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New dev blog: Hybrid weapon and Tech II ammo balancing

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Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#401 - 2011-11-01 00:49:42 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:

Other weapons operate further than the warp disruptor range of 24km.
A Minmatar ship could kite a Gallente one at 23km. The Gallente one will be doing next to no DPS, and die a slow and painful death.

Sure, and I agree that is a valid strategy for the Minmatar ship pilot.

But, you are talking about disruptors, not scrams, and staying just inside of disruptor range and outside of blaster range at MWD speeds is a bit tricky. A mistake one way, and you are getting webbed and pummelled - a mistake the other way, and your target warps away.

And, don't forget that most of the Gallente boats pack drones, too.

DarkAegix wrote:

In an engagement where the the enemy has a faster ship (Read: Almost all the time) and are using railguns, arties, autocannons, pulse lasers, beam lasers, guided or unguided missiles you'll find that blasters will lose every single time.

Not true. The standard tactic for a blaster ship pilot is to warp to 0 on the target (and not at max disruptor/scram range), web/scram the target, drop drones and apply overheated blasters before the target can putter away at webbed speeds.

Ofc, this worked better (actually too well) prior to the web nerf, when 90% web was possible - nowadays, you really need to multi-web the target to guarantee the kill.

Oh, wait, that's how you kill Drams....
#402 - 2011-11-01 00:53:25 UTC
here is a boost for gallente make it so remote sensor damps also reduce the ships sensor strength so its easier to lock them down with multi specs... (would also make sence why gal have information warfare links)

this would make ships like the lechasis/arazu used more then just a long point or scram...

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Kumq uat
Gallente Federation
#403 - 2011-11-01 01:06:57 UTC
Digital Gaiden has my full support. The man is amazing.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#404 - 2011-11-01 01:07:56 UTC
Dunmur wrote:

my point is the shortest range ship, should be able to catch its target

All of the time? Then, everyone would be flying Gallente ships next year.

The whole point of "balancing" is to avoid creating a sure win for one particular weapon, ship, or strategy.

In general:
Minmatar ships are faster - kiting is a valid strategy, and AC stats support this strategy.
Gallente ships are DPS beasts - warping to 0 is valid strategy, and blaster stats support this strategy.

If the Minmatar ship can kite the Gallente, then the Minmatar ship should have the advantage. If the Gallente ship drops right on the Minmatar ship, then the Gallente ship should have the advantage. But, in either case, it should never be a sure win.
Patri Andari
Thukker Tribe Antiquities Importer
#405 - 2011-11-01 01:09:18 UTC
So, one again CCP chooses to boost T2 turret ammo while making sure T2 missile ammo retains its negative ship bonuses?

Any chance this blatant favoritism will stop?

T2 Missiles should loose the ship speed and sig bloom penalties NAO!

Failing to do so just solidifies the bias.

Be careful what you think, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful what you say, for your words become your actions. Be careful what you do, for your actions become your character. And character is everything. - author unknown

Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#406 - 2011-11-01 01:12:23 UTC
But, more seriously, CCP Tallest -

What about a buff to the graphics and sound effects for blasters and railguns?
Crazy KSK
Tsunami Cartel
#407 - 2011-11-01 01:17:32 UTC
+1 to the idea to make range = more cap use (and not range = less dps) that would make both blasters and rails have their niche again
other than that

blaster ships should be the fastest in a straight line faster than mini by at least 20%

blasters should out dps anything by 50% in their optimal

I think web bonus in any sense is bad since it is situational overpowered and would imbalance certain faction and specialized t2-3 hulls
(why fly a rapier when you can have a gallente hull that gets that bonus 100mil cheaper? etc)

Quote CCP Fozzie: ... The days of balance and forget are over.

Space Makers
#408 - 2011-11-01 01:21:39 UTC
Even with those changes i still think the hybrids deserve another boost.

You can either boost falloff a little bit, or give them quicker reload. The Amarr get to reload fast, I think hybrid guns should reload quicker to, due to their poor range you're constantly adjusting. Unlike projectile ammo, you barely get to 50% of web range with antimatter on medium hybrid blasters, the only type of ammo requiring several ammo type under 10km...
Solomon XI
State War Academy
Caldari State
#409 - 2011-11-01 01:22:42 UTC
@ CCP Developers,

This is an extremely good start to fixing the Hybrid platform. As a capsuleer who uses Hybrid weaponry quite often - I do think more is needed. I remember vividly the day blaster platforms ceased being useful. It was a dark day when the new scram was introduced (IE: shutting off a MicroWarpDrive) and the Stasis Webifier nerfed into oblivion.

Dedicated Gallente Blaster platforms should have a web bonus (<3 Vindi/Kronos) and immunity from the scram side-effect which turns MWD's off. Ships which meet this criteria are Thorax, Deimos, Megathron, Hyperion, and related.

Blasters also need a slight optimal boost.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#410 - 2011-11-01 01:26:17 UTC
Sizeof Void wrote:

The standard tactic for a blaster ship pilot is to warp to 0 on the target

And that's why blasters just don't work.
Jeffrey Powel
Primal Elemental
#411 - 2011-11-01 01:29:53 UTC
Crazy KSK wrote:

I think web bonus in any sense is bad since it is situational overpowered and would imbalance certain faction and specialized t2-3 hulls
(why fly a rapier when you can have a gallente hull that gets that bonus 100mil cheaper? etc)

Cause we speak about a bonus on the efficiency of the web, not the range......
Gallente Federation
#412 - 2011-11-01 01:32:38 UTC

If you have issues with this balancing plan, please post your feedback in the comment thread. We are listening.

you want feedback? ok here's feedback:

proposed blaster fixes on the devblog are half-assed. I can comprehend the armour tanking balancing a bit, but blasters are supposed to be something akin to shooting nukes at someone's face at point blank ranges. this does not happen today because their damage is marginally better than "the next best thing(TM)", and even at some cases it is actually surpassed (a gank torp raven, theoredically, outdamages a gank neutron megathron btw). Also said marginally better damage is only better in perfect conditions.

my proposal is to boost (M and L) blasters dps on the 50% range. tracking change is actually not bad and I don't mind the fittings change. For sake of balancing I don't even mind cutting down the blasters' optimal and falloff further so that they do no more than paint scratching beyond the 10-15km range or thereabouts.

In the blasters' case, the damage projection mechanism should be solely the ships themselves, and not the guns, so the speed and agility boosts aren't actually bad, altho I would boost them a bit more.

in sum, I don't mind blasters getting even shorter ranges if A) they get the means to get there and B) get overwhelming damage to compensate said ranges.

And , in my opinion, proposed changes are only half way there tbh.


[quote]The more I know about humans, the more I love animals.[/quote] ain't that right

Crazy KSK
Tsunami Cartel
#413 - 2011-11-01 01:33:04 UTC
Jeffrey Powel wrote:
Crazy KSK wrote:

I think web bonus in any sense is bad since it is situational overpowered and would imbalance certain faction and specialized t2-3 hulls
(why fly a rapier when you can have a gallente hull that gets that bonus 100mil cheaper? etc)

Cause we speak about a bonus on the efficiency of the web, not the range......

so if the mega got a 90% strength bonus why would I want to pay 10times the price for a vindicator?

Quote CCP Fozzie: ... The days of balance and forget are over.

Sol Mortis
An Heroes
#414 - 2011-11-01 01:33:33 UTC
It is obvious that these changes are not sufficient in any way. Blasters need more damage if you are going to keep their range as short as it is, which I think should happen. They really should be the short range artillery as many others have indicated, inflicting massive alpha and high sustained DPS but with a low rate of fire. As it stands, Autocannons do almost the same amount of damage, and when you consider the range at which they project that damage and ESPECIALLY that they can switch to any damage type the slight damage advantage blasters have is completely overshadowed.

I think another possible fix would be to divide blaster damage 3 ways so that it inflicts roughly 33% each of EM, Thermal, and Kinetic; which would make scientific sense as they are plasma weapons and plasma certainly has a lot of EM energy; if you did this blasters would still be viable with the same damage they have now since people couldn't just stack more kin/therm resist on top of already decent kin/therm resists (especially for Tech 2 ships).

No matter how you look at it, blasters need either more damage, or the damage they have needs to be more effective in some way; and just improving the tracking is not going to cut it. For the Record I can fly all races near perfectly and pretty much only participate in PvP when I play, and have been using mostly minmatar for a long long time now. I was excited that blasters might be better soon, but this is not going to make me use them again when I can still choose any damage type I need and do that damage at kite range in the fastest ships in the game. There is just still no reason to choose blasters.

Again, to recap, at least two of these three changes are needed.

1. Give blasters alpha comparable to artillery.

2. Give blasters more DPS.

3. Give blasters EM damage in addition to Kinetic and Thermal while keeping their current DPS. (this is still inferior to projectiles because 67% of your damage will not be against their weakest resist, unlike projectiles where almost 100% of their damage is the perfect type to destroy their target).
Jeffrey Powel
Primal Elemental
#415 - 2011-11-01 01:38:31 UTC
Sizeof Void wrote:
Not true. The standard tactic for a blaster ship pilot is to warp to 0 on the target (and not at max disruptor/scram range), web/scram the target, drop drones and apply overheated blasters before the target can putter away at webbed speeds.

And your forget the "to pray" parts.
Pray you will land at 0 and not a 5km, pray to don't be jammed cause you will be unable to hit or run after a falcon, pray the target don't have neutz cause your gun don't work whithout a lot of cap, pray they don't have a logistic cause at 50km you simply can't do anything, pray it's not a trap cause if it is you can't escape cause you always fight at web/scramble range ect, ect....
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#416 - 2011-11-01 01:41:36 UTC
Digital Gaidin wrote:
Imawuss wrote:
Um no -100.

This would make Blasters even more useless.
Why? because now all you need to do is stay at 15km and Gallente dies every time. Kiting is already an issue so you want to make it worse? Sure you will be better off in the 10% of situations you start off in optimal, but now you will be completly owned in the 90% you do not. Not to mention now you have 0 purpose in any fleet except for gate camps and even then still outshinned by AC's because the chance they come in next to you is less then them coming at the other side of the gate. By the time you burn to them they are already melting.

DPS in range is not the issue its the lack of range or being able to apply the DPS that was the issue. Increasing dps and shortening range makes Gallente even more niche, a very small one. They would be relegated to high sec station games and useless in all other situations if you made that change.

So you want long range blasters? Would you like that at Scorch range or EMP range?

What I described would actually fit what blasters are SUPPOSED to be, as well as provide a niche that an intelligent pilot could exploit. Amarr ships are great if you can control range, but they aren't the fastest so you need a smart pilot. Caldari ships are great if you can MAINTAIN range (and somehow figure out how to keep the guy on grid), but have crap for DPS and are useless up close. Minmatar have amazing kiting ability with their speed and falloff giving amazing flexibility with range and damage type while on grid.

What do I want with Gallente? I want a ship that when I get a warp in, or the opponent makes a mistake, I can drop a scram and web on him and eat him alive. I would prefer that EVE Online never has a Jack of all Trades ship that can truly own everything (though at times the Vagabond has come pretty damn close), and for that matter I'd like to see Gallente truly excel at one specific area while on grid. I described it as creating a zone of death, and I think that metaphor fits quite nicely for what blasters *could* be if CCP agrees.

So basically, you want Gallente to be to be useful only in small fleet vs 1 ship gank situations? Because you need to have 1500 dps in one ship for that to work right... all other situations you will be kited and killed @15km becuase you are slower and cant get into web range without help from another ship. In fleet situations your are useless. If this happens Gallente will only be useful in 5% of combat situations. I'm sorry not acceptable.

I would like to see ammo lose its dps for range stats and instead some sort of cap for range stat and reduce ammo load times from 10 seconds to 5 or instant. Then on top of that something like this would be more useful:
MeBiatch wrote:

here are the fixes for hybrids:


concept shotguns (short range arties...)

1. Increase base damage by 50%
2. Decrease rate of fire by 30%
3. Increase falloff by 15%
4. increase tracking by 37.5%

railguns: Concept long range auto cannons

1. Increase base damage by 15%
2. Increase rate of fire by 15%
3. decrease activation cost by 40%
4. increase tracking by 37.5%

Jeffrey Powel
Primal Elemental
#417 - 2011-11-01 01:41:36 UTC
Crazy KSK wrote:
Jeffrey Powel wrote:
Crazy KSK wrote:

I think web bonus in any sense is bad since it is situational overpowered and would imbalance certain faction and specialized t2-3 hulls
(why fly a rapier when you can have a gallente hull that gets that bonus 100mil cheaper? etc)

Cause we speak about a bonus on the efficiency of the web, not the range......

so if the mega got a 90% strength bonus why would I want to pay 10times the price for a vindicator?

Cause if the mega get this bonus, the vindicator going to have a 4th bonus different, cause the DPS bonus, cause the 8th gun, cause the agility, cause the skin, cause the 5th med slot, ect....
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#418 - 2011-11-01 02:02:02 UTC  |  Edited by: MotherMoon

My assembly hall post before the old forum got shut down had about 70% thumbs up.

The idea is to make blasters shotgun damage. Meaning the closer you are, the more raw dps they do. This would mean medium do 20-30% more damage when within 50% of optimal. The same dps when outside of optimal.

And then , instead of falloff decreasing the chance to hit, it would only reduce the damage blasters deal. Because shotgun blasters as we all know move in a cone. So the closer you are the more hits you take, the farther away you are the less hits you take. However the cool part of this plan is optimal range is based on the size of the target. If your trying to shoot a target with larger sig radius than your guns, than their effective optimal range is greater. Since the cone of damage gets larger as it travels, damage is directly linked to how far away the target is, and how big it is.

Think the way they balance shotguns for any fps title.

If your in a frigate trying to hit a battleship, then hell why not, you now have 12-15km range on your small blasters. Which allows you to tackle and still put on some dps.

Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#419 - 2011-11-01 02:15:11 UTC
Patri Andari wrote:
So, one again CCP chooses to boost T2 turret ammo while making sure T2 missile ammo retains its negative ship bonuses?

Any chance this blatant favoritism will stop?

T2 Missiles should loose the ship speed and sig bloom penalties NAO!

Failing to do so just solidifies the bias.

Have you read the data dump? You know the changes you're petulantly demanding are actually happening, right?

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

#420 - 2011-11-01 02:21:16 UTC  |  Edited by: MeBiatch
MotherMoon wrote:

My assembly hall post before the old forum got shut down had about 70% thumbs up.

The idea is to make blasters shotgun damage. Meaning the closer you are, the more raw dps they do. This would mean medium do 20-30% more damage when within 50% of optimal. The same dps when outside of optimal.

And then , instead of falloff decreasing the chance to hit, it would only reduce the damage blasters deal. Because shotgun blasters as we all know move in a cone. So the closer you are the more hits you take, the farther away you are the less hits you take. However the cool part of this plan is optimal range is based on the size of the target. If your trying to shoot a target with larger sig radius than your guns, than their effective optimal range is greater. Since the cone of damage gets larger as it travels, damage is directly linked to how far away the target is, and how big it is.

Think the way they balance shotguns for any fps title.

If your in a frigate trying to hit a battleship, then hell why not, you now have 12-15km range on your small blasters. Which allows you to tackle and still put on some dps.

the problem with that is that falloff is in the chance to hit formula... but that is only half of the applied damage formula...

pretty much chance to hit = 0-1 and it goes against x which is a random generated number between 0-1.... if x is greater then chance to hit you miss...

i dunno sounds like you want directional smart bombs... it could be cool... but remember shotguns have more then one ammo type... you have slugs too..

so how about making some of the ammo types directional smart bombs that have a 30 degree arc and the others are traditional ammo types...?

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.