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For the Caldari Prime event PLEASE keep this in mind.

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East Trading Co Ltd
#1 - 2013-03-21 10:31:03 UTC
I'll try to get this through with as low amount of spoilers as possible.

Last week, one of the dust players released a video, which consisted of a gun fight on Caldari Prime with a rather "unique" background skydome.

As if the outcome of this battle is already decided.

PLEASE don't make this a scripted event. I'll try to be there and do everything in my power to help my Gallantean brothers to get rid of that ugly ship in orbit....and I'm sure that my amarrian counterparts will try the exact opposite. So pleaselet us fight the fight.

I have no idea how you are going to run the event but PLEASE make sure the outcome is influenceable by player actions.
Evi Polevhia
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#2 - 2013-03-21 15:06:16 UTC
They are already well aware of this. The leaked video of the environment in Dust is, in my opinion, them testing out skybox/environment swapping. This is not going to be a scripted event (though by most indications there is a high chance of one outcome happening over the others) so don't get your panties in a twist. :)
Aquila Shadow
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-03-21 15:12:53 UTC
Even if its not a scripted event the Caldari are going to be ridiculously outnumbered in this fight as the majority of people who would support the Titan are either involved in FW and/or have a really low Gallente Federation sec status meaning that they will be shot at by the OP police rats. Meanwhile on the Gallente side they will have all the Gallente RPers plus a massive amount of FDU pilots plus whatever Matari pilots have the time/sec status to access Luminaire plus all the random scrubs that live in Gallente space coming in screaming "FOR THE FEDERATION". Add on top of that the fact that RP wise the Caldari cant cyno in any capital class ships without knocking out the CONCORD network again were as the Federation can jump in as many capital ships as they want.

Lets face it, short of a major null-sec alliance or two coming to the aid of the Caldari you will all be reading how the Federation gloriously re-took Caldari Prime from the evil provists in the next news article.

                                              "Let Vigilance Be Your Sword"

Rekkr Thorgard
Steelforge Heavy Industries
#4 - 2013-03-21 15:19:46 UTC
Aquila Shadow wrote:
Even if its not a scripted event the Caldari are going to be ridiculously outnumbered in this fight as the majority of people who would support the Titan are either involved in FW and/or have a really low Gallente Federation sec status meaning that they will be shot at by the OP police rats. Meanwhile on the Gallente side they will have all the Gallente RPers plus a massive amount of FDU pilots plus whatever Matari pilots have the time/sec status to access Luminaire plus all the random scrubs that live in Gallente space coming in screaming "FOR THE FEDERATION". Add on top of that the fact that RP wise the Caldari cant cyno in any capital class ships without knocking out the CONCORD network again were as the Federation can jump in as many capital ships as they want.

Lets face it, short of a major null-sec alliance or two coming to the aid of the Caldari you will all be reading how the Federation gloriously re-took Caldari Prime from the evil provists in the next news article.

Pretty much; there's no meaningful difference between a Gallente scripted victory and planning an event where the majority of Caldari can't participate.
Karaena Eli Hakoke
Cyber Dragoons
Cyber Dragoons Alliance
#5 - 2013-03-21 17:25:03 UTC
One thing that I am disappointed with, is the time the event will take place.

At 17:00 EVE, I am unavailable due to work and most people on the US Eastern TZ will also be at work. It feels that again such a big event focuses on EU TZ players, which is sad for us NA players.

Also, this timing doesn't only affect the EVE Online event, but the Dust 514 event also, there will be a lot of Dust mercenaries that won't be part of the event due to RL.

I am disappointed because there were claims that CCP would work in making an effort in bringing more of these events to a broader audience (EU+US TZ). In such a monumental event, which can change the whole political landscape in Empire space, it would have been logical to push the time at around 00:00 EVE, especially since the day after the current timing of the event is a Saturday. Unless people had something planned, they would show up, even at midnight, 1:00 AM or even 2:00 AM local times (for the EU TZ) while allowing a very good portion of the US TZ to join in.
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#6 - 2013-03-21 17:53:43 UTC
Karaena Eli Hakoke wrote:
One thing that I am disappointed with, is the time the event will take place.

At 17:00 EVE, I am unavailable due to work and most people on the US Eastern TZ will also be at work. It feels that again such a big event focuses on EU TZ players, which is sad for us NA players.

Also, this timing doesn't only affect the EVE Online event, but the Dust 514 event also, there will be a lot of Dust mercenaries that won't be part of the event due to RL.

I am disappointed because there were claims that CCP would work in making an effort in bringing more of these events to a broader audience (EU+US TZ). In such a monumental event, which can change the whole political landscape in Empire space, it would have been logical to push the time at around 00:00 EVE, especially since the day after the current timing of the event is a Saturday. Unless people had something planned, they would show up, even at midnight, 1:00 AM or even 2:00 AM local times (for the EU TZ) while allowing a very good portion of the US TZ to join in.

It would be extremely difficult to get good developer presence at midnight on a Friday.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#7 - 2013-03-21 18:01:55 UTC
And Saturday?
Simon Louvaki
Khaldari InnoTektoniks and Analytical Solutions
#8 - 2013-03-21 18:04:01 UTC
I realize that the timing cuts out alot of people, but for me it couldn't be more perfect really. I work 3:00 PM to 11:30 PM [CMT] and with these events taking place in the EU afternoon and CMT morning time I'm actually able to get to it before I have to go to work. I have to echo the concerns however about it being a scripted Gallentee victory, though I don't really expect much else unfortunately given the circumstances.

I'll be there regardless :D

-- "The weak of mind are quick to judge with slightest tempt; Thus fools go forth to spread false word." - The Scriptures, Book of Trials 2:13 - 2:21

--"At the narrow passage, there is no brother and no friend." - Hyasyoda Proverb

#9 - 2013-03-21 18:14:24 UTC  |  Edited by: flakeys
As a EU player i can comfort those US guys ... its in the late afternoon for a lot of us on a friday so besides schoolkids and people without a job most of us will be at work looking at our clock and praying that when we get home there at least is some form of the event still going on.

I too would have liked it at least a few hours later but it is as it is , if CCP feels they can deliver a better ''live event'' by placing it at the current time then so be it.Those who can make it , enjoy the show and don't forget to make some vids.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#10 - 2013-03-21 20:41:36 UTC
Rekkr Thorgard wrote:
Pretty much; there's no meaningful difference between a Gallente scripted victory and planning an event where the majority of Caldari can't participate.

We should be used to that by now, though.

Calathorn Virpio
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-03-21 20:45:12 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Karaena Eli Hakoke wrote:
One thing that I am disappointed with, is the time the event will take place.

At 17:00 EVE, I am unavailable due to work and most people on the US Eastern TZ will also be at work. It feels that again such a big event focuses on EU TZ players, which is sad for us NA players.

Also, this timing doesn't only affect the EVE Online event, but the Dust 514 event also, there will be a lot of Dust mercenaries that won't be part of the event due to RL.

I am disappointed because there were claims that CCP would work in making an effort in bringing more of these events to a broader audience (EU+US TZ). In such a monumental event, which can change the whole political landscape in Empire space, it would have been logical to push the time at around 00:00 EVE, especially since the day after the current timing of the event is a Saturday. Unless people had something planned, they would show up, even at midnight, 1:00 AM or even 2:00 AM local times (for the EU TZ) while allowing a very good portion of the US TZ to join in.

It would be extremely difficult to get good developer presence at midnight on a Friday.

translation: we intend for the gallente to take back caldari prime.


I attended the School of Hard Nocks, the only place you will ever learn anything of value, sadly most Americans never meet the requirments to attend

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#12 - 2013-03-21 20:51:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Katran Luftschreck
It's pretty sad that everyone pretty much knows this has become a scripted event and yet they continue anyway.

So here is my thought:

Hey Gallente pilots, want to really stir up the poop-pot in a big way?

Withdraw. Go home. Stop fighting.


Watch as CCP desperately struggles to lower the Titan down to one hit point for the one noob Velator to shoot it down with his civilian hybrid cannon. Watch as they try to pull some kind of narrative event out of their butt cracks to justify crashing the Titan into the planet no matter what the players do.

A full cease-fire from Gallente capsuleers would take such a colossal dump in CCP's Bowl of Scripties that you'd actually have something truly brag-worthy to talk about later. Because riding a rail-shooter to a ouji-board victory sure as heck isn't.

Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-03-21 21:28:18 UTC
Yea, it'd totally be the opposite of how the titan got there in the first place!

oh wait...
Vincent Athena
#14 - 2013-03-21 23:12:21 UTC
Ive said it in other threads, and I'll say it here: A crashed Titan may not equal Gallente victory. The Caldari could have replacement Titans. For all we know the Gallente will have to take out 6 Titans to get victory. If they only take out 5, CCP gets 5 districts with their crashed Titan background and Caldari Prime remains in Caldari hands.

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Co-operative Resource Extraction
#15 - 2013-03-21 23:30:53 UTC
Vincent Athena wrote:
Ive said it in other threads, and I'll say it here: A crashed Titan may not equal Gallente victory. The Caldari could have replacement Titans. For all we know the Gallente will have to take out 6 Titans to get victory. If they only take out 5, CCP gets 5 districts with their crashed Titan background and Caldari Prime remains in Caldari hands.

Who's to say they haven't made a backgroudn with a gallente titan? :D

System ideas:

Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#16 - 2013-03-22 00:21:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Xindi Kraid
To be perfectly honest. The Gallente should have just as many reasons to protect that titan as the Caldari (though for the sake of the Gallente on the planet rather than any Caldari). An object that size crashing into the planet would kill countless thousands just from the impact, and the aftermath of the collision would have global climate consequences, and on a world that is already marginal, could very well render it uninhabitable.

Remember, there was a chronicle on titan being built around a planet, and it ****** up the climate just by its effect on the tides from ORBIT. EVERYONE has a reason to want to keep that ship as far away from Caldari Prime as possible.

The objectives for any operation should involve trying to somehow draw the titan away from caldari prime to a distance where is can be eliminated without having to worry about too much debris landing on the planet. Though those of us who support the Caldari will want something to say about the eliminate part.
Simon Louvaki
Khaldari InnoTektoniks and Analytical Solutions
#17 - 2013-03-22 00:27:39 UTC
Xindi Kraid wrote:
To be perfectly honest. The Gallente should have just as many reasons to protect that titan as the Caldari (though for the sake of the Gallente on the planet rather than any Caldari). An object that size crashing into the planet would kill countless thousands just from the impact, and the aftermath of the collision would have global climate consequences, and on a world that is already marginal, could very well render it uninhabitable.

Remember, there was a chronical on titan being built around a planet, and it ****** up the climate just by its effect on the tides from ORBIT. EVERYONE has a reason to want to keep that ship as far away from Caldari Prime as possible.

That Chronical was about the first Titans which were giganmormous and are no longer in active service I believe. However your certainly right about the disastrous side affect if one were to smash into the planet. Especially if it hits a populace area.

-- "The weak of mind are quick to judge with slightest tempt; Thus fools go forth to spread false word." - The Scriptures, Book of Trials 2:13 - 2:21

--"At the narrow passage, there is no brother and no friend." - Hyasyoda Proverb

Gallente Federation
#18 - 2013-03-22 00:39:14 UTC
Simon Louvaki wrote:
[quote=Xindi Kraid]That Chronical was about the first Titans which were giganmormous and are no longer in active service I believe.

Actually, if you read the news, two Solteur titans were part of the Federation's recent joint exercise in Algogile.
Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#19 - 2013-03-22 00:41:22 UTC
Yes, I'll be honest, I don't know how modern titans compare to the originals, but they are still quite large.
Simon Louvaki
Khaldari InnoTektoniks and Analytical Solutions
#20 - 2013-03-22 00:42:48 UTC
Sobach wrote:
Simon Louvaki wrote:
[quote=Xindi Kraid]That Chronical was about the first Titans which were giganmormous and are no longer in active service I believe.

Actually, if you read the news, two Solteur titans were part of the Federation's recent joint exercise in Algogile.

Hmm, must have missed that one. Consider me corrected!

-- "The weak of mind are quick to judge with slightest tempt; Thus fools go forth to spread false word." - The Scriptures, Book of Trials 2:13 - 2:21

--"At the narrow passage, there is no brother and no friend." - Hyasyoda Proverb

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