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New dev blog: Hybrid weapon and Tech II ammo balancing

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Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1001 - 2011-11-07 15:56:38 UTC  |  Edited by: BooooooBeeeeeer
omg, sorry 3 post Shocked
Nimrod Nemesis
#1002 - 2011-11-07 16:23:10 UTC
Can we stop with the red-herring arguments that obviously don't make sense?

The Kronos, like every marauder, has an active tank bonus. Like every other marauder the primary reason it's awful for pvp is going to be it's signal strength. It is a horrible example for pvp balancing or tank bonuses for those, rather obvious, reasons.

Think a little more before you post at length so we don't sound like idiots clamouring for fotm.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1003 - 2011-11-07 16:57:53 UTC  |  Edited by: BooooooBeeeeeer
Nimrod Nemesis wrote:
Can we stop with the red-herring arguments that obviously don't make sense?

The Kronos, like every marauder, has an active tank bonus. Like every other marauder the primary reason it's awful for pvp is going to be it's signal strength. It is a horrible example for pvp balancing or tank bonuses for those, rather obvious, reasons.

Think a little more before you post at length so we don't sound like idiots clamouring for fotm.

Maybe before you look for the idiot in the other, should pay attention to yourself?

Of all the post, you could see was a small remark about Kronos, lol.

It was about 4 ships, which are practically not used. And Kronos, but not the worst of them.

Remarque, especially for you, for a "smart", Kronos, has a range of a neutron blaster, ~ 17km with antimatter. Vargur & Paladin 35 km. Oh, and if it's Marauder, then only PVE? LOL.

Fanats of the Amarr and Matar, just amused by how little timid chicken, afraid of any emerging competition.
Lucas Quaan
Goryn Clade
#1004 - 2011-11-07 16:58:15 UTC
David Xavier wrote:
Oh wait blasters have the disadvantages of every other weapon system combined but it is OK since it does 20% more damage at point blank range ? Do you comprehend what you write ?

They don't, but yes, that is the trade-off.

Lasers have the range advantage and can instantly swap ammo, but eats cap and can't really track that well. Projectiles don't do a lot of damage, but can pick their damage type and don't use cap. Blasters don't have a lot of range, but will out-damage everything else. Rockets/HAMs/torps still suck, but they have a few hulls that work really well with them. This is what diversity and balance looks like.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1005 - 2011-11-07 17:00:13 UTC  |  Edited by: BooooooBeeeeeer
Sydney Nelson
Nelson Universal Aerospace
#1006 - 2011-11-07 17:01:18 UTC
Nimrod Nemesis wrote:
That post makes it pretty clear you know nothing about rails.

Except for, practically every time I log-in to EVE, I do 1-3 lvl4 missions with a Rail-fit Hyperion.
I've used rails more than ANY other weapon in the game.
3+ years running missions in Gallente space with Gallente ships...
Yeah, I don't know anything about rails.

Your rail fix idea isn't bad, you just haven't thought about the consequenses.
By decreasing rail-range and increasing damage dramatically, they will be too-much like T2 pulses with Scorch and ACs.
If rails had the same damage profile as ACs why in the hell would I use them instead of ACs?
With ACs, I can select dmg-type, and they use no cap. Both are huge plusses for PVE and PVP.

The reason I use rails now is because of thier range and thier HUGE versatility when used in-conjunction with Scripted Tracking Computers. Take that away, and everyone will just fit ACs instead.
What rails need is a moderate damage increase, and slightly lower fitting requirements. (It seems CCP got this part just-right.)

This way I can fit a full-set of 425s on my Hype with a prop-mod, without needing an ACR.
ACs and T2 Pulses will do slightly more damage up-close, but out-past 40km, it will be no-contest.
So, the AC-fit ships have to burn-around getting close to do good damage while the Rail-fit ships save time by doing medium damage to far-off targets without having to burn-around from rat to rat.

As for PVP, with a slight damage boost and fit to a faster ship, Medium/Small Rails could deffinately be viable as a kiting gun.
I just threw together a couple of fits on EFT. A Brutix with T2 250s and a Cane with T2 425 ACs.
The Brutix out-damages the Cane anywhere past 15km (yes even with Barrage). The Cane is about 200m/s faster than the Brutix though.
The Rail-Brutix could possibly kite an AC-Cane, if it had enough speed/agility. (Especially with the up-coming dmg buff and fitting req. reductions.
How do we buff Brutix speed without making it OP when using ACs or other weapons.
Give hybrid guns a bonus that boosts your ship's speed when fitted.
(I know it sounds "strange" but it would work.)

Unfortunately you weren't considerate enough to explain to me my supposed lack-of Rail knowledge.
I was forced to write a very long post to defend my position without even knowing specifically which part-of it I was defending.
In the future try to offer CONSTRUCTIVE advice to "Idiots" like me.

You're "I'm so smart, I don't even need to explain myself to anyone. I will instead make a general, demeaning, discrediting, statements without any basis or support." reply is not helpful.

Please. Try again.
Free State Project
#1007 - 2011-11-07 17:14:45 UTC
Another idea:

Every hybrid platform gets +30% to all overload bonuses (role bonus, like ceptors' scram/web cap bonus). That gives a bit more speed, damage, web/scram range, and rep amount for 1 or 2 minutes, at the risk of burning out your mods. It would benefit Gallente the most, but Caldari wouldn't be left out.

Yes, it involves a big change to the hulls, but I think everyone pretty much agrees that that's necessary. Of course, it would also boost ac damage if you chose to put them on a hybrid ship, but since it would be easier to get into blaster range there'd be more incentive to fit hybrids over projectiles.
Nimrod Nemesis
#1008 - 2011-11-07 17:15:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Nimrod Nemesis
BooooooBeeeeeer wrote:

Maybe before you look for the idiot in the other, should pay attention to yourself?

Of all the post, you could see was a small remark about Kronos, lol.

It was about 4 ships, which are practically not used. And Kronos, but not the worst of them.

Remarque, especially for you, for a "smart", Kronos, has a range of a neutron blaster, ~ 17km with antimatter. Vargur & Paladin 35 km. Oh, and if it's Marauder, then only PVE? LOL.

Fanats of the Amarr and Matar, just amused by how little timid chicken, afraid of any emerging competition.

I was pointing out your assertion that Kronos ACTIVE TANKING bonus was somehow a uniquely gallente problem. It is not.

Yes, a blaster kronos will have poor range. Perhaps if we stop pretending railguns don't exist we can have those buffed too?

You can read my posts, i'm very much in the camp of hybrid buffs, getting gallente and caldari hybrid ships up to par, and nerfing minmatar/amarr if it comes to that. What I will not promote or abide, however, are stupid assertions such "baww our marauder has an active tank bonus."

Check the "I must always use blasters and i'm a victim," complex at the door so we can keep making useful suggestions.

Sydney Nelson wrote:
Nimrod Nemesis wrote:
That post makes it pretty clear you know nothing about rails.

Except for, practically every time I log-in to EVE, I do 1-3 lvl4 missions with a Rail-fit Hyperion.
I've used rails more than ANY other weapon in the game.
3+ years running missions in Gallente space with Gallente ships...
Yeah, I don't know anything about rails.

That actually re-enforces my point. The fact you mission in a hype is laughable.

Sydney Nelson wrote:

Your rail fix idea isn't bad, you just haven't thought about the consequenses.
By decreasing rail-range and increasing damage dramatically, they will be too-much like T2 pulses with Scorch and ACs.
If rails had the same damage profile as ACs why in the hell would I use them instead of ACs?
With ACs, I can select dmg-type, and they use no cap. Both are huge plusses for PVE and PVP.

Did I say "dramatically redue their range?" Nope, sure didn't. I said "dramatically increase dps." What I would have suggested, in more detail, is that railguns long-range ammo be less than tach range, but further than artillery. I would also suggest their dps and alpha occupy a middle-ground between the two and their tracking be the best over-all.

Extreme range, ala railguns is a thing of the past. Warping in at a 100km is already far too close for rail sniping and on-grid probing ensures that even if you do manage to get out to 150 or 200km you'll be warped onto. If you think that range is a virtue in pve, you must be easily impressed. Rails would be far better off applying more dps at half their current effective range with better tracking and yes, it would need to be greater than proj dps (not alpha damage) aswell to overcome the twin limitations of cap use and static damage profile.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1009 - 2011-11-07 17:24:49 UTC
Here are my propositions to fix problems with blasters, and slow armor tanked ships.

1. Change armor tanking system, so plates, and armor rigs nerfs something else than mass of the ships (speed and agility) maybe signature radius nerf, same as with shield tank ?

OR rebuild blaster ships to be shield tanked (give them more med slots, take some low slots, and fix their bonuses).

2. Increase range of the blasters, while nerfing their dmg a bit in the same time.

3. Give gallente ammo that do different types of dmg, not just kin / th.
Tanya Powers
#1010 - 2011-11-07 18:22:19 UTC
Guys guys guys, stop shooting each other, you know very well why Kronos is so bad: hybrids, point black

If only, we could buy on market Adestrias for 100isk believe me I'd buy gtc's plex their grandma or whatever just to fill my hangar for a couple years of stock.

They know very well why they gave that ship those bonus, and we know very well why we will never have ships with half of "True Blasta boat" Adestria is.

All I hope is to see more Caldari and Gallente boats/hybrids on that fracking top 20, then I'll stop posting because I'll be too busy having fun blowing stuff or at work. Twisted
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1011 - 2011-11-07 18:24:25 UTC  |  Edited by: BooooooBeeeeeer
Nimrod Nemesis wrote:
I was pointing out your assertion that Kronos ACTIVE TANKING bonus was somehow a uniquely gallente problem. It is not.

Yes, a blaster kronos will have poor range. Perhaps if we stop pretending railguns don't exist we can have those buffed too?


Ok, I realized maybe I was too harsh. I'm sorry. I just wanted to say that in pvp, the Kronos, with its active tank the same problem. That of Brutix, Eos, Asterate, he comes close, and loses his cap. But God bless him, he was not too bad.

Brutix, Eos, Asterate - that's who, all horrible.
Sydney Nelson
Nelson Universal Aerospace
#1012 - 2011-11-07 18:33:54 UTC
Dunmur wrote:
Sydney Nelson wrote:
Nimrod Nemesis wrote:


LOL a rail brutix beating a ac cane now ive seen it all.

Wait is that a pig flying over there...

Slow down.
Engage your mind.
Think about what people post before making a conclusion.

Why is it so LOL?

Go ahead, answer the question...

A Rail-Brutix could never kite an AC Cane because the AC Cane is so much faster, and more agile, that it makes it impossible for the Brutix to maintain range.

There's the problem.
Ok, so how do you fix it?

Change rails?
That would probably work, but the rails themselves aren't the REAL problem.
The real problem is that the ship you're fitting them to isn't fast enough or agile enough to kite much of anything.

So what's the REAL solution?
Make rails viable by making the ships that fit them fast-enough or agile-enough to kite.

Does that make sense?

This is purely hypothetical of-course but...
If each medium hybrid turret gave a 4.25% boost to speed, then a Rail-Brutix would have enough speed to kite an AC Cane, and a Blaster-Brutix would have enough speed to get into-range before it's too late (sometimes).

An unusual fix? Yes.
Viable? Looks like it to me.
We're just brain-storming and discussing here, and I think this is worth discussing.
Amarr Empire
#1013 - 2011-11-07 18:53:16 UTC
Well, I think that blasters haven’t damage handicaps, but players suffer with them because minmatar ships are faster and have a better distance to fire, or because they need cap use and in short ranges many times they use neutralizers, ore vampires.
But now the Tornado bc will be another problem, yesterday I read that they have change new bc t3 bonus now caldari, and gallente bc t3 are worst, amarr t3 bc have other bonus, it is better doing dps but have les range so it ll be easier to shot it, but they have change tornado 7.5% falloff bonus to 10% , so it ll have more than 60 km of falloff with ACs and it is the faster of the 3 bcs with only 1 mwd it ll be able to have 1700 m/s with a really good capacitor (probably it ll need only to use one slot to be stable with the mwd active “no using boosters”) So blaster ships (bs, bc, cruisers) can´t do nothing.

To see more info about new bc t3 bonus see this page:

I hope that the reason is that it is in testing phase, because I think that a tornados plague (as actually drake plagues) would be the end for many blaster ships, no matter how much better blasters ll be with this balance.
I think that it is ironic that in one hand ccp is trying to improve blasters, and one reason is because ACs are more over because minmatar ships have more range and speed and blasters have many difficulties, and in the other hand they are doing an AC ship that can’t be killed by many ships because it is easier to fit, is really fast (to catch it only mwd frigates can approach) and can fire at 70 km with ACs.
The only way to destroy a tornado is a surprise attack or using long range weapons, (pulsars probably not include)

T3 bc are supposed to be as BS but with the handicap of HP , but if the 80% of all ships can’t hit you, it isn´t a handicap.
I could understand this, if it was a slow bc, but it is at the same time the faster bc and probably the easier to fit.

This is a question for ccp: It is this ship a measure to increase the use of rails?
If you have the intention to incite players to use more rails because artillery has remove beams and rails of battles, and ships as rokh aren´t use.

You must know that no matter you improve their damage or their fittings they won´t be used, because rails are sniper guns and with combat proves if you are at 200km firing they ll probe you and warp to your ship to put their Blasters, ACs, or pulses in your ass. (as you can see now I have more information about snipers problems ^ ^ )
And as result nobody wants to be over 150 km so artillery that is worst that beams and rails at long distances is more used because it is more powerful at shot ranges that beams and much more that rails, and can chouse damage.

And if the tornado is a measure to use more rokhs in battles or other rails ships, you have to know that it is wrong.
The only ships that would be more used are artillery ships.

Ccp members, if you are really interested to see more rails ships in battles you have only 3 solutions:

1st: put a new bs and bc ,or bigger combat ships module who prevent that your ship can be probed, (if only bs and bc can use it, raiders can´t have any problem to assault industrial ships, cruisers, or escort ships used in low sec, and at the same time ships that don´t use sniper range weapons , won´t use it because they would use one slot that has no sense if you are near your enemy.)
Doing this, warp range can be the same, and snipers will have more sense , (only if everyone in sniper squads use this module xD ) but it is only an organization problem.
( I think that´s the better solution.)

2nd increase minimum warp distance to 200km at least.

3rd Change rails and beams concept as artillery (alpha strike)

If you aren´t convince with this options, it would be better to abandon the idea of stimulate rails use, it will be a waste of time for you, because artillery will be always better at 100 km that beams, and beams always better that rails.
Reten Kip
Everset Dropbears
#1014 - 2011-11-07 18:59:53 UTC
Provided the problem of getting into range is addressed, the Kronos can be an absolute beast in PvP (with the proper support to address its signal strength issues). 4 Neutron blasters with the power of 8 and three neuts with a web bonus. It's BBQ time.
Nimrod Nemesis
#1015 - 2011-11-07 19:11:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Nimrod Nemesis
Sydney Nelson wrote:

Slow down.
Engage your mind.
Think about what people post before making a conclusion.

I think the greater imperative here is understanding the weapons, ships, and game mechanics involved here before we come up with ideas that are dead-on-arrival.

Sydney Nelson wrote:

A Rail-Brutix could never kite an AC Cane because the AC Cane is so much faster, and more agile, that it makes it impossible for the Brutix to maintain range.

There's the problem.
Ok, so how do you fix it?

Change rails?
That would probably work, but the rails themselves aren't the REAL problem.
The real problem is that the ship you're fitting them to isn't fast enough or agile enough to kite much of anything.

So what's the REAL solution?
Make rails viable by making the ships that fit them fast-enough or agile-enough to kite.

Does that make sense?

No, it does not make sense. First of all, the Brutix is a tier1 bc and the hurrican tier2. We may not like the tier system as it stands, but we cannot assume it's going to be gone just because we want it to go. Tier2 battlecruisers are going to anhillate t1 in almost every case except well-skilled cyclones with proper implants/pill.

Furthermore, on the case that rails are't the "REAL problem." I'm trying EVER SO HARD to be civil here, but this is absolute nonsense. Nobody with the first clue about med/large rails and their pvp applications thinks that the rail niche exists. It just doesn't. The weapon system as it stands is worse off than blasters and i've already mentioned why that is. Their range is much too long to utilize and when it can be utilized it is one on-grid warp from disaster. Coupled with the fact their dps is enemic and their tracking is abyssmal inside their giant range bubble and you have a failed weapon.

Making every rail ship insanely fast (able to out-run their class equivalents in minmatar while armor tanking? You're taking pre-nano-nerf speed) would do nothing but distort ship balance overall. You wouldn't be able to solo since you'd be well out of point range. You wouldn't be able to operate in logi range of a standard gang. Rail ships would still be a joke and fitting blasters (assuming they too get reasonable buffs) to them would probably be overpowered since they'd be easily capable of catching anything with their immense speed.

The solution I'm proposing, mitigating rail range and adding a reasonable amount of dps, allows rails to have a viable niche. They could apply high-tracking effective dps at moderate range (relative to other long-range weapons, so don't compare to AC's or Pulses) and their drawbacks (cap and kin/therm only dmg) would be less of an issue because they'd provide more effective dps than projectiles and track better than beams.

Hull and Ammo solutions should also come into the mix IMO, but none of that fine-tuning can be done when you can't settle on a general niche for the weapon system and the ships themselves. Ultra-long-range no longer works and it hasn't worked for quite a long time. Shorter range and better tracking/dps at that moderate range is really the only solution.

Sydney Nelson wrote:

This is purely hypothetical of-course but...
If each medium hybrid turret gave a 4.25% boost to speed, then a Rail-Brutix would have enough speed to kite an AC Cane, and a Blaster-Brutix would have enough speed to get into-range before it's too late (sometimes).

An unusual fix? Yes.
Viable? Looks like it to me.
We're just brain-storming and discussing here, and I think this is worth discussing.

What is to prevent minmatar ships, with higher base speed/agi from fitting hybrids then? Again I think the Brutix v Cane analog is silly, but i've been over that. Once more, I have to say, you're trying to treat symptoms rather than look at the disease itself.

It is a discussion worth having, but there are such things as bad proposals and we'd do well to consider more than just 'how can I beat a CANE?!' when we are talking about the overall problems with hybrids. There are deep-rooted problems with both blasters and espcially rails. If we cannot address those points, we're not going to lend them any feedback worth having.

Reten Kip wrote:
Provided the problem of getting into range is addressed, the Kronos can be an absolute beast in PvP (with the proper support to address its signal strength issues). 4 Neutron blasters with the power of 8 and three neuts with a web bonus. It's BBQ time.

I guess you pvp in honourable 1v1 situations then. A few light ecm drones will perma-jam any marauder and one ECCM module will not help you prevent that.
Tiger's Spirit
Templars of the Shadows
#1016 - 2011-11-07 19:16:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiger's Spirit
BooooooBeeeeeer wrote:
damn. double post, sorry

Proteus is realy terrible ? Hm 734dps with 40k armor (260k EHP without implants and bonuses) with all resistance almost 80% or more, almost 19km scrambler range with DB scrambler. With slave + gang bonuses proteus have 66.527 armor (469k EHP!!!)
I dont think so this is terrible from a cruiser.
After patch you should use better guns over electrons, so you would be make better damage too.

Eos,Astarte,Deimos etc is crap i know, but proteus much better than some other gallentean ships, i think.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1017 - 2011-11-07 19:30:49 UTC  |  Edited by: BooooooBeeeeeer
Tiger's Spirit wrote:
BooooooBeeeeeer wrote:
damn. double post, sorry

Proteus is realy terrible ?.

It's not I said:) That said CCP Tallest. But, let them do it even better, is it going bad? RollBig smile
Sydney Nelson
Nelson Universal Aerospace
#1018 - 2011-11-07 19:39:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Sydney Nelson
Nimrod Nemesis wrote:
That actually re-enforces my point. The fact you mission in a hype is laughable.

I'm sorry; I wasn't clear-enough in my post.
What I meant to say was, that I used the Hype for the MAJORITYof my PVE time.
The Mach and Nightmare are clearly head and shoulders above any Rail-platform.

Telling you how-much experience I have flying those two ships would be completely irrelevent because THEY DON'T USE RAILS.
Instead of trying to discredit me and indirectly insulting my inteligence by implying that I'm not smart-enough to choose the proper L4 mission ship, you SHOULD have taken the true point of my statement.

Who would be BETTER qualified to coment on the merits/demerits of Rails than someone who spent VAST ammounts of time using them?

As for me being dumb for using the Hype as a L4 boat, that's complete nonsence as well.
There are only 3 hybrid gun-boats that out-perform the Hype in L4 missions. They are the Navy Mega, Kronos, and Vindicator (even though it seems like an aweful waste of its web bonus), all-of-which are WAY more expensive. Once you have enough ISK for those ships, you have enough for a Mach or Nightmare.
If you dissagree, this is not the thread to argue about-it.
I would be happy to debate with you the useability of the Hype here:

I think we need to figure-out exactly what problem we're trying to solve here.
It seems to me you're trying to make ALL Rails (including large) viable in PVP.
That's not going to happen until the probing mechanics that made Sniping a thing of the past are fixed.
Large Rails don't need to be turned-into ACs.
You said it yourself, what would be the point of using Hybrids if ACs are there with the same role?

Nimrod Nemesis wrote:

First off, projectiles and lasers are not all that similar. As to why we don't want to duplicate autos directly, it's obvious. You then just have autocannons that require cap and only have one damage profile. What's the point in even having blasters at that point?

They should either defend the blaster niche and help them overcome some of their short-comings with T2 ammo (just like barrage and scorch do for projectiles and lasers) or they should drop the weapon system all together.

Yep, ship issues are part of the problem. A big part at that. But that isn't alleviated by cloning projectiles either. Then you get a less agile ship with the same weapon system. Bunk. As far as damage types, i'm ok with kin/therm. I don't see anything wrong with being stuck to that profile, so long as there are some advantages too.

You're trying to duplicate ACs by decreasing Rail range, and increasing thier dmg.
What you're proposing wouldn't fix Rails for PVP, but it WOULD break them for PVE.

Maybe you don't mission much, maybe you do, I don't know.
Rail-range IS a virtue in PVE, I know because I'm "dumb" and missioned in a Rail Gun-boat for a long-time.
There are a high percentage of L4 missions where the rats are at 65+km.
Being able to do good dps at 65km helps quite a bit actually.
If you can start to apply good dps as you get into range, your target will be halfway-gone by the time a shorter-range weapon would even start to do good dps. This saves time, it's also a good tactic to minimize incoming dps.

If you take-away rails' range, then they are useless compared to ACs.
If you boost thier DPS to compensate, then they would be better than ACs.
We don't want to clone ACs with Blasters OR Rails!
Rails would work GREAT for PVP if you make the ships that use them faster. Simple.
Would they be easily countered by Arty? Probably, but that's the POINT. Rock, Paper, Scissors remember?
Large rails can't be fixed, because the're not broken. It's the probing mechanics that have made them useless.
Sydney Nelson
Nelson Universal Aerospace
#1019 - 2011-11-07 19:41:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Sydney Nelson
Sorry, duplicate :(
Conquerors Undead Space
#1020 - 2011-11-07 20:14:53 UTC
i been playing on test server these last days with the new changes,and in my opinion i cant say that the hybrid balance will make hybrid weapons more desirable.
its really hard to play with them.blaster ships need speed to reach target wich they dont have,rails tracking is not as good as its supposed to be,or the range.
i like the changes in pg,cpu,and cap consumtion,really help fitting the gallente ships.