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[Retribution 1.1] Combat Battlecruisers

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Trash Ice
Tesla Cat
#281 - 2013-01-09 09:13:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Trash Ice
4LeafClover wrote:

Have you ever flown a typhoon? Don't worry if you haven't, nobody else does either...the reason is a split weapon only get a bonus to 4 turret slots? And just try to fit 3 gyros, and 3 ballistic controls in the lows.....useless.

typhoon is great with turrets
40km falloff with plasma, 2000 m\s mwd, heavy neuts, smartbomb, 125m holyshitdronebay
you can rаpe almost any bc with this
i would like to see one more med for cap booster, though

for bc changes:
sounds interesting, but rough

why reducing harbinger ehp? What?

btw, galente, you know what?
you cry about your rep bonus, but minmatar have it too
you want resistance bonus on brutix with 7 low slots? are you insane?
and i met this triple-rep-drone-monster and it is really scary in small pvp
John Valentine
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#282 - 2013-01-09 09:18:09 UTC
Sarmatiko wrote:
John Valentine wrote:

Belicose = Missile boat, Talwar = Missile Boat, Breacher = Missile Boat, and now the cyclone as well?

You forgot one thing. Just before rebalance it was just like this:
Belicose = useless, Talwar = non existant, Breacher = useless. Cyclone = overshadowed by Hurricane.
Sorry to mention this, but even your character flew only Hurricane, Rifter/Wolf, Thrasher (according to KB losses). So why you complaining about ships totally unrelated to your playstyle?

Returning back on topic, I would love to see +1 launcher on Cyclone.

Well, I havent lost my cyclone yet, and like I clearly said, I dont have missile skills, so dont fly the missile boats..cause they ****. Unless your Caldari, then they awesome, witch I am not.
Valleria Darkmoon
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#283 - 2013-01-09 09:22:12 UTC
NetheranE wrote:

As to those whining about the Harb changes... This is a stepping stone between the Omen/Maller and 'Geddon/Abaddon. Are these ships known for their agility? No, and it should remain so across the linear progression line of the Amarrian "Tank & Gank" philosophy.
Honestly, who needs agility when you have Scorch?

I'm definitely on board with the turret change for the Harb.

Yes Scorch is great but pulse laser falloff REALLY is not. ~20 or so optimal with Scorch is good but you're not webbing anything at that range in a Harb so it's very very easy for your target to move out of your range and you just have to watch. Add to that your terrible base mobility and the fact that your armor tank is going to make it even worse and there are battleships that could escape your anchored vessel.

You're not going to fit a great tank with heavy pulses either so all that lost HP especially from the armor is going to hurt it again and to top all that off the fitting which was already very tight is now worse, granted you don't have to fit one of your guns anymore but it lost more than 1 gun worth of fitting and with skills factored in the loss is further amplified because the base stats you are adding your 25% to is now smaller. That applies to the mobility as well, your skills are now basing their bonus off of a worse base stat and so add less than they did before, compounding the loss.

Reality has an almost infinite capacity to resist oversimplification.

Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#284 - 2013-01-09 09:29:14 UTC
Myrm - Alright..
Proph - give it a 50 bandwith and a 12.5-15% damage bonus.. makes it more different from the myrm. Also i think it should have missiles.
Harb - I all around like the change, i think it might be loosing EVER so slightly more fittings than it should but i can't tell without efting.. Love the damage buff, and the ability to carry a extra flight of lights along with mediums but.. the greatest thing is the stealth cap buff! Now go and buff nos's so that i can skip using a ******* cap booster.
Ferox - Not sure how i feel about this..
Cyclone - I hate AC's so i like this.
Brutix - Seems alright?
Drake - Seems like it could be losing a bit more?
Cane - same as above?

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Trash Ice
Tesla Cat
#285 - 2013-01-09 09:29:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Trash Ice
Valleria Darkmoon wrote:

all true

20km scorch optimal is useless without mobility

also, fitting harbi is pain, because it lacks both cpu and pg
Swifty Blowback
#286 - 2013-01-09 09:37:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Swifty Blowback
These proposed changes are almost an irrelevance, even when just looking at BCs...

Want more DPS? Get a tier 3
Want more speed? Get a tier 3
Want more range for your DPS? Get a tier 3
Want to kite? Get a tier 3

Want more tank? Get a tier 1 or 2
Want to brawl? Still undecided on that one!

The gentle proposed nerfing of most tier 1 & 2s here may narrow the gap to T1 cruisers but the tier 3 gap has just widened a little. Surely tier 3s should also be adjusted at the same time as the "combat" BCs?

I'm solo / small gang pvp and can't find a good reason to fly any of the tier 1 & 2s (maybe the cyclone but will have to see how that pans out) over a tier 3.
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#287 - 2013-01-09 09:43:26 UTC
Are people actually complaining about these being nerfed too much??

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#288 - 2013-01-09 09:45:19 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Battlecruiser skill bonuses:
5% bonus to all Shield Resistances
5% bonus to heavy and heavy assault missile kinetic damage

I thought it was going to be changed to a straight damage bonus regardless of damage type. Was this discarded?

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Xan Drakov
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#289 - 2013-01-09 09:50:21 UTC
My thoughts:

- Underlying problem with the larger drone boats, the dps from drones isn't high enough on these ships to make them the primary damage type (in the same way that, say, Gallente work with their blasters). Also adding random additional bits of bandwidth and bay space doesn't ever seem to make up for this. Having "split" drone sizes also offends my OCD, not to mention I don't know how practical it is. I'd say it would be more in keeping with everything else to give "drone boats" similar bandwidth as other ships (maybe slightly more but meh, keep the significantly bays though as that's important for replacement drones), but I much bigger ship bonus (say 20% - 30%+ per level) to bring the damage from their primary weapon system into line more with others, then nerf (not tooooo majorly) damage from other unbonused sources.

- Prophacy now capable of biblical tank, even more so than before - it's disproportiate to others in it's class.

- With the rise of tier 3s the ferox's optimal range bonus is out of date. No other BC has to lumber with a range bonus, and now even the moa has a damage bonus - so should the ferox.

- Active armor tanking still sucks at this level. This largely stems from the issue related to being able to fit oversized shield boosting modules on ships but not their armor equivalents. As a result the active tanking bonuses on gal ships are rubbish. Either active armor tanking needs to be brought into line with shield tanking (XL booster, rejig of module requirements) or these bonuses need a rethink. Additionally the brutix bonuses should be in line with the rest of it's line anyway - the thorax (below it) and mega (above) - damage and tracking based.

- Cyclone either needs a split weapon system that makes sense (if it ever does) - bonuses to turret and missle damage, as well as the "second" bonus to shield boosting. Or it needs a 6th launcher.

- Personally I dislike the culling of utility high slots, but I'm aware that's an issue that will divide people anyway.

All that would make a better start point, you can balance slot layouts, ship parameters from there. But at the moment your trying to balance things subsequently that have core imbalances. Previously core imbalances where fixed, then ships balanced and that worked really well. I remember reading in one our you blogs somewhere about the problem with balancing things that are inherently unbalanced. That needs to happen again here and currently your not doing that. It's worked out really well so far - don't go half-baked on us now!!!
He dares
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#290 - 2013-01-09 09:50:30 UTC
The brutix should have a resist bonus or a tracking bonus damage bonus would make it too OP

With the ease of access to t1 logi it would make it very viable small gang ship as it does no need the local reps anymore
State War Academy
Caldari State
#291 - 2013-01-09 09:55:20 UTC
will you marry me ?

Trash Ice
Tesla Cat
#292 - 2013-01-09 10:06:37 UTC
i have a wet dream Oops

second bonus for harbi: 10% tracking per level
Tuxedo Catfish
Gallente Federation
#293 - 2013-01-09 10:22:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tuxedo Catfish
Sizeof Void wrote:
Kismeteer wrote:
Please consider changing the +rep bonuses to Hardening bonuses or something that scales better with fleets.
Tuxedo Catfish wrote:
Please reconsider the active armor tank bonuses on the Gallente hulls, or at least on the Brutix. They're completely useless for anything but solo and the smallest gangs, and really, when was the last time you saw a solo Brutix?

I'd prefer *not* to see all BC/BS ships redesigned around a fleet-only focus.

Despite rumors to the contrary, solo and small gang PVP are not dead. Many of us still prefer faster/smaller scale PVP, in which logi support isn't always available.

Also, many players still run missions solo, or in small gangs, where the active rep bonuses are needed. I used an active-tank Brutix for running L3 missions solo, until I skilled up to fly a BS.

That said, active armor repping is certainly long overdue for a buff.

My request has nothing to do with solo PvP being "dead," it's my primary focus as well. It's that active tanking is useless in fleets, and the Brutix is useless in solo situations (because it's slow, short-range, active tanking is STILL inferior to resistances, and it's completely overshadowed by the Talos and Thorax), leaving it with no PvP purpose at all.

Except for suicide ganking, where it's pretty awesome due to slot layout and relative ease of training compared to the Talos, but the armor repair bonus is still meaningless there.

EDIT: I like the idea of giving the Brutix a resist bonus, turning it into something like the old Prophecy except with DPS this time.
Pelea Ming
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#294 - 2013-01-09 10:53:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Pelea Ming
Right. ISP, please excuse the rantish tone of this next little bit, I just honestly feel it needs to be said.

Such a lovely bunch of cry bables. "Oh, no the fit I've always used and am comfortable with is just going to be so fail with all these changes!" Christ, people, if the game doesn't evolve, it'll just stagnate! Even life is about change! Instead of crying over spilt milk, why not... *rephrases a thought* take a step outside the box, and start giving some thought to all the things you can do with the options and possibilities presented by these new BC changes!

Ok, done with the rant, now, on to my comments about this!
As someone who started out in this game as an Amarr pilot (first though upon initial reading about the game went along the lines of "Hmm... spaceships, the future... Oh! Lasers, woot!" lol)

Prophecy: I think that there's abit more that [could be done with it but overall I like it... and extra low slot means it will have an easier time with taking advantage of a drone damage aug, all those lovely high slots that don't beg to be weapon purposed means you have plenty of room to work with for warfare link mods as well... I wouldn't have minded seeing it with slightly lower drone capacity to pick up abit more bandwidth, but what is presented is most definately workable.

Harbinger: This was the first ship I bothered to fly once I finally admitted I couldn't solo an L3 Gurista's Extravaganza with a Navy Slicer (though damned if I didn't have fun trying!), and, overall, I like it. Only thing I'd prefer different (though it's definately NOT a bad thing as it is currently presented) is that I wouldn't have minded not getting that extra 25 to drone bay if it had meant not losing the armor ehp, otherwise, I love what I see... though I do agree that nerfing both it's ehp AND it's maneuverability is rather extreme... it makes it both even more hittable on top of losing out on it's ability to take the punishment, and as someone else mentioned, it never really had much of a tank to begin with (boo hoo, it's got abit less PG and CPU, get your fitting skills done already!), I am very excited about it's better dps potential and easier cap management!

Ferox: *shrugs* it's good it finally got that 7th turret slot, and, hey, it's abit tankier now... as for that second, hell, it's a Cald boat, what else SHOULD happen here?

Drake: Lulz to everyone who both constantly bashes the ship (of which I myself am delightfully guilty :P) and to those back in the day who used to cry it's tank and all made it too OP and it just had to be nerfed! Side Note: Can't wait to see this boat after you guys get around to putting through those oh so briefly mentioned tracking mod changes!

Brutix: This boat whether in fleet or solo pvp has never had any use for armor rep, and in pve the bonus isn't really that significant when you can just set yourself up a proper tank to begin with (6 lows is PLENTY to work with on that, after all) so I find myself overall in some small agreement to the tears over that... the flip side being, hmm.... just what COULD I do with it?

Myrmidon: always was the triple rep threat to be feared, especially solo, and, wow, guess what? Now it's potentially viable to handle that same crap with 2 reps? wow... that'd be nasty, essentially an extra low slot to work with!

Cyclone: Not much to say for this one, I'm afraid, just no real personal experience with it (but, golly, Sliepners are SOOOO sexy!)

Hurricane: after having seen this ship used as it currently stands to some rather uber effect, I find myself agreeing with the changes proposed to it completely (and look forward to using the new version myself as well).

In short, CCP, Devs, ISP, GMs... I may disagree with you (especially the GMs when I petition a ship loss, lmao) but overall, the real problem I've seen in this thread isn't these changes... it's the players (I honestly had to stop reading the player posts after page 8, repitition gets so tiring, and only skimmed over them in case someone official had something to say... needless to say, my expectations of not seeing such b/c all the material posted was SSDD turned out to be well founded) being unwilling to take a walk on the Wild Side!
Zloco Crendraven
Shadow Cartel
#295 - 2013-01-09 10:56:04 UTC
How i see BCs class is so that they are most flexible ships out there. BCs should be decent at basically everything. PvP, PvE, Solo, Small gang and Fleet fights.

Every BC should have at least 1 utility high slot cos of links or some more flexibility, except maybe drone boats. Fixing off grid boosting will get much more BCs into this role. Which means Ferox, Drake, Brutix are in need of one after these changes.

I am sceptical about this signature buffs. They are now quite more vulnerable to BSs and Dreads. I mean it is OK for a BC to die to a BS but same should be done in cruiser/BC comparison.

Now analysis per ship.

+ Boost to dmg (but only for those with lv 5 which is a bit lame). Les capacitor consumption cos of 1 less gun. Bigger sensor str.
- 10% Less armor? Slower and less agile.
If the tank was same as before it could be used a lot in small gang pvp around lowsec and even in solo pvp. I dont mind the agility nerf, that was never his stronger side anyway. Pretty much Harby is at the same spot as before. Get his armor back.

+ Its an overall good buff to the boat. Will be used lot more in solo pvp. U might even see some small gang fleets around low sec.

Ferox (needs utility high)
+ Changes are not that bad.
- Medium rails sucks. Buff em and add even more to optimal bonus and maybe 1 more mid for webz and kiting. 4 lows re just enough.

+ A bit less EHP to the drake will do good to all other BCs which is nice.
- Bigger dmg overall bonus needed. 6 highs and 1 utility?

Brutix and Myrm (Brutix needs utility high slot)
+ Excellent but in before active armor rep boost. Make the bonus affect remote also.

+ Perfect maybe 1 more launcher hardpoint?

+ Moar armor to the glass ships is always nice.
- Less agile. Dont do that. Canes agility was really OK, it was its trademark. Only nano BC that could ruin the party to some cruisers (speed/agility wise).

BALEX, bringing piracy on a whole new level.

Iam Widdershins
Project Nemesis
#296 - 2013-01-09 11:04:25 UTC
Prophecy: Could turn out decent, but a lack of coherent good uses for the highs may prove to make this an unpopular ship; generally speaking though, a pretty decent boat.

Harbinger: Gains a little capacitor and cheapness with the reduced turret count, but loses anything it gained with a relatively weighty nerf to base HP.

Ferox: Decent DPS; the extra turret and low seems to give it that little bit of oomph it was still missing that left it a slightly unpopular choice even after the hybrid buff. I rate this a solid change; my only concern is that as underrated as the Ferox is currently these overall buffs to the ship could lead to it being too powerful compared to others. Perhaps that's just me.

Drake: The only real difference here is the loss of the utility high. Ever a very solid competitor I think we will continue to see Drakes the same as we have before; the power output of this ship (easily surpassing 700 DPS with heavy assaults) only serves to highlight the inadequacy of the Cyclone after the proposed changes.

Brutix: I was very disappointed as I read this to see that the repair bonus was not upped to 10% per level. While it gained a much needed low slot, the repair rate simply isn't enough to be competitive in any serious fight unless there are also major changes coming the way of local repairs. You might feel like the Myrmidon already has an excellent tank in comparison, but you must remember that the Brutix relies heavily on low slot damage mods for its damage output, while the Myrmidon can focus all its slots on pure tank. After the Incursus I was hoping for a 10% bonus across the board for the Brutix hull (and the Hyperion as well, which barely keeps up with the Megathron's active tank in practice). This kind of change will at least be sorely needed for the command ships to be viable whenever we get around to those.

Myrmidon: This is really a solid trade to the Myrmidon, already a very competitive ship, gaining another 25 drone bandwidth for a high slot. This makes me wonder what the Prophecy really looks like in comparison after the changes. All in all, not much changed for this ship.

Cyclone: With only 5 launchers and a mere 5% ROF bonus, this is not going to be a powerful nor popular ship any longer. The Sacrilege has +5/-5 bonuses to heavy assaults and barely attains the kind of damage you need to compete on a battlecruiser level; the Cyclone really needs at least 6 launchers with this type of configuration to be competitive; as it is here, despite my love of missile ships I would not be very interested in flying it.

Hurricane: seems like kicking it while it's down with the speed and shield nerfs. Not really sure how this will play out altogether; it's a very strong ship to begin with, and it's really hard to say what this huge number of small changes will tell towards in the end for this ship.

Lobbying for your right to delete your signature

Vartan Sarkisian
Seker Solutions
Seker Academy
#297 - 2013-01-09 11:05:58 UTC
Showing a lot of Drake hate with all the missile nerfs recently and to the figures shown here for the Drake... Why do i feel that those millions of SP in missile skills are wasted.
Fraternity Alliance Please Ignore
#298 - 2013-01-09 11:15:54 UTC
Please stop nerfing the cane.

It's now almost useless - the changes described will make it completely useless

The Sagan Clan
#299 - 2013-01-09 11:21:41 UTC
Brutix needs 10% rep bonus/level like the incursus, or they will continue to never be fit with active tanks and the bonus is a waste. If it doesn't get 10%, perhaps an MWD cap use bonus to get in there and melt face?

Agreed on the general consensus that cyclone will need an extra launcher.

Harby bonus makes it a little more usable, and with the additional bonus that the ridiculous off-centre chin gun will be no more Lol

"Human beings make life so interesting. Do you know that in a universe so full of wonders, they have managed to invent boredom."

Betty Dynamite
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#300 - 2013-01-09 11:23:05 UTC
Cane is as dead as a dodo

Drake is boring (Drakes are boring anyway)

Ferox needs a 5% damage bonus for its guns