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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#561 - 2013-07-17 14:07:34 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Your ship has run out of Docking Fuel. Proceeding to eject from station.

The anti-docked probes are forcing you to undock!

Anti-docking pulse belonging to so and so has ejected you from station!

Your docking timer is up. Auto eject enabled.

Your ship has been docked for 29 minutes and 30 seconds. You will automatically be undocked in 30 seconds.

We need a new class of ship that is designed especially to hunt docked players.

There needs to be an anti-docking bomb.

There needs to be a POS module that prevents system wide docking.

Docking should cause modules to overheat, and when your modules are 100% damaged, you should automatically undock.

I like the cut of your jib, sir!

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#562 - 2013-07-17 15:32:15 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Your ship has run out of Docking Fuel. Proceeding to eject from station.

The anti-docked probes are forcing you to undock!

Anti-docking pulse belonging to so and so has ejected you from station!

Your docking timer is up. Auto eject enabled.

Your ship has been docked for 29 minutes and 30 seconds. You will automatically be undocked in 30 seconds.

We need a new class of ship that is designed especially to hunt docked players.

There needs to be an anti-docking bomb.

There needs to be a POS module that prevents system wide docking.

Docking should cause modules to overheat, and when your modules are 100% damaged, you should automatically undock.

I like the cut of your jib, sir!

I would pay ISK to see this happen in Jita....
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#563 - 2013-07-17 18:31:54 UTC
OMG, the anti-cloaking probes have decloaked me again...wait, I already used that one....uhhhmmm...oh ****, no more horrible ideas on how to generate easy kills for boneheads....

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#564 - 2013-07-18 07:24:41 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
OMG, the anti-cloaking probes have decloaked me again...wait, I already used that one....uhhhmmm...oh ****, no more horrible ideas on how to generate easy kills for boneheads....

Since I'm out of horribad ideas on how to unbalance the game regarding cloaks and local....bump.


"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#565 - 2013-07-18 13:41:19 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
OMG, the anti-cloaking probes have decloaked me again...wait, I already used that one....uhhhmmm...oh ****, no more horrible ideas on how to generate easy kills for boneheads....

Since I'm out of horribad ideas on how to unbalance the game regarding cloaks and local....bump.


No worries, i am sure some fresh ones will be along shortly!

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#566 - 2013-07-18 14:14:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
OMG, the anti-cloaking probes have decloaked me again...wait, I already used that one....uhhhmmm...oh ****, no more horrible ideas on how to generate easy kills for boneheads....

Since I'm out of horribad ideas on how to unbalance the game regarding cloaks and local....bump.


No worries, i am sure some fresh ones will be along shortly!


Having to Deactivate POS shields for at least 20 seconds everytime you leave or enter a POS.

Having to pay a docking fee for every 10 minutes you stay docked at a station.

Guided capital bombs with 14AU range!

Remove all star gates from 0.0 sov holders can build their own, all the other guys have to use a special module to directly warp to stars in only adjacent systems.

Give local only to sov holders, give cloaky ships a special module to spy on special 0.0 local chat without anyone noticing.

Let us set up mining POSes in belts that mine crap automatically

Let us hire automated NPC haulers from belt to station.

Take your pick, I whipped them up, just for you. Big smile

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#567 - 2013-07-18 14:43:16 UTC
Quite frankly, I'm tired of missing out on kills because all my WTs are in a euro timezone corp and never log in when I'm online. I want a special module that will force my wartargets to log in, and if docked, eject from station.

So, you're a bounty hunter. No, that ain't it at all. Then what are you? I'm a bounty hunter.


Eve Vegas 2015 Pub Crawl Group 9

Houston EVE Meet

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#568 - 2013-07-18 14:45:29 UTC
RoAnnon wrote:
Quite frankly, I'm tired of missing out on kills because all my WTs are in a euro timezone corp and never log in when I'm online. I want a special module that will force my wartargets to log in, and if docked, eject from station.

I support that! Wartargets shouldn't be able to evade combat. Being engaged in a war should have consequences!

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#569 - 2013-07-18 20:08:58 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
OMG, the anti-cloaking probes have decloaked me again...wait, I already used that one....uhhhmmm...oh ****, no more horrible ideas on how to generate easy kills for boneheads....

Since I'm out of horribad ideas on how to unbalance the game regarding cloaks and local....bump.


No worries, i am sure some fresh ones will be along shortly!


Or not

Just another repetition of the cloak/cap timer idea. Cry

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Azn Empire
#570 - 2013-07-18 20:56:51 UTC
I sent Nikk and Eve-mail today and Evegate cloaked most of the text. Shocked

I demand CCP does something about this ASAP. Evil

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#571 - 2013-07-18 21:35:49 UTC
Since endless docking leads to alot of unwanted gameplay as afk docked in station, I suggest:

1. Make being docked have a cycle. Make each cycle of being docked take more cap then last, so at one point it takes more cap then the regeneration rate.

2. Or stop cap regeneration once docked.

This will make people undock when they run out of cap.

I would suggest max docked time on AFK docked players to be 30 minutes.

Yeah, Im just going to copy paste bad ideas, fix them for spelling and grammar, and replace AFK CLOAKED with AFK DOCKED.

They make more sense this way.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#572 - 2013-07-19 21:25:13 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Since endless docking leads to alot of unwanted gameplay as afk docked in station, I suggest:

1. Make being docked have a cycle. Make each cycle of being docked take more cap then last, so at one point it takes more cap then the regeneration rate.

2. Or stop cap regeneration once docked.

This will make people undock when they run out of cap.

I would suggest max docked time on AFK docked players to be 30 minutes.

Yeah, Im just going to copy paste bad ideas, fix them for spelling and grammar, and replace AFK CLOAKED with AFK DOCKED.

They make more sense this way.

You sir, are a man of incredible wit and perspicacity.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nenaudelis LTU
Amarr Empire
#573 - 2013-07-20 02:35:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Nenaudelis LTU
And if the cloaking device take more and more capa base on the use time ? If the mods is active since 2 minutes the capacitor per cycle will grow up and grow up until the capacitor is empty and decloak the guy.

So if a guy need to scout some celestial or scan, or probe something he could do it as now, but if he want to be afk he must come back every 10 minutes or less to recloak again.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#574 - 2013-07-20 03:11:46 UTC
Nenaudelis LTU wrote:
And if the cloaking device take more and more capa base on the use time ? If the mods is active since 2 minutes the capacitor per cycle will grow up and grow up until the capacitor is empty and decloak the guy.

So if a guy need to scout some celestial or scan, or probe something he could do it as now, but if he want to be afk he must come back every 10 minutes or less to recloak again.

Why do cloaks need some arbitrary limit on how long they are allowed to operate before they have to give away their presence?

And why is it that you idiots never consider what this does to wormholes before you vomit the same goddamn thing onto the forums over and over again?
#575 - 2013-07-20 03:34:46 UTC
This thread is only number three from the top?

It should definately be number one again Pirate.
#576 - 2013-07-20 03:51:26 UTC
+1 in favor of removing the perma cloaking in systems as it is now.

I am fine having people spy cloaked on a system, but they should be interacting with the game when doing so, and there should some risks involved. In short, players that want to stay cloaked should have a game mechanic to force them to be in the game.

The solution of increasing cap cost when cloaking is my favorite solution, with a time frame of around one hour or so of security before the game pushes you to in the risk zone (add some randomness aspect as to the duration to avoid automatisms..)

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#577 - 2013-07-20 03:59:17 UTC
Lennelluk wrote:
+1 in favor of removing the perma cloaking in systems as it is now.

I am fine having people spy cloaked on a system, but they should be interacting with the game when doing so, and there should some risks involved. In short, players that want to stay cloaked should have a game mechanic to force them to be in the game.

The solution of increasing cap cost when cloaking is my favorite solution, with a time frame of around one hour or so of security before the game pushes you to in the risk zone (add some randomness aspect as to the duration to avoid automatisms..)

You broke wormholes.
Nyancat Audeles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#578 - 2013-07-20 19:09:03 UTC
Erutpar Ambient wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Erutpar Ambient wrote:
Nyancat Audeles wrote:

Oh gee! A ship designed and classified as a COVERT RECONNAISSANCE ship actually do recon! My world is turned upside down!

I thought it was obvious. To counter enemy intelligence, use your own recon and intelligence.

Yes the name is misleading. It should really be named "Covert Cyno Gank Ship". Or do people actually only use it for recon?
Going to extremes to prove a point, is a sure sign of a winning argument. Amiright?

Although what that point is, is yet to be determined.

The point is this. Covert Ops is over powered by being able to warp while cloaked, cyno AND tackle and in the case of recon also Ewar!

Currently the only thing that is at all restricting covert ops from getting out of line is Local. If you change local to delayed or remove it then covert ops will get out of control.

This guy does nothing but fly around in a nemesis or arazu and drop his Nyx on ratting carriers. Even with local he is very successful as you can see. If local was removed or delayed or didn't show cloakers then his fail rate would probably disappear. There are others who do this too. Some use non-covert cloakers in cheap frigs that are only days old and in starter corps. The difference is that they'll plant them in a system and let them sit online in space cloaked for a few days until the inhabitants start to get comfortable. Then when they feel the time is right (and get a juicy target on dscan) they'll land on them cyno and the target is hotdropped before he even knows what happened. This would also be a much bigger deal if local was changed.

The problem now with cloaked campers is this. If they're in your system, no matter how big or small their ship, its potentially as much force as 100 supers. If you undock and return to business as usual you're suicidal, if you undock in pvp ships then you're just wasting your time.

Compared to WH space, the risks in Nullsec are much higher while the rewards are much lower. The only thing nullsec has is extra convenience.

Boo hoo, whine whine

No one fits tackle on a covops. And if they do, you should be able to kill them easily, covops are very squishy and die in seconds with drones. Why are you even ratting with hostiles in system? That's like trying to count all the money in your wallet when you know a thief is looking at you.

I started out days old. But I flew smart. Frankly, you don't have to be smart to avoid covert cloakers. FFS stop whining, and if you have a problem with cloakers, set up countermeasures - bubble gates with cans to decloak, etc etc. But FFS stop whining on the forums for some sort of "easy" mode so you can do your carebear ratting in nullsec.

"How horrible, a covert recon ship made for covert cynos and reconnaissance is actually dropping me while i try to carebear in null! Blasphemy CCP i will now cancel my sub"
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#579 - 2013-07-20 19:21:34 UTC
Nyancat Audeles wrote:

Boo hoo, whine whine

No one fits tackle on a covops. And if they do, you should be able to kill them easily, covops are very squishy and die in seconds with drones. Why are you even ratting with hostiles in system? That's like trying to count all the money in your wallet when you know a thief is looking at you.

I started out days old. But I flew smart. Frankly, you don't have to be smart to avoid covert cloakers. FFS stop whining, and if you have a problem with cloakers, set up countermeasures - bubble gates with cans to decloak, etc etc. But FFS stop whining on the forums for some sort of "easy" mode so you can do your carebear ratting in nullsec.

"How horrible, a covert recon ship made for covert cynos and reconnaissance is actually dropping me while i try to carebear in null! Blasphemy CCP i will now cancel my sub"

The problem isn't ratting with hostiles in system, it's ratting with a carrier that's dumb.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#580 - 2013-07-22 04:01:39 UTC
Nyancat Audeles wrote:

Boo hoo, whine whine

No one fits tackle on a covops. And if they do, you should be able to kill them easily, covops are very squishy and die in seconds with drones. Why are you even ratting with hostiles in system? That's like trying to count all the money in your wallet when you know a thief is looking at you.

I started out days old. But I flew smart. Frankly, you don't have to be smart to avoid covert cloakers. FFS stop whining, and if you have a problem with cloakers, set up countermeasures - bubble gates with cans to decloak, etc etc. But FFS stop whining on the forums for some sort of "easy" mode so you can do your carebear ratting in nullsec.

"How horrible, a covert recon ship made for covert cynos and reconnaissance is actually dropping me while i try to carebear in null! Blasphemy CCP i will now cancel my sub"

"Why are you even ratting with hostiles in your system?"

Obviously you don't know what thread you're in, because turns out when there's a possibly active red waiting with a cyno in seemingly every system in your area. Now to that, I know someone like you would say, well move systems! And this is the part where you totally ignore the fact that everyone in system could move their pve/mining assets to the next system over, taking a cumulative decent amount of time. Then the SB spends 2 minutes moving over there and it's the same problem. Do you not see the unbalanced action vs. reaction of the two sides in this? One character (requiring only a few weeks of training and can be a single character alt) can disrupt entire systems into moving and then simply disrupt them again with minimal effort and whilst doing this remain completely safe. This would be all well and good unless you look at all the other balancing in the game. When something is high reward (i.e. disrupting an entire system), it needs to be high risk.

pve/mining in low/null sec is high reward -> can be ganked by cynos and fast ships (also, 10second system scanner is now at 0 seconds btw)
titans can one shot a dread -> slow as balls and need an entire support fleet to be effective at the least
dreads are great damage for the isk spent -> can't move while in siege mod and can be one shot by a titan
wormholes are insane moneymaking tools -> can't see anyone in local

Yet, 23 hour logged in cloaky -> 30 million isk, 2 weeks training, reward is almost infinite.

"bubble gates with cans to decloak"

So that the single stealth bomber can sneak through just once and then the bubbles act as a blockade for friendly forces for him to use? .You do realise how many cans you have to put on a gate to completely, not to mention someone has to sit there 24 hours a day waiting for them to come in, while the cloaky only has to come in once and he can remain there almost indefinitely choosing when he wants to actually interact with players on his own terms.

The funny thing about these threads is that while so many against the anti-cloaky threads are saying the carebears are whining and harden up. Yet it seems to me that people against balancing in this case are pretty damn defensive about it too. I wonder why? Could it be that they may be set to lose their easiest way to get kills, disrupt systems and just troll.

Everyone knows eve is a game where harden the **** up is a common motto. But it's not always there 100% of the time. Sometimes people need to have a little bit of understanding of balancing issues from a neutral standpoint. I'm sure everyone who owned a titan didn't want the DD to be nerfed. Yet they did it anyway. And that's why they aren't used nearly as much as supercarriers these days. Then people had problems with supercarriers, so they nerfed them too. Just because there are people like some of you guys in this thread denying a problem, doesn't mean there isn't one. It might just mean that you're on the opposite side of it. I'm sure if something turned a legitimate playing style of yours into having to basically work a full time job just to evade a few newbie level skillpoint players, you would have a whinge too.