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Live Events Discussion

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Should Live Events be Live Cutscenes?

First post
pup pup
Wrong Hole.
#21 - 2013-02-14 05:10:31 UTC  |  Edited by: pup pup
CCP Falcon wrote:


Then why didn't you just have them start out in station, at the conference? You thought entering the sandbox and then crapping in the sandbox (breaking the longstanding rules of the game) was a better option? And then to make up some BS role playing excuse as you did in the other thread, on the fly, to cover up for your crapping in the box?

This is the first time ever in EVE history that I have heard of a ship in game that does not have either CONCORD or POLARIS stickers slapped all over it that it was not killable by normal game mechanics or had dev mods on it.

You effed up, admit it, reimburse the fleet, crawl back into your hole.
Luigi Thirty
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#22 - 2013-02-14 05:11:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Luigi Thirty
Powers Sa wrote:
cut rate dnd dungeon master

You called?

The ship is in a convoy full of logi. She's a very important person, why is she traveling unescorted? The second goons show up on grid and start bumping it they warn in local and start logi-ing the flagship.

When goons attack, the escort fleet opens fire. CONCORD is guaranteed to respond within seconds.

If the flagship is taken down, slowly, the delegate had time to escape on the covops cloak-equipped escape pod she made her way to when danger was imminent and made it to a Minmatar outpost where she received alternate transportation to Pator.

If the flagship is alphaed with no time for the escorts to react, then there were rumors of an attack ahead of time. It was a decoy and the delegate slipped through on a shuttle separate from the main group so as not to draw attention.

It's not that hard, jesus.
Warde Guildencrantz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2013-02-14 05:14:22 UTC
Random idiots: blah blah blah i want to gank the commander of the guristas as if he was some retriever pilot blah blah blah

CCP: no, because he isn't a retriever pilot, and he would have ridiculous amounts of security if he ever went anywhere, so you would get blapped very quickly for taking a shot at him. End of story.

Random idiots: No he should asplode like a retriever because its sandbox gaeme

CCP: no, because he isn't a retriever pilot, and he would have ridiculous amounts of security if he ever went anywhere, so you would get blapped very quickly for taking a shot at him. End of story.

Random idiots: Blah blah blah blah fairness blah blah blah blah

CCP: No *stops reading topic*

No wonder devs never respond to the real matters when people get pissy over the dumbest ones...

TunDraGon ~ Low sec piracy since 2003 ~ Youtube ~ Join Us

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#24 - 2013-02-14 05:18:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Andski
CCP Falcon wrote:
Not to mention the fact that they came in staggered, in groups, and engaged several seconds apart. This is a very bad idea regardless of situation when you're attempting a suicide gank.

How many of these did you fit up, again?

Protip: Don't insult their intelligence when you took measures to render yourself virtually invincible.

I mean if you want to play that way you can definitely do these lil events on the test server, where they belong, rather than giving yourself godmode on TQ.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Alizabeth Vea
#25 - 2013-02-14 05:20:38 UTC
This was not some random catalyst flying around an ice belt. The fleet consisted of 25 battlecruisers Taloses and Brutixes. That fleet would melt anything else in high sec. Before this happened I spent some time talking to Powers about what I anticipated the fitting on. No one thought that it would have been GM gear. It didn't even occur to us. We spoke about DS and faction tanks as a possibility, off grid links, slaves, but never did we think. Oh, they're going to have 8m EHP.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

Gallente Federation
#26 - 2013-02-14 05:35:58 UTC
Here's an idea. If you want a ship with supercapital levels of HP, why not use a supercapital? Then you could use devhax to light a cyno in the target system, jump from the source, and skip any element of danger anyway.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2013-02-14 05:36:20 UTC
*Clap, clap, clap, clap*

I believe you all could't have made a worse case against yourselves than you just have. All arguments are gone under loads of annoying and empty replies that can be summed to "/cry". And I thought this was a serious petition, I see it is not.

You fail again. Twice today, wanna go for third? Seriously, you guys are your worst enemy.

Sepherim Catillah Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris Liuteneant Ex-Imperial Navy Imperator Commander

vilya novacat
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#28 - 2013-02-14 05:40:12 UTC
So, short version, they stuck a concrete castle in the sandbox and dared players to kick it.
Great idea, CCP.
Stirko Hek
New Home Industries
#29 - 2013-02-14 05:44:40 UTC
So much for "player driven gameplay".

I came to EVE for that, not for invulnerable NPC event ships which make any player interaction meaningless.

Was this event meant to actually have player interaction? or is it possibly something that could have just had a written article about? Because the second would have allowed for the same amount of impact as what happened.
Powers Sa
#30 - 2013-02-14 05:50:06 UTC
Sepherim wrote:
*Clap, clap, clap, clap*

I believe you all could't have made a worse case against yourselves than you just have. All arguments are gone under loads of annoying and empty replies that can be summed to "/cry". And I thought this was a serious petition, I see it is not.

You fail again. Twice today, wanna go for third? Seriously, you guys are your worst enemy.

Do you undock and play this game or just hawk/crow on the forums?

Do you like winning t2 frigs and dictors for Dirt Cheap?

Remeber: Gambling addiction is no laughing matter unless you've lost a vast space fortune on the internet.

Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#31 - 2013-02-14 05:57:06 UTC
IC for Ché, the goons don't even need a regular RP reason to blow stuff up, it's just what they do, and players who know that should not see it as immersion breaking IMO. Anyone hosting an event anywhere can expect them to show up for a gank, especially if it's a popular event or there's media coverage.
Empires will also know this, and have the best protection they can get for their top level VIP's.

About the invulnerablity, for immersion's sake I would argue that it is sometimes a necessary evil, and I would prefer it to the goons possibly being able to kill every head-of-state and their entire navies, making the empires appear powerless.

The RP from goons might be oppurtunistic (if it is, it's not needed IMO), but that should not matter as well, just part of their character, can easily be explained IC as trying to pretend they are more than massmurdering psycho's.

However, I do doubt the sincerity of most goon rp, and I'm wondering how much of the OOC smacktalk came from goon "rp-ers".

Goon RP can be borderline immersion breaking, even when following IGS rules, and while I'm pretty flexible, I'm sure many RP -ers consider it to be griefing RP-ers. I'm not quite convinced that it is not an intented side effect.

So if you're a goon and roleplaying, you'll probably have to work a little harder to be taken seriously as a roleplayer by the community.

Addendum: Judging by the posts that were made after I started writing this, I think that most goons here don't understand/couldn't care less about RP.

Vae: I think most RP-ers would conclude from the news item that the ship would be VERY hard, if not impossible to kill. It's an OOC comment wrapped in an IC sentence.

Luigi Thirty made a good suggestion about the decoy though, but I think we'd still have goons crying about that they can't influence (read: destroy) storylines.

Also, this is not a first, the Leviathan above Caldari Prime is also still there.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#32 - 2013-02-14 05:57:30 UTC
I undock. I play. Just spent 3 hours today in the Bleak lands in the combat zone. Does that answer your question?

Oh, and how does me playing/undocking or not matter to the issue that you are all collectively failing here? Beyond, obviously, proving you lack valid arguments. Stirko Hek did manage to make an argument, the rest of you are not.

Sepherim Catillah Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris Liuteneant Ex-Imperial Navy Imperator Commander

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#33 - 2013-02-14 05:59:20 UTC
Che Biko wrote:
Vae: I think most RP-ers would conclude from the news item that the ship would be VERY hard, if not impossible to kill. It's an OOC comment wrapped in an IC sentence.

"Heavily fortified" now means "tanked with GM mods"

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Alizabeth Vea
#34 - 2013-02-14 06:03:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Alizabeth Vea
Sepherim wrote:
I undock. I play. Just spent 3 hours today in the Bleak lands in the combat zone. Does that answer your question?

Oh, and how does me playing/undocking or not matter to the issue that you are all collectively failing here? Beyond, obviously, proving you lack valid arguments. Stirko Hek did manage to make an argument, the rest of you are not.

I'm hurt. I thought I was making a decent case here.

Andski wrote:
Che Biko wrote:
Vae: I think most RP-ers would conclude from the news item that the ship would be VERY hard, if not impossible to kill. It's an OOC comment wrapped in an IC sentence.

"Heavily fortified" now means "tanked with GM mods"

When I read that, I thought, high grade implants, including the omega, faction or deadspace mods and off grid links. Not GM mods. I think most of the RP community thought the same, since there were defense fleets that were formed.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.

Goonswarm Federation
#35 - 2013-02-14 06:04:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Fuujin
Forget it was Goonswarm.

What if it was a group actively signed up for Amarr faction warfare? They hear of these upjumped slaves having a meeting, seek to send a little message, careen through Minmatar space in force with the Republic Fleet on their heels, fly in to take their shot....

...and have precisely zero chance of killing the ship, because it's a battleship with devhaxed supercarrier level EHP. That is literally impossible to exist without GM mods and implants.

How, precisely, is that enabling player content? Just run your little events with polaris frigates next time. At least then the invulnerability will be telegraphed.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#36 - 2013-02-14 06:07:04 UTC
You are, Vea, and in fact my first post here was mostly agreeing with you. My latest posts wasn't for you, but for all the troup of goons that came into the discussion with nothing relevant to say. And which, by the way, probably hadn't read what had been said before.

And I agree, Fuujin, you can check my first post on the issue, I too believe that making a ship "indestructible" is not the right way to go, as much as it may be understandable.

Sepherim Catillah Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris Liuteneant Ex-Imperial Navy Imperator Commander

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#37 - 2013-02-14 06:11:01 UTC
Eve is a game that we all know is based on an ordered chaos. We have all grown use to that chaos and it plays a critical part in the game play for all player (both in highsec and nullsec). CCP has created an environment for the actions of each player to openly influence others without meta-game consequences and Eve has become famous for it. Whether its is the use of many ships to preform highsec ganks, or the massive theft of corp funds, this game has pushed the boundaries of player interaction. That is the eve we are all use too. CCP has recognized it, and defended the actions of its players which we have all grown to respect (and expect in some situations). This specific event contradicts this attitude, and in many ways is counter-productive to the environment that we have all grown accustom in the Eve Online Universe. CCP Flacon made clear effort to make this an event that players could interact with. By planning, and posting the even it invited the players of EVE to join in what many hoped would follow the rest of the rules of this game. By making one outcome completely impossible, you lied to your player base. CCP Falcon has placed his story above the game and I have a lot of problems with that.

In a game with unlimited possibilities you removed the one possibility you KNEW people were going to attempt. You would not have equipped your ships with that kind of defense if you weren't aware that people would make an attempt on them. You baited a player base that included people who are known for doing such tactics by broadcasting it as an interactive event but lied to the very people you sought to involve by removed the one possibility that you were unwilling to plan for. You not only lied to the players who sought to attack the convoy, but those defending it also. Even the players who sought to defend your convoy were aware that people would try and attack it, I am sure they would have done other things if they knew it was meta-gamed to the level it was.

If your not willing to play the game the way your player base does, then you need to rethink your strategy. You can't impose rules on players and then completely ignore them yourself, especially when you are planing an event within the greater narrative of the Eve Universe.

True, some might call my post an effort to support my fellow corp/alliance members, but I could care less for their loses. What concerns me is the fact that CCP Falcon lied. In a game with some many possible outcomes (sabotage having become one of the most recognized parts of eve) you , CCP Falcon, failed to plan for it and took the lazy way out.
Goonswarm Federation
#38 - 2013-02-14 06:12:26 UTC
Sepherim wrote:

And I agree, Fuujin, you can check my first post on the issue, I too believe that making a ship "indestructible" is not the right way to go, as much as it may be understandable.

Then you've been arguing against that position, since you were sniping at the goons replying here.

We're not complaining about the RP (as novice-level as it was provided here). Our complaint was all about the presentation and ability to affect the outcome. Eve has ALWAYS had destructible NPCs during its events. Hell, the Miner II BPO incident was a famous example of an "oops" moment with that.

The leviathan in Luminaire should also be killable. Nothing is sacred in eve. Especially people.
Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#39 - 2013-02-14 06:14:11 UTC
Much as I hate to admit it, I can't help but agree. It's a sandbox game, player actions should have meaning even if they're clearly trolling. While an event like this was bound to be ganked for the hell of it, that's kind of one of the main traits of the EVE universe.

The delegates were all capsuleers anyway, so even if killed they'd just wake up in a clone body just like player characters do, at which point they could have traveled through stealthier means to avoid a repeat attack. So no real permanent damage could have been done to the plot even if any of the ships had been destroyed. Just a happy day turning into a less-happy day.

I would suggest avoiding the use of "invincible" plot NPCs in the future if possible, and to instead consider alternate paths to continuing the story in the event of ganking. Prematurely ending a storyline because of an actor death is definitely unfortunate and should be avoided, but there are better ways to do that than simply making the actors invincible.
Alizabeth Vea
#40 - 2013-02-14 06:14:50 UTC
Leask wrote:

True, some might call my post an effort to support my fellow corp/alliance members, but I could care less for their loses. What concerns me is the fact that CCP Falcon lied. In a game with some many possible outcomes (sabotage having become one of the most recognized parts of eve) you , CCP Falcon, failed to plan for it and took the lazy way out.

I don't know how much ISK MiniLuv has made from freighter ganks, but I am quite sure it covers the ships lost here.

Retainer of Lady Newelle and House Sarum.

"Those who step into the light shall be redeemed, the sins of their past cleansed, so that they may know salvation." -Empress Jamyl Sarum I

Virtue. Valor. Victory.