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Incursion griefing getting kicked into high gear

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Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2011-10-28 19:26:40 UTC
You may have seen our man Slimy Worm featured in some other Incursion griefing threads around here. He nabbed a couple logi here and there and a fun time was had by all. Except the logi, but **** carebears anyways.

Then Skunkworks got a dec from God Squad. That was a bit of a head scratcher for us, as we had just started making friendly with them a bit over a mutual war against No Kings. We had a convo with God Squad and they claimed that a bunch of people from the BTL channel hired them to dec us. I don't generally take things like that at face value, but one of our men had an email exchange shortly afterwards with carmelos53:

-.- really??? really?? lol listen we know you guys juat want to play the game grief and laugh. I get it I really do. about 5 months ago people started pitching in to war dec the people who grief them in incs..... it isn't btl.. it isn't tdf...

its people who you angered. you personally never kileld me, a corp or an alliance mate or even a friend. when people send killmails and you reach a certain number we ask for public donations if we get everything we need we go with the community's request to dec.

Nothing personal. I know you guys deal with god squad and frankly it doesn't bother me if you dont fight. if they keep paying someone gets hired that is just the way it goes.

when you get bored... contact me and I vote up a vote if they want to stop deccing... in general that is how it works.

Messenger only <----

btw I do still hate you :P

He added in a later email:

oh by the way if it means anything to you 193 peopel pitched in. enough for 3 months on you. hope you are happy

Now, I don't like highsec Incursions. It's not that we think less of incursionbears than we do of, say, mission-bears. It's that incursions in high sec pay too damn much. It's basically some of the best money in the game outside of owning a tech moon and therefore all kinds of people are just sitting in highsec doing those, rather than doing something more creative or going out to null or whatever. In our opinion, it's a stagnating influence.

Not that we won't do them, because, like neutral logi, you would be dumb if you didn't use all the tools at your disposal.

In any case, though, tears are delicious.

For this reason, The Skunkworks has declared an unofficial war on BTL Pub and incursions in general. What started as casual griefing to pass the time will become a full-time occupation until we tire of it. If you thought Slimy Worm was bad, now he's bringing friends.

The campaign against Incursioners started last night. One guardian, six Basilisks, three Machariels, two Vargurs, and a Nightmare were destroyed in a few hours. Over six billion isk in ships and modules were lost or stolen. One Incursion fleet landed in a Sansha deadspace without the logistics they were expecting. The panicked FC's commands were broadcast over our comms; we listened as they scrambled to evacuate and save their precious ships.

This stops when we get bored, or when The God Squad's war dec is retracted on orders from the people who hired them and someone diplos their way out of it. A ransom might be involved. I hadn't really thought that part out yet. If you want a war with the Skunkworks, we will deliver it.
The Black Shell
#2 - 2011-10-28 19:53:33 UTC
I would like to play a Sansha NPC. Just to kill all these carebear scums.

Good luck, have fun, **** them.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Darius III
Interstellar eXodus
The Initiative.
#3 - 2011-10-28 19:54:01 UTC
I am not really up to speed on everything you guys doing, but I most definitely approve. Gos Squad is rumored to have some pretty good pliots, but I don't know them really well. They wardecced Brick this week, but we pulled out of hisec before that happened as GS retracted their war dec :(.

Slimy Worm has many fans here-he has done great work. Do you guys have a public channel perhaps? I'd love to send in a few guys but CBA to organize anything etc.


Test Alliance Please Ignore
#4 - 2011-10-28 21:21:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Ammzi
Psychotic Monk wrote:

Then Skunkworks got a dec from God Squad. That was a bit of a head scratcher for us, as we had just started making friendly with them a bit over a mutual war against No Kings. We had a convo with God Squad and they claimed that a bunch of people from the BTL channel hired them to dec us.

As a representative from BTL pub I'd like to firmly point out that BTL operators, moderators or FC's generally in charge have not issued any war declarations on behalf of BTL Pub.
Our simple goal is to provide incursions for everyone, everywhere at anytime. When you say "people from BTL" that means pilots who use our service (channel) that are non-affiliated with BTL pub.
Your reasoning for a "war declaration" is therefore put on a wrong basis.

Now let me rephrase your declaration of war into something we can all generally agree on.

"Rich highsec pubbies hired mercs to wardec us and now we want payback."

If there's anything else you might wonder about or any questions, feel free to drop me a mail. Smile

Saying highsec incursions is one of the best ISK features is a bit flawed. You do realise that highsec incursions only pay out 60 % of the reward that is paid out in nullsec and lowsec?
Oh, and that the lowsec mothership site has a chance of dropping a revenant BPC that can be sold for 40 + b isk?

I'd also like you to be aware of the ISK generated in incursions fuels a lot of wonderful PvP fights, because more people can afford to fly their t3's or t2 ships into lowsec without having to worry too much. Smile

And a last thing, about 30-40 billion isk is being generated in highsec incursions at best peak times during the week an hour.
You need to step your game up a bit more before we notice anything on our wallets. Maybe assaults and headquarter fleets?
Aim big guys, aim for the stars.
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#5 - 2011-10-28 21:28:12 UTC
Only a pubbie would think that people other than Goons use the term "pubbie".
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#6 - 2011-10-28 21:30:24 UTC
I definitely want us to be able to bring in others who wish to participate in this. The problem lies in making sure we don't bring in people who would spoil it all either by directly spying, or by being idiots.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#7 - 2011-10-28 21:30:49 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Only a pubbie would think that people other than Goons use the term "pubbie".

*pokes Vimsy with a stick*
You go back under your bridge and eat your children. I spell pubbie the way I want to, even it's gonna be puppie with a heart over the i.
Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2011-10-28 22:07:49 UTC
Ammzi wrote:

As a representative from BTL pub I'd like to firmly point out that BTL operators, moderators or FC's generally in charge have not issued any war declarations on behalf of BTL Pub.
Our simple goal is to provide incursions for everyone, everywhere at anytime. When you say "people from BTL" that means pilots who use our service (channel) that are non-affiliated with BTL pub.
Your reasoning for a "war declaration" is therefore put on a wrong basis.

v0v Talk to carmelos53, since he made himself out to be a representative of BTL pub.

And yeah, we're not putting that big of a dent in the overall incursion wallet, and probably never will have the manpower to do that.

What we can do is get everyone afraid to join a pickup incursion fleet for fear of getting ganked.

Also, I'll mention again that the tears we get are so ******* delicious. In fact, I think we'll probably start recording them and releasing tear compilations. Maybe auto-tune it and make rap songs. Who knows. The game needs to hear more tears.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#9 - 2011-10-28 22:47:58 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:

v0v Talk to carmelos53, since he made himself out to be a representative of BTL pub.

vOv, you can't go around trust everyone who say they are BTL representative P.
Carmelos53 is operator of The Ditanian Fleet (so the armor channel).
If you ransom some of them it could help you earn some isk by the way.
Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2011-10-28 23:06:34 UTC
Is that who that is? Hmm, I guess I laid blame on the wrong set of incursionbears.

Not that it'll effect the operations at all.

Good to know, though.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#11 - 2011-10-28 23:19:40 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:
Is that who that is? Hmm, I guess I laid blame on the wrong set of incursionbears.

Not that it'll effect the operations at all.

Good to know, though.

Hey man, don't let me stop you from having your fun.
At least I was able to give you some correct information. Smile
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#12 - 2011-10-28 23:52:20 UTC
Ammzi wrote:
And a last thing, about 30-40 billion isk is being generated in highsec incursions at best peak times during the week an hour.

So by your own admission a handful of dudes can reduce the overall productivity of incursions by about 5%. Imagine what will happen if we escalate this. If there's one thing the Skunkworks excels at, it's taking things WAY too far.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Psychotic Monk
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2011-10-28 23:54:29 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Ammzi wrote:
And a last thing, about 30-40 billion isk is being generated in highsec incursions at best peak times during the week an hour.

So by your own admission a handful of dudes can reduce the overall productivity of incursions by about 5%. Imagine what will happen if we escalate this. If there's one thing the Skunkworks excels at, it's taking things WAY too far.

Quoted for truth.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#14 - 2011-10-29 01:01:48 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Ammzi wrote:
And a last thing, about 30-40 billion isk is being generated in highsec incursions at best peak times during the week an hour.

So by your own admission a handful of dudes can reduce the overall productivity of incursions by about 5%. Imagine what will happen if we escalate this. If there's one thing the Skunkworks excels at, it's taking things WAY too far.

I will applaud from the sideline if you manage to get this above 20 %.
Such events can only be admired, sir.
Band of Rebels LLC.
Redneck Rage
#15 - 2011-10-29 01:15:20 UTC
Psychotic Monk wrote:
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Ammzi wrote:
And a last thing, about 30-40 billion isk is being generated in highsec incursions at best peak times during the week an hour.

So by your own admission a handful of dudes can reduce the overall productivity of incursions by about 5%. Imagine what will happen if we escalate this. If there's one thing the Skunkworks excels at, it's taking things WAY too far.

Quoted for truth.

One cannot make an admission and have it cited as a verified statistic. Further, one cannot quote for emphasis and assert it substantiates truth.

...surrounded by idiots.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2011-10-29 01:43:58 UTC
Ammzi wrote:
Psychotic Monk wrote:

Then Skunkworks got a dec from God Squad. That was a bit of a head scratcher for us, as we had just started making friendly with them a bit over a mutual war against No Kings. We had a convo with God Squad and they claimed that a bunch of people from the BTL channel hired them to dec us.

As a representative from BTL pub I'd like to firmly point out that BTL operators, moderators or FC's generally in charge have not issued any war declarations on behalf of BTL Pub.
Our simple goal is to provide incursions for everyone, everywhere at anytime. When you say "people from BTL" that means pilots who use our service (channel) that are non-affiliated with BTL pub.
Your reasoning for a "war declaration" is therefore put on a wrong basis.

Now let me rephrase your declaration of war into something we can all generally agree on.

"Rich highsec pubbies hired mercs to wardec us and now we want payback."

If there's anything else you might wonder about or any questions, feel free to drop me a mail. Smile

Saying highsec incursions is one of the best ISK features is a bit flawed. You do realise that highsec incursions only pay out 60 % of the reward that is paid out in nullsec and lowsec?
Oh, and that the lowsec mothership site has a chance of dropping a revenant BPC that can be sold for 40 + b isk?

I'd also like you to be aware of the ISK generated in incursions fuels a lot of wonderful PvP fights, because more people can afford to fly their t3's or t2 ships into lowsec without having to worry too much. Smile

And a last thing, about 30-40 billion isk is being generated in highsec incursions at best peak times during the week an hour.
You need to step your game up a bit more before we notice anything on our wallets. Maybe assaults and headquarter fleets?
Aim big guys, aim for the stars.

So you simultaneously argue that incursions don't pay out that great and that losing your faction BS wont hurt your wallet? Nice one, you just made another new friend. See you soon bear.
Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#17 - 2011-10-29 02:06:09 UTC
Foxgguy2001 wrote:
One cannot make an admission and have it cited as a verified statistic. Further, one cannot quote for emphasis and assert it substantiates truth.

...surrounded by idiots.

Someone takes forums far too seriously.


Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#18 - 2011-10-29 02:13:05 UTC
Euasked wrote:

So you simultaneously argue that incursions don't pay out that great and that losing your faction BS wont hurt your wallet? Nice one, you just made another new friend. See you soon bear.

Huh? .... I don't think you quite understand my arguments.
It's relative, nullsec incursions in comparison to highsec incursions are more lucrative. So highsec incursions don't pay out great in COMPARISON to nullsec incursions.
It won't hurt my wallet *shrug*, it might hurt others. That's relative as well.

Don't twist my words and take them out of context, while this is crime and punishment I still believe everyone is capable of somewhat decent level of discussion of topics.
Band of Rebels LLC.
Redneck Rage
#19 - 2011-10-29 02:28:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Foxgguy2001
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Foxgguy2001 wrote:
One cannot make an admission and have it cited as a verified statistic. Further, one cannot quote for emphasis and assert it substantiates truth.

...surrounded by idiots.

Someone takes forums far too seriously.


You take my taking the forums too seriously, too seriously.


**Edited for truth.
Moustached Slimy Worm
Go Petition Blizzard
#20 - 2011-10-29 02:41:42 UTC
Ammzi wrote:
Psychotic Monk wrote:

Then Skunkworks got a dec from God Squad. That was a bit of a head scratcher for us, as we had just started making friendly with them a bit over a mutual war against No Kings. We had a convo with God Squad and they claimed that a bunch of people from the BTL channel hired them to dec us.

As a representative from BTL pub I'd like to firmly point out that BTL operators, moderators or FC's generally in charge have not issued any war declarations on behalf of BTL Pub.
Our simple goal is to provide incursions for everyone, everywhere at anytime. When you say "people from BTL" that means pilots who use our service (channel) that are non-affiliated with BTL pub.
Your reasoning for a "war declaration" is therefore put on a wrong basis.

Now let me rephrase your declaration of war into something we can all generally agree on.

"Rich highsec pubbies hired mercs to wardec us and now we want payback."

If there's anything else you might wonder about or any questions, feel free to drop me a mail. Smile

Saying highsec incursions is one of the best ISK features is a bit flawed. You do realise that highsec incursions only pay out 60 % of the reward that is paid out in nullsec and lowsec?
Oh, and that the lowsec mothership site has a chance of dropping a revenant BPC that can be sold for 40 + b isk?

I'd also like you to be aware of the ISK generated in incursions fuels a lot of wonderful PvP fights, because more people can afford to fly their t3's or t2 ships into lowsec without having to worry too much. Smile

And a last thing, about 30-40 billion isk is being generated in highsec incursions at best peak times during the week an hour.

As our diplomat, I have to say that whether or not our reasoning is flawed is irrelevant because we're more able to exercise power than BTL and thus we are right.
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