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POSes: I am a small portion of the community

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Der Stuhl
Umbrella Division
#1961 - 2013-01-18 04:04:23 UTC
Give me Modular POS, or give me Death!
phat dat
Gallente Federation
#1962 - 2013-01-18 04:04:38 UTC
something needs to be done CCP, we are not just a small part of eve.
Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#1963 - 2013-01-18 04:09:24 UTC
99 pages in about 24.5 hours..

that alone in and of itself speaks volumes...


Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

Fishsticks Fred
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1964 - 2013-01-18 04:09:59 UTC
Dear CCP. I'm one of the precious few people that help to manage Dreddit's infrastructure. For reference, we manage upwards of 200 POS spread across about 3 primary regions, and we go through 70+ bil a month in fuel. It's pretty bad.

POS management sucks. The reason cited for not wanting to improve POS was that it effects a small amount of players. I'd argue that it effects a small group of people because POS are so stupid and broken in their current iteration. I'd go on to argue that if you do a POS revamp right, you might actually get more people that WANT to do things with POS.

Please reconsider your position on this.
Willow corpus
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1965 - 2013-01-18 04:11:59 UTC
Fishsticks Fred wrote:
Dear CCP. I'm one of the precious few people that help to manage Dreddit's infrastructure. For reference, we manage upwards of 200 POS spread across about 3 primary regions, and we go through 70+ bil a month in fuel. It's pretty bad.

POS management sucks. The reason cited for not wanting to improve POS was that it effects a small amount of players. I'd argue that it effects a small group of people because POS are so stupid and broken in their current iteration. I'd go on to argue that if you do a POS revamp right, you might actually get more people that WANT to do things with POS.

Please reconsider your position on this.

Everyone should be able to use posses, they are pretty cool

come on ccp, give us some pos loving.
brotherhood of desman
#1966 - 2013-01-18 04:15:53 UTC
W-Space for POS-changes!
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry.
Mouth Trumpet Cavalry
#1967 - 2013-01-18 04:19:39 UTC
Please give us some love to the POS system CCP

It would be awesome!
Dex Nederland
Lai Dai Infinity Systems
The Fourth District
#1968 - 2013-01-18 04:21:25 UTC
Another POS manager voicing concern over Unifex's view that POS updates will improve Eve for a small segment of the player base. From those corps who use them as homes in wormhole space to null-sec industrialist feeding the Tech2 Industry to the high-sec research corporation, the "small" player segment that manages POSs improves the lives of players across the spectrum.
Contra Ratio
#1969 - 2013-01-18 04:21:52 UTC
POS's do need work guys. They affect a huge swatch of players either directly or indirectly.

Some functionality upgrades would be outstanding.
Gallente Federation
#1970 - 2013-01-18 04:22:08 UTC
I moved into wormholes 2 years ago. I had to learn to utterly trust, in a game that does not foster trust, the people I live with. Of course we lock it down as best we can. It's not enough. Bluntly, one's personal assets are the most vulnerable to a corp thief; the corp's assets are the easiest to secure. The new inventory system, despite fixes, is still hellish to use within a POS, especially if you are at once overlapped by several hangars that are in use.

I support a POS revamp that includes some form of personal hangars akin to outposts/stations, that continues to offer anchored defenses to support the defenders, and that is either modular or reconfigurable to allow a POS to do different tasks such as manufacture/research and home defense in the event of invasion.

It is my opinion that CCP should make a complete ground up rebuild of POSes amongst their top priorities. Even if those of us who live in POSes are a small percentage, we are by definition dedicated, because no casual is going to put up with the migraine-inducing interface for managing one.
Punchus Pilot
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#1971 - 2013-01-18 04:22:54 UTC
So maybe the percentage of players who live out of POS's is small, but zoom in on that particular population of players and ask:

1- How many of these players are veterans who have been and want to continue supporting the game?

2- How many of these players generate content that CCP loves to use to market the game?

3- How many of these players (not sure about the answer on this) cause the destruction that fuels the player based economy?

If the answers to the above questions are "a disproportionate amount" or even "a largely disproportionate amount", why would CCP leave a set of mechanics in place that sucks time away from questions 2 and 3?

What purpose is served by making living out of a POS 5 times harder than living out of a station?

It reminds me a little of the old mission agent system, which was unnecessarily a pain in the ass not knowing what type of mission an agent would give out. Yes, the fact that it was unpredictable and sometimes sucky kind of created "content," but not really. Not the kind of content CCP decided to keep around.

Siberian Squad
Siberian Squads
#1972 - 2013-01-18 04:25:19 UTC
W-Space for POS-changes!
Yrrek Scatoma
Ceteri Inc
#1973 - 2013-01-18 04:29:27 UTC
No problem with complexity. Counter-intuitive. Awkward. Unwieldly. That I can do without. POS fixing time.
#1974 - 2013-01-18 04:32:42 UTC
It's not cognitively challenging to figure out how an expansion that includes a POS remake could be done so that most player groups benefit in someway. I thought the whole idea of a modular system was to allow the flexibility required to meet the needs of all groups.

- Upgradable captains quarters (with ability to invite other players) for solo players
- Homestead in space for small corps/ solo players
- Illegal dug lab with mutilplayer bar for booster manufacturers and those interested in shady business.
- Build your own trading hub for industrialists
- Mobile death star for alliances
Saul Kain
Goonswarm Federation
#1975 - 2013-01-18 04:34:48 UTC
Support Two-step and the POS change.

While you're at it, can you take a look at the click-fest that is invention in a POS? A simple "save settings" check box would be super.

Changing t3 subs in a wormhole would also be pretty neato.
TahDah Samael
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1976 - 2013-01-18 04:46:14 UTC
Do It now
Caucasian Culture Club
#1977 - 2013-01-18 04:57:54 UTC
Adding my voice to the "small" group of players here. The amount of people directly involved with POSs and then those indirectly effected by them (benefiting from moon materials, invention, blueprint research/copying done by others) is probably a staggering amount of the EVE populace. Throw us a bone already.
Lev Taganov
Rational Anarchists
#1978 - 2013-01-18 05:06:04 UTC
Please fix POSes.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1979 - 2013-01-18 05:08:58 UTC
Pos Revamp! NAO!
Imminent Downfall
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1980 - 2013-01-18 05:11:01 UTC
POSes need to be fixed NOW! I would gladly trade anything for a pure pos update or better yet a series of updates involving small tweaks (like how you deftly handled/are handling the BC/Dessie changes).

This is not mine in any way. I saw this on reddit and am not sure who the original author is but I was deeply moved by it and wanted to post it here on the off chance you haven't already seen it:

James Arget for CSM 8!