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EVE Online: Incarna 1.1.2 Macintosh Issues and Feedback

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#21 - 2011-10-18 14:57:52 UTC
CCP Gangleri wrote:
RubyPorto wrote:

Chipset Model: GeForce 8600M GT

That's cutting it rather close to the system requirements, I'd hazard a guess at this being the root cause. Why it only manifests after this specific patch is however not clear. Here is a link to the system requirements wiki:

The thing that strikes me as odd is that my second client (cloned off of the problematic one) works just fine. Is there a way to export all of my settings without being able to open the client? I wouldn't really mind a re-install if I can keep my settings.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

CCP Gangleri
C C P Alliance
#22 - 2011-10-18 15:12:56 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Gangleri
Doublepost Oops

Hit back button too late.

Check out my EVE Gate broadcast log for semi-regular updates on various EVE development:

CCP Gangleri
C C P Alliance
#23 - 2011-10-18 15:13:18 UTC
RubyPorto wrote:
CCP Gangleri wrote:
RubyPorto wrote:

Chipset Model: GeForce 8600M GT

That's cutting it rather close to the system requirements, I'd hazard a guess at this being the root cause. Why it only manifests after this specific patch is however not clear. Here is a link to the system requirements wiki:

The thing that strikes me as odd is that my second client (cloned off of the problematic one) works just fine. Is there a way to export all of my settings without being able to open the client? I wouldn't really mind a re-install if I can keep my settings.

You could try using the settings from the client that works, you can find your settings under Library/Application Support but I'd recommend making bacups to avoid losing data.

Check out my EVE Gate broadcast log for semi-regular updates on various EVE development:

Kina Ayami
Very Italian People
The Initiative.
#24 - 2011-10-18 15:52:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Kina Ayami
CCP Gangleri wrote:
Kina Ayami wrote:
I cant install the patch.

After downloading the patch, i run it. Immediately a verifying procedure started: it always stops halfway, with a pop-up windows saying i have to reinstall ( i tried 4 times).
Checking the logs, i noticed this:

Examining File : /Contents/MacOS/cider -> SHA1 Error

Rest is all OK.

I got a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5.
So far patches went just fine, but i'm playing on mac only for a couple of months.
I also run multiple clients on it. To do that i followed the manual procedure on the evewiki.

I'm already downloading the client again, but it wouldn't be bad to find a faster solution. :)

Try using the repair functionality of the generic patcher, it looks like your client has a bad version of Cider which prevents the patch from completing, here is a link to the generic patch:

Ok, it worked perfectly for the main client. Unfortunately it didn't work on the second client that i use to dual box (i created it using this: , not eve-wiki as i reported before ). But that's not a problem, i'll just re-create it.

Thanks for the fast and usefull answer :)
Lap Dancers
Brothers of Tangra
#25 - 2011-10-18 17:06:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Adrenalinemax
Not that this helps much, but just updated a Macbook Pro 1,1 (x1600xt) and it worked fine. Jumped from 7FPS to 30FPS in station and runs a ton smoother in space.

3 mac Pros and 27 client clones later all updated to client patch 1 and all is well.

That being said, to the poster above me, you MUST remake all clones after any update other than client updates. This link makes it painless
Toshiko Kin
Material Reclamation Services
#26 - 2011-10-18 17:56:28 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
In hangar mode, I'm seeing my ship, but it stubbornly refuses to spin. What?

Update: killing both cache and all settings restored proper behavior.

Confirming this fixed my no-spin zone also.
Denuo Secus
#27 - 2011-10-18 20:24:35 UTC
The hangar of Caldari stations looks much brighter and has less contrast than the old hangars. Too bright imho. I can remember Caldari stations looked quite dark and high in contrast before.

Anyone else with this issue?

My system and settings:

Mac Pro early 2008
GeForce 8800 GT

OS X Lion
EVE client in windowed mode with max graphics settings
Khamal Kahn
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2011-10-18 21:13:27 UTC
I dual-box with two separate Mac Pros. One is a few months old and the other a few years. The last few patches have all required a full client download and install. The patches never work. They didn't work with the previous OS and, as I found out today, do not work with the new "Lion" OS either. Frankly, I've grown tired of complaining about that and just hope someday it is fixed. I won't yell anymore. I have faith that CCP is aware of the significant Mac issues and may someday stabilize the Mac client.

My question is regarding a different matter. My newer box uses an LED Cinema Display with an ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB graphics card. The 5870 is a relatively new card for the Mac. The older machine uses an Apple Cinema Display with an ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB graphics card (graphics newer than machine in this case). It is no slack card either and fairly high-end as well.

I don't know if the more recent 5870 card is the cause, but on the machine using it I have had frequent crashes of EVE which totally lock my Mac and require a complete hard reboot. Haven't checked it out with the newer client which I have yet to install (still "verifying"). When I say "frequent" I mean that if i can go 2 hours without it crashing I consider that a good night's playing time.

Is this a problem?
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#29 - 2011-10-19 07:53:15 UTC
Windows popping up in wrong position. Why have they tampered with things that was no problem with relier, don't get it?
Please fix, i think i will stop play until fixed, SO ANNOYING!!!

CCP Konflikt
#30 - 2011-10-20 14:30:12 UTC
Khamal Kahn wrote:
I dual-box with two separate Mac Pros. One is a few months old and the other a few years. The last few patches have all required a full client download and install. The patches never work. They didn't work with the previous OS and, as I found out today, do not work with the new "Lion" OS either. Frankly, I've grown tired of complaining about that and just hope someday it is fixed. I won't yell anymore. I have faith that CCP is aware of the significant Mac issues and may someday stabilize the Mac client.

My question is regarding a different matter. My newer box uses an LED Cinema Display with an ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB graphics card. The 5870 is a relatively new card for the Mac. The older machine uses an Apple Cinema Display with an ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB graphics card (graphics newer than machine in this case). It is no slack card either and fairly high-end as well.

I don't know if the more recent 5870 card is the cause, but on the machine using it I have had frequent crashes of EVE which totally lock my Mac and require a complete hard reboot. Haven't checked it out with the newer client which I have yet to install (still "verifying"). When I say "frequent" I mean that if i can go 2 hours without it crashing I consider that a good night's playing time.

Is this a problem?

What issues are you experiencing with the patches?

As an aside, I am now doing all my testing work on a mac and I hope to relieve some of the pain that you have all felt.

CCP Konflikt Quality Assurance Engineer Team Trilambda

Shiu Juan
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2011-10-20 19:26:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Shiu Juan
Hmm, so far it does not look like others are having my problem. I have filed a detailed bug report, (117530), but the short version is that the mouse keeps jumping to an "attraction" point when clicked.

iMac from early 2009 (2.93GHz, GeForce 120GT, 4G mem).

I will wait for instructions in the bug report, but just thought I would put it in the thread too in case anyone else is having the problem. I am wondering if maybe I should try a full client download if no one else is seeing this.
Gaia Ma'chello
#32 - 2011-10-21 15:39:40 UTC
With 1.1.1 CQ would load reasonably fast. While it was loading I had access to the UI, could open cargo, re-fit and so on while the "loading: message was being displayed.

With 1.1.2 CQ is taking 25 to 30 seconds to load. I could accept that but during that time the UI is locked up. I cannot even chat.

Why not just go the hangar view? Well, which would you rather look at: Me or a Dominix?

In any event, something happened, either a bug was introduced, or a poor "working as intended" decision was made. With this patch, while the "loading" message is being displayed, the user is locked out of the UI. CCP Gangleri, should I bug report it?
#33 - 2011-10-21 22:26:09 UTC
I'll try to fill out a bug report this weekend, but for me the random disconect and "things jumping" problem has returned. By "things jumping" I mean when in warp and getting near a gate sometimes it will "jump" back further away when I get close. The same thing happnes when there are a lot of NPCs they will sometimes all skip back to where they where a few seconds ago.

I'm pretty sure that is related to the disconects too since both problems where fixed at the same time a couple of patches ago (actually it was the Incarna patach that fixed this if I remmeber) but yea sometimes in busy missions or on busy grids the client will dissconect, but stay active like it is still working. No crash or warning, I just notice that damage has stoped being taken by my target and none of my moduals will activate or turn off. The internet connection is fine and a restart fixes the problem for a while.

On a new Macbookpro with 10.6 playing on a wireless conection.
CCP Konflikt
#34 - 2011-10-24 16:42:00 UTC
Manssell wrote:
I'll try to fill out a bug report this weekend, but for me the random disconect and "things jumping" problem has returned. By "things jumping" I mean when in warp and getting near a gate sometimes it will "jump" back further away when I get close. The same thing happnes when there are a lot of NPCs they will sometimes all skip back to where they where a few seconds ago.

I'm pretty sure that is related to the disconects too since both problems where fixed at the same time a couple of patches ago (actually it was the Incarna patach that fixed this if I remmeber) but yea sometimes in busy missions or on busy grids the client will dissconect, but stay active like it is still working. No crash or warning, I just notice that damage has stoped being taken by my target and none of my moduals will activate or turn off. The internet connection is fine and a restart fixes the problem for a while.

On a new Macbookpro with 10.6 playing on a wireless conection.

Some of these symptoms sound like a correction of interpolation, which are caused by connection conditions.

Please can you try letting me know your average ping during the start and end of play times or times you experience this issue?

you can do this by opening the terminal and typing "ping -c 5"

If you prefer you can contact me in private on IRC in #eve-chaos and i'll happily help you troubleshoot this as best I can.

CCP Konflikt Quality Assurance Engineer Team Trilambda

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#35 - 2011-10-24 17:14:38 UTC
I think this patch rocks, so thanks CCP :)

Manssell, what you describe definitely are the symptoms of internet connection issues, even though the line itself would be fine, your wireless might get interruptions.


Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#36 - 2011-11-06 03:43:40 UTC
Gaia Ma'chello wrote:
With 1.1.1 CQ would load reasonably fast. While it was loading I had access to the UI, could open cargo, re-fit and so on while the "loading: message was being displayed.

With 1.1.2 CQ is taking 25 to 30 seconds to load. I could accept that but during that time the UI is locked up. I cannot even chat.

Why not just go the hangar view? Well, which would you rather look at: Me or a Dominix?

In any event, something happened, either a bug was introduced, or a poor "working as intended" decision was made. With this patch, while the "loading" message is being displayed, the user is locked out of the UI. CCP Gangleri, should I bug report it?

I've been having the same thing, loading CQ is much slower than before hangar spinning was added back.

And since 1.1.3 I have started having an issue that previously only happened with recent builds on Sisi - when I dock my avatar is blue with black eyes and I have to either go through customization to resave a portrait or clear all caches and restart to get the real me back, which may randomly revert again on a next dock event.

Hardware: Mac Pro Early 2008
Processor 2 x 3.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Memory 6 GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512 MB
Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 (11C74)
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