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Pulling the Plug on WiS

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dark heartt
#981 - 2013-01-22 08:06:33 UTC
I don't mind if WiS comes... I just don't want to be forced into it.
Thomas Gore
Blackfyre Enterprise
#982 - 2013-01-22 09:21:20 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:

It would be easier if they knew what to do and what to say about it, becasue it pretty much looks like they painted themselves in a corner. EVE is a spaceships game and they wouldn't be able to develop it further throguh avatars even if they figured or wanted to.

Just they don't dare to say it openly. Remove the CQ, the NEx and evertyhing but the bare character creator delivered with Incursion. If they won't make it, then should break it and stop the pain.

I tend to agree, but keep on hoping :)

Might turn out to be a fool's hope and I wholeheartedly agree that CCP will need to step in and say "YES we are developing WiS and it will be implemented in 201x" or "NO we are not developing WiS and probably never will, eat your spaceship game and shut the **** up!"
#983 - 2013-01-22 10:13:08 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
You know, one of the issues that puzzle me about EVE and CCP is how unproductive their developers appear to be. How long it takes for them to do so little. Unofficially, I blame it to complexity, how everything you do in EVE is going to tie and interwine to so many other factors that balancing takes away most of the development effort.

Think of it, does it really take 500 people to deliver a expansion like the ones we get? Mostly revamped 10 years old sh*t?

I can't help to compare to Star Citizen and how a little team of some 30 people is planning to do in 2 years a whole new game game. Of course, they're taking shortcuts: Chris Roberts is a producer, he knows his trade, and so much of the SC development has been outsourced to a established studio with expertise in Cry engine 3 and Dx11 graphics. Hired talent is cheaper and faster than totrain and establish it yourself, and surely helps Robert's vision of an evolving universe.

Meanwhile, CCP is using not less than 3 separate graphic engines for their 3 products, and only one of them (DUST's Unreal Engine) can be developed by industry standards. in that sense, CCP still thinks like a tiny studio who can't afford to license an engine and must do it itself. With the manpower and hubris of a bigger studio, they're doing it twice at the time and even dared to trash an unfinished engine and develop a new one for what would become Incarna. But now... sure they have good reasons to not use EVE's Carbon for WoD, but that still is crapy resource allocation unless EVE Carbon engine is becoming a "spaceships only" engine.

The existnce of a WoD Carbon casts a serious doubt on wether EVE Carbon is going to be used for avatars. Some time ago I already wondered wether CCP had the inhouse talent to create avatar content: with l all those guys doing spacehips all day, who in EVE could make avatar content without some "reskilling"?

It would be easier if they knew what to do and what to say about it, becasue it pretty much looks like they painted themselves in a corner. EVE is a spaceships game and they wouldn't be able to develop it further throguh avatars even if they figured or wanted to.

Just they don't dare to say it openly. Remove the CQ, the NEx and evertyhing but the bare character creator delivered with Incursion. If they won't make it, then should break it and stop the pain.

well basically, CCP indicated that all you emote lovers are SOL, until they come up with some content, after dust gets off the ground. lol what the christ

Thomas Gore
Blackfyre Enterprise
#984 - 2013-01-22 11:03:11 UTC
Ghazu wrote:
well basically, CCP indicated that all you emote lovers are SOL, until they come up with some content, after dust gets off the ground.

I think the real issue here is that they have not stated if they will bring WiS with content out ever.
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#985 - 2013-01-22 11:19:25 UTC
"NO we are not developing WiS and probably never will, eat your spaceship game and shut the **** up!"

They have said something similar many times. Problem is, people don't want to believe it. Like with POS overhaul. CCP did't promised anything after all. It was a presentation on fanfest, where they made their marketing magic with PowerPoint and everyone was like "POS overhaul - CCP is thinking/prototyping/developing/finishing it". You just made this hype, because it was what you wished for, and it was needed by you, but CCP was just like always.
Thomas Gore
Blackfyre Enterprise
#986 - 2013-01-22 13:10:22 UTC
Bagrat Skalski wrote:
"NO we are not developing WiS and probably never will, eat your spaceship game and shut the **** up!"

They have said something similar many times. Problem is, people don't want to believe it. Like with POS overhaul. CCP did't promised anything after all. It was a presentation on fanfest, where they made their marketing magic with PowerPoint and everyone was like "POS overhaul - CCP is thinking/prototyping/developing/finishing it". You just made this hype, because it was what you wished for, and it was needed by you, but CCP was just like always.

Please read the dev posts in this message and you will see CCP really does not know where they stand with WiS at the moment, or at least are not letting us know where they stand.
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#987 - 2013-01-22 14:09:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Bagrat Skalski
Not knowing where they stand? You still fall for this?

(I could say you where they are but i don't want to be rude) P
Rotten Legion
#988 - 2013-01-22 14:36:23 UTC
Bagrat Skalski wrote:
Not knowing where they stand? You still fall for this?

(I could say you where they are but i don't want to be rude) P

I can tell you where they are. They have prototyped game content which they believe will add to the Eve universe and be the Avatar game-play that Eve deserves, and they have an estimation of how many man-hours it would take, they are just prioritising other stuff over developing their prototype. As well as the small issue of Eve players using **** technology and CCP are having to wait for their players to catch up.

I doesn't take a great deal of reading or effort to find this out.

CCP RedDawn wrote:
Where we stand right now is that we have a successful idea for WiS, a detailed pre-production plan and the right people to implement it properly into EvE... I believe the overall consensus is that we, as devs want WiS to be out there and blowing all your minds right now. Some things take priority though, and some things take time..

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#989 - 2013-01-22 14:50:47 UTC
Some things take priority though, and some things take time..

You mean POSes? Roll

I can show you, where they are standing now with all this plans, and "charts" -
Rotten Legion
#990 - 2013-01-22 14:51:49 UTC
Bagrat Skalski wrote:
Some things take priority though, and some things take time..

You mean POSes? Roll

I can show you, where they are standing now with all this plans, and "charts" -

Nice troll, but ignorable at best.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#991 - 2013-01-22 18:05:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Bagrat Skalski
They have not removed NeX store and Aurum from the game. They have stopped WIS development. What else have they made? Promises?

CCP will not pay attention to what you do, to what you say. CSM was passive and eated from their hands. You don't like game in its current form? You can always unsub. Because unsubscribing is the ONLY thing CCP will listen to. Then they will make more promises. Or you know what? POSes. They didn't promised anything with POSes right? Are you surprised?

It's CCP all the time, the same, again and again.

..and really, i don't think, they will be working simultanously an ALL those features you ALL think about. WiS, FiS, POS? Remember that new chart? That's ridiculous. I didn't fall for that. I made mistake with believing in WIS and POSes. Third time I will not be fooled. But you know what? I would like this game even if CCP would leave me only with Hawk and anomalies. I now leave "EVE Online’s world of lies, corporations, and deceit" to you all. P
Caldari State
#992 - 2013-01-22 20:17:42 UTC
Bagrat Skalski wrote:
They have not removed NeX store and Aurum from the game. They have stopped WIS development. What else have they made? Promises?

CCP will not pay attention to what you do, to what you say. CSM was passive and eated from their hands. You don't like game in its current form? You can always unsub. Because unsubscribing is the ONLY thing CCP will listen to. Then they will make more promises. Or you know what? POSes. They didn't promised anything with POSes right? Are you surprised?

It's CCP all the time, the same, again and again.

..and really, i don't think, they will be working simultanously an ALL those features you ALL think about. WiS, FiS, POS? Remember that new chart? That's ridiculous. I didn't fall for that. I made mistake with believing in WIS and POSes. Third time I will not be fooled. But you know what? I would like this game even if CCP would leave me only with Hawk and anomalies. I now leave "EVE Online’s world of lies, corporations, and deceit" to you all. P

They work on DUST right now .must be something big


Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#993 - 2013-01-22 20:37:04 UTC
oldbutfeelingyoung wrote:
Bagrat Skalski wrote:
They have not removed NeX store and Aurum from the game. They have stopped WIS development. What else have they made? Promises?

CCP will not pay attention to what you do, to what you say. CSM was passive and eated from their hands. You don't like game in its current form? You can always unsub. Because unsubscribing is the ONLY thing CCP will listen to. Then they will make more promises. Or you know what? POSes. They didn't promised anything with POSes right? Are you surprised?

It's CCP all the time, the same, again and again.

..and really, i don't think, they will be working simultanously an ALL those features you ALL think about. WiS, FiS, POS? Remember that new chart? That's ridiculous. I didn't fall for that. I made mistake with believing in WIS and POSes. Third time I will not be fooled. But you know what? I would like this game even if CCP would leave me only with Hawk and anomalies. I now leave "EVE Online’s world of lies, corporations, and deceit" to you all. P

They work on DUST right now .must be something big

DUST 514 will be Planetside 2, EVE style. More complex and a single shard, but all in all, people will join to pewpew until they earn enough or can't afford to lose anything else. I am pretty confident that it will find its niche, and it will be a small but devoted one... much as EVE's. To which point 20 or 30k dust bunnies could justifiy all the time, money and effort devoted to DUST, that's another question.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Caldari State
#994 - 2013-01-22 22:19:01 UTC
Nah let us all trust CCP ,DUST is the best thing happened to EvE


silens vesica
Corsair Cartel
#995 - 2013-01-22 22:28:03 UTC
oldbutfeelingyoung wrote:
Nah let us all trust CCP ,DUST is the best thing happened to EvE

Considering that if it fails, likely so does CCP, I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt for now: their paychecks are riding on making it work.

Tell someone you love them today, because life is short. But scream it at them in Esperanto, because life is also terrifying and confusing.

Didn't vote? Then you voted for NulBloc

Lothix VSX
#996 - 2013-01-23 05:13:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Lothix VSX
As a Planetside and Unreal Tournament fan, I'd love to play Dust 514 and spend money on it but I'm not buying ancient hardware like PS3 to do it. If CCP is wise, they would port Dust 514 to PC and instantly gain additional 200-300K players who would at least try the game. Hopefully down the road, CCP could re-use the engine and/or assets from Dust 514 to finish implementing WiS and expand character gameplay to exploration. Seems like it will be another 4-5 years before we are able to properly play such content with constant project/priority de-tours that take place in EvE roadmap.
Naes Mlahrend
Devil's Horsemen
#997 - 2013-01-23 05:30:19 UTC
Can someone give me a link as to what the WiS project entailed? Is it just mingling with other avatars while docked or were they planning on implementing some sort of immersion into missions and escalations etc ie: Maybe having broken down stations in far reaches of the universe to explore and become engulfed in some of the lore in those places.

Imagine being able to dock (at risk of death) in the Kyonoke Pit and witness the horrors that occurred there.

Or am I way off here?
Rotten Legion
#998 - 2013-01-23 05:57:58 UTC
Naes Mlahrend wrote:
Can someone give me a link as to what the WiS project entailed? Is it just mingling with other avatars while docked or were they planning on implementing some sort of immersion into missions and escalations etc ie: Maybe having broken down stations in far reaches of the universe to explore and become engulfed in some of the lore in those places.

Imagine being able to dock (at risk of death) in the Kyonoke Pit and witness the horrors that occurred there.

Or am I way off here?

No, your about right.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#999 - 2013-01-30 20:22:20 UTC
Bagrat Skalski wrote:
"NO we are not developing WiS and probably never will, eat your spaceship game and shut the **** up!"

They have said something similar many times. Problem is, people don't want to believe it. Like with POS overhaul. CCP did't promised anything after all. It was a presentation on fanfest, where they made their marketing magic with PowerPoint and everyone was like "POS overhaul - CCP is thinking/prototyping/developing/finishing it". You just made this hype, because it was what you wished for, and it was needed by you, but CCP was just like always.

Then CCP should stop teasing people's genitals with content displayed at FANFEST to the FANS if they want to KEEP SAID FANS lol

sounds logical right?

arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#1000 - 2013-01-30 20:25:03 UTC
Arduemont wrote:
Bagrat Skalski wrote:
Not knowing where they stand? You still fall for this?

(I could say you where they are but i don't want to be rude) P

I can tell you where they are. They have prototyped game content which they believe will add to the Eve universe and be the Avatar game-play that Eve deserves, and they have an estimation of how many man-hours it would take, they are just prioritising other stuff over developing their prototype. As well as the small issue of Eve players using **** technology and CCP are having to wait for their players to catch up.

I doesn't take a great deal of reading or effort to find this out.

CCP RedDawn wrote:
Where we stand right now is that we have a successful idea for WiS, a detailed pre-production plan and the right people to implement it properly into EvE... I believe the overall consensus is that we, as devs want WiS to be out there and blowing all your minds right now. Some things take priority though, and some things take time..

Poor CCP, guess it's too hard to expect gamers to have gaming rigs in PC video gaming land huh??!! lmao Poor POOR CCP