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[Odyssey] Tech 1 Battleships - Amarr

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Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#701 - 2013-04-10 15:57:28 UTC
CCP Rise wrote:
Hello Amarrian citizens

I wanted to drop a quick note to assure you that we are still here monitoring feedback. We've had several discussions about the state of the Amarr mission runner both before we released this proposal and now after we've seen some feedback. So far, we aren't convinced that changes will be necessary, but we are going to keep a close eye on it. This may be a discussion that will be more productive after these ships make it to Singularity and some actual flight testing can happen.

Please keep up the discussion Big smile

Ok, as much as I personally have always preferred the Abaddon for grinding L4 missions until I got into a Legion, I have to agree with a lot of people who were using either the Apoc or the Geddon for lower skilled / new players as the abaddon is NOT a good boat for those people as it currently stands. At a minimum it needs a LOT of cap love first!
Tonto Auri
Vhero' Multipurpose Corp
#702 - 2013-04-10 15:58:46 UTC
I'm using Armageddon for missions, because, quite frankly, it's more efficient at it, than Abaddon.

Two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity. -- Harlan Ellison

Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#703 - 2013-04-10 16:04:48 UTC
Tonto Auri wrote:
Naomi Knight wrote:
there is no problem with taking pvp first then pve second , there are marauders entirely for pve , when they get the balance pass ,just be rdy to adress your issues

The problem is that they are in every way inferior to faction/navy ships, which I doubt any balance pass would change.

T1 hulls are supposed to be less then pirate/navy faction hulls, please take a few minutes to think before posting, you will suffer less ridicule.
Gordon Esil
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#704 - 2013-04-10 16:05:51 UTC
Tonto Auri wrote:
Jureth22 wrote:
abaddon has worse cap issues than apocalypse.

That's only because it's misused and, frankly, lack any role.
Make it a drone boat, and all cap issues will be taken over by overtanking it to death.

Abaddon is an X-Large sized Punisher, that is what its role is about
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#705 - 2013-04-10 16:08:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Havegun Willtravel wrote:
Hi Rise,

Here's a scenario I'd like to propose.

A Ferox and a Mega drop on a post Odyssey Geddon at 40 k. What happens ?

If the Geddon is smart, he drops 4 neuts on the Mega and 2 Nos on the Ferox. If he cycles the neuts just right even with a cap booster the Mega is gonna have a hell of a time burning into range and having any cap left to fire even a single shot. The Geddon might have to snap off a cap booster or 2, but as long as that ferox stays on grid his cap is doing more to help kill his friend than his dps is helping to save him.

What if the Geddon's bonus was to Neut's Only. Personally, I still find it to be kinda OP but without the bonus to NOS a Geddon will be somewhat restrained in it's cap warfare capability. He'll either need help from cap trans logi or he'll have to manage cap boosters very well. Tweak the drone bonus to 100 and it moves into the realm of strong but not Deathmachine.

3 Neuts, 4 Torps/Cruise, 4 Heavies. Not my first choice of someone i want to crash into in a cap dependent ship but a large measure better than the Uber beast being proposed atm.

As proposed it's just to much. The Neut bonus is a game changer. Add the firepower of 5 heavies AND a 375 drone bay and you've pushed this ship into a completely different tier from any other hull. 100-150 puts a limit on how OP it can be. Geddon will be a challenge to fly. You'll have to simultaneously perform cap and drone management with only a thin margin of error for both. As is, it's just a win button under 45k.

While I'm sure that some folks will (under certain circumstances) load all of their high slots with NOS/Nuet, I think you'll find that most people will be reluctant to gimp their damage potential that much. Yes drones will be their primary form of damage, but even unbonused the torps or pulse laser rack they can mount is a considerable amount of damage to waste when they can mount both weapons and enough Nuet to deal with tacklers effectively. Also, all Neut/Nos in your highs puts you at a rather large disadvantage against the myriad of ships that don't rely on Cap for attack or defense.

Also you are overestimating their range slightly, it will usually be 37.5 with max skills.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Nolove Trader
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#706 - 2013-04-10 16:09:31 UTC
Tonto Auri wrote:
Jureth22 wrote:
abaddon has worse cap issues than apocalypse.

That's only because it's misused and, frankly, lack any role.
Make it a drone boat, and all cap issues will be taken over by overtanking it to death.

The Abaddon has a very clearly defined role: Reduce everything in range to ash and still stand at the end of the fight.
Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#707 - 2013-04-10 16:09:38 UTC
Hulasikaly Wada wrote:

[Apocalypse, New apoc 100km 420 dps]
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Damage Control II
Tracking Enhancer II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II

Large Micro Jump Drive
Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Navy Cap Booster 800
Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script
Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range Script

Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Ultraviolet L
Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Ultraviolet L
Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Ultraviolet L
Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Ultraviolet L
Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Ultraviolet L
Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Ultraviolet L
Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Ultraviolet L
Tachyon Modulated Energy Beam I, Imperial Navy Ultraviolet L

Large Ancillary Current Router I
Large Ancillary Current Router I
Large Trimark Armor Pump I

Skill all lvl 5 , the ONLY range based laser BS with meta 4 of the best ( dps X range ) laser turret end with 420 dps at 100 km and need the cap booster to run or will cap out in 2 minutes .....................................

T2 tachyons require too much to fit and another 20% of cap to fire ,

A new Domonix end with 700 dps at 140 km with cap-less t2 sentries

( just i dont care because anyway i am 50 days from all 4 race BS to 5 ..... )


but that is part of the point...
A) we can't fit a full rack of the T2 unlike the other races, and
B) even with the meta, still have to use mods to get cap stable even at max skills just to use the guns, again unlike the other races.
Nolove Trader
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#708 - 2013-04-10 16:14:45 UTC
Megathron isn't cap stable when using 425mm Rails.
Additionally, when using Tachs, get a Navypoc, seriously.
Partizanski odred Slovenije
#709 - 2013-04-10 16:14:59 UTC
I'm sorry, but the proposed armageddon change is ridiculous, not only does it take the drone primate from gallente it also has an uber range bonus to heavy neuts.

I can understand and respect, that all the proposed changes, including lowering skill point for cap ships, is comming from greedy capitalist thinking of wanting to attract insta-gratification noobs from wow and other wow clones, so they can, with almost no sp, go into blob fighting with viable ships. But I still think that's a mistake, you already tiered (dumbed down) all the lesser ships, don't change the whole race ship philosophy and assign silly roles to battleships as well.

Hulasikaly Wada
#710 - 2013-04-10 16:22:57 UTC
Nolove Trader wrote:
Megathron isn't cap stable when using 425mm Rails.
Additionally, when using Tachs, get a Navypoc, seriously.

Here we are talking about t1 hulls , and this one require 30% mods on its main fit stat just to end with crap dps
( nothing compared to a Oracle/Naga performances on sniping damage )
Sure a day even the faction one will be changed in the same way
( or you want to be able to be "tackled" from your t1 hull with an AB because of 37,5% traking bonus ?? )
A Mega even if no cap stable will run MWD and a neut with a cap booster running...

DJ P0N-3
Table Flippendeavors
#711 - 2013-04-10 16:23:51 UTC
I am growing more and more confused about the Armageddon's role given the changes you're making. At first glance it looks like a competitor to the Bhaalgorn. The Bhaal will still be king because of its drain amount compared to its mass (at least as far as wormholes are concerned) but the Armageddon becomes an option if you want to harass logistics and don't feel like fielding a 1b+ isk ship.

But then things get weird. The ship bonuses encourage filling your highs with neuts and relying on drones for damage, but its powergrid limitations discourages filling your highs with neuts. Given that in the wake of the "zomgop" backlash you took another chunk out of its powergrid, I am guessing that you envision this ship with three or four neuts and a bucketful of utility highs that are less powergrid-intensive and most of its power in its drones. It won't be known for its DPS, but few neut ships are. And hey, that makes it super flexible, just as a T1 ship should be. Anyone who wants a super neut boat can still make it happen, and anyone with the skills to make its weird hybrid-ness excel will probably have fun with it. But it also makes it hard to love for many.

I like the concept. I'm just not 100% sold on the actual ship at a second, longer look. It seems to be trying to do too much with too little. Of course, I am looking at the battleships with an overcritical eye because I have to weigh their mass and assembled volume against their utility. I would be delighted if we got a new neut battleship, any neut battleship, in this patch! I am eagerly awaiting its deployment on Sisi so I can see how much utility I can wring out of it despite its fitting limitations. But I have this feeling that it's just not going to live up to my expectations of its usefulness. I hate to agree with the rage in this thread, but I think the ship needs a rehaul. It just feels a little off somehow, as though you need a ship in that role but don't want a ship that flourishes in that role at battleship size.

Perhaps I'm being too picky, but I was hoping that this overhaul might start to make battleships worth their mass and volume to me because I'm staring down that dread tunnel of imminent nerfbats descending on T2 and T3 cruisers, not to mention the command ships.
May Wanderdriven
The Driven
#712 - 2013-04-10 16:24:56 UTC
The problem with this change (even with the 'fix') that still the amarr is left without ANY viable PvE ship for new L4 runners. Armageddon? I don't see how that can work, I don't even like using drones (or i'd train Gallente). I've got MAX cap skill, BS 4 and controlled burst 4 and I feel that i'm a little dry on the cap.

I understand that there are PvP balancing requirements, but please leave ONE battleship for the noobies.
Mad Ani
Meta Zero
Meta Reloaded
#713 - 2013-04-10 16:26:02 UTC
Posting in a serious thread about serious spaceships...

Less HP = more Alpha ownage.
Copying racial bonuses over to another is just confusing things.
Take a look at the mostly used ships, question why, dumb them down on par with the other races.
Take a look at the least used ships, question why, balance them across the board.

Sounds easy doesn't it? Lol

♫ ♪ MAD ANI TV/RADIO • 24/7 EVE live stream with Trance/Dance/Chillout • On air since 17th Jan 2013 •Most popular stream •3rd Party Super Service

Pure Victory
#714 - 2013-04-10 16:30:19 UTC
While I'm ok. with the abaddon change, the other two I have some concerns about.

It has powergrid issues. Tachyons take up an enormous amount of PG and a ship that needs 2+ fitting rigs just to do it's role (sniping battleship) has something wrong with it. With the advent of the MJD, sniping bs's need tank as it's easy enough for a fleet to land on you. Tachyons and/or the apoc hull are still inferior in many ways for sniping in relation to other hulls. Can it be good at something? The tracking is a nice passive bonus to damage application.

Geddon: I think the drones are fine, it's a logical step up from the arbitrator to the prophecy to this. What i'm concerned about is how much it's going to hurt the role of the curse. This has more tank, more dps, it neuts more, and has equal range. The curse has its niche, but in many smaller fleets I see this as being the new neuting platform. This will be used differently, make no mistake, as it's not a cruiser hull, but neuts have traditionally been a faction/t2 bonus. As you can tell, i'm undecided about it.

I think looking at the drones (as mentioned on the gallente post) will be great. No matter what, this ship is going to be very scary to fight it fit well.
I very much like the 4th mid slot, but this was also our only 8 slot've gone and given that to the gallente, which makes me very sad.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#715 - 2013-04-10 16:32:06 UTC
May Wanderdriven wrote:
The problem with this change (even with the 'fix') that still the amarr is left without ANY viable PvE ship for new L4 runners. Armageddon? I don't see how that can work, I don't even like using drones (or i'd train Gallente). I've got MAX cap skill, BS 4 and controlled burst 4 and I feel that i'm a little dry on the cap.

I understand that there are PvP balancing requirements, but please leave ONE battleship for the noobies.

They can save up for a navy geddon, they're cheap
Gordon Esil
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#716 - 2013-04-10 16:44:57 UTC
kyrieee wrote:
May Wanderdriven wrote:
The problem with this change (even with the 'fix') that still the amarr is left without ANY viable PvE ship for new L4 runners. Armageddon? I don't see how that can work, I don't even like using drones (or i'd train Gallente). I've got MAX cap skill, BS 4 and controlled burst 4 and I feel that i'm a little dry on the cap.

I understand that there are PvP balancing requirements, but please leave ONE battleship for the noobies.

They can save up for a navy geddon, they're cheap

Navy Armageddon is 3 times more expensive than T1 Armageddon
If a new player lost it he will just sit and cry over it
May Wanderdriven
The Driven
#717 - 2013-04-10 16:49:47 UTC
kyrieee wrote:
May Wanderdriven wrote:
The problem with this change (even with the 'fix') that still the amarr is left without ANY viable PvE ship for new L4 runners. Armageddon? I don't see how that can work, I don't even like using drones (or i'd train Gallente). I've got MAX cap skill, BS 4 and controlled burst 4 and I feel that i'm a little dry on the cap.

I understand that there are PvP balancing requirements, but please leave ONE battleship for the noobies.

They can save up for a navy geddon, they're cheap

How should new players be sure that the navy ships aren't going to get the same treatment?
Naso Aya
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#718 - 2013-04-10 16:53:15 UTC
Heh, for some reason my posts keep disappearing (or at least I'm not able to find them).

So continuing in the same vein; because the Amarr strength is it's weakness: cap use. I'm not sure 7 capacitor/sec avg recharge is enough, but read to the end, first look at the numbers I crunched. The only program I run is EFT, which only shows the max recharge; and includes skills. I'm assuming the max recharge is about double the average (approximately) and that the skills (approximately) double that max recharge.

This gives the current iteration of the Apoc approximately 28 cap/sec, and it's an impressive number. And it works, because the meta 4, cap efficient pulse lasers give a -3.4 cap per one, times eight, for 27.2. Awesome. My Apoc, will all skills level 5, a solid 40 days of training for capacitor skills alone (there might be more) Can fire the meta 4s without running dry, provided I'm not doing anything else. (Tech II's are substantially worse, though as an edit I realized I was using Multifreq, things do get better with, say, standard crystals, for the meta 1-4 guns)

To be honest, a lot of this comes down to armor tanking, which uses up a whopping -35 cap/sec. Per repper. Remember the Hyperion freak out? That was because armor reppers use up more cap than anything else (besides a rack of Tachs). For the Gallente, it's the only thing they have to worry about. Sorry, but a full rack of rails on a mega brings the cap stab down to 55%-, compared to damn near 0 on the adjusted Apoc. I know, the mega has 7 vs 8, but the mega also has a bonus to rate of fire, giving it effectively more turrets. And if mega's are fitted with blasters, that's even better, as blasters use up even less.

I suppose the Apoc doesn't have to be a mission ship. But it was the stepping stone, not just because price, but because of skills. You got an Apoc because the Abaddon was easy to lose if you capped it out. I had someone message me they dual repped the Abaddon with low skills by using deadspace mods. But that's the issue: you have to use deadspace mods, which vastly increase the price of the ship- even more than you're lowering it by, if prices do indeed fall (If only one ship is usable for level 4 missions, supply/demand might mean they don't change that much).

I feel there should be a way to fix this without simply buffing capacitor, but that'd require addressing either the bonuses, armor mechanics, or lasers themselves. A fit doesn't have to be cap stable. But I also shouldn't need to run deadspace modules for a level 4 mission. Just take a good, hard look, and give the Amarrian pilots an entry level ship for mission running, and I'll be happy. But right now, I don't see it.
Jassmin Joy
Pulling The Plug
#719 - 2013-04-10 17:06:58 UTC
I'm not sure i understand why the Armageddon is the one being able to nuet, If you're looking to iterate on past hulls, and give the Amarr a drone boat, wouldn't that be a role for a possible e-war battleship? sentinel > pilgrim > ???. This way you can have nueting/drone bs without totally reworking an already loved hull.

I do however agree (however grudgingly) that we cant have three armour bs laser hulls, and i like the Large wepon change on the Armageddon, however that's what i would focus on, remove the nuet bonus iterate on the torp/cruis missle bonus (and make them viable) and you've got a new hull, with more than enough space for a new bs hull down the line if you choose to make one, i just feel this is far too big a change to the Armageddon hull.

And if you're actually going to go ahead with the current changes, please for the love of god. if you cant see how mad a nuet range bonus is on a bs hull i honestly don't know, that'll destroy mid range small gang pvp. and already makes it vastly superior to a bhaal, which is like ten times (if not more) expensive.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#720 - 2013-04-10 17:10:37 UTC
So now the faction with the strongest (lore-wise) armor tank has lost the only 8 low bs in the game, I guess its because this thread doesn´t had enough ragequit, insults and all that stuff compared with gallente´s one.

It's that the way this it's gonna work from now?

F*** This Game