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Jukebox Petition - Bring it back!

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Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#341 - 2013-03-12 16:51:38 UTC
Azrael Mai-An wrote:

Bring back the jukebox. I actually set up my own soundtracks for different situations in order to help me "get in the mood". I'm sorry but the regular battle music in EVE just doesn't get me as pumped as "Hells Bells" by AC/DC.

You should probably consider playing your Hells Bells on the media player you already own, it's better quality than the Jukebox was anyway. Smile

As has been said multiple times the Jukebox was of poor quality, limited functionality, and completely reduntant as you already have an excellent media player as part of your operating system.

This thread is starting to get really, really silly.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Jimmy O'Shanty
The Westies
#342 - 2013-03-12 21:18:03 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
As has been said multiple times the Jukebox was of poor quality, limited functionality, and completely reduntant as you already have an excellent media player as part of your operating system.


The same could be said for the browser, calculator, notepad or even the in game map. Is that justification to remove them as well? A lot of us appreciated the ability to change music from the UI.

Bring it back.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#343 - 2013-03-12 21:39:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Jimmy O'Shanty wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
As has been said multiple times the Jukebox was of poor quality, limited functionality, and completely reduntant as you already have an excellent media player as part of your operating system.


The same could be said for the browser, calculator, notepad or even the in game map. Is that justification to remove them as well? A lot of us appreciated the ability to change music from the UI.

Bring it back.

The things that you just listed all require frequent or continuous user interaction while they are active to be useful.

A media player does not.

That point being made... if any of the above was taking away from the core game experience (the current situational music system) due to integration issues, and developer time that would be better spent elsewhere, I would absolutely support their removal from the game.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

DataRunner Attor
#344 - 2013-03-12 22:36:00 UTC
Jimmy O'Shanty wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
As has been said multiple times the Jukebox was of poor quality, limited functionality, and completely reduntant as you already have an excellent media player as part of your operating system.


The same could be said for the browser, calculator, notepad or even the in game map. Is that justification to remove them as well? A lot of us appreciated the ability to change music from the UI.

Bring it back.

cept for the Game map is PART of the game play

notepad and calculator doesn't require constant updates to say useful, and the browser is what we call a skeletal browser, to lower maintenance time, the browser has only the ability to do the bare minimal.

the jukebox on the other hand would have to be updated every patch to keep up with the code, new file types, codex, ectra.

“Point out to me a person who has been harmed by an AFK cloaker and I will point out a person who has no business playing this game.”

Co-operative Resource Extraction
#345 - 2013-03-12 23:42:22 UTC


I get why they took the juxebox out, but i'd like to have it back anyway :p

System ideas:

Tyler Opper
Thermal Tank Industries
#346 - 2013-03-13 06:20:00 UTC
Bring the Jukebox and songs back! They were much better then what I hear now... I dislike the songs in eve now as they sound like sound effects. Holy **** wtf happend here ccp?
Tyler Opper
Thermal Tank Industries
#347 - 2013-03-13 06:25:42 UTC
[quote=DarkestHeart]Hi guys,

So a thread about the jukebox. I'd like to get a petition started, I know from speaking around that a lot of people want it back.

I've played the game for something like 8 years, before the music was revamped to the style it was before the JB was taken away. Apart from being slightly biased and actually enjoying the music in EvE when in the mood, which was quite often, there are some valid points I want to make and why it should be brought back.

New Music Style

I dont like this. I dont like how the music changes depending on my location, nor how many people have been killed in that system. It is clever I cannot deny, but the music I hear does not suit the mood I am in, nor does it, in my opinion sound that good. I feel that, so far, this noise falls under sound-effects more than music. I've turned it off for now, as I did in the test server clients since the JB was removed.

Removal of access

I'm pro choice, in EvE. I want, and love, the ability to make my own path and do what I want in EvE. I've now had something taken away from me in this game that I enjoyed. There is no gain in this, from a user perspective, I have gained nothing that adds to the experience, only detracts.
The above idea is clever and good, but I dont understand why the entire jukebox had to be taken away. It may be outdated but then that should be resolved, not taking the function out. I want to choose what music I listen to when I want to listen to it, I dont want the game to decide for me. It's lead to me disabling the sound effects of the game, which is a shame as the new sound effects are good.

Limiting Innovation

Alright thats a bit dramatic but its true. EvE is about an immersive experience that with the sound effects, visual effects and music can really suck you in and gets people hooked. I really think that the music is a massive feature of this. It auto plays when you first install the client. New members will hear it and associate EvE with it. It adds to the effect, now as it did when I first started to play. I, and many others, looked forward to the day when we would hear that the music was being revamped again, new tracks, newer mixes, but not the kind of innovation we were hoping for. What has been taken is the easy route - why fix something when you can just remove the issue altogether?

TL;DR - The new music features are good but you dont need to take away the ability to select music as we want CCP. Make it so that when the JB isnt played, the auto-select feature works. The music in EvE was good, and I want to listen to the tracks when I choose, not when the client chooses for me. I've long been an advocate that the sound effects in the game factor into the enjoyment, and that they help with gameplay. I dont like the new 'music', and the plain sound effects are annoying to the point where I just dont have sound anymore. In my eyes losing an aspect like that is a massive blow to the effort put into the game to draw you in and enjoy it. I'm not alone.

If you agree, say in the comments below. I hope with enough support the JukeBox wil be brought back.


So that people can make up their own mind, here is the main argument for keeping the Jukebox from being returned, as submitted by a player: Linky link


And here is the response to counter-act the argument above: Linky link


CSM Two Step has responded via twitter by discarding the views of the signees of this thread. Tweet your thoughts to @two_step_eve and #csmsummit.

We do however have support from CSM member Issler; whom believes the JukeBox should be return as an option as well as the dynamic music, huzzah!


Belorianus Kane
Expanding Man
Totali Notabot
Cygnet Lythanea
Arline Kley
Keres Kedem
Inquisitor Berthez
Corine Noas
Valentine Wolf
Marie Hartinez
Violet Giraffe
Rigs Zocur
E'Rok Carnage
Nikkotor Z
Bandalon Ominus
kinsai kusanagi
Jake McCord
Ryu Icescale
Jarrot Squoth
John Theller
Arcturia Kunert
Anuma Alish
Zak Shimaya
Omega Sunset
Ortos Falconrae
Kanen Alduin
Leon Reinhardt
MEZZA Creire-Geng
Gecko Masteek
Ahn Tee Mahtur
tahara mani
Reaver Glitterstim
Wolfington Esq
Valdark Malthorin
Derek Kalrinian
usum Fawn
Me ofcourse
Duncan Jones
Skef Hakaari
Davon Kastire
Metal Icarus
Lucius Regall
Adrian Borland
Scaramanga Erquilenne
Anabella Rella
Shakhal McCansey
Issler Dainze
Mak YuTsai
Jayden Demonia
Hemi DarkStar
Recoil IV
Andrei Calidar
Tragot Gomndor
Cat Steele
Wu Jiaqiu
Johnson Oramara
Xandor Tarn
Aldori Tesslar
Mach Dredd
Chyster VII
James Black
Stu Francansini
Kuro Oyashiro
Glista Niessis
AnJuan Jackson[/quo

Add me in....
DataRunner Attor
#348 - 2013-03-13 06:30:38 UTC
Alvatore DiMarco wrote:
What you seem to be missing here is this:

Snowball Launchers, now named Festival Launchers, are not a new item. They were developed years ago, back when there was still a jukebox. The time spent to develop them is irrelevant since it was done before the jukebox became an issue and simply renaming something is less than ten seconds worth of typing once you have the item's properties file open. The launchers themselves cost nearly no time to develop, as they're just a renamed Light Missile Launcher with its ammo type ID switched to be snowballs instead of missiles. Even a novice programmer can do that in five minutes. The new unmelting snowballs are the same thing. Open the properties of a previous snowball and change the name. The melting process happened over downtime anyway, it was simply a matter of finding snowballs in the database and replacing them with the melted version. Search-and-replace can be 100% automated, and I'm willing to bet money that it was.

"Other corny crap" is handled by departments that are not sound or coding, so again the time taken to create those items is irrelevant as the resources involved would never have been spent on the jukebox. Departmental divisions, you know. As long as you have the icons for a new item (Art dept.), I can't imagine creating new items that don't actually do anything would be a terribly time-consuming task anyway.

Those "ridiculous ingame sounds" are largely the same things we've been hearing for quite some time, which means they date back the era when we had a jukebox, rendering the resources taken to create them irrelevant. Anything that's not a sound or a menu, such as new ship skins / designs and the new explosion designs and the conversion of the game to V3+ is separate from the department that handles anything which might possibly pertain to the jukebox. Thus, they consume development resources which would have never been used toward the jukebox in the first place and are irrelevant. To be perfectly fair, I highly doubt that the department responsible for the actual creation of sounds would be the same department that handles something like the jukebox but I'm perfectly willing to admit I could very well be wrong.

I don't have the dev blog in front of me, but I seem to recall that it was mentioned how the codecs used in the jukebox are no longer supported or maintained even by the people who created them. This means that CCP would have to completely design an entirely new jukebox from the ground up, secure licensing for entirely new codecs and then work that into the client. There would be alpha testing and beta testing and at both stages there would be bugs, requiring more testing. Finally it would be rolled out onto SiSi for further testing and analysis, to make sure the wide array of systems that people play EVE on don't have huge world-stopping issues with the various parts of the new jukebox. There would, of course, be problems at first because there always are problems at first, which would mean more dev time to get those problems fixed.

This is completely ignoring the other part of things, where they would have to make the jukebox play nicely with the "environmental audio" or 'active soundscape" or whatever other buzzwords they used to name their new sound scheme, which would probably bring a whole other host of testing and bugs and required fixes.

Once we've finally gotten everything done and worked out and functioning properly, then we have another part of EVE that needs to be maintained and have codecs updated and licenses renewed and so on. All of this at a cost of dev time and dev money that could be used on other things, like finishing up Incarna in a way that won't cause Burn Jita II or creating new ships or any other number of things that require time and money.

The jukebox was old. It was buggy. For some people it didn't even work right all the time. Let it go. Stream something, download the soundtrack and play it in an external player, whatever works for you in this new era of trying to streamline an already-large client.

I support this post, and this post declares that jukebox stays dead, thank you.

“Point out to me a person who has been harmed by an AFK cloaker and I will point out a person who has no business playing this game.”

Shade Alidiana
PROSPERO Corporation
#349 - 2013-03-13 09:08:19 UTC
Sign me as well, I had to turn off the music because of jukebox removal.
#350 - 2013-03-13 10:15:32 UTC
Call Rollard
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#351 - 2013-03-13 16:28:18 UTC
Add me in the list. - I signed.

If the Notepad goes next I will rage.
Dr WhoFlungPoo
Banner of the Stars
#352 - 2013-03-16 18:16:29 UTC
Yes please bring back the jukebox. I just returned from a long break from Eve and was sad to see that it is no longer a feature.
#353 - 2013-03-17 11:28:34 UTC

This explains why I wasnt able to find the jukebox when I came back month ago.

I'd add to the proposition:

- Ingame player that can listen to internet radios (shoutcasts). (Ingame radiostations!!!)
- Ability to place own mp3 to ingame jukebox/playelists. (Like tencion music, battle music and normal music.)
- Last.FM scroble to it.


Phase 2;
- Top played tracks on the playlists (tencion music, battle music, normal music).
- Shop to buy the songs from.

Phase 3;
- Start a new tv chanel aimed for the adults that think they are cool if they dress up as teens.

Phase 4;
- Kill James Bond.

Phase 5;
- Lie in your own tv chanel and get elected as prime minister of Italy.

Phase 6;
- Profit?
Mikaila Penshar
#354 - 2013-03-17 17:21:34 UTC
resounding NO for jukebox

all tracks

just -NO-
Chupalav Al-Caucasus
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#355 - 2013-03-20 09:07:47 UTC
/ Signed
Solace Corp
#356 - 2013-03-20 10:39:14 UTC

Signed! Came back after a 5 month break, thought to myself “Lets listen to Below The Asteroids” as it’s the most spacey sound track in EvE…. Had to go find it on youtube in order to hear it.

Not cool CCP, not cool.

"It was the way she said it, Rimmer, to rhyme with scum"

Mr VonBraun
Collegium Ignis
#357 - 2013-03-20 11:50:34 UTC
signed. Give us our jukebox back,guys!
provola Rolando
#358 - 2013-03-21 08:00:41 UTC
Signed! I loved the juebox!
Frost 3
#359 - 2013-03-21 08:16:19 UTC
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#360 - 2013-03-21 13:56:19 UTC
Anunzi wrote:

Signed! Came back after a 5 month break, thought to myself “Lets listen to Below The Asteroids” as it’s the most spacey sound track in EvE…. Had to go find it on youtube in order to hear it.

Not cool CCP, not cool.

Perhaps you should actually go to where the songs are hosted so that you can play them back in your own media player, like everybody else. Smile

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.