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About the Eos' model

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Wedieyounge Antilles
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#401 - 2013-06-14 20:18:57 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:

That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • I also totally agree with this change.

    ¬ Wedge Antilles _ [SDOGS]_

    Ace Mooncat
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #402 - 2013-06-16 07:24:53 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • yes

    make it so
    Sai Renn
    DNS Requiem
    #403 - 2013-06-16 12:10:57 UTC
    Being a pilot who played long before the Myrm, Drake, Cane, and Harb were first added, I can understand why some people would hate this idea. If I'm honest, when this was mentioned as an idea a few years back I was completely against it (as a nighthawk pilot who hates the drake hulls look).

    But as time has progressed I can see the reasoning behind it, and have even started to warm up to the drake hull a bit. As it stands I would support the change now, would defiantly help add some more variety to the current lineup.

    I could see a few people hating it as they would have to switch there BP's when building them, but that's not something that cant be done easily enough.

    Id also like to see t2 versions of the Naga, Talos ect. obviously not as command ships however.
    Wings of the Dark Portal
    #404 - 2013-06-16 21:17:02 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:

    That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • Yes please!

    At the very least the Eos should be Myrm hull since It received no love with the new navy battle cruisers and it would be awesome to fly a Creo Dron Myrm.
    Gustav Kleist
    Abyssal Infinity
    #405 - 2013-06-16 21:45:18 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:

    That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • Supported!
    The Executioners
    #406 - 2013-06-16 22:18:50 UTC
    Supported - red stripe drake? yes please. Maybe add a extra antenna or the rotating dish type deal that is on the scorp (only smaller).
    Xindi Kraid
    Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
    Arataka Research Consortium
    #407 - 2013-06-17 02:23:45 UTC
    ExAstra wrote:
    The Myrmidon gets no love. It's not a Command ship, and it's not the Navy ship. I think it'd be neat for the Myrmidon to be the Eos. The Astarte has to be the Brutix, but an Eos Myrm would be glorious. Although I'd be sad to see the Brutix Eos go at the same time.

    I'm confused by the decision to make the former tier 2 BCs get faction versions except give the Gallente a version of the tier 1.

    Of course, I think they should have given us faction versions of both the former tier 1s AND tier 2s.
    Royal Robot Ponies
    #408 - 2013-06-17 02:40:16 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    Cards on the table, the Sleipnir is the ship I have the greatest emotional attachment to of any ship in EVE. It would look great as a Hurricane, but it would also look DIFFERENT and that makes me feel confused feelings deep inside my heart.

    I also don't think this kind of change would be worthwhile unless we did all four and converted them into those specific hulls, since any deviation would make it harder for a new player trying to get information from their looks.

    So it's kinda an all or nothing deal, which is what makes it such a difficult question.

    I too am very attached to the Sleipnir, so mixed feelings about this... It would depend on the paintjob of the Hurricane, it needs to be flashy and scary at the same time, I'm a bit worried that it won't get the "aggressive" look it deserves.
    Marc Callan
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #409 - 2013-06-17 12:14:08 UTC
    Some flavor text would actually be nice if (as I hope) the conversion to the new hulls goes ahead. Particularly in the case of the Eos, some acknowledgement that CreoDron kind of laid an egg:

    The Federation Navy's new command-ship requirements presented a problem for CreoDron; the Eos-class command ship was envisioned as the Gallente's first battlecruiser-class drone carrier, but the Brutix on which it was based had proven poorly suited to the role, practically an embarassment to CreoDron, and its most prominent role was as an object lesson to the designers of the Myrmidon-class drone battlecruiser. Given the mandate from the Navy, CreoDron had no realistic choice but to start over from scratch; their first major decision was to abandon the Brutix hull and use the Myrmidon as the basis for the Eos Mark II, thereby creating an equivalent to the wildly successful Ishtar-class heavy assault cruiser. The Eos Mark II can serve all of the functions of a dedicated command ship without sacrificing either the durable defenses or the offensive punch of its progenitor battlecruiser, something no other command ship fielded by any navy in New Eden can claim...

    "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

    Scuzzy Logic
    Space Spuds
    #410 - 2013-06-17 12:32:11 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    This is something I've been thinking about during my predesign for the command ships.

    I'll start with this disclaimer, we will never feel that we need to make hull designs match the function of every ship. So there's no NEED to switch the hulls on any command ships. This is not something we've decided to do, but it is something we could do and would like your opinions on.

    It might be interesting to convert half the command ships into the other BC hull, picking the one that matches their weapon type at the T1 level.

    That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • This is the kind of thing that we'd expect many people would have strong opinions about, and since it wouldn't have direct gameplay effects we wouldn't consider it worth doing unless there was some significant community support for the idea that overwhelms the opposition.

    So, hypothetically, what do you guys think?

    Hypotethically speaking, you'd make me buy a new pair of undies, because I'd cream them with joy. It,s small changes like these which would make us appreciate the dev team more.

    The only one I'm iffy about is the absolution using the Harbinger hull. While it makes perfect sense for laser banks to be on that same hull, my inner Khanid just craves a sleek black Harbi with the tank of a carrier...
    Scuzzy Logic
    Space Spuds
    #411 - 2013-06-17 12:40:11 UTC
    Witcher Stilgar wrote:
    I would not like to see this change. If there must be change , why not make brand new hulls for command ships(even if based on current design)? I would like to see the number of unique hulls increase....

    I have a thing against making t2-only hulls, though. Stealthbombers were the awesome exception, because, well, torp and bomb bays. (Awesome job on that one)

    But, yeah, if they're going to but such an AWESOMELY GOOD idea in a numbered patch, maybe look at some of the of the t2 hulls, especially the assault frigs and reskin some of the T1 models which got no love like the Tormentor.
    Scuzzy Logic
    Space Spuds
    #412 - 2013-06-17 12:43:10 UTC
    Silas Shaw wrote:
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    Cards on the table, the Sleipnir is the ship I have the greatest emotional attachment to of any ship in EVE. It would look great as a Hurricane, but it would also look DIFFERENT and that makes me feel confused feelings deep inside my heart.

    I also don't think this kind of change would be worthwhile unless we did all four and converted them into those specific hulls, since any deviation would make it harder for a new player trying to get information from their looks.

    So it's kinda an all or nothing deal, which is what makes it such a difficult question.

    All or nothing? No dice.

    Much as I would love to see a Creodon Myrm and a Drake modeled hawk, my life requires LASERCHICKENS. Seeing as how the T1 is not a LASERCHICKEN and the Damnation is a paltry missilechicken, we must preserve the LASERCHICKEN. Perhaps a big black harby instead?

    Sorry for the caps, but they were needed. ;p

    +1 for Harboomer and preserving Laserchicken because of the sheer novelty. Not that I'd find either upgrade bad relative to the current state of affairs.
    #413 - 2013-06-17 13:10:31 UTC
    I would like more to give every T2 ship a unique model
    Apollo Sci
    Shitbird Inc.
    #414 - 2013-06-17 13:33:34 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:
    This is something I've been thinking about during my predesign for the command ships.

    I'll start with this disclaimer, we will never feel that we need to make hull designs match the function of every ship. So there's no NEED to switch the hulls on any command ships. This is not something we've decided to do, but it is something we could do and would like your opinions on.

    It might be interesting to convert half the command ships into the other BC hull, picking the one that matches their weapon type at the T1 level.

    That would (potentially) mean:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • This is the kind of thing that we'd expect many people would have strong opinions about, and since it wouldn't have direct gameplay effects we wouldn't consider it worth doing unless there was some significant community support for the idea that overwhelms the opposition.

    So, hypothetically, what do you guys think?

    I support this decision 100%
    Maximus Andendare
    Rote Kapelle
    #415 - 2013-06-17 16:25:46 UTC
    Fozzie, why does it have to be an all-or-nothing proposition? Obviously, people are near universal in their praise for a Myrm-to-Eos change, while some have expressed misgivings with changing the Sleipnir around. Why is it that we can't take each ship individually and discuss? Personally, if it has to be all-or-nothing, I'd say go for it.

    But if we were going to consider each individually, I'm sure many people would find the idea of a black Hurricane-turned-Claymore just as appealing as a black Cyclone, and by doing that, you'd still keep the Sleipnir in its most iconic hull. Similarly, people love the Damnation in its current form, so that'd likely be set and free up the Abso to use the Harby hull. I think the Caldari boats are the only ones where people are somewhat torn (on the individual ships), with there being some mixed feelings on the Drake hull itself. Personally, with this grouping, I'd rather the ships be the opposite of their T1 weapons, keeping the Nighthawk a Ferox and transitioning the Vulture to a Drake (turreted Drake? Sounds good!)

    I don't see why it'd have to be all-or-nothing, though, especially given the mixed feelings on the ships individually.

    Enter grid and you're already dead, destined to be reborn and fight another day.

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    Agykoo Mishi
    Orion Ore International II
    #416 - 2013-06-17 17:56:29 UTC
    CCP Fozzie wrote:

  • Eos would use the Myrm hull
  • Sleipnir would use the Hurricane hull
  • Abso would use the Harb hull
  • Nighthawk would use the Drake hull

  • So, hypothetically, what do you guys think?

    i know its been some 21+ pages but i wanted to throw my support behind this very cool idea. ^_^

    only thing i coudl ask more for would be that if the eos uses the myrm hull, maybe make it have better drone bandwith at lest.
    Echoes of Silence
    #417 - 2013-06-17 18:15:55 UTC
    Maximus Andendare wrote:
    But if we were going to consider each individually, I'm sure many people would find the idea of a black Hurricane-turned-Claymore just as appealing as a black Cyclone, and by doing that, you'd still keep the Sleipnir in its most iconic hull. Similarly, people love the Damnation in its current form, so that'd likely be set and free up the Abso to use the Harby hull.
    Oh hell no. Don't you make the beautiful Claymore just a "black" Hurricane. I hate the Hurricane, and I also hate the Sleipnir scheme. Therefor I support changing the Cyclone to Hurricane on the Sleipnir.

    As for the Damnation/Absolution, the Harby is going to be Absolution anyway according to Fozzie's post, so not sure what you're talking about there.

    Save the drones!

    Alvatore DiMarco
    Capricious Endeavours Ltd
    #418 - 2013-06-17 18:24:46 UTC
    Turreted Drake? Sounds good!

    "Sounds demented" is more like it. Granted, Caldari ships are on average the product of someone's misadventures with an arc welder and illegal hallucinogenics but putting turrets on a drake is just... weird.
    Echoes of Silence
    #419 - 2013-06-17 18:26:27 UTC
    Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
    Turreted Drake? Sounds good!

    "Sounds demented" is more like it. Granted, Caldari ships are on average the product of someone's misadventures with an arc welder and illegal hallucinogenics but putting turrets on a drake is just... weird.

    It's weird enough now that missile launchers have "turrets".

    I think missile launchers should operate more like cruise/torpedo launchers where the missiles are internal and erupt from the ship.

    Save the drones!

    Alvatore DiMarco
    Capricious Endeavours Ltd
    #420 - 2013-06-17 18:28:57 UTC
    I actually kind of like that idea.. but that's better in a different thread.