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Let me set the destination in the destination bar

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The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#1 - 2013-06-03 17:02:32 UTC
So, I came up with this idea the other day when asking for an easier way to set a destination. Currently, I use the map (F10, wait for it to load, type in system name, search, right click on system, set destination) which is 6 steps just to set a destination.

The other process, is to type out the system name in a chat field, highlight it, right click, autolink it as a solar system, then right click the now linked text, and hit set destination (also 6 steps).

Why is this process SO arbitrary?

Wait, didn't we just get a new fancy autopilot menu and destination bar?

Why can't I click on that, type the name of the system I want to go to, and have it set automatically?

So, click the bar (or since that currently changes how the bar is displayed, maybe a faint + sign at the end to indicate a new destination) type in where you want to go, hit enter, destination set.

You could add in all sorts of presets for it as well, I'd love it if I could type in Jita 4 4 and have it take me to that station. Since EVE lexicon almost always stats things as system planet # moon #, it could be pretty easy to make interpretative fields.

Dodixie 2 3 - Dodixie system, second planet, third moon (station if preferable).

I'd rather have that than having to spell out the name of the entire NPC station I want to set the destination to.

Typing Jita 4 4 is infinitely better than typing Jita 4 4 Navy assembly plant structure Kallakitoakwendaw array factory plant Or whatever the hell the stations are named.
Aurora Fatalis
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-06-03 17:10:19 UTC
Sounds good.

If Chribba told you not to trust him, would you?

Thorian Crystal
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2013-06-03 20:06:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Thorian Crystal
Also it is awkward when I have a route, but then there are 3 jump gates marked yellow. How hard is it to mark only the next jump gate yellow? Just add a check which one of the yellows is the next one in the route, and unyellow the rest.
Trolly McForumalt
#4 - 2013-06-03 21:18:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Trolly McForumalt
You use the map? Why don't you just go to 'people & places' (or whatever it's called - should be the same tab as your contacts & bookmarks)?

Edit: Having a drop down text box in the current nav UI would be pretty nifty.
Trolly McForumalt
#5 - 2013-06-03 21:20:52 UTC
Thorian Crystal wrote:
Also it is awkward when I have a route, but then there are 3 jump gates marked yellow. How hard is it to mark only the next jump gate yellow? Just add a check which one of the yellows is the next one in the route, and unyellow the rest.

Are you talking about the route UI? The colors correspond with sec status.
Ehcks Argentus
#6 - 2013-06-03 22:16:25 UTC
Trolly McForumalt wrote:
Thorian Crystal wrote:
Also it is awkward when I have a route, but then there are 3 jump gates marked yellow. How hard is it to mark only the next jump gate yellow? Just add a check which one of the yellows is the next one in the route, and unyellow the rest.

Are you talking about the route UI? The colors correspond with sec status.

When you set a route, your overview turns the gates and stations you're traveling to yellow. Normally this is great. But if you have a path that backtracks through a system, two gates or stations will be yellow. A complicated enough route can have a lot of yellow spots.

I agree, it should follow the path you set and only make the next one yellow.
Adunh Slavy
#7 - 2013-06-04 01:30:57 UTC
Ehcks Argentus wrote:

When you set a route, your overview turns the gates and stations you're traveling to yellow. Normally this is great. But if you have a path that backtracks through a system, two gates or stations will be yellow. A complicated enough route can have a lot of yellow spots.

Right click the name, in the route area for the next gate, warp to, jup etc are there. Don't have to worry about which yellow gate is next

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Elysian Space Navy - 1st Fleet
#8 - 2013-06-04 01:40:54 UTC

+1 CCP Please.
Load Up Blast Everything
#9 - 2013-06-04 09:17:30 UTC
yessss, desto bar with search field for region, constellation, system, station, bookmarks, etc.
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#10 - 2013-06-18 19:11:17 UTC
Bump to hopefully get a "oh hey, good idea" response from important people.
Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#11 - 2013-06-18 19:16:58 UTC
Sorry to disappoint you but this +1 is only from me, nobody among nobodies.

Invalid signature format

The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#12 - 2013-06-24 20:12:58 UTC
Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Sorry to disappoint you but this +1 is only from me, nobody among nobodies.

It's okay I'll still take the +1.
Commander Ted
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-06-24 20:45:02 UTC
my god i have been wondering about this for years.

one of the most frequent activities i perform in this game requires navigating multiple menus, it is ******* stupid. Separate all 4 empires in eve with lowsec.

The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#14 - 2013-06-27 17:55:15 UTC
Yay I got a CSM to like my post, to bad he didn't comment. James Argent, what a scumbag ;).

Tiberius Steiner
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#15 - 2013-06-27 21:16:30 UTC
+1 Great Idea. I become insane with this tricky process of setting the right destination. But then, when you set several destinations you get two or more yellow gates.. Ahhhrg..!!!
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#16 - 2013-07-11 18:32:07 UTC
Bump because its July, and I posted this in the reasonable ideas thread.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2013-07-11 19:15:11 UTC
OP you should read #4

Anyways typing "Jita 4 4" on People & Places would be great. +1
The Cuddlefish
Ethereal Dawn
#18 - 2013-07-11 21:04:04 UTC  |  Edited by: PinkKnife
ratuchikaka wrote:
OP you should read #4

Anyways typing "Jita 4 4" on People & Places would be great. +1

I do that sometimes, but I don't know if that is any faster/less effort than using the map. I use people/places to search for people usually so my preset settings are often for corp/character. Usually I find it easier to hit (F10 > click map options if not open> type destination > right click > Set destination). But that process involves the star map usually not having tiles/sov switched on which makes the load time atrocious.

For the people/places menu it would be (press people and places, select the right drop down box, search for destination, right click, set destination) so not really terribly more efficient, I also find drop down boxes to be a pain in the ass (I use them a lot in RL work but whatever).

Either path currently works, but they both work badly. It would be much easier to add a little plus icon next to Destination, have it instantly bringing up the search, and just start typing. Having a live search would be even better, so just typing in Am would bring up all systems with those first two letters, and so on as you type it out (maybe with trade hubs distinquished/highlighted). Click the system you want, destination set. Or hell, add the ability to simply press the down arrow and enter, doubly easy.

There is a lot of ease and functionality that could be built it, but its a matter of CCP actually, you know, doing it. Search for "nearest trade hub" would be fantastic for us wormhole folks..who you know, pop up in a new place every 48 hours.
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#19 - 2013-07-11 21:33:06 UTC
Bump for good idea,

Beside, I have solved this by adding all my active systems to a personal folder filled with bookmarks.

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

State War Academy
Caldari State
#20 - 2013-07-12 05:07:13 UTC
Damn nice idea, wondered myself why CCP did not implement it in the first place ...
The new Autopilot UI is nice, all that is missing is the option to search for a destination in it.
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