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First post
The Initiative.
#121 - 2013-01-29 23:39:06 UTC
If you need an extra person to help with the responsive stuff or perl parsing let me know.


Sacred Templars
#122 - 2013-01-30 01:20:53 UTC
NickyYo wrote:
If you need an extra person to help with the responsive stuff or perl parsing let me know.

Thanks for the offer Nicky Smile

Atm we've got it covered, but once we open source the code, everyone is free to join in in making zKB better :)
Def Monk
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#123 - 2013-02-06 19:28:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Def Monk
Loving what you're doing so far. Can't wait for you guys to be finished. Once you release it, would you prefer people simply use your site itself, or host their own instance of it? I've been using EDK for a while now, and have been looking for an alternative to that mess. Also, is the domain tracking feature working yet? Some kind of simple tutorial on how it works (if it is working yet) would be good.

A couple things I found:
- On the Kill Detail Setup page in the account settings, once you select something and hit apply, the box always reverts to yes. It properly affects the pages, but the drop-down box reset is misleading.
- I'm not sure if you guys designed the themes or if they were just templates, but in the superhero/slate themes, listed losses have light text on a lighter background. It's hard to read the text, and (if I you want to be nit-picky) the background color almost seems out of place with the rest of the color scheme.
- Last, my anal OCD is kicking in here, but the search box has no space to the sides of it before the separators. Not sure if anyone else really would even notice, but it's bugging the **** out of me for some reason. >.< Lol.
Syndic Mitthrassafis
The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#124 - 2013-02-07 04:26:32 UTC
loving zkb, tweaks and bugs im sure are to be expected on a project of this scale, haters gonna hate etc

the business model is good, but dont let the idea of open source ruin your project imo, keep producing the quality to price ratio you have over the years and i like many others would love to support you rather than host our own

can we expect see even the beta of zkb get released for corps and alliances to subdomain off of anytime in the next while?

Verlaine Glariant
The Kudur Cult
#125 - 2013-02-07 04:27:35 UTC
An obvious question: is your killboard available for download?

I'd like to install my own zkb.

Lucian James
THORN Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#126 - 2013-02-07 04:31:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucian James
I really appreciate that you guys are tyring to do something new.

I would like to toss a few ideas out here to see you're not as worthless as Battleclinic.

As an alliance leader.. the main stuff I look for in killboards are STATISTICS.
These appear to be broken often on Eve-Kill.. and completely missing from your site.

- I want to see Corp top 10 pilots lists, per month... I would prefer to see a corp's top 20-30 pilots, and be able to see that month-by-month
This comes in very handy for both recruitment and retention.

-I want to see Corp statistics, month-by-month... and preferably a replication of the old 'Corp Stats' link (module) where you could see a kills/member (for the month) column... along with other useful columns such as # of players in corp, losses, kills, isk loss, isk kill, etc.

The board as it stands is a huge headache to look at.
-There is too much spacing inbetween lines.. often presumably caused by oversized icons.. especially the kill list where it is the most ridiculous.

-BLue on black isn't as easy to look at as you think, esp when it's oversized and in looks like it's in bold.

-I am using IE9 and when I hover over Overview shiptype summaries, everything shifts a bit to the right (column width expands) and that causes everything else on the page to shift to the right and down... making sections bounce around the page.

It's one thing to be a bit of a headache to look at... but without detailed statistics... there board would serve no purpose to anyone I fly with in game.

Don't be like Battleclinic.. don't be that horrible mess of oversized icons and colored text with very little substance.

If you did include all the stats I mentioned, I would have no problem paying RL money or in-game isk to support such a killboard.. and encourage everyone I know to do the same.. even if it remains as ugly as now or worse, looks like BC.

Thank you and good luck!
Kosmoto Gothwen
Frenemy Logicians
#127 - 2013-02-07 05:53:36 UTC
I like it, did notice a couple things probably already mentioned but... 1) I like when you resize the window (window width) things shift and/or collapse but the transitions are jerky. Best guess would be from the modernizr plugin. 2) This may have nothing to do with site, would have to use it more, but it took a very long time to load a km (2m+), Looks like it was hanging on the image server, perhaps do a long cache on images since they rarely change.
Sacred Templars
#128 - 2013-02-07 08:15:20 UTC
First off, thanks to everyone who is positive about what we are doing with zKB, it's awesome knowing we are doing stuff mostly correct. Pirate

Def Monk wrote:
Loving what you're doing so far. Can't wait for you guys to be finished. Once you release it, would you prefer people simply use your site itself, or host their own instance of it? I've been using EDK for a while now, and have been looking for an alternative to that mess. Also, is the domain tracking feature working yet? Some kind of simple tutorial on how it works (if it is working yet) would be good.

A couple things I found:
- On the Kill Detail Setup page in the account settings, once you select something and hit apply, the box always reverts to yes. It properly affects the pages, but the drop-down box reset is misleading.
- I'm not sure if you guys designed the themes or if they were just templates, but in the superhero/slate themes, listed losses have light text on a lighter background. It's hard to read the text, and (if I you want to be nit-picky) the background color almost seems out of place with the rest of the color scheme.
- Last, my anal OCD is kicking in here, but the search box has no space to the sides of it before the separators. Not sure if anyone else really would even notice, but it's bugging the **** out of me for some reason. >.< Lol.

- We'd prefer if people use our version that we host, but down the line people are more than welcome to host their own. But right off, it won't work for private boards, at all - it's coded specifically for EVE-KILL and it's uses. We do however have plans to rectify this.

- The domain tracking feature is still somewhat broken, it sorta works, but it sorta doesn't. But once it does work, and we "launch" the board, we'll obv. provide a tutorial for it :)

- Good catch on the account panel box, i'll have a whack at it later today :D

- The themes are just bootstrap themes that alter the looks. It's all CSS, but yeah, some of them needs some work to look properly - so far we've concentrated on the Cyborg theme (default) and the white themes.

- Your OCD is correct. I'll jot this down for my todo! :)

Syndic Mitthrassafis wrote:
loving zkb, tweaks and bugs im sure are to be expected on a project of this scale, haters gonna hate etc

the business model is good, but dont let the idea of open source ruin your project imo, keep producing the quality to price ratio you have over the years and i like many others would love to support you rather than host our own

can we expect see even the beta of zkb get released for corps and alliances to subdomain off of anytime in the next while?

Thanks for liking zKB, and yeah, there are plenty of bugs to be squashed, tho most of the bugs are in code i wrote, don't tell Squizz Roll
As for the hosting your own, it'll come yes - look above (in this post) for more info :)

Verlaine Glariant wrote:
An obvious question: is your killboard available for download?

I'd like to install my own zkb.

Look above Blink

Lucian James wrote:
I really appreciate that you guys are tyring to do something new.

I would like to toss a few ideas out here to see you're not as worthless as Battleclinic.

As an alliance leader.. the main stuff I look for in killboards are STATISTICS.
These appear to be broken often on Eve-Kill.. and completely missing from your site.

- I want to see Corp top 10 pilots lists, per month... I would prefer to see a corp's top 20-30 pilots, and be able to see that month-by-month
This comes in very handy for both recruitment and retention.

-I want to see Corp statistics, month-by-month... and preferably a replication of the old 'Corp Stats' link (module) where you could see a kills/member (for the month) column... along with other useful columns such as # of players in corp, losses, kills, isk loss, isk kill, etc.

The board as it stands is a huge headache to look at.
-There is too much spacing inbetween lines.. often presumably caused by oversized icons.. especially the kill list where it is the most ridiculous.

-BLue on black isn't as easy to look at as you think, esp when it's oversized and in looks like it's in bold.

-I am using IE9 and when I hover over Overview shiptype summaries, everything shifts a bit to the right (column width expands) and that causes everything else on the page to shift to the right and down... making sections bounce around the page.

It's one thing to be a bit of a headache to look at... but without detailed statistics... there board would serve no purpose to anyone I fly with in game.

Don't be like Battleclinic.. don't be that horrible mess of oversized icons and colored text with very little substance.

If you did include all the stats I mentioned, I would have no problem paying RL money or in-game isk to support such a killboard.. and encourage everyone I know to do the same.. even if it remains as ugly as now or worse, looks like BC.

Thank you and good luck!

We are very interested in ideas on how to make the entire site better, very much so.
And yes, statistics are a priority after we get the site fully featured :)

- Pilot, Corp, Alliance, Faction, System, Region month by month stats are coming, ditto for top 10 month by month. Squizz did some work on that the other day, and only need to add the navigation links.
Hell, he even whacked out most of the logic for the contract/campaign stuff Lol

- Spacing on the board won't change anytime soon, some like it, others don't. As for the theme, make an account and you can select from a few different themes.
Everything is pr. user, so you can customize everything to YOUR liking, not the liking of whomever set up the board Cool

- We havn't bug tested on IE8/9/10 at all, and i'm sure there are a multitude of bugs that will crop up in those browsers.
But i can safely say, i'll check it out over the weekend, and see what i can do :)
Sacred Templars
#129 - 2013-02-07 08:20:20 UTC
Kosmoto Gothwen wrote:
I like it, did notice a couple things probably already mentioned but... 1) I like when you resize the window (window width) things shift and/or collapse but the transitions are jerky. Best guess would be from the modernizr plugin. 2) This may have nothing to do with site, would have to use it more, but it took a very long time to load a km (2m+), Looks like it was hanging on the image server, perhaps do a long cache on images since they rarely change.

- The window resizing is handled by Bootstrap itself, it guesses if you're a mobile phone, tablet or desktop browser - and resizes / ads / removes stuff accordingly. It sometimes work properly, tho sometimes it doesn't. Not much we can do about it now.
Cba to rewrite all our templates with a different html5 framework Lol

- Sometimes the CCP image server is a bit too crowded, and ends up not answering for a bit, just F5 - the actual php/query/html generation of the site itself shouldn't take more then a second on very very large pages.


To everyone:
I noticed Squizz "murdered" EVE-KILL today, because of some issues with the database and forced a lot of you to look at zKB - you should all know, we appreciate every shred of input you have, and are more than willing to add features, remove features, make stuff look different etc. etc.

You just have to let us know, and we'll get it on our todo Big smile

Also, the hope is that, when we open source it - more coders and designers will help pitch in, to make zKB the killboard of choise for EVE-Online. Both for public hosting, and for private hosting.

Oh and, all the ugly code is by me, not Squizz Lol
Lucian James
THORN Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#130 - 2013-02-07 18:19:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucian James
Karbowiak wrote:
First off, thanks to everyone who is positive about what we are doing with zKB, it's awesome knowing we are doing stuff mostly correct. Pirate

That's awesome! I didn't know. I will look into that (but the defualt page.. imho.. should look more like the old KB and less like BC... not exactly like the old KB.. just more compact and less eye-rapey).

I undertstand why there are no stats yet.. i imagine those queries could bury your hardware, if not properly configured.

Will there be ad-free options for paying customers?

Squizz Caphinator
The Wormhole Police
#131 - 2013-02-07 20:22:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Squizz Caphinator
Lucian, just to give you an idea of what is there but not available via links (yet):

Thorn Alliance Top 10 page for December, 2012

Some monthly stats (this page is very, very unfinished and kind of broken atm):

There are many, and I mean, many ideas that we can implement. We're working on getting the base stuff done first (and hopefully correct too). The nature of the code and database of zKB will make all the new additions rather painless too.

I f'in love coding on zKB, its so damn easy!

Various projects I enjoy putting my free time into: |

Sacred Templars
#132 - 2013-02-07 20:53:28 UTC
Lucian James wrote:
Karbowiak wrote:
First off, thanks to everyone who is positive about what we are doing with zKB, it's awesome knowing we are doing stuff mostly correct. Pirate

That's awesome! I didn't know. I will look into that (but the defualt page.. imho.. should look more like the old KB and less like BC... not exactly like the old KB.. just more compact and less eye-rapey).

I undertstand why there are no stats yet.. i imagine those queries could bury your hardware, if not properly configured.

Will there be ad-free options for paying customers?


The look of the board won't change anytime soon, unless someone decides to tackle it when we open source it. But yeah, time will tell - i've been thinking about asking Beanie for some money, to hire a real designer.. Shocked

As for the queries, actually no, zKB is very light on the sqlrape - it loves itself some cpu power for php tho, since we've moved pretty much every join from the database to the php processing. (Yes it sounds bad, but it makes sense for us, and it's goddamn fast)

Ads, yes, most likely. I put an option there in the account panel, i have yet to fix the wallet integration stuff tho.
But it will be pr. account. That having been said, if a lot of people choose to pay isk to get the ads removed, it's going to be bad for us. Since we also have to pay for the hardware (which, the ads help cover)
I guess we'll have to wait and see Big smile
Lucian James
THORN Syndicate
Northern Coalition.
#133 - 2013-02-07 21:29:29 UTC
Squizz Caphinator wrote:
Lucian, just to give you an idea of what is there but not available via links (yet):

Thorn Alliance Top 10 page for December, 2012

Some monthly stats (this page is very, very unfinished and kind of broken atm):

Nice start man! I look forward to seeing how Corp/Pilot stats unfold!

I like the yearly graphs of month-by-month kills/losses too.
Sacred Templars
#134 - 2013-02-09 01:43:09 UTC
And so, the big import of killmails from EVE-KILL to zKB, begins..

(02:00:09) (+ESCBot) zkillboard - 46,814 out of a total 19,903 kills have been added in the last hour

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#135 - 2013-02-09 04:49:32 UTC
Mighty sexy Killboard you got there.

Getting a database down message trying to log in, so I'll ask here, is the board set up(or are there plans to set up) allowing a CNAME to point to the board so that corps and alliances can host their KBs with it while maintaining URL conventions?

ie. can we point at the board and have it load our killboards since(at least for now) we can't set up our own?

/me looks forward to never dealing with EDK again.

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Sacred Templars
#136 - 2013-02-09 15:01:20 UTC
Tallian Saotome wrote:
Mighty sexy Killboard you got there.

Getting a database down message trying to log in, so I'll ask here, is the board set up(or are there plans to set up) allowing a CNAME to point to the board so that corps and alliances can host their KBs with it while maintaining URL conventions?

ie. can we point at the board and have it load our killboards since(at least for now) we can't set up our own?

/me looks forward to never dealing with EDK again.

Yes, cnames will be supported with the domain tracker :)

It aint working 100% yet tho, but i'll be whipping Squizz in the coming week to get it working Lol
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#137 - 2013-02-10 01:49:01 UTC
I can't find a kill on zKB but I found it on evekill:
Could u check it out?

Ty for your great job, I like ZKilloboard much more then evekill!
Sacred Templars
#138 - 2013-02-10 01:51:52 UTC
HalfSaw wrote:
I can't find a kill on zKB but I found it on evekill:
Could u check it out?

Ty for your great job, I like ZKilloboard much more then evekill!

Manually posted mails (like the one you linked) are not crossposted to zKB..

Not yet anyway. We're in the process of moving kills over, but it's going at around 15k mails an hour. So moving over ~12m mails will take a while Lol

Feel free to crosspost it tho, or simply add your API to the site Smile
Verlaine Glariant
The Kudur Cult
#139 - 2013-02-10 11:01:50 UTC
Thanks for the reply Karbowiak. I am so much looking forward to host my on zkb. Looks awesome!

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#140 - 2013-02-10 21:16:36 UTC
Karbowiak wrote:
Tallian Saotome wrote:
Mighty sexy Killboard you got there.

Getting a database down message trying to log in, so I'll ask here, is the board set up(or are there plans to set up) allowing a CNAME to point to the board so that corps and alliances can host their KBs with it while maintaining URL conventions?

ie. can we point at the board and have it load our killboards since(at least for now) we can't set up our own?

/me looks forward to never dealing with EDK again.

Yes, cnames will be supported with the domain tracker :)

It aint working 100% yet tho, but i'll be whipping Squizz in the coming week to get it working Lol

2 things on this.

One, it doesn't appear to be working at all, but since you guys are working on it there is no point to saying more, lol.

Two, it would be useful to have an instruction on the Domain Tracker page telling exactly what domain name to set the CNAME up pointing to. zKillboard does not seem to do subdomains the way EVE-Kill does, instead having a URL path pointing to the alliance. Should the CNAME just point to zKillboard, where it will be handled as a vhost, or will the lack of subdomains be changed?

This killboard is too nice, I got people wanting to know why we are not using it fully yet, no matter how much I tell them beta ;)

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.