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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Theodore Giumbix
#341 - 2013-06-03 14:38:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Theodore Giumbix
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Target a rat, shoot same. Repeat until rat explodes, get bounty and loot wreck.
Optionally, use mining lasers in a belt.

Here I thought you implied income was not being made, perhaps you are suggesting that rats stop exploding and mining lasers fail if cloaked ships are present in the system?

You are full of bullshit and you know it. Unless you have a cynojamer and good intel you must to be a noob to ratt in 0.0 with neutrals in a system. And cloaky campers know this very well and exploit it with their little ckoaky ship that makes them invulnerable all the time in an environment that shouldn't offer such a protection to players especially in enemy space.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
You misunderstand if you assume I want players acting without intel.
You are also confused if you think I want to collect kill mails. I am a miner.

I want the miners in other corps to explode more often, so I can make the effort they failed at and compete.
My ore sales have more value when they don't have ore to sell.

So what kind of bullshit player are you, the one who lives in high sec with no risk at all but wants to make more profit than 0.0 miners or the one who lives in 0.0 and mine in a cyno jammed system with 100KM bubles on all gates and again the only thing he wants is to make profit from others wars. It seems too me that you are not in the PVP business and you don't care about game mechanics either, you just want to have an exploit kept in game because it gives you an advantage.

While all players full of bullish like you keep relating this problem to the cloaking mechanism I will keep saying that not the cloaking mechanism is the problem. The problem is not that you can camp a system in a cloaky ship, but the fact that you can do this with full invulnerability while you are not at your PC.

Yo, New Eden, got capsuleers in da house. What's up? And their pimped rides. Yo, capsuleer, if ya want me to unpimp your ride, lemme hear ya say Wat?

All Web Investigations
#342 - 2013-06-03 15:04:07 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
You are full of bullshit and you know it. Unless you have a cynojamer and good intel you must to be a noob to ratt in 0.0 with neutrals in a system. And cloaky campers know this very well and exploit it with their little ckoaky ship that makes them invulnerable all the time in an environment that shouldn't offer such a protection to players especially in enemy space.

Friend Theodore, the above quote carries a rather grave implication: That you will not rat or partake in certain activities in null security space if you are not guaranteed absolute safety. I regret to inform you that this attitude is not aligned with the quite deliberate mechanics of null security space. There is no safety, there is only mitigation of risk.

Interestingly, you seem aware that there are mechanics and methods that allow you to reduce the risk to yourself "a cynojamer [sic] and good intel" are good examples. Why, then, do you not make use of such mechanics and playstyles?

Dropping the "exploit" word on others because you refuse to make use of the options you yourself seem to be aware of is simply mindboggling, friend Theodore.

Theodore Giumbix wrote:
So what kind of bullshit player are you, the one who lives in high sec with no risk at all but wants to make more profit than 0.0 miners or the one who lives in 0.0 and mine in a cyno jammed system with 100KM bubles on all gates and again the only thing he wants is to make profit from others wars. It seems too me that you are not in the PVP business and you don't care about game mechanics either, you just want to have an exploit kept in game because it gives you an advantage.

While all players full of bullish like you keep relating this problem to the cloaking mechanism I will keep saying that not the cloaking mechanism is the problem. The problem is not that you can camp a system in a cloaky ship, but the fact that you can do this with full invulnerability while you are not at your PC.

I have not seen anything Nikk has said that suggests high sec players should enjoy riches beyond that of the Nullseccers. His stance is very much on the side of game mechanics and balance, and the misuse of evocative terms like "exploit" does not change that.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#343 - 2013-06-03 15:13:25 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
While all players full of bullish like you keep relating this problem to the cloaking mechanism I will keep saying that not the cloaking mechanism is the problem. The problem is not that you can camp a system in a cloaky ship, but the fact that you can do this with full invulnerability while you are not at your PC.


Theodore Giumbix wrote:
Unless you have a cynojamer and good intel you must to be a noob to ratt in 0.0 with neutrals in a system.

So, to address your previous points, you ARE hiding while complaining that the AFK cloaking player is hiding. And this in a system where you have either a POS, outpost, or both.

And your perspective is messing with your head too...
It is not your space, you may have sov, and that simply lets you anchor objects such as a POS or outpost, and upgrade it.
You clearly enjoy using these advantages already. It stops being your space the moment you are unable or simply unwilling to stop others from entering it.
For the cloaky to be present, the idea that it is your space is clearly unresolved.

Who am I? I am but a poor miner, trying to sell my ore and ice for the most ISK possible.
It turns out I get much better pricing if fewer are selling what I do.
And guess what? Having them explode because they got in a bad place, or won't PvE because of fear... that is me competing against them successfully.

EVE is about competition. Enjoy!
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#344 - 2013-06-03 15:42:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Theodore Giumbix wrote:

You are full of bullshit and you know it. Unless you have a cynojamer and good intel you must to be a noob to ratt in 0.0 with neutrals in a system. And cloaky campers know this very well and exploit it with their little ckoaky ship that makes them invulnerable all the time in an environment that shouldn't offer such a protection to players especially in enemy space.

See, it is this errant nonsense that just makes most of us think, "this guy is dumb as **** scrub."

A cloaked ship is not invulnerable "all the time". It is very vulnerable when it decloaks to engage.

While all players full of bullish like you keep relating this problem to the cloaking mechanism I will keep saying that not the cloaking mechanism is the problem. The problem is not that you can camp a system in a cloaky ship, but the fact that you can do this with full invulnerability while you are not at your PC.

Kind of like sitting in station...I know you'll spout off about cynos and what not...but an AFK player can't activate a cyno, covert or otherwise. If you POS-up or dock-up when a hostile comes in system and engages cloak and then goes are both in a remarkable similar state.

1. You are both invulnerable so long as you stay in that state.
2. Neither of you can do anything, while you are in that state.

Strictly speaking...that is balanced. Of course, you could bring in some buddies to rat with you (see, by doing this you change the balance in your favor). A single cloaked ship wont stand a chance against 3-4 ships. Even a BLOPs gang will likely pass your small gang by. And you can PVE in cheaper ships so even if you do get dropped you wont lose your expensive stuff.

BTW, if you suspect a BLOPs gang, send out a scout to check. The range on a Pig is short, so you should have a limited number of systems to search. If they are using a standard cyno and a titan...look at the map and see if you see people sitting in a known titan bridging system. And yes, find out where your enemies keep their titans for bridging purposes. We did this in Stain and if we saw people logging in/hanging out in that system we definitely didn't just keep PVEing along blindly.

Basically, it is up to you to learn how to play this game smart. You apparently are failing at that and want a mechanics change to make up for your deficient play style. That is always a bad argument and will not go over well in these fora.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Trumpets and Bookmarks
#345 - 2013-06-03 16:08:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Tchulen
Teckos Pech wrote:

See, it is this errant nonsense that just makes most of us think, "this guy is dumb as **** scrub."

This right here is what stops me going apoplectic when reading these whine posts. What these posters don't seem to realise is that they sound weak and pathetic as well as stupid. They're whining that they can't do pve in nullsec because someone is stopping them from doing it. There are both pve and pvp solutions to being "afk cloaky camped". They've had all the solutions presented to them time after time but no, they're not going to listen to any of that because they seem to like to project the impression that they're incredibly stupid.

But I do so love the tears of frustration. Mostly because if they opened themselves up to the many and varies solutions to their problems the frustration would vanish like mist on a sunny morning but then as well as being pathetic and stupid most of them are stubborn as hell, to boot. The fact that I'm a dullard and have "solved" that "problem" many times over just makes their pathetic whining taste all the sweeter.

(edited as missed h from the word both so it completely changed the meaning of the sentence)
Theodore Giumbix
#346 - 2013-06-03 17:25:02 UTC
I think pathetic are those who do camp AFK in a game and I think they have a raelly low life in RL too. But this thread is not about who I consider being pathetic or not.

It's about EVE mechanics and that you should no be able to do anything in this game without sacrificing your RL TIME! that's all.

If cloaky camping is fair or not or how do deal with cloaky camping.. all this stuff belong to a new thread.

Yo, New Eden, got capsuleers in da house. What's up? And their pimped rides. Yo, capsuleer, if ya want me to unpimp your ride, lemme hear ya say Wat?

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#347 - 2013-06-03 17:46:31 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
I think pathetic are those who do camp AFK in a game and I think they have a raelly low life in RL too. But this thread is not about who I consider being pathetic or not.

It's about EVE mechanics and that you should no be able to do anything in this game without sacrificing your RL TIME! that's all.

If cloaky camping is fair or not or how do deal with cloaky camping.. all this stuff belong to a new thread.

Dude grow up.

Just because somebody plays a space villian in a video game does not make them a low life in RL. It is a game. Yeah, it is a game that can be harsh and unforgiving at times, but you knew this when you signed up. Or you should have. It is right there in the Knowledge Base:

A grief player, or "griefer," is a player who devotes much of his time to making others’ lives miserable, in a large part deriving his enjoyment of the game from these activities while he does not profit from it in any way. Grief tactics are the mechanics a griefer will utilize to antagonize other players. At our discretion, players who are found to be consistently maliciously interfering with the game experience for others may receive a warning, temporary suspension or permanent banning of his account.

This should not be confused with standard conflict that might arise between two (or more) players, such as corporation wars. The EVE universe is a harsh universe largely driven by such conflict and notice must be taken of the fact that nonconsensual combat alone is not considered to be grief play per the above definition.

AFK cloaking is a type of non-consesual conflict and is perfectly within the games boundaries. To complain about it like this is just really bad form.

And there are other things I can do in game that don't require a sacrifice of real life time any more than AFK cloaking does:

1. Hauling in a freighter in empire.
2. Mining ice (pre-Odyssey anyways)
3. Sitting in station.
4. Sitting in a pos.
5. Even issuing a war dec will often paralyze an empire PvE corp without the war targets even undocking, or they could undock and AFK cloaked up now couldn't they.
6. Trading, I could put up sales orders and profit form them while not even logged in, let alone being logged in and AFK.

And yes, it is about mechanics...but mechanics have to be balanced. If you go back and read through this thread, you'll see that those opposed to simply removing AFK cloaking, by and large are concerned about game balance and that means it is a discussion of game mechanics. Problem is you want it all one sided--favoring your side (PvE). And keep in mind, that almost all of us on the game balance side also PvE (carebear). We have to do something to earn isk to keep buying PvP ships.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Azn Empire
#348 - 2013-06-03 17:52:30 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
You are full of bullshit and you know it. Unless you have a cynojamer and good intel you must to be a noob to ratt in 0.0 with neutrals in a system. And cloaky campers know this very well and exploit it with their little ckoaky ship that makes them invulnerable all the time in an environment that shouldn't offer such a protection to players especially in enemy space.
Others have pretty much said what needs to be said to this particular post. But I find it funny that you complain in one hand, yet point out some of the tools at your command, if you so wish.

Also, if you wish to use the invulnerability card, then it must apply to both side equally. For when they are invulnerable, then so are you. That happens to be a rather large side effect of an active cloak, you cannot target or shoot anyone.

Theodore Giumbix wrote:
I think pathetic are those who do camp AFK in a game and I think they have a raelly low life in RL too. But this thread is not about who I consider being pathetic or not.

It's about EVE mechanics and that you should no be able to do anything in this game without sacrificing your RL TIME! that's all.

If cloaky camping is fair or not or how do deal with cloaky camping.. all this stuff belong to a new thread.
You don't do yourself and your argument any good what so ever, talking about players of a game in such a fashion. It's actually a rather troubling attitude to display, but I digress.

The funny thing is, whilst AFK they are doing absolutely nothing and gain nothing at the same time. As far as dealing with someone who is AFK, there have been many suggestions already made. But it seems you have chosen to ignore them.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Theodore Giumbix
#349 - 2013-06-03 17:57:24 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

A grief player, or "griefer," is a player who devotes much of his time to making others’ lives miserable, in a large part deriving his enjoyment of the game from these activities while he does not profit from it in any way. Grief tactics are the mechanics a griefer will utilize to antagonize other players. At our discretion, players who are found to be consistently maliciously interfering with the game experience for others may receive a warning, temporary suspension or permanent banning of his account.

AFK = "devotes much of his time" to you? Big smile

Teckos Pech wrote:
And there are other things I can do in game that don't require a sacrifice of real life time any more than AFK cloaking does:

1. Hauling in a freighter in empire.
2. Mining ice (pre-Odyssey anyways)
3. Sitting in station.
4. Sitting in a pos.
5. Even issuing a war dec will often paralyze an empire PvE corp without the war targets even undocking, or they could undock and AFK cloaked up now couldn't they.
6. Trading, I could put up sales orders and profit form them while not even logged in, let alone being logged in and AFK.

SERIOUSLY THIS IS THE BEST YOU GOT? LolLolLol Something non high sec related u got?

Yo, New Eden, got capsuleers in da house. What's up? And their pimped rides. Yo, capsuleer, if ya want me to unpimp your ride, lemme hear ya say Wat?

Theodore Giumbix
#350 - 2013-06-03 18:02:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Theodore Giumbix
Mag's wrote:
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
I think pathetic are those who do camp AFK in a game and I think they have a raelly low life in RL too. But this thread is not about who I consider being pathetic or not.

It's about EVE mechanics and that you should no be able to do anything in this game without sacrificing your RL TIME! that's all.

If cloaky camping is fair or not or how do deal with cloaky camping.. all this stuff belong to a new thread.

The funny thing is, whilst AFK they are doing absolutely nothing and gain nothing at the same time.

If that would be really true they wouldn't bother in the first place to go with a cloaky alt in a hostile system and stay there 24/7.
You are full of bullish Sir and you know it.

Yo, New Eden, got capsuleers in da house. What's up? And their pimped rides. Yo, capsuleer, if ya want me to unpimp your ride, lemme hear ya say Wat?

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#351 - 2013-06-03 18:08:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Mag's wrote:

The funny thing is, whilst AFK they are doing absolutely nothing and gain nothing at the same time. As far as dealing with someone who is AFK, there have been many suggestions already made. But it seems you have chosen to ignore them.

Quite correct. Nikk has suggested in a couple of threads the following (both linked back up stream):

1. When a cloaked ship activates its cloak it disappears from local, and the pilot of the cloaked ship also can't see local (I can't recall the specifics, but I want to say the chat functionality may still work, you just can't see anyone in local if they don't start chatting...but I could be wrong). Very simple.
2. Given the change in 1, a method to detect and hunt cloaked ships. Now a cloaked ship with a pilot not-AFK would be rather tough to catch since he could keep warping around and keep from being decloaked. But an AFK cloaked pilot would be extremely vulnerable.

These two changes would do the following:

1. Remove the need to AFK cloak, in fact disappearing from local would make it nearly pointless in terms of denying the residents the ability to exploit the camped system.
2. Cloaked ship hunting mechanic would make AFK cloaking very risky (this should make you happy Theodore).
3. Cloak hunting gives you a method to determine if a cloaked ship is present in system (you can still have your intel, but you have to work for it).
4. You can still use a cloaked scout a few systems out from your ratting system to keep a look out for hostiles. Since a cloaked ship has to decloak to jump into a new system you'll see him in local. If you are paying close attention you'll see him appear briefly 2x indicating a cloaked ship was in system. If you sit on grid with the gate he'll have to go through to get to you, you may even see him.

Now, that looks pretty good to me. It could be unbalanced, but it is at least an attempt to address the AFK cloaking problem and the problem of Local's flawless reporting of pilots.

So if you could just stop being so damn set on looking at this issue only from your own perspective and how to change it to benefit just could maybe contribute something other than posts complaining about what scum bags cloaking pilots are.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#352 - 2013-06-03 18:11:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Theodore Giumbix wrote:

Teckos Pech wrote:
And there are other things I can do in game that don't require a sacrifice of real life time any more than AFK cloaking does:

1. Hauling in a freighter in empire.
2. Mining ice (pre-Odyssey anyways)
3. Sitting in station.
4. Sitting in a pos.
5. Even issuing a war dec will often paralyze an empire PvE corp without the war targets even undocking, or they could undock and AFK cloaked up now couldn't they.
6. Trading, I could put up sales orders and profit form them while not even logged in, let alone being logged in and AFK.

SERIOUSLY THIS IS THE BEST YOU GOT? LolLolLol Something non high sec related u got?

I can sit in a POS or a station in null sec too. Low as well. And I can trade fact I have an alt that does trade in null.

Really, engage your brain next time. Roll


BTW, your complaint was that people should not benefit in game while not at their keyboard. You did not specify that this only applies to null. See, you wrote:

It's about EVE mechanics and that you should no be able to do anything in this game without sacrificing your RL TIME! that's all.--emphasis added

You do know what the word "anything" means right?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#353 - 2013-06-03 18:13:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
I think pathetic are those who do camp AFK in a game and I think they have a raelly low life in RL too. But this thread is not about who I consider being pathetic or not.

It's about EVE mechanics and that you should no be able to do anything in this game without sacrificing your RL TIME! that's all.

If cloaky camping is fair or not or how do deal with cloaky camping.. all this stuff belong to a new thread.

The funny thing is, whilst AFK they are doing absolutely nothing and gain nothing at the same time.

If that would be really true they wouldn't bother in the first place to go with a cloaky alt in a hostile system and stay there 24/7.
You are full of bullish Sir and you know it.

So what exactly does an AFK cloaked pilot gain? Perhaps you could tell us morons what is so obvious to you.

Edit: Oh, and thanks for helping to keep this page on the front page. Most appreciated. Lol

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Theodore Giumbix
#354 - 2013-06-03 18:21:28 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
I can sit in a POS or a station in null sec too. Low as well. And I can trade fact I have an alt that does trade in null.

Really, engage your brain next time. Roll

You ignore my replay about grief play which is rude.
And seriously your replays are so profound I just won't bother replaying to you anymore.

Yo, New Eden, got capsuleers in da house. What's up? And their pimped rides. Yo, capsuleer, if ya want me to unpimp your ride, lemme hear ya say Wat?

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#355 - 2013-06-03 18:32:32 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I can sit in a POS or a station in null sec too. Low as well. And I can trade fact I have an alt that does trade in null.

Really, engage your brain next time. Roll

You ignore my replay about grief play which is rude.
And seriously your replays are so profound I just won't bother replaying to you anymore.

Grief play.... ahh?


The poor player who is going to the trouble, and the superior effort, of traveling distances to reach their destination.
Presumably, they also have hostile obstacles to overcome.

All so they can arrive, and begin a fight in a PvP game. Where they are promptly avoided.

Sure, they are being given rude treatment, but I would not go so far as to call the risk averse griefers...
They are simply unwilling to play, perhaps, out of concerns the experience will disappoint their guests.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#356 - 2013-06-03 19:40:03 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I can sit in a POS or a station in null sec too. Low as well. And I can trade fact I have an alt that does trade in null.

Really, engage your brain next time. Roll

You ignore my replay about grief play which is rude.
And seriously your replays are so profound I just won't bother replaying to you anymore.

Because it isn't grief play. If it were, then AFK cloakers would get banned, they don't so it isn't. It also doesn't fit the definition.

And the word is reply. Replay means to play again. Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Azn Empire
#357 - 2013-06-03 20:39:14 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
Mag's wrote:
The funny thing is, whilst AFK they are doing absolutely nothing and gain nothing at the same time.

If that would be really true they wouldn't bother in the first place to go with a cloaky alt in a hostile system and stay there 24/7.
You are full of bullish Sir and you know it.
Of course it's true. They are AFK, pray tell exactly what are they doing whilst AFK? You do know what AFK means don't you? Also what do they gain? What extra items or ISK do they have from going AFK? Yea that's right, nothing.

The reason dear sir that they go AFK, is called psychological warfare. But for it to work, it relies upon individuals deciding they cannot play the game. The reason these players don't play, is due to the fact that they see a red/neutral in local chat.

But that's not the main reason for AFKing. The main reason is the all seeing eye called local, which tells those in the system you are there. So as soon as you arrive, they dock/pos up. Pilots AFK in a hope to subvert the instant intel local gives, to balance out the power it holds. But again for this to work, relies upon those in the system to not take precautions and accept being in null means combat is likely.

No BS here chap, just facts. Blink

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#358 - 2013-06-04 05:27:11 UTC
ZOMG, I've been decloaked!!!!

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

All Web Investigations
#359 - 2013-06-04 07:46:36 UTC
Theodore Giumbix wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I can sit in a POS or a station in null sec too. Low as well. And I can trade fact I have an alt that does trade in null.

Really, engage your brain next time. Roll

You ignore my replay about grief play which is rude.
And seriously your replays are so profound I just won't bother replaying to you anymore.

Accusations of grief play should be ignored, as it isn't grief play at all. CCP and GMs have addressed this countless times. I'm sorry friend Theodore, but just because someone did something you don't like does not mean you are a victim of griefing.

I am saddened by the fact that you have now used all the wild, desperate arguments: Claiming exploits, griefing, imbalance, unfairness, etc.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#360 - 2013-06-04 17:00:01 UTC