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FanFest Live Stream - Any word?

Jim Luc
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-02-23 19:01:00 UTC
As the title asks, any word on the FanFest livestream this year?
Google Voices
#2 - 2013-02-23 19:37:03 UTC
Jim Luc wrote:
As the title asks, any word on the FanFest livestream this year?

It worries me greatly that someone would pay to watch drunk geeks act like drunk noobs..Shocked

"Fozzie could not comment on when this issue would be resolved and stated that “one day Veritas will come up to me and say ‘hey I fixed off-grid boosting’”, but he had no idea on a potential timeframe for this sort of miracle."

Destination SkillQueue
#3 - 2013-02-23 19:44:59 UTC
Google Voices wrote:
Jim Luc wrote:
As the title asks, any word on the FanFest livestream this year?

It worries me greatly that someone would pay to watch drunk geeks act like drunk noobs..Shocked

Paying to see it in HD. That makes it all good, right?
Falin Whalen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-02-23 20:05:45 UTC
Google Voices wrote:
Jim Luc wrote:
As the title asks, any word on the FanFest livestream this year?

It worries me greatly that someone would pay to watch drunk geeks act like drunk noobs..Shocked

Pfft! we get that almost every day when DBRB launches tinychat on an op.

"it's only because of their stupidity that they're able to be so sure of themselves." The Trial - Franz Kafka 

The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#5 - 2013-02-23 20:09:22 UTC
Doesn't seem that bad to pay to watch drunk guys i mean we already pay to play a game that drunks guys made
New Edens Freeports
#6 - 2013-02-23 21:10:55 UTC
i would not pay for HD. Free stream shows enough allready. Drunken geeks, drunken eve players and ccp as usual mess with streaming...

We are Minmatar, Our ship are made of scraps, but look what our scraps can do...

Google Voices
#7 - 2013-02-23 21:34:50 UTC
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:
Doesn't seem that bad to pay to watch drunk guys i mean we already pay to play a game that drunks guys made

I think they are using something stronger than just alcohol.....Shocked

"Fozzie could not comment on when this issue would be resolved and stated that “one day Veritas will come up to me and say ‘hey I fixed off-grid boosting’”, but he had no idea on a potential timeframe for this sort of miracle."

Lapine Davion
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#8 - 2013-02-23 21:36:57 UTC
Google Voices wrote:
Jim Luc wrote:
As the title asks, any word on the FanFest livestream this year?

It worries me greatly that someone would pay to watch drunk geeks act like drunk noobs..Shocked

It was totally worth it last year. MichaelBolton3 was amazing...

ly drunk during the whole event. I'm surprised he didn't end up in the hospital having his stomach pumped.

[b]Don't worry about posting with your main!  Post with your brain! "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."[/b]

Jim Luc
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#9 - 2013-02-24 07:55:00 UTC
Personal preference I guess. I'd pay to watch, but I know that Own.3d went under so I'm hoping CCP works something out with Twitch or Youtube for live feeds. As far as I know I haven't seen any news regarding even a regular feed, let alone HD.
Destination SkillQueue
#10 - 2013-02-24 08:16:59 UTC
Jim Luc wrote:
Personal preference I guess. I'd pay to watch, but I know that Own.3d went under so I'm hoping CCP works something out with Twitch or Youtube for live feeds. As far as I know I haven't seen any news regarding even a regular feed, let alone HD.

A live stream has already been confirmed. There has been info passed to the gaming press stating, that CCP will announce details about those plans at a later date. So it's a pretty definite yes on some kind of a live stream, but all the actual details are still missing.
Jim Luc
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-02-24 08:29:14 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
Jim Luc wrote:
Personal preference I guess. I'd pay to watch, but I know that Own.3d went under so I'm hoping CCP works something out with Twitch or Youtube for live feeds. As far as I know I haven't seen any news regarding even a regular feed, let alone HD.

A live stream has already been confirmed. There has been info passed to the gaming press stating, that CCP will announce details about those plans at a later date. So it's a pretty definite yes on some kind of a live stream, but all the actual details are still missing.

Wasn't this announced before own.3d went bankrupt? Since Twitch is a partner of Sony, who is a partner of CCP my guess would be the new live streaming partner is Twitch. But Fanfest isn't far off and we still haven't been given details about live streaming...
Giant Industrials
Center for Digital Chemistry
#12 - 2013-02-24 11:24:27 UTC
For the past several years we had a live stream of some sort of fanfest. In my opinion this years won't be any different. The only difference this year is that they had partnered up whit own3d for the alliance tournament and new eden open and properly with the intend to let them stream fanfest to.
Know own3d is dawn ccp is in need to seek another partner to stream it. With two months to go it's short notice for everybody so i hope they managed it to arrange it.
But is there a way to know statistics about how many people watched previously fanfests streams? And how much people will watch the free stream or hd pay stream? That need to be considered by all the party's involved.

This is where I put my signature, right?

EvEa Deva
#13 - 2013-02-24 13:56:12 UTC
I think it will be better not to see them, unless they have a neckbeard contest, ill pay to see that.