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EVE General Discussion

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Help me CCP Soundwave, you're my only hope (or Post ALL your Little Things improvements wishes!)

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Ken Kyoukan
#481 - 2012-11-30 17:36:21 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Remove ore type from asteroid names, i.e.: all asteroids will be "asteroid" not "Asteroid (Veldspar)".

On the overview and bracket, change:

Overview: Name: Asteroid (Veldspar) Type: Asteroid (Veldspar)
Bracket: Asteroid (Veldspar)


Overview: Name: Asteroid Type: Veldspar
Bracket: Asteroid

Less QoL, more realistic, it would require using / reading the overview but...
Survey Scanners could re-add the type to the brackets name if it's in range (and has been scanned). Idea
Or when you have mined at least 1 ore from it, since you then know it's type anyway. Idea


Any text entered in an Evegate mail in this format BOLD UNDERSCORED gets removed on posting! Attention

Mail example:
1. You're a (censored).
2. I am NOT a (expletive) (censored)!

In an Evegate sent mail #2 reads as:
2. I am a (expletive) (censored)!

Which could be highly embarrassing. Oops

No way to enter linkable URL's from Evegate unlike ingame. Sad
Why not port the Message controls from above this editor to the Evemail page? Question

Link URL's other than the default showinfo ones do not show up in evemails. Shocked
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#482 - 2012-11-30 17:45:32 UTC
Add more information to the Asteroid scanner, maybe rellative to the vollume, the vallue, and possibly the resultant minnerals...

Also, For this maybe it is a good option to remove the kind of asteroid from it's name... leave only asteroid... give scanning more vallue!!!

Also the minning laser could show the amount of unnits it have collected or vollume as you hover your mouse over it whille active...
Ali Aras
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#483 - 2012-11-30 17:53:24 UTC
If it hasn't already been posted (or even if it has): I really really really want to be able to select a bunch of items in my hangar and sell them all to buy orders. Or have a 'sell to buy orders' key. Right now, I use a script to check the value of my items and then reprocess the ones that sell for more as minerals, and sell to buy orders the rest. The latter group requires a lot of right clicking, which is especially grating when going through a pile of rat loot.

Even more shiny (and I suspect less little) would be an ability to right click, sell all items, and then the game would just run through a queue and pop up sell windows for each. So, select three things, right click -> sell all, the first window pops up, set price as desired and hit sell, second window pops up, etc. -- my blog

Crafty Enterprises
#484 - 2012-11-30 18:01:56 UTC
Filtering local chat channel users to show enemies (i am in war with them) would be great in high traffic systems like Jita. Scrolling down the 600 players is just too bad to see if there is an enemy in the system. Or make a summary title where red star icon would show how many are in the system like the given picture below:

Haunting Widow
Honor Forge
Joint Operation Involving Nobodys
#485 - 2012-11-30 18:03:38 UTC
More on the idea of a "Launch Drones Hot-key". I know the first thought many will think of is "but there can be so many groups!!"


Have a little button built into the group header, click it and it lights up, this group is now linked to the Launch Drones Hot-key. It should behave the same as it does now through the right-click menu, everything else is already in place.

As is, the drones window takes up valuable space in my UI and really takes away from the scenic experience of eve.

On the note of the scenic experience, perhaps we can have a smaller/less intrusive drone interface, it's sort of like having an inventory window open in the middle of battle, perhaps a small customizable/movable display could be linked with drones launched from the Hot-key. This way we can have a quick-simple setup for those who know what drones they will use, and the old window can still be used without the Hot-key for those who use many drones interchangeably and no extra unnecessary displays would be generated.

P.S. and maybe we could put different drones into the same group?? Why is that not a thing.
Sushi Nardieu
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#486 - 2012-11-30 18:23:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Sushi Nardieu
The scanning UI is slightly clunky.

Scan hot keys maybe??

Scan button is too close to recall probes button.

Reconnect probes button bugs easily. Especially when leaving them in space, changing ships, session changes in general.

Have the option to disable probe scan range adjustment from GUI. I only want to change the size of my probes from the scanning window and not the solar system map.
* I said option because I wouldn't want people to be upset if it was removed.

Don't change signature ID after downtime. If this is intended then at least don't have the same ending letter as pre-DT.

Sensor strength skills are increasing so give combat probes a tiny buff to be in-line please.

And for the love of god, i don't want to hear scanning sounds anymore. Let us disable it.

ty ccp <3

The Guns of Knowledge 

Wormhole Exploration And Production
#487 - 2012-11-30 18:24:26 UTC
Dscan slider in AU so we do not have type in different numbers to get the ranges plz
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#488 - 2012-11-30 18:41:47 UTC
- Show align time in the fitting window
- I don't want to open character information when doubleclicking names on my watchlist
Annoying Trader
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#489 - 2012-11-30 18:44:07 UTC
Add a new implant that reduces invention time. (like it already exist for pretty much every other research related activity in the 'beancounter' series).
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#490 - 2012-11-30 18:44:59 UTC
Fireflynine wrote:
Dscan slider in AU so we do not have type in different numbers to get the ranges plz

No, short range scans would become annoying. Maybe the ability to use both systems.
Hasntbeen Longnow
Gatos Fritos
Shadow Ultimatum
#491 - 2012-11-30 18:59:16 UTC
Hen fitting a ship, especially guns, if I could:

RIGHT CLICK >> FIT TO ACTIVE SHIP >> ENTIRE STACK (As many as slots are available of course)

would be nice. Then I can fit all my guns at once. Idea


Synergistic Arbitrage
#492 - 2012-11-30 19:00:28 UTC
I would love to see the removal of the generic brackets for players and the crosses for NPCs and have them replaced with icons that represent ship type. When you see a cluster of ships in space you should be able to immediately know what they are and will they shoot at you.

The current system is a waste of one of the most important ways of gaining situation information. It was fine in 2003 when EVE only had 4 ship types and the size of the bracket/cross told you all you needed but it hasn't been useful for a looooooooong time.

Lead, Follow, or Get the #@$!@ Out of the Way.

Hasntbeen Longnow
Gatos Fritos
Shadow Ultimatum
#493 - 2012-11-30 19:01:40 UTC
Haunting Widow wrote:
More on the idea of a "Launch Drones Hot-key". I know the first thought many will think of is "but there can be so many groups!!"


Have a little button built into the group header, click it and it lights up, this group is now linked to the Launch Drones Hot-key. It should behave the same as it does now through the right-click menu, everything else is already in place.

As is, the drones window takes up valuable space in my UI and really takes away from the scenic experience of eve.

On the note of the scenic experience, perhaps we can have a smaller/less intrusive drone interface, it's sort of like having an inventory window open in the middle of battle, perhaps a small customizable/movable display could be linked with drones launched from the Hot-key. This way we can have a quick-simple setup for those who know what drones they will use, and the old window can still be used without the Hot-key for those who use many drones interchangeably and no extra unnecessary displays would be generated.

P.S. and maybe we could put different drones into the same group?? Why is that not a thing.

Hey I like this idea! I lil check box for "Default Launch Group" would be great! That way when they die we can easily launch them when our fingers are shaking from pew! :p
Siobhan MacLeary
#494 - 2012-11-30 19:05:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Siobhan MacLeary
Please take a look at this minor PI improvement that allows you to turn the tons and tons of spare CPU into spare PG.

Point out to me a person who has been harmed by an AFK cloaker and I will point out a person who has no business playing this game.” - CCP Soundwave

Karea Riscinda
Odysseus Enterprises
#495 - 2012-11-30 19:23:36 UTC
Make it possible to drag a character link from one channel into another in the chat box.
Link a character link from corp chat into alliance chat without having to copy -> paste -> right-click -> link character.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#496 - 2012-11-30 19:24:30 UTC
Logan LaMort wrote:
The bane of my EVE life has always been the "double click to manual fly" command. I really wish it was remappable to another key and that double cliking on an object didn't issue the "approach" command.

Some of us live (and die) and kill by this method.

I can understand the approach issue. I'd rather not accidentally double-click on something and approach it. I'd rather go in that direction.
#497 - 2012-11-30 19:41:41 UTC
We need an easier way to change skills across the 3 character slots per account.

Currently this process goes like this:

1) Log in with alt, realize you want to train something on it, and it trumps what your main is training
2) Log out
3) Log in with main
4) Pause training queue
5) log out with main
6) Log in with alt
7) Start training skill

From a user perspective, this is crazy, and it can sometimes take upwards of 10 minutes just to switch with character is training. Since the whole login process is very resource intensive on the server side, this is also a lot of unneeded load that you lot are dealing with.

A simple dialog like "There is already a character on this account that is actively training. Would you like to pause that training and activate this queue instead?" would do wonders for this whole process.
Bessa Miros
#498 - 2012-11-30 19:45:44 UTC
1. Corporate Industry Job counter - something to alert or show you how many more jobs you can run - a counter on the job window or something or --

1a. Some way to filter NON-manufacturing jobs out (like the Exclude Want To Buy in Contracts) so we can count how many science jobs we have running without Manufacturing jobs getting in the way.

2. Turn down LOUD cyno jump sound. It's way out of proportion to other sounds, even when zoomed way out.
Cat Harkness
Twilight Labs
The Serenity Initiative
#499 - 2012-11-30 20:27:22 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
Launch drones hot key.

I second this.....

Cat Harkness


Twilight Labs

Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#500 - 2012-11-30 21:24:49 UTC
ArrowWhen you autolink an URL in chat, I have to remove the 'http://' part of links I copied, because the client automaticly adds this to the link. I find it cumbersome and I want it to change so I can just copy/paste URLs.
I guess there's a reason why the 'http://' part is added, but perhaps the client can be coded so that it will remove the duplicate 'http://' part?