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Former Slaves Enter Matriculation Program

First post First post
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#621 - 2012-11-07 15:27:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Ston Momaki
What do you like to do? Evil or Good? Ah yes, the sharper among you will immediately notice the informal logical fallacy called "either/or thinking." So let's rephrase the question. Right now, this moment, what dominates your motivations? Good or Evil? There are no saints among us in the purest sense of the word. Even those whose lives are dominated by good have occasional temptations to do evil; perhaps to take vengeance or act on anger or be greedy or indulge the adrenaline of a violent outburst.

So, what dominates your motivations? What foot have you let in the door? Is it possible, if you have let evil dominate you, to regain a preponderance of good? I believe it is, but it will be easy. Choices to do good must be made until the doing of good informs your motivations. What about those who are generally good at heart? Can evil take hold? Yes, and easily if its foot is let into the door. How quickly one compromise here and another there can slowly shift a person's motivations from good to evil.

So what to do? Discipline the battle in your mind and motivations by choice. Rule the desire to do evil by choosing to do good even when you do not feel like it.

To those on the wall of shame: Let yourself feel shame for what you have done and next time, act differently. Push evil out the door and let the foot of good in.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/07 13:50 Nascentry Ahashion 28 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#622 - 2012-11-08 15:10:18 UTC
We welcome another 46 people to the temp center. I don't believe their stay will be long as we are approaching capacity and I will be bringing Matriculants to Dresi soon.

It seems that less than noble undertakings require an ever-increasing scale of complexity to justify their continuance. To preserve a reason for bloodshed and violence, these pursuits are often cloaked in the garb of religion and justified with the language of fanaticism.

Never more have we needed peace and peaceable hearts. Instead of new ways to kill and destroy, we need to seek new ways to have peace. I claim that it takes far more talent, strength, and fortitude to make peace than it does to make war.

I am pleased that even as I write this, once again I have had opportunity to confiscate weapons and put them out of circulation forever. Today’s confiscation was worth 35,000,000 ISK. Currently in the DSTON weapons quarantine is 105,000,000 ISK worth of offensive ship modules and 115,000,000 in ammunition. However, what tempers my delight in these confiscations is the fact that the crews of these war vessels died meaningless deaths in the service of pilots senselessly committed to violence.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/07 19:10 Speregrine 46 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#623 - 2012-11-08 22:55:07 UTC
There has been odd activity in some of our patrol areas lately. We suspect it involves people seeking to hurt others and justify it in the name of their religion. All this to suffering we already see and we will have to brace ourselves for more unpleasantness.

These eight were rescued earlier today. They describe the pilot who ejected that as a "sadistic nut." We see a lot of those.

Wall of Shame

114/11/08 20:13 GrYeYes 8 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

1 Sick Duck Standss on something
#624 - 2012-11-09 08:00:40 UTC
Come to Hek and free more of your people! I saw slaves being sold there for 50k isk each. That's cheap!
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#625 - 2012-11-09 16:37:35 UTC
In reading about recent events, I am troubled to observe a shared religious pathology among certain groups of capsuleers. How sad when a group of people build a religious system around such horrible deeds. Making a religion of boody violence, establishing a holy sounding jargon around acts of supreme evil; how pathetic! Do you really feel holy? What a corruption of mind and heart must happen in the soul of a person to generate such depravity clothed in false spirituality!

Wall of Shame:

114/11/09 16:22 (name withheld) 29 people (blue can)

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#626 - 2012-11-10 21:31:08 UTC
"Why would anyone even do that?"

This was the question posed to me in conversation with a nine year old boy on the temp center station. This boy is not one of our matriculants. He is the son of a couple who works on the station and he found occasion to play with some of the children we rescue. The conversation came about when he started asking questions about my ship and what I do in space. "Do you shoot things?" "No I'm a pacifist. That means I don't believe in shooting things." "What do you do then?" "Mostly, I rescue people who have been thrown out of ships into space." "People thrown into space? Why would anyone even do that?" " People can choose to be as bad as they can be if that is what they want. They can also choose to be a good as they can be if that is what they want." The little boy cocked his head and looked to the side as if to say, "I need to think about that." Then off he went and played with his new friends.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/09 21:15 Velice Aldeland 5 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#627 - 2012-11-11 14:36:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Ston Momaki
Yesterday, I participated in the task of helping to settle a few thousand homeless people in our center in Ation. Where did they come from? Like most of the homeless in our sector, they were victims of a system that shuttles them from station to station, dumping them in busy concourse only to find the process repeated time after time. Capsuleer pilots are often hired to be part of the dirty work of transporting these large groups of people. Malnourished, often abused, sometimes mentally ill, usually physically ill, these people are often despised. "Just get a job, you lazy bum." "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps." Well, most of these people cannot simply "get a job." Some can barely get dressed let alone "pull themselves up by their bootstraps."

A pilot recently contacted us and asked us to take transfer of several large groups of homeless. He said that he acquired them through agents seeking to rid their stations of the unwanted presence of these societal leftovers. He asked to remain anonymous and we respect that. The pilot provided initial medical care, food, and clothing. They are now ready for longer term care in Ation. We understand that there is another group of 320 waiting in Irnin. We are ready to pick them up as soon as the first groups are settled.

While this is really Dr. Nalthkh's duty to report, I will mention that we recently acquired equipment to make significant upgrades to the medical infrastructure of all our centers. The most significant of these acquisitions was 40+ million ISK worth of sterile conduits. This will allow for the construction of updated emergency treatment centers in each of our office locations. We are also receiving donations of advanced antibiotic agents in sufficient stock to treat those coming into our centers who have advanced or difficult to treat diseases.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/11 13:33 reaping hook 6 people

Edit: 1597 new residents were added along with another woman claiming to be Oura.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#628 - 2012-11-12 21:51:01 UTC
Each and every person we rescue and help is important to us and numbers do not represent the real story for us. What many probably do not realize is that rescue work represents a small portion of the people we help. The reason it receives the focus is that it is the more public portion of our work.

Let me show you a recent note I received:

Khanid Kingdom
From: (name withheld)
Sent: 2012.11.12 18:48
To: Ston Momaki,

Dear Mr. Momaki,

I believe that one of the greatest issues for those who oppose slavery is the Khanid Kingdom. I am commiting the next two weeks to work full time in the Khanid Kingdom using my limitted resources to receive slaves out of captivity their and to bring them to your Center.

I happen to know that there are slave holders in the Kingdom who wish to get out of the slavery business completely but are afraid of their countrymen. I will focus my resources on assisting them in getting as many slaves out of slavery.

I will be in contact.

(name withheld)

A large portion of our work involves assisting those within slave holding territories transfer slaves to freedom. Most will not do this through legal emancipation so as not to raise suspicions or lose the coveted societal positions they worked their whole live to achieve. We have many partners in the form of pilots outside our organization who the contact they have to make this a reality.

It is official policy of the Disciples of Ston not to purchase slaves from the market in order to free them. However, there are others who regularly do so, right or wrong. We will however, receive former slaves from anyone. This has accounted for the greater number of our Matriculants and continues to be a large part of our center work.

This presents unique challenges. We are a small organization with limited resources. Those who enter our centers know that the process of repatriation is a steady, albeit slow process. Pilots outside our oprganization have also assited with this and we are very grateful for the help. The challenge is formidable. In the meantime, our centers within the empire grow and those who make their temporary home's there will never again be on the slave market.

I look forward to reporting what happens in the Khanid Kingdom in the next couple weeks.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/12 21:25 Helios Optimus 19 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#629 - 2012-11-15 14:25:51 UTC
A few days ago I recieved another note from the pilot regarding slavery in khanid space:

From: (name withheld)
Sent: 2012.11.12 22:59
To: Ston Momaki,

Dear Mr. Momaki,

I decided to take a two week working vacation to see the sights in the Khanid Kingdom. I had never actually spent much time in that part of space. I had heard of two things about Khanid space, one of great beauty and one of great ugliness. I decided to investigate on my own. I had heard that views of the nebulae in Khanid space are quite nice. I also heard that the slave markets of Khanid space contain some of the most horrid squalor known to humankind. I needed to see for myself. The next two weeks will be spent doing a bit of light mining and exploring.

I will be taking 100% of all proceeds from my mining while in Khanid space and using it to rescue from the slave market, those most pitiful under the oppression of Khanid slavery.

Unlike Amarr space where some holders have a deep religious connection to their slave holding and often treat those in their households well, the Khanid have a more "commercial view" of slavery. Anyone who wishes to become uninsulated to the plight of slaves should come and visit the Khanid slave markets and have your eyes pried wide open.

If your Khanid center is ready, I am prepared to transfer to your care, those I find in the worst of the Khanid markets.

(name withheld)

We are working to prepare our Khanid center for an unknown influx. Few or many, we will ere on the side of many. The Fresh water supply is delivered. Other supplies have been delivered or are on the way.

It is has been slow on the rescue side of things in spite of increased patrols. The rescue below was an unusual one in that the death cans were not in a high traffic area nor at a border crossing. The Woman claiming to be Oura was in a separate can by herself. I have informed the counselors at Ation that another Oura will be joining the other two.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/15 13:42 Edric Force 5 slavers, 10 hounds, 11 former slaves, A woman who claims to be Oura Madusaari

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#630 - 2012-11-16 14:37:06 UTC
I was reminded yesterday at the tragedy of those we miss in our rescue work. I was reminded that those who die ejected into space probably far exceed those that we are able to rescue. The set of events involved a trip into state territory to confer with some corporate officials regarding establishing a repatriation base for slaves from Khanid space who are of Caldari descent. I have learned that in all my travels, it is important to keep our sensors tuned to the possibility of those in need of rescue. The first rescue was on the Caldari side of a popular border crossing. There was a set of Giant secure containers that had been jettisoned and left by the gate. Usually such containers are empty. This time, one of them contained a stash of weapons and 106 people. Because we were on the State side, we ran the risk of being stopped by Customs but were successful in getting the people to a nearby station and into safety.

We have mentioned this in the past, but it needs repeating again as a reminder to all people of all sovereignties. The Customs forces of The Federation, State, and Republic all demand that illegal passengers such as slaves be jettisoned at gate locations within their sovereign space. Yet, after they are jettisoned, they are left to die. They are not picked up or rescued or helped. This is government sanctioned barbarism. The innocent passengers are given the death penalty for the crime of the capsuleer pilot.

I include Cunstoms on the wall of shame today, because they belong there for their moral crimes. If ever there were a government entity guilty of murder, our sovereign Customs forces are guilty.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/15 22:24... Raduvan Tsepesh 106 people
State, Federation, and Republic customs for ignoring those left in space to die even while demanding that they be jettisoned.
114/11/15 23:56 (name withheld) (blue can) 63 people
114/11/08 20:13 Phantom545 10 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#631 - 2012-11-17 16:00:01 UTC
I received this note yesterday:
Khanid slavery
From: (name withheld)
Sent: 2012.11.16 22:00
To: Ston Momaki,

Dear Mr. Momaki,
After the second day of my “vacation” in Khanid space, I stopped noticing the beauty and stopped enjoying the hospitality. The nightmares have begun. You can’t avoid them after you have visited one of the big corporate slave markets and seen the faces and smelled their misery. Faces of all races look back at you with the very personification despair; speaking a language of pain that has no words. You use “Wall of Shame” to describe those who dump slaves into space, well that is small compared to what I have seen in just a few days down here in slavery hell. Put Khanid Transport Corporation on your Wall of Shame. There are millions of slaves in their flesh markets, bought and sold like the catch of the day.

What a foolish and flippant attitude I had to conceive of the idea to spend a working vacation down here. Oh, I thought I’d do my part; help a few thousand of the worst case slaves; take in the sights then go back to my own business. This place could end up destroying my sanity. It is horrible here. I will never look upon the caldron nebulae again without seeing the face of misery.

How many souls does a Retriever full of ore redeem? Depending on your skills and the market, between 7,000-8,000. But what is that in a market of millions? I understand now why so many want to just shut their eyes to the reality that is slavery. I understand now the cop out of doing nothing because anything done is too little. I understand now the temptation to turn your face away and say, “Slavery is not that bad.” To admit the truth is too horrible.

I thought I’d better let you know what to expect. If I can keep up one or two runs a day. I’ll deliver 100,000 plus slaves into your care at the end of the time here.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/16 15:06 IVeronical 43 slavers, 221 former slaves
114/11/17 15:49 Eridon Hermetz 12 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#632 - 2012-11-18 14:26:08 UTC
He who answers before listening—
that is his folly and his shame.

Who among us might be gulity of this? I, for one, am guilty. In my own idealism, I sometimes wish to craft others in my own image and fail to listen to the deeper elements of their souls. That perhaps is what I did at the beginning with Manwe. Perhaps I saw only what I wanted to see and pushed upon him the rigors of pacifism where those ideals appeared to fit but really didn't.

I see this daily as I monitor com channels while on the routine of patrol. There are few good listeners among us. I know that I definitely need to work harder at this skill and craft. In fact, I beleive listening is the most powerful tool for peace that there is. Too bad so few strive to use it.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/18 13:28 SevenOf 9 4 slavers, 4 hounds, 31 former slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#633 - 2012-11-19 23:57:39 UTC
I recieved this today:

From: (name withheld)
Sent: 2012.11.19 15:07
To: Ston Momaki,

Dear Mr. Momaki,
Today marks the one week mark of my two weeks down here in purgatory. I am regretting the commitment to two weeks. I have come to hate it here. There is literally no end to the human suffering here. These people have created a bottomless pit of human suffering. There is no end to the number of people held in horrible slavery.

I feel I may need much help after this experience. I am finding it hard not to hate the Khanid people. I know this is wrong and I know that it is a minority of very wealthy, very evil people who are doing this. But, the things I am seeing, hearing, smelling, etc. are searing an indelible image on my soul.

How do you help some when all need help? Tell me Mr. Momaki! How the hell to you choose who to help? How the hell do you do this without ending up hating someone?

My good pilot, you will feel hate from time to time, but to be aware of it will enable you to "put it to death" so to speak. I can't answer all your questions. I would just say do what you are confident is goodness and to the greatest degree you are able.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/19 01:00 randesapr 11 people
114/11/19 02:09 Ashingara 10 people (former Elite Slaves)
114/11/19 23:46 Greg Rin 50 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#634 - 2012-11-21 13:56:53 UTC
Clues from communications received from the pilot working in Khanid Prime seem to indicate that the slaves her is redeeming are in the worst conditions he can find. If that is true, our facilities will need extra prparation for medical and nutritional needs we may encounter. We had determined that our water supply was sufficient, but as a precaution, I am enroute with another 8 tons of fresh water for the initial days next week.

Rescue work has been light over the last day or so. Only one to report.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/21 13:35 Laida Breeze 35 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

CCP Eterne
C C P Alliance
#635 - 2012-11-21 16:41:49 UTC
I have removed some inappropriate logs from this communication channel.

Carry on, capsuleers.

EVE Online/DUST 514 Community Representative ※ EVE Illuminati ※ Fiction Adept

@CCP_Eterne ※ @EVE_LiveEvents

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#636 - 2012-11-21 22:20:09 UTC
The other day I confiscated a small cache of weapons belonging to a pilot who described himself as on a mission to "pod" pilots who used autopilot while travelling in their pods. Using profane crudeness, he described his joy in destroying his victims as if somehow simply because they used autopilot that they did not deserve to live.

By this time, little should surprise me. Yet, such things still do. What sort of Psyche takes pride in such things?

We currently have 54 slavers in out temp center. This is a larger number than what is typical. We have observed a greater number of slavers travelling with their slaves in attempts to make illegal border crossings. What meaning this has if any, is uncertain.

Our dieticians are requesting a supply of concentrated protein supplements for the Khanid center. I will be working on securing these in the next few days.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/21 19:08 Tamira Moon (blue) 48 people
Svet Mgla 14 former slaves, 2 slavers

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#637 - 2012-11-25 13:08:45 UTC
The following was received last evening:

more than expected
From: (name withheld)
Sent: 2012.11.24 20:35
To: Ston Momaki,

Dear Mr. Momaki,
It turns out that there will be more than 200,000 people given to your care on Monday. I've managed to make more runs than I thought I would.

I saw a very beautiful thing today. I was mining and a large asteroid was slowly turning, occluding the sun on each revolution. It was seeing the sun rise and set over and over again. At first I didn't want to look at it. I had a hard time admitting that there could be anything beautiful here. But then as I saw it again and again, I thought of the people, the slaves here. Maybe some of them can have a life, enjoy a sunset or sunrise.

But I can't get out of my mind that millions are here in these squalid markets. It haunts me. You know, the 200,000 + people bought out of these markets for two weeks of ore holds did not impact the market price even a tenth of an ISK. The supply of these poor souls is without end. May those responsible be judged!

I will be traveling to Khanid Prime tomorrow to receive the new Matriculants into our center there. I have offered the services of our counseling staff in Ation to the pilot. NUVOS has offered the use of their hsopital ship if needed. Since they have an office in the same station, this would make a suitable arrangment should we need to transport any critcal cases to Dresi.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/24 20:51 Sly Oskold 12 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#638 - 2012-11-26 14:42:55 UTC
220,900 people are being received into the DSTON Matriculation Center in Khanid. The task now is to see to their immediate medical, nutritional, shelter, psychological, etc. needs. The staff and volunteers are eager and ready for the work ahead. It will mean a lot of long days and nights ahead for many dedicated people.

This particular Matriculation center has been constructed a little differently from the others even in Amarr space. Why? In every other case, we have been located in either Minmatar or Gallente corporation property with the same in station management positions. In all other situations, slave markets are small or non-existent, even in Empire space. For example, in Dresi there is a limitted market and there are no slaves for sale from the stations where our centers are located. However, in the Khanid situation the markets are massive and corporate run. This generates unprecedented difficulty in keeping our center orderly and at peace with the station at large. This was why we had to obtain large amounts of construction material to rebuild our residential areas.

We admit that by establishing a large center here in Khanid space, we open the door for a very difficult dissonance between the 200,000 + Matriculants no longer slaves and on their way to repatriation and the 340,000+ slaves languishing on the station market at any given time. We ourselves look at this and grieve. If there were a magic wand that could be waved and we could Matriculate every slave on the Khanid Transport Storage station, we would in a heartbeat. For now, we live with the dissonance and do the best we can.

Our repatriation policy has always been a "first received, first repatriated" approach. I am asking Dr. Nalthkh and the Development office to revisit this policy in the case of the Khanid Center. It makes more sense to me to expedite the repatriation policy and to keep this center at a high turnover rate.

More pressing is the need to sort out the immediate needs of the new population and to take a careful census.

Progress is being made on establishing reliable sources of supply for the water and food needs of our Centers. Water production is the first concern. A new production facility is being established in Dresi today.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#639 - 2012-11-27 13:59:10 UTC
Fortunately, the work involved in refitting the Khanid center for a greater population does not make returning to patrols prohibitive time wise. I have just concluded a patrol and found these two groups adrift in a death cans. Appropriate reference is given to the offending pilots on the Wall of Shame below.

Wall of Shame:

114/11/27 13:44 Zap42B 26 people
Ni Kayl 18 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Katran Luftschreck
Royal Ammatar Engineering Corps
#640 - 2012-11-27 21:54:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Katran Luftschreck
Ston Momaki wrote:
In reading about recent events, I am troubled to observe a shared religious pathology among certain groups of capsuleers. How sad when a group of people build a religious system around such horrible deeds. Making a religion of boody violence, establishing a holy sounding jargon around acts of supreme evil; how pathetic! Do you really feel holy? What a corruption of mind and heart must happen in the soul of a person to generate such depravity clothed in false spirituality!

Hey Ston, we've picked up over 600 deadbeats so far from various pirate & terrorist wrecks over the last few months and not even one of them knows how to make decent eggs benedict.. Thank God you came around to take all of this dead weight off our hands. They've all been contracted over to you. Come pick them up whenever you want.

Now... you were saying something about the Amarr?