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What keeps you from PvPing?

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Naburi NasNaburi
#581 - 2012-10-31 07:41:09 UTC

Although I have to admit that pvp has changed ALOT over the years.

I came back early 2011 from a 3 year break (shhh I know..bad Nabs), found myself in my (t)rusty Rupture, 5mil Isk on my wallet and a sec of - 6ish.... somewhere in the middle of lowsec.
Within the first 30 minutes of being back to EVE I died to a blob... and another and another.

I ratted my sec back up, took a look at hisec piracy, took a look at hisec wardecs, suicide ganking, went -10, ratted back up... went to 00 (lasted a whole 2 months and I almost died of boredom there), FW yadda yadda.
So husband and me moved back to hisec again....... within a week i was back to -4, ratted back up, decced a corp and then it hit me like a brick while camping 3 wartargets in a station: I dont want to rat up for 3-4 hours just to keep my sec clean enough for 3-5 kills and for sure I dont want to play silly station/docking games anymore.

I moved to lowsec joined a bunch of GREAT guys (love you boys!) and now I am having the blast of my life.
imho having the right people with you/around you, sure changes your pvp experience, and I am not talking about blobb experience, I am talking about the laughter (be it your loss ot the opponents loss) silly situations, win some lose some - if you get to share those moments, pvp shows its true beauty.

Maybe I just look at it from a different perspective :)
Damsel in Distress
The Scope
#582 - 2012-10-31 08:19:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Damsel in Distress
Not too much tbh, but there's hardly a point.

Tried some FW and occasionally engaged when I felt like it (and died horribly), but usually I just warped out of plexes when someone showed up.

That was not because Im a gunless farming alt, but because I just couldn't take the people trying to fight me.

What did they expect if Im doing plexes in my poorly skilled T1 frig, barely tanking all the rats and all that warps in are thrashers, thrashers, more thrashers, a couple of faction frigs and yet more thrashers?
Most likely, they also had friends on standby, were fitted with billions of implants and had a titan boosting from a pos.

I dont blame them for trying to engage in a better ship, but they shouldnt be surprised if I dont take the fight.

The few times I died, it was either to:
- instalocking gatecamps.
- another time a militia "mate" convoed me and wanted us to take on a hostile thrasher in a plex, said he couldn't catch up to him in his destroyer and needed me to point. When I was in pointrange, the "mate" just warped out - turned out it was his own alt.
- another time I agreed to a frig 1on1 - turned out the other guy couldn't manage to kill me and when I almost had him down, he called in two friends to finish me off What?

No complaints here and I dont mind the losses, but as you can imagine, its not very motivating for a newbie and just doesnt make sense to fight back instead of just running away.
Express Hauler
#583 - 2012-10-31 08:49:46 UTC
It's not even remotely profitable (for me at least).
Naburi NasNaburi
#584 - 2012-10-31 12:35:55 UTC
Lipbite wrote:
It's not even remotely profitable (for me at least).

You shouldnt pvp for profit...
Suicides are there for profit.
Yolanta Geezenstack
GWA Corp
#585 - 2012-10-31 13:45:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Yolanta Geezenstack
Makton Kelevin wrote:
I've seen so many "get a rifter" but I have yet to see a rifter on the field and survive. You know what I do see though? Hounds, Wolfs, Retributions. Sorry, but I haven't seen a fair fight with a rifter.

Interesting, because that was my experience, too - like recommend by lots of people I build 30 rifters with the intention to lose them all and learning pvp that way. But somehow I didn't had the feeling that really worked out - yeah, I lost them, but I can't really say I had the impression that I learned anything. In the end I decided it's not only me being clueless, but that this "get a rifter" is an myth. Roll

There's another thing that's tough for a newbie getting into PVP, that most veterans propably laugh about: All those different ships! I have switched to Thrashers now, but can't really say I am more successfull in PVP then with the rifter. The problem is, when I see another ship on D-scan or even encounter it, I often have forgotten what kind of ship that is and if I have a chance to encounter it successfull. So I either cowardly warp away when I seem to remember it was a badass ship (only to discover afterwards that an Viator isn't that badass... Roll ), or I encounter the ship and die horrible, because it wasn't a T1-frigate like I thought it was.

I am learning ship name and classes now like I used to learn vocabulary several dozen years ago. Roll
Express Hauler
#586 - 2012-10-31 14:35:57 UTC
Naburi NasNaburi wrote:
Lipbite wrote:
It's not even remotely profitable (for me at least).

You shouldnt pvp for profit...

Why not? I PvPed in Ultima Online for profit and it was great: bounties for PKs were huge and they fought desperately because status penalties for PKs were horrible in case of death (10% skills loss upon resurrection unless they spent 8 hours in game for each murder to "wear off" penalties).

Also I fail to see any other reason to PvP in EVE:
it's not dynamic (either single valley or minutes of monotonous orbiting),
it's not fast (you can spend hours in roams and camps before shooting anyone),
it's not easy (you have to study like university course to be effective),
it's not colorful / artsy (dark ships on dark sky = mess, primitive explosions and shooting without environmental lighting effects like it's 2005),
it's not fair or balanced (no arenas, bigger blob wins).

TL;DR For my taste EVE PvP is not fun.
#587 - 2012-10-31 22:34:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Arsedestroyer
Unless you're into blobbing and defending moongoo, there's absolutely no point in PvP interaction in this so called 'pvp-focuesed' game.
Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#588 - 2012-11-27 09:51:51 UTC
Apologies for the semi-necro, but with the upcoming expansion I was wondering if any of you have plans to give PvP another go? Or perhaps there is still walls in your way to keep you from PvPing? If so please explain.

Please don't lock this thread for necro, I think it has a purpose and I hope CCP is and has been reading it. Thanks!
Akiyo Mayaki
Caldari State
#589 - 2012-11-27 10:01:33 UTC
Gate campers.


Kiteo Hatto
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#590 - 2012-11-27 10:28:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiteo Hatto
Eh, for me:
Kinda hard to get into pvp for me now, made this character in 2007 and was basically logging on changing skills and logging off or doing some pve. Now when people see my age and compare it with my progress in the game they assume that i bought this character.

- I don't want to get into fights when i know that they are at obvious advantage(ex. multibox loki links)
-I don't want to constantly grind missions for my losses, although i should probably start suicide pvp with frigs/AFs/cruisers

Now, I DO want to fly in bomber gangs or be a curse/damnation pilot but just getting there is hard right now =|.

Im stuck in the "make isk so i don't need to worry about buying ships 10x over" mode.
Express Hauler
#591 - 2012-11-27 10:38:30 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
with the upcoming expansion I was wondering if any of you have plans to give PvP another go?

EVE PvP wasn't fun and profitable before Retribution, it won't magically become fun and profitable with 20% of killmail cost.

Also I already PvP non-stop for many hours daily - in newly released Planetside 2. Multi-moon environment and arcade-ish aerial lazors combat with minimal set of modules (couple weapons, couple abilities) is enough of sci-fi PvP for me. It's fun, fast, technically simple - these are primary parts I've missed in EVE version of PvP. Also it give xp - resulting in feeling of progression while EVE PvP gives me feeling of degeneration (due to time and monetary losses). Also PS2 has its own TEST alliance version.
#592 - 2012-11-27 11:32:35 UTC
Tor Gungnir wrote:
I like how you just ignore the second part of my reason. But I don't expect you to get it, you're in TEST. You probably get implants and stuff delivered on a silver platter.

Anyway, I'm not here to take crap from you. The OP asked for my reason, I gave it.

Your pod is only really at risk in null sec, so just don't go there if you arescared of losing implants. Also begs the obvious question of why put expensive implants in all your jumpclones unless you just didn't want to pvp, in which case its not really an excuse either.
Vartan Sarkisian
Seker Solutions
Seker Academy
#593 - 2012-11-27 13:26:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Vartan Sarkisian
I have started to PVP now, but I remember when I didn’t want to and it was for a number of reasons.

1. At the beginning I was afraid of losing my ship.
2. I also didn’t have a regular source of good income in order to pay for loses.
3. I had the impression that everyone that did pvp had done it for ages and would wipe the floor with me.
4. Not sure how to fit ships properly.
5. I just didn’t know what to do.
6. I used to have implants too people dont want to lose them

Now most of the kills I have now are in fleet with my corp mates (in fact i think they all are), Ive yet to get into solo PVP and the main reason for that is that I am not sure really where to go in order to get solo reds to fight, where I am they tend to be in fleets, or expensive ships (or both).
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#594 - 2012-11-27 13:29:40 UTC
I'm poor. So I can't afford to lose anything bigger then a cruiser. Which is why I fly only frigates and destroyers.
Jame Jarl Retief
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#595 - 2012-11-27 14:33:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Jame Jarl Retief
Excellent thread. Really. Amazing how many people pointed out that there's just no point, or that it's not fun.

I mean, common wisdom of this forum suggests it's risk aversion, or fear, on inability to do it. But it seems much simpler for most folks. Like "what do i get out of it?" and "it's not fun when I do it" (regardless of whether they win or lose).

Also an interesting thing is time constraints. This is actually my personal reason for not PvPing right now. My life is fairly hectic at the moment, and going on 2 hr roam is just totally out of the question. It's rare that I can sit and play 30 mins in one sitting. That pretty much precludes the possibility of any serious PvP in EVE. So I get my PvP fix in GW2 or some other game.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#596 - 2012-11-27 15:28:22 UTC
I went scrawling through some of my local low-sec systems today looking for a fight in my pvp-fitted Daredevil, fully prepared to lose it if it came to that, but just wanting to get some action.

Nothing. Nada. Not even a lowely noob in a Navitas taking his chances on the low-sec-only Jaspet in the asteroid belts. Plenty of people in system sometimes, but everyone was docked up. No one in space.

That's what's keeping me from pvping atm.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Karrl Tian
#597 - 2012-11-27 15:39:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Karrl Tian
Naburi NasNaburi wrote:
Lipbite wrote:
It's not even remotely profitable (for me at least).

You shouldnt pvp for profit...
Suicides are there for profit.

The fact that suicides are about all that's left for making a profit from pvping should be an indicator of how seriously borked piracy is getting and why there's barely anything except killboard padders/bored carebear alts doing it nowadays. Under the pretense of fairness and helping teh noobies, CCP has been steadily removing the profit from PvP in EVE.

A moment of silence for the loss or weakening of the following pvp for profit methods, killed before their time by rampant bear pandering:

1) Canflipping: If nothing else, you had the potential to steal ore and make a little profit that way. If you managed to flag a mining barge, you had the potential for a ransom or at least some juicy loot without having to sacrifice your ship. Or the miner could kill you or have friends waiting to kill you because, you know, you were flagged to his whole alliance (which isn't enough apparently).

CCP killed that overnight with orebays. EHP buff in the face of the new high-alpha BCs and destroyers possibly could have been defended, but an orebay? Seriously? Because GSCs and friends/alts to haul the loot were just too much to ask? No wonder miners get treated like bots so often.

2) Dec ransoming: Dec costs went up by because that 50+ man indy corp refused to jump in cruisers and blob the one or two guys war decing them. As a side effect, CCP also hamstringed the mercenary corp profession by introducing the allies mechanic allowing buttloads of cheap help looking for nothing but easy kills turning wars into public derp fests.

3) Ninjaing: Lvl 4 runners have been whining for these guys to be concorded literally for years. The defense was always that wrecks were neutral. But CCP caved a in a little bit at a time, first by introducing theft flagging (yes, originally stealing wasn't flagable, but CONCORD was also tank/evadeble), then removing the ability to tractor other's wrecks and finally with the global theft flag set to come in Crimewatch.

4) Incursion rep flagging: Skunkworks caused so much damage doing this in the form of billions upon billions of shinies lost that CCP took action within WEEKS "for the greater good of the community."

5) Lowsec/Null piracy: Probably the oldest one on the list, it's been slowly debilitated as a result of skewed risk/reward mechanics leading to low/null being EVE's arena system while the isk flows down from Trammel/Highsec.

6) Bumper harass/Awoxing: I'm putting this on the list for when CCP inevitably destroys them too because they were never "intended" to make a profit.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#598 - 2012-11-27 15:47:27 UTC
The only thing that keeps anyone from pvping is the fact that they don't want to, regardless of the excuses they make up to justify it. If a person ants to do something, they find a way. It's like with kids who have dozens of excuses why they can't get their work done, but move heaven and Earth to make it to a party.

There is nothing wrong with not liking ship combat pvp even in a space ship game where MOST of the ships are combat ships, that makes you weird but not stupid. The stupid comes in when you think you should be immune to ship combat PVP in a ship combat PVP game just because you don't like it.
Auric Veldfinger
#599 - 2012-11-27 16:16:19 UTC
Karrl Tian wrote:
[quote=Naburi NasNaburi][quote=Lipbite]A moment of silence for the loss or weakening of the following pvp for profit methods, killed before their time by rampant bear pandering:

1) Canflipping: If nothing else, you had the potential to steal ore and make a little profit that way. If you managed to flag a mining barge, you had the potential for a ransom or at least some juicy loot without having to sacrifice your ship. Or the miner could kill you or have friends waiting to kill you because, you know, you were flagged to his whole alliance (which isn't enough apparently).

CCP killed that overnight with orebays. EHP buff in the face of the new high-alpha BCs and destroyers possibly could have been defended, but an orebay? Seriously? Because GSCs and friends/alts to haul the loot were just too much to ask? No wonder miners get treated like bots so often.


Don't forget safety settings on the guns now as well.

"Eve is a harsh and cold world". Roll
Karn Dulake
#600 - 2012-11-27 16:18:54 UTC
I dont PvP because im scared of everything outside of my mothers basement

Although im sure that my life could be turned around by a manic pixie dream girl

Although all i ever meet in this game are other basement dwellers
I dont normally troll, but when i do i do it on General Discussion.