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New Character and Level 4's

Hammerface McKillinspree
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-04-27 08:07:11 UTC
Hey there! I recently created a new character and I'm looking to get into level 4's as soon as possible. How should I go about doing this? As in which race/ship. I don't have much of a preference as far as race goes. I've played Caldari extensively in PvE, and I was wondering how the other races fared.

Things I'm looking for:

- I prefer to just blitz missions so my main goal is to absolutely blow through rats. I have very little interest in salvaging, although I still wouldn't mind salvaging if a marauder was absolutely the way to go.
- I will be missioning in high sec Gallente space.
- As of right now, I have no price limit. Although, I have very little desire to pimp my ship unless I stand to gain ISK significantly faster.
- I'm open to any race/ship/weapon system. Although, I would prefer to stray away from Caldari since I've been using Caldari for a very long time.
- This character is currently a fresh slate so anything goes.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#2 - 2013-04-27 08:28:06 UTC
Kinda hard to say at the moment because all the BSes are being shaken up and we still don't know what is being planned for navy BSes. Machariel has always been a firm favourite for mission runners, but with the TE nerf, I don't know if that will change things. Gallente seems a good choice tough. If you're in Gallente space, you'll have the resists, access to drone boats and gunnery skills with ship skills leading up to Machariel. I guess you can't go too far wrong with that.
Hammerface McKillinspree
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-04-27 08:38:39 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
Kinda hard to say at the moment because all the BSes are being shaken up and we still don't know what is being planned for navy BSes. Machariel has always been a firm favourite for mission runners, but with the TE nerf, I don't know if that will change things. Gallente seems a good choice tough. If you're in Gallente space, you'll have the resists, access to drone boats and gunnery skills with ship skills leading up to Machariel. I guess you can't go too far wrong with that.

This is what I'm worried about.

I'm leaning towards the mach, but it's future seems too uncertain.

The only navy BS i see being safe is the CNR, especially with the insane buff cruise missiles are poised to receive. I was hoping someone could offer some insight into the changes. I'm not sure what to expect to be honest.
bufnitza calatoare
#4 - 2013-04-27 09:24:53 UTC
once saw a 6 week old char doing lvl 4's in a navy geddon..

anything is possible
Steve Spooner
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-04-27 11:07:14 UTC
You used to be afk mission in a brick tank space potato with tech 1 drones and such. Now it's more difficulty but technically possible.
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-04-27 12:38:16 UTC
i think the domi is pretty patch resistant, they don't seem to be making big changes to sentry drones anytime soon and they are probably the most versatile mission platform and resistant to every type of ewar.
Dato Koppla
Balls Deep Inc.
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#7 - 2013-04-27 12:58:14 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
i think the domi is pretty patch resistant, they don't seem to be making big changes to sentry drones anytime soon and they are probably the most versatile mission platform and resistant to every type of ewar.

This. Selectable damage type, heavy ewar resistance, buff incoming for sentry fits, solid tank, I'd go with a Domi too.

or alternatively if drones arent your thing you can use the Maelstrom with arties, it won't be as heavily affected by the TE nerf and it's a solid missioning ship.
Seraph Castillon
Death Metal Frogs
#8 - 2013-04-27 13:34:18 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
i think the domi is pretty patch resistant, they don't seem to be making big changes to sentry drones anytime soon and they are probably the most versatile mission platform and resistant to every type of ewar.

The Dominix is loosing a damage bonus. It might still come out on top due to being able to apply more of it's sentry DPS, but that remains to be seen. Also: gun DPS can be used while on the move, sentries can't.
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-04-27 14:50:05 UTC
Gun dps also can't usually do damage over 100km unless you sacrifice a lot.

Dato Koppla
Balls Deep Inc.
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#10 - 2013-04-27 15:27:47 UTC
You can still fit guns on it but you'll lose some damage, while Sentries will be applying damage far better than before, Gardes will be able to hit out to 70km with 2 omnis with 760 dps and excellent tracking.
No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#11 - 2013-04-27 15:39:19 UTC
I would say Raven -> CNR, but you say you don't want Caldari.

The Sentry Domi is going to be very good at getting people through L4s after this summer, but I doubt it will win any races. Probably not good for your long-term plan of blitzing.

The Mach has been a favorite for years now, but I'd be really surprised if it survives unscathed until the time you would be competently skilled for it.

Hell, Amarr might be the way to go now, if you're willing to stick to EM-weak rats. The (Navy?) Apoc is and will remain a low-SP-friendly mission running ship. Once you're through that, you'll be headed for the Nightmare, which is a pretty damn good boat right now, and is, as far as I have divined, not on the immediate rebalance chopping block.
Caldari State
#12 - 2013-04-28 05:40:59 UTC
For a new char, Tengu is prob the fastest path to doing lvl 4s in an acceptable manner. Decent dps good/fast blitzer with monster tank, and with the upcoming cruise missile buff --> CNR and Golem are potential pve monsters....

However looking long term, Mach may be the ideal ship for the play style you prefer, which means training minmatar and perhaps taking a little longer getting to lvl 4s. But perhaps the best choice in the long run.

Now to throw a curveball. Mach will be getting hit with the nerf bat, but prob not enough to make it terrible. Besides the Vargur is a fantastic marauder and a good replacement if the Mach is nerfed too badly.

Good luck.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-04-28 12:34:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Kitty Bear
You can rush to L4's

Train Social & Connections to L3/4 for faster standings gains

Find a T2 Fit BS that you want to fly, eventually.
Replace those T2 mods with Meta-4's and plug the fit into EVE-HQ or Eve-mon

That will give you a minimum skills needed plan.

You'll have poor DPS, Capacitor and Tank though.
Some L4's will be difficult, maybe even impossible to complete initially

I wouldn't recommend that you do it, but if you want to the above is how I would do it.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2013-04-29 17:36:17 UTC
Hammerface McKillinspree wrote:

Things I'm looking for:

- I prefer to just blitz missions so my main goal is to absolutely blow through rats.

- I will be missioning in high sec Gallente space.

so anything goes.

Based on this the Tengu is an obvious goal.

Order of progress would be Caracal > Drake > Tengu > Profit
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2013-04-29 19:32:27 UTC
Klymer wrote:
Hammerface McKillinspree wrote:

Things I'm looking for:

- I prefer to just blitz missions so my main goal is to absolutely blow through rats.

- I will be missioning in high sec Gallente space.

so anything goes.

Based on this the Tengu is an obvious goal.

Order of progress would be Caracal > Drake > Tengu > Profit

The op doesn't understand the true meaning of blitz.

He wants to kill rats fast

Blitzing is killing only what is needed and leaving everything else and going straight for the mission objective to maximise LP/hour ratios

Tengu is not what he is looking for. For popping rats fast you want a pirate BS
Name Family Name
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2013-04-29 20:47:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Name Family Name
When I started out I did lvl 4's in an Abaddon after 6 weeks using T1 modulated tachs - I was in Amarr Space though, so that helped.

Anyway - as others pointed out, it's usually best to use ships derived from the race whose space you mission in.

Anything goes, really, but e.g. doing Angel missions in a poorly skilled T1 Amarr BS might prove a royal pain in the butt.

Being mostly inactive atm, I have run a few missions just whilst logging in and having a chat with old friends recently, with most BS, including T2, navy and pirate faction at my disposal (don't really like Caldari missile BS - could fly them, but don't).

When it comes to fast completion, I most of the time pick a Machariel - insane DPS, damage projection and the speed and agility help saving a lot of time. Moreover, it works in any space and whilst the tank isn't the greatest, I often don't even have to activate my shield booster because everything is dead before it applies DPS. However, the TE nerf will hurt it a little and despite being owner of three machs myself, I must say that wont be enough and CCP is aware of that and it will eventually be nerfed (which is fully deserved).

For Gallente Space, I found the Vindicator to be quite quick too - certainly not a typical mission ship, but goes through rats like butter and is fun to fly - but certainly not effective (I use it with an MWD, so burn cap boosters like popcorn and also often rely on T2 ammo which is absolutely not cost-effective - but fun)....

Anyway - anything goes, really depends on what suits your playing style - the Mach and Vindi are quick but require more attention and clicks and since I mostly do three other things at the same time if i run an L4, I usually prefer slower, but more comfortable ships.

With the upoming changes, I'd say most navy/pirate BS are pretty safe atm as they're not rebalanced in the first pass - current Tier3s are receiving very little changes, so they're safe too. Marauders wont be rebalanced anytime soon, but except for the Vargur, they're pretty underwhelming anyway.

If it must be quick to train and cheap in Gallente space, I'd look at Rokh, Domi and Hype.
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2013-04-29 22:03:58 UTC
sniping naga for gallente space works pretty well. You can clear the field from over 150km away and not have to deal with sensor damps which is a HUGE plus.

Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#18 - 2013-04-29 22:08:09 UTC
Navythron is pretty nice vs serpentis. Vindi is too, but it has ridiculously short targeting range, which doesn't play nicely with damps.

thhief ghabmoef

Damsel in Distress
The Scope
#19 - 2013-04-29 22:41:44 UTC
When I started out last year, I ran SOE L4's in assault frigates. Switched over to T1 after the rebalance since the incursus offers a better tank at the moment.