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The new launcher and the web server issues on the 21st of May: FAQ and update thread

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Skaltura Airuta
Iamque non pugna sed caedes erat
#241 - 2013-05-24 11:44:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Skaltura Airuta
So, let me get this straight.

This new awesome launcher was programmed to support a number of features (SSO, Account Settings Storage, launching multiple accounts etc.) of which none have actually been finished, some are apparently still in design/concept stages, and which haven't even been tested.

The new launcher was then released having been known (SiSi) to not work correctly in a significant number of cases, many of which still haven't been fixed, but you intend to remove the only reliable workaround to all its problems without giving us a definitive time frame. This might happen before any of the features for which it has been programmed will be released, without even knowing that they will be released, because it might turn out that it can't be made to work.

To top it off you officially declare that making an effort to make it work under Linux is right out because reasons. Strong dislike for the new launcher is then dismissed as dislike of its awesomeness, in fact it is so awesome that you cannot even fathom why someone would want to bypass it.

I feel sick, this isn't even bad software development anymore, this is some new level of ... something, for which an accurate description simply doesn't exist yet.
SkyMarshaller Corp
#242 - 2013-05-24 11:48:50 UTC
Thank you for the SP bonus - much appreciated.

While I'm not a huge fan of the new launcher, I guess we will get used to it. Logging multiple characters is a bit of a pain - especially as it does not seem to want to remember more than about 5 names.

On a side note I do miss the sound "Connecting" when I log in - bit like losing an old friend!
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#243 - 2013-05-24 11:51:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Enthropic
Can we give back the free SP and keep the /bin/eve.exe functionality for the future instead?

I dont want your new launcher.
It doesnt save my usernames when I use multiple clients and it takes forever to log on my 6 accounts now.
I know it saves the usernames for some users (up to 7 lol, who would think that there are actually people multiboxing more than this..), and it does save them on one of my computers, but not on the other wtf?!
The problem for this is therefore probably on my part, but I have no effing clue why that is and how I can fix it.
When you roll out something, maybe you actually QA it properly, before you force us to use it, and when you do, maybe include a USEFUL description and troubleshooting guide how to fix issues like the one Im describing with no saving of usernames?
Maybe a fix to this is buried in one of the 500 pages of whine from your customers, sorry in case I didnt find it yet.

Im not going to repeat what others said before me in this thread, or on MANY pages on the SiSi feedback, but there is no point in denying that the new launcher is ANNOYING and a USELESS STEP BACKWARDS, and in case of multiple clients, takes a lot more time than the old, nice, perfectly functional, awesome, and beloved by all loginscreen we had before.

I do see what you want to achieve with this launcher, having a launcher where you for example simply select ALL characters at once, press go, and then they all get launched without you having to put in username and pw AGAIN, now THAT would be something nifty, and everybody would love it.

Instead, you roll out this **** (sry for being blunt), I cannot grasp how you could seriously think that the system, as it is now, makes anyone happy.
Im not talking about technical problems as the coincidal webserver fail, **** happens, Im talking about the basic functionality and design of youre new 'product' that instead of making things better, makes them worse.

Why dont you produce something that is actually good and then roll it out, instead of rolling out crap, that then maybe gets usable 5 updates later? I dont get it.

Ive been playing Eve without a break since I started my first character 4 years ago, and I dont usually whine or complain about CCP, but things like this are beyond me.
marly cortez
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#244 - 2013-05-24 11:52:34 UTC
Hakaru Ishiwara wrote:
CCP Atropos wrote:
Could you tell me your reasons for having more than one installation (either physical or via junctions/symlinks) if you are able to start a client with a given set of settings.

I use junctions because of the very user-friendly and customizable scenario of being about to set up shortcuts in my Win7 start menu for each client making for an insanely fast means for launching each client w/o having to fiddle with a launcher UI. There is no substitute for such a direct way of launching multiple clients w/o any extra launcher-based overhead.

I look at the current Launcher and I am baffled on how to log into the game... until I visually ID the credential fields and the log-in button.

At the very least, please place a far greater visual emphasis onto the login credential fields and log in button.

I serious cringe at what is to come with the Launcher and opening up multiple clients simultaneously.

Troubleshooting / Bug:

Repeated attempts to launch a client via the \bin\exefile.exe w/in the past 2 hours resulted in repeated attempts by the client and updating mechanism to install some new update. But the updates kept failing (with no obvious error message) until I ran the repair.exe tool.

SONY are going to hate you for eternity, you know that, You have encapsulated everything that is visually right with the New launcher from the point of view of any Rabid, slack jawed advertising guru who believes in his very soul that you really do want whatever crap he chooses to assault your retina with....And it is definite not the Log in Button.

Humanity is the thin veneer that remains after you remove the baffled chimp.

Victoria Sin
#245 - 2013-05-24 11:58:14 UTC
Nice one. Unexpected surprise.
Victoria Sin
#246 - 2013-05-24 11:58:37 UTC
Note: all surprises are unexpected, I suppose... Big smileLol
Buck Kenaben
#247 - 2013-05-24 11:59:53 UTC
For those of you who can't start the launcher or are stuck in an infinite update loop using the bin/ExeFile.exe, this worked for me:
Fix that worked for me
Alphea Abbra
Project Promethion
#248 - 2013-05-24 12:01:22 UTC
Can we exchange your poor-taste bribery with a clear timeline of when 1) whoever responsible for rolling out the launcher is removed from such a position of importance; 2) the launcher will be restored to former non-intrusive capabilities; 3) CCP will extend QA and use-case QA to the launcher (And/or other areas, e.g. unified inventory); 4) CCP will actually listen to SiSi feedback ?
Furthermore, I would like a clear promise that working log-in mechanisms are not removed.

For me, those two points (Timeline and promise) would go much further than some SP bribery.

I might even stop assuming you're lying when you say you listen to feedback.
Rotten Legion
#249 - 2013-05-24 12:04:54 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
During tomorrow's downtime we will add 50.000 skillpoints (representing roughly a day’s worth of intense skill training).

If you think you can shut everyone up with skill points!!! Then sir, you are in fact, correct....Domo arigato CCP Guard san!

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

#250 - 2013-05-24 12:22:47 UTC
mrpapageorgio wrote:
The only reason to log in currently is to enter the eve universe, so the play button is 100% pointless at this point. And I can go ahead and tell you, the only reason I am ever going to log in is to enter the eve universe. I don't care about eve tv, eve voice, or using the launcher to log into the forums or whatever else you guys think up to tack on.
Same here. I only tolerate the launcher because it gets me into the game. Any other fluffy crap built around it is irrelevant to me. As I've said before this is the only part of the launcher I even begin to care about:

"To err is human", but it shouldn't be the company motto...

Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#251 - 2013-05-24 12:23:38 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
pmchem wrote:
What is the response of CCP to the concept of the login screen being iconic art?

Iconic art, and an excellent new player experience, which is now gone.

That's something we're very aware of, we know a lot of people loved the old log-in screen for it's artistic value even if it doesn't serve a technical need any longer. And it's a question we will address. I'm not the right person to go deeper into that at this point though :)

But it's one of those things that are noted.

I'd highlight that note in big bold letters. Not a lot of people loved it. There is a reason EVE was considered a modern work of art and this was a tiny piece of that.

If I went and nicked a piece off the Statue of David's pecker that would be bad.
If Yoko Ono lost her voice we would loose....well I think MOMA could have done without that yelping mess anyway...the point is don't be Yoko Ono?
#252 - 2013-05-24 12:28:53 UTC  |  Edited by: pussnheels
CCP Guard wrote:
With the deployment of Retribution 1.2.4 and the deployment of the new launcher, we received reports internally and externally that people were unable to connect to Tranquility thanks to some misconfigured servers. While this issue was not universally experienced and over 30,000 pilots were able to log in normally before we fixed the issue, we do feel this special case does require a special thank you (for your patience) from CCP.

During tomorrow's downtime we will add 50.000 skillpoints (representing roughly a day’s worth of intense skill training) to the character with the highest number of skill points on each active account (the presumed main). Here’s a quick guide on how to apply those skillpoints.

We're sorry for the inconvenience and we hope you can use these skill points on your adventures.

Your voices have been heard loud and clear and we've been busy taking notes so we'd like to ask you to help us move forward in this thread and keep the feedback focused and constructive. Thank you.

i do not want 50 k sp
50 k sp is nothing
i want the old loginscreen back
there was no reason whatso ever to changeour beloved loginscreen
and i am sure i am not theonly one who feels this way

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Ydor Salidar
The Eden Trading International Corporation
#253 - 2013-05-24 12:31:13 UTC
I didn't notice any posts about this issue yet, so I'll add my own one:

As of today, the launcher, which patched and ran Eve fine yesterday evening, won't launch anymore but instead start 2 new processes every second, completely throttling the CPU of the computer until either rebooted or ending the whole process structure. I downloaded the updater linked in this thread, no difference to be seen.

Is there any workaround to this issue or is it even already known in addition to all the other issues the new updater brought?

As of tomorrow my skill queue will be empty and those 50k SP we get presented will make only a very small benefit compared to the gametime lost and the SP lost due to empty queue.

Not to mention that other gaming studios gave free gametime in comparable situations (SW:TOR patcher fiasko last year).
Vice Verca
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#254 - 2013-05-24 12:31:18 UTC
thank you very much ! :)
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#255 - 2013-05-24 12:47:19 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
With the deployment of Retribution 1.2.4 and the deployment of the new launcher, we received reports internally and externally that people were unable to connect to Tranquility thanks to some misconfigured servers. While this issue was not universally experienced and over 30,000 pilots were able to log in normally before we fixed the issue, we do feel this special case does require a special thank you (for your patience) from CCP.

During tomorrow's downtime we will add 50.000 skillpoints (representing roughly a day’s worth of intense skill training) to the character with the highest number of skill points on each active account (the presumed main). Here’s a quick guide on how to apply those skillpoints.

We're sorry for the inconvenience and we hope you can use these skill points on your adventures.

Your voices have been heard loud and clear and we've been busy taking notes so we'd like to ask you to help us move forward in this thread and keep the feedback focused and constructive. Thank you.

For the account that i'm posting from, this character has the highest skillpoints total. It is NOT however the one currently being worked on. I'm not training on this character because my focus is on another toon. Is there any way to put the points where I actually want them to be ?

If not, thats ok. I'm just asking.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#256 - 2013-05-24 12:49:24 UTC
Valtrinor wrote:
[quote=CCP Atropos]This is currently achieved via having ExeFile.exe pinned to the taskbar and middle-clicking any EVE client already running (on Windows 7

You are my hero. Since the changes with the launcher (which I've never liked), I'd been utterly confounded as to how to launch multiple instances from the quick-launch bar. Thank-you and have a like for your post.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#257 - 2013-05-24 12:56:39 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Valtrinor wrote:
[quote=CCP Atropos]This is currently achieved via having ExeFile.exe pinned to the taskbar and middle-clicking any EVE client already running (on Windows 7

You are my hero. Since the changes with the launcher (which I've never liked), I'd been utterly confounded as to how to launch multiple instances from the quick-launch bar. Thank-you and have a like for your post.

Another option:

shift+win+ the number key for that entry.

If it's the first thing on your bar: shift+win+1

If it's the fitfh: shift+win+5

without the shift it will start it if it's not running, and switch to it if it is.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

#258 - 2013-05-24 13:03:11 UTC
"The new EVE Launcher moves the login process into the EVE Launcher itself and away from the EVE Client. What this means for the user is that you both log in sooner and you dive straight into the character selection screen."

CCP Atropos really? i think we`re playing a different game, since the launcher i tried so far was actually making the whole login process longer.. now try that on multiple accounts and it becomes as much fun as rescanning your own wh system after logging in.. boring time-consuming work. gj! i was pretty sure that those 134 pages of cursing at ccp for such a F up would deliver the msg.. apparently, it didn`t. you`re still peeing on people's heads without courtesy of calling it rain. and these posts here are just to point it out to the players in the slower lane.. ccp, fix the random socket closures instead of breaking what was already working.

<-- unbelievably low tollerance to stupidity in people. That + you being your mother's child might aswell be the main reason why i am NOT your father.

Mercury Inc.
#259 - 2013-05-24 13:06:58 UTC
CCP's motto:

If it works, break it.
If its broken, ignore it.
#260 - 2013-05-24 13:09:50 UTC
Rommiee wrote:
CCP's motto:

If it works, break it.
If its broken, ignore it.

pretty much

<-- unbelievably low tollerance to stupidity in people. That + you being your mother's child might aswell be the main reason why i am NOT your father.