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Low sec space scares me

Davidus Christov Walker
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2013-06-21 12:34:32 UTC
@ Marmaduke

I'm a noob of 2-3 months and yeah, I started out being 'scared' of venturing into lo-sec so decided that mining was the way to go.

The best decision I've made to date was joining a corporation and participating in events there so my advice to you is to join up to a corp that has the interests that you want to partake in and go from there. I say this because it seems you are still in a NPC corp and from the tone of your posts, you appear to be a solo player (but I could well be wrong).

I began from taking part in Mining ops but heard others in the corp doing incursions and roams and this has piqued my interest and so have begun doing missions.

Yes, three months in and only doing missioning Lol BUT I am learning and I do want to get into more PvE before moving onto PvP (and this means moving into Lo-sec and null-sec at some stage).

I have flown through a couple of lo-sec areas which were not as bad as the tales that I've heard.

Basically, others including yourself will get to PvP a lot quicker than me and thats isn't a wrong thing. Just a different personal choice.

End of day - the best advice is flying what you can afford to lose. I hate that phrase to be honest.....but it is the best advice that I've heard. Trouble is, I just wanna keep getting better ships which maybe I'm not yet ready for.

But each to their own. Good luck with the ship fits and go for it mate

Toshiro Hasegawa
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#62 - 2013-06-21 14:39:49 UTC
After playign for tens years off and on I still dont go to low sec much, if i can help it. Nullsec and WH space are safer I find.

As for the losing ships - meh .. after you lose a lot you wont care .. its sucks - but its fun and part of the game.

If you spend all your time taking no risk . the game is pretty boring ..

the high death penalty is what makes taking risks so much fun, my heart pumps harder and faster in this game than any other i have played over the last 3 decades when i get into a pvp situation ...

so its a balancing act . between taking fun risks but not stupid ones.

If you find yoruself drawn to low sec .. it might time in yoru eve carreer to join a nullsec corp and head out to the semi lawless 0.0 space.

History is the study of change.

Praqzis Synkara
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#63 - 2013-06-21 21:03:11 UTC
Marmaduke Hatplate wrote:
Sugar Kyle wrote:
Marmaduke Hatplate wrote:

If someone could suggest a Tristan fit that would cost less thsn 20mil and 600k SP which will give me a fighting chance in losec, though, I'll be game for giving it a shot! :D

This particular line is most interesting. You are equating win/lose with ship/fit/sp instead of situation.

Are you suggesting that me, in a shuttle with nothing fitted, could defeat a veteran in any ship and fit he chooses? What situation would I be looking at a win in that face-off?

I understand what you mean by situation being important and 'size isn't everything' etc. i understand that super-huge ships apparently can't target tiny ones or something, so there's a good example of bigger not being better.

I will fit out my Iteron as suggested upthread, and I'll do the map-scrutiny suggested too, and be as paranoid and hidey as possible. I'm going to do a few hisec combat missions in it first, though, to at least get a reasonable feel for how it fights and runs. Then I'll see how long I last in losec and report back.

I'm actually looking forward to it lol.

Was Iteron a typo here? I'm a noob as well (almost 2 weeks old), but I would not think about fighting in an Iteron. Iteron is a cargo hauler. Any fit with that you want to focus on cargo expansion and agility/speed (to align faster). Iteron is practically a tin-can. If somebody is attacking you while you are in an Iteron, you are likely already dead. At least, if I were a suicide ganker and I saw an Iteron equipped with weapons and such, I'd likely think it is a bigger target to hit up since it is likely piloted by a newer player.

But from the context of the thread, I'm assuming you meant Tristan. Even an Imicus, I would focus on running/speed/cloak. The current exploration frigate I'm fitting will only have drones. And cheap Hobgoblin Is to boot (cheaper to replace if I lose the ship), mostly for Rat defense/tank while hacking. Even then though, I will likely focus on luring the NPCs away from the can, warping back in to hack it, and taking off before they can get back. It's about staying safe while scanning, getting in and out, and not engaging. If I get engaged, I'm likely already dead.

For example, once I start exploring losec tonight for the first time, if I find anybody on my d-scan, I will likely get the heck out of dodge before they ever try to find me. If they find me, I've probably already lost the battle. The other thing is that I'm running the cheapest exploration frigate with the cheapest fittings (no drones for my escapade tonight). This way, if I lose it, I'm probably only down 400k or so (if that, including insurance payout).

I can't wait until I get cloaking and can fit a cloak (likely by this weekend). But I probably won't have the bank-roll to comfortably lose a cloak (as it drastically increases the cost of my current cheap-as-humanly-possible fit). So even though I _could_ fly a frigate with cloak into losec, I don't feel like I could afford to lose it. So no cloak for me yet. I will have to rely on trying to setup a bunch of safe spots well, low traffic systems, low ship-death systems, etc.
Max Godsnottlingson
Amarr Empire
#64 - 2013-06-21 21:50:03 UTC
If you don't want to lose a ship and as a consequence stay as safe as possible, there is one thing that you are going to miss.

I am still 'pootling' about low sec, trying to find that sweet spot for me to start to call home, so I am wandering about a lot. So, this morning I am flying something big and heavy, but set to kill small and fast.

I am not out looking for a fight but thought that I was getting fed-up of hiding behind WCS all the time. Anyways, I jump in to a system, see a guy and as my bird is getting ready to warp to the next gate I quickly check his details, something like a -8 standing, so I am guessing that he is no boy scout.

Anyway, I hit the gate just in time to see his ship gate through to the next system. My bird jumps through a few seconds later and there he is sitting there, well moving but not warping. So, I align to the next gate, I know that I am too slow to even think about running, my 'jump cloak' goes and we sit there looking at each other for a couple of seconds. Then he warps off.

Now he might have been eyeballing me, and did not fancy the odds. Chances are he was just travelling like me and had been a bit tardy getting his next jump going. I don't know.

But what I did know was that my heart was pounding, there was that tight knot in my stomach and my hands were cold and clammy. Bl**dy great. After playing Eve for 10 years the possibility of PvP can still get things racing. OK, I am out of practice so probably responded more then I will in a few weeks. But you tell me, what other game, after being played for 10 years, can elicit that sort of response from a player?

And that my friend is the fun that you are missing.
Amarr Empire
#65 - 2013-06-22 01:54:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyseth
Here is a nice post about the fears that a lot of people have when it comes to losing their ships. This most commonly comes from being afraid to enter/travel in lowsec and/or null.

For those that don't want to read the whole article, I think this is probably the most important portion:

Take a frigate into lowsec and look for a fight. Don't care about winning, because you're only caring about the fight. You actually WANT to lose your ship.

Do this 50 times. No, I kid you not. FIFTY TIMES. Lose your ship 50 times and you will realize it deserves as much emotional investment as your screwdriver.

Take a step back and think about it for a bit after you read it. It's good advice.
Inritus Astrum
#66 - 2013-06-22 05:42:27 UTC
It's not like anyone's trying to get popped/podded.... but if you let fear of it prevent you from ever taking any risks, you missing the best that EVE has to offer.
Marmaduke Hatplate
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2013-06-22 05:54:05 UTC
Marmaduke Hatplate, Lolsec Hero, ventured into 0.4 yesterday for 25 minutes. It was a very wierd feeling. I didn't actually meet anyone, despite there being 7 or 8 other players in the system, but I was on the edge of my seat for the entire time, knowing that basically my ship was toast if anyone did encounter me and want to blow me up. And when I came back to hisec, the relief was palpable.

I imagine parachute jumpers and the like must feel something similar.

I'm going to do it again.

"Friends and fun...The only 2 really important things in EVE Online." - Crazy Dutch Guy

#68 - 2013-06-22 08:51:09 UTC
Join FW, get used to losing ships on a daily if not hourly basis and eventually you will come to consider your ships disposable tools to further your own objectives. Losing ships is about the best thing to do as a newbie as it opens up so any opportunities to be embraced and not afraid of. best thing I ever did in eve was to quit mining and start fighting (and dying alot)
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#69 - 2013-06-25 07:02:59 UTC
Marmaduke Hatplate wrote:
I'm not so much scared of losing (only one o, btw) my ship as irritated by having to go through the process of buying another one, then buying all the bits for it and fitting it out again. As has been pointed out, after a fairly short while, we noobs build up a enough of an ISK pool that the cost isn't as much of an issue. But getting a replica space-ready can take a while depending on how far you have to go to pick up all the modules etc.

Is there some way to do this quickly?

I also keep multiple ships fitted. I have the following at present, many players will have a LOT more:

- Active armor tanked MWD Hyperion
- Megathron, fitted from pre-Odyssey so no longer usable without a refit
- Dominix, PVP bait fitted
- Dominix, a mission boat from when l4s used to be my thing
- Astarte, total bait fit
- 4x Vexor, throwaway PVP fit (I love these things, and lose a lot of them hunting solo in lowsec)
- 6x Exequeror, meta 4 remote rep fit (cheap, cheap logistics ship for providing neutral reps when needed)
- 4x Celestis, meta 4 EWAR fit (these were made for an expected highsec POS defense in a wardec situation, the wardeccers didn't show up to attack the POS but I've kept the ships fitted)
- 15x tech 2 gank Catalyst (for when I absolutely, positively have to ruin some miner's day). I have enough hulls and modules to fit out another 70 or so of these if needed, but suicide ganking is murder on the sec status
- 1x scout Venture (passive cargo scanning fit, has a mining laser so as not to be suspicious)
- 1x Iteron 3 (until Odyssey was the biggest hauler I could use)
- 2x Enyo (one max DPS fit, one with more tank) and 1x Ishkur, mostly used for moving small things through lowsec when I want to be able to fight or flee if attacked. Also used if I just want to make a lot of jumps quickly for any reason.

The assets tab also shows me a (long forgotten) missioning Catalyst and missioning Vexor.

I'm sure a lot of players have more, especially capital pilots.

Actually my biggest problem is having the right ship in the right place. I hate it when I lose a Vexor 12j away from Dodixie and have to fly all the way back in a rookie ship to get back to whatever I was fighting. Worse is losing a speciality ship (Exequeror or similar) that's harder to replace fittings for outside of the busier trade hubs.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#70 - 2013-06-25 07:08:47 UTC
Max Godsnottlingson wrote:
If you don't want to lose a ship and as a consequence stay as safe as possible, there is one thing that you are going to miss.

I am still 'pootling' about low sec, trying to find that sweet spot for me to start to call home, so I am wandering about a lot. So, this morning I am flying something big and heavy, but set to kill small and fast.

I am not out looking for a fight but thought that I was getting fed-up of hiding behind WCS all the time. Anyways, I jump in to a system, see a guy and as my bird is getting ready to warp to the next gate I quickly check his details, something like a -8 standing, so I am guessing that he is no boy scout.

Anyway, I hit the gate just in time to see his ship gate through to the next system. My bird jumps through a few seconds later and there he is sitting there, well moving but not warping. So, I align to the next gate, I know that I am too slow to even think about running, my 'jump cloak' goes and we sit there looking at each other for a couple of seconds. Then he warps off.

Now he might have been eyeballing me, and did not fancy the odds. Chances are he was just travelling like me and had been a bit tardy getting his next jump going. I don't know.

But what I did know was that my heart was pounding, there was that tight knot in my stomach and my hands were cold and clammy. Bl**dy great. After playing Eve for 10 years the possibility of PvP can still get things racing. OK, I am out of practice so probably responded more then I will in a few weeks. But you tell me, what other game, after being played for 10 years, can elicit that sort of response from a player?

And that my friend is the fun that you are missing.

I love that feeling.

It's funny how much of it I still get sitting in my 40m ISK Vexor, sitting on the highsec side of a high-low gate and doing my usual pre-lowsec due diligence. Then you jump through, hit D-scan once for safety, and then settle into hunting mode.

If you want a moderately safe lowsec area to get started, enter Decon, the back way (through the lowsec system Sharuveil to avoid the Balle-Decon gate until you know it is safe). It's 3j from Dodixie (so reshipping doesn't take long, it is longer if you avoid the occasionally dangerous Balle-Decon gate though). Noone lives in Sharuveil and so it has little pirate presence, but it's close enough to busy highsec to get lots of different people coming through, and Decon has lots of chances for fights.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Amir Rayman
#71 - 2013-06-25 08:42:14 UTC
Does everyone shoot anyone in lowsec or nullsec?
Steven Koskanaiken
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#72 - 2013-06-25 09:00:41 UTC
Amir Rayman wrote:
Does everyone shoot anyone in lowsec or nullsec?

Depends on the policy of the person's corp/alliance/fleet/group
Marmaduke Hatplate
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2013-06-25 09:07:18 UTC
Well I had some fun mining in lolsec. I found a production facility fairly close to a lolsec system, bought a venture BPO and made a good run of vents, and took them mining until they were all dead. I viewed their losses as overheads basically. Made a satisfactory profit.

Now I'm bored with that, but I've heard about hisec mission salvaging, so I'm going to look into that.

Lots to do in Eve!

"Friends and fun...The only 2 really important things in EVE Online." - Crazy Dutch Guy

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2013-06-27 05:06:09 UTC
Marmaduke Hatplate wrote:
Well I had some fun mining in lolsec. I found a production facility fairly close to a lolsec system, bought a venture BPO and made a good run of vents, and took them mining until they were all dead. I viewed their losses as overheads basically. Made a satisfactory profit.

Now I'm bored with that, but I've heard about hisec mission salvaging, so I'm going to look into that.

Lots to do in Eve!

Mining in lowsec is only slightly more profitable than mining in hisec, with exponentially increased risks, and diminishing 'fun' even if you like mining.

Other activities in lowsec though... Pirate
Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#75 - 2013-06-30 00:13:58 UTC
Always remember it's just a game. Losing should still be 'fun' for the player. That is the single biggest disconnect between the player base of Eve....those that don't really care about internet spaceships and those that do.

I think of Eve as advanced chess or backgammon. You play fight, win or lose it doesn't really matter. But it's fun.

Living in low or null isn't about ships or SP, it's about experience.

Knowing the D-Scan is absolutely critical. With the D-Scan you are both able to see a threat, as well as BE a threat. It is life in Eve, and cannot be understated the importance of the D-Scan.

Without bubbles, and having the Warp To Zero function- there are very few places to actually force combat in low sec. Small, fast aligning ships are nigh unstoppable except with the most determined campers. Anything near a gate must be able to tank it's guns, which means it's generally slow to lock small hulls, and frigs and destroyers often waltz right away from gate camps.

So it's relatively safe to fly frigates and Ceptors around low sec with nary a care. A couple stabs on board mean it takes more than one Rambo to stop you if even if they get a lock.
Low sec really is much less dangerous than people think. Large, slow miners or haulers will run into trouble, but simply going to low or even null sec to do business is shockingly easy once you do it for awhile.

Remember, the loudest chorus from low sec is the total lack of population there...chances are you can cross multiple systems on autopilot before running into a hostile.