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[Odyssey] Cruise Missiles

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State War Academy
Caldari State
#621 - 2013-05-08 08:56:59 UTC
14 sec flight time is still too much.

with max skill it is 21 sec flight time. totally worthless. Reduce the flight time to 10 sec and give more speed to the missile it is what is needed. waaay more.

To show you an example: I do caldari missions right? so that gives me a lot of npc ecm. I launch my missile to the enemy ship, which is usually 60 km away before my missile could hit, I'm ecm-ed and my missile which should have hit the enemy ship, possibly destroying it, does no damage at all, because I lost my lock. whats the point of the huge flight time if such things can happen?
SilfMeg Mining and Transportation Co
#622 - 2013-05-08 09:30:43 UTC
Zetak wrote:
14 sec flight time is still too much.

with max skill it is 21 sec flight time. totally worthless. Reduce the flight time to 10 sec and give more speed to the missile it is what is needed. waaay more.

To show you an example: I do caldari missions right? so that gives me a lot of npc ecm. I launch my missile to the enemy ship, which is usually 60 km away before my missile could hit, I'm ecm-ed and my missile which should have hit the enemy ship, possibly destroying it, does no damage at all, because I lost my lock. whats the point of the huge flight time if such things can happen?

Sorry, as far as game mechanics work; when the missile is launched it will hit the ship.
Even if you get jammed while it is underway.

If you start to Warp, the missile will not do damage.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#623 - 2013-05-08 10:27:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Zetak
Meghel wrote:
Zetak wrote:
14 sec flight time is still too much.

with max skill it is 21 sec flight time. totally worthless. Reduce the flight time to 10 sec and give more speed to the missile it is what is needed. waaay more.

To show you an example: I do caldari missions right? so that gives me a lot of npc ecm. I launch my missile to the enemy ship, which is usually 60 km away before my missile could hit, I'm ecm-ed and my missile which should have hit the enemy ship, possibly destroying it, does no damage at all, because I lost my lock. whats the point of the huge flight time if such things can happen?

Sorry, as far as game mechanics work; when the missile is launched it will hit the ship.
Even if you get jammed while it is underway.

If you start to Warp, the missile will not do damage.

Well, just the other day when I did a mission, Gurista I think, the thing happened just the way I described. An information box popped telling me that my missiles could not reach its target because the lack of lock. It wasn't because my target was killed. It was how I perceived the phenomena
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#624 - 2013-05-08 11:04:03 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
Target painters in the highslot is a good idea, IMO. Helps heaps with almost every shield tanked missile boat that has a utility high but not enough PG to fit a decently sized neut yeah....

That Idea is hilariously bad, my Torp CNR needs 2 TP's. :/

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#625 - 2013-05-08 11:08:46 UTC
Tenris Anis wrote:

Firewalls are fine, they should be a valid counter, because they come with a price.

lol, for a second I thought I read "... they come in peace"

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#626 - 2013-05-08 11:40:56 UTC
Zetak wrote:
14 sec flight time is still too much.

with max skill it is 21 sec flight time. totally worthless. Reduce the flight time to 10 sec and give more speed to the missile it is what is needed. waaay more.

To show you an example: I do caldari missions right? so that gives me a lot of npc ecm. I launch my missile to the enemy ship, which is usually 60 km away before my missile could hit, I'm ecm-ed and my missile which should have hit the enemy ship, possibly destroying it, does no damage at all, because I lost my lock. whats the point of the huge flight time if such things can happen?

Missiles already in flight after you get ECM'd still hit.

You are also neglecting to mention that there are very very few PvE cases where the new cruise missile will actually need to be in flight for the full 21 seconds. On a Raven your lock range is, what? 93Km?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

State War Academy
Caldari State
#627 - 2013-05-08 11:52:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Zetak
Malcanis wrote:
Zetak wrote:
14 sec flight time is still too much.

with max skill it is 21 sec flight time. totally worthless. Reduce the flight time to 10 sec and give more speed to the missile it is what is needed. waaay more.

To show you an example: I do caldari missions right? so that gives me a lot of npc ecm. I launch my missile to the enemy ship, which is usually 60 km away before my missile could hit, I'm ecm-ed and my missile which should have hit the enemy ship, possibly destroying it, does no damage at all, because I lost my lock. whats the point of the huge flight time if such things can happen?

Missiles already in flight after you get ECM'd still hit.

You are also neglecting to mention that there are very very few PvE cases where the new cruise missile will actually need to be in flight for the full 21 seconds. On a Raven your lock range is, what? 93Km?

if you say so. it was just one example btw.

that is the point. why would i need 150km range? when i could just warp foward? t2 long range cruise would be perfectly fine for the long range. more velocity is what we need.

yes around that number i cannot recall exactly. but with scripted sensor boosters you can have 200+km target range.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#628 - 2013-05-08 12:15:10 UTC
Let's be realistic here: cruise missile are getting a massive buff, perhaps the single biggest buff I've seen in the nearly 7 years I've been playing.

This isn't the time to be asking for even more. It's the time take the opportunity to see how these changes play out in practice.

My gut feeling is that it's going to mean an absolutely huge buff to the Raven as a PvE platform. Compared to the current Raven, it'll be a jump from 8 "effective launchers" to 10.5 "effective launchers".

To put that in perspective: a NewCruise™ Raven is going to do over 1/8th more raw DPS than an OldCruise Navy Raven does now.

In these circumstances, I don't feel that we should be quibbling.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Bucca Zerodyme
Good For Nothing Corporation
#629 - 2013-05-08 12:28:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Bucca Zerodyme
Malcanis wrote:
Let's be realistic here: cruise missile are getting a massive buff, perhaps the single biggest buff I've seen in the nearly 7 years I've been playing.

This isn't the time to be asking for even more. It's the time take the opportunity to see how these changes play out in practice.

My gut feeling is that it's going to mean an absolutely huge buff to the Raven as a PvE platform. Compared to the current Raven, it'll be a jump from 8 "effective launchers" to 10.5 "effective launchers".

To put that in perspective: a NewCruise™ Raven is going to do over 1/8th more raw DPS than an OldCruise Navy Raven does now.

In these circumstances, I don't feel that we should be quibbling.

You miss the Point CSM-Guy. Missiles were always fine for PvE. Its not the dmg we need, we need a better dmg-application for PvP. Did you even read the previous posts? Seems not otherwise you would know, we are looking for a PvP Solution and not for a PvE Solution.

The Current changes are crap, worthless like defender missiles. You may now do more dmg but it wont solve the overall problem. As you already said CSM-Guy it took 7 years for CCP to do something about Missiles, dont except them to do anything else in the next 5 years for the missiles. If we dont speak up now, we will be ignored again.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#630 - 2013-05-08 12:50:44 UTC
Putting it bluntly, there's only a damage application problem if you're using the wrong ammo. Like using Fury against cruisers, or something stupid like that. Elsewhere, it's entirely appropriate that smaller faster stuff is able to mitigate damage. This isn't a problem, it's good design.

Cruise's problems will remain the product of its underwhelming launch platforms.
SilfMeg Mining and Transportation Co
#631 - 2013-05-08 12:51:12 UTC
Zetak wrote:

Well, just the other day when I did a mission, Gurista I think, the thing happened just the way I described. An information box popped telling me that my missiles could not reach its target because the lack of lock. It wasn't because my target was killed. It was how I perceived the phenomena

As Malcanis said, this is incorrect.

What DID happen is that you activated your launcher and launched the first batch of missiles.
Thats all fine and dandy.

While this batch is flying, you get jammed and loose your target.

What happens NOW is that your launchers shut off because you do not have a target.
That is the regular occurance and is completely normal.
You will now get a boxed message stating that your launchers deactivated as you do not have a target Blink

The missiles in transit are still flying and will hit the target.

Bi-Mi Lansatha
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#632 - 2013-05-08 12:53:39 UTC
Bucca Zerodyme wrote:
... Its not the dmg we need, we need a better dmg-application for PvP.....
Is not the 20-30% increase in Cruise Missile damage... and increase in damage applied?

Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#633 - 2013-05-08 12:53:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Veshta Yoshida
Bucca Zerodyme wrote:
...You miss the Point CSM-Guy...

Don't knock the CSM, not their fault that they are forced to drink from the same Kool-Aid fountain as CCP employees. Ducks in a row and all that.

Damage is irrelevant, application is everything.

Adding a ton of damage and then adding a bit to exp.radius will just make them god-weapons against cruisers and up at ranges where Torps previously held the field .. Torps will be limited to bombers and BS slug-outs (rare!) and cruise remain utterly hopeless beyond 50km .. cannot design a system to only work as intended under TiDi, and those are the only conditions where cruise will ever get to use their range.

Only upside is that TP's may see some general use again .. Smile

Alternates (previously suggested):
- Install MJD in Cruise missiles and reduce flight time to achieve 80-90km (+100km from MJD).*
- Let Cruise go after nearest locked target should target at which it was launched decide to bail.

* I just want to see a horizon full of engine trails streaking out of miniature cyno-jump animations as missiles materialise and accelerates Smile
Bucca Zerodyme
Good For Nothing Corporation
#634 - 2013-05-08 12:56:29 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Putting it bluntly, there's only a damage application problem if you're using the wrong ammo. Like using Fury against cruisers, or something stupid like that. Elsewhere, it's entirely appropriate that smaller faster stuff is able to mitigate damage. This isn't a problem, it's good design.

Cruise's problems will remain the product of its underwhelming launch platforms.

Already showed, that you are not right.

Missiles sucks to hard compared to turrets, speed tanking missiles is more easy then turrets (at a proper range), so we dont need a dmg buff we need better dmg application. With the dmg buff you cant solve this problem, you make it even worse. because if you attempt to solve it later all turrets user will complain, how missiles are OP in close range.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#635 - 2013-05-08 13:10:45 UTC
Bucca Zerodyme wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
Putting it bluntly, there's only a damage application problem if you're using the wrong ammo. Like using Fury against cruisers, or something stupid like that. Elsewhere, it's entirely appropriate that smaller faster stuff is able to mitigate damage. This isn't a problem, it's good design.

Cruise's problems will remain the product of its underwhelming launch platforms.

Already showed, that you are not right.

Your assumptions are silly (not using skills at V, ABing Typhoon, wtf?). It seems what you've actually proved there is that Cruise doesn't have a damage application problem, as a full-speed Typhoon will receive, by your own numbers, 92% of EFT damage from CN cruise.

In any case, you didn't bother to apply these damage application percentages to the raw damage numbers, or to consider issues of ship fitting etc. As analysis goes, it's poor.
Sal Landry
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#636 - 2013-05-08 13:26:56 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Let's be realistic here: cruise missile are getting a massive buff, perhaps the single biggest buff I've seen in the nearly 7 years I've been playing.

This isn't the time to be asking for even more. It's the time take the opportunity to see how these changes play out in practice.

My gut feeling is that it's going to mean an absolutely huge buff to the Raven as a PvE platform. Compared to the current Raven, it'll be a jump from 8 "effective launchers" to 10.5 "effective launchers".

To put that in perspective: a NewCruise™ Raven is going to do over 1/8th more raw DPS than an OldCruise Navy Raven does now.

In these circumstances, I don't feel that we should be quibbling.

It is a massive buff to anyone using cruise missiles in PvE, so much that I'm going to start training cruise 5 myself in a few days. However, it remains to be seen whether it will be able to apply that dps well enough in an actual PvP situation, where your target is going to have a prop mod and likely be smaller than you'd like it.

Congrats on your shiny new CSM posting tag btw Smile
Josilin du Guesclin
Gallente Federation
#637 - 2013-05-08 13:38:51 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Putting it bluntly, there's only a damage application problem if you're using the wrong ammo. Like using Fury against cruisers, or something stupid like that. Elsewhere, it's entirely appropriate that smaller faster stuff is able to mitigate damage. This isn't a problem, it's good design.

Cruise's problems will remain the product of its underwhelming launch platforms.
I'm fairly happy with Cruise Missiles with the buff - for PvE. For PvP they retain the problems they've had for years, and I don't think there's an easy way of fix them that doesn't just turn them into another type of gun.

Torpedoes, on the other hand, need a fix. They take too long to deliver damage, despite having terrible reach, and are ridiculously poor at applying damage to anything smaller than a capita ship. However, because they are a short range system, reducing the flight time doesn't require making them stupidly fast. A simply 50% velocity increase fixes the range and much of the time delay in one simple buff. A slight buff to explosion velocity and radius would go some way to fixing the other issue (and if that makes DPS on battleships and BCs too high a slight reduction to the base damage would fix that).

It seems fairly clear to me that CCP is not, at this time, going to be considering a radical overhaul of missiles, so any fixes proposed should be straightforward and not too big.
Bucca Zerodyme
Good For Nothing Corporation
#638 - 2013-05-08 14:02:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Bucca Zerodyme
Gypsio III wrote:

Your assumptions are silly (not using skills at V, ABing Typhoon, wtf?). It seems what you've actually proved there is that Cruise doesn't have a damage application problem, as a full-speed Typhoon will receive, by your own numbers, 92% of EFT damage from CN cruise.

In any case, you didn't bother to apply these damage application percentages to the raw damage numbers, or to consider issues of ship fitting etc. As analysis goes, it's poor.

You seems not to get it, i already said numerous times, thats its a speed issue, and who said ABing is bad? if everyone is using missiles, then ABing is becoming more popular because you can better speed-tank missiles.

Anyway you seems to lack basic math skills, it doesnt matter if i put them on all V or all 0 Skills.
- 25% more speed
- 25% better trackling
Have a educated guess, it doesnt matter. You wont hit better because your drawback is increased by 25% which is the same number you get from your boost.
- Traversal Velocity / (Distance * Tracking) [All 0 Skills]
- Traversal Velocity * 1.25 / (Distance * Tracking *1.25) [All 5 Skills]
- Use basic mathematic skills
- Traversal Velocity / (Distance * Tracking) [All 5 Skills]

Its the same numbers, you dont get anything if you put all 5 skills.

Edit: There is no reason, why should i include ship fittings, if i want to show, that missiles have a speed-issue?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#639 - 2013-05-08 14:54:51 UTC
Meghel wrote:
Zetak wrote:

Well, just the other day when I did a mission, Gurista I think, the thing happened just the way I described. An information box popped telling me that my missiles could not reach its target because the lack of lock. It wasn't because my target was killed. It was how I perceived the phenomena

As Malcanis said, this is incorrect.

What DID happen is that you activated your launcher and launched the first batch of missiles.
Thats all fine and dandy.

While this batch is flying, you get jammed and loose your target.

What happens NOW is that your launchers shut off because you do not have a target.
That is the regular occurance and is completely normal.
You will now get a boxed message stating that your launchers deactivated as you do not have a target Blink

The missiles in transit are still flying and will hit the target.

That makes sense. Now if I think about it maybe I did not see a change because it did not penetrated the said npc-s shields, and I was in jam long enough it to regen it`s shields fully.

Well, that is good info thanks for putting things in perspective.

I still think though that missile flight time is too much and missile speed is too slow.

Thanks anyway
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#640 - 2013-05-08 15:21:33 UTC
liked, now fix FOFs so they don't shoot the non-combat pirate structures, like walls, elevators, and all that other collidable destructable stuff.