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The old Stuff back - including improvements

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Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#1 - 2011-10-21 12:27:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Gustav Mannfred
I know, it is over 2.5 years ago, that the first changes happened.
I know, that this thread is now going over two and a half year and might is the longest, ever running thread in the forums, that was ever created by players.

I miss the old turret modells and Nebulaes: Sad (now since 2.5 years)

old turret modells (including sounds)


1. looked better on the ships. A punisher with blasters looked epic and now it looks fail. A harbinger with pulse lasers looked epic too, but now... EPIC FAIL
2. These Weapons fired synchron: Ive putted a Bs with tachyon beamlasers and Different crystals and shooted evry laser on a asteorid..... looked nice. And now? They fires no longer synchron.
3. The lenght of the new sounds do often not match with the lenght of the on the visible effects. In some case, soundeffects are longer or shorter then the visible effect.

1. New ones have crappy quality
2. New ones look boring
3. New ones are EXTREM dark for hi-sec, some nullsec nebulaes are never so dark like the Essence or Kahnid Region.
4. Old ones were changed over Constelation, new over Region - Epic fail

Missile launchers:

-The most of all ships looks better with the old effect.
-It seems, that the explosioneffect gets reeffected. Including torpedoes, the largest effects actualy.
-Sometimes the new modells causing lag

-You need more clicks to drop something back in cargo.
-when you loot, the window stays oopen.

And now to the Idea:

Bringing that back by recreating it (or taking it from old bulids) I think, that the nebulaes and old missile effects dont give much work. Maybe the old turret Modells or Inventorysystem may brings more work.
Then adding under graphics > Effects three new settings:

- Acivate old turretsystem (for Missiles AND turrets
-Activate old Nebulaes
- Activate old generic stuff (Font and Inventory)

CryCryHope CCP would bring it backCryCry

Possibile Improving


brighter nebulaec should be moved to more visited regions and darker to less visited regions.
Possibile moves for galente:

The verge vondor nebulae goes to the sinq laison region.
The everyshore nebulae goes to the Essence region, but moved closer to the nebulae.
The sinq laison nebulae goes to everyshore, but moved inside of this nebulae.
the essence nebulae goes to verge vendor, but moved much closer to that nebulae. This is one of the darkest background in eve.

a few nullsec regions dont has any nebulae, only the milky way. They need a nebulae too.


- an option, that makes, that missiles starts inside of the ship and removes the launchers from the ships. The old effect cant come back, how you sayed me. Only to shoot missiles from ship/visible launchers. When you group the launchers, the missiles looks like one, how it was in the old system. that looked better on some ships, like the typhoon, tengu or drake.

-Reduce the performance use of missiles


- an option, to swich between the old multiwindow mode and the new one window mode. The new desing wont be removed in the old one. When you use the old one, you have again the ship/itemhangar in the neocom while inside a station. And anything has one window. how it was in the old one.


im wondering, why ccp removed the three old fonts and dont added the new one as a 4th to the select menu. It would be great, to bring these three fonts back. Including the menu. You can then choose between 4 fonts.

The old canflip mechanic:

- The new mechanic destroys the rule "Im the owner of the can, only i canprotect it"
- Suspectflags should more awarded for illegal attacks in Low-Sec
- Add new Flag: Aggressing-timer
- 15 min duration
- player to corp/alliance flag (Includes NPC too, no reaction by navy or concord, if the ally is in factional warefare)
- awarded by stealing loot, remote assist a non-suspect/Criminal/outlaw, which is in war with another corp
- remote assisting someone with LE gives agressing flag. He and all members of his corp/alliance can freely attack


- it shouldnt be possibile to make them free for all, limit it to corporation (not NPC or Alliance)
- this is to avoid using alts to remove killrights

minimize windows to bottom

- it was ways easier, to have them on bottom instead in neocom.

ships got destroyed by a single shot, when the hull fell below 50%:

- Now it takes 1-2 volleys more, to kill Npcs

- bring it only back for Npc ships

Old Info window:

- looked nicer, when the numbers were under the icon

Plex for Plex reward in buddyprogram:

- this was a nice option to create alt accounts, just use the plex and get it back, i dont know, why CCP just removed the plex for plex reward.

Reprocessing changes:

CCP is going to change the reprocessing system. The only thing i like about it is the new and improved window for it.
But they will reduce income when reprocessed at station. The reason, why they shouldnt change this is, the mineralproces are very hight now, and if the reprocessing income gets overnerfed, the mineralprices rises again massively up and it reduces income of missionrunners (30% of my income comes from reprocessed loot). Let the system as it is right now, i dont see any problems.

This is just another Hi-sec nerf, and it got nerfed enought(removed static non Cosmos complexes, removed drone loot), i find low and nullsec needs a buff instead of continue nerfing Hi-sec.


- A lot of tracks got removed with the removal of it
- CCP removed a feature to add own music to the jukebox
- The new nullsec theme is boring, not a soundtrack, just a lot of generic sounds
- tracks repeat evry 30 minutes with that system
- I dont understand, why the best tracks got removed?

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Verge of Collapse
#2 - 2011-10-21 12:39:54 UTC
The weapon system was completely changed just for the new one, ship models were updated to have new turret points,etc. It's simply too much work for them to have both for something old.
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#3 - 2011-10-21 12:49:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Gustav Mannfred
but CCP bringed back shipspinning and now it is spinning and CQ


In fact, that the originalpost became too long, i will use this post from now on to add stuff if needed.

Static complexes:

-Were a nice place for pvp in low sec
-Were fun to run it in Hi-sec
-It was nice to sit all day long in these plexes and killing all times the overseer
-After the removal, the prices for frigate deadspace modules raised insanely
-Modules from DED 3 complexes are now often cheaper then DED 1/2 modules
-CCP said, they will be moved to the explorationsystem, but i never found one.

The old gallente hangar:

- Looked better than the new one, it had a nice dust and is brighter

Ship bouncing around in hangar:

- before Incarna, ships used to move a littlebit in hangar, that should come back, because this is more realistic than having the ship idle and not moving a littlebit in the hangar. However, the ship turns around in the captain quater.

The abillity to post images directly into the forum:

- As i can see in the old forums, it was possibile to post images directly into the forum, and at evegate, this is no longer possibile, that should come back. Then you dont have to click an external link warning, wich doesnt work in the ingame browser

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2011-10-21 13:23:09 UTC
Gustav Mannfred wrote:
but CCP bringed back shipspinning and now it is spinning and CQ

Apples and oranges my friend. Apples and oranges.

Also, no - the new models look nicer, and they add a bit of flair to the ships - the primary focus of the game.

De'Veldrin's Corollary (to Malcanis' Law): Any idea that seeks to limit the ability of a large nullsec bloc to do something in the name of allowing more small groups into sov null will inevitably make it that much harder for small groups to enter sov null.

Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#5 - 2011-10-21 13:36:37 UTC
the idea is, to make the new modules optional. These guys, whos find better the new weapons can use it as well (like CQ)

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

The Schnoo
#6 - 2011-10-21 14:16:02 UTC
too much work, and in fact, i'd prefer if they could add the new models for missile launchers
#7 - 2011-10-21 15:58:29 UTC
Bring back synced firing. It takes no work at all.
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#8 - 2011-10-21 17:53:24 UTC
I dont think they can go back, they had to do ALOT of work just to get rid of the old system. Ship spinning is back but there is alot of evidence they had to rebuild that from ground up code wise (luckily art assests where already available). Also there where old guns that where graphcially broken for the longest time.

What is comming back are the old icons (which i rather wished they updated the art for instead of a total convert back) becuase the new turret icons are eating more than usual in hanger bay loads.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#9 - 2011-10-22 06:24:59 UTC
ok it was over 2 years i saw the old on my ship and now it gones for ever :(

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Amarr Empire
#10 - 2011-10-22 06:43:11 UTC
Gustav Mannfred wrote:
I know, it is over 4 monts ago, but im do it now and here:

I miss the old weapontowers: Sad


1. looked better on the ships. A punisher with blasters looked epic and now it looks fail. A harbinger with pulse lasers looked epic too, but now... EPIC FAIL
2. These Weapons fired synchron: Ive putted a Bs with tachyon beamlasers and Different crystals and shooted evry laser on a asteorid..... looked nice. And now? They fires no longer synchron.

And now to the Idea:

Make in the main menu a option called: activate old Turnet system or something else. So, that the new Weapons are optional.
The stand of the old weapons is Incursion 1,6.

CryCryHope CCP would bring it backCryCry

They do look good in my opinion...
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#11 - 2011-10-22 06:52:00 UTC
the new or the old?

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Soban Heavy Industries
#12 - 2011-10-22 08:21:39 UTC
Gustav Mannfred wrote:
but CCP bringed back shipspinning and now it is spinning and CQ

A matter of changing "a few" code-lines.

Bringing back the old turrets would literally take months. Or more. Also the old turrets looked like crap compared to the new ones. Not to mention asynchrone firing looks much nicer than synchrone. *points at BSG*
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#13 - 2011-10-22 14:41:16 UTC
do CCP save any old thing of eve?

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Korona Radiata
#14 - 2011-10-22 17:29:03 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
But anyway, I like the new turrets. The only change I would like is for all of them to be significantly larger so they can be more properly gawked-at.

Edit: Off topic part removed, CCP Phantom


Circumstantial Evidence
#15 - 2011-10-22 18:56:00 UTC

CCP t0rfifrans | 2011.09.19 18:27:30 wrote:
while introducing the new turret graphics, we decided to experiment with using rendered views of each turret to replace the icons that you see in the fitting screen, HUD, market and on active targets. It turned out that the new turret models, while heavily detailed and cool, didn‘t lend themselves well to being drawn in an area just a few pixels wide and tall. Usability suffered. It was hard to distinguish between turret types. As a result, we will be reverting the change so that turret icons use the original custom drawn icons, rather than 3d renders of the turrets themselves. You will still be able to get the 3d preview of the turret, to celebrate their uberness while reading their stats.
#16 - 2011-10-22 19:23:22 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:

CCP t0rfifrans | 2011.09.19 18:27:30 wrote:
while introducing the new turret graphics, we decided to experiment with using rendered views of each turret to replace the icons that you see in the fitting screen, HUD, market and on active targets. It turned out that the new turret models, while heavily detailed and cool, didn‘t lend themselves well to being drawn in an area just a few pixels wide and tall. Usability suffered. It was hard to distinguish between turret types. As a result, we will be reverting the change so that turret icons use the original custom drawn icons, rather than 3d renders of the turrets themselves. You will still be able to get the 3d preview of the turret, to celebrate their uberness while reading their stats.

Thats simply icons for the show info screen, OP is talking about replacing the turret models on ships to the older ones.
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#17 - 2011-10-23 10:22:46 UTC
no i realy find, the old weapons looked better

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2011-10-23 11:03:52 UTC
Some of the old weapons looked better, most mostly the newer ones are nicer. The small blasters are really the only ones whose old models I prefer.

I like the guns firing out of sync, I think that having all the guns fire at once looks rubbish, except possibly with artillery.

The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer

#19 - 2011-10-23 15:36:40 UTC
Sir Substance wrote:
Some of the old weapons looked better, most mostly the newer ones are nicer. The small blasters are really the only ones whose old models I prefer.

I like the guns firing out of sync, I think that having all the guns fire at once looks rubbish, except possibly with artillery.

Megapulses used to look like real turrets with a blue laser crystal at the ends, now they look like coat hanger stabs.
Gustav Mannfred
Summer of Mumuit
Remember Mumuit
#20 - 2011-10-25 16:34:53 UTC
do CCP ever saw this thread?

i'm REALY miss the old stuff.

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