

    "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

    8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

    Alex Tutuola
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #732 - 2013-08-18 21:59:01 UTC
    Has anyone tried typing "Marco" into local? >.>
    Teckos Pech
    Goonswarm Federation
    #733 - 2013-08-18 22:19:03 UTC
    Alex Tutuola wrote:
    Has anyone tried typing "Marco" into local? >.>

    My cloak?!?!?!

    "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

    8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

    Nikk Narrel
    Moonlit Bonsai
    #734 - 2013-08-18 23:11:22 UTC
    Andy Landen wrote:
    Nikk Narrel wrote:

    My hotdrops?

    The asteroids I mine have yet to require such extreme tactics, choosing instead to stand and fight my modulated strip mining lasers bravely, and ore tanking till the bitter end.

    Indeed, if other miners and ratters met their opposition with such steadfast courage, this issue would be non existent.

    Still pretending to just be a miner without any cloaky cyno alts, eh? Happy with cloaky cyno alts shutting down entire systems with the imminent threat of a 200+ hotdrop blob?

    The idea that a null miner might be arguing the way I do just bakes your noodle, doesn't it...

    Ever hear about enlightened self interest?

    I WANT more risk, for my profession.

    I want to use strategy and effort, to justify the devs increasing my available rewards, instead of limiting them even more.
    That means it must be a risk for non-consensual destruction to all miners, an opposed contest of effort to determine podding or profits.

    Play the game.
    Teckos Pech
    Goonswarm Federation
    #735 - 2013-08-19 01:59:35 UTC
    Nikk Narrel wrote:
    Andy Landen wrote:
    Nikk Narrel wrote:

    My hotdrops?

    The asteroids I mine have yet to require such extreme tactics, choosing instead to stand and fight my modulated strip mining lasers bravely, and ore tanking till the bitter end.

    Indeed, if other miners and ratters met their opposition with such steadfast courage, this issue would be non existent.

    Still pretending to just be a miner without any cloaky cyno alts, eh? Happy with cloaky cyno alts shutting down entire systems with the imminent threat of a 200+ hotdrop blob?

    The idea that a null miner might be arguing the way I do just bakes your noodle, doesn't it...

    Ever hear about enlightened self interest?

    I WANT more risk, for my profession.

    I want to use strategy and effort, to justify the devs increasing my available rewards, instead of limiting them even more.
    That means it must be a risk for non-consensual destruction to all miners, an opposed contest of effort to determine podding or profits.

    Play the game.

    As I said, Nikk has his motivations, and it isn't just cheap ganks or some stupid reason like that. He wants to protect what he has and maybe get even more, by accepting the risk, adapting to it, and reaping the rewards.

    "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

    8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

    Andy Landen
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #736 - 2013-08-19 08:27:43 UTC
    Teckos Pech wrote:
    Nikk Narrel wrote:

    The idea that a null miner might be arguing the way I do just bakes your noodle, doesn't it...

    Ever hear about enlightened self interest?

    I WANT more risk, for my profession.

    I want to use strategy and effort, to justify the devs increasing my available rewards, instead of limiting them even more.
    That means it must be a risk for non-consensual destruction to all miners, an opposed contest of effort to determine podding or profits.

    Play the game.

    As I said, Nikk has his motivations, and it isn't just cheap ganks or some stupid reason like that. He wants to protect what he has and maybe get even more, by accepting the risk, adapting to it, and reaping the rewards.

    LOL. So much LOL here. Perhaps you have managed to convince some players interested in pve that making it ridiculously easy and risk-free to take out pve assets and halt operations indefinitely actually helps them. Regardless, I propose that we focus a little more on mutually agreeable resolutions to the cloaky cyno issue, and focus a little less on noodles and holes.

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

    Nikk Narrel
    Moonlit Bonsai
    #737 - 2013-08-19 13:59:09 UTC
    Andy Landen wrote:
    Teckos Pech wrote:
    Nikk Narrel wrote:

    The idea that a null miner might be arguing the way I do just bakes your noodle, doesn't it...

    Ever hear about enlightened self interest?

    I WANT more risk, for my profession.

    I want to use strategy and effort, to justify the devs increasing my available rewards, instead of limiting them even more.
    That means it must be a risk for non-consensual destruction to all miners, an opposed contest of effort to determine podding or profits.

    Play the game.

    As I said, Nikk has his motivations, and it isn't just cheap ganks or some stupid reason like that. He wants to protect what he has and maybe get even more, by accepting the risk, adapting to it, and reaping the rewards.

    LOL. So much LOL here. Perhaps you have managed to convince some players interested in pve that making it ridiculously easy and risk-free to take out pve assets and halt operations indefinitely actually helps them. Regardless, I propose that we focus a little more on mutually agreeable resolutions to the cloaky cyno issue, and focus a little less on noodles and holes.

    Two points for you then:

    1, this is my main, and my obvious kill board's lack of entries that would fit your definition of cloaky ganker speaks volumes.
    No, I do not have an alt that I use in that manner.

    2, the problem is local. Hot drops vanish as obsolete the moment it becomes possible to get onto grid with a target ship any other way, without them having a free warning to get safe first.
    AFK cloaking fails utterly if cloaks are not constantly displayed along with regular traffic as well.

    My thread on local changes drops the three categories that have no business in local, for that reason. And it STILL leaves local otherwise intact.
    Teckos Pech
    Goonswarm Federation
    #738 - 2013-08-19 14:35:36 UTC
    Andy Landen wrote:

    LOL. So much LOL here. Perhaps you have managed to convince some players interested in pve that making it ridiculously easy and risk-free to take out pve assets and halt operations indefinitely actually helps them. Regardless, I propose that we focus a little more on mutually agreeable resolutions to the cloaky cyno issue, and focus a little less on noodles and holes.

    It is not ridiculously easy to take out PVE assets. As has been pointed out, PVE pilots have the advantage and the only way to over come it is either via exploits/cheats or AFK cloaking or relying on dumb luck (i.e. the PVE pilot is caught doing something wrong--e.g. not being aligned, or scrammed by a rat). Or to put it differently, if you are aligned, not scrammed by a rat, and a hostile enters system you'll have plenty of time to warp to safety. If you don't you are doing it wrong (or had a bit of bad luck).

    "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

    8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

    Naxy Antollare
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #739 - 2013-08-19 15:34:23 UTC
    Andy Landen wrote:
    Teckos Pech wrote:
    Nikk Narrel wrote:

    The idea that a null miner might be arguing the way I do just bakes your noodle, doesn't it...

    Ever hear about enlightened self interest?

    I WANT more risk, for my profession.

    I want to use strategy and effort, to justify the devs increasing my available rewards, instead of limiting them even more.
    That means it must be a risk for non-consensual destruction to all miners, an opposed contest of effort to determine podding or profits.

    Play the game.

    As I said, Nikk has his motivations, and it isn't just cheap ganks or some stupid reason like that. He wants to protect what he has and maybe get even more, by accepting the risk, adapting to it, and reaping the rewards.

    LOL. So much LOL here. Perhaps you have managed to convince some players interested in pve that making it ridiculously easy and risk-free to take out pve assets and halt operations indefinitely actually helps them. Regardless, I propose that we focus a little more on mutually agreeable resolutions to the cloaky cyno issue, and focus a little less on noodles and holes.

    when you quit eve .. can i has your stuff???? Pirate
    for now tears will be more then welcome , LET IT RAINTwisted
    Andy Landen
    Deep Core Mining Inc.
    Caldari State
    #740 - 2013-08-19 22:10:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
    Nikk Narrel wrote:

    1, this is my main, and my obvious kill board's lack of entries that would fit your definition of cloaky ganker speaks volumes.
    No, I do not have an alt that I use in that manner.

    2, the problem is local. Hot drops vanish as obsolete the moment it becomes possible to get onto grid with a target ship any other way, without them having a free warning to get safe first.
    AFK cloaking fails utterly if cloaks are not constantly displayed along with regular traffic as well.

    My thread on local changes drops the three categories that have no business in local, for that reason. And it STILL leaves local otherwise intact.

    Two counters for you:
    1. You say it is your main, but there is nothing to prevent you from having cloaky cyno alts .. and nothing wrong with having them either.

    2. You say local is the problem because you can't get the cyno on your easy, juicy pve target with people seeing you enter local. It can easily be done, but you just haven't figured out how to do it yet. Which is not to say that I agree with your premise that pve assets should be easily available to your hotdrops.

    When most people think of the problem with cloaky ships camping systems, it is not "local" which comes to mind, but the fear of the hotdrop via cyno which catches their greatest interest. If not for the hotdrop, the cloaky cyno would have little more effect on a system than any other pvp frigate. The focus should be on the cyno or else this issue will never arrive at a point where all sides are agree the mechanics are sensible and reasonable.

    Added: I'll throw you a bone on #2. What might happen if a red came into a system and threw a few bubbles up at a few anomalies or belts, including places where it is clear people were working, left a couple systems out, and then returned a few minutes later? If he had a blue spy in system, they could see if anyone warped into one of the traps and never be on the killmail. Eve is one of the few games where even in pvp, players must think a lot and get creative, clever and tricky.

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein