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EVE Launcher update on May 21, 2013

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Sorrowful Inc.
#2381 - 2013-05-22 17:52:35 UTC
Serious own goal here CCP, all you have really managed to do with this update is annoy a lot of your players and made people come up with creative ways of getting around not having to using the launcher at all. (I'm going for a shortcut of the ExeFile atm)

Why does logging in have to be so hard? I have never come across anything so ridiculous.... and the client log in screen looks cooler anyway!
Northern Coalition.
#2382 - 2013-05-22 17:54:33 UTC

Just got online, all chat channels gone, all settings gone, all overviews gone.

Spent an hour or so trying to fix it, ie, restore all the settings i have tweaked to fit me over years of EvE.

... and some wise dude advised me to restart the launcher instead.

Great effing job making us waste time.

Fire whoever runs Q & A.
The Partisan Brigade
#2383 - 2013-05-22 17:54:40 UTC
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
Is this Viking logic?

Was all the bling and new features that the players actually asked for in the last couple expansions, just a diversion while they waited for us to drop the soap??

Duh, of course it was. Heck it wasn't even good bling, it was all recycled content with a shiny new polish. They've done nothing but cut overhead on Eve development since Incarna and it is painfully obvious for those who have been paying attention.
#2384 - 2013-05-22 17:57:28 UTC
Korinne wrote:
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
Is this Viking logic?

Was all the bling and new features that the players actually asked for in the last couple expansions, just a diversion while they waited for us to drop the soap??

Duh, of course it was. Heck it wasn't even good bling, it was all recycled content with a shiny new polish. They've done nothing but cut overhead on Eve development since Incarna and it is painfully obvious for those who have been paying attention.
I suspect you might be right. Shame that... I get so tired of seeing all the resources being wasted on Dust it makes me sick.

"To err is human", but it shouldn't be the company motto...

Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#2385 - 2013-05-22 17:58:29 UTC
Pyro Miner wrote:
had to repair on all pc's but my laptop is stil not working,

1e my laptop would not even start the repair tool and now it did but stil not working

Was this stuff even tested ? havent heard anyone who diddnt had any problems around here

It was on the test server, but it did not work there either. luckily on SiSi its use was optional. Most just did not use it, as it did not work.

For some reason CCP took the lack of bug reports on the launcher that did not work as a sign there was nothing wrong with it. How did that work out? Well over 119 pages of rage about fixing something that was not broken.

CCP really messed up with this one. While I aprecieate CCP Guards attempts at damage control, I expect it will be a while before we see a coment from a Dev actually responsible, as they are all busy working on fixing it, not talking to us. I guess that is a good thing, but we would still like to know what is going on, not just get smoke blown up our butts.
Celia Therone
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2386 - 2013-05-22 17:59:13 UTC
Initial impressions of the new launcher (once it started working):

The first time that it runs it seems to be very slow. Fine, it has to verify the client and that's a slow job - I understand. However it seems to give priority to putting shiny junk and news items up on the screen and not to the log in box. When I start the launcher I'm doing so because I want to play eve.

So what it should do is put the log in box up first, let you log in whilst it validates so you can walk away and get a mug of vodka or whatever and then when you come back it has automatically started the client and you are at the character selection screen. If it has spare cycles whilst doing the validation then it can use them to go get awful news like how you should rejoice that there's a new launcher (lol, bitter irony ;) ). This way you can actually use the time it takes to do something useful, rather than sit there staring at the screen. You resent the time that it takes less, which is important.

Why is there a play button at all? When am I going to hit login at the launcher and not hit play? The only reason to do that would be because I decided not to play Eve (or screwed up and logged in to the wrong account). 99% of the time though, people launched the launcher because they want to play and they log in to the right account so the play button just slows you down.

Which brings me to... Why does the launcher shut down when it launches the client? I can't alt-tab to it to launch a second client, like I could with the old launcher, I have to re-launch the launcher. This is slow and clunky and involves navigating windows more than the bare minimum (alt-tab to launcher, hit play).

The launcher also isn't properly saving my account information. It seems to have eventually remembered my first account name on about the fifth attempt, but it still doesn't remember my second account. And that third account that isn't subbed at the moment that used to be in the old launcher's login? It doesn't show that one either and I don't happen to remember it so my motivation to pay you for a third account (admittedly minimal) is even lower as it would involve extra effort for me.

Why has the log out button vanished from the client? That used to be the fastest/least effort way to switch characters as it automatically launched the new client rather than having to go through the launcher again.

The new launcher seems to randomly ask me to accept the terms of use about every third time that I log in. I'm actually sitting at the character choice screen for one account, re-launched the launcher, logged in the second account and I have to agree to the terms again?
Chokichi Ozuwara
Caldari State
#2387 - 2013-05-22 18:00:06 UTC
Par'Gellen wrote:
I get so tired of seeing all the resources being wasted on Dust it makes me sick.

If DUST is successful, they are going to listen to us even less than they do now.

That said, the only people I know playing DUST are from Eve, so good luck with that...

Tears will be shed and pants will need to be changed all round.

No Alibi
Sometimes Here
#2388 - 2013-05-22 18:00:37 UTC
Fonac wrote:
CCP TheRambler wrote:
Hi, a quick update from Team Roundhouse Kick here: we read your feedback and we deployed on Sisi a new version of the launcher webpage that adds an autoplay feature in the form of a checkbox on the right bottom corner.

If checked, the launcher will start the client as soon as the user is logged in and the client is ready, so no additional click is required on your part. If you don't want this to happen, just uncheck it, the launcher will remember your setting either way.

This feature was tested internally and now we would like your feedback before pushing it to TQ, please use this thread here


Hey an idea to help improve the dual account / dual screen setup, would be to let the launcher what screen to start up on, depending on the account..

Example; i got two accounts. If i write log in on fonac, it will start on my main screen. however i log in on my alt(let's call it fonac2)
Then it will start on the 2nd screen.

I had hoped this was introduced, by as it is right now i'm forced to use two clients instead of one.

In the Esc menu, where you see video card, dropdown window will give you that option with dual screen setup. Do that for your second and run both in fixed window. Hope that helps Smile

I fly by the seat of my pants, No wonder my ass is always on fire!

Peter Tjordenskiold
#2389 - 2013-05-22 18:13:20 UTC
Having a single sign on all accounts at the same time is a security issue. What we need is a multiple account sign on. The login is lasting as long the launcher is running. Just choose a logged in acc and press play button.

Btw. the launcher starts the client exactly one time. After that I have to close the launcher. This is annoying.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2390 - 2013-05-22 18:14:23 UTC
my launcher isnt working.

it updated

i restarted my computer

i click to start eve

the launcher starts

the launcher crashes

Jim Nightingale
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2391 - 2013-05-22 18:15:11 UTC
After half an hour of frustration, I managed to get back into eve by running the repair tool and then launching the EXEFILE directly, thus bypassing the launcher. I immediately spread this information to everyone else I knew who was having similar problems.

I have to say that loading the game without the launcher is a definite improvement, so.... good update, I guess?
#2392 - 2013-05-22 18:19:57 UTC
Can't log in. It just keeps crashing. Fix this game, CCP.
CCP Guard
C C P Alliance
#2393 - 2013-05-22 18:20:00 UTC
Hey everyone.

We've had a meeting where we discussed what went wrong around the deployment of the launcher as well as the issues many of you have had with the launcher, the community reaction and our next steps. We realize that communication hasn't been up to par in the last 24 hours. We've mostly focused on messaging workarounds to specific issues in this thread but we haven't been able to address the situation in its entirety. We will be working on writing a dissection of what went wrong yesterday, as well as an FAQ on the launcher, specific problems, and what our next steps are in improving your experience.

This is just the heads up. I wanted you to know that we are working full force over here to make things right with you. Please bear with us for now.

CCP Guard | EVE Community Developer | @CCP_Guard

MaRU2760 133
Unit 439
#2394 - 2013-05-22 18:20:26 UTC
Jim Nightingale wrote:
After half an hour of frustration, I managed to get back into eve by running the repair tool and then launching the EXEFILE directly, thus bypassing the launcher. I immediately spread this information to everyone else I knew who was having similar problems.

I have to say that loading the game without the launcher is a definite improvement, so.... good update, I guess?

How do you tell it which character to use?

Integrated Insterstellar Holdings
#2395 - 2013-05-22 18:22:41 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
Hey everyone.

We've had a meeting where we discussed what went wrong around the deployment of the launcher as well as the issues many of you have had with the launcher, the community reaction and our next steps. We realize that communication hasn't been up to par in the last 24 hours. We've mostly focused on messaging workarounds to specific issues in this thread but we haven't been able to address the situation in its entirety. We will be working on writing a dissection of what went wrong yesterday, as well as an FAQ on the launcher, specific problems, and what our next steps are in improving your experience.

This is just the heads up. I wanted you to know that we are working full force over here to make things right with you. Please bear with us for now.

Smoking Blunts
ZC Omega
#2396 - 2013-05-22 18:24:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Smoking Blunts
CCP Guard wrote:
Hey everyone.

We've had a meeting where we discussed what went wrong around the deployment of the launcher as well as the issues many of you have had with the launcher, the community reaction and our next steps. We realize that communication hasn't been up to par in the last 24 hours. We've mostly focused on messaging workarounds to specific issues in this thread but we haven't been able to address the situation in its entirety. We will be working on writing a dissection of what went wrong yesterday, as well as an FAQ on the launcher, specific problems, and what our next steps are in improving your experience.

This is just the heads up. I wanted you to know that we are working full force over here to make things right with you. Please bear with us for now.

is this going to contain you restoring the functions multibox user need to actually play eve there way? a yes or no will help pls

OMG when can i get a pic here

HaveItYourWay Corp
#2397 - 2013-05-22 18:26:41 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
Hey everyone.

We've had a meeting where we discussed what went wrong around the deployment of the launcher as well as the issues many of you have had with the launcher, the community reaction and our next steps. We realize that communication hasn't been up to par in the last 24 hours. We've mostly focused on messaging workarounds to specific issues in this thread but we haven't been able to address the situation in its entirety. We will be working on writing a dissection of what went wrong yesterday, as well as an FAQ on the launcher, specific problems, and what our next steps are in improving your experience.

This is just the heads up. I wanted you to know that we are working full force over here to make things right with you. Please bear with us for now.

Prove the following statements are still true, and I will hang on a while longer in a wait and see state....

What about this letter from the CEO:

"You have spoken, loudly and clearly, with your words and with your actions. And there were definitely moments in recent history when I wish I would have listened more and taken a different path."

"But enough talk from me. We all know that much quoted phrase, “It’s not what you say, it’s what you do,” that will make the difference here. From now on, CCP will focus on doing what we say and saying what we do. That is the path to restoring trust and moving forward."
Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#2398 - 2013-05-22 18:27:42 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
Hey everyone.

We've had a meeting where we discussed what went wrong around the deployment of the launcher as well as the issues many of you have had with the launcher, the community reaction and our next steps. We realize that communication hasn't been up to par in the last 24 hours. We've mostly focused on messaging workarounds to specific issues in this thread but we haven't been able to address the situation in its entirety. We will be working on writing a dissection of what went wrong yesterday, as well as an FAQ on the launcher, specific problems, and what our next steps are in improving your experience.

This is just the heads up. I wanted you to know that we are working full force over here to make things right with you. Please bear with us for now.

Thanks for the heads up. Community Relations has not been up to par in my eyes since Fan Fest. This is across both Dust and EVE. Information is going out only after it effects the game not before.

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

Amarrius Ibn Pontificus
Legion Air
#2399 - 2013-05-22 18:31:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarrius Ibn Pontificus
CCP Guard wrote:
Hey everyone.

We've had a meeting where we discussed what went wrong around the deployment of the launcher as well as the issues many of you have had with the launcher, the community reaction and our next steps. We realize that communication hasn't been up to par in the last 24 hours. We've mostly focused on messaging workarounds to specific issues in this thread but we haven't been able to address the situation in its entirety. We will be working on writing a dissection of what went wrong yesterday, as well as an FAQ on the launcher, specific problems, and what our next steps are in improving your experience.

This is just the heads up. I wanted you to know that we are working full force over here to make things right with you. Please bear with us for now.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Just stop all meetings, and get the right people sat at their stations to roll this mess back first. That should have been step one and should have already been done. Then resume the meets and figure out what to do next and release it when you have all these issues figured out.
Onion Ring
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2400 - 2013-05-22 18:31:52 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
Hey everyone.

We've had a meeting where we discussed what went wrong around the deployment of the launcher as well as the issues many of you have had with the launcher, the community reaction and our next steps. We realize that communication hasn't been up to par in the last 24 hours. We've mostly focused on messaging workarounds to specific issues in this thread but we haven't been able to address the situation in its entirety. We will be working on writing a dissection of what went wrong yesterday, as well as an FAQ on the launcher, specific problems, and what our next steps are in improving your experience.

This is just the heads up. I wanted you to know that we are working full force over here to make things right with you. Please bear with us for now.

A very helpful thing would be an option to pause the running of a paid account for when technical problems make it impossible for you to play.

On a side note: my launcher still does not work:

Error -7 when loading url