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New dev blog: Introducing New Nebulae into EVE

First post
CCP t0rfifrans
C C P Alliance
#121 - 2011-11-03 20:18:26 UTC
Spujax wrote:
When will wormholes be getting this makeover?

Not this round, since their backgrounds are far more recent than the rest of New Eden. We felt it most pressing to update the old backgrounds, and will/may eventually get to wormholes later...
Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#122 - 2011-11-03 20:23:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Kassasis Dakkstromri
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Grukni wrote:
Hiram Alexander wrote:
Grukni wrote:
Great Job!

I'm somewhat and somehow disappointed of the granularity chosen for each unique backdrop. Region based granularity seems too big for my taste. At first I thought you would notice the changes in the position of nebulae at a solar system basis, each time you jump from an stargate to an other.

Yeah. Me too, though I can understand...

I guess for 'granularity' reasons, as they put it - an even better 'xmas' present would have been Constellation, rather than Region...

Yep, but I think those images are generated procedurally, so no much man work involved I hope. I really wonder if the real problem is that those images are too fat (in Megabytes) for the client to have too many of them.

The cube maps ( that's the technical term for the nebula textures ) are actually hand crafted, starting with 3d generated clouds, then color-corrected and touched up by artists to remove rendering artifacts and add extra "oomhp" to the renders. Each cube map sees a considerable amount of work. So if we would have wanted more, they would have looked less cool or taken longer to produce, meaning that the artists would be tied up painting nebulas and not fixing lag.... It's always a balancing act. That said, the system we developed alongside rendering the nebulas does allow us to customize each solarsystem, and we will be making use of that in the future, for lore and such.

One of the 'allures' of EVE has always been space - so I support this use of development resources 100%!!!

However I have one question:

Will some of the new techonologies being employed allow EVE GATE (the one in game) to be re-introduced as an ingame background element? (We had it once some years back, after Trinity iirc, and then it was removed)

Is there any potential for this being technologically feasible?

CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

CCP t0rfifrans
C C P Alliance
#123 - 2011-11-03 20:26:35 UTC
Kassasis Dakkstromri wrote:
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Grukni wrote:
Hiram Alexander wrote:
Grukni wrote:
Great Job!

I'm somewhat and somehow disappointed of the granularity chosen for each unique backdrop. Region based granularity seems too big for my taste. At first I thought you would notice the changes in the position of nebulae at a solar system basis, each time you jump from an stargate to an other.

Yeah. Me too, though I can understand...

I guess for 'granularity' reasons, as they put it - an even better 'xmas' present would have been Constellation, rather than Region...

Yep, but I think those images are generated procedurally, so no much man work involved I hope. I really wonder if the real problem is that those images are too fat (in Megabytes) for the client to have too many of them.

The cube maps ( that's the technical term for the nebula textures ) are actually hand crafted, starting with 3d generated clouds, then color-corrected and touched up by artists to remove rendering artifacts and add extra "oomhp" to the renders. Each cube map sees a considerable amount of work. So if we would have wanted more, they would have looked less cool or taken longer to produce, meaning that the artists would be tied up painting nebulas and not fixing lag.... It's always a balancing act. That said, the system we developed alongside rendering the nebulas does allow us to customize each solarsystem, and we will be making use of that in the future, for lore and such.

One of the 'allures' of EVE has always been space - so I support this use of development resources 100%!!!

However I have one question:

Will some of the new techonologies being employed allow EVE GATE to be re-introduced as an ingame background? (We had it once some years back, after Trinity iirc, and then it was removed)

Is there any potential for this being technologically feasible?

Yes, there is database work being done which allows for customization of singular solar systems, such as the New Eden system. However, we won't be able to cover all of these unique systems before releasing the Winter Expansion, but we made sure to have the tech there to allow us to do that, as it feels pretty important to a lot of us.

Was going to write a witty answer about rendering HTML in space thus allowing you to add friends on EVE Gate in space, but realized that it wouldn't be that funny so I won't.
Hungry Eyes
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#124 - 2011-11-03 20:27:18 UTC
Rixiu wrote:
Here's the good old CCP, promise :awesome: but deliver "meh". The granularity need to be finer, having entire regions with the same backdrop is worse than we have now since there's some variation. I'm looking forward to seeing this on sisi, maybe it's just some unfortunate wording...

no it's not, and i disagree with you. regions having colour themes is a great idea. how does it make sense that you see a different colour nebula one jump over?

now if they could have implemented the dynamics of a nebula decreasing and increasing in size as we travel through it, that would have been great...but not even close to essential.
Logan LaMort
Screaming Hayabusa
#125 - 2011-11-03 20:27:49 UTC
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Komen wrote:
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
Dark space in my EVE, I approve whole heartedly. Now all that remains is for you to make it so, that the star significantly dims when you get further away from it within a system. I'd like to feel that I'm flying inside an actual star system at great speeds and moving large distances, instead of moving within a small room with a single static lightbulb in the middle of it.

Yeah, solar intensity reducing as distance to star increases.

Make the out-system really dark and lonely. Then add more glow to all those windows (viewports, energy channels, whatever they are) on the ships.

At 40 AU my Megathron oughta look like something out of the deep sea, glowy highlights picking out a dark mass.

Improving the general light model in space is on our long term roadmap. The efforts to apply version 3 of our shader ( V3 ) onto everything is a stepping stone towards that. We want the nebula to cast faint light onto the objects. We want soft bonce light from the surface of planets bouncing of stations, customs offices and ships near it, in the same way you see the soft light of Earth illuminate the underside of the ISS, Mir or the space shuttles. We want asteroids to pick up the nebula light as well, explosions to illuminate nearby ships and space objects, and to have space get more dark the more AU you travel away from the sun. With over 300 different ships, tons of space objects and asteroids, this work is being done in increments, starting with the V3-ing of ships. We know that someone standing on the surface of the celestial object formerly known as the Planet Pluto would see our sun as a faint flashlight far away in a sea of stars. We want to do this! it just takes some time.

Oh and warping the nebula cubemap, it didn't work that well when we tried it internally, it looked pretty fake and distorted and broke immersion. We played around with it years ago, perhaps we can try some new methods, but simply moving your point of origin inside the virtual sphere made you see that it's a flat backdrop very quickly.

Would definitely like to see this, it's something I've always wanted from the graphics and it would really change how the game looks... make the solar systems look more dynamic.
#126 - 2011-11-03 20:30:34 UTC
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:

Was going to write a witty answer about rendering HTML in space thus allowing you to add friends on EVE Gate in space, but realized that it wouldn't be that funny so I won't.

Thank you for your restraint. There is nothing jovial about spacebook.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

John McCreedy
Eve Defence Force
#127 - 2011-11-03 20:31:50 UTC
This may have been mentioned but especially from a nullsec dwellers perspective, will this cause more lag in larger engagements and can it be turned off/down in the graphics settings if your PC struggles with it?

13 years and counting. Eve Defence Force is recruiting.

Kassasis Dakkstromri
State War Academy
Caldari State
#128 - 2011-11-03 20:32:20 UTC
*[Edited to comply with maximum number of quotes per post (5)]

CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Kassasis Dakkstromri wrote:

One of the 'allures' of EVE has always been space - so I support this use of development resources 100%!!!

However I have one question:

Will some of the new techonologies being employed allow EVE GATE to be re-introduced as an ingame background? (We had it once some years back, after Trinity iirc, and then it was removed)

Is there any potential for this being technologically feasible?

Yes, there is database work being done which allows for customization of singular solar systems, such as the New Eden system. However, we won't be able to cover all of these unique systems before releasing the Winter Expansion, but we made sure to have the tech there to allow us to do that, as it feels pretty important to a lot of us.

Was going to write a witty answer about rendering HTML in space thus allowing you to add friends on EVE Gate in space, but realized that it wouldn't be that funny so I won't.

Yeah I realized just saying EVE GATE left me a bit open to receiving a snarky reply - so I went back and edited... so thank you for the straight answer I am really looking forward to the time when the New Eden system and the EVE gate Worm Hole can come back as an in game background element.


CCP you are bad at EVE... Stop potential silliness ~ Solo Wulf

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#129 - 2011-11-03 20:33:02 UTC
Camios wrote:
Hiram Alexander wrote:
Grukni wrote:
Great Job!

I'm somewhat and somehow disappointed of the granularity chosen for each unique backdrop. Region based granularity seems too big for my taste. At first I thought you would notice the changes in the position of nebulae at a solar system basis, each time you jump from an stargate to an other.

Yeah. Me too, though I can understand...

I guess for 'granularity' reasons, as they put it - an even better 'xmas' present would have been Constellation, rather than Region...

Subscribing this, in principle. But before complaining I will log into the test server and look if the new system is actually not up to my expectations...

(please CCP do feed your hamsters, they are so hungry they keep eating my posts).

I'm willing to accept the regional thing. The distances between systems in a region tends to be small, but the regional divides are often a few light years. More variation is better, but this is most definitely a good start.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#130 - 2011-11-03 20:37:55 UTC
Hey graphics guys...I'm still flying a cloaked harbinger every other system.
Valeo Galaem
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#131 - 2011-11-03 20:42:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Valeo Galaem
A region sized granularity for the skyboxes is going to feel odd in large areas like Domain. Will these get split up to use different images?

Something that I noticed a long time ago: all stargates and stations have the same orientation - specifically they point "south". Will stargates be realigned (along the X-Y plane at least) to point towards their destination's celestial phenomena? Otherwise it will feel very odd knowing you are traveling north towards Caldari space but always being shot towards Amarr.

Has CCP considered using a compositing technique for rendering the skyboxes on demand? With this system each celestial phenomena would have a few dozen renders on its own, and then they would be scaled and positioned in the sky and composited by the client to display a unique skybox for each system/constellation. This would allow for higher granularity and low storage use, but at the expense of being able to hand tweak each one.

Standalone Windows build of ccpgames/dae-to-red

Thaylon Sen
The Boondock Saints
#132 - 2011-11-03 20:44:05 UTC
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
... That said, the system we developed alongside rendering the nebulas does allow us to customize each solarsystem, and we will be making use of that in the future, for lore and such.

That's an awesome idea, and make sure it doesn't get swept under the carpet Mr t0rfifrans, or I shall haunt you with your own quote!
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#133 - 2011-11-03 20:45:13 UTC
I enjoy the fact that CCP states that this is a CHANGE and that some of us will hate it.

I appreciate the heads up and sorta disarms me when I may dislike it. So my expectations won't by super high till I make a judgement my self. I like this mature style of Hype... it is not empty like saying it is simply AWSOME.

Thanks for kicking the Angry soap box from under me before I even get on it!! LOL

in summary
Well written blog

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#134 - 2011-11-03 20:54:38 UTC
Thankyou for the continual teasers, CCP!
Ai Mei
Starfish Operating Syndicate
#135 - 2011-11-03 20:55:26 UTC
Obsidian Hawk wrote:
CAN you make the original nebulae available as backgrounds for our desktops?

This please, I would to have the old nebulae as a desktop background.

I mean they are still cool nebulae, even if they are 8 years old. But you also dont want to forget how far you came from or where you came from.
Illectroculus Defined
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#136 - 2011-11-03 20:57:08 UTC
Valeo Galaem wrote:

Something that I noticed a long time ago: all stargates and stations have the same orientation - specifically they point "south". Will stargates be realigned (along the X-Y plane at least) to point towards their destination's celestial phenomena? Otherwise it will feel very odd knowing you are traveling north towards Caldari space but always being shot towards Amarr.

THis is one of my concerns, it's not as if it needs any new technology.

hell I could even compute the rotation matrices from the existing data dump.
Markarian Aurelius
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#137 - 2011-11-03 20:59:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Markarian Aurelius
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Markarian Aurelius wrote:
Confirming that this change makes me happy. One other thing I'd love to see in the future and I think a lot of others would like too, is dynamic backgrounds. Space is an ever changing place. Stars sometimes explode, pulsars beam their spotlights across the celestial tapestry, black holes sometimes emit powerful jets when they are feeding on matter. Comets rocket their way through the solar systems. You get the idea.

To see these things occasionally happen would be so badass I cannot even describe it fully. Even seeing entire gallactic disks in the background or along the paths of stargates would be awesome, too. If these sorts of stellar spectacles where to happen every once in awhile and be fleeting moments for people to see and say "Holy crap man! Did you see that supernova in the distance?!? That was friggen wicked! It would be truly memorable.

You can actually see the edge of the Galaxy when you are in the darker regions of New Eden, like losec and zero sec.

Apologies in advance for the abuse of parenthetical statements in the below reply:

Do you think there is the capabilities within the new Carbon framework to make interactable celestial events affect ships like they do in wormholes such as a star having a coronal mass ejection that suddenly effects certain things on the ships, like sensors (like causing locked targets to drop or creates a sensor recalibration timer) or even damaging shields since CME's send out large amounts of EM radiation?

Another thought I had, which I'll also put into the suggestion forum, is that some systems out in low and nullsec could have stars that are at different points in their lifetime, and as such affect the stability of the star. For example, Type 1a supernovas where a star sheds its outer corona and engulfs nearby planets/moons. I can see it even perhaps obliterate POS's or cause severe damage to their forcefields, or even perhaps RF it so that it forces the owner to quickly react and take down their POS before it's timer runs out and the star damages it further. For particularly high value systems, like those with lots of rare resource moons, it would add a new game dynamic.

One could also imagine forseeable destruction of entire systems by Type II supernovae, one which involves a stars core collapse that annihilates all celestial objects within it. It could even cut off certain parts of space while the occupants left behind in these disconnected systems have to find a way back out with WH's, jump bridges or getting someone to create a bridge to another system or use their Titans to evacuate. It would add mini-disasters that could actually happen with evolved space explorers like ourselves, much as it did with the people of the original Eden. Could you imagine what would happen if your entire alliance was cut off for everyone, scrambling to find a solution to reconnect? Ah, the mind runs wild with such ideas. I need to stop now. =)
Monte Will Williams
Eclipse Industrial Inc
#138 - 2011-11-03 21:02:30 UTC
Hungry Eyes wrote:
Rixiu wrote:
Here's the good old CCP, promise :awesome: but deliver "meh". The granularity need to be finer, having entire regions with the same backdrop is worse than we have now since there's some variation. I'm looking forward to seeing this on sisi, maybe it's just some unfortunate wording...

no it's not, and i disagree with you. regions having colour themes is a great idea. how does it make sense that you see a different colour nebula one jump over?

now if they could have implemented the dynamics of a nebula decreasing and increasing in size as we travel through it, that would have been great...but not even close to essential.

Yea I agree, this gives space a more fluid, natural feel. I hate jumping in one system looking a a bright brown ring, then the next system over, its grayish blue. That makes ZERO sense. I cant wait to see this on Sisi
Meafi Corp
#139 - 2011-11-03 21:02:36 UTC
I like the change in colors as you progress from land of the all mighty carebear to the lands of lions, tigers & … well we already had bears, so sharks maybe?

This kind of scares me though…
As it so happens, by stellar coincidence, the dominant stellar phenomenon of each race happens to be in the same color palette as the ships of that race, making it more clearly distinguishable.

Am I going to suddenly find myself in some alternate dimension where stellar phenomenon produce patterns of forest camouflage? Blink
CCP t0rfifrans
C C P Alliance
#140 - 2011-11-03 21:05:48 UTC
Illectroculus Defined wrote:
Valeo Galaem wrote:

Something that I noticed a long time ago: all stargates and stations have the same orientation - specifically they point "south". Will stargates be realigned (along the X-Y plane at least) to point towards their destination's celestial phenomena? Otherwise it will feel very odd knowing you are traveling north towards Caldari space but always being shot towards Amarr.

THis is one of my concerns, it's not as if it needs any new technology.

hell I could even compute the rotation matrices from the existing data dump.

It would be cool, absolutely, their constant alignment along a principal axis is a legacy issue. If we rotate them, we could possibly screw up some people's warp to zero bookmarks, which would cause rage, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, so it would require some investigation upfront.

Also, since the cube map is a projection on a sphere, identical throughout the nebula, the gates shouldn't rotate towards the actual target gates, rather coordinates on the sky. There is some hand-waving involved, unfortunately...