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[Odyssey 1.1] Tech 1 Industrials, Round 2

First post
Luciel Abraxas
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#821 - 2013-08-15 07:12:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Luciel Abraxas
Too many pages to be all read, so i'm gonna give my suggest anyway, not sure if already given: make the Iteron Mark II a mineral specialized transporter (but this should includes EVEN ice products), make the Iteron Mark IV an ore specialized transporter (this should includes asteroid ore, ice ore and gas). Moreover, the Iteron Mark IV should have a significant larger specialized bay than the Iteron Mark II, since the ore products are really larger than refined products. I figure the Iteron Mark IV as the main industrial ship used by miners for the belt->station travel, but the only 7.000m3 more cargo than a mackinaw are not really attractive. This ship is not even attractive for a trader who wants just move some profitable ore from a station to another.
Power Absolute
#822 - 2013-08-15 15:10:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Stevrand
I find it absurd that ccp decide which haulers carry which cargo. The decision on what to haul should belong to the owner of the hauler, as in the real world. It would seem to me that adding additional slots for mods that change the cargo type would be a much better idea and that would leave cargo type in the hands of the owner,where it belongs.
Ersahi Kir
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#823 - 2013-08-15 15:24:33 UTC
Luciel Abraxas wrote:
Too many pages to be all read, so i'm gonna give my suggest anyway, not sure if already given: make the Iteron Mark II a mineral specialized transporter (but this should includes EVEN ice products), make the Iteron Mark IV an ore specialized transporter (this should includes asteroid ore, ice ore and gas).

As far as I understand this is how it works. The itty 2 handles all refined materials, the itty 4 handles all raw gas, ore, and ice.

Luciel Abraxas wrote:
I figure the Iteron Mark IV as the main industrial ship used by miners for the belt->station travel, but the only 7.000m3 more cargo than a mackinaw are not really attractive. This ship is not even attractive for a trader who wants just move some profitable ore from a station to another.

It's not just 7,000 m3 because of the hull bonus. At galente industrial 5 the cargo hold sizes of the specialized haulers are:
itty 2: 64500 m3
itty 3: 67500 m3
itty 4: 63000 m3

They're far better than their generic hauler competitors, so much so that it's questionable if the other races compete at all. The hardest part to justify is that they're able to do this without any fittings at all, which allow them to focus every module slot on mobility or tank as desired, while the generic haulers have to focus every slot on expanding cargo which leaves them even more flimsy and gankable.

Welcome to balance.
Luciel Abraxas
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#824 - 2013-08-15 21:37:24 UTC
Stevrand wrote:
I find it absurd that ccp decide which haulers carry which cargo. The decision on what to haul should belong to the owner of the hauler,

Are you crazy? Unistall eve online P
Little Dragon Khamez
Guardians of the Underworld
#825 - 2013-08-15 22:22:10 UTC
Stevrand wrote:
I find it absurd that ccp decide which haulers carry which cargo. The decision on what to haul should belong to the owner of the hauler, as in the real world. It would seem to me that adding additional slots for mods that change the cargo type would be a much better idea and that would leave cargo type in the hands of the owner,where it belongs.

Nothing wrong with specialization man, on the road we have trucks that are configured differently to carry gas, commodities, fluids, food etc, why should eve be any different.

Dumbing down of Eve Online will result in it's destruction...

Vayn Baxtor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#826 - 2013-08-15 23:16:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Vayn Baxtor
Which would bring us back to the idea of controlling the holds via some abstract subsystem-style approach or whatever that is similiar. Real world or not, this is a game, so I don't think we need to be worrying about realworld vs game. Games bend rules.

Using tablet, typoes are common and I'm not going to fix them all.

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#827 - 2013-08-15 23:31:04 UTC
Vayn Baxtor wrote:
Which would bring us back to the idea of controlling the holds via some abstract subsystem-style approach or whatever that is similiar. Real world or not, this is a game, so I don't think we need to be worrying about realworld vs game. Games bend rules.

If flexibility is your thing they've already got you covered with 8 unspecialized haulers. Besides, bending rules is what got us the specialized haulers. Highest capacity hauling of ammo or PI goods never required anything specific before but due to non reality-based rules it does now.
The Carlisle Group
#828 - 2013-08-16 14:28:20 UTC
I think 2 ORE industrials should be created. One holds Ore and the other holds Minerals. It shouldnt go to gallente. Galentte could have trade goods hold for mission running.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#829 - 2013-08-16 19:49:36 UTC
Druthlen wrote:
I think 2 ORE industrials should be created. One holds Ore and the other holds Minerals. It shouldnt go to gallente. Galentte could have trade goods hold for mission running.
This sounds a bit too selective in usefulness to warrant a dedicated hull. There is only one mission I'm aware of which would even benefit from using it over any of the other high capacity general haulers. That seems a very weak premise for a ship.
Vayn Baxtor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#830 - 2013-08-16 19:57:08 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Vayn Baxtor wrote:
Which would bring us back to the idea of controlling the holds via some abstract subsystem-style approach or whatever that is similiar. Real world or not, this is a game, so I don't think we need to be worrying about realworld vs game. Games bend rules.

If flexibility is your thing they've already got you covered with 8 unspecialized haulers. Besides, bending rules is what got us the specialized haulers. Highest capacity hauling of ammo or PI goods never required anything specific before but due to non reality-based rules it does now.

The game is mostly getting flooded with single ships not really worth much as they are just for the specific task - and usually just one or two being the big deal. One can easily see that with the Gallente changes. I know what tiericide is about well enough, but it's this industrial ship subject that could and should get more attention. If there were was a way to interchange bays via modules and/or a similar fashion of subsystems, it would be the players who could define their ships a bit more. And it doesn't have to be over-the-top crap.
It is also not like it will hurt anybody to do such as - at least in this case - it has nothing to do with combat.

In the end, it would be better if we could see more ORE vessels ranging between BC and ORCA sizes, but that's a different subject.

Using tablet, typoes are common and I'm not going to fix them all.

Indoril Siconus
Oceanic Death Squad
#831 - 2013-08-17 13:35:56 UTC
Am I the only one that doesn't like the idea of cargo specific industrials? I understand it's an easy fix but forcing any ship into one super specific role seems foolish and contradictory to the spirit of EVE, not to mention doesn't make a lot of technological sense.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#832 - 2013-08-17 15:42:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Rinn
Indoril Siconus wrote:
I understand it's an easy fix but forcing any ship into one super specific role seems foolish and contradictory to the spirit of EVE, not to mention doesn't make a lot of technological sense.

Every freighter, mining barge, exhumer, industrial capital ship and mining frigate would seem to disagree with you in terms of being "contradictory to the spirit of EVE".

And as far as technological sense: the ships that we lovingly call "Dolly Partons" are pretty specialised. Try carrying any standard cargo containers on those things. Not going to happen. You can carry a heck of a lot more gas on a Dolly Parton than a standard container ship. Then there are your typical supertankers, specifically designed to carry bulk crude oil. Then there are ships specially designed to carry bulk grain. A specialised ship can perform its task better than a generalist ship.

These modified industrials are capable of mounting some kind of offensive modules, and you have rig slots. There's nothing stopping you fitting a battle-Miasma — it's got enough PG to fit a MWD, what you can do with that is up to your imagination. Of course you'll need an "all-5s" pilot to fit an MWD and keep it running longer than a minute.
The Carlisle Group
#833 - 2013-08-17 17:25:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Druthlen
Ok well how about a modular bay system?

Large Ore Storage Bay: Low power fitting(less robotic inventory control required) (1?)PWG and (40?)cpu requirements to be determined by ccp(can only be fit on industrial ships).

Bay has 10k storage but can only fit the approriate item.

General Cargo Storage Bay: Medium power fitting(More robotic inventory control required) (10?)PWG and (55?)CPU fitting requirements much higher then Ore Storage Bay.(Industrial ships only)

Bay has only 5k storage but can fit any kind of cargo.

Each kind of bay added adds to the cargo hold for that kind of item(general would add to general cargo hold or a unique cargo hold that isnt affected by expanders or rigs.)

Change the industrial skill affects on each ship to 5% agility per level and 5% modular bay storage capacity per level. Each ship could be custom fit for what the player needs based on tank/agility or storage capacity.

Also t2 modules could be invented requiring robotics and software engineering. The robots are miniaturized, conveyor belt sorting system is streamlined and the software is improved to more effectively stack and pack. (12.5k per specific bay and 6.25k for general cargo bay)

Bays would require the Robotics Inventory Management Systems. IV would open t2 specific bays and V would open t2 general cargo bay. Would reduce CPU requirement by 5% per level.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#834 - 2013-08-17 22:49:19 UTC
Druthlen wrote:
Ok well how about a modular bay system?

T3 industrials!
Yabba Addict
Legion of the Many
#835 - 2013-08-17 23:07:52 UTC
Gotta say it Rise, i used to love your kil2 vids and streams and i really thought that New Eden had lost out when you went to CCP. I was wrong
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#836 - 2013-08-18 00:40:25 UTC
So far I've managed to get almost two minutes of MWD out of the Miasmos. That's great for sprints into mission spaces where the belts are 40-60km from the entry point. Now to abuse the living daylights out of it until CCP decide to take all the nice ores away from mission spaces Lol
Kor Kilden
Thukker Tribe Holdings Inc.
#837 - 2013-08-18 19:51:25 UTC
Stevrand wrote:
I find it absurd that ccp decide which haulers carry which cargo. The decision on what to haul should belong to the owner of the hauler, as in the real world. It would seem to me that adding additional slots for mods that change the cargo type would be a much better idea and that would leave cargo type in the hands of the owner,where it belongs.

You can carry the specialized ores in the unspecialized haulers, you could even use a cargo rigged black ops if so inclined. Apparently the only thing stopping you is a desire to min/max beyond utility.
Mournful Conciousness
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#838 - 2013-08-18 23:16:44 UTC
My view is that on the whole the new industrials are welcome. I say this because I have tested a few of them on sisi.

How did I do this?

I tanked them up the the *rse and flew them into a combat site.

You'd be stunned how long they last. When these ships arrive on TQ, PI runs are going to be something special - the usual PITA lone bomber or cloaky tengu will have a go and not kill you instantly - not even close.

You'll have time to call in a rescue fleet, and maybe even point the b*stard, and he'll have to either retreat or call in reinforcements.

Good fights will ensue, and we'll all have stories to tell our grandchildren.

This is a good change.

Embers Children is recruiting carefully selected pilots who like wormholes, green killboards and the sweet taste of tears. You can convo me in game or join the chat "TOHA Lounge".

DetKhord Saisio
Seniors Clan
#839 - 2013-08-19 23:04:33 UTC
Little Dragon Khamez wrote:
Stevrand wrote:
I find it absurd that ccp decide which haulers carry which cargo. The decision on what to haul should belong to the owner of the hauler, as in the real world. It would seem to me that adding additional slots for mods that change the cargo type would be a much better idea and that would leave cargo type in the hands of the owner,where it belongs.

Nothing wrong with specialization man, on the road we have trucks that are configured differently to carry gas, commodities, fluids, food etc, why should eve be any different.

True enough. Though, the diesel truck itself does not necessarily change. The cargo portion has a container type, such as box-body van, liquid fuel, open-cargo (dump truck), toxic chemicals, inert gas, milk, etc. As those container types change, minor adjustments are needed due to regulations for safety, health, and environment. So, a dump truck appears different from a fuel truck. I think that type of specification change for haulers should possibly be left to t3 industrial variants.

1. OP idea should be in-line with barge & exhumer changes (ore holds add mining functionality)... indy variants (ammo, PI, ore, etc) need to increase functionality, customization, and EHP. Also, OP changes sound unbalanced if only certain ships have an extra bay (ex: iterons have mineral bay, hoarder have ammo bay, and iteron mark IV have ore bay).

2. Customization and functionality win in my book, so t3 industrial haulers are the better option.

The functionality suggested by OP sounds similar to t1 mining barges' ore hold and t2 exhumers' slightly larger ore hold. Since training for mining barges or exhumers gives access to all the ships in those categories (three each category), racial industrial training should give you access to one of each variation (ammo, PI, ore, etc). Hmm, that direction may make it too complicated. A simple solution is likely best, but OP seems to allow an industrial imbalance.

Maybe changes to t1 industrial ships should either follow mining barge/exhumer style of training plan or a separate t3 indy ship. I do like how flexible a t3 version of industrial ship would be, but the higher training requirements of t3 may be excessive. An idea for industrial t3 module/subsystem hold I call ship compression chamber, which focuses on carrying packaged ships.
Azul Winter
Reset Logistics
#840 - 2013-08-21 14:25:06 UTC
I would like to see a Iteron specialized at transporting packaged ships...

A battleship should fit in it with skills at lvl V.

Gives plenty of oppertunities to haulers & gankers ;)