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★★★ Haulers Channel ★★★

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Rita Jita Dodixie
#141 - 2013-01-31 20:32:36 UTC
Minerva ALShepard wrote:
Hey there everyone. I am a complete Eve n00b and just started playing within the last week. I was looking to do some hauling for any one that can help me out. I have looked thru the contracts for work but those ISK amounts for collateral are WAY to high for me now.

Largest cargo hold I have now is 4,349 m3. Which is from a Iteron. Thanks in advance for the help.

was there a question here ?
Minerva ALShepard
7-14 Enterprises
#142 - 2013-02-01 02:43:40 UTC
Rita Jita Dodixie wrote:
Minerva ALShepard wrote:
Hey there everyone. I am a complete Eve n00b and just started playing within the last week. I was looking to do some hauling for any one that can help me out. I have looked thru the contracts for work but those ISK amounts for collateral are WAY to high for me now.

Largest cargo hold I have now is 4,349 m3. Which is from a Iteron. Thanks in advance for the help.

was there a question here ?

Hey there and yes. LOL

I am looking for hauling work. My complete n00b-ness seems to be an issue in getting this work. Just looking for someone to give me a chance to prove that I am trust worthy.

So, PLEASE someone take a gamble on me to do some hauling. You'll get a good return on that bet.
Minerva ALShepard
7-14 Enterprises
#143 - 2013-02-01 14:30:05 UTC
Just a friendly bump to my plea for work. Blink
Aurum Taurum
#144 - 2013-02-01 17:32:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Leliaonred
Finished hard trip a hour ago. People like to set big collateral for their cargo, but often put there trash. And that trip was hard because of well counted collateral for stuff - it was 6 contracts, 8b collateral summary and 7b stuff inside. Rather scary Roll

But Captain Webber arrived & escort me right to far far away. It's so funny when freighter warps his back forward Arrow
Rita Jita Dodixie
#145 - 2013-02-01 21:50:57 UTC
Minerva ALShepard wrote:
Just a friendly bump to my plea for work. Blink

Drop Into The Channel Of Convo me bro.

There is work for everyone in this channel. and even when its quiet you'll enjoy the banter
Rice Trader
Rice Trader Corporation
#146 - 2013-02-01 22:05:20 UTC
Rita Jita Dodixie wrote:
Minerva ALShepard wrote:
Just a friendly bump to my plea for work. Blink

Drop Into The Channel Of Convo me bro.

There is work for everyone in this channel. and even when its quiet you'll enjoy the banter

Banter? You call that Banter? When the traders run out of things to move, the haulers... turn. They become different people, a pack of wolves ready to pounce on eachother, threatening freighter bumping to delay eachothers hauls. The traders try to give them more work, but its never enough, they just dont understand I DONT HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO TRANSPORT Cry. Please traders, industrialists and lazy people that just need hanger trash moved here and there, please join the channel and help the traders sate the thirst of all these haulers that just want to transport things across the universe before its to late!
Minerva ALShepard
7-14 Enterprises
#147 - 2013-02-01 22:56:38 UTC
Rita Jita Dodixie wrote:
Minerva ALShepard wrote:
Just a friendly bump to my plea for work. Blink

Drop Into The Channel Of Convo me bro.

There is work for everyone in this channel. and even when its quiet you'll enjoy the banter

Oh man am I a n00b!! Just found the Haulers Channel on the in-game chat! At least I laugh at myself while you guys do too.

Thanks Rita, I'll find you for sure.
Lonli Lonki
Fo Min
#148 - 2013-02-01 23:23:43 UTC
Why I’m using this channel and how it helped me in-game and in a real life.

I played EVE for a quite a time, done most things, seen many events. With each year I less and less my olds friends online… some abandon the game, some…† .In eve you need to make new friends or you can end up as a loner.

With Hauler channel I started to know new people, a community driven by a common goal – HAULING. Before I never paid attention to it too much, but those guys have own rules, own philosophy and culture, own jokes and funny stories.

I don’t haul things by my own, nor making a courier contracts too often. But I stay in this channel and like to share own experience in logistics and how to avoid troubles, while also learning something new.
Moreover, I learn an English language and logistic-industrial slang in this channel, it helps me to communicate with partners in real life.

Friends, new knowledge, sharing, and real life benefits – you have it all in HAULERS CHANNEL!

Trader CiCi
Jack of all skills
#149 - 2013-02-01 23:47:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Trader CiCi
Big smileSmileCoolLol

Here's how I think of my money -- as soldiers -- I send them out to war everyday. I want them to take prisoners and come home, so there's more of them." - Kevin O'Leary/Shark Tank

Minerva ALShepard
7-14 Enterprises
#150 - 2013-02-02 01:34:07 UTC
Hey there . . . I just finished my first three (3) Hauling contracts due to the Hauling Channel!!!

Mega thanks to Rice Trader & Jane Travelstar. They gave me a shot to work without much in the way of collateral. And, not to mention I now have GREAT understanding on where to go from here in terms of skills & ships.

Thanks again!
Aaron J Brewster
State War Academy
Caldari State
#151 - 2013-02-02 01:36:07 UTC

First time I used the channel today to get some of my stuff hauled and it was really awesome xD Asked if anyone was able to do me a haul contract of 26 jumps and got a answer pretty quickly :) Set up terms and gave a nice pay to the person (Thanks Maya Exsequor) who then got straight to getting her hauler down to where my stuff was at and moved to where I needed it fast as I needed it before a WH my corp were using collapsed Big smile

Great channel and anyone that needs stuff moving should go here or for anyone wanting to do some hauling contracts and earn some glorious ISKies should definitely get in the channel. The next step for UPS.

Thanks Rita

Minerva ALShepard
7-14 Enterprises
#152 - 2013-02-02 07:14:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Minerva ALShepard
Just finished my first day on the Hauling Channel. As a complete n00b and less than 3,100 m3 cargo space I made over 20 million ISK and got a lot of great help!

Thanks again Rita Jita for this thread and the channel.
Chloe Price
#153 - 2013-02-02 12:45:21 UTC
I endorse this herd.

Last time I had this many pick ups I was wearing a really short skirt. Lol
Aurum Taurum
#154 - 2013-02-02 15:35:36 UTC
We play nice role game today - Rush delivery. One starting and ending point, pack of contracts & timer. It's so fun to compete with other haulers using all possibilities to do your trip faster.
And during this I met one really awesome thing - fleet if Charons arriving to gate & jumping through it.
Jane Travelstar
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#155 - 2013-02-03 00:55:59 UTC
Minerva ALShepard wrote:
Hey there . . . I just finished my first three (3) Hauling contracts due to the Hauling Channel!!!

Mega thanks to Rice Trader & Jane Travelstar. They gave me a shot to work without much in the way of collateral. And, not to mention I now have GREAT understanding on where to go from here in terms of skills & ships.

Thanks again!

Most welcome!

Always fun to help a fellow Hauler.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#156 - 2013-02-03 05:39:04 UTC
So I have been using the channel for a little over two weeks now, and as many have already seen, the rewards are great. I have met alot of great people in the channel, including one who is letting me 'rent' a freighter until i can afford my own. (yes that kind of trust does exists in EVE) anywho, I state before that you can meet people in here that are willing to help you tremendously, and by that example this is what I mean.

And now on to another note. If you join the channel you will see in the MOTD that there is a contest going on. Best forum post of the weeks wins 200mil. Well, I have Won it this week. And it is awesome lol. I just have to say thanks to Rita Jita for this great service that is being offered, I would also like to thank my puppy who doesn't like long walks on the beach with me anymore because kitty's are cuter. I would also like to thank my mom. She's awesome, and even though she has to constantly tell me to eat my vegetables and I will grow big and strong, i'm content at 5'1" so F*** you mom. And lastly I would like to thank Caroline Grace's Uncle Pete, he's an awesome guy and great truck driver. Believe me when I say Chuck Norris ain't got **** on you.

Oh yeah BTW this channel is awesome and you should totally join. You won't be dissappointed :-) k thnx bye

"Insert witty quote from some old dead poet here"

Delta Wings
#157 - 2013-02-03 12:54:58 UTC
Oke, my turn. I've been in the Haulers Channel from the beginning as far as i know. I had a conversation wih Rita Jita just after start up, not knowing her, and thought it was a great idea. However, the channel works even better then i anticipated, and might even top Rita Jita's own expectations.

From a contracters perspective this channel works very well. It's a great way to advertize your courier contracts resulting in a faster pickup and delivery. Direct contact with people filling your couriers ensures less logging of before completing. Haulers in this channel are dedicad to their job is my experience. Add to that you can keep an eye on competition ;)

From a haulers persective the advantages are very simple, many nice courier contracts, direct contact with your customers resulting in even better and more contracts to fill. It being a public channel ensures you choose what to run and what not.

Rita Jita has some good idea's that will work for Rita Jita but not for her alone. This channel works for big and small, new and old players alike. And in my experience Rita is more then willing to take feedback and review the proces from another users perspective.

The haulerschannel works better then i thought possible, it benifits Rita and all in the channel. People are helpfull end dedicated. The haulers channel starts to become a community in it's own right, with Rita at the helm.

Come and have a look,... at least.
Aurum Taurum
#158 - 2013-02-03 14:46:28 UTC
Delta Wings wrote:
The haulers channel starts to become a community in it's own right, with Rita at the helm.

Oh, yeah ) we are Rita's personnal hauling army. This weekend was truly hard - so many good contracts to do - earned more than half a billion isk for two days... Looks like I complete 17 courier contracts for Rita Jita and it's not the end - I see some more new contracts P. Tired like a dog Shocked But I'll have my cup of tee and go back to haul. Maybe this time I'll win the challenge of the Fastest haulers.
Rita Jita
Caldari Provisions
#159 - 2013-02-04 01:01:22 UTC
helps pays your wages Big smile

Founder of the "Haulers Channel"

Come Check It Out

Rita Jita
Caldari Provisions
#160 - 2013-02-05 10:06:17 UTC

Founder of the "Haulers Channel"

Come Check It Out