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EVE Fiction

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The Eve Reader (a recording of the Eve Chronicles)

First post
Science and Trade Institute
#21 - 2013-03-10 02:14:07 UTC
Hello everyone - Episode 3, "Innocent Faces" is now available at The Eve Reader Website. Enjoy!

YuuKnow - That is good advice, and I've tried to vary the pacing on this episode a bit - faster in some areas where there is action, and slower during dialogue. I freely admit to being new to the field of broadcasting and recording, and I appreciate your advice - pardon my tardiness in letting you know!

Several people have sent ISK donations, and I would like to thank them for their generousity. I never anticipated seeing a single ISK for this work - it is a labor of love, you could say - and I appreciate the kindness.

I am of course open to all feedback and suggestions for future recordings. I have recently upgraded my equipment and I hope to provide improved sound quality for future recordings. Stay tuned!


Creator of the Eve Reader Podcast, a recording of Eve's backstories in audio format.

Zendane_Eve on Twitter.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2013-03-11 17:04:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Malception
Unless you've got something already queued up, I'd like to make a request.

World On Fire
Abbath Egdald
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2013-03-13 08:24:33 UTC
Thank you kind sir! Awesome for listening to at work!
Science and Trade Institute
#24 - 2013-03-13 15:57:17 UTC
Malception wrote:
Unless you've got something already queued up, I'd like to make a request.

World On Fire

I like requests!

World on Fire is an excellent Chronicle and I'd be glad to read it. Since it is the sixth chapter in the "End of the World" series of chronicles, I'll start with the first one - "The Spiral" - and go from there.

I've already begun work on it and ideally it will be released later today or tomorrow. I'll post here when it is available, and this is a good point to let people know that the recordings are also available as a free download via iTunes (so you can subscribe to it and be notified when a new one is available).


Creator of the Eve Reader Podcast, a recording of Eve's backstories in audio format.

Zendane_Eve on Twitter.

Science and Trade Institute
#25 - 2013-03-14 00:25:05 UTC
The next episode has been posted!

"The End of the World" is a story arc of chronicles that takes place in six chapters. This episode is chapter one of that series, entitled "The Spiral" and I will be reading the entire story arc in order.

I rather like how this episode turned out. I've upgraded my equipment and software and, to my ear at least, it seems to make a noticeable difference. I welcome your thoughts and suggestions - my facility in both reading and using the audio editing software has been greatly influenced by your feedback.



Creator of the Eve Reader Podcast, a recording of Eve's backstories in audio format.

Zendane_Eve on Twitter.

Sundiata Arran
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2013-03-18 22:23:50 UTC
As a new player who digs the lore aspect of games, I was thrilled to see your post and to find your podcast on iTunes! I've read a few of the chronicles and was trying to figure out the best order in which to read them when I saw this thread. Great!
Science and Trade Institute
#27 - 2013-03-21 23:06:57 UTC
The next chapter of the End of the World arc "Half A Life" has been posted!

I've changed the file location to its own website - - and all episodes will be available there. If your bookmarks/feed readers are using the old website then don't worry, those will still work as well.

I'm going to try and release one episode a week up to Fan Fest, and if this pace works out, then ideally it will be the regular release schedule.



Creator of the Eve Reader Podcast, a recording of Eve's backstories in audio format.

Zendane_Eve on Twitter.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2013-03-22 13:44:53 UTC
You keep this up, Zendane, and CCP is going to be contacting you.
Science and Trade Institute
#29 - 2013-03-24 16:33:53 UTC
Malception wrote:
You keep this up, Zendane, and CCP is going to be contacting you.

Should CCP ever need me, all they need to do is ask!

Work on the next episode is almost done and should be released tomorrow.


Creator of the Eve Reader Podcast, a recording of Eve's backstories in audio format.

Zendane_Eve on Twitter.

Science and Trade Institute
#30 - 2013-03-26 04:35:51 UTC
The next chapter of the End of the World arc "1" is now available at the Eve Reader website.

Enjoy the recording and I welcome your feedback and suggestions!


Creator of the Eve Reader Podcast, a recording of Eve's backstories in audio format.

Zendane_Eve on Twitter.

Ronan Huren
Revenant Tactical
#31 - 2013-03-30 12:03:47 UTC
This is amazing. Nice work. Although different voice actors for a whole story not just multiple characters would be cool.Actually less work for you and could allow more to be done quickly if youve got a couple of people recording at the same time.
Science and Trade Institute
#32 - 2013-04-06 23:47:08 UTC
After a few days of unexpected delay, the next chapter of the End of the World arc "The Great Harvest" is now available at the Eve Reader website. Production of the next episode is already underway and ideally will be released within a week.

Ronan Huren wrote:
This is amazing. Nice work. Although different voice actors for a whole story not just multiple characters would be cool.Actually less work for you and could allow more to be done quickly if youve got a couple of people recording at the same time.

Thank you Ronan! I'd actually like to address this since the topic has come up a few times now, in public and in private.

To put it simply, I would enjoy having more than myself on the recordings but I simply don't know how to make it work. If the other person was in the same room as me, then sure, that'd be simpler - we could use the same equipment, the same microphone (or at least the same mixer), same recording software, and so forth. It would also be in the same environment with the same noise dampening and room geometry, giving very similar results. Therefore, I fear that the challenges of coordinating these efforts remotely and using the software to make it sound "right" are simply beyond me. To be honest, I've been learning a lot as I go and the more I've practiced and experimented with recording and mixing, the more I've learned just how easy it is for it to sound "wrong" - not that my work is perfect, hardly so!

Having said all that, there are two stories that I have my eye on that would benefit from having multiple distinctive actors. The first is the upcoming Episode 6 in the End of the World arc, since it involves so many different people. At the very least having a female voice for the few lines Jamyl Sarum speaks would be a benefit, and other voices that could work would be the carrier dispatcher, President Foiritan and Doctor Garcia. This PDF file contains all six of the End of the World stories and you can read the lines. If this interests you then please let me know and we can talk.

The second recording would involve my all-time favorite Chronicle, Speaker of Truths. This story involves sometimes rapid-fire dialogue between multiple characters and would benefit from different voices. I can do two, perhaps three, possibly all four but I think it would benefit from multiple actors to give the audience a better sense of the tension involved.

Thank you for listening and I hope everyone enjoys the recordings!


Creator of the Eve Reader Podcast, a recording of Eve's backstories in audio format.

Zendane_Eve on Twitter.

Keitunen Eto
State War Academy
Caldari State
#33 - 2013-04-07 07:38:25 UTC
Well mate I understand your difficulties. I might have a few ideas / software that might help. Ill finish my research before speaking anything set in stone. Feel free to contact me in game. Ill get in touch next time i see you onine.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

Dyvim Slorm
Coven of the Morrigan
#34 - 2013-04-13 13:54:54 UTC
Brilliant, thank you for doing this Zendane Big smile
Science and Trade Institute
#35 - 2013-04-20 04:37:54 UTC
Just in time for that long plane flight to Fan Fest, Episode 8 is now available!

You can download it - the fifth chapter of the End of the World series - at the The Eve Reader Website. Enjoy!


Creator of the Eve Reader Podcast, a recording of Eve's backstories in audio format.

Zendane_Eve on Twitter.

Job Valador
Professional Amateurs
#36 - 2013-05-08 17:39:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Job Valador
Could you do the method of torture series. Also the end of the world series is my favorite so good job on that mate. Blood raiders ftw

"The stone exhibited a profound lack of movement."

Science and Trade Institute
#37 - 2013-05-09 00:36:57 UTC
Job Valador wrote:
Could you do the method of torture series. Also the end of the world series is my favorite so good job on that mate. Blood raiders ftw

I'm glad you've been enjoying the stories! The wrap-up episode of End of the World is in progress and should be done in the next few days.

The Method of Torture stories is an excellent suggestion and I'll work on those next. Good choice!


Creator of the Eve Reader Podcast, a recording of Eve's backstories in audio format.

Zendane_Eve on Twitter.

Science and Trade Institute
#38 - 2013-05-17 06:20:56 UTC
The concluding episode of the story arc is now available - Episode 9, "End of the World - Chapter 6 - World on Fire" is now available at The Eve Reader Website.

This is a fairly long episode, clocking in at nearly 25 minutes in length. It is one of my favorite Chronicles and I would like to again thank Malception for the suggestion to record this series.

Next up, Job Valador's suggestion of the Methods of Torture series. Which one is first? Stay tuned to find out!


Creator of the Eve Reader Podcast, a recording of Eve's backstories in audio format.

Zendane_Eve on Twitter.

NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#39 - 2013-05-17 07:52:17 UTC
I do like how the series turned out, and it feels like you are getting more comfortable with the equipment and more secure in your self. You sound more relaxed for every episode, and especially this last one must have been a challenge with so many characters, yet you pulled it off really well.

It also felt more smooth then previously, but this can be because of more practice and you have found a voice level you are comfortable with. But at the same time the character changes where obvious and you where able to put a lot of emotions into them without it sounding exaggerated.

As usual, i look forward to hearing the next one Big smile
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2013-05-20 20:10:30 UTC
Bump! Keep 'em coming :) o/

Narrator of Chronicles of New Eden, the EVE audiobook series. Listen at